programmer_humor Programmer Humor Better merge it, too!
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 8 hours ago 100%

    "Could you please rebase over main first?"

  • politics politics The uncommitted campaign endorses Harris
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 11 hours ago 100%

    Not me standing at the driveway to my polling center with a signature PSL sign (our signs really are the best; call us Professional Signs League the way we be pissing off interns that have to censor our signs before putting them on their articles and videos and ads).

  • politics politics The uncommitted campaign endorses Harris
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 11 hours ago 100%

    The radlibs outed themselves the day Joe Biden had a good day on super tuesday 2020.

    It wasn't so much Joe Biden having a good day as it was Obama, making all the calls necessary for the other neolibs to fall in line (and perhaps for the other "progressive" to stay in the race).

  • firefox Firefox Mozilla exits the fediverse and will shutter its Mastodon server in December
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 1 day ago 100%

    Perhaps I should rephrase. They attack Mozilla (and users of Firefox) infinitely more than Google (and users of various Google products). I heard it said after Mozilla introduced their opt-out privacy-respecting ad tracking that users should “move to a more privacy-friendly browser like Google Chrome”.

    One of those entities claims to be on the side of users. When it constantly throws those same users under the bus anyway, it isn't surprising that it gets more hate than the entity that removed "don't be evil" from its motto.

    Tell them you’re a liberal? You’re practically a Nazi collaborator!

    It's not our fault that fascists bleed when liberals get scratched.

  • programmer_humor Programmer Humor Python has a library for everything but..
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 2 days ago 100%

    Similarly, I find a fair number of Rust crates (that I want to use) have virtually no doc or inline examples, and use weird metaprogramming that I can’t wrap my head around.

    Is it really a true rust crate if it doesn't contain at least one inscrutable macro?

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is your favourite open source software that you discovered in the past year, that you can no longer live without?
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 4 days ago 100%

    Turns out they thought ArcGIS cost the same as like Office or Acrobat, and they didn’t budget for it for the fiscal year that started 2 weeks before I started working.

    ESRI is in the position that Microsoft and Adobe want to be in, a de-facto monopoly.

  • news news America: I’ve assembled an elite team of Uberimperialist super soldiers to protect Taiwan! China: Cool. I have assembled an elite team of 10000 $25 drones which are approaching their location rapidly
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 1 week ago 100%

    Turning to Taiwan this is the opposite, it would be a very concentrated battle and anti-drone systems should be more effective simply because its a smaller area.

    China already achieved military superiority over the US and the conflict will be decided over naval superiority by destroying or even damaging the US carrier fleet. In fact I do like the theory sinking a US carrier would be far worse than 9/11 for the average population and internal US politics, although perhaps that would mean accepting a WW3.

    I don't know how an attack on Taiwan by America would even work without dragging the whole region into the conflict. America's industrial "base" is several thousand miles away from the battlefield. They'd have to be operating from friendly neighboring countries to even have a chance of keeping up a fight, much less winning it.

  • science_memes Science Memes elucidating 🤌🏼
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 1 week ago 100%

    Well shit I didn't expect this to be relevant again so quickly

  • science_memes Science Memes We are stardust.
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 2 weeks ago 100%

    "in the highest exalted way"

  • science_memes Science Memes i will never understand scientific fraud
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 2 weeks ago 100%

    I'd say there are three pieces, each feeding into the next.

    1. A Culture Favouring Novelty Over Replication - There are no Nobel prizes for replicating findings. There is no Fields medal for roundly and soundly refuting the findings of a paper. There is no reputation to be built in dedicating oneself to replication efforts. All incentives push towards novel, novel, novel.
    2. Funding Follows Culture - Nobody wants to pay twice for a result (much less thrice) especially if there's a chance that you'll expose the result as Actually Wrong on the second or third go.
    3. Publish or Perish - Scientists have material needs -- both personally and for their actual work -- acquired through funding. That funding demands the publishing of novelty. If your results aren't novel, then they won't get published (not anywhere that matters, anyway). And if you don't get published (where it matters), then you don't get funded. And if you don't get funded, you perish. And so the circle of scientific life is complete.

    At every step, the incentives involved in the production of science are, ironically, rewarding un-scientific behaviour and ignoring -- if not outright punishing -- actual science. Until replication is seen as an equal to novelty, this regime will persist.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane?
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 2 weeks ago 100%

    Rent. Fucking. Free.

