meta Meta I keep getting logged out today. Is it just me?
  • canpolat canpolat 1 month ago 100%

    I have the same problem on mobile Firefox on Android. I'm using the default frontend as well. This was not happening a week ago (or maybe 10 days). Started recently.

  • books Programming Books A second edition of clean code is being written
  • canpolat canpolat 1 month ago 100%

    This is an acknowledgement from Uncle Bob that the book didn't stand the test of time. We won't know before the new edition is out, but I suspect those pointless refactorings will not be in it any longer.

  • linux Linux What are some good name suggestions for the rebranding of OpenSuse?
  • canpolat canpolat 2 months ago 93%

    Don't they already have the names Leap and Tumbleweed? Changing the name to Leap would make sense since it's the name of the "official LTS" version. At this point it sounds like "openSUSE" is the name of the project and not the distro. But I haven't been following them closely, so perhaps I'm wrong.

  • git
    Git canpolat 2 months ago 100%
    Git stories

    This is a collection of posts that probe the way Git impacts our thinking and ways of working. These are exclusively discussions held within the community (and not links to blogs). Feel free to roam and join the discussion. - [Have you ever used git bisect?]( - [Your Git horror stories]( - [What's the worst commit message you have ever seen?]( - [What's the most creative or unconventional use of Git you've encountered?]( - [What was your “aha” moment when you finally understood Git?]( - [What was your biggest misconception about Git when you first started?]( - [How has Git changed the way you think about version control?](

    Git canpolat 2 months ago 100%
    How has Git changed the way you think about version control?

    Coming from CVS and ClearCase it took me some time to adopt to Git. The fact that it was distributed was confusing at first, for example, because I thought that would cause chaos. But the way we used it was actually not "that distributed". But once I understood how it worked, not doing DVCS was "the wrong way" immediately.

    git Git Git isn't working when i clone, fetch, or push
  • canpolat canpolat 3 months ago 100%

    Not sure but that sounds like you have a problem with your Git installation (or a dependency of Git). Maybe a reinstallation can solve that.

  • git Git How Git Works (zine by Julia Evans)
  • canpolat canpolat 4 months ago 100%

    I understand the "why would I pay for this" reaction. I think crowdsourcing is a better approach for these kinds of content. Once you reach certain level of financial commitment from the crowd, you can give away the PDF and sell the print copy.

  • git Git What were your misconceptions about Git when you first started?
  • canpolat canpolat 4 months ago 100%

    git branches are just homeomorphic endofunctors mapping submanifolds of a Hilbert space

    Yeah, once you realize that everything falls into place.

  • git
    Git canpolat 4 months ago 91%
    What were your misconceptions about Git when you first started?

    I used CVS and ClearCase before moving into Git, and it took me some time to adjust to the fact that the cost of branching in Git is much much less than ClearCase. And getting into the "distributed" mindset didn't happen overnight.

    imageai AI Generated Images Refreshing Human-Cola.
  • canpolat canpolat 4 months ago 100%

    The shape of that bottle is creepier than the text.

  • git Git Git alias idea: "git browse" to open repo in browser
  • canpolat canpolat 4 months ago 100%

    I believe you can replace start with the command that is suitable for your system (e.g., xdg-open for linux).

  • tennis
    Tennis canpolat 4 months ago 100%
    How to get reminded?

    I like watching tennis but I'm not a die-hard fan and I very quickly forget that there is a big event happening. So, I would like to be reminded of important tournaments and where they are broadcast (in EU). But I don't want notifications about all the events. Is there a place where I can get such reminders (preferably via RSS, but I'm OK with an non-intrusive app too)?

    ask_experienced_devs Ask Experienced Devs What details/tools have you found help people transition to similar, open software from closed software, or think could help?
  • canpolat canpolat 5 months ago 100%

    The only such transition I was involved in was switching from TFS to Git, and there was no discussion. It was the obvious thing to do and for a while we needed to support some developers who are new to Git.

    So, it all depends on the type of change you want to implement. Most people don't think much about a piece of software being open is significant. That's why the main selling point should be the product itself. Especially in organizations openness alone is not a strong enough argument.

    But with individuals, it may help to inform people about FOSS instead of just suggesting alternatives ("Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Stallman/Torvalds?"). If the individual doesn't understand or subscribe to the values, the switch may be temporary. My 2 cents. Hopefully others will come up with better tactics.

  • ask_experienced_devs Ask Experienced Devs What details/tools have you found help people transition to similar, open software from closed software, or think could help?
  • canpolat canpolat 5 months ago 100%

    If you are thinking about transitioning an organization to open source, pricing and vendor lock-in are generally good arguments.

    If you are thinking about helping individuals transition, that's a bit more difficult. Pricing could still work, but is not always that effective. It boils down to the willingness to try something new.

