news News Oregon lawmakers pass bill to recriminalize drug possession
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 7 months ago 66%

    It sounds to me like they did this to kill the poor faster and make decriminalization look bad originally because they implemented said decriminalization without adaquate social services or addiction resources. I'm not gonna celebrate mentally ill people being locked up and forced to labor for pennies by the state.

  • news News Americans are spending the biggest share of their income on food in 3 decades
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 7 months ago 8%

    Thanks biden

  • world World News Biden invites Trump to work together to lobby Congress on an immigration bill as both candidates visit border
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 7 months ago 66%

    Well I think that comment is 100% spot on, for one

  • world World News Biden invites Trump to work together to lobby Congress on an immigration bill as both candidates visit border
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 7 months ago 100%

    Which is fucking 2 brain cell, textbook senile xenophobic nonsense. I want fucking healthcare and I already live in a police state, I don't know why anybody thinks gatekeeping migrants from living here is a magical fix to America's problems- a giant wall across mexico just makes us all less free and I fully 100% believe these policies are all about giving the state more control at the end of the day.

  • news News Gen Z embraces 'safety capitalism', says current social safety net is broken
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 7 months ago 100%

    I feel like that's the reason I tend to preach anarchism over communism in general and don't doubt you're right about the statistics and propaganda playing into perception but I can't help but feel like here that comes off as rehabilating the image of capitalism. We can make a softer bed of knives or make one out of foam- I know which one I'm choosing

  • politics politics Congressman warns Biden to “wake up” after over 100K Michigan Democrats vote “uncommitted”
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 7 months ago 100%

    That's not the reason democrats are barely leftist in 2024- lobbyists funding both wings of the government are. Socialist policies take away power from the corpocracy, so companies put tons of money into making sure that's only a remote possibility -i'd argue there's even been a consistent effort across the aisle to keep discussion as limited as possible to two specific issues: gun control and abortion. Look into the ratchet effect it perfectly describes the situation as I see it.

  • news News Gen Z embraces 'safety capitalism', says current social safety net is broken
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 7 months ago 100%

    Lol "safety capitalism" the editors wouldn't even let them say socialist. Just the state of the world in 2024 -fight harder, people. I personally can't handle what this shit does to my blood pressure anymore

  • politicalmemes Political Memes lesser of two evils
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 7 months ago 73%

    "Not perfect" uhh that's incredibly hyperbolic. A piece of cheese could do just as well as Biden has as president. He's appealed to the right and the banks far more than to the left at a time when issues like those you mentioned desperately need to be addressed ASAP. He's made little strides in the right direction but if you look deeply into any of his policies they're more posturing than anything. I've said it here before but in a reasonable world he'd be running as a Republican. The left can and should disown him given his history, connections and actions.

  • technology Technology Bumble cuts ~350 employees as dating apps face a reckoning
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 7 months ago 75%

    Nah RIP Craigslist personals, it was one of the only safeish places to advertise sex work -imo these services should be state-or-community-funded, free AND respecting of privacy, ideally. Maybe it did need more moderation; but even more so it needed less outrage about the useful connections and exchanges of services it enabled. We should always mourn the old web, sure it was flawed like anything else 20 years ago but it was still faaaaaaar better than the google-ravaged wasteland of today.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes Something something Biden bad
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 7 months ago 40%

    You're wasting your time, I already laid out why. Biden is Saruman, dude, that's my take. I hope I'm wrong, but I think you'll all feel real foolish for defending this guy someday. I hate fascists and that's why I can't settle for Biden; IMHO he's not anti-fascist or progressive enough to put up a good fight. Especially as a individual, thank gods he has some good people on staff but I still look at Biden and think the dude couldn't manage a pretend waffle house, let alone a country. And his track record as senator constantly gets swept under the rug, too. He voted for segragation ffs

  • politicalmemes Political Memes Something something Biden bad
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 7 months ago 60%

    Well I decided when I was like ten that this world is faaaaar too fucked up to bring children into so I can't relate there but going to bat for career politicians online isn't gonna make things any better. Biden has even called himself a capitalist before- I truly believe in my tired heart he's standing in the way of progress a great deal more than he's championing it. I don't waste my time typing out a response here just for fun.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes Something something Biden bad
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 7 months ago 50%

    Well there has to come a point when the second option's just not worth settling for. That analogy is so spot on it hurts that you can't see my point.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes Something something Biden bad
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 7 months ago 50%

    Does there have to be one for joe biden to be bad? I'm sure there's a least a million individual people who could do the job better. At the end of the day I just don't see any reason to defend the guy, he seemingly has no real passion or empathy and is leaving a lot in this country undone or worse for the wear whilst letting the right fearmonger incessantly

  • politicalmemes Political Memes Something something Biden bad
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 7 months ago 47%

