memes memes sounds about right
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 3 months ago 100%

    Hey there! FYI I really appreciated this comment. The response to my comment here convinced me that Lemmy isn't really the place for me. I popped back today to look something up, and I wanted to make sure you got a friendly hello after seeing your response.

    I totally agree with everything you said. Having shared practices for remembrance and an established "typical" way to demonstrate care for deceased people is a significant part of maintaining social cohesion and so useful for giving individuals an outlet for grief.

    The way an entire industry has emerged to capitalize on loss and paij sickens me, but that part is a whole different conversation.

    My education is in archaeoligy, and my primary interest was American deathways. I've probably spent more time thinking about contemporary death rites and remembrance than I've thought about anything else as an adult.

    Anyway, I hope you're well! Keep on being a cool person.

  • memes memes sounds about right
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 4 months ago 53%

    Ritual and ceremony are deeply important aspects of the human experience. What cultures do with their dead is way, way up there with foodways and adornment when it comes to cultural significance.

    The increasingly common view in the West that elaborate death rites are unimportant is really new when compared to the rest of human history. It's probably a postmodern thing? If I'm right about that, that would mean the less reverential attitude towards traditional deatg ceremony is like 110ish years old.

    Compared to the 200,000-300,000 years Homo Sapiens have been around (or 45,000 years ago if we only want to discuss the length of time that Northern European-style deathways have most likely been practiced), 100 years isn't a lot to change that cultural inertia.

    Sorry, I know this is a Wendy's. Just a frosty, thanks.

  • 196 196 Traffic rule
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 5 months ago 100%

    ikr? If I had a nickel...

  • news News Boeing forced to scrub first crewed Starliner launch to the space station
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 5 months ago 96%

    Nanny state foolishness. It's just crewed spaceflight, not rocket science.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost The choice is yours
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 5 months ago 100%

    With that baby around, I think it's you who needs to worry about surviving a 20-story fall.

  • politics politics Kristi Noem doubles down on dog-killing to win over MAGA — here's why her story is backfiring
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 5 months ago 100%

    I'm pleased that she's experiencing the fallout from all this, but whatever logic she used to calculate that political risk is baffling.

    Four John Wick movies have grossed over a billion dollars on the conceit that harming a dog is a legitimate emotional catalyst for someone to kill 450 people.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Yes, come eat 1.5 lbs of pie in a parking lot with randos
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 5 months ago 100%

    My kinda person. If they were local and I saw the post, I'd be there for sure.

  • cursed_ai Cursed AI aáAähàhhhghhaAAÅåaãHhḫhggaAĀÄ!²
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 5 months ago 100%

    I'm sick of these impossible beauty standards!

  • cursed_ai Cursed AI That, um, smile? I guess
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 5 months ago 100%

    Ayy girl, did you fall from heaven? Because it looks like you need a fucking ambulance.

  • 196 196 Rule ⛳
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 6 months ago 100%

    Excellent disposal.

  • minnesota Minnesota Kathy Cargill finally reveals her plan for Park Point and the reason she’s scrapping it
    foodcrimes Food Crimes - Offenses against nutrition I think I would take pineapple over this
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 6 months ago 100%

    I'd try it.

  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 6 months ago 100%

    Dopes to Infinity and Spine of God are stoner metal bangers, JIC anyone here isn't familiar with their stuff from before Powertrip.

    I've also liked that their later stuff walks a line between glam & sludge metal.

  • 196 196 Election rule
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 7 months ago 100%

    Sure, today is worse than yesterday. But at least it's better than tomorrow!

  • memes Memes @ Reddthat Which one are you?
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 7 months ago 100%

    Abandoning my DeWalt family heritage in favor of Mikwaukee was almost like leaving Jehovah's Witnesses. I'm allowed back to visit, but it's tense.

  • askmenover30 askmenover30 Men over 30, which personal project are you currently working on?
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 7 months ago 100%

    I will begin handling an Impossible Landscapes Delta Green campaign next weekend.

