selfhosted Selfhosted Suggest me a secure chat platform for my family
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 3 months ago 100%

    Zulip hit's the sweet spot for me, as it's pretty straight forward to use and not too many bangs and whistle's.

    Alternatively I'm also very happy with signal for communicating with other ones where Idon't have to vother about user management too much.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Suggest me a secure chat platform for my family
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 3 months ago 100%

    Not FOSS anymore. More like open core these days.

  • privacy Privacy Self-hosting keeps your private data out of AI models
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 4 months ago 50%

    You could pay them for their support. I know it sounds a bit cheeky, but the zulip folks are really great and the product is not one of the open core solutions where they strip out features based on your plan, like some others do.

  • privacy Privacy Self-hosting keeps your private data out of AI models
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 4 months ago 50%

    You could pay them for their support. I know it sounds a bit cheeky, but the zulip folks are really great and the product is not one of the open core solutions where they strip out features based on your plan, like some others do.

  • privacy Privacy Self-hosting keeps your private data out of AI models
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 4 months ago 100%

    You could pay them for their support. I know it sounds a bit cheeky, but the zulip folks are really great and the product is not one of the open core solutions where they strip out features based on your plan, like some others do.

  • matrix Matrix Which Matrix server implemetation do I choose in 2024?
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 4 months ago 100%

    I did have a chat with one of the Element sales people a few months back and based on the conversation, it sounded that Dendrite is not anywhere on their roadmap to invest any resources.

  • linux Linux Did Fedora 40 break something for you?
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 5 months ago 100%

    Running Silverblue here and only one minor issue due to the wifi mac address changes and locking myself out of my network.

    I also realised, that the upgrade didn't like it when Ihade packages removed from the base which resulted in broken dependencies.

    After resetting it upgrading went without any glitch.

  • degoogle DeGoogle Yourself Best option to run WhatsApp
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 6 months ago 100%

    other than for signing up and connecting the bridge once

    According to the docs, you still need the whatsapp client on a physical or virtual device to call back home every 2 weeks or so, which is really annoying.

    I also tried the route of using a disposable number for the activation code without any success.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Owners of a domain, which domain registrar did you choose and why?
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 6 months ago 100%

    +1 for Gandi, as they also have an API for management as well and support ACME DNS challenge for Let's encrypt.

  • privacy Privacy Travelling to the US - precautions?
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 6 months ago 100%

    If I just would have known it earlier.

    It was quite the surprise when boarding the return flight without having to show any baoarding passes.

  • linux Linux Resticity - a cross-platform frontend for restic
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 6 months ago 100%

    It's great to see more and more tools around restic.

    DejaDup also recently added restic support.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted FOSS alternative to
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 7 months ago 100%

    Does not have all the features you listed, but I used Rustypaste in the past for sharing all kind of things and was quite happy with it.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted What's Your Preferred Server Monitoring Method?
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 7 months ago 100%

    Similar setup here with additional exporters like cadvisor for container metrics and other components.

    OpenTelemetry is awesome, but still a very fast moving project. Expect therefore more frequent updates and changes compared to more older and established projects.

  • linux Linux distrobox question...
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 7 months ago 100%

    I think what you are looking for is

    ${DBX_CONTAINER_HOME_PREFIX} or container_home_prefix=...

    See also

  • cybersecurity cybersecurity [fake-news] Three million malware-infected smart toothbrushes used in Swiss DDoS attacks — botnet causes millions of euros in damages
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 8 months ago 100%

    I updated the title, but will leave it, unless the majority wishes to remove it.

    Nevertheless it's a great reminder of what we might get ourselfs into with all these fancy IoT Devices we put into our homes.

    Here also the link to the original paywalled article that started this avalanche.

  • opensource Open Source The European regulators listened to the Open Source communities!
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 8 months ago 100%

    Agree. On some other projects like Gaia-X they still seem to keep screwing things up.

  • fdroid F-Droid PassAndroid
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 8 months ago 100%

    Also started using it a few months back and hasn't let me down so far.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted After 1.5 years of learning selfhosting, this is where I'm at
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 8 months ago 100%

    Nice catch and thanks for sharing. Will definitely check it out.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted After 1.5 years of learning selfhosting, this is where I'm at
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 8 months ago 100%

    Fully agree to this summary. traefik also gave me a hard time initially, but once you have the quirks worked out, it works as promised.

    Caddy is absolutely on my list as an alternative, but the lack of docker label support is currently the main roadblocker for me.

  • linux Linux What's your favourite RSS reader for Linux?
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 8 months ago 100%

    Did use tt-rss in the past but switched over to miniflux, as I just wanted something more resource friendly.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Linode Alternative Suggestions for Small Projects
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 9 months ago 100%

    You can also have a look at contabo as well.

  • announcements Announcements `v0.19` upgrade issues and downtime.
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 10 months ago 100%

    Same issue here.

    I think it would be good practice, that verifying app support should take a front seat in the future before upgrading. The way it is currently handled, is not a good practice to retain users, but rather drive them away.

  • degoogle DeGoogle Yourself Google is putting ads in gmail. WTF?
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 10 months ago 100%

    The real culprit here is BIMI and the Marketing folks.

