Tankiejerk graphito 4 weeks ago 93%
Transformation of gun ownership in SU

1. Farmer! Be red, hold a gun 2. Give gun to red soldier, he'll protect you 3. If you don't giveup your gun, you're a traitor 4. Farmers, give bread to revolution! 5. America [brings corn] to the starving of Russia

div0 /0 How to block another instance to curate your Lemmy experience
  • graphito graphito 1 month ago 100%

    Oh no... I cannot block my own instance 😭

  • test test first line
  • graphito graphito 6 months ago 100%

    I see you

  • test test first line
  • graphito graphito 6 months ago 100%

    lemmy updated comment

  • memes Memes That's what she said?
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 25%

    Merry Christmas, bff 😘

  • memes Memes That's what she said?
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 40%

    > *be lil yoggie*

    > *live through collapsing SU*

    > *leave the country*

    > *tell westerners how beautiful SU was*

    > *don't dare to step foot in any other communist country*

  • worldnews World News Russia Falls into Recession - The Moscow Times
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 25%

    sorry to be nitpicky but correct spelling in this case would be "he has came from Russia" or even better "he has migrated from Russia"

  • worldnews World News Russia Falls into Recession - The Moscow Times
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 22%
  • worldnews World News Russian missiles cross into NATO member Poland
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 50%

    nobody is really in a position to tell Russia how to conduct the war

    Heard of international law, sweaty? Somehow even invaders don't wanna see it enforced, grudgingly abiding and spitting nuclear threats.

  • worldnews World News Will US War-for-Profit System Lead to Nuclear Annihilation?
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 27%

    I do not support the use of nuclear weapons

    Including when Russia doing it? Or is there some 4D chess kicking in in that moment?

  • worldnews World News Russia Withdrawing Troops from Kherson (Ukraine)
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 40%

    Now HIMARS can reach Crimean airbases 😉

  • worldnews World News Will US War-for-Profit System Lead to Nuclear Annihilation?
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 44%

    Okay, I'll try that again but slower: do you support using a tactical nuclear weapons on a battlefield?

  • worldnews World News Russia Withdrawing Troops from Kherson (Ukraine)
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 50%

    Basically a very humble posadist with a lot of spare time on one's hands 🤷

  • worldnews World News Will US War-for-Profit System Lead to Nuclear Annihilation?
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 37%

    🤔 I wonder do you consider nukes to be a weapon of "combat battle"?

  • worldnews World News Russia Withdrawing Troops from Kherson (Ukraine)
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 42%

    yeeees-yes-yes, beautiful! Yeah, let me see

    • retaliation is a strategic gain | check!
    • driving away the enemy without a fight is both suffering horrific losses and also doesn't count not a real victory | check-check!
    • dooming the poorest of civilians to frost death without electricity while not affecting the situation on the battlefield is a real victory (oof, I thought you're communist!) | CHECK
    • EU will freeze 😞 | Not check! | did you forget to practice your lines? I thought we've already gone through this all several times!

    Also-also, can you name a situation where you would (hypothetically of course!) acknowledge ukrainian gains? I really would like to have it on the record to show it to you later

  • worldnews World News Russia Withdrawing Troops from Kherson (Ukraine)
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 50%

    And that's it? I've been waiting for so long for you to react to liberation of Kherson and that's the best you came up with?

    My Disappointment Is Immeasurable And My Day Is Ruined

  • worldnews World News Turkey Unlikely to Sign Off on Swedish NATO Bid Before Year-End
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 75%

    Alternative title: Turkey is likely to sign off on Swedish NATO bid in next 2 months

  • arm arm Arm will prohibit the proximity of its CPU and third-party modules in one chip, as well as impose royalties on manufacturers of end devices
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 66%

    nonono, you should say 'shoot yourself in the Arm'

  • usa United States | News & Politics "Progressives" Prefer War in Ukraine Over Diplomacy
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 50%

    nice, this youtuber has even a personal page on RussiaToday


  • askanything Ask Questions Any one else here?
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 100%


    Your hair wants cutting. Why is a raven like a writing-desk?

  • askanything Ask Questions Any one else here?
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 100%


  • worldnews World News Trade between China and Russia jumps to 24.7% for exports and 28.2% for imports compared to 2020 levels.
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 50%

    One post you proclaim problem with environment, another one you celebrate increase of oil import for world's biggest polluter. Cmon man, choose a line

  • artificial_intel AI Within the West, a common theme in sci-fi is that AI will take over and enslave humans. However, within the Chinese context, AI is portrayed as a companion.
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 50%

    you ok, mate? didn\t think it would trigger you that much. Sorry, bro, Let's all have a deep breath and take some break from this spicy convo

  • artificial_intel AI Within the West, a common theme in sci-fi is that AI will take over and enslave humans. However, within the Chinese context, AI is portrayed as a companion.
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 33%

    Dude, it was supposed to be quick and easy dunk on your xenophobia claim. Do you really want me to bring your attention to the well documented problem of antisemitism in USSR?

