libertarian Libertarian Discussion Smashing the Western Illusion of Democracy
  • fratermus fratermus 4 days ago 100%

    My guess is this reaction is what happens when community posts show up in All. Communities really need an option to keep posts in house.

  • houseless Living in vans, cars, RVs, etc Interesting interaction with a NF ranger
  • fratermus fratermus 1 week ago 100%

    part of Lincoln National Forest closed due to the the fires near Ruidoso.

    I saw that on the news. Now the burn scars are causing runoff flooding. :-(

    The closure notice described the designated area for closure in such a way it was very hard to understand and visualize

    The NF districts really could do a better job of it. At least have an English major read the GIS wonk's writeup before publishing.

    We moved from Fort Stanton/Snowy River Cave NCA

    That site is a gem; I try to hit it in spring/fall when I pass through. Too bad the cave is closed because of white nose.

    BTW, water fills are free at the nearby paid campsite if one asks the host. Used to be a day use fee for it but they removed that spigot a couple years ago.

  • houseless
    Massive LTVA fee increases for La Posa (Quartzsite) and Imperial Dam

    >> the Business Plan proposes to increase current fees from $180 to $600 per long-term permit, and from $40 to $200 per short-term permit. It would also modify the short-term permit length from 14 days to 30 days There is a comment period for the public.

    houseless Living in vans, cars, RVs, etc Capitan, NM, betting dinner on the weather
  • fratermus fratermus 2 weeks ago 100%

    Sorry to hear it didn't work.

  • houseless
    Interesting interaction with a NF ranger

    I subscribe to the RSS feeds of all the NF/BLM districts I [boondock]( in while [snowbirding]( So I knew that a small section of NF land outside Santa Fe, NM where I was headed next was [closed for a year]( I picked a spot at least a mile outside the "designated area" that was closed. A friendly ranger pulled up this morning and asked how long I'd been here (4 days). He started to gently/professionally inform me the area was closed. I pointed out this spot was outside the designated area. He was skeptical and rechecked the map on his phone. I think he was embarrassed (and thinking of others he might have punted) because he wanted to show me how hard the map was to read on his phone. He also said I was the first person he talked to that had actually read the closure notice. We commiserated a while about the misuse that caused the closure. He was a good guy and I assume he will go back and clarify the situation for anyone else he misinformed. #takeaways - reading the district's announcements can be both directly and indirectly useful - bringing up the NF's official language ("designated area", "dispersed camping") seems help establish rapport

    linux Linux How bad is Ubuntu?
  • fratermus fratermus 2 months ago 100%

    nowadays Mint is Ubuntu with sane default settings that will run out of the box

    There's also an official version of Mint based on Debian (LMDE)

  • dogs Dogs a well wrapped up doggo
  • fratermus fratermus 2 months ago 100%


  • linux Linux What's on your "Everyday Carry" USB stick?
  • fratermus fratermus 2 months ago 100%

    What's on your "Everyday Carry" USB stick?

    • scans of my DL and other licenses
    • scan of my DD214
    • system rescue ISO
    • a TEMP dir with random things I need in the short term
    • portable apps versions of putty, WinSCP, etc.
  • houseless
    bears and batteries, oh my

    ... in which I relate my first wild bear sighting (with crappy pic) & and double the size of my LiFePO4 house battery bank .

  • fratermus fratermus 2 months ago 100%

    If employee vehicles are in danger perhaps the employer (or property owner) could hire a security detail? Might present this as a benefit to them to keep customers from getting scared off by crime?

    I worked at a place in a ratty part of time once. Literal crackheads and prostitutes wandering through our lot. After a couple break-ins the company put up a fence.

  • fratermus fratermus 2 months ago 100%

    people are starting to catch onto my patterns and hover around my vehicle like vultures. Please tell me the best security system you know of.

    A free first step would be to have no observable pattern. And/or leaving that general area if possible.

    I would think about the actual threat model and what I could do about it. If someone steals your doodad with an airtag on it are you going to find it and take it back from them?

  • linux Linux Linux during the mid to late 90s (Windows 95 and 98 era)
  • fratermus fratermus 3 months ago 100%

    Do normal people who don’t do this stuff for a living use Linux now, outside handheld gaming devices?