  • memes Memes I am not a bot.
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 2 weeks ago 100%


  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank "Watching AOC evolution on the aspect of having ideals vs being a sellout has been so relatable!!"
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 3 weeks ago 100%

    AOC's claim: The green party is "not serious" and is "predatory"

    For a "not serious" party, they've garnered more ballot access than any other option. I'd say AOC is worried precisely because the green party is serious. And "predatory"? That's big pot-kettle energy. The "predation" from the greens boils down to "gee, it sure sucks that the Democrats won't abandon literal genocide to earn your vote."

  • linux Linux One Of The Rust Linux Kernel Maintainers Steps Down - Cites "Nontechnical Nonsense"
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 3 weeks ago 100%

    I'll try :) Looks like I still have my code from when I was grinding through The Book, and there's a couple spots that might be illuminating from a pedagogical standpoint. That being said, I'm sure my thought process, and "what was active code and what was commented out and when," will probably be hard to follow.

    My first confusion was in deref coercion auto dereferencing (edit: see? it's still probably not 100% in my head :P), and my confusion pretty much matched this StackOverflow entry:

    It took me until Chapter 15 of The Book (on Boxes) to really get a feel for what was happening. My work and comments for Chapter 15:

    use crate::List::{Cons, Nil};
    use std::ops::Deref;
    enum List {
        Cons(i32, Box<List>),
    struct MyBox<T>(T);
    impl<T> Deref for MyBox<T> {
        type Target = T;
        fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
    impl<T> MyBox<T> {
        fn new(x: T) -> MyBox<T> {
    struct CustomSmartPointer {
        data: String,
    impl Drop for CustomSmartPointer {
        fn drop(&mut self) {
            println!("Dropping CustomSmartPointer with data `{}`!",;
    fn main() {
        let b = Box::new(5);
        println!("b = {}", b);
        let _list = Cons(1, Box::new(Cons(2, Box::new(Cons(3,Box::new(Nil))))));
        let x = 5;
        let y = MyBox::new(x);
        assert_eq!(5, *y);
        let m = MyBox::new(String::from("Rust"));
        // so many equivalent ways. I think I'm understanding what happens
        // at various stages though, and why deref coercion was added to
        // the language. Would cut down on arguing over which of these myriad
        // cases is "idomatic." Instead, let the compiler figure out if there's
        // a path to the desired end state (&str).
        // drop stuff below ...
        let _c = CustomSmartPointer {
            data: String::from("my stuff"),
        let _d = CustomSmartPointer {
            data: String::from("other stuff"),
        println!("CustomSmartPointers created.");
        println!("CustomSmartPointer dropped before the end of main.");
        // this should fail.
        //println!("{:?}", _c);
        // yep, it does.
    fn hello(name: &str) {
        println!("Hello, {name}!");

    Another thing that ended up biting me in the ass was Non-Lexical Lifetimes (NLLs). My code from Chapter 8 (on HashMaps):