    In both cases projects with good documentation and a healthy community also helps, but if the open alternative lacks features, it's a though sell.

  • ask_experienced_devs Ask Experienced Devs How do I not stop feeling like I am doing nothing outside work?
  • canpolat canpolat 5 months ago 100%

    I am not concerned about not having anything to show for my free time. I am just not finding interest doing stuff which could indicate something worse.

    You are not alone. It's not easy to find an engaging free time activity. And even if you do, you may get bored of it after some time. The only thing I can say is: even if something doesn't seem very interesting at first, give it a try anyway (as long as it doesn't require a huge upfront investment). You may end up liking the activity or you may end up with like-minded people. And the worst case scenario is, you have wasted some time.

    I think majority of people suffer from not having a meaningful free time activity (amplified by the possibilities of internet). And I'm saying this without any data to back it up, so don't quote me on that.

  • ask_experienced_devs Ask Experienced Devs How do I not stop feeling like I am doing nothing outside work?
  • canpolat canpolat 5 months ago 100%

    Not having any personal projects is perfectly fine. Don't worry about it. Not everyone has to have their job as their hobby. Try other things (music, hiking, cooking, etc.). Try to find a hobby that makes you happy (if you don't already have one). That's way more important than having a public GitHub profile. And if a company decided not to hire you because of that, you basically dodged a bullet.

  • opensource Opensource Why single vendor is the new proprietary
  • canpolat canpolat 6 months ago 50%

    That's an unnecessarily strong reaction. Money clearly matters for some things. But that's not all that matters. There are many people releasing FOSS without any financial expectations. Clearly, money doesn't matter to those people on that context. Trying to argue that "money should matter also for those people on that context" doesn't make too much sense to me. Nobody is forcing anybody to release FOSS.

  • opensource Opensource Why single vendor is the new proprietary
  • canpolat canpolat 6 months ago 50%

    Sorry, I don't follow your reasoning. Why would a company not making money be a relevant problem for the advocates of FOSS? FOSS is about freedom. It never had an opinion about money. Money has always been irrelevant. Some people may not like it, and they are free to not use non-free licenses. And FOSS advocates will warn users about that (as they did in the past). FOSS doesn't have an obligation to offer a solution to every problem in the software industry.

  • opensource Opensource Why single vendor is the new proprietary
  • canpolat canpolat 6 months ago 100%

    I don't think that is relevant from author's (and OSI's) point of view.

  • opensource Opensource Why single vendor is the new proprietary
  • canpolat canpolat 6 months ago 100%

    Here is my understanding of author's position: Stay away from companies like Redis and ElasticSearch. They are building software with a proprietary mindset (the fact that they have tight control over product strategy and development demonstrates this) only to realize that they are being devoured by bigger fish. It's a business model problem, not an open source problem.

  • loud Cloud Warning: Vultr (a major cloud provider) is now claiming full perpetual commercial rights over all hosted content
  • canpolat canpolat 6 months ago 100%
  • linux Linux DistroWatch has been banned in Turkey
  • canpolat canpolat 6 months ago 100%

    Here is the link to the original website (an NGO that monitors blocked websites in Turkey):

    And here is the Google translation of the text on that page:

    The IP address of the DistroWatch platform, which provides news, reviews, rankings and general information about Linux distributions, was blocked by the National Cyber ​​Incident Response Center (USOM) on the grounds of "IP hosting/spreading malware".

  • programming Programming Garnet: Redis alternative from Microsoft
  • canpolat canpolat 6 months ago 100%

    I think you are highlighting an important point that are missed by other commenters emphasizing the developer. I prefer GPL over MIT license. But this is a possible fallback if Redis decides to change its licensing (like several others did).

    I think these kind of products have strategic significance for MS for their Azure offering. They are probably preparing to offer this there (in addition to and as an alternative to Redis). So, it makes sense for Microsoft to release this with an OSS license (otherwise no one will adopt it).

  • git Git What was your “aha” moment when you finally understood Git?
  • canpolat canpolat 7 months ago 100%

    I don't think I read that one. I created a separate link-post for that one. Thanks.

  • golang Golang Go Enums Suck
  • canpolat canpolat 7 months ago 100%

    I mainly develop in C#, and I agree that having to write so much boiler plate for type safety is really boring. C# is not perfect either (it doesn't have discriminated unions, etc.) but at least it gives type safety out of the box.

    However, in general, I think enums are widely misused. I see a lot of cases where they should have been classes with a factory, but ended up being enums with a lot of static functions and switch statements.

  • csharp C Sharp Switch statement fallthrough in C#?
  • canpolat canpolat 7 months ago 100%

    Because it is about a not-very-well-known feature of the language. Why would it matter that it's old? I don't think I have ever seen this in use in production code.