    I'm also considering getting back into lifting weights. I used to powerlift, but I suffered an intercostal tear in my late 20s. Recovery started a domino effect, and I haven't really picked anything up over 50 pounds in like 6 or 7 years 😒

  • thesimpsons The Simpsons the thirteenth hour, of the thirteenth day, of the thirteenth month
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 7 months ago 100%

    I love that Springfield instituted the International Fixed Calendar, but replacing Sol with Smarch was just weird.

  • comicstrips Comic Strips Leap Day – The Jenkins
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 7 months ago 92%

    They meant 24 metric hours.

  • ttrpgrecs What Should I Play? What’s right for me?
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 7 months ago 100%

    Yes, but that's all part of the first session! Character creation is playing in Traveller! 🤗 It's usually most people's favorite part, even. It's collaborative and engaging, and shit can get really wacky and fun. I've had friends over just to roll up characters together that we had no intention of playing.

    Gameplay rules seem like a lot, but it's very step-by-step and spoon-fed to you. The GM needs to prep, obviously, but the flow is really intuitive. The core rulebook is loaded with tables to tell you what to do.

    The star system bit is nbd. Just make that stuff up as you go and to suit your needs. You can totally play a game that follows Traveller canon and lore if you want (it's pretty cool), but there's no need.

    And don't let Glass Cannon freak you out! They have to ensure snappy pacing because they're doing 90 minutes episodes that need to be enjoyable to passively listen to. Playing at home with your friends doesn't come with that baggage.

    That said, their permanent Traveller show called Voyagers of the Jump is very good. It's a good companion to the rulebook for getting a sense of how to play.

  • syncforlemmy Sync for Lemmy What of you were a dog, but also a sink?
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 7 months ago 100%

    I think I can speak for everyone that this would be the ideal arrangement.

  • 196 196 bactirule
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 7 months ago 100%

    Reject humanity, return to prokaryote.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Tips for falljng back to sleep
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 7 months ago 100%

    I'm a light sleeper with a loud mind, as well, so this kind of thing has always been a problem for me. The two main things I find helpful may not do the trick for you, but here goes:

    First, trying to force myself back to sleep always just ramps my brain up worse and makes it more difficult than it already was to fall back asleep. I stopped trying to force the issue, which has counterintuitively sped up the time it takes me to fall back asleep. I don't get up or engage my mind with anything significant, but if I'm awake, I'll put soft music on my earbuds or scroll on my phone set to the dimmest setting. I may not fall back to sleep immediately, but I've found that lowering the pressure on myself to fall back asleep makes it happen more readily than when I spend 2 hours and 45 minutes being like "if I fall asleep right now, I can still get another 3 hours. go to sleep. fall asleep. sleep will happen.... now!"

    Second, I've increased my oversell magnesium intake. I know you said no substances, but I feel like this is different. There have been a few studies--popular science type stuff, nothing peer reviewed that I know of--indicating that magnesium improves sleep quality and the ability to return to sleep if woken up. Might be the placebo effect, but I don't care because I've noticed an improvement.

    Sorry you have to deal with this flavor of insomnia, too. Super sucks.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Get the ketchup.
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 7 months ago 100%
  • politics politics Donald Trump GoFundMe raises $84K of $355 million target in 24 hours
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 7 months ago 94%

    You're fun.

  • memes memes Every time I buy pomelos
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 7 months ago 100%

    I worked in grocery stores for several years in my 20s. That was 10 years ago, but I still remember so many vegetable PLUs and fly through self-checkout most times.

  • memes Memes This is the future that Liberals want
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 7 months ago 100%

    I'M HIT


  • politics politics Donald Trump GoFundMe raises $84K of $355 million target in 24 hours
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 7 months ago 100%

    I wish I would have thought of it first this time 😔

  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 7 months ago 100%

    Thanks for clearing that up.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Do you drink milk from the cereal bowl?
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 7 months ago 40%


    I already ate more sugar than I should have. I'm not going to drink the runoff. I also don't drink the mostly-salt broth from instant ramen.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Do you drink milk from the cereal bowl?
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 7 months ago 14%

    Not to be dramatic, but I'd rather die.

