chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Hexbear Linux users are the deep state of China
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 1 day ago 100%

    Linux is like if people frustrated with other airlines started their own. They build the planes, ticket counters, and pave the runways themselves. They charge a small fee to cover the cost of printing the ticket, but you can also download and print the ticket yourself. When you board the plane, you are given a seat, four bolts, a wrench and a copy of the seat-HOWTO.html. Once settled, the fully adjustable seat is very comfortable, the plane leaves and arrives on time without a single problem, the in-flight meal is wonderful. You try to tell customers of the other airlines about the great trip, but all they can say is, "You had to do what with the seat?"

  • food food Aldi, who else loves shopping there?
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 1 day ago 100%

    They have the most fruitful dumpsters, and also usually the best prices.

  • askchapo askchapo How the fuck is Putin supposed to be a “war criminal”?
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 1 day ago 100%

    I mean, there are 10 million Ukrainian refugees, and it's less fair to blame them for their government's disposition than to blame Putin for actually taking the action. That's not quite a war crime though.

    There were also occupied apartment buildings that got hit with rockets early on, but it would be hard to prove that those were specfically targeted, as opposed to bombs dropped from aircraft like the IDF and DoD do regularly.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse lizard people
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 1 day ago 100%

    "Americans do not eat food. Americans eat marketing."

  • chat chat political texts suck even worse when you don't have friends
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 2 days ago 100%

    I'd be your text pal! meow-hug

  • memes memes Most important meme of the day
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 2 days ago 100%

    I hope it's referencing something like that. Because otherwise, it would sound really reactionary in itself.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Bumper sticker idea
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 2 days ago 100%

    In French this is almost a tongue twister.

  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 2 days ago 100%

    >my face when face when my f when facle the fwhen thface mey face face when my

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse 2 women die in Georgia after they couldn't access legal abortions and timely care
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 2 days ago 100%

    I was wondering when our Savita Halappanavar instance would happen in America.


    "except, with typical American extravagance, they have two of them"

  • history history Hildegard von Bingen - New General Megathread for the 16th-17th of September 2024
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 3 days ago 100%

    It's been a good upbear day, the end of the first page of Top Day still has over 125 upvotes. Usually it drops off to 70-80 by that point.

    Does this usually happen on a big news day?

  • history history Hildegard von Bingen - New General Megathread for the 16th-17th of September 2024
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 3 days ago 100%

    ok ruebarb, whatever you say

  • news news Jackass Steve-O backs out on transphobic prank after a "profound" conversation with a trans person
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 3 days ago 100%

    Uncritical support to profound trans people

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse 👏DENGIST POPE👏 👏DENGIST POPE👏 👏DENGIST POPE👏 👏DENGIST POPE👏
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 3 days ago 100%

    Dope Francis?

    Dope Francis.

  • main main Sloop. Like a cross between slop and poop, not the boat sloop.
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 3 days ago 100%

    Horrified Boschian nightmarish agony

    baseball-crank     matt-jokerfied

  • badposting badposting I broke up with my ex girl, here's her number
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 3 days ago 100%

    :::spoiler I never take a shower

    without a loofah :::

  • chat chat We should probably be agitating on .world
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 4 days ago 100%

    You mean

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse IM BACK FROM 4 MONTHS OF REHAB
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 5 days ago 100%

    Security flipping the whole units stuff because we weren't allowed to bring food up from the vending machines and I had a nice thing going where I'd buy honey buns and wait for them to run out and then sell them for 3 cigs then sell each cig for a dollar and make a decent profit. They didn't find shit bc I kept my honeybuns in a back office that no one used and they thought was locked (I jimmyed the lock with my rehab id card)

    This rules. I'm reminded of this game I played as a young kid where you have big wooden removable beads on an abacus-like rack, where you trade a certain number of blue beads in for a green one, a certain number of greens in for a yellow, and a certain number of yellows in for a red. Or something like that. Not sure about the order but red was the most valuable one.

    Also is Basil doing okay?

  • games games FTL: Faster than Light, 12th anniversary - New General Megathread for the 14th-15th of September
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 5 days ago 100%

    I was afraid that someone would say that, I was mostly talking about headlines/titles.

  • games games Ax Battler: A Legend of Golden Axe for Sega Game Gear - A Review | hungrygoriya (I really like this reviewer's mellow delivery style, maybe you will too)
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 5 days ago 100%

    Is AVGN problematic, or just the most prominent of the "angry reviewer" style?

    There are also too many 😩🎮 out there

  • games games FTL: Faster than Light, 12th anniversary - New General Megathread for the 14th-15th of September
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 5 days ago 100%

    Somebody needs to tell me which is a bigger deal: if a person BLASTS something, or if a person SLAMS something.

