news World News France bans all pro-Palestinian demonstrations
  • emma emma 11 months ago 100%

    Someone died because of the Day of Rage. Apologies for my error. But go on, make sure we all know he was a great Catholic. Cause you know, if he'd been Jewish, there would be plenty on the platform making justifications for it.

  • chat Chat how's your week going, Beehaw
  • emma emma 11 months ago 100%

    This place no longer feels safe for me.

  • chat Chat how's your week going, Beehaw
  • emma emma 11 months ago 100%

    i'm a Jew. tonight i am finally able to cry.

  • news World News France bans all pro-Palestinian demonstrations
  • emma emma 11 months ago 90%

    A Jewish teacher was killed by her student in France today because of Hamas' call for a "Day of Rage".

  • news World News Ex-Human Rights Watch chief - Israel violating humanitarian law in Gaza
  • emma emma 11 months ago 100%

    Egypt took Gaza in the '48 war, built camps and put Palestinians (then called Arabs, the word "Palestinian" still most often referred to Jews) in them. Nobody much cared until Israel took the territory in the Six Day War and Egypt refused to take it back after.

    Likewise Jordan annexed West Bank, built its camps, put Palestinians in them and held it until '67. Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt all built camps for Palestinians WITHIN their own borders and refused to assimilate them or allow them to become citizens. They used Palestinians as pawns in their quest to eliminate the infidel state. It didn't work. No one much cared unless the pawns can be used against Israel.

    Palestinians who remained in Israel are now citizens with voting rights etc. Israel didn't chuck them in camps like their neighbours did.

    The camps are now cities by the way. But no one calls them that, cause "camps" is better to use against Israel.

  • news World News Few Good Options as Israel Weighs a Ground Assault on the Gaza Strip
  • emma emma 11 months ago 100%

    Who the fuck said anything about neglecting security and being naive?<

    Of course precautions would be taken. Short of going in with significant military protection, it wouldn't be enough. Hell, going in WITH significant military protection still wouldn't be enough amongst people who believe in martyrdom and jihad. Israel going in with military protection wouldn't be seen as a safety measure, it would be seen as provocation. Folks like you would be ranting against Israel for doing so and claiming that the deaths of the construction workers was justified cause, you know, Israel.

    You're the one who's naive if you hadn't thought that through.

    No. That’s an excuse to avoid being creative and if you’d reflect about it you’d see it. It’s social conditioning saying “we’re the victims, always”.<

    I have reflected on this a great deal. My position is considered, informed and grounded in a very unfortunate reality I wish was different. I've not said that Israelis are the victims, always. You've not understood if you think that. Recognising the agency of Hamas, other militant groups and the infrastructure which supports them in and outside of Gaza is very different.

    Don’t be complicit in that.

    How little you've comprehended if you think that I am.

    I don't have a plan for the future. Hamas and the other militant groups aren't going to recede any time soon. Quite the opposite now, they will be emboldened by their 'success' in brutalising Israelis. Israel can't attack Gaza hard enough to eliminate the militants. If Israel does less, it will be perceived by militants as a sign of weakness in Israel and continued evidence, not of Israel being strong or any other good quality, but of what the militants forced them to do. If Israel does less, the militants will do more.

    It's an impossible situation. I don't have an answer. I do know that continuing to blame the entirety of blame and responsibility of Israel doesn't move us closer to any sort of resolution.

  • news World News Few Good Options as Israel Weighs a Ground Assault on the Gaza Strip
  • emma emma 11 months ago 100%

    No. You've been wrong on so many points, including your assessments of me.

    Your blockade comment above shows your lack of understanding of what I've written. This week's atrocities from Hamas are the undeniable evidence of what the blockade had previously prevented. Very different. The blockade only exists because it is necessary to reduce Palestinian militants' ability to slaughter Israelis. Some of those militants have shown you in undeniable terms how barbarously far they will go. That you were unaware of their intentions before Saturday doesn't mean they sprang into being recently.

    Yeah, you're continuing to be clouded by emotion. I'll stand by that.

  • news World News Few Good Options as Israel Weighs a Ground Assault on the Gaza Strip
  • emma emma 11 months ago 100%

    Peace has never been the goal for Israel, it’s about colonization and genocide. They have no interest in ever living alongside Palestinians<


    They’re never going to draw any distinction between Hamas and the people of Palestine<


    Israel either needs to leave occupied territory and remove all their settlers from Gaza<

    ALL Israeli settlers WERE removed from Gaza in 2005. That's a really big mistake to make. Can't say I'm surprised though given how many other errors you're making here.

    This is Israel’s responsibility because, as we see, they have all the true territorial and military power here. Palestinians have none.<

    WRONG. Palestinian extremists hold the most important card. And before them Arab extremists and the armies of Arab nations which refused to recognise the state of Israel. Unilateral withdrawal from Gaza didn't bring peace. Nothing has. This crap that it's entirely within Israel's power ignores this reality. You have the luxury and safety to remain in that ignorance. Israelis don't.

  • news World News Few Good Options as Israel Weighs a Ground Assault on the Gaza Strip
  • emma emma 11 months ago 100%

    practically all of the balls that can be played towards de-escalation are in your court.... “who is in a better position to end this”<

    Hamas and all of the other extremist militant groups have the crucial ball though. They're the ones who are in the only position to end this. No country alone can make peace when their enemy refuses to. That refusal is the ball that Hamas holds, the ball that Palestinian militants held before Israel existed as a modern state, the ball that Arab militants held when the word "Palestinian" most often referred to Jews.