  • enoughmuskspam Enough Musk Spam Tesla Cybertrucks Are Rusting Despite Being Made Of Stainless Steel
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 7 months ago 100%

    Funny enough, I love going through the car wash. I like it so much that I have one of those unlimited wash deals at my local soft touch place. I probably get 3 washes a week on average.

    But the idea that I'd have to do that is nuts. And the shit about special soap and whatever? No way.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What are you doing for valentines day?
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 7 months ago 100%

    My wife and I have done White Castle table service every year since we've been together, except for the year they didn't do it because of covid.

    It's a lot of fun, but I don't think there will be tables available on this short notice.

  • enoughmuskspam Enough Musk Spam Tesla Cybertrucks Are Rusting Despite Being Made Of Stainless Steel
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 7 months ago 100%

    In particular, oil and acidic soiling, such as tar or bird droppings, should be cleaned immediately with an alcohol-based solvent. Immediately afterwards, rinsing with clear water or a pH-adjusted soap is recommended. This type of cleaning should be necessary after every longer ride.


  • 196 196 How Hungry Rule
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 7 months ago 100%

    Tough but fair.

  • news News Jeff Bezos will save over $600 million in taxes by moving to Miami
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 7 months ago 100%

    I hope he'll be okay. With $2 billion liquidated, his cash on hand is only the average lifetime earnings of 1,176 Americans.

    Assuming the average American starts working at age 18 and stops working at 67, that's just 57,624 years' worth of American wages.

    It's a shame he's considering exercising another $6 billion of his stock between now and the end of the year just to get by.

  • ttrpgrecs What Should I Play? What’s right for me?
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 7 months ago 100%

    Lol yeah, that can theoretically happen. I think the second version of the core rulebook made it harder to pull off, though.

    I've never died in character creation, but I did wind up in a prisoner loop once where I couldn't manage to get paroled until I was like 90 👴

  • ttrpgrecs What Should I Play? What’s right for me?
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 7 months ago 100%

    I've had tons of luck getting new people into ttrpgs through Traveller.

    Players don't need to know anything ahead of time, and character creation is part of the game. It's the most fun part of the game, in my opinion. It can get absolutely bonkers. Sometimes I roll up characters just for fun using this.

    The GM can introduce game mechanics as players roll up and work out their characters. By the time you begin proper gameplay, your players know enough to muddle through a session without a rules info dump making it feel overwhelming.

  • news News Jeff Bezos will save over $600 million in taxes by moving to Miami
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 7 months ago 100%

    He liquidated 12 million Amazon shares for approximately $2 billion last week. It's the capital gains on that sale that OP's article is referring to.

    Unless you meant cash, in which case you're probably right. I don't think his brokerage settled the sale with briefcases of $100 bills.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions What is your weirdest comfort habit?
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 7 months ago 100%

    When I'm really stressed out, I'll put on repetitive beep boop music and draw floor plans on graph paper.

  • aboringdystopia A Boring Dystopia What is your weirdest comfort habit?
  • hrimfaxi_work hrimfaxi_work 7 months ago 100%
  • driveinmovies
    Drive-In Movies hrimfaxi_work 1 year ago 100%
    [LIVE DISCUSSION] The Last Drive-In With Joe Bob Briggs - S05E09 - Zombie Horror Week pt. 2 - 21 July 2023 - Season Finale

    This is it, gang. Tonight we need to say goodbye until Joe Bob's Labor Day Ruckus or The Ethiopian New Year Hullabaloo or whatever. I'm going to desperately miss talking nonsense with your freaks & weirdos. One last time (for now): take a moment to ensure that you've been duly sworn in by taking [our sacred oath]( **First Movie:** ??? **Second Movie:** Day of the Dead

    Horror hrimfaxi_work 1 year ago 87%
    The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs Zombie Week Pt. 2 this Friday (21 July 2023) at 9:00 PM EDT - Season Finale!

    cross-posted from: > > > Darcy spilled the beans a couple weeks ago, so unless she was messing with us and JBB is really misdirecting us with that Florida clue, we know one of the films will be [Day of the Dead]( What do y'all think the other one will be?

