fahrrad Fahrrad Heidelberg: Radfahrer überholen kostet 70 Euro
  • basxto basxto 5 days ago 100%

    Das Problem haben letztendlich allle Schilder. Das Schild gibt es inzwischen seit 3 Jahren. Zeitgleich wurden auch Radschnellweg (reines Hinweisschild), Fahrradzone, Haifischzähnle (Wartelinie bei der Radverkehr Vorfahrt hat), Grünpfeilschild für Radverkehr (Ampel zum Rechtsabbiegen ignorieren, aber anhalten und Behinderung/Gefährdung ausschließen), Piktogram für Lastenrad Piktogram für Elektrokleinstfahrzeuge, Piktogram für merfachbesetzte Personenkraftwagen (Fahrgemeinschaftsspur), Piktogram für Carsharing, Hinweisschild für LNG-Tanstellen, Vorwegweiser für Kreisverkehr, Umleitungsschilder für Kreisverkehr und Verkehrsleittafeln eingeführt.

  • fahrrad Fahrrad Heidelberg: Radfahrer überholen kostet 70 Euro
  • basxto basxto 5 days ago 100%

    Es gibt leider viele überflüssige Schilder, weil es scheinbar nicht alle einsehen und situationsbedingte Grenzen sicher schwerer durchzusetzen sind. Wir haben auch ne 30er-Zone in ner Gegend bekommen in der man ohnehin noch nie schneller fahren konnte, weil es zu eng und unübersichtlich sowie zu viele Seitenstraßen (rechts vor links) hat.

  • fahrrad Fahrrad Heidelberg: Radfahrer überholen kostet 70 Euro
  • basxto basxto 5 days ago 100%

    In Frankfurt gibt es das auch seit geraumer Zeit https://www.mapillary.com/app/?lat=50.123688900002&lng=8.6358554&z=17&focus=photo&pKey=416865923804619

    Der Trick ist so mittig zu fahren, dass man garnicht von Autos überholt werden kann, sie dürfen’s ja eh nicht.

  • fuckcars Fuck Cars [article] Japan is inventing trains
  • basxto basxto 3 months ago 100%

    Reading a few articles about this, it seems a big concern is area. They wanna squeeze them in every free space they have between and around roads. Conveyor belts can probably do a lot sharper curves etc. than railways. If they do special small rails, they’ll also need special trains for that.

    From the articles it’s also not clear if it’s from one point to another point or from multiple to multiple. They talk about deliveries, which would rather be multi to multi, but it’s not explicitly mentioned anywhere.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost AI is the future
  • basxto basxto 4 months ago 100%

    Hoc casu non est

  • basxto basxto 4 months ago 100%


  • ich_iel ich_iel ich🚗📊iel
  • basxto basxto 4 months ago 100%

    Aus fürs Verbrenner-Aus? Mit dieser Kampagne schadet die Union dem Standort

    Kein deutscher Autoboss fordert eine Abkehr vom Verbrenner-Aus, selbst BMW wurde vom Zauderer zum Zauberer in Sachen E-Auto-Absatz.

    Doch die Union wirbt nun ernsthaft für eine Technologie, die schon seit sieben Jahren rückläufig ist. Weltweit generieren die Automobilhersteller ihr Wachstum aus E-Autos.

    Wenn die Union sich ernsthaft für Wohlstand und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit einsetzen will, dann sollte sie einen Beitrag zur Planungssicherheit leisten – genau die wird von den Automobilherstellern nämlich dringend gebraucht, wenn sie sich zukunftsfähig aufstellen wollen. Die Kampagne der Union trägt jedoch nur zur Verunsicherung bei.


  • basxto basxto 4 months ago 50%

    Such mentality likely has to do with the environment. I read some that strategy games are more popular in Northern Europe than in Southern Europe, with the explanation that strategic planning is more essential for survival when the amount of sunlight is limited and there are months were you can’t really go outside because of snow and coldness.