    This crap about Israel holding "all the power", it's just not true.

    I could rant to you about Fatah corruption but what good would that do.<

    It's something we could agree on, you know. Not sure why you wrote this? Do you think I'm unaware of it or how it contributed to the election of Hamas in 2006? I lose count of how many years into his four year term Abbas is, working on 19 years now I think. We could talk about how much current violence in the West Bank is Hamas trying to undermine Fatah there and gain power for themselves.

    “We’re going to donate concrete but because of Hamas we’re going to do the pouring, tell us where you want those houses<

    If only it were that simple. Hey, let's present Hamas with official Israeli workers to kidnap and kill. What could possibly go wrong? 🤦

    If only it were that simple holds for the rest of your propositions. If only.

  • news World News Few Good Options as Israel Weighs a Ground Assault on the Gaza Strip
  • emma emma 11 months ago 100%

    My mistake, I was listing numbers off the top of my head and was admittedly overzealous, as happens in online discourse, and yes it was by multiple orders of magnitude. I will concede on this.<

    That was an straightforward bit of overzealotry to demonstrate. You're far from the only one who does it, it's VERY common and abetted by a significant disinformation system. You get caught up in emotions, exaggerate - here by 495,000!!! - and use that as if it were justification and substantiation of your arguments. Other people do it too, and you'll have been persuaded by those exaggerations. The internet makes it worse but it's been going for longer than Israel has existed as a modern state.

    The Gaza strip is the world’s largest open-air prison, due to Israel’s blockade<

    How many times do I have to write this before it gets through? The blockade is entirely due to militants (Hamas and all of the other groups, with a collective history going back to the Ottoman Empire) and the terrorism they bring to rid the entire land of infidels/Jews and enact sharia law. Yes, the blockade sucks. Yes, it hurts civilians. Perhaps you haven't heard or seen what Hamas actually did - a level of barbarism Israel has NEVER done - beheading babies, raping dozens of women, parading their bodies through the streets, do I have to go on with this sickening list for you to recognise the depth of atrocities committed? They fucking beheaded babies. But the information is out there now. Trying to prevent this is why there is a blockade.

    So tell me, if you’re not justifying the complete slaughter of all Palestinians in the region, what are you arguing for? If you’re not advocating ethnic cleansing, what is it you’re advocating for?<

    Recognition of Hamas' agency in this. Recognition of militants' agency in this. Recognition of non-combatant Palestinian extremists' agency in this. Recognition of other Muslim agency in this. Recognition that every de-escalation by Israel has been used by militants, not to build Palestine but to regroup and rearm. Recognition that Israel cannot fix this unilaterally and that there is no one for Israel to negotiate peace with.

    Why wouldn’t you at least keep quiet so you can play the role of a complicit bystander, rather than speak up and become an avid advocate?<

    And we come full circle in your post, where you start by recognising your overzealousness in getting the number of Palestinian deaths you're accusing off so enormously, egregiously wrong, to you overzealously accusing me of this enormously, egregiously wrong sort of crap.

    Your emotions have run away with you. However justified in those emotions you might feel, they're leading you to thoroughly unjustifiable errors.

  • news World News France bans all pro-Palestinian demonstrations
  • emma emma 11 months ago 88%

    What a bizarre and unfounded leap. Your assertion is completely and entirely false.

  • news World News France bans all pro-Palestinian demonstrations
  • emma emma 11 months ago 95%

    Jewish schools in Europe are closed today. Synagogues and other places where Jews gather have been evaluating the risk they face and acting as they need to. Some might say that the claims Hamas has called for a "Day of Rage" today are internet rumours but we have to take them seriously because the consequences of failing to are so severe.

    There will be calls for jihad against Jews. There always are. As emboldened as militants and wanna-bes are by Hamas', as they see it, success in killing Jews (and yes, I chose that designation specifically and intentionally) last weekend, it won't be different now. There have been and will be calls for jihad against us.

    When Palestine attacks Israel, antisemitic violence around the world increases. When Israel attacks Palestine, antisemitic violence around the world increases. This is what diaspora Jews live with.

    Bomb threats on diaspora Jewish organisations started last Saturday. Diaspora Jews have been on high alert all week.

    The majority of people at those demonstrations will be peaceful. But some won't. Some will use the gatherings to foment violence against diaspora Jews. There's no right answer in this. If you're affected and chaffing at the denial of your right to shout in numbers, please consider that this ban will very likely save lives, especially in France. Please don't dismiss this just because those lives are diaspora Jews and you don't much care about us.

    Edit: Notices the number of people who have convinced themselves that putting French Jews in danger is alright, cause you know, Palestine. Terror attacks against Jews in France is a thing, you know. Done in the name of freeing Palestine, as if French Jews had the power to change anything in another country.

  • news World News France bans all pro-Palestinian demonstrations
  • emma emma 11 months ago 100%

    You've seen in unarguable terms how little Hamas cares for life. They'll exploit the suffering and deaths of Gazans in their war against Israel. How can you possibly continue to think Gazans are able to "speak up" against Hamas after what you've seen Hamas do?