    Drive-In Movies hrimfaxi_work 1 year ago 50%
    The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs Zombie Week Pt. 2 this Friday (21 July 2023) at 9:00 PM EDT - Season Finale! Darcy spilled the beans a couple weeks ago, so unless she was messing with us and JBB is really misdirecting us with that Florida clue, we know one of the films will be [Day of the Dead]( What do y'all think the other one will be?

    Horror hrimfaxi_work 1 year ago 80%
    The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs Zombie Week Pt. 2 this Friday (21 July 2023) at 9:00 PM EDT - Season Finale!

    cross-posted from: > Unless she was being cruel and misdirecting us, Darcy already spilled the beans that one of the films will be Day of the Dead (woop!). What does everyone think the other film will be?

    Drive-In Movies hrimfaxi_work 1 year ago 50%
    The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs Zombie Week Pt. 2 this Friday (21 July 2023) at 9:00 PM EDT - Season Finale! Unless she was being cruel and misdirecting us, Darcy already spilled the beans that one of the films will be Day of the Dead (woop!). What does everyone think the other film will be?

    Drive-In Movies hrimfaxi_work 1 year ago 100%
    [LIVE DISCUSSION] The Last Drive-In With Joe Bob Briggs - S05E09 - Eco Horror Week - 14 July 2023

    I tried redoing Hungry Like The Wolf by Duran Duran for tonight, but I couldn't wedge both caliginous and callipygian in there while also referencing Bastille Day and probably-werewolves. I failed you, fam! 😫 At any rate, you should know that you're legally obligated to get sworn in before that one guitar part punches you in the feels. So, [raise your right hand...]( **First Movie:** Alligator **Second Movie:** Grizzly

    Horror hrimfaxi_work 1 year ago 100%
    The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs Long, Hairy, and Aroused (??) Week this Friday (14 July 2023) at 9:00 PM EDT

    cross-posted from: There will be another Lemmy live discussion tomorrow night over at [!](/c/ r/Shudder live discussion refugees are welcome! > > > What do y'all think? > > I'm really bad at guessing these, but I'm going to say [An American Werewolf in London (1981)]( and [Abominable (2006)]( > > However! Tomorrow is Bastille Day, so I think it would be appropriate if Joe Bob and Darcy played [Brotherhood of the Wolf (2001)](

    Drive-In Movies hrimfaxi_work 1 year ago 66%
    The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs Long, Hairy, and Aroused (??) Week this Friday (14 July 2023) at 9:00 PM EDT What do y'all think? I'm really bad at guessing these, but I'm going to say [An American Werewolf in London (1981)]( and [Abominable (2006)]( However! Tomorrow is Bastille Day, so I think it would be appropriate if Joe Bob and Darcy played [Brotherhood of the Wolf (2001)](

    Drive-In Movies hrimfaxi_work 1 year ago 100%
    [LIVE DISCUSSION] The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs - S05E08 - Animated Horror Week - 7 July 2023

    🎶🎶 *The Last Drive-In (gotta watch 'em all-lll) It's Joe Bob and me-eee We know it's our destiny-yyy Darcy, you're our best friend Shitty movies we must defend The Last Drive-In (gotta watch 'em all-lll) A passion so true The drive-in totals will pull us throughhhh Joe Bob teaches, we'll learn from you The Last Drive-In, gotta watch 'em all Gotta watch 'em alllllll* 🎶🎶 You know that I literally only take one responsibility seriously, and that's making sure we renew our commitment to Kung Fu City every Friday evening. Don't forget to [say your prayers](, fam. **Movie 1:** Mad God **Movie 2:** Perfect Blue

    Horror hrimfaxi_work 1 year ago 100%
    The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs Animated Horror Week this Friday (7 June 2023) at 9:00 PM EDT

    cross-posted from: FYI that we'll try for another Lemmy live discussion tomorrow night over at [!](/c/ Come play if you feel like it 🤗 > > > What are everyone's guesses? I haven't seen a lot of animated horror before, so I've got nothin'.