    That would mean adverse conditions require it more to plan for the future. Coldness is indeed just an example for such an environment.

  • basxto basxto 4 months ago 100%

    scrolling through the list of emojis when good ol’ emoticons do the trick

    That’s why they usually have a search integrated or even quick access for the ones used lately. Lemmy’s emoji picker will give you 🥶 if you search for “cold”, “frozen”, “freezing” or “frost”, though not for “ice”.

  • kde KDE Pledges coming from proprietary software companies mean nothing
  • basxto basxto 4 months ago 100%

    Old vs. new hardware is difficult. New hardware can also do the same with lower energy consumption.

    It’s impossible to calculate, but the tipping point would be where the saved energy surpasses the energy needed for producing and transporting the hardware.

    I’m quite sure that my raspi4 is more powerful, smaller, less noisy and requires less energy than my oldest computer.

    The thing is just that they rarely only improve the efficiency.

  • basxto basxto 4 months ago 100%

    Is [|(-,) the smiley for having a stroke?

  • basxto basxto 4 months ago 100%

    It’s a clear indication that your system can’t do unicode

  • basxto basxto 4 months ago 100%

    a man sees a dog

    a dog sees a man

    Order matters. In languages with more redundancy that would work:

    Ein Mann sieht einen Hund

    subject verb object

    Einen Hund sieht ein Mann

    object verb subject

    But even there it breaks if you switch the articles, though there are languages with a lot higher redundancy than German. The less analytic a language is the better that works. Analytic has less forms, but requires a more rigid structure.

    The still English can order any legible fact and be completely written in that is be

    English fact order written completely still is be that be in and any can The legible

  • basxto basxto 4 months ago 100%

    My printer also can write, but not read English.

  • basxto basxto 4 months ago 100%

    My ability to read does not get affected by others writing stuff wrong.

  • basxto basxto 4 months ago 100%

    I can read it, but I certainly see that most words are not written correctly.

  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon the generation did a funny
  • basxto basxto 4 months ago 100%

    It does not destroy everything, but it can destroy weapons, armor and food.


  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Seedless Catholics Against Watermelons?
  • basxto basxto 4 months ago 100%

    I wonder if they are also against pepper mint.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Later, losers
  • basxto basxto 4 months ago 100%


  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Later, losers
  • basxto basxto 4 months ago 100%

    she just goes to another Discord

    Or she just got a dumb @everyone-ping on her way to a date

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Later, losers
  • basxto basxto 4 months ago 100%

    It’s never too late to not be a grown up

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Later, losers
  • basxto basxto 4 months ago 100%

    I see, you haven’t met the female archers yet.

  • foss Free and Open Source Software Windows 11 is now an ad platform--this is why we're here
  • basxto basxto 4 months ago 100%

    Just the simple fact that someone can’t plug in a hard drive and have it work every time, they have to go into a specific folder and write a specific arbitrary un-memorable UUID and tell it to always mount it on boot.

    You can also mount partitions by label (LABEL=), but you have to name them yourself and make sure you don’t give two partitions the same name. The point of generating UUIDs is to have an extremely low risk of two partitions getting the same UUID generated.

    But I think I get the issue, when I search for “linux automounting hard drive” I only see tutorials which explain how to use /etc/fstab.

    It depends on what kind of automounting you are looking for, what they explain is the rare process of switching/adding internal drives that get mounted right after boot. First time that should be set up by the OS installer.

    In case you were looking for automatically mounting USB drives/sticks, there are tools like udisks/udiskies who can do that and it’s possible they can handle internal drives too, but I never tried that since I want them to show up in specific places (~/Games, /var etc). Though I’d expect Gnome and KDE to have something like that included.