    I run into folks using linux fairly often in tech hobbies. Ham operators, DIY solar folk, people dorking around with a RasPi, etc. And some Normals who want a lighter experience than Win.

    Last dedicated windows box I ran at home was Windows NT 4, IIRC. Last time I had to use it at work was Win7 (?) before I retired. I do have a Win7 virtual somewhere around here I spin up every couple years to run something obscure I can't get to run in WINE.

  • linux Linux Linux during the mid to late 90s (Windows 95 and 98 era)
  • fratermus fratermus 3 months ago 100%

    Was it mainly a hobbyist thing at the time

    Yes, I'd say so. Lots of tech geeks were playing with it but no Normals. Getting audio running was not always pleasant....

  • houseless Living in vans, cars, RVs, etc Capitan, NM, betting dinner on the weather
  • fratermus fratermus 3 months ago 100%

    I picked up a solar garden light from walmart. I pop the hood and trap the light in the lid so the light is under the hood and the minipanel outside it. I haven't had a problem since then, but it it could be coincidence, or my being more careful scouting for mouseholes before pitching camp.

  • houseless Living in vans, cars, RVs, etc cheap solar panels at Home Depot, with a catch
  • fratermus fratermus 3 months ago 100%

    I put it under a secondary cover and used it for my outside DC outlet, and replaced my external solar panel outlet with a CNLINKO LP-28 2-Pin IP67 Waterproof Connector rated up to 50A.

    That connector looks interesting. It addresses one of my unstated concerns, the panel wires pulling down on the connector. This one looks like it has enough "neck" to relieve the strain. If I were doing the van again I'd mount all the inlets in one place under a secondary cover as you describe.

  • houseless appears to be DOA

    The domain name is up for purchase ($9999.99 according to my registrar), so it looks like it's lost rather than just temporarily parked for a slightly overdue bill. Luckily the site was recently [backed up by the Internet Archive]( and the archived All, gpx, and csv links seem to work.

    solardiy SolarDIY Aliexpress recommendations for mounting 10W Renogy Solar Panel to Roof?
  • fratermus fratermus 3 months ago 100%

    10W? What kind of roof? Residential? RV?

  • linux Linux Linux in the military
  • fratermus fratermus 3 months ago 100%

    When I was in the army the S1 desk jockeys were using dedicated word processors with 8" floppies. Get off my lawn! :-)

  • houseless Living in vans, cars, RVs, etc July 2024 I'll finally be freed from my extortionate Verizon contract, have been aiming for Starlink but...
  • fratermus fratermus 3 months ago 100%

    I have Visible (Verizon MVNO) for $25/month. I put the SIM in an LTE router I got off amazon (open box) for $42.

  • sdfpubnix sdfpubnix Could my 10 year old SDF account still exist?
  • fratermus fratermus 3 months ago 100%

    Could my 10 year old SDF account still exist?

    Mine does. I finally remembered to log back in and there she is...

    Caveat: the hostname had changed; I signed up at IIRC (no longer extant) and now it is on

    I found my notes from ten years ago so I know what my username was

    Another caveat: I think usernames were truncated to 8 chars in that time period. Don't know if that's the case now or not, or if extra chars are thrown away anyhow.

  • houseless
    experiment: $6 quasi-swampcooler from walmart

    >> a swamp cooler and humidifier of this design are doing the same thing: blowing air through a wetted, porous medium. The goals are different (humidification vs cooling) but the mechanism is the same.

    linux Linux Wireguard self hosting - Some tricks I don't see mentioned in too many tutorials
  • fratermus fratermus 4 months ago 100%

    Wireguard self hosting

    I parsed this as Wireguard self-loathing and thought "that's a little harsh". :-)

  • linux Linux What is/was your distrohopping journey?
  • fratermus fratermus 4 months ago 100%

    warning: some non-linux included below

    • minix
    • slackware
    • early Debian
    • FreeBSD (ftp installs instead of 20 floppies! OMG!)
    • Debian
    • Crunchbang <-- loved that original project
    • Solaris (friend gave me a Sparc 5)
    • DSL, Puppy linux (had a tiny netbook)
    • **Debian on workstations and servers since ~2014 **
    • various debian-based distros on RPI

    I do spin up other distros in a VM from time to time to see what's what. Most recently NixOS since people won't STFU about it. :-)

  • dogs Dogs whippets are not high energy dogs
  • fratermus fratermus 4 months ago 100%

    Yeah, they look like horses and act like cats. My grey was the finest doggo I ever had.