  • news World News Few Good Options as Israel Weighs a Ground Assault on the Gaza Strip
  • emma emma 11 months ago 100%

    Wherever you got that 500k number from, get rid of that as a source. It is wrong by several orders of magnitude. Since 2010 it's 4,882.

    Which of course is still 4,882 too many.

    The only ethnic cleansing in Gaza was when all Jews were removed in 2005. It is not being ethnically cleansed of Gazans. I am not "justifying ethnic cleansing" in talking about the role Palestinian militants play in these deaths.

    What I am trying to get through here is that Palestinian militants are complicit in and exploit these deaths because - until the barbaric rampage last Saturday - these deaths have the militants' most effective weapon against Israel. They provoke Israel, Israel responds, civilians die, militants continue. When they take a break from provoking, Israel stops too. This is consistent. It's observable over and over and over again, except it doesn't become news until Israel responds.

    Hamas' provocation last weekend was so extreme the world sat up and noticed. Israel is responding. It's the same pattern. You've now seen it yourself. It is still true that if Palestine lays down their weapons, there will be no more war; but if Israel lays down theirs, there will be no more Israel.

    So back to my question to you, how do you propose to contain Hamas without harming civilians?

    If you don't have an answer, don't fall back on your old IsraelBad tropes or attacks on me. Recognise that it is an impossible line for anyone to walk. Hamas, who very intentionally embed themselves in civilian centres for the precise reason that attacking them means killing civilians, cannot be contained without harming civilians. That's not justifying or excusing their deaths at all. I am recognising the reality on the ground which must be dealt with.

  • news World News Few Good Options as Israel Weighs a Ground Assault on the Gaza Strip
  • emma emma 11 months ago 100%

    You've made up a whole hell of a lot that I DIDN'T SAY.

    So you're way to counter an impossible situation peacefully is to make up crap about me, list things Israel's done and hasn't done (cause some of what you're citing is jihadi propaganda and make up complete shite about genocide. Yes Israel could wipe Gaza out entirely. They haven't.

    They haven't.

    Israel is in an impossible situation. They contribute to it, but they didn't create it. ISRAEL CANNOT SOLVE IT ALONE. Any attempt to do so is considered by Palestinian militants a sign of weakness to be exploited. That's the reality. Deal with it.

    But oh no, put all the fucking blame on Israel for not managing to walk an impossible line in an impossible situation.

  • news World News Few Good Options as Israel Weighs a Ground Assault on the Gaza Strip
  • emma emma 11 months ago 100%

    Yep. It's a double edged sword. It sucks. Absolutely sucks.

    It also feeds militant goals for war and chaos and hampers everyone's efforts towards peace. It's an impossible line for Israel to walk. But you all would rather blame Israel than the militants 🤦

    Oh fucking hell. Anything to hang Arab militancy - which has existed since before Israel re-emerged as a modern state - on Israel, eh?

    So PRECISELY how does Israel starve Hamas, PIJ, Muslim Brotherhood, and that long history of anti-Jewish militancy? Stop existing? Jump into the sea? That would do it, if the land were finally Judenrein 🙄. Gazans in general might be open to a real resolution to the conflict which accepts the existence of Israel as a Jewish state but their leadership isn't. How do we remove dictators like Hamas from power? They're not going to go of their own accord. Israel showing perceived weakness emboldens them. Israel taking steps to reduce terrorism is condemned. It's an impossible situation and Palestinian militancy thrives on it.

    Don't give me meaningless platitudes that are nothing more than substance-free word play. Deal with the complexity of the reality.

  • news World News Few Good Options as Israel Weighs a Ground Assault on the Gaza Strip
  • emma emma 11 months ago 100%

    Yeah, it's pretty shitty inside Gaza for some people. (There are also luxury shopping malls and much wealth. Vloggers share that part of it on Arabic-language social media, quite different from the idea of universal poverty presented on European-language social media.)

    Israel can't force the PA or Hamas to distribute aid money evenly. They can't force Hamas to run the Gazan economy better. Israel does not have all the power here.

    Militants use the concrete to build underground bunkers for themselves and tunnels into Israel. If they didn't do that, there wouldn't be a restriction on the amount of concrete allowed in. Israel isn't limiting it to be cruel or pissy. Every restriction is an attempt to reduce violence and terrorism.

    When militants destroy infrastructure for bringing electricity, water and other supplies in, Israel rebuilds it. The siege is horrible. I do not deny that at all. But Hamas only listens to force. Signs of perceived weakness (including Israel's unilateral withdrawal from Gaza in 2005) are taken as a signal to increase attacks, that the infidel opponent is weak and can be destroyed. Hamas is so emboldened by what they "achieved" Saturday, of how weak they made Israel, they're not going to stop until they are forced to. Why is this aspect of their militancy so hard for westerners to see?

    Israel has to show itself as stronger than Hamas. Absorbing the losses without offensive reaction will lead to more and more and more death and violence. If only this weren't the case, but Israel has to deal with the reality of militant thinking. They don't have the luxury of internet sophistry like we do. I don't know how anyone could possibly handle this in terms Hamas, PIJ, Muslim Brotherhood, Iran et al will understand which also keeps civilian Gazans safe.

    That, and it is an absolute tragedy, is part of how the militants work. They will sacrifice civilians, celebrate them as martyrs and exploit their deaths and suffering as part of their war to eradicate Israel and bring the entirety of the land - river to sea, not just Gaza, not just West Bank - under sharia law.