    Steam Deck

    That’s a machine that comes with a preinstalled and preconfigured distro with a very specific purpose. You can also buy preconfigured PCs/Laptops with support from System76, Tuxedo Computers etc.

    people still had issues setting and forgetting their password For Windows, you are sacrificing security

    If you encrypt your hard drives you are generally fucked if you completely lose your passwords, but that aside: On Linux you can basically just overwrite it withpasswd from grub shell or a live cd in combination with chroot and a physical intruder can do that as well. On windows you need to remember your security question or you need to have created a password reset disk to reset your local password. If you have/remember neither, sites recommend Reset this PC > Remove everything > Only the drive where Windows is installed > Just remove my files > Reset 🙃 I couldn’t find third party tools in reasonable time, but there might be some. You’d need a live cd as well, but secureboot can make that impossible.

    I’d say for Linux you probably can reset your password in more situations than on Windows, but it’s less convenient and less secure (especially grub shell).

    It’s a completely different story if you use a Microsoft account since Microsoft can basically change your password at will. If you don’t wanna get attacked from Microsoft it’s less secure, but since it allows two factor authentication and such it’s more secure in all other situations. You just can’t log in without internet.

  • foss Free and Open Source Software Windows 11 is now an ad platform--this is why we're here
  • basxto basxto 4 months ago 100%

    I can’t remember many native games not working (any longer). Basically only the Anomaly series, Ticket to Ride and some other indie game. Anomaly has a serious bug that gets it trapped in an infinite loop on modern systems during loading screen, but there is a community patch for that. Ticket to Ride removed the Linux port on steam instead of fixing it. The indie game worked, but they forgot to make the executable actually executable.

    Though there are certainly a bunch of games from humble bundle era who got a half-hearted Linux port basically as a fee to enter the bundle, with no updates or support since then.

    If you are talking about running game through wine/proton, then yes that’s expected. It works surprisingly well, but any new proton/wine version can have indeed regressions and game updates break stuff. Games that don’t get any updates anymore should work a bit better. An exception are games that are officially supported by Valve since those are bound to specific proton version and they even support some DRM solutions (steam+proton only), but they can break on updates as well.

    Best situation is if they have a somewhat fixed release and maybe a few updates. Having updates very month is a bit a problem. Online games that lock out older client versions are a huge problem. Online games should generally rather be viewed as a temporary service, they’ll never be as reliable as fully offline single player games are.

    Games that use directshow/Media Foundation for cut scenes also don’t work great when playing them through steam for legal reasons. Valve won’t distribute decoders and doesn’t want to depend on them being installed in the system. They convert videos on their servers, but only the first time a player encounters that video and that player will see a placeholder. Wine supports those cut scenes.

    You won’t even have an perfect experience on officially support platforms, but you can expect it to work better and the devs to test stuff.

    You generally can’t expect Windows/Mac/Playstation/Xbox… games to run on Linux, though they might do.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Congrats to all 2024 college graduates!
  • basxto basxto 4 months ago 100%

    plenty of places where housing is still affordable

    There are even places where people would give you houses nearly for free, but nobody wants to live there and the infrastructure is crap.

    Edit: Seems there are really some houses in Germany that are 100% free, but they have expensive liabilities like mandatory redevelopment etc. There are reasons why the previous owner gave up ownership instead of selling it.

  • basxto basxto 4 months ago 100%

    Animated emojis are also exclusive to nitro, but super react is more animated effects that can be combined with any emoji

  • basxto basxto 4 months ago 100%

    Tbh it's good if one can do without the pro features. That gives one more freedom to support them or not.

  • basxto basxto 4 months ago 100%

    Animated emojis are also nitro exclusive. And you can boost "server", which unlocks more customizations for "servers".

  • basxto basxto 4 months ago 100%

    The horse is running around naked all day, it's only fair

  • mindustry Mindustry Can you manually change what the mono mines?
  • basxto basxto 4 months ago 100%

    The info page said that they automatically mine what's most neede, if I remember correctly

  • fuck_cars Fuck Cars A new trolley era
  • basxto basxto 4 months ago 100%

    In the mean time EU will require systems that automatically do emergency breaks and also different signaling for emergency breaks.