    Drive-In Movies hrimfaxi_work 1 year ago 100%
    The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs Animated Horror Week this Friday (7 June 2023) at 9:00 PM EDT What are everyone's guesses? I haven't seen a lot of animated horror before, so I've got nothin'.

    Horror hrimfaxi_work 1 year ago 100%
    TromaMovies YouTube channel taken down due to "community standards violations"

    cross-posted from: > Lloyd Kaufman is ~~asking~~ [begging]( for help! > > On 27 June 2023, YouTube took down the TromaMovies channel over violations of its community standards, leaving many other channels up that commit the same violations. Selective enforcement of rules is not gangster, YT. > > Here is the announcement from [Lloyd Kaufman]( > > [And here is a petition gently asking YouTube to unfuck themselves]( I know petitions are kinda whatever, but it's a thing we can do.

    Drive-In Movies hrimfaxi_work 1 year ago 100%
    TromaMovies YouTube channel taken down due to "community standards violations"

    Lloyd Kaufman is ~~asking~~ [begging]( for help! On 27 June 2023, YouTube took down the TromaMovies channel over violations of its community standards, leaving many other channels up that commit the same violations. Selective enforcement of rules is not gangster, YT. Here is the announcement from [Lloyd Kaufman]( [And here is a petition gently asking YouTube to unfuck themselves]( I know petitions are kinda whatever, but it's a thing we can do.

    Drive-In Movies hrimfaxi_work 1 year ago 100%
    [LIVE DISCUSSION] The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs - S05E07 - Folk Horror Week - 30 June 2023

    Folks and kin, gather 'round the flickering embers of this here ancient fire and let the shadows dance in the hollers of our souls. In the hallowed heart of these spooky-ass woods, we unite as one. Like the roots of ageless trees entwined beneath the forest floor, so shall our mutant bond remain unbreakable. We are bound by the legacy of our ancestors, which we carry forward into the endless night through [our sacred oath]( **First Movie:** Dark Night of the Scarecrow **Second Movie:** Beyond the Door III

    TIL what an ocular migraine feels like. Not recommended.

    I actually thought I might be having an aneurysm or a stroke. It was weird. An iridescent zigzag appeared in part of my field of vision, and another portion of my field of vision just... stopped. I had this big blind spot for like an hour, all while this jagged rainbow bastard chilled in my left peripheral. That went away slowly, only to be replaced with vertigo and exhaustion. Almost no headache, though. I kept verifying that one side of my face wasn't paralyzed or whatever because I've had migraines a few times before, but those were nothing like this! Apparently they can just be this way. Does anyone else get these? They're dumb.

    zillowgonewild hrimfaxi_work 1 year ago 95%
    "Single family home in need of extensive renovation." I would say so!,-Detroit,-MI-48212_rb/88642925_zpid/ That'll buff right out.

    zillowgonewild hrimfaxi_work 1 year ago 100%
    This is a fine house. A good house, even. I like it. Not sure we need 237 photos of it, though,-Harlan,-KY,-40831_rb/110358746_zpid/ 1 image per 17.4 square feet seems excessive.

    Horror hrimfaxi_work 1 year ago 100%
    The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs Down Home Horror Week this Friday (30 June 2023) at 9:00 PM EDT

    cross-posted from: > > > What are everyone's guesses for this week? > > I'm saying this week it'll be [Jug Face]( and [Valerie and Her Week of Wonders](

    Drive-In Movies hrimfaxi_work 1 year ago 100%
    The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs Down Home Horror Week this Friday (30 June 2023) at 9:00 PM EDT What are everyone's guesses for this week? I'm saying this week it'll be [Jug Face]( and [Valerie and Her Week of Wonders](

    Movies and TV Shows hrimfaxi_work 1 year ago 96%
    Anybody all caught up on From?