  • libertarian Libertarian Discussion Chase Oliver Is the Libertarian Party's Presidential Pick Chase Oliver is the Libertarian Party's Presidential pick
  • fratermus fratermus 4 months ago 100%

    I’m not a fan of the Mises Caucus, so I think this is hilarious.

    Same. the Mises Caucus was to the LP as Trump was to the GOP - a takeover by opportunists.

    I know next to nothing about Chase Oliver

    Seems broadly in line with (pre-Mises Caucus) libertarianism. Definitely more in line with my thinking than anything the D or R parties are putting out.

    being gay and young will certainly set him apart from the old men he’s competing against

    I don't think young and gay necessarily carries intrinsic benefit, but I agree there is some instrumental benefit. It will set him apart as you say, and also will reveal bigots and reactionaries for what they are.

  • houseless Living in vans, cars, RVs, etc cheap solar panels at Home Depot, with a catch
  • fratermus fratermus 4 months ago 100%

    Is there a good online tool for calculating the cosign of solar Zenith

    There are an online calculators like this one from NOAA. This fork adds the ability to update the time with a click rather than manually. There are others but I haven't played with them much.

    Since I travel constantly I've been on casual lookout for an app that does the calcs for us based on local time / position but I haven't seen any. Several apps show the solar zenith angle and we can take the COS of that manually with a calculator with trig functions. The standard android calculator app will do it.

    so I can know how much solar my my panels could be making in ideal conditions?

    Yeah, it's an imperfect tool for our purposes but better than nothing. Combining it with data from a solar irradiance meter would be great but right now I can't justify ~$100 to devote to the cause. :-)

  • houseless
    cheap solar panels at Home Depot, with a catch

    TL:DR: I saw a set of cheap panels with weird specs at Home Depot. I bought some to experiment on and to use as portables to augment my mounted solar. ----- Home Depot is selling 200w of panel for $114. That's $0.57/Watt. Not *amazing* compared to used panels (typically $0.33/Watt) but HD is all over the place and has free ship-to-store. It also comes with mounting brackets and one of those [single-stage PWM controllers]( I'm not bagging on that kind of controller, but it's not a great fit for this particular set of panels. #THE CATCH The panels are a weird design, apparently 24 cells in series. Normal "12v nominal" panels have 36 in series for ~18Vmp. These have a Vmp of 12.0v, so I think we would call them "8v nominal". This makes them practically unusable in parallel for charging lead or LiFePO4. You *could* run the panels in series on the PWM controller since it has a 50v input max and the series Voc would be 30v. But, due to [the way PWM works]( the panels would be running at in the 14v range at the most. This is way, *way* off the 24.0Vmp of the series array. I'd expect a max harvest of ~120w with that kind of setup. If these were normal panels in parallel and on PWM I'd expect a max of ~160w. We can go into the math on that if anyone wants. The **best case scenario** IMO would be to run the panels in series with an MPPT controller. This would get us closer to ~170w max harvest. some other thoughts: - The panels might work well enough in parallel for 3S Li-NMC because of that chemistry's lower voltage - HD has a 10% discount program for veterans if you provide them with a bit of documentation.

    lemmy Lemmy Community Boundaries and the All feed
  • fratermus fratermus 4 months ago 100%

    I’d rather mods who don’t want outside participation to be able to stop their communities from showing in All.

    Agreed. Niche communities can get hammered with downvotes and "I don't want to read this" comments from readers of ALL.

    It's confounding: "show me everything", then "I don't like the content in your niche community". WTF?

  • mildlyinteresting Mildly Interesting The solar panels on top of my campervan have generated 1 megawatt hour of energy as of today
  • fratermus fratermus 5 months ago 100%

    the stove over to induction next. I hate it when the batteries fill back up by 10am and I waste solar meanwhile I am still buying propane for the appliances.