  • fuck_cars Fuck Cars A new trolley era
  • basxto basxto 4 months ago 100%

    It's the reason why they prefer to offer only assistence systems. Aside from warning they can act, but they don't drive on there own. EU will even require some systems for new cars. They'll especially annoy people who ignore speed limits and don't use turn lights.

  • basxto basxto 4 months ago 100%

    I have yet to find plants that do well in darkness.

  • basxto basxto 4 months ago 100%

    peak life

  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon Combining games?
  • basxto basxto 5 months ago 100%

    Git allows to merge, but that will likely lead to merge conflicts that need manual fixing. That can break parts and will throw off balance

  • ich_iel ich_iel ich🇩🇪🇬🇧iel
  • basxto basxto 5 months ago 100%


  • ich_iel
    ich_iel basxto 5 months ago 86%

    Das Bild enthält folgenden Text: Eigentlich retten wir Englisch ja - Inglis: wrappen - cancellen - tosten - English: wrap - cancel - toast - Denglisch: wrappen - canceln - toasten

    ich_iel ich_iel ich📯iel
  • basxto basxto 5 months ago 100%

    Wer hat uns da deföderiert? >:(

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost It's so busy here right now
  • basxto basxto 5 months ago 50%

    Synchronized mayonnaise?

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost It's important to get a good interest rate
  • basxto basxto 5 months ago 100%

    Opt-out systems are never a proper choice. You don’t choose where you get born. You need to learn the language of that country, move somewhere there, find a job there and get citizenship. That all costs money and time, some countries only give you citizenship after you live there 20 years. As long as you don’t switch citizenship, you still need to pay income tax and probably other things, some taxes like VAT immediately changes and are not tied to citizenship.

    Somalia has taxes, though they might struggle to enforce their income taxes. It’s unlikely that there is any country without any kind of tax or a catch. Some have no income tax or VAT because that look good on paper, but then have a tax that acts similar or you basically have to buy citizenship.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost It's important to get a good interest rate
  • basxto basxto 5 months ago 100%

    It’s not just impatience, for companies is usually more bet. They bet that they can earn a surplus higher than the interest rate when they invest that money now and not later.

  • vegan
    Vegan basxto 5 months ago 100%
    How to make aquafaba from home-cooked chickpeas zerowastechef.com

    I was trying to bake some meringue and playing with aquafaba, but I tend cook chickpeas myself and store them dried otherwise. But aquafaba-based recipes usually assume you buy precooked chickpeas in a glass. Then I found this article, which explores how to cook chickpeas so the cooking water can be used for aquafaba recipes.