    Yes because there are two paths, only two. Revolution is never a option and we should eat ALLLLL the shit they feed us, thankful for scraps as the fires burn more and more intense. 2050? Do you hear yourself? The damage is already irreparable, that's far too late. We need action now and a president who hasn't sold their soul to oil, if such a thing could ever possibly exist. I AM lgbt (trans) and IMHO this is a problem because he's looking out for conservative billionaires instead. I tell you to look at the history because I agree, the Republicans are Nazis... And a centrist left conceded power to them or had it stolen then too.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes Something something Biden bad
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 7 months ago 73%

    Fuck I needed to hear that, thanks. I just believe a lot of Biden voters are relentlessly optimistic and more than a little naive- there's a lot of propaganda afoot lately but I think it's important to talk about my choice too. Obviously we need things like ranked-choice voting for third party votes in this country to make a real difference ASAP but IIRC if a party's candidate gets even 5% of the vote in a election they qualify for some federal funding. I don't think it's impossible to fight for better representation and win in the long run that way.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes Something something Biden bad
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 7 months ago 40%

    The electoral Congress decides who's president, though. Why shouldn't I as a far-leftist vote third party to express my discontentment with a democratic party that only wants to appeal to the right? I'm tired of people telling me Biden is good enough when we had a actual progressive who had a shot just a few years ago. The climate can't wait, and the Palestinian people certainly can't. A placid, centrist left in the face of fascism looks useless to me I'm not sorry. Read a fucking history book.

  • politics politics Michigan governor says not voting for Biden over Gaza war ‘supports second Trump term’
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 7 months ago 50%

    Both candidates are establismentarian ASF and represent the oligarchs FAR more than any everyday American. I am not a "concern troll" I'm a leftist with concerns and I'll be voting third party, (most likely green) as a matter of principle. I've done this my entire adult life- you aren't changing my mind in a million years. I legitimately think he's too old, too right-wing, and too corrupt. Dude should just be running as a Republican tbqh.

  • politics politics Michigan governor says not voting for Biden over Gaza war ‘supports second Trump term’
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 7 months ago 48%

    Lol this tribalism is ridiculous. Biden had one job, to be different than the genocide guy. I don't care about the complexity of the issue here, but when our choices are both establishment warmongers it's not really a choice is it? Is it really that big of a ask not to fund the eradication of a group of people and a nationalist government? That should be the bare minimum for a "leftist" candidate IMHO and it's depressing how the goalpost landed here of all places

  • technology Technology How Google helped destroy adoption of RSS feeds
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 7 months ago 100%

    Google wants the internet simplified so they can get it under their control, what else is new? I started learning web design a few years back and this is the kind of shit that makes me suicidal. There's almost no point when they have such a huge monopoly in the space.

  • nottheonion Not The Onion Georgia Senator Vows to Protect Girl, But Then Runs Away After Learning She Is Trans
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 7 months ago 72%

    8 is old enough to know a lot of things about yourself. Personally I knew I hated the idea of "being a man" at that age, i just wish i had realized sooner that growing into something else was a option. My mental health would certainly be about 1000x better if I had been able to transition then instead of as a overwhelmed, forsaken and misunderstood 19 year old...

  • world World News ‘They lied’: plastics producers deceived public about recycling, report reveals
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 7 months ago 100%

    Well, as a american- everywhere I've ever worked has had a recycling bin but it's always treated as another trash can. Just something that depresses the absolute fuck out of me.

  • world World News Biden Shields Palestinians in the U.S. From Deportation
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 7 months ago 100%

    The goalposts HAVE moved right with Biden. Everybody forgets that he was the token establishment white guy VP for obama- he hasn't changed, he is not a progressive superstar. Dude is shitting the bed on a few key points; especially this and climate change.

  • news News ‘America is a factory farming nation’: key takeaways from US agriculture census
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 7 months ago 83%

    The way you rationalize all of this is just gross, not sorry.

  • microblogmemes Microblog Memes So this is how democracy dies ...
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 7 months ago 50%

    I'm a millennial and I think it has been for most of my life. Ive seen two people become president who didn't win the popular vote- and I long ago became convinced this system can't be fixed. It's working against the poor, for the rich as it was meant to. We need to tear it down and try again, we need drastic change. This said, police abolition and even the barest redistribution of funds from that to address the living conditions that cause crime in this country is one shortcut I fully believe in. Police organizations started as slave patrols and even today primarily criminalize poverty and hurt struggling individuals. They have no duty or obligation to prevent violent crime. Furthermore, in America it's one of the most overbloated areas of federal spending and that money could easily give everyone a higher quality of life instead of being used to turn free-thinking citizenry into free labor and sustain the brutalist temples of inhumane evil called prisons.

  • technology Technology Mozilla lays off 60 people, wants to build AI into Firefox
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 7 months ago 96%

    Okay, well I'm ready to write a angry email now who's with me? Anybody know the best address?