  • programming Programming Announcing
  • canpolat canpolat 7 months ago 100%

    Who is this particular developer

    As far as I understand from the discussions about the topic, Maxim Dounin was one of the few core developers of nginx. Looks like Wikipedia has already been updated.

  • dotnet .NET Our Vision for .NET 9 - .NET Blog
  • canpolat canpolat 7 months ago 100%

    I suppose you are right. If AWS doesn't support STS versions, these will be only applicable to Azure (I know nothing about GCP). It probably makes sense for AWS to stick to LTS versions (I would do the same). But isn't that a choice made by AWS (rather than Microsoft).

  • git Git What's the most creative or unconventional use of Git you've encountered?
  • canpolat canpolat 7 months ago 100%

    The URL seems to have a typo. Correct URL is

  • fediverse Fediverse Bluesky opens to public registration
    selfhosted Selfhosted Plex for books?
  • canpolat canpolat 7 months ago 33%

    I know you said "self hosted", but if you are interested in an Android app, Google Play Books does most of what you want, I think. You can upload your books, and read them on any device (with offline capabilities). But this is the Self Hosted community, so I will show myself out.

  • fediverse Fediverse Bluesky opens to public registration
  • canpolat canpolat 8 months ago 100%

    I don't follow it very closely, but as far as I know, they are the only one implementing the open protocol they designed (which doesn't interoperate with ActivityPub). However, there seems to be some efforts for creating a bridge:

    As you said, there are some recognizable faces and that may impact the adoption. But not being compatible with ActivityPub is a real bummer.

  • matrix Matrix Is it possible to send a message to myself in
  • canpolat canpolat 8 months ago 100%

    When I joined some years ago, it automatically created a private, invite-only room named "Echo Chamber" with me being the single member. If it didn't happen to you automatically, you can create one yourself.

  • learningrustandlemmy Learning Rust and Lemmy Rust For Lemmings - Code Together
  • canpolat canpolat 8 months ago 100%

    Sounds like a good plan, thanks!

  • learningrustandlemmy Learning Rust and Lemmy Rust For Lemmings - Code Together
  • canpolat canpolat 8 months ago 100%

    I would be interested in this, but I’m on this side of the pond. So good luck! Would be good if you made the recordings available afterwards.

  • rust Rust Rust For Lemmings - Code Together | "The Rust Programming Language" book club meeting on twitch
  • canpolat canpolat 8 months ago 100%
  • fediverse Fediverse Seppo: Personal Social Web
  • canpolat canpolat 8 months ago 100%

    I think single account ActivityPub implementations are addressing a weakness of the Fediverse: one's identity (handle, username) is tied to an instance they have no control over. If that instance shuts down users lose everything. With a single account instance, you take that control back. And since it doesn't need to scale the architecture can be much simpler and can be deployed to much cheaper infrastructure.

    The demo was not straightforward, though. And I didn't quite get how a user can follow Mastodon users, for example.

  • programming Programming Introducing Pkl, a programming language for configuration
  • canpolat canpolat 8 months ago 100%

    Possibly. My point is: despite having a common subset Pkl and JSON schema doesn't seem to be solving the same problems. But, I'm just learning about it, so I may just be wrong.

  • programming Programming Introducing Pkl, a programming language for configuration
  • canpolat canpolat 8 months ago 100%

    I just learned about Pkl, so take this with a grain of salt. JSON Schema and Pkl seem to have some overlap. But JSON schema is not specifically designed for handling configuration and Pkl supports other formats like YAML.

  • programming Programming Introducing Pkl, a programming language for configuration
  • canpolat canpolat 8 months ago 83%

    This looks really interesting. Getting type safety and editor support to configuration may change quite a bit of how things are done. I don't know if it will gain traction, but if it does, it may really help bringing some long awaited structure to all those YAML files. There appears to be examples specifically for Kubernetes (

  • programming Programming Who's up for a challenge?
  • canpolat canpolat 8 months ago 100%

    I wasn't aware of that. I guess it was thought to be a mod driven community. Anyway... Cool question. I hope we will see some creative solutions here.

  • programming Programming Who's up for a challenge?
  • canpolat canpolat 8 months ago 100%

    Please also consider posting to !

  • programming Programming [Discussion] Golang / self-hosted docker apps.
  • canpolat canpolat 8 months ago 100%
  • cs_career_questions CSCareerQuestions What was your longest tenure ever?
  • canpolat canpolat 8 months ago 100%

    The longest I worked for a company is around 6-7 years.

    As long as you get the opportunities to develop your skills in the areas you want (so that they are still relevant in the job market) and there is a good team around you, it doesn't make sense to change jobs just to change jobs. It's generally difficult to get a meaningful salary increase without a job change and that's the main reason most people are looking for new jobs, I think.