    Pixel Dungeon basxto 5 months ago 100%
    [ShPD] [discussion] UI/QoL stuff

    Let’s talk about some UI/quality of life stuff. I was about to open issue, but since it touches a bunch of different topics, I guess a discussion is better. It’s a bunch of things that were annoying to me over the last months. It doesn’t mean that something has to change, could just be that I overlooked some features somewhere. - Special floor explanations on mobile - The desktop version of ShPD allows to hover the floor indicator, but I can’t find an equivalent for touch on mobile - Ignore invisible mobs and allies for automatic movement - To some degree automatic movement reveals positions of mobs - If you have 10 wraiths active on the floor or something like that, the character runs aimlessly back and forth without even reaching his destination - It’s better to get stuck than wasting satiation - Optional auto aiming button for touch input that works like tab with keyboard input Fat finger syndrome stuff: - Targeting yourself by clicking on your portrait or hitting the shortcut for hero info - I had it happen a bunch of times that I accidentally shot my wand in some direction instead of shielding myself, which can be a serious problem with wand of blast/fire/disintegration - Also relevant for ghost guiding - Optional "Are you sure?" popups for automatic movement - It happens that you accidentally run somewhere when input for zooming/panning failed - Optional visual aid for aiming and maybe optional confirmation if you really wanna shoot/throw to tile without mob - Did I touch the right tile and not a neighboring one? - A classic is to shoot a tile adjacent to a mob - Can I even hit that mob/trap? - Would I hit my allies? - It’s sometimes hard to tell if it would hit a wall edge or not - It should only respect revealed stationary environments and visible mobs, but not 100% show where it actually hits since that would reveal invisible entities Those are especially related to taking a longer break and picking up a save game after **months**: - Notes for floors - Did I find hidden doors on that floor with extra secrets? - Did I use scroll of mapping? - What did the quest say? Did I already finish that quest? - Did I use all blacksmith options already? - Did I solve all puzzles or were some potions missing for them? - Such notes should probably be accessible via “Landmarks” interface - Currently I use Steam overlay notes for that, but that’s a dissatisfying solution since it’s completely closed source - Notes for unidentified potions/scrolls/items (extends the previous point) - On what floor did I find this potion/scroll? - Who dropped it? - Was it in a chest/grave? - Maybe should be automatically deleted when identified - Ability to ⭐ items - If I remember correctly, Borderlands 2 and Victor Vran allowed to mark items that you wanna continue to use to simplify selling not needed stuff - It’s hard to remember your setup if you didn’t play for some time - More save game infos like "last played at XXX" and "save game of game version XXX" - Though savegame should probably not be overwritten if you didn’t do any significant actions since opening the save game, dunno how that’s currently handled

    Pixel Dungeon basxto 5 months ago 91%
    This armor is fun

    If the curse triggers inside the shop, the shopkeeper will disappear. I’m glad I had time to equip the hourglass

    KDE basxto 5 months ago 100%
    Issues Tokodon and NeoChan on Android

    Are there some know issues with Tokodon and NeoChan on Android? When I open them on Lineage 20 they just immediately close. They don’t trow any errors and don’t really know how to debug them.

    Pixel Dungeon basxto 6 months ago 100%

    I'm always glad when I find the rose early on. Switching places with it is a lot more useful theb wraiths

    OpenSourceGames basxto 7 months ago 91%
    February 2024 Update: Unique Towers, Builders, Buff Groups praytic.itch.io

    Neat reimplementation of WarCraft III tower defense map YouTD. Engine is Godot 4. Though most graphics are AI generated.

    Pixel Dungeon basxto 9 months ago 100%
    Evil eyes have no chance against wraiths [ShPD]

    I just ran into a succubus and an evil eye. The succubus became a wraith when I killed it. The evil eye then fought against the wraith and shot at it, but they often just evade it and don’t take any damage. Then I killed it with my corrupting glaive. My setup is neat for these floors. Wand of Prismatic Lightning gives me sight in the dark dungeons and renders evil eyes and scorpions basically harmless when it blinds them. That wand is only +1, but my Staff of Magic Missile +15 can give it quite some punch. For scorpion that means I have to tank one projectile, but evil eye charges slower. Though that wand is directly followed by Wand of Frost in effectiveness, which makes it for scorpions impossible to escape melee and evil eyes charge long enough to hit them twice and run away.

    Pixel Dungeon basxto 9 months ago 100%
    Chalice of Blood +10

    Apparently it isn’t that hard to survive the 248 damage from upgrading it. 155hp, 92 shielding from self-targeting with wand and Scroll of Challenge halving the damage. (ShPD 2.2.1)

    Pixel Dungeon basxto 9 months ago 100%
    Unstable spellbook

    Didn’t it trigger Inscribed Power in the past? Without that this skill becomes somewhat useless.