    use std::collections::HashMap;
    fn print_type_of<T>(_: &T) {
        println!("{}", std::any::type_name::<T>())
    fn main() {
        let mut scores = HashMap::new();
        scores.insert(String::from("Red"), 10);
        scores.insert(String::from("Blue"), 20);
        let score1 = scores.get(&String::from("Blue")).unwrap_or(&0);
        println!("score for blue is {score1}");
        print_type_of(&score1); //&i32
        let score2 = scores.get(&String::from("Blue")).copied().unwrap_or(0);
        println!("score for blue is {score2}");
        print_type_of(&score2); //i32
        // hmmm... I'm thinking score1 is a "borrow" of memory "owned" by the
        // hashmap. What if we modify the blue teams score now? My gut tells
        // me the compiler would complain, since `score1` is no longer what
        // we thought it was. But would touching the score of Red in the hash
        // map still be valid? Let's find out.
        // Yep! The below two lines barf!
        //println!("score for blue is {score1}");
        // But can we fiddle with red independently?
        // Nope. Not valid. So... the ownership must be on the HashMap as a whole,
        // not pieces of its memory. I wonder if there's a way to make ownership
        // more piecemeal than that.
        //println!("score for blue is {score1}");
        // And what if we pass in references/borrows for the value?
        let mut refscores = HashMap::new();
        let mut red_score:u32 = 11;
        let mut blue_score:u32 = 21;
        let default:u32 = 0;
        let refscore1 = refscores.get(&String::from("red")).copied().unwrap_or(&default);
        println!("refscore1 is {refscore1}");
        // and then update the underlying value?
        // Yep. This barfs, as expected. Can't mutate red_score because it's
        // borrowed inside the HashMap.
        //red_score = 12;
        //println!("refscore1 is {refscore1}");
        // what if we have mutable refs/borrows though? is that allowed?
        let mut mutrefscores = HashMap::new();
        let mut yellow_score:u32 = 12;
        let mut green_score:u32 = 22;
        let mut default2:u32 = 0;
        mutrefscores.insert(String::from("yellow"),&mut yellow_score);
        mutrefscores.insert(String::from("green"),&mut green_score);
        //println!("{:?}", mutrefscores);
        let mutrefscore1 = mutrefscores.get(&String::from("yellow")).unwrap();//.unwrap_or(&&default2);
        println!("mutrefscore1 is {mutrefscore1}");
        // so it's allowed. But do we have the same "can't mutate in two places"
        // rule? I think so. Let's find out.
        // yep. same failure as before. makes sense.
        //yellow_score = 13;
        //println!("mutrefscore1 is {mutrefscore1}");
        // updating entries...
        let mut update = HashMap::new();
        //let redscore = update.entry(String::from("red")).or_insert(50);
        //let bluescore = update.entry(String::from("blue")).or_insert(12);
        //println!("redscore is {redscore}");
        //println!("bluescore is {bluescore}");
        // hmmm.... so we can iterate one by one and do the redscore/bluescore
        // dance, but not in the same scope I guess.
        let mut updatesingle = HashMap::new();
        for i in "blue red".split_whitespace() {
            let score = updatesingle.entry(String::from(i)).or_insert(99);
            println!("score is {score}");
        // update based on contents
        let lolwut = "hello world wonderful world";
        let mut lolmap = HashMap::new();
        for word in lolwut.split_whitespace() {
            let entry = lolmap.entry(word).or_insert(0);
            *entry += 1;
        // it seems like you can only borrow the HashMap as a whole.
        // let's try updating entries outside the context of a forloop.
        let mut test = HashMap::new();
        let hello = test.entry(String::from("hello")).or_insert(0);
        *hello += 1;
        let world = test.entry(String::from("world")).or_insert(0);
        *world += 1;
        // huh? Why does this work? I'm borrowing two sections of the hashmap like before in the update
        // section.
        // what if i print the actual hello or world...
        // nope. barfs still.
        //println!("hello is {hello}");
        // I *think* what is happening here has to do with lifetimes. E.g.,
        // when I introduce the println macro for hello variable, the lifetime
        // gets extended and "crosses over" the second borrow, violating the
        // borrow checker rules. But, if there is no println macro for the hello
        // variable, then the lifetime for each test.entry is just the line it
        // happens on.
        // Yeah. Looks like it has to do with Non-Lexical Lifetimes (NLLs), a
        // feature since 2018. I've been thinking of lifetimes as lexical this
        // whole time. And before 2018, that was correct. Now though, the compiler
        // is "smarter."
  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Harris team uses an abortion rights sign from her opponent and blurs out PSL in an ad
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 3 weeks ago 100%

    This isn't the first time that the PSL's signs have been blurred out by media outlets covering protests.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Harris team uses an abortion rights sign from her opponent and blurs out PSL in an ad
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 3 weeks ago 100%

    How are you proposing to run society, get food, healthcare, education, have roads, clean water, internet connectivity, power, law, and all the other things that make it possible for you to express yourself here today?

    The party in question (PSL) actually has taken a stab at what their vision of the first ten years of a socialist United States would look like:

  • linux Linux One Of The Rust Linux Kernel Maintainers Steps Down - Cites "Nontechnical Nonsense"
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 3 weeks ago 100%

    What kind of type signature would prove the first block of any directory in an ext4 filesystem image isn’t a hole?

    I don't know if the type system proves it's not a hole, but the type system certainly seems to force consumers to contend with the possibility by surfacing the outcomes at the type system level. That's what the Either is doing in the example's return type, is it not?

    fn get_or_create_inode(
        ino: Ino
    ) -> Result<Either<ARef<Inode<T>>, inode::New<T>>>
  • linux Linux One Of The Rust Linux Kernel Maintainers Steps Down - Cites "Nontechnical Nonsense"
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 3 weeks ago 100%

    You get used to the syntax and borrow checker in a day or two.