    Their role in all of this MUST be understood.

  • news World News Few Good Options as Israel Weighs a Ground Assault on the Gaza Strip
  • emma emma 11 months ago 100%

    So you don't grasp WHY the blockades are in place then? How graphic do I need to get in explaining that they are there to reduce terrorist incursions into Israel and to reduce militants' missile capability. You have seen what militants do when they breach that border, and yet you want that border open?!?!?

    Israel's withdrawal from Gaza in 2005 wasn't an empty gesture. It was a unilateral move towards peace which was violently rejected by Gazans. That part of it doesn't fit your IsraelBad narrative but it's vital to understanding the full picture. You have the luxury of ignoring it. You will still be safe. Israelis don't have that luxury. Palestinian terrorists make sure they can't forget.

    Do you honestly think Hamas and the other militant groups have no power in this at all? Ok, so maybe you aren't aware of how shitty Hamas is in running Gaza, how much aid money Hamas' leadership skims off for their own wealth, how they keep some Gazans in poverty so they can be exploited in anti-Israel PR, their whole cult of martyrdom and jihad.

    But now you've seen how little Hamas cares for human lives. You cannot deny the immense ruthless barbarity of their actions Saturday. They will sacrifice Gazan lives too, because, until the slaughtering rampage last weekend, that is and always has been their most effective weapon against Israel. Hamas, PIJ, Muslim Brotherhood, they will sacrifice civilian Gazans, celebrate them as martyrs and keep on doing it.

    How the eff do you counter that peacefully? Please tell me, cause I would love to know.

  • news World News Few Good Options as Israel Weighs a Ground Assault on the Gaza Strip
  • emma emma 11 months ago 100%

    It would be so lovely if it were possible to open up Gaza whilst still containing Hamas. Do you have a proposal for how to do that? Don't forget the containing Hamas part. You might not want to accept it but you've seen what Hamas will do if they have free access to Israel.

  • news World News Few Good Options as Israel Weighs a Ground Assault on the Gaza Strip
  • emma emma 11 months ago 100%

    We've all seen what happens when Hamas breaches the border now. That's why the border and checkpoints are there.

    Israel's unilateral withdrawal from Gaza in 2005 wasn't an "empty political gesture". Far from it. So far from it.

    It was met by violence. It was met by the rise of Hamas.

    And now that Hamas have told you very clearly exactly who they are, believe them. I know you won't listen to Jews, so look at the utter barbarity and scale of the atrocities Hamas carried out. Look at that honestly and listen to what Hamas is telling all of us about who they are.

    Can you do that and still maintain they should have free run of Israel? They slaughtered 260 kids at a music festival for peace. Their charter calls for the slaughter of Jews OUTSIDE of Israel as well as within. And you want Israel to give them open access so they can fulfill it?

  • technology Technology I totally forgot how terrible a non-ad-free YouTube experience is
  • emma emma 11 months ago 100%

    i've only found k-drama communities on lemmy and it seems like they're all abandoned. i know several k-fanatics on mastodon, some hardcore c-drama folk and 3 other thai fans. i don't know if lemmy plays well with the more twitter-like parts of the fediverse but i can introduce you there if you have an account. i think we can DM on here?

  • news World News Few Good Options as Israel Weighs a Ground Assault on the Gaza Strip
  • emma emma 11 months ago 95%

    Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza in 2005. Olmert was working on a plan to withdraw from West Bank next.

    If militant Palestinian leadership were willing to live in peace with Israel there would be peace. They've refused so many opportunities to become their own independent state because it requires allowing Israel to also exist in peace.

  • technology Technology I totally forgot how terrible a non-ad-free YouTube experience is
  • emma emma 11 months ago 100%

    Use Piped as a front end for y--t---. It's open source & non-tracking, but views still count. The creator is active on the fedi too.

    Individual servers sometimes go off line or lose quality when they're rate limited. Just try a different server when that happens. If the one you're using at the time shows ads and there are too many, check preferences to turn them off.

    (My addiction is Thai. Also watch some c- and k- too.)

  • news World News U.S. is sending a carrier strike group closer to Israel and will begin supplying munitions starting today
  • emma emma 12 months ago 100%

    Proportionally, when the death toll was at 700, that was already EIGHT TIMES the percentage of population as 9/11. In US terms, the equivalent would be 25,000 deaths through terrorism in a single day. (Source: The News Agents podcast)

    Six hours ago the death toll was reported as over 1000 in Israel.

  • news World News U.S. is sending a carrier strike group closer to Israel and will begin supplying munitions starting today
  • emma emma 12 months ago 100%

    You mean the same report which also talks about arms coming into Gaza via Sudan? But yes, Gaza militants fire so many rockets and missiles at Israel they have to make their own in addition. This smuggling includes key components. And yes, Iran's contributions are far bigger than smuggling in arms. My bad for not including a full list 🙄

    None of this changes the fact that it is a proxy war with Iran.

  • news World News U.S. is sending a carrier strike group closer to Israel and will begin supplying munitions starting today
  • emma emma 12 months ago 100%

    LOL. No. Jihad against Jews existed long before Hamas become an organisation for a small part of it. Your grasp of both history and current events isn't anywhere near as solid as you seem to think it is. The gap in your logic and knowledge here is a chasm.