    Pixel Dungeon basxto 9 months ago 100%
    Yay, 265'000 for first ascension. pixel.tchncs.de

    My first ascension after years of playing this, so far I only managed to beat Yog-Dzewa. I played the Steam version. A good reason to play around with Lemmy's formatting. ## Main Statistics: * Level 30 Warlock ^2023-12-25^ ^v2.2.1^ * Score: 265,000 * Strength: 20 * Game Duration: 27,618 * Highest Ascent: 1 * Dungeon Seed: `DXG-BDC-JST` * Mobs Killed: 876 * Gold Collected: 25,610 * Food Eaten: 38 * Items Crafted: 58 ## Score Breakdown: * Progression: 50,000 * Treasure: 20,000 * *Exploration: 15,000* * *Bosses: 11,000* * Quests: 10,000 * Win Multiplier: 2.5× * Total Score: 265,000 ## [Skills](https://antifandom.com/pixeldungeon/wiki/Shattered_Pixel_Dungeon/Mage): * Tier 1: * Empowering Meal: 2 * *Iron Will*: 1/2 ^before:^ ^Scholar's^ ^Intuition:^ ^0^ * *Hearty Meal*: 2 ^before:^ ^Tested^ ^Hypothesis:^ ^1^ * Backup Barrier: 2 * Tier 2: * Energizing Meal: 2 * *Invigorating Meal*: 2 ^before:^ ^Inscribed^ ^Power:^ ^0;^ *^Rogue's^ ^Foresight:^* ^2^ ^(until^ ^floor^ ^24)^ * Wand Preservation: 0/2 * Arcane Vision: 2 * Shield Battery: 2 * [Tier 3](https://antifandom.com/pixeldungeon/wiki/Shattered_Pixel_Dungeon/Mage#Warlock): * Desperate Power: 3 * Ally Warp: 1/3 * Soul Siphon: 3 * Soul Eater: 1/3 * Necromancer's Minions: 2/3 * [Tier 4](https://antifandom.com/pixeldungeon/wiki/Shattered_Pixel_Dungeon/Mage#Wild_Magic): * Wild Power: 4 * Fire Everything: 2/4 * Conserved Magic: 4 * Heroic Energy: 2/4 ## Gear: * Blooming Glaive +1 ^augmented^ ^for^ ^speed^ * Hero's Robe of Flow +5 ^augmented^ ^for^ ^defense^ * Ring of Elements +3 ## [Wands](https://antifandom.com/pixeldungeon/wiki/Shattered_Pixel_Dungeon/Wands): * Staff of Magic Missile +13 * Wand of Corruption +1 * Wand of Lightning +1 * Wand of Disintegration +1 ^resin^ * Wand of Transfusion +1 ^resin^ ## [Artifacts](https://antifandom.com/pixeldungeon/wiki/Shattered_Pixel_Dungeon/Artifacts): * Dried Rose +10 * Horn of Plenty +10 * Timekeeper's Hourglass +10 * Talisman of Foresight +10 ^sold^ ^after^ ^Yog-Dzewa^ * Alchemist's Toolkit +10 ^sold^ ^after^ ^Yog-Dzewa^ ## Ghost gear: * Elastic War Scythe +1 * Plate Armor of Thorns +1 ^augmented^ ^for^ ^defense^ ## [Badges](https://antifandom.com/pixeldungeon/wiki/Shattered_Pixel_Dungeon/Badges): * Expert Gourmet * Unconventional Angler * Pack Mule * Grandmaster Monster Hunter * Grandmaster Treasure Hunter * Master Enchanter * Grandmaster Bodybuilder * Grandmaster Alchemist * King Conquerer * Victory! * Spotless Victory * Gotcha! * Grandmaster Adventurer * Happy Ending * Master Score Chaser Despite running into a [bad combination of traps](https://pixel.tchncs.de/p/basxto/645009942321290414). ![A screenshot showing the hero being surrounded by two evil eyes, a mimic chest, a succubus, a normal scorpion and an acid scorpion. More details at the link above.](https://pixel.tchncs.de/storage/m/_v2/588439994228361843/bc40e5d2a-3c51e6/Qm9jVJ8LLbLF/NdRT1uYmZJLxQSl6tNMsHFSUL2XUY90IATwPMFOA.jpg)

    Pixel Dungeon basxto 9 months ago 85%
    TIL: always check over what trap flying mops are hovering

    Especially evil eyes and flies who can trigger traps with their drops 🥲 Also TIL: Ring of elements +3 apparently saved my ass when the grim trap hit me.