    It's possible. For the 11 months I've been cooking from excess solar power (December is a little short). I still carry propane for heating and a few things that seem to work better over flame.

  • linux Linux What're some of the dumbest things you've done to yourself in Linux?
  • fratermus fratermus 5 months ago 100%

    In the past I've aliased rm to a wrapper that showed PWD and the files to be affected, slept a couple seconds in case I wanted to abort, then shredded smaller files, rm'ed big files, or placed in a Trash dir for certain kinds of files (.conf, .cfg, etc).

    I might try to find or rewrite it.

  • fratermus fratermus 5 months ago 100%

    PDAnet I've tethered a laptop to a phone via usb and bluetooth that way. Nowadays I just run my SIM in an LTE router and share the connection via wifi.

    hide tether usage if possible

    Some solutions involving tweaking TTL.

  • linux Linux What're some of the dumbest things you've done to yourself in Linux?
  • fratermus fratermus 5 months ago 100%

    I have made countless mistakes since the 90s, mostly involving rm. The most recent one was yesterday when I was trying to rm files in a directory with lots of other unrelated files.

    I don't remember the exact failure, but I was shooting for something like rm *lng and typo'ed rm *;ng (those chars are next to each other on the kb). This happily rm'ed * (d'oh!) then errored on the nonexistance ng. :-(

  • houseless
    Capitan, NM, betting dinner on the weather

    ... in which I camped in a spot infested by mule deer, picked up spent brass, and trusted the local forecast enough to do my cooking off solar....

    asklemmy Asklemmy can you help me formulate an answer to a colleague who is not my boss but feels entitled to tell me how I have to work?
  • fratermus fratermus 5 months ago 100%

    "You're not the boss of me" :-)

  • linux Linux Debian spices up APT package manager with a dash of color
  • fratermus fratermus 5 months ago 100%

    Agreed. I haven't read the article yet, but my first thought was "how am I going to turn that off"

  • houseless
    tale of woe: solar troubleshooting

    in which I bumblefsck through figuring out why my solar setup no worky

    asklemmy Asklemmy How do you Lemmings like your tea?
  • fratermus fratermus 5 months ago 100%

    genmai cha, as is

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What's your fave "No thoughts, head empty" music to listen to?
  • fratermus fratermus 5 months ago 100%


    Examples from Eno, the OG: 1/1, An Ending (Ascent)

  • food Food and Cooking Your Coffee Is About to Change, Whether You’re Ready or Not
  • fratermus fratermus 5 months ago 100%

    During periods of short supply and/or increased coffee has been often been replaced or augmented by various other ingredients. For example:

    ... during the American Civil War, Louisianans looked to adding chicory root to their coffee when Union naval blockades cut off the port of New Orleans. With shipments coming to a halt, desperate New Orleanians looking for their coffee fix began mixing things with coffee to stretch out the supply. Acorns or beets (cafe de betterave) also did the trick. Though chicory alone is devoid of the alkaloid that gives you a caffeine buzz, the grounds taste similar and can be sold at a lower rate. -- source

  • asklemmy Asklemmy what does everyone think about piped bot and other bots
  • fratermus fratermus 5 months ago 100%

    What are everyone’s thoughts on bots like piped bot and tdlr bot

    I don't mind them. If I did I'd block them.

  • houseless
    solar harvest during 2024 eclipse

    I was outside the zone of totality, so was still making some power. Notice that panel voltage did not decrease like many think, it does. Vpanel is stable above ~10%-15% insolation, depending on the panel

    Adjusting an IMUSA hotplate with a router speed control

    I did this because the hotplate was a bit more than my offgrid rig could handle comfortably. Been using it at ~500w to very good effect.

    asklemmy Asklemmy What is the most advanced chemistry you've done on your own at home or work?
  • fratermus fratermus 6 months ago 100%

    Closest I've come to Mad Scientist was probably yeast ranching to control costs in homebrewing.