  • news World News U.S. is sending a carrier strike group closer to Israel and will begin supplying munitions starting today
  • emma emma 12 months ago 100%

    Oh you truly do not understand the situation with Palestine if you think it's worse than Xinjiang. Would probably be good to reconsider your "sources" for this, someone's misleading you badly.

  • news World News U.S. is sending a carrier strike group closer to Israel and will begin supplying munitions starting today
  • emma emma 12 months ago 100%

    Are you naive enough to think Hamas is open to a peaceful solution? Their f-ing charter calls for slaughtering Jews OUTSIDE of Israel as well as annihilating those inside.

    No peaceful solution is currently possible. There isn't any solution at all right now.

    If it weren't for the blockade and the security fence, the horrors of Saturday's massacres would be standard. Hamas shows you exactly who they are and you're blaming Israel for taking necessary measures to reduce terrorism? Israel isn't perfect but my word, understand who Hamas are and how much responsibility they have for conditions in Gaza.

  • news World News U.S. is sending a carrier strike group closer to Israel and will begin supplying munitions starting today
  • emma emma 12 months ago 100%

    Israel is such a small country that the percentage of population killed in these attacks is greater than the percentage of the US population killed in 9/11. Everyone knows someone who was killed, kidnapped or injured.

    So yeah, 9/11 has some accuracy as a metaphor.

  • news World News U.S. is sending a carrier strike group closer to Israel and will begin supplying munitions starting today
  • emma emma 12 months ago 100%

    I'm countering the way you downplayed Hamas' resources. You keep doing this which leads to sloppy opinions. Especially so if you truly are aware of the resources Iran puts into their proxy wars.

    The PRESENCE (not necessarily use) of additional weapons NOW is geo-political message to Iran to de-escalate, that the US will respond in some way. Iran will hear it even if you can't, we'll see what they do.

  • news World News U.S. is sending a carrier strike group closer to Israel and will begin supplying munitions starting today
  • emma emma 12 months ago 100%

    False equivalence from you there. Oh so false. I'm pointing out some of the flaws in your thinking. Don't downplay Hamas' resources.

  • news World News U.S. is sending a carrier strike group closer to Israel and will begin supplying munitions starting today
  • emma emma 12 months ago 100%

    Hamas is the second richest terror organisation. Funding from Iran but they also grift 13% of all aid money going into Gaza via charges for currency conversion. "Not for resale" aid food products are routinely sold for profit in Gaza.

    Hamas routinely chooses military spending over social spending. It's always been their way.

  • news World News U.S. is sending a carrier strike group closer to Israel and will begin supplying munitions starting today
  • emma emma 12 months ago 100%

    This IS a proxy war from Iran.

    Iran will give Hamas and other militant terrorist groups like Palestinian Islamic Jihad as many arms as they can get across the border.

    That's a rather significant fact to be unaware of.

  • technology Technology Israel’s Failure to Stop the Hamas Attack Shows the Danger of Too Much Surveillance
  • emma emma 12 months ago 100%

    This just happened. It's far too early to do more than speculate.

    Like we can also connect dots from known things like FBI agents being killed because Trump leaked documents, his connections with Russia directly and thus Iran, to the possibility that information also leaked which compromised agents acting on Israel's behalf within Gaza. To be clear, this is also speculation.

    But yeah, we can create all sorts of scenarios based on bits of information and our biases and ways of looking at the world. We'll never know everything which factored in.

  • news World News Israeli death toll passes 600, another 2,048 injured
  • emma emma 12 months ago 100%

    Hamas is funded and armed by Iran. Iranian leadership really doesn't want Saudi Arabia to make a formal normalisation agreement with Israel. Hamas leadership is dedicated to maintaining the wealth they gain from being Iranian proxies. The rest of Hamas is dedicated to destroying Israel.

    Hamas is also fighting Fatah for control of the West Bank and the Palestinian Authority government. The worse things are for residents of the West Bank, the better it is for Hamas.

    So it's in Hamas' interests, both as proxies for Iran and for their own in the West Bank, to do everything they can to force the Arab world to choose sides and scupper every normalisation agreement, especially the big daddy Saudi one.

  • news World News Israeli death toll passes 600, another 2,048 injured
  • emma emma 12 months ago 100%

    saw a translator post elsewhere for these terms as used by Israeli media - critical condition means head wounds, very unlikely to survive; seriously wounded means living changing injuries. if i can find the post again i'll link.

  • politics
    Politics emma 12 months ago 100%
    Not Me, drama series about the difficult choices of activism

    Thought this might be of interest to some of the readers of this section. It asks questions for which there are no clear answers around issues of acting for change. It brings in disability &amp; employment, discrimination against women and LGBTQ+ (screenwriter/director is a trans woman), art as a means of healing and of challenging conventions of beauty, loss, privilege, corruption and the things those who've been corrupted do to keep themselves in power and how they continue to get away with it, and the importance of working together. There's a pivotal scene nearing the end showing what people can do that's based on a real event in Thailand. It's intelligent, articulate and powerful. Not Me, 14 episodes 45 minutes each. Thai series are usually uploaded in 4 bits per episode, which confuses people at first. You'll get the hang of it soon enough. Available free to watch with English and other language subtitles on GMMTV's official youtube channel.

    politics Politics House Votes to Oust Kevin McCarthy as Speaker: Live Updates - The New York Times
  • emma emma 12 months ago 100%

    Don't what? Comment on the dire straits of both countries with an attempt at humour? Seems that part failed here.