    As someone who spent a couple months learning rust, this was half true for me. The syntax? Yeah. No problem. The borrow-checker (and Rust's concept of ownership and lifetimes in general)? Absolutely not. That was entirely new territory for me.

  • linux Linux One Of The Rust Linux Kernel Maintainers Steps Down - Cites "Nontechnical Nonsense"
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 3 weeks ago 100%

    Isn’t Linux still Linux even though probably a lot of the original code is gone?

    The Kernel of Theseus.

  • privacy Privacy Signal Is More Than Encrypted Messaging. Under Meredith Whittaker, It’s Out to Prove Surveillance Capitalism Wrong
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 3 weeks ago 100%

    If that were the case Molly FOSS wouldn’t exist

    I'm not speaking of hard dependence as in "the app can't work without it." I'm speaking to the default behavior of the Signal application:

    1. It connects to Google
    2. It does not make efforts to anonymize traffic
    3. It does makes efforts to prevent anonymous sign-ups

    Molly FOSS choosing different defaults doesn't change the fact that the "Signal" client app, which accounts for the vast majority of clients within the network, is dependent on Google.

    And in either case -- using Google's Firebase system, or using Signal's websocket system -- the metadata under discussion is still not protected; the NSA doesn't care if they're wired into Google's data centers or Signal's. They'll be snooping the connections either way. And in either case, the requirement of a phone number is still present.

    Perhaps I should restate my claim:

    Signal per se is not the mass surveillance tool. Its dependence on Google design choices of (1) not forcing an anonymization overlay, and (2) forcing the use of a phone number, is the mass surveillance tool.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank offically enshrines the siteadmins' right to remove "misinformation" at will after an admin overthrew its vegan comm.
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 3 weeks ago 100%

    I think if there was something else major in meat that we were missing this study would have shown it.

    That's fair enough. Not all nutrient deficiencies have acute presentations, and the seven indicators of illness may not account for all the ways nutrient deficiencies could present, but if the crowd shrieking about animal cruelty was right in its hyperbolic hypothesis, then it would be likely for at least one of those seven indicators to get tripped.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank offically enshrines the siteadmins' right to remove "misinformation" at will after an admin overthrew its vegan comm.
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 3 weeks ago 100%


    No need to shout. I did.

    So you’re saying that vegan cats had roughly the same health as non vegan cats

    No. That is not what the study is saying. The study is saying that "we took a look, and couldn't tell if there was a difference or not." Which is understandable, given the methodology. Internet-based questionnaires/surveys are easy to conduct, but tend to have big error bars. It's a common trade-off made when first beginning to investigate a hypothesis.

    It's your typical "absence of evidence" versus "evidence of absence" conundrum. The authors note this in their comments on the limitations of their study and on avenues for further research:

    As we’ve noted previously [30], large-scale cross-sectional or ideally, longitudinal studies of cats maintained on different diets, utilising objective data, such as results of veterinary clinical examinations and laboratory data, as well as veterinary medical histories, should yield results of greater reliability, if sufficient funding could be sourced.

    and we’re not destroying our planet in industrial livestock murder. Sounds great!

    Comrade, I'm not trying to argue that cats are "obligate carnivores," or that cats should or should not have vegan diets. I'm not arguing about whether or not cats can meet their nutritional needs from vegan diets. I am only stating that the particular study linked does not provide any usable evidence in support of a conclusion. That's literally what "no reductions were statistically significant" means: that the collected data is not sufficient to draw reliable conclusions.

    Other studies may very well have more rigorous methodologies that convincingly demonstrate the nutritional completeness of vegan diets for cats. But not this study.

  • privacy Privacy Signal Is More Than Encrypted Messaging. Under Meredith Whittaker, It’s Out to Prove Surveillance Capitalism Wrong
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 3 weeks ago 100%

    LOL it's actually even lower if you look at Schedule J. Her base compensation is only 115,057. It's bonus and incentive comp (76,172) that brings it up.

  • privacy Privacy Signal Is More Than Encrypted Messaging. Under Meredith Whittaker, It’s Out to Prove Surveillance Capitalism Wrong
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 3 weeks ago 100%

    Signal is not dependent on Google.

    It literally is though.