    • sterilize agar media and plates/tubes in poor man's autoclave (pressure coooker) and hood (open oven door and vent fan) - infection rates were surprisingly low with this low-tech approach. I lost maybe 5% of cultures to spurious growth.
    • streak yeast from $$$ pure liquid cultures, grow, store if successful.
    • also experimented with yeast suspensions in sterile distilled water based on a 1930s science journal article from a dude in Africa. The suspensions did better in the heat where agar would just remelt....
    • a few days before needed scrape the streak into a small amount of sterile wort (20ml? on a homemade stirplate (PC fan and HD magnets under an unpended tupperware bowl!), stepping up to pitchable volume coinciding with the batch cooling to pitch temperature....

    It was a lot of fun and instead of one 5gal batch of beer from an exotic $20 yeast sample you could get as many as you wanted. In practice I usually did 5-10 cultures from each pure sample. Could do more than that but there was a limit to how much stuff I could sterilize in my "autoclave" at one time.

    Edited to add: I successfully cultured yeast from hefeweizen, but since what's in the bottle is typically for secondary/priming rather than primary it was only for fun. I had 100% failure trying to harvest wild yeast from the air or sampled from fruit skins. I couldn't isolate the yeast from other critters.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What’s the worst car you’ve ever driven?
  • fratermus fratermus 6 months ago 100%

    I have driven and found joy in many cars: Pinto, beetle, 2CV, original 500s, 1940s Ford tractors, beater pickups including a 1949 International, HMMWV, etc. Mopeds (like 1970s Puch), ratty motorcycles. They all make me giggly.

    I had to think a few minutes about one that was just terrible, no redeeming points I could find: first (north american) gen Hyunda Excel What a soul-sucking turd.

  • linux Linux Vim prank: alias vim='vim -y'
  • fratermus fratermus 6 months ago 100%

    Can't find it now, but someone once made a vi [gVim?} version with a Clippy-style helper: "I see you've pressed ESC. Would you like to...."

  • asklemmy Asklemmy what are the advantages and disadvantages of working in a mostly male/female environment?
  • fratermus fratermus 6 months ago 100%

    Main advantage I've found in unmixed workgroups is less (no) fighting over the thermostat

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Do you organize the order of your groceries in the checkout line?
  • fratermus fratermus 6 months ago 100%

    My only hard rule is refrigerated/frozen items together so I can handle that bag first when I put groceries up.

  • atheism Atheism UK: Muslim cleric likens Oct. 7 jihad massacre to Jews breaking out of Nazi concentration camps
  • fratermus fratermus 6 months ago 100%
  • houseless Living in vans, cars, RVs, etc Nomad tip: have accounts at more than just one bank
  • fratermus fratermus 6 months ago 100%

    Agreed. I normally have cash but I knew this check was coming in so I delayed taking a distribution from my retirement account. Bit me in the butt... :-(

  • houseless
    Nomad tip: have accounts at more than just one bank

    This is probably worth considering in general, but dealing with financial lockouts on the road is a particular kind of dumpster fire. TL:DR: I deposited a check and things went weird (not an NSF scenario). My bank got spooked and locked not just that one account but all of my access for two weeks. I scrambled to open new accounts elsewhere and move direct deposits over. Soon (like 12 hours) after completion my bank said "oopsie!" and restored my access to the accounts this morning. Having pre-existing accounts at other locations would have been stressful because one institution could not bogart my funds.

    asklemmy Asklemmy Is it a good idea to let a 16 yrs old use an AI assistant .i.e. chatgpt?
  • fratermus fratermus 6 months ago 100%

    Like any other automated tool, I'd want them to master the manual skills first.

    With math and calculators first we show we can do it longhand then get the calc. Show you can search and assess sources first then incorporate AI.

  • houseless
    (Nevada) Community advocates decry ‘twisted logic’ of new Sparks ordinance prohibiting car camping

    > ... up to six months in jail and a $1,000 fine. Yay. BTW, I keep track of laws like this in [this RVwiki article](

    installed an Aili-style battery monitor yesterday

    Like an idjit I smoked my old shunt by shorting it while moving stuff around. I eventually replaced it with the Aili type. It works fine, but I don't like how the data is presented. Totally my fault, I saw what the display looked like when I bought it. Grrr......