  • memes memes citations
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 5 days ago 100%


  • news news She Ate a Poppy Seed Salad Just Before Giving Birth. Then They Took Her Baby Away.
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 5 days ago 100%

    Thought this was a emergency-room video link at first glance

  • news news China approves plan to raise retirement age from January 2025
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 6 days ago 100%

    something something productive forces maybe-later-kiddo

  • traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns apparently the sharks are pronounced like "Blow-High". I've always pronounced them like "Blah-Hajj", from how they are spelled lmao
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 6 days ago 100%

    That's why I made this easy guide:

    "When they blow low, we blåhaj!"

  • dredge_tank The Dredge Tank peer-pressured into doing imperialism
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 6 days ago 100%

    takes a look at the 'international community at large'

    "Wait, it's all boardrooms?"

  • games games -1 morale
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 6 days ago 100%

    Of course he can say that, he's Teflon Don.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Merry 9/11 and Happy Holidays - New General Megathread for the 11th-13th of September 2024
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 6 days ago 100%

    gonna disagree with the tagline, "lib laugh love". i claim the inverse of the statement "the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love""

    so heres the correct version

    frame it and put it on your wall

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse I found this Chinese-made Bin Laden card deck today
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 6 days ago 100%


  • badposting badposting Consider the following:
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 6 days ago 100%

    i put the "fart" in pennyfarthing

  • shitposting shitposting Pickpocket 100
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 6 days ago 100%

    My favorite word in that headline is "repeatedly".

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse US child poverty has nearly tripled since 2021
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 1 week ago 100%
  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse "Two Nice Jewish Boys" podcast removed from Patreon
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 1 week ago 100%

    Who TF is pomplamoose? YouTube keeps trying to put them on my front page all of a sudden the last week or two.

    I was wondering the exact same two things a year ago, but it was because I queued up a bunch of stuff from the "feed me 80s-sounding synthpop" thread on my youtube, went to sleep listening to it, and bumped the subscribe button a couple times in my sleep

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Just reposting the classic Brace Khmer tweet thread
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 1 week ago 100%

    Earnestpost: In my experience of starting up an off-grid leftist commune, this is what the estimated labor breakdown looked like, averaged out in hours per person per week.

    Building things: 5
    Food prep and cooking: 4
    Doing dishes and other cleanup: 2
    Gathering wood and building fires: 1
    Gardening and composting: 3
    Tending lifestock: 1
    Hauling water: 1
    Resource runs (dumpsters, stores, local businesses): 2
    Making good relations with the neighbors: 2
    Sitting in working groups, councils, or assemblies: 2

    23 hours a week total, and most of it didn't even feel like work.

  • chat chat passed on a job offer. feels shit
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 1 week ago 100%

    Most jobs are things I can see myself doing, but inly for a month or two. If you haven't done the same job description before, it allows you to say "been there, done that".

  • chat chat Is it actually common to always use cursive in Russian?
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 1 week ago 100%

    Maybe one day I will be on your level of shitposting shitpenmanship

  • askchapo askchapo Can I have the dankest 9/11 memes
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 1 week ago 100%

    Does anyone have Mabbz' video link of the Sicko Twin Towers doing back and forth yes-hahaha-yes-l after being hit?

    I think it was an unlisted video.

  • chat chat Is it actually common to always use cursive in Russian?
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 1 week ago 100%

    Yeah and they probably tell you your shit smells like sandalwood too.

    I haven't bothered with cursive in the last 15 years. I'm not able to write fast anyway so I might as well read it fast.

  • chat chat Is it actually common to always use cursive in Russian?
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 1 week ago 100%

    Print is only for when you want someone else to be able to read your writing!

  • dredge_tank The Dredge Tank 4ch!n groyper reaction, captured during the debate.
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 1 week ago 100%


    IP from Tuerquiië

    is-this a Gray Wolf?

  • main main Tell me your most radical or controversial non-political opinion. Here's mine.
  • infuziSporg infuziSporg 1 week ago 100%

    Only individual dog ownership.

    Permit for having a dog must require a training course, plus at least 3 people in the housing unit.

  • videos
    videos infuziSporg 2 months ago 100%
    you will live with the bugs.

    you will eat the pod. 🫛

    chapotraphouse infuziSporg 2 months ago 96%
    What's worse than the thin blue line flag?