    Pixel Dungeon basxto 9 months ago 100%
    Potions of Experience and Strength

    Is there anything you can do with spare Potions of Experience, that I’ve overlooked so far? I maxed out my level with starfruits and my talent points with Potions of Divine Inspiration. I still have two Potions of Experience, a blandfruit and a starseed left. Also do I understand it correctly that I’ll get a permanent health boost if I take Elixir of Might at level 30?

    Libre Culture basxto 12 months ago 100%
    Biggest libre lore universes

    I was wondering what lore universes exist where stories and games could take place in. First ones that came to mind are The Battle of Wesnoth and Pepper & Carrot. Though can anybody think of any further? Public domain is also valid, but it has to pd world wide and I’m not sure what that would mean. Authors definitely need to at least dead since 1943, but I don’t know if there were any countries that had more than death+80 (Spain, Colombia and Equatorial Guinea).

    Pixel Dungeon basxto 1 year ago 90%
    Shattered TV Dungeon

    Quite playable with a Fire TV stick and a bluetooth gamepad. All thanks to the gamepad support that came with the steam release.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearMI
    MineClone2 basxto 1 year ago 100%
    Other mapgens [WIP]

    It looks nice to see minecraft biomes with different map generators, but a lot of stuff is sadly missing still. https://git.minetest.land/MineClone2/MineClone2/pulls/3894

    Lemmy Shitpost basxto 1 year ago 96%

    Crossgeposted von: https://lemmit.online/post/496581 > ##### This is an automated archive made by the [Lemmit Bot](https://lemmit.online/post/14692). > The original was posted on [/r/2westerneurope4u](https://old.reddit.com/r/2westerneurope4u/comments/15pzcyv/_/) by [/u/Sekkitheblade](https://old.reddit.com/u/Sekkitheblade) on 2023-08-13 15:47:19. >

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearMI
    MineClone2 basxto 1 year ago 100%
    Huge generated dungeon(s) pixel.tchncs.de

    A huge generated multi-level dungeon in MineClone2 with a huge cave cutting through it. An amethystgeode was generated right next to it with two spawner rooms. The amethystgeode is cut open by the cave. One overlaps with the amethystgeode itself, which means they both cut through each other. The other one is directly below them. There is another big dungeon visible in the radar map not far from the current one. This links to a pixelfed gallery with 9 screenshots. So it’s also a bit a test how good lemmy and pixelfed work together.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearMI
    MineClone2 basxto 1 year ago 100%
    Villages as beautiful as ever

    Village on a cliff with overhang. Massive pillars generated below the houses.

    Fediverse basxto 1 year ago 100%
    Links between lemmy/kbin communities

    I wonder why I haven’t seen any communities so far that link to related communities in the sidebar. That was common in some subreddits, but it would be much more crucial for lemmy/kbin because of how bad communities can propagate sometimes. Probably going back to customs of websites 20 years ago, who linked to each other to increase their visibility and ranking. I’ve also seen that on zeronet, where they included banners of other sites to increase their spread in the network.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearMI
    MineClone2 basxto 1 year ago 90%
    Did sb get Everness running?

    Did somebody get Everness working with MineClone2? I only get ``` ModError: Failed to load and run script from ~/.minetest/mods/everness/init.lua: ...test/games/mineclone2/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/api_doors.lua:197: attempt to call method 'match' (a nil value) ``` Did it break with 0.83.1 or 0.84?