    New Florida initiative may ban RV stealth campers

    > House Bill 1365 was filed in January. It prohibits camping or sleeping on public property without a permit. The bill would give local municipalities the power to designate specific areas for sleeping or camping. Such properties must have restrooms, running water, security, and access to health care for mental and physical health. Also under the provision the specified areas may not negatively impact local businesses. [Here]( is the info if you want to follow along

    2023 vanlife in review

    > This year was more tumultuous than usual. A couple things were literal once in a lifetime events.

    Living in vans, cars, RVs, etc fratermus 10 months ago 100%
    October according to Google, appointment 3/4, 3qt crockpot

    >> [I found a] 3qt crockpot to replace the 2qt and 4qt. Back to my original setup. The Crockpot 3120 is rated at 75w/150w and I measured it at 69w/134w.

    Living in vans, cars, RVs, etc fratermus 10 months ago 100%
    Made it to El Paso; terrible day of solar

    >>I believed the forecast, which said it would be partly cloudy. In reality it was overcast all day, no blue sky at all. It was lightly raining most of the time. Pic to the right (PF parking lot) shows how low the cloud cover was. Clouds were obscuring the top of the nearby Franklin Mountains.

    Living in vans, cars, RVs, etc fratermus 11 months ago 100%
    last gasp of summer heat, cleaning the solar panels

    > I noticed the panels were unusually filthy. An excellent opportunity for an experiment! I dug out the ladder, put the pushbroom head on the multi-purpose stick, and found a suitable terrycloth hand towel...

    Living in vans, cars, RVs, etc fratermus 11 months ago 100%
    winter plans

    including a prediction that I will need to use shore power for the first time in over 5 years :-\

    Living in vans, cars, RVs, etc fratermus 11 months ago 100%
    two years with lithium

    > I just realized it’s been two years since I installed the LiFePO4. No regrets.

    Living in vans, cars, RVs, etc fratermus 11 months ago 100%
    2023 annular eclipse vs solar harvest

    > Just before the eclipse started (0913 local) the system was making 260w.... “first contact” began and the MPPT algo started thrashing around... at full annularity (1037 local) it was making only 26w. This lines up with the prediction of “89.6% obscuration”.

    Living in vans, cars, RVs, etc fratermus 11 months ago 100%
    pancakes (vancakes?) w/honeycrisp and pear chutney

    I recently bought some closeout honeycrisp apples and bosch pears and ate most of them. I had one of each left over and decided to skin each and cook them down with a bit of cinnamon and lime juice. Then I decided I'd make pancakes the next morning to make use of it. I cooked down the fruit on the [300w lab hotplate]( Tried to use it for the pancakes in the *naan* pan but the 4" head was too hot in center. Tried to use a flame diffiuser but 300w wasn't enough grunt to get through that. So I ended up cooking the pancakes over a single-burner propane stove. They tasted better than they looked. :-) - [cooking down the fruit]( - [pancake]( - [pancake recipe](

    Living in vans, cars, RVs, etc fratermus 11 months ago 100%
    September according to google, final bill for Sept, back to NF boondocking

    > I found a tennis ball in a park in SF, and figured it’d make a good aromatic medium for the peppermint oil I bought to repel mousemonsters. I cut it into quarters with a utility knife. > I applied peppermint oil to each fuzzy surface and mounted one under the hood and one on the floorboard near where I saw mice enter.

    Living in vans, cars, RVs, etc fratermus 12 months ago 100%
    observations from my last 20 runs direct-charging LiFePO4 from alternator