  • politics Politics House Votes to Oust Kevin McCarthy as Speaker: Live Updates - The New York Times
  • emma emma 12 months ago 100%

    You know guys, you don't have to actually outdo the UK for unhinged politics. I mean, our lot just won't have that and things are bad enough here already.

  • citylife City Life Amsterdam to give car traffic less priority as streets and sidewalks fill up
  • emma emma 12 months ago 100%

    Same-day delivery is such a recent expectation. To call it a "thing of the past" may be accurate as in "no longer available" but it's also misleading with its unintentional implication of a longer history. If it was just a brief blip, we'll manage just fine. Livable cities and a livable planet have to be our priority.

  • news World News When Zionists redefine ‘antisemitism’ into a political cudgel
  • emma emma 12 months ago 100%

    Meanwhile, the actual IHRA definition explictly states: "criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic".

    Once again, for the people who imagine it says something different: "criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic".

    Now if we're talking and it comes out that I'm a Jew and you immediately shift to BUT ISRAEL, that's racism. You likely understand this for say, Chinese people, right?

    If you use antisemitic tropes in your criticism of Israel, those tropes are still antisemitic - whether you realise it or not. Making out it's "just criticism of Israel" doesn't erase the tropes of their antisemitism.

    If you believe things which are rooted in antisemitism (and yes, a hell of a lot of stuff circulating on the internet which claims to be "just criticism of Israel" does have its roots in antisemitism), those things are still rooted in antisemitism even if you're ignorant of those origins and are determined to stay in that ignorance.

    And once again, the actual IHRA definition explictly states: "criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic".

  • spirituality
    Spirituality emma 1 year ago 100%
    Shanah tovah

    May your new year be sweet and good.

    Disability and Accessibility emma 1 year ago 100%
    Disability - how's your week going?

    imma feeling marginally sorry for myself as i got my covid and flu boosters this week and the extra work that makes for my body makes it grumpy. but still, am vaxxed so that's good. how's everyone else doing?

    Technology emma 1 year ago 100%
    How are Tumblr and Discord re surveillance?

    These and Instagram seem to be the main locii of conversation for a topic I'm interested in. Instagram is a no because Meta. Just trying to keep myself off of the big data mining sites and search results are a bit of a hot mess. Edit: Please, no more splaining how there isn’t any privacy on the net. There’s what can be scraped, what can be gathered from cookies (which I’m as careful as I can be about), and there’s what we make it easy for corporations to collect by using their products. I’m asking about the latter for Discord and Tumblr. It’s not that I’m unaware of the general problem (otherwise I wouldn’t be asking), it’s just that I’m out of the loop on specifics for these sites.

    Disability and Accessibility emma 1 year ago 100%
    some of you will understand this

    i really need a mobility device/assistive technology for my brain. like thinking sticks. wouldn't that be lovely? we could do so much more.

    Korean Dramas emma 1 year ago 100%
    "SBS Youtube Channel for GLOBAL users"

    Just dropping this here even though the group's gone quiet in case someone's looking for more #kdrama. Free to watch on youtube from SBS World. Down at the bottom is a very gentle, quiet masterpiece called Do You Like Brahms, which people seem to either find absorbing and real or incomprehensibly boring. If anyone wants to talk about it, or recommend another, I'll be happy to.

    Disability and Accessibility emma 1 year ago 100%
    Seeking advice - how to do less when you're already doing very little

    Neuro rehab has gone in for pacing advice before other help. I've been chronically ill since early childhood and understand pacing. The OT heard the variety of things I do to get through the exhausting quantity of hours in a day and went straight to Look at how MUCH you're doing without understanding that 1) the variety is trying to use different parts of my thinking (roughly words v not words) and 2) even if I do less, there are still 16 hours to get through every single bloody day. Trying to use this as a time to re-evaluate what I am doing to fill the hours but there's only so much lay in bed quietly with my eyes closed I can do without further damaging my mental health. I don't know if there is an answer to this. I used to be really good at reframing and thinking outside the box and I've been doing this for decades, but may as well throw this out here to see if anyone's come up with any other ways to get through the days. My spoons are crap because of the effort of going to the neuro rehab appt so will read replies but responding to them might not work so well. You know how that goes....

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Ebook Deals emma 1 year ago 100%
    e-book from Evie Snow, free today

    cross-posted from: > cross-posted from: > > > cross-posted from: > > > > > Writer George Penney (who also writes wonderful posts about house-sitting adventures with feline overlords in various countries and is an entertaining follow) just posted this on Mastodon: > > > > > > "If you like the idea of a romcom centered around a geek bar featuring dnd, goths, furries, munches and drag queens, with a message that's even more relevant now than when I wrote it. My alter-ego Evie Snow has a book--"This Is Not A F*cking Romance"--out today for FREE in all stores (Yay!)" > > > > > >

    Books emma 1 year ago 57%
    e-book from Evie Snow, free today

    cross-posted from: > cross-posted from: > > > Writer George Penney (who also writes wonderful posts about house-sitting adventures with feline overlords in various countries and is an entertaining follow) just posted this on Mastodon: > > > > "If you like the idea of a romcom centered around a geek bar featuring dnd, goths, furries, munches and drag queens, with a message that's even more relevant now than when I wrote it. My alter-ego Evie Snow has a book--"This Is Not A F*cking Romance"--out today for FREE in all stores (Yay!)" > > > >