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What recent video game do you have buyer remorse for?
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 7 months ago 100%

    Dwarf fortress. It makes me want to forgo sleep in favor of weed lol

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost My pick is Rubberband Man by The Spinners.
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 7 months ago 100%

    Living the laws - choking victim

  • news News $3 for a single McDonald's hash brown? Some customers are fed up and pushing back
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 7 months ago 100%

    Right back atcha - atmosphere is SO important to the higher-ups, and it really is a big challenge to maintain given the low pay, early mornings, demanding customers and scammy, if all-too-normalized business practices.

  • news News $3 for a single McDonald's hash brown? Some customers are fed up and pushing back
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 7 months ago 100%

    It's brutal. More draining than any other retail job I've worked, and I've been in warehouses, unloaded trucks. Especially near a airport or hospital some locations do business NONSTOP. And the customers? FIENDING for sugar and caffeine in the form of some obscure, brand new tiktok hack that uses ingredients we probably don't have in stock and is made the total opposite of how a reasonable person would want it. It's like any other job, a lot of people DO put in hard work and most of those get nowhere but burned out.

  • news News $3 for a single McDonald's hash brown? Some customers are fed up and pushing back
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 7 months ago 66%

    Yeah of course there are operating expenses, but you have these same companies buying the lowest quality equipment and products they can get away with as well. It's inexcusable.

  • news News $3 for a single McDonald's hash brown? Some customers are fed up and pushing back
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 7 months ago 89%

    Inflation and wage theft are absolutely out of control in this country. I'm a barista. My store makes $1600 in a eight-hour day. Mine and all of my coworker's wage in there probably adds up to about $50/hour on average. So the profit margin is ridiculous. And these businesses have the gall to think they can make MORE MONEY. No, fuck you. At some point the human beings doing the hard work need to get a bigger cut.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions I like women but I also like cock but I'm not otherwise attracted to the male body at all. Wtf is my sexual orientation? AITA?
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 7 months ago 75%

    You're a straight guy who likes getting fucked. This is way more common than you'd think and shouldn't be a big deal in a healthy society.

  • news News Biden Threatens to Veto Bill That Would Help Israel but Not Ukraine
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 8 months ago 100%

    Yeah that's definately another great point. Ukraine and Palestine are both threatened by colonialist erasure, that's the parallel I'd like to see drawn- they absolutely have that in common. Would love to see Israel and it's nationalist government compared to Russia more often- there's so much misinformation and misdirection in the news nowadays.

  • news News Biden Threatens to Veto Bill That Would Help Israel but Not Ukraine
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 8 months ago 96%

    I hate that the two are becoming more and more conflated. Ukraine is fighting off a invasion; Israel is invading and has driven the people of palestine into radical organization and direct action. These funds should go to aid and peace efforts instead.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes This isn’t even a meme
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 8 months ago 100%

    As a American who was forced into choosing between military and college at 18 and wasn't ready for either, I'm inclined to agree -except college should be free and we should tax the rich to pay for that & more. Those who are poor shouldn't be burdened for trying to change that.

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes And I don't plan to switch back either. Everything is just better on Linux for me
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 8 months ago 75%

    You need drivers for your external USB most likely. Unfortunately, a lot of brands only support microsoft's malware of a OS and use unnecessary proprietary firmware...

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost What are the legal implications of this?
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 8 months ago 100%

    Complimentary is complimentary, especially if you're fast and discrete

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes It do be like that
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 8 months ago 36%

    Yes, yes yes! The world needs more femboy dads. That said this happened the other way around for me. Just goes to show how much overlap there is among fringe internet cultures- I really wish we could all play nice more often.

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating This AI generated Article For Soy Free Meat Alternatives
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 8 months ago 100%

    Well chickpeas are underrated asf for one, fry em with oil and add a little salt and it's like vegan bacon... Well, vegan bacon spheres. Hummus is a chickpea dip that is to die for, flavor-wise and it's really easy to make fresh + keeps for weeks. Highly recommend mushrooms and nuts too for when you need something a little heartier.

  • nottheonion Not The Onion Elmo wrote a simple tweet that revealed widespread existential dread. Now, the president has weighed in.
  • kttnpunk kttnpunk 8 months ago 100%
  • promotecommunity
    Promote a Community kttnpunk 11 months ago 100%
    D̶̫̉i̶̥̅ș̷̐c̴͍̕o̸̘͠r̴̘̊d̸̡̅i̷͚̒a̶̡͌n̶̻̄i̶̺̎s̷̃͜m̸̡͊ - Lemmy.World

    I'm trying to cultivate a lighthearted community centered around the appreciation of chaos and discordian culture over at []( Our active userbase seems to have faltered with this space and the fediverse growing so fast but I'd love to see that change!

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Punk kttnpunk 1 year ago 100%
    The Taxpayers - Cuyahoga Canal (2009)
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Punk kttnpunk 1 year ago 100%
    What's your favorite Punk album?

    This is one of mine on the more modern, hardcore side of things. [](