    This is just the beginning, with more mail providers probably joining in sooner or later.

  • privacy Privacy Matrix 1.9 to be released this week!
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 10 months ago 100%

    Why not post it on as well?

  • matrix Matrix Hosted Matrix experience vs self hosted
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 10 months ago 100%

    Will have a look. Thanks.

  • main Self-Hosted Main Tailscale: the marvellous tool that became indispensable to my tech life
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 10 months ago 100%

    Haven't heard of twingate, but sounds a lot like the same as OpenZiti.

  • main Self-Hosted Main Tailscale: the marvellous tool that became indispensable to my tech life
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 10 months ago 100%

    Thanks for the writeup. I was also thinking of using tailscale or headscale for some of my usecases. From my understanding so far it's great for personal stuff, but unsure how it would work for more users.

  • linux Linux What are people daily driving these days?
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 10 months ago 100%

    Fedora Silverblue. But when switching I had to wrap my head around the differences in the workflow of doing things. Once youre past that it's rock solid and had no issues so far.

  • matrix Matrix Hosted Matrix experience vs self hosted
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 10 months ago 100%

    Got it. Thanks.

    Zulip looks like a good alternative for us due to the available integrations which we also will take for a spin. And there is always XMPP of course, but I'm not a huge fan of it as all the Clients seem rather outdated.

    What other better options would you consider instead of Matrix? Happy to hear your suggestions ;)

  • matrix Matrix Hosted Matrix experience vs self hosted
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 10 months ago 100%

    I also looked into this option and was wondering how it might collide with our existing Ansible playbooks, as Ansible itself is not declarative and some tasks might overwrite existing functionality.

  • matrix Matrix Hosted Matrix experience vs self hosted
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 10 months ago 100%

    That's a valid point. Initially we were thinking of running without federation, just to avoid that someone creates a public room by accident and have all the internal communication out there.

    I'm not sure if this is a valid fear, as I haven't looked too deep into the permission options yet.

  • matrix
    Matrix oh_gosh_its_osh 10 months ago 100%
    Hosted Matrix experience vs self hosted

    Hi all. I'm currently looking into alternatives to our current Saas chat solution and was wondering if it is viable to self host Matrix, or should I just go with a hosted solution from one of the ones listed on the Matrix page. What have your experiences been so far? What would your recommendations be?

    main Self-Hosted Main Using Gitea (selfhosted) to do daily backups of other selfhosted servers.
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 10 months ago 100%

    You should consider looking into a proper backup solution like restic or borg, which do a great job in saving space and deduplication.

    Depending on your workflow for the web content, maybe a git or gitops based workflow would be a better way of doing things like pushing the changes to git and have actions publish it for you to your website. Like some static website generators, or Github/GitLab pages do it.

  • main Self-Hosted Main Looking for simple set up DNS server suggestions
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 10 months ago 100%

    Have a look at CoreDNS.

    Personally I avoid running a local DNS server, as most of the gateway, router, firewalls allow you to configure static host entries which are then automatically resolved.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Web based IDE suggestion [SOLVED]
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 10 months ago 100%

    Another alternative approach could be Distrobox, where you can set up isolated environments for your specific needs.

  • linux Linux Focalboard: a free alternative to Trello
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 11 months ago 100%

    Initially Focalboard looked very interesting until mattermost decided to not support it anymore and leaving it's future tangling in the air.

    Other options I am also looking into besides the ones mentioned are

  • fediverse Fediverse Social Media's Crisis and the Decentralized Solution | HackerNoon
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 11 months ago 100%
  • degoogle DeGoogle Yourself Calendar / event / sync / invites
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 11 months ago 100%

    I for now settled on, as it has everything I need + some other features like fileshare and video calls.

  • ereader_community
    Ereader oh_gosh_its_osh 11 months ago 90%
    PineNote Developer Edition - PINE STORE

    I came across the PineNote and was wondering if anyone has played around with it and the experience so far.

    linux Linux How to choose a computer/laptop/device that is better compatible with linux? Are there certain things to look out for when shopping?
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 11 months ago 100%

    Fully agree. Even though OP mentioned it, I personally find that the prices compared to others (Dell, Lenovo Thinkpads) way more affordable.

  • fediverse
    Fediverse oh_gosh_its_osh 11 months ago 100%
    Social Media's Crisis and the Decentralized Solution | HackerNoon

    Nicely written post about the potential of the fediverse.

    main Self-Hosted Main Is there a good self hosted (preferably docker) flowchart/dataflow designer
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 11 months ago 100%

    I'm not sure if I understood your question correctly, but the

    describing the layout and it producing the image output

    sounds to me like you would like to have a 'text to diagram' tool like

    • D2
    • Mermaid
    • GraphViz
    • PlantUML

    To my knowledge these are the most common known ones and gives you nice comparison between them.

    You can also find more alternatives at

  • main Self-Hosted Main Self hosted data agragator and plotter
  • oh_gosh_its_osh oh_gosh_its_osh 11 months ago 100%

    It looks like a case for a classical Monitoring System From what you described, have a look at

    • Prometheus + Grafana + Exporters (e.g. node-exporter, ...)
    • Netdata

    as these seem to be the most commonly used ones, among all the other ones available.
