houseplants Houseplants My pink princess finally put out a completely pink leaf 🎀
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 month ago 100%


  • nolawns No Lawns Homeowners are increasingly re-wilding their homes with native plants, experts say
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 month ago 100%

    My big worry is actually just people using natives and non invasives.

  • nolawns No Lawns Request for advice on how to get started
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 month ago 100%

    Seeds are a good idea but I've had a lot better results starting them inside. I start them a week or two ahead of when they would start shooting up outside naturally.

    I use a big tray with decent drainage, I moisten the soil first so it's an even moist through the whole thing, put down a layer of seeds on top, put a little bit of most soil over them, just enough to cover them, I put some plastic wrap or a plastic bag over it with some air holes, and let it sit somewhere warm with no direct sunlight for a week. I personally use a seed mat but I know people who put them on top of their fridge or other places that stay a little above 70°

    As soon as they germinate you don't NEED the plastic wrap but you can keep it a little longer to keep the soil moist if you want. Once they're an inch or two tall, I divide it all up (if I'm not using a divided tray already) and go plant them in the garden.

    This method works with just about anything you wanna plant. It helps to get things started and established inside where it's a controlled environment.

  • askmeanything Ask Me Anything I have been a traveling nurse for the past 10 years and I am only 40. Ask Me Anything.
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 month ago 100%

    What's your favorite memory of a patient?

  • asklemmy Asklemmy People who watched Homestar Runner back in the day: If you have watched any of the sbemails on the website, which sbemail is your favorite of the bunch?
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 month ago 100%

    Is there a Homestar Lemmy? I'm missing this in my life.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy People who watched Homestar Runner back in the day: If you have watched any of the sbemails on the website, which sbemail is your favorite of the bunch?
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 month ago 100%

    Some people are squirrel handed! Gregor is a weird name.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy People who watched Homestar Runner back in the day: If you have watched any of the sbemails on the website, which sbemail is your favorite of the bunch?
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 month ago 100%

    This is quoted in my house A LOT

  • solarpunk Solarpunk Eco concerns prompt greener funeral options ⚰️💚🌎
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 month ago 100%

    I know there's a place that composts human remains and that's pretty cool!

  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 month ago 94%

    Funny how this works but yet I got diagnosed as an adult THEN my brother got diagnosed haha. We do everything backwards.

  • nolawns No Lawns A confession
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 month ago 100%

    Good tips!

  • nolawns No Lawns A confession
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 month ago 100%

    Yeah I think if I just start looking up natives and identifying them that could make for a fun hobby too as well as collecting seeds.

  • nolawns No Lawns A confession
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 month ago 100%

    Ooohhh this sounds lovely

  • adhd ADHD What's your job?
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 month ago 100%

    I work for a private company so I work in a lot of different cities. But I started off with utility locating and found my way here from getting to know people.

  • nolawns No Lawns A children's hospital with no lawns in site
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 month ago 100%

    Lmao that's a good one

  • adhd ADHD memes I thought they were supposed to be stimulating
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 month ago 100%

    Lol yes I told my doc I tried Adderall in high school with a friend and we were both like wow I feel so focused. She then later got diagnosed and I was like yeah, she told me I should get checked out. Turns out there's a reason I felt focused lol.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Older people of lemmy what is some nuance sayings or typed on the net that you would like to have explained to you?
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 month ago 100%

    I'm just picturing June cleaver speaking jive on an airplane now...

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Older people of lemmy what is some nuance sayings or typed on the net that you would like to have explained to you?
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 month ago 100%

    TIL I hang out with just enough youngins to read this and be like "they like your outfit." It's gotta be the early 20s kids at work that I've caught onto what they're saying lol.

  • privacy Privacy Lastpass Family - Privacy alternative
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 month ago 100%

    I've thoroughly enjoyed Bitwarden. Their free version meets my needs but I pay for the paid because I think it's great.

  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 month ago 100%

    Oh no! Last time I got that it was because I was wearing crappy work boots. I hope your feet feel better ASAP!

  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 month ago 100%

    I saw so many that I went and got checked and I was initiated into the club lmao

  • adhd ADHD Organiszation software experiences
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 month ago 100%

    I tried one of those "for ADHD" aps tiimo I think it was. It was great for about 3 days because it was new and exciting and the I just never used it again.

    I use calendars for birthdays and for the people I need to gift I set up reminders to buy or send gifts that way. Anything I need to do goes in the calendar too or I'll forget about it.

    Not so much an app but smart home stuff has been a game changer. I just setup my washer and dryer on a smart plug so I get notifications when my laundry is done. At some point I'll give myself reminders I haven't done anything with it too lmao. I also have lights turn on and off at certain times, doors auto lock after 2 minutes, I'm changing out my bathroom fans soon for humidity sensors, and I'm sure I'll come up with more.

    Ohh app stuff. Scheduling text messages! Sometimes I forget people exist so when I remember I'll schedule a text or two for a few days later to keep a conversation going or start a new one so they're not always the one to text first.