    LGBTQ+ emma 1 year ago 100%
    e-book from Evie Snow, free today

    cross-posted from: > Writer George Penney (who also writes wonderful posts about house-sitting adventures with feline overlords in various countries and is an entertaining follow) just posted this on Mastodon: > > "If you like the idea of a romcom centered around a geek bar featuring dnd, goths, furries, munches and drag queens, with a message that's even more relevant now than when I wrote it. My alter-ego Evie Snow has a book--"This Is Not A F*cking Romance"--out today for FREE in all stores (Yay!)" > >

    Literature emma 1 year ago 100%
    e-book from Evie Snow, free today

    Writer George Penney (who also writes wonderful posts about house-sitting adventures with feline overlords in various countries and is an entertaining follow) just posted this on Mastodon: "If you like the idea of a romcom centered around a geek bar featuring dnd, goths, furries, munches and drag queens, with a message that's even more relevant now than when I wrote it. My alter-ego Evie Snow has a book--"This Is Not A F*cking Romance"--out today for FREE in all stores (Yay!)"

    Korean Dramas emma 1 year ago 100%
    Enigma, Thai supernatural horror-ish

    I think you might enjoy this one []( Compact, 4 episodes, creepy AF but not too scary, supernatural.

    Technology emma 1 year ago 100%
    Need recommendations for a reliable mobile phone (UK)

    This might not be the best place to ask this as you'll all be asking far more of your phones than I ever will, but I need to buy a mobile phone so friends can get a hold of me when we meet up in a different city next month. The battery on the mobile I bought when I moved two years ago won't take a charge now. I'm mostly housebound because of chronic illness and my life is very lonely, so even when I am out it's not like anyone is trying to reach me. Home internet with a laptop and tablet serves 99.999% of my needs. So I suppose the big criteria is that the bloody thing won't die when I don't manage to keep it charged. EDIT: I bought a replacement battery for £17. It should be here end of the week. What I need is a grandkid who can just tell me those sorts of things. Anyone want to adopt me? 🙃

    LGBTQ+ emma 1 year ago 100%
    Moonlight Chicken, free to stream

    Just want to recommend this drama series from Thailand about gay men, relationships, found family, loss, vulnerability, letting go and moving on. They have their ups and downs and arguments but support each other through it all. It is beautiful in every way. The name comes from the late night chicken-rice diner owned by Jim, who's struggling financially but does his best to take care of everyone, including raising his confused and rebelling teenage nephew on his own. Into his life comes cheeky Wen, who's complicated his own situation but is otherwise full of emotional intelligence. One of the characters is deaf and doesn't speak. He and the nephew have their own distinct but integrated story line. Two young men helping each other grow into maturity. All of the characters are genuinely good guys. Masculinity as complex, often vulnerable, and thoroughly non-toxic. It's on GMMTV's youtube (or your favourite non-tracking alternative front-end) channel. Playlist on the link.

    Korean Dramas emma 1 year ago 100%
    Moonlight Chicken, Thai

    It is so good. Gentle, warm, visually beautiful, so much heart, and very real. *Edit: Finished it last night and it's ruined me for anything else right now. Relationships amongst gay men, loss, letting go and moving on. A lot of depth and emotional intelligence. One for the older folks who've been through the ringer and have the scars.* (Link to the playlist is via a privacy-orientated alternative front end to YT. Or you can just search for it on YT if you prefer.)

    Folk and Traditional Music emma 1 year ago 100%
    Lisa Hannigan, I Don't Know (Ireland)

    just sharing 4:46 minutes of joy :)

    Fantasy books, stories, &c emma 1 year ago 100%
    Masha du Toit's ebooks available across platforms, free until 31st July

    cross-posted from: > Masha du Toit is celebrating the release of their books on 7 new platforms by making them free until 31st July (except on Amazon because Amazon has other ideas). Sci-fi and fantasy, LGBTQ. > > Spread the word :) > > To start with, Masha recommends "The Babylon Eye", "We Broke the Moon" (YA drama), or "Ray and the Cat Thing" (quite light). > > Post on Mastodon: >

    Sci-Fi emma 1 year ago 100%
    Masha du Toit's ebooks available across platforms, free until 31st July

    cross-posted from: > Masha du Toit is celebrating the release of their books on 7 new platforms by making them free until 31st July (except on Amazon because Amazon has other ideas). Sci-fi and fantasy, LGBTQ. > > Spread the word :) > > To start with, Masha recommends "The Babylon Eye", "We Broke the Moon" (YA drama), or "Ray and the Cat Thing" (quite light). > > Post on Mastodon: >

    Sci-Fi emma 1 year ago 100%
    What's the etiquette on cross posting in several book groups?

    New to Lemmy, wasn't on Reddit so i don't know the etiquette or how multiple groups are commonly used. I'd really like to let everyone know about something (temporarily free sci-fi & fantasy ebooks and their writer) but don't want to spam or break norms. Is one post per group acceptable, even if I post to several groups or is that frowned upon?