    I am equally enjoying and exasperared by From. Who else? Heads up that if this becomes an active thread, there's gonna be spoilers for the whole series in here.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    New Communities hrimfaxi_work 1 year ago 100%
    The bastard lovechild of r/casualconversation and r/pointlessstories

    [!](/c/ is a... spiritual successor?... of what r/casualconversation was a super long time ago. Come post random bullshit that's on your mind, and then talk with others about random bullshit that's on their mind. I'm having problems uploading images, so I'll pretty the place up with a banner and whatnot another time.

    New Communities hrimfaxi_work 1 year ago 100%
    The bastard lovechild of r/casualconversation and r/pointlessstories

    [!](/c/ is a... spiritual successor?... of what r/casualconversation was a super long time ago. Come post random bullshit that's on your mind, and then talk with others about random bullshit that's on their mind. I'm having problems uploading images, so I'll pretty the place up with a banner and whatnot another time.

    The bastard lovechild of r/casualconversation and r/pointlessstories

    [!](/c/ is a... spiritual successor?... of what r/casualconversation was a super long time ago. Come post random bullshit that's on your mind, and then talk with others about random bullshit that's on their mind. I'm having problems uploading images, so I'll pretty the place up with a banner and whatnot another time.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    main hrimfaxi_work 1 year ago 100%
    Can someone help me understand what's going on? Communities look different from different instances.

    Intro and Context is my homebase, but I have two other accounts in different instances. Both accounts are in instances that are federated with this one. I started a genre film community about a week ago. Yesterday, I logged in to my other instances to see what the community looks like from a non-moderator perspective. They all look different, depending on what instance I'm viewing the community from. Screenshots below: Screenshots ![]( This is the view of [!](/c/ from this instance. This is how I'd expect it to be seen by anyone that is federated with. Is that not correct? For context, all the comments in the stickied post are from individuals belonging to other instances with which is federated. In fact, there are comments from folks, and I think there's one from somebody in That may be relevant because of what I see when I go to *my* and accounts. ![]( This is the view of [!](/c/ from my account on Only three posts show up. The comment counts and upvotes are different. The one on top with zero upvotes was actually posted from the pictured account. The middle post is supposedly a stickied post, except it's not stickied when accessed through Also, none of the comments appear. Not even my own test comment. The "subscribe pending" business is new. Several days ago, it said "joined" over there. When I try unsubscribing and resubscribing, I keep getting the pending nonsense. ![]( This is the view of [!](/c/ from my account on All the posts show up, but the comment counts and upvotes are different. The "subscribe pending" thing here is the same as it is with my account. It wasn't there a couple days ago, but now it is. Turning it off and on again doesn't do anything. Questions Only one question, really. Is this as odd as it seems to me? Okay, two questions. Can someone explain why it looks different, based on which instance I'm accessing the community from?

    Drive-In Movies hrimfaxi_work 1 year ago 100%
    The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs Aquatic Horror Week this Friday (23 June 2023) at 9:00 PM EDT Any guesses for the two films? I'm voting [The Rift]( and [Death Ship]( based on my desire for it to be The Rift and Death Ship.

    Wow this Lemmy Exists! hrimfaxi_work 1 year ago 100%

    If you're still scrobbling your music even though it's 2023 and not 2006, head over to [!](/c/! *EDIT* Oh no! communities already exists over on and Unless you have the instances blocked, you should go play over at either [!](/c/ or [!](/c/

    Horror hrimfaxi_work 1 year ago 92%
    Grindhouse Horror Movie Trailers from the 1970s

    cross-posted from: > > > Thought you weirdos might like this as much as I do. I fall asleep to this video at least once a week and now you can, too!