  • adhd ADHD What's your job?
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 month ago 100%

    I do water maintenance. Flowing hydrants, turning water valves, leak detection etc. I keep the water in city pipes doing it's job.

  • nolawns No Lawns A confession
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 month ago 100%

    This is a great resource thank you so much!

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Women of Lemmy, do you mind being called cute?
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 month ago 100%

    If it's meant as a compliment and the person isn't getting a creep, I take it as a compliment.

  • nolawns No Lawns A confession
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 month ago 100%

    That's a great idea! I work 10 hour days with an hour commute each way. I definitely pay someone to deal with my yard lmao

  • meta Meta ( SLRPNK Community Discussion - August 2024
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 month ago 100%

    Might've forgotten my password and didn't have it in my password manager... Fixed that now lmao

  • nolawns No Lawns A children's hospital with no lawns in site
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 month ago 100%

    Lol yeah I didn't wanna rip off OPs post without credit lol

  • nolawns No Lawns A confession
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 month ago 100%

    I'd have to find it locally though. Looking at some of the "native seed" sites, they're not all natives.

  • nolawns No Lawns A confession
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 month ago 100%

    You're wonderful, thank you!

    Making a mental note to add this to the wiki too lol

  • nolawns No Lawns A confession
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 month ago 100%

    Ohh I'll have to do some research on that that's awesome. My end goal (not my current short term goal) is for my front yard to be a beautiful collection of native plants with intentional looking flower beds with a path from the sidewalk to the door and a path from the driveway to the side gate.

    I haven't thought far enough to know what type of path I want to do or anything like that yet. I currently have one flower bed left from the previous owner that I just cleared. I know I'm going to have more weeds before the season is over but I'm planning on starting some planting next spring.

    I keep meaning to message the reddit mod group chat because the one lives very close to me and the other 2 actually have degrees in this stuff haha. I like that I started this and I'll the least qualified 😂

  • nolawns No Lawns A confession
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 month ago 100%

    Haha isn't that the truth?

  • nolawns
    No Lawns greatwhitebuffalo41 1 month ago 100%
    A confession

    Guys, as the person who started no lawns on Reddit (and here) my yard is a disaster lol. I work outside all day and the last thing I want to do when I get home is yard work. That being said, I removed a bunch of invasives from my yard Monday and I'm working on a plan to tackle a corner of my yard the way I've always wanted to in NoLawns style with native plants. I'm always open to suggestions for the Chicago area!

    meta Meta ( SLRPNK Community Discussion - August 2024
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 month ago 100%

    No questions or suggestions just happy this instance is doing so well!

  • meta Meta ( SLRPNK community discussion - October 2023
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 12 months ago 100%

    Thanks for all you do!

  • nolawns No Lawns No Lawns and Native Plants Resources (request)
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 year ago 100%

    Screenshot this for after work, thanks!

  • twoxchromosomes TwoXChromosomes Emma - You should’ve asked
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 year ago 100%

    Keep it civil everyone

  • twoxchromosomes TwoXChromosomes Now is the time to change the sub name
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 year ago 100%

    Anyone is welcome to make their own community but this one will stay as is. The propose of using this name was to bring in the people transitioning from Reddit to a familiar community name. You do not have to stay here if you do not like it however, any woman who identifies as a woman is welcome as stated in not one but two stickied posts as well as the header image.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Has anyone else noticed that autocorrect/swipe has been getting worse lately?
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 year ago 100%

    Yes, it was unusable on my work tablet this week. Just making up weird ass words that make no sense. Division kept becoming driven like 20 times

  • neurodivergence Neurodivergence does Adderall lose potency after a while?
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 year ago 100%

    I notice as a woman my body reacts different to my Adderall depending on my cycle

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is an item below 100 bucks that everyone should own?
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 year ago 100%

    I legit just bought one yesterday lol

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is your deepest desire right now?
  • greatwhitebuffalo41 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 year ago 100%

    To me, it just showed me that I can essentially do whatever I want to make myself happy. Work, not work, hobbies, whatever is right for the moment.

  • nolawns
    No Lawns greatwhitebuffalo41 1 year ago 93%
    Native Grasses

    If you're going to plant grass, make it native to your area, wildlife depends on it.

    No Lawns greatwhitebuffalo41 1 year ago 100%
    No Lawns and Native Plants Resources (request)

    I've seen 2 new awesome resources pop up in the comments this week (I haven't added them to the list yet my personal life is chaos right now). I'd love to know if you guys have come across any other books, websites, videos etc that you find very useful and informative to add to the list. [Here]( is the current list of resources. I'd love to get as many resources as possible outside the US.

    Sims 2 greatwhitebuffalo41 1 year ago 100%
    Love the Sims 2!

    So happy to see a Sims 2 sub!! I'm really hoping to see r/sims2help migrate over here at some point. Chances this community will include the link they have in their wiki to download the game?

    No Lawns greatwhitebuffalo41 1 year ago 100%
    Why native plants?