    :::spoiler spoiler The double thin blue line flag :::

    chapotraphouse infuziSporg 3 months ago 100%
    This Wikipedia article has been in existence since February

    And it was created by a sockpuppet account who was banned for account abuse. Yet the article remains, very close to its original form, because the libs unconditionally respect what is extant. There's a nonzero chance that someone finds out what a "sigma male" is via Wikipedia now.

    badposting infuziSporg 4 months ago 100%
    No ink at pride

    You may only display your "born this way" skin

    chapotraphouse infuziSporg 6 months ago 100%
    Hear me out... Evolutionary Sociology

    A subdiscipline that focuses on the diversity and mutability of social formats, in the present and throughout recorded history and in the archeological record and in the biology of social species. As a counter to evolutionary psychologists (EvolPsychos) who assert that there are direct Darwinian forces shaping human psychology, we need people to assert that there are palpable Kropotkinian forces shaping human societies. Likewise, we must assert that just like how it is impossible to fully understand an allele without the context of the interactions of the environment and the phenotypes associated with that allele, it is impractical to try to understand human psychology in isolation from human societies/cultures.

    copypasta infuziSporg 6 months ago 100%
    George W Bush is Smarter than You

    I teach a class at Stanford Business School titled “Financial Crises in the U.S. and Europe.” During one class session while explaining the events of September 2008, I kept referring to the efforts of the threesome of Hank Paulson, Ben Bernanke, and Tim Geithner, who were joined at the hip in dealing with firm-specific problems as they arose. One of my students asked “How involved was President Bush with what was going on?” I smiled and responded, “What you really mean is, ‘Was President Bush smart enough to understand what was going on,’ right?” The class went dead silent. Everyone knew that this was the true meaning of the question. Kudos to that student for asking the hard question and for framing it so politely. I had stripped away that decorum and exposed the raw nerve. I looked hard at the 60 MBA students and said “President Bush is smarter than almost every one of you.” More silence. I could tell they were waiting for me to break the tension, laugh, and admit I was joking. I did not. A few shifted in their seats, then I launched into a longer answer. While it was a while ago, here is an amalgam of that answer and others I have given in similar contexts. I am not kidding. You are quite an intelligent group. Don’t take it personally, but President Bush is smarter than almost every one of you. Were he a student here today, he would consistently get “HP” (High Pass) grades without having to work hard, and he’d get an “H” (High, the top grade) in any class where he wanted to put in the effort. For more than six years it was my job to help educate President Bush about complex economic policy issues and to get decisions from him on impossibly hard policy choices. In meetings and in the briefing materials we gave him in advance we covered issues in far more depth than I have been discussing with you this quarter because we needed to do so for him to make decisions. President Bush is extremely smart by any traditional standard. He’s highly analytical and was incredibly quick to be able to discern the core question he needed to answer. It was occasionally a little embarrassing when he would jump ahead of one of his Cabinet secretaries in a policy discussion and the advisor would struggle to catch up. He would sometimes force us to accelerate through policy presentations because he so quickly grasped what we were presenting. I use words like briefing and presentation to describe our policy meetings with him, but those are inaccurate. Every meeting was a dialogue, and you had to be ready at all times to be grilled by him and to defend both your analysis and your recommendation. That was scary. We treat Presidential speeches as if they are written by speechwriters, then handed to the President for delivery. If I could show you one experience from my time working for President Bush, it would be an editing session in the Oval with him and his speechwriters. You think that me cold-calling you is nerve-wracking? Try defending a sentence you inserted into a draft speech, with President Bush pouncing on the slightest weakness in your argument or your word choice. In addition to his analytical speed, what most impressed me were his memory and his substantive breadth. We would sometimes have to brief him on an issue that we had last discussed with him weeks or even months before. He would remember small facts and arguments from the prior briefing and get impatient with us when we were rehashing things we had told him long ago. And while my job involved juggling a lot of balls, I only had to worry about economic issues. In addition to all of those, at any given point in time he was making enormous decisions on Iraq and Afghanistan, on hunting al Qaeda and keeping America safe. He was making choices not just on taxes and spending and trade and energy and climate and health care and agriculture and Social Security and Medicare, but also on education and immigration, on crime and justice issues, on environmental policy and social policy and politics. Being able to handle such substantive breadth and depth, on such huge decisions, in parallel, requires not just enormous strength of character but tremendous intellectual power. President Bush has both. On one particularly thorny policy issue on which his advisors had strong and deep disagreements, over the course of two weeks we (his senior advisors) held a series of three 90-minute meetings with the President. Shortly after the third meeting we asked for his OK to do a fourth. He said, “How about rather than doing another meeting on this, I instead tell you now what