    Horror hrimfaxi_work 1 year ago 100%
    The Final Terror (1983)

    cross-posted from: > It's pretty good! > > I'm not a movie reviewer and don't want to be one, so I won't do a write-up or anything, but if you like slashers from the early 80s this might be one to check out. It's fairly predictable and I'm not totally sure the premise even makes sense, but who cares! It was competently done, and it lacks polish in a way that I think adds to the movie. This is a solid pick if you're ever doing a 1980s slasher movie night imo. It's streaming on Shudder as of June 2023. > > [Letterboxd link]( > > [IMDB link](

    Drive-In Movies hrimfaxi_work 1 year ago 100%
    Grindhouse Horror Movie Trailers from the 1970s Thought you weirdos might like this as much as I do. I fall asleep to this video at least once a week and now you can, too!

    Drive-In Movies hrimfaxi_work 1 year ago 100%
    The Final Terror (1983)

    It's pretty good! I'm not a movie reviewer and don't want to be one, so I won't do a write-up or anything, but if you like slashers from the early 80s this might be one to check out. It's fairly predictable and I'm not totally sure the premise even makes sense, but who cares! It was competently done, and it lacks polish in a way that I think adds to the movie. This is a solid pick if you're ever doing a 1980s slasher movie night imo. It's streaming on Shudder as of June 2023. [Letterboxd link]( [IMDB link](

    zillowgonewild hrimfaxi_work 1 year ago 100%
    Did you know that Terlingua, TX does not have building codes?

    **And** they have a Dale Earnhardt Drive! Why haven't we all already moved there?

    zillowgonewild hrimfaxi_work 1 year ago 100%
    I bring a "Twentynine Palms, CA under $200k" energy to house hunting that more realtors should appreciate

    Picking a favorite listing is like picking a favorite child. I just can't (it's 2637 Falderman Ave). [](

    Chat hrimfaxi_work 1 year ago 100%
    I started making cold brew after quitting energy drinks...


    Drive-In Movies hrimfaxi_work 1 year ago 100%
    The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs special episode this Sunday (18 June 2023) at 9:00 PM EDT I'm kinda whatever about the Walking Dead, and it's a clear mandate from AMC, but I show up when JBB does. It's the rules.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    You're going back to 17 August 1888. What do?

    I'm including !hypotheticalsituations in a game I play with myself sometimes. The bolded parameters were all assigned using a random number generator. Don't worry about how you were convinced of it, but you know for certain that you will be transported to **17 August 1888** in exactly **one week** from right now. This is a one-way trip. Luckily, you will be able to bring some things with you. You will be able to bring back **2 m^3^/72 ft^3^** worth of stuff. For reference, that's about what can be stored in the bed of a standard pickup without going over the bedrails. Let's say that you've been provided the appropriate number of steamer trunks to fill. What are you going to do for the next week, what are you bringing back with you, and what will you do once you arrive? You may bring people/pets back with you, but you must subtract their approximate dimensions from your baggage allotment. You will arrive in 1888 in the same geographic location that you're in next week.

    zillowgonewild hrimfaxi_work 1 year ago 97%
    That basement waterbed has seen some stuff. It better come with the house is all I have to say.

    Another one that's not so wild. It's actually kind of the perfect house. Mansard roof? **Check.** Tile counters that are impossible to fully clean? **Check.** Nana & Pop Pop upstairs, musty 70s fuck lair downstairs? **Check.** A ceiling light that's also somehow a table? **Check.** This place has it all!,-MN-56547_rb/336630147_zpid/

    New Communities hrimfaxi_work 1 year ago 90%
    A community to discuss (dunk on) the worst (best) real estate listings out there

    cross-posted from: > ! > > Celebrating stupid, rad, and fucked up house listings on Lemmy since... yesterday. Despite the name, it's not porn. Sorry.

    New Communities hrimfaxi_work 1 year ago 100%
    A place to discuss drive-in movies/genre films

    cross-posted from: > ! > > [You know you know the words]( There will no doubt be several horror communities, sci-fi communities, and general cinema communities in time. But what about those of us who wanna talk about Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!, Messiah of Evil, *and* The Peanut Butter Solution all in the same place? The Drive-In Movies community will have our back.