    If you wanna make your life more miserable just type "antisemitism in USSR" in wikipedia and go hate whoever you usually hate. I want no part in it

  • artificial_intel AI Within the West, a common theme in sci-fi is that AI will take over and enslave humans. However, within the Chinese context, AI is portrayed as a companion.
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 50%

    For real, man, it's not Stalin depicted 😐

    I mean I'm not gonna rub it all in as I don't really want to post tons of antisemitic propaganda and stories how Jewish people had to go into hiding from racial prosecution in USSR. If you wanna deny all that, let it be your own burden to carry, I'm done here

  • artificial_intel AI Within the West, a common theme in sci-fi is that AI will take over and enslave humans. However, within the Chinese context, AI is portrayed as a companion.
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 40%

    A Jewish man?

  • artificial_intel AI Within the West, a common theme in sci-fi is that AI will take over and enslave humans. However, within the Chinese context, AI is portrayed as a companion.
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 50%

    What? Stalin as the devil? It's posters from 1941-42 portraying Jewish as evil. Why do you see every mustache as Stalin's? Do you have some kinda kink on it or what?

  • artificial_intel AI Within the West, a common theme in sci-fi is that AI will take over and enslave humans. However, within the Chinese context, AI is portrayed as a companion.
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 33%

    ::: spoiler There was no xenophobia in USSR :::

  • meta Meta Would it make sense to not federate with lemmy.ml?
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 100%

    Ah yes, shhh, OF COURSE YOU'RE NOT PRO RUSSIA. It's pure coincidence that you talk and walk like a duck... I mean like ivan's TV figurehead. Pure disinformation!

    The fact you've been raised in Russia is completely unrelated to your political stance! You're clearly more sophisticated than that!

    But when the time comes, remember, ~you~ ~owe~ ~me~ ~one,~ ~ok?~

  • meta Meta Would it make sense to not federate with lemmy.ml?
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 100%

    I mean I don't mind getting paid to babysit you. Hopefully one day you'll introduce me to your sponsor from RussiaToday. But for now, I'll have to do that only as a part time gig, sorry 😢

  • memes Memes This is the worst day of the war
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 100%

    Russia chose to hold in Kherson, and to withdraw around Kharkov

    don't mind me, just saving some of your claims for the future when Ivans will "choose" "a gesture of goodwill" again.

    Have you written an explanation for this "regrouping" already? oh nah, let me guess, the city has "no significance", right? yeah, also let's spice it up with "heavy" casualties from UAF, "freezing" europe and the west crumbling aaaaany daaaaay noooow; sounds whataboutist enough? good

  • meta Meta Would it make sense to not federate with lemmy.ml?
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 100%

    so sweet of you to enjoy my company, I always knew we'd get along eventually and now I just cannot leave you all alone by yourself! Best friends forever!

  • meta Meta Would it make sense to not federate with lemmy.ml?
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 80%

    I think a lot of instances (including sopuli) already banned my yoggie buddy. I have to login to lml just to see his posts 😂!

  • meta Meta Would it make sense to not federate with lemmy.ml?
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 100%

    You might like nrsk.no, it doesn't block any instances -- i.e. expects users to filter their feed themselves

  • politicalhumor Political Humor Political Discourse
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 16%

    I just said, the communism is gonna do it for me, you never listen!

    Btw, you Russia come when? Economy stronk, beautiful women, zyuganov is still alive, no more depressing westerners, TV is exactly like your posts, why wait? You gonna miss out

  • politicalhumor Political Humor Political Discourse
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 20%

    Why do anything if communism (4th pane) is gonna come for all us some day?

  • russia Russia Россия According to the World Bank, Russian economy is expected to stabilize in 2024 and grow by 1.6%
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 50%


  • russia Russia Россия According to the World Bank, Russian economy is expected to stabilize in 2024 and grow by 1.6%
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 50%

    Time to come back home, sweety ♥️

  • memes Memes There is no censorship in the west.
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 33%

    Sir, you totally engaged with my point, provided a solution and meanwhile have been very respectful to me. I wish to talk more with you, can we maybe meet up for a cup of coffee some time?

  • memes Memes There is no censorship in the west.
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 33%

    You hurt my feelings! Argh, it hurts so much, I cannot take this any more, my life is over, why do you do this to me?!

  • worldnews World News America’s Chip War With China May Already Be Lost
  • graphito graphito 2 years ago 40%

    Indeed, it doesn't makes sense 😱! you should call CEOs of Samsung/TSMC and tell them that, they certainly have been misinformed but thanks to your better judgement they can still make it!

    Save those capitalists, step-dr.Strange, I'm begging you, they didn't know what they've doing! Show them the love and warmth you showed everyone around you!

  • russia
    Russia Россия graphito 2 years ago 57%
    1 year of service for Russian citizenship www.indiatvnews.com

    For all my comrades out there, opportunity of the lifetime ![](https://i.imgflip.com/140tle.jpg)

    Piracy graphito 2 years ago 100%
    123MOVIES - A platform for watching movies/series online www1.123movies.co

    It's full of ads tho, gotta enable ublock first

    Asklemmy graphito 2 years ago 100%
    Preview entire federated instance while staying on my main one?

    I find it awkward to go to another instance (say lemmygrad.ml) where I'm not registered to figure out if I like it or not. Without logged in profile I cannot participate in the discussion, can't upvote, subscribe to communities. To do all that I need to go to my main instance where I'm signed in and manually type address of a community on another instance. Only after that I can participate in it. So I'd like to preview a federated Lemmy instance or at least list of its communities without leaving Lemmy.ml Can I do that? P.s. I realize I can preview separate communities on federated instance but can I preview the whole instance?