    Canvas basxto 1 year ago 100%
    Community handles written on canvas

    I looked through the image comparing how communities wrote down their handle. So I made a list of communities which wrote down their handle: * Lemmy.ml/c/Runescape (!runescape@lemmy.ml) * c/MK ? * !pixeldungeon@lemmy.world * dn42@Social.dn42.us (!dn42@social.dn42.us) * c/AoB (probably one of !aob***@bookwormstory.social) * C/GEOCACHING (!geocaching@lemmy.world) * FEDDIT.NL/C/PLACENL (!placenl@feddit.nl) * !hessich_iel (!hessich_iel@feddit.de) * !ich_iel@feddit.de * STARDEWVALLEY@LEMMY.ML (!stardewvalley@lemmy.ml) * !NEWZEALAND@LEMMY.NZ * c/Ontario (!ontario@lemmy.ca) * c/Canada (!canada@lemmy.ca) * !IDM@LEMM.EE * C/GAMEDEV (!gamedev@programming.dev) * c/Rust (!rust@programming.dev) * C/GODOT (!godot@programming.dev) * m/wholesome (!wholesome@kbin.social) * c/turkey (!turkey@lemmy.ml) * MineClone2@lemmy.world (!mineclone2@lemmy.world) * C/ONESHOT (!oneshot@lemmy.ml) * !GUNNERS (!gunners@lemmy.world) * C/CHAINSAWFOLK ? For a bunch of them I had to look up who posted it, because the handle was ambiguous. Which means in some cases there can be a bigger community of the same name like it’s the case with !gamedev and !rust. I only list handles that follow the format `!x[@tld]`, `x@tld`, `[tld/]c/x`, `[tld/]m/x`

    Canvas basxto 1 year ago 98%
    Full Timelapse | Lemmy Canvas 2023 tube.tchncs.de

    Crossgeposted von: https://tube.tchncs.de/videos/watch/f87f21a8-4b16-4e35-acf6-3f584381a580 > Full Timelapse Lemmy's Canvas 2023 > > > > Ended! > > > > https://toast.ooo > > https://toast.ooo/c/canvas > > > > Raw video: https://cdn.sc07.company/canvas/2023/timelapse/full.mp4 > >

    Canvas basxto 1 year ago 100%
    The end is neigh

    The unavoidable closure will come upon us

    Pixel Dungeon basxto 1 year ago 88%
    Canvas template & participation

    There is a r/place equivalent being held for lemmy right now. !canvas@toast.ooo I propose this template. It can be loaded like this: https://canvas.toast.ooo/#template=https%3A%2F%2Fbasxto.de%2Fpixeldungeon_canvas.png&ox=0&oy=0&convert=nearestCustom

    ich_iel basxto 1 year ago 64%

    Jetzt wird auf die Leinwand gestuhlt

    ich_iel basxto 1 year ago 86%

    Lases hat sowas nie geschert.

    ich_iel basxto 1 year ago 99%

    Horizontal: ~~90~~ 0 Vertikal: ~~333~~ 0 Stil: Dottiert Das Template kann man hiermit laden: https://canvas.toast.ooo/#template=https%3A%2F%2Fbasxto.de%2Fleinwand.png&ox=0&oy=0&title=spez%20ist%20ein%20hurensohn&convert=nearestCustom Edith: Adresse angepasst

    ich_iel basxto 1 year ago 100%

    ich_iel müsste inzwischen die größte _irl-Gemeinde auf Lassmich sein

    Pixel Dungeon basxto 1 year ago 100%
    Nice combo of talents

    I gained Mystical Meal and Weapon Recharging through Metamorphosis. Whenever Soul Eater triggers on-eat, it will trigger Mystical Meal and Energizing Meal, which again will trigger Weapon Recharging. Main Wands: Staff of Frost and Wand of Corruption to keep opponents at a distance. Weapons: Unstable Whip and Projecting Glaive to trigger Soul Eater without letting opponents getting near me. Artifacts: Alchemist’s Toolkit, Unstable Spellbook, Talisman of Foresight, Timekeeper’s Hourglass Ring of Wealth +4 and +2 helped me getting there.