  • privacy Privacy Signal Is More Than Encrypted Messaging. Under Meredith Whittaker, It’s Out to Prove Surveillance Capitalism Wrong
    the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank offically enshrines the siteadmins' right to remove "misinformation" at will after an admin overthrew its vegan comm.
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 3 weeks ago 94%

    To study health outcomes in cats fed vegan diets compared to those fed meat, we surveyed 1,418 cat guardians, asking about one cat living with them, for at least one year. Among 1,380 respondents involved in cat diet decision-making, health and nutrition was the factor considered most important. 1,369 respondents provided information relating to a single cat fed a meat-based (1,242–91%) or vegan (127–9%) diet for at least a year. We examined seven general indicators of illness. After controlling for age, sex, neutering status and primary location via regression models, the following risk reductions were associated with a vegan diet for average cats: increased veterinary visits– 7.3% reduction, medication use– 14.9% reduction, progression onto therapeutic diet– 54.7% reduction, reported veterinary assessment of being unwell– 3.6% reduction, reported veterinary assessment of more severe illness– 7.6% reduction, guardian opinion of more severe illness– 22.8% reduction. Additionally, the number of health disorders per unwell cat decreased by 15.5%. No reductions were statistically significant. We also examined the prevalence of 22 specific health disorders, using reported veterinary assessments. Forty two percent of cats fed meat, and 37% of those fed vegan diets suffered from at least one disorder. Of these 22 disorders, 15 were most common in cats fed meat, and seven in cats fed vegan diets. Only one difference was statistically significant. Considering these results overall, cats fed vegan diets tended to be healthier than cats fed meat-based diets. This trend was clear and consistent.

    Not to be a stick in the mud here, but... what? How on earth does "cats fed vegan diets tended to be healthier than cats fed meat-based diets" follow after "considering these results overall"? You mean the results that weren't statistically significant? Those results? And that one statistically significant disease difference? It was for kidney problems, and the vegan cats had more problems than the non-vegan ones (table 6).

    If there's a case for feeding cats a vegan diet, this ain't it.

  • privacy Privacy Signal Is More Than Encrypted Messaging. Under Meredith Whittaker, It’s Out to Prove Surveillance Capitalism Wrong
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 3 weeks ago 83%

    Law enforcement doesn’t request data frequently enough in order to build a social graph. Also they probably don’t need to as Google and Apple likely have your contacts.

    They don't need to request data. They have first-class access to the data themselves. Snowden informed us of this over a decade ago.

    Saying that it is somehow a tool for mass surveillance is frankly wrong.

    Signal per se is not the mass surveillance tool. Its dependence on Google is the mass surveillance tool.

    However, phone numbers are great for ease of use and help prevent spam.

    And there's nothing wrong with allowing that ease-of-use flow for users that don't need anonymity. The problem is disallowing anonymous users.

  • privacy Privacy Signal Is More Than Encrypted Messaging. Under Meredith Whittaker, It’s Out to Prove Surveillance Capitalism Wrong
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 3 weeks ago 85%

    Strictly speaking, you can download it directly from their website, but IIRC, the build will still default to trying to use Google Play Services, and only fall back to a different service if Google Play Services is not on the device. Signal really, really wants to give Google insight into who is messaging who.

  • privacy Privacy Signal Is More Than Encrypted Messaging. Under Meredith Whittaker, It’s Out to Prove Surveillance Capitalism Wrong
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 3 weeks ago 92%

    Yeah, Signal is more than encrypted messaging it’s a metadata harvesting platform. It collects phone numbers of its users, which can be used to identify people making it a data collection tool that resides on a central server in the US. By cross-referencing these identities with data from other companies like Google or Meta, the government can create a comprehensive picture of people’s connections and affiliations.

    This allows identifying people of interest and building detailed graphs of their relationships. Signal may seem like an innocuous messaging app on the surface, but it cold easily play a crucial role in government data collection efforts.

    Strictly speaking, the social graph harvesting portion would be under the Google umbrella, as, IIRC, Signal relies on Google Play Services for delivering messages to recipients. Signal's sealed sender and "allow sealed sender from anyone" options go part way to addressing this problem, but last I checked, neither of those options are enabled by default.

    However, sealed sender on its own isn't helpful for preventing build-up of social graphs. Under normal circumstances, Google Play Services knows the IP address of the sending and receiving device, regardless of whether or not sealed sender is enabled. And we already know, thanks to Snowden, that the feds have been vacuuming up all of Google's data for over a decade now. Under normal circumstances, Google/the feds/the NSA can make very educated guesses about who is talking to who.