    [Here's]( another link to Wild Ones explaining why to choose native plants over non natives. What natives do you have growing?

    Reddit Migration greatwhitebuffalo41 1 year ago 100%
    Reddit comments getting reported

    I run a decent sized sub. I've noticed the last few days that all my sticky posts that say where else you can find us are getting mass reported. I usually have like 6 reports a week. I'm getting a report on every post made that gets the sticky all of a sudden. I just took the word "Lemmy" out and we'll see if that changes. Anyone else noticing something similar if you still have an account?

    No Lawns greatwhitebuffalo41 1 year ago 100%
    Live in the US? Wild Ones added a few new garden plans

    Obviously these plans aren't inclusive of the entire US but from what I understand they are working on adding even more garden plans to their list. This can be beneficial if you live in any of these towns and would like to have a list or a plan for natives in your own yard and your don't know where to begin.

    No Lawns greatwhitebuffalo41 1 year ago 100%
    Pleasant Forever Habitat Seed Store

    Just sharing this link since everyone always loves American meadows so much. The only issue I take with them is they sell seed packs that are "native to your area" and some are not. One of our Reddit mods has said he's had great luck with [Pheasant Forever]( as a US based option who focuses on natives for habitat restoration. I've never used them personally but I wanted to drop it as a link since I had never heard of them before.


    How many of you make mead? I made my last small batch for Thanksgiving and I've just gotten caught up with life and other hobbies and forgot it existed until I saw this community.

    No Lawns greatwhitebuffalo41 1 year ago 100%
    Why we shouldn't mow native praries (TikTok link)

    TLDR; killing off native species as well as their food supply and habitats.

    New Communities greatwhitebuffalo41 1 year ago 89%
    TwoXChromosomes has come to Lemmy!

    Let's see if I can get all this link formatting down haha. - [Direct Link]( - [Existing Reddit]( - [Requested link style](/c/ - ! We are not the [Reddit TwoXChromosomes]( but we did see that they did not exist here and all the search results happened to be users looking for it so here it is! If anyone from the Reddit 2x wants to mod, inbox me on reddit or lemmy, same username.

    New Communities greatwhitebuffalo41 1 year ago 93%
    No Lawns has come to Lemmy!

    Let's see if I can get all this link formatting down haha. - [Direct Link]( - [Existing Reddit]( - [Requested link style](/c/ - ! No lawns has over 150k subs on Reddit and we're currently participating in the reddit protest (and will be depending on how our poll goes). I found and wanted to bring another bit of No Lawns over to lemmy. Our main goal is to promote native plants over non natives, create a healthier yard for everyone, and enjoy some pretty flowers.

    No Lawns greatwhitebuffalo41 1 year ago 100%
    [Copy from Reddit May 2023] I am Doug Tallamy, New York Times best seller Nature’s Best Hope, founder of Home Grown National Park, and native plant advocate [Official AMA - Ask Me Anything]

    I am currently a professor in the Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Delaware. I have also authored the New York Times best seller Nature’s Best Hope and I have authored and co-authored additional books such as Bringing Nature Hope, The Living Landscape, and The Nature of Oaks. In addition, I have authored over 100 research publications in my field. I have also founded [Home Grown National Park]( which is a grass roots whos mission is: "To regenerate biodiversity and ecosystem function because every human being on this planet needs diverse highly productive ecosystems to survive." [Here]( is the link to our website with the copy and paste of the AMA and [here]( is the link to the original Reddit AMA. ![](

    No Lawns greatwhitebuffalo41 1 year ago 100%
    Announcement: Sidebar Updated

    Hey all, updated the sidebar description with some links :) I tried to copy the reddit wiki as best I could to a free website so if there's any issues (or continuing the protests) with reddit we still have the information. Edit: Updated sub icon both here and reddit

    No Lawns greatwhitebuffalo41 1 year ago 90%
    Why No Lawns?

    Well why would I want a boring grass mono culture yard? This is basically how no lawns started. Over on Reddit just over 5 years ago I started no lawns after having a fun conversation with u/suuperdad about changing the boring grass lawn into some thing more native and better for the environment. On a whim I created a subreddit for it and we started with a hand full of people and now we're pretty good sized! With the reddit blackout on, we realized this community needed to be bigger than Reddit. We already started a discord and we have an Instagram (although I'm terrible at updating it) we wanted to reach even more spaces. I found slrpnk on accident but, it seemed to really fit with our theme and here we are! We're anti monoculture, pro natives plants and we love a non traditional yard.

    No Lawns greatwhitebuffalo41 1 year ago 100%
    If money and time were not a problem, what would you do to make your dream yard?

    Just as the title asks, what's your dream yard if money and time weren't a concern? Would you have a pond, a prairie, a forest, a food forest or something else?

    No Lawns greatwhitebuffalo41 1 year ago 100%
    No Lawns

    This will become the official NoLawns Lemmy. I just have not uploaded the banner and such due to work. I'll be redirecting the Lemmy reddit link in the wiki to here.