    [I've noted before]( that when I stealth camp in cities my charging percentage from alternator increases from ~5% to ~10% of total production. The increase isn't needed (solar could cover it) but the alt gets a chance to play. Since I am moving at least twice a day (3x with PF showers) I've had an opportunity to record a higher frequency of engine starts and LFP bank acceptance. The setup: * 180A alternator that typically runs at 14.2v * Battery Doctor [VSR]( setup left over from my previous FLA bank * 150Ah 12v LFP bank * SoC and voltage measurements below taken from BMS before engine start * current measurements taken from BMS though it agrees with shunted battery monitor. (I can see the BMS via bluetooth from the driver's seat but I can't see the monitor) * solar contribution and loads ranged widely, leading to variance. Over the last ~20 runs, the average state of charge was 72%, bank voltage 13.20v, charge acceptance 0.183C (27.39A) ``` SoC Vbatt C A 60 13.07 0.245 36.75 72 13.15 0.130 19.50 69 13.13 0.120 18.00 27 12.95 0.270 40.50 80 13.29 0.150 22.50 80 13.27 0.240 36.00 81 13.30 0.170 25.50 77 13.22 0.165 24.75 39 13.03 0.260 39.00 95 13.30 0.115 17.25 48 13.06 0.235 35.25 86 13.56 0.120 18.00 90 13.25 0.220 33.00 90 13.26 0.165 24.75 62 13.08 0.240 36.00 92 13.27 0.084 12.60 92 13.27 0.090 13.50 58 13.07 0.235 35.25 89 13.26 0.140 21.00 84 13.26 0.215 32.25 49 13.07 0.225 33.75 ``` Given average charge acceptance of 27.39A, the obvious comparison here is to a 30A DC-DC like the Orion-TR. The DC-DC would have a much more stable charge rate, typically ~30A except late in the charging process when acceptance at Vabs tapers.

    Living in vans, cars, RVs, etc fratermus 12 months ago 100%
    LiFePO4 float voltage experiments

    > Charge to ~100% SoC then allow the system to settle back to the quasi-float voltage... Final measurements taken when the sun had gone down enough that solar could no longer hold Vfloat.

    Living in vans, cars, RVs, etc fratermus 12 months ago 100%
    vinegaroon, relo logistics, DIY wiring protection

    my first vinagaroon IRL and *I did not like it*. Also a tarantula, but that was much less freaky.

    August according to google. Finished errands in town.

    > I have a prescription from the VA coming in, and an Amazon order in the queue. I’ll try to time everything arriving in 14d so I can collect everything, get a shower at PF, etc

    cold front allows me to come down off the mountain

    > Heavy rain was forecast in Los Alamos for the next few days (and lighter for the next week). Highs in the 60s. I needed to move (14d) so I could either scout a location within acceptable distance or chance going into Santa Fe.

    13-day reprovisioning

    > You know the locals are well-paid when you see a Ferarri at the grocery store.

    van cooking: cheddar drop biscuits

    Made some cheddar biscuits in a sandwich press; yummy! Normally the dog is in the pics looking at the food but she was still [busy on cleanup duty]( recipe in blog link

    field repair (van in limp mode)

    > The spot was lovely but had mice. I trapped them but they kept coming. By the time I decided to relo it was too late; they had chewed into the wiring harness...

    reprovisioning in the town Oppenheimer built

    >> Last night I watched Oppenheier. I took Muffin out for a break afterwards and could see the lights from Los Alamos, the town Oppie built for Project Y.

    "five blends for life"

    I saw some pipe vids on YT talking about which 5 you'd choose if that's all you could smoke. This week my answer would be: - Balkan: C&amp;D Star of the East, H&amp;H Marquee Magnum Opus, Sutliffe English Oriental Supreme - Codger: Sir Walter Raleigh - Aromatic: C&amp;D Epiphany

    5 year vanniversary

    > I moved into the campervan on Aug 18th, 2018 and headed off to the job I transferred to in El Paso. I hadn’t planned on moving into the van FT until 2028 when I retired but everything fell into place ahead of schedule.

    PSA for boondockers: plan to be emplaced before the Saturday, Oct 14th eclipse

    Not only is it [a weekend](, but the so-called "Ring of Fire" eclipse will be visible from states where boondocking is common: >> The narrow path of annularity begins in Oregon and crosses Northern California, Nevada, Utah, northeastern Arizona, southwestern Colorado, New Mexico and Texas - [livescience]( Be prepared for a deluge of casual campers looking for spots from which to ~~burn their eyes out~~ watch the eclipse.

    rain, actually

    ... in which the high pressure dome moves off New Mexico so the monsoon weather can approach on little cat feet. Musings on relocating in mud, water provisions, and a wiley coyote