    In order to avoid a build-up of social graphs, you need both the sealed sender feature and an anonymity overlay network, to make the IP addresses gathered not be tied back to the endpoints. You can do this. There is the Orbot app for Android which you can install, and have it route Signal app traffic through the Tor network, meaning that Google Play Services will see a sealed sender envelope emanating from the Tor Network, and have no (easy) way of linking that envelope back to a particular sender device.

    Under this regime, the most Google/the feds/the NSA can accumulate is that different users receive messages from unknown people at particular times (and if you're willing to sacrifice low latency with something like the I2P network, then even the particular times go away). If Signal were to go all in on having client-side spam protection, then that too would add a layer of plausible deniability to recipients; any particular message received could well be spam. Hell, spam practically becomes a feature of the network at that point, muddying the social graph waters further.

    That Signal has

    1. Not made sealed sender and "allow sealed sender from anyone" the default, and
    2. Not incorporated anonymizing overlay routing via tor (or some other network like I2P) into the app itself, and
    3. Is still in operation in the heart of the U.S. empire

    tells me that the Feds/the NSA are content with the current status quo. They get to know the vast, vast majority of who is talking (privately) to who, in practically real time, along with copious details on the endpoint devices, should they deem tailored access operations/TAO a necessary addition to their surveillance to fully compromise the endpoints and get message info as well as metadata. And the handful of people that jump through the hoops of

    1. Enabling sealed sender
    2. Enabling "allow sealed sender from anyone"
    3. Routing app traffic over an anonymizing overlay network (and ideally having their recipients also do so)

    can instead be marked for more intensive human intelligence operations as needed.

    Finally, the requirement of a phone number makes the Fed's/the NSA's job much easier for getting an initial "fix" on recipients that they catch via attempts to surveil the anonymizing overlay network (as we know the NSA tries to). If they get even one envelope, they know which phone company to go knocking on to get info on where that number is, who it belongs to, etc.

    This too can be subverted by getting burner SIMs, but that is a difficult task. A task that could be obviated if Signal instead allowed anonymous sign-ups to its network.

    That Signal has pushed back hard on every attempt to remove the need for a phone number tells me that they have already been told by the Feds/the NSA that that is a red line, and that, should they drop that requirement, Signal's days of being a cushy non-profit for petite bourgeois San Francisco cypherpunks would quickly come to an end.

  • privacy Privacy Signal Is More Than Encrypted Messaging. Under Meredith Whittaker, It’s Out to Prove Surveillance Capitalism Wrong
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 3 weeks ago 100%

    one of the reasons the Signal app can’t be put unaltered on F-droid is because it loads in external dependencies from Google at run-time

    IIRC, the APK you get directly from their website doesn't have the GCM bits in it (edit: I did not recall correctly; the GCM bits are there, but there is a websocket fallback if GCM isn't available), and will work without them. At least, I didn't have any issues with notifications back when I was running the website APK with GrapheneOS and no Google bits.

  • fediverse fediverse 'Spreading of the 100 biggest Lemmy communities'
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 1 month ago 100%

    Nice to have flying under the radar for once.

  • worldnews World News The media is lying to you about Venezuela
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 2 months ago 100%

    That most of what the opposition is claiming is proof of their victory, is actually unverified receipts that have not been certified by poll workers after they sample the actual ballots to confirm covergence towards the computer's numbers. The ballots are the source of truth, not the computer's receipts.

  • worldnews World News The media is lying to you about Venezuela
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 2 months ago 100%

    So far as I know, the opposition doesn't claim that it has raw ballots. It claims that it has mesa-level receipts, which show vote totals for the candidates. It has posted them here:

    I've been digging into it along with a couple other folks on X:

    A small sampling of the receipts they've put forward

    shows that only nine percent of these receipts have actual inked signatures or fingerprints from the poll workers. The remainder only have the digital signatures, that are gathered ahead of time, and are used to compare against the actual inked signatures. I.e., it certainly looks like, for most of their receipts, they just asked a voting machine to print out a receipt, and then scanned it and put it on their website. The actually important part, where poll workers validate the results and certify them with their physical signatures on the receipts, is not documented by what the opposition has posted thus far.

  • genzedong
    GenZedong aspensmonster 3 months ago 98%
    Oh Dear

    The 1% have 30.3% of the wealth. The next 9% have 36.6%. The next 40% have