    Literature emma 1 year ago 100%
    Masha du Toit's ebooks available across platforms, free until 31st July

    Masha du Toit is celebrating the release of their books on 7 new platforms by making them free until 31st July (except on Amazon because Amazon has other ideas). Sci-fi and fantasy, LGBTQ. Spread the word :) To start with, Masha recommends "The Babylon Eye", "We Broke the Moon" (YA drama), or "Ray and the Cat Thing" (quite light). Post on Mastodon:

    Disability and Accessibility emma 1 year ago 100%
    General support post

    The weight of living with chronic illness is getting to me again. Could use some empathy from others who understand and won't pressure me to explain what's going on (a dozen small triggers maybe), turn it into their problems, or tell me it will get better or the worst, "Stay strong." We've all been here so here's a place where we can sit with each other.

    Korean Dramas emma 1 year ago 100%
    Community Promo

    I made a post to promote the Kdrama community in ! I'm giving up on figuring out the best way to link to it directly. It shouldn't be hard to find in that community. Let me know if you'd like anything edited in or out. I put that it's a new Malaysian instance in the title too, as a way of putting that in front of more eyes too. !

    Community Promo emma 1 year ago 100%
    KDrama community on the new Malaysian server

    Community to talk about the fantastic world of Korean Dramas ! > !

    Korean Dramas emma 1 year ago 100%
    Any fans of Queen In-Hyun's Man here?

    I really liked this one. Time travel combining historical and modern. Probably should re-watch it before talking too much about it. (That's 95% glitchy aging brain and 97% an excuse to re-watch it :D )

    Folk and Traditional Music emma 1 year ago 100%
    Anyone still reading this community?

    Should I go back to posting links? I have 20 years worth :) Would you like more information in the title? I'll give most any trad/folk a listen so I didn't think to do that.

    Folk and Traditional Music emma 1 year ago 100%
    What are your favourite instruments to listen to?

    Not sure if there are many people looking in, but maybe we can get some conversation going.... I'm partial to kamancheh (Persian spiked fiddle), spiked and regular fiddles in general, nyckelharpa, and kudyapi (Philippine boat lute played with a hella groove). I'll add links to examples if anyone is interested.

    Folk and Traditional Music emma 1 year ago 100%
    Dreamers' Circus, Kitchen Stories

    "A little tune about all the good parties that, for some reason, always ends up in the kitchen." If you ever get a chance to hear these lads live, grab it. They're brilliant.

    Folk and Traditional Music emma 1 year ago 100%
    Besh o droM, Mahala

    Lush Balkan Brass, one of my favourite albums. The whole disc is well worth close and repeated listening.

    Folk and Traditional Music emma 1 year ago 100%
    BULLA TIMPÁNICA Pontecaldelas

    Another happy one to start the day. From Galicia this time. Alfonso Franco & Alfonso Merion on fiddles, Josiño Liz on bouzouki

    Literature emma 1 year ago 100%
    Is there a tendency to regard books which make us feel bad as "better" than ones which don't?

    I'm dragging myself through an "award-winning" "best-selling" "recommended" book I got from the library and wishing I hadn't. (Yes I know those phrases mean little and I can stop, though I'm nearing the end after hoping it would stop being so hopeless. Yes I can be naively optimistic ;) .) The characters and story are all stereotypes and clichés. It's not realistic or slice of life. The Korean drama I'm watching is top rated on MyDramaList and is well done but it also tells a sad story every episode. I'm halfway through and I don't think it's *that* much better than some lower rated ones with more moments of happiness. Anyway, this has me thinking about whether there's a general trend to regard books - stories of any kind really, including real life ones - as "better" if they upset us.

    Folk and Traditional Music emma 1 year ago 100%
    What's a tune that always brings a smile?

    Was able to hear these lads live many years back, when they did a small warm-up tour with a very informal "figuring this out" kind of vibe. It was brilliant and so much fun. The Nightride Set from Kan: Aidan O'Rourke, Brian Finnegan, Ian Stephenson and Jim Goodwin (go baldies ;)

    Folk and Traditional Music emma 1 year ago 100%
    Pencil Full of Lead (folk version), Cameron Douglas and friends

    Can be played in a standard pub session setting on typical session instruments, just bring a kazoo. Check. Slice of life, common folk details in the lyrics. Check. Music derives from someone's tradition. Check. Imma calling Paolo Nutini's joyous Pencil Full of Lead as modern trad/folk, even in his original bluesy/jazzy instrumentation, and no one's going to convince me otherwise ;P Happy to use this to kick off a discussion on what constitutes trad and folk but I'm not changing my mind regarding this gem :D :D :D

    Entertainment emma 1 year ago 100%
    Any Asian drama fans here? Any communities?

    New to this and definitely addicted :) Going to treat myself to a subscription or two to help fill the dark hours next winter but for now mostly Chinese dramas as there are so many free to view. Just finished Queen In Hyun’s Man (Korean) and really loved it. Goal is to get at least one from every country on the MyDramaList website. After years of watching tight, compact UK and European series which tell their stories in a handful of episodes, I’m enjoying how much more time Asian dramas give to detail and emotion. Plus it’s a whole new set of conventions and cliches I haven’t gotten tired of :) Would love to find more fans. #CDrama #KDrama #JDrama #ThaiDrama #AsianDrama

    Folk and Traditional Music emma 1 year ago 100%
    Session A9

    Fit like fae the NE of Scotland Cracking set from one of my very favourite bands, Session A9. (Fit like is a local greeting, which means What like?/How's it going. Fae is from. NE dialect uses f's for some w's.)