each person will say.” He then ran through half a dozen of his advisors by name and precisely detailed each one’s arguments and pointed out their flaws. (Needless to say there was no fourth meeting.) Every prominent politician has a public caricature, one drawn initially by late-night comedy joke writers and shaped heavily by the press and one’s political opponents. The caricature of President Bush is that of a good ol’ boy from Texas who is principled and tough, but just not that bright. That caricature was reinforced by several factors: The press and his opponents highlighted President Bush’s occasional stumbles when giving a speech. President Obama’s similar verbal miscues are ignored. Ask yourself: if every public statement you made were recorded and all your verbal fumbles were tweeted, how smart would you sound? Do you ever use the wrong word or phrase, or just botch a sentence for no good reason? I know I do. President Bush intentionally aimed his public image at average Americans rather than at Cambridge or Upper East Side elites. Mitt Romney’s campaign was predicated on “I am smart enough to fix a broken economy,” while George W. Bush’s campaigns stressed his values, character, and principles rather than boasting about his intellect. He never talked about graduating from Yale and Harvard Business School, and he liked to lower expectations by pretending he was just an average guy. Example: “My National Security Advisor Condi Rice is a Stanford professor, while I’m a C student. And look who’s President. <laughter>” There is a bias in much of the mainstream press and commentariat that people from outside of NY-BOS-WAS-CHI-SEA-SF-LA are less intelligent, or at least well educated. Many public commenters harbor an anti-Texas (and anti-Southern, and anti-Midwestern) intellectual bias. They mistakenly treat John Kerry as smarter than George Bush because John Kerry talks like an Ivy League professor while George Bush talks like a Texan. President Bush enjoys interacting with the men and women of our armed forces and with elite athletes. He loves to clear brush on his ranch. He loved interacting with the U.S. Olympic Team. He doesn’t windsurf off Nantucket, he rides a 100K mountain bike ride outside of Waco with wounded warriors. He is an intense, competitive athlete and a “guy’s guy.” His hobbies and habits reinforce a caricature of a [dumb] jock, in contrast to cultural sophisticates who enjoy antiquing and opera. This reinforces the other biases against him. I assume that some who read this will react automatically with disbelief and sarcasm. They think they know that President Bush is unintelligent because, after all, everyone knows that. They will assume that I am wrong, or blinded by loyalty, or lying. They are certain that they are smarter than George Bush. I ask you simply to consider the possibility that I’m right, that he is smarter than you. If you can, find someone who has interacted directly with him outside the public spotlight. Ask that person about President Bush’s intellect. I am confident you will hear what I heard dozens of times from CEOs after they met with him: “Gosh, I had no idea he was that smart.” At a minimum I hope you will test your own assumptions and thinking about our former President. I offer a few questions to help that process. Upon what do you base your view of President Bush’s intellect? How much is it shaped by the conventional wisdom about him? How much by verbal miscues highlighted by the press? Do you discount your estimate of his intellect because he’s from Texas or because of his accent? Because he’s an athlete and a ranch owner? Because he never advertises that he went to Yale and Harvard? This is a hard one, for liberals only. Do you assume that he is unintelligent because he made policy choices with which you disagree? If so, your logic may be backwards. “I disagree with choice X that President Bush made. No intelligent person could conclude X, therefore President Bush is unintelligent.” Might it be possible that an intelligent, thoughtful conservative with different values and priorities than your own might have reached a different conclusion than you? Do you really think your policy views derive only from your intellect? And finally, if you base your view of President Bush’s intellect on a public image and caricature shaped by late night comedians, op-ed writers, TV pundits, and Twitter, is that a smart thing for you to do?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    commrequest infuziSporg 7 months ago 100%

    It's been too long since []( went on a posting spree, and we need a place where everyone can post them. Putting them in c/cth or c/hat is inadequate, they need their own space. I probably come up with a few Wrong Facts per week as it is, and I bet others have plenty more. Fake News can be misleading and controversial and divisive, but Wrong Facts will brighten up anyone's day. This bit needs to be revived, and democratized!

    chapotraphouse infuziSporg 9 months ago 100%
    I missed out on this in my high school

    Maybe because all the queer kids and socialists were extremely closeted.

    politics infuziSporg 9 months ago 100%
    In America, it is only feasible to subsidize child care if it is for cops.

    San Diego was apparently the first city to do this, and even then only halfway subsidized. But the trend is now spreading. Can we muster the political will for universal childcare? No. But what we can do is provide it for our favorite overpaid security-sector occupations.

    chapotraphouse infuziSporg 9 months ago 100%
    I just discovered "boasts", so I'm going to be bragging to you all for the next week, but I'm doing it out of respect.

    Now all I need is material to brag about, I thought I'd just figure that out when I got to it.

    anarchism infuziSporg 1 year ago 100%
    I'm on a leftist commune rn

    :::spoiler We just had a council and much of the subject matter was piss and shit ::: Also we have a proliferation of committees that we are poking fun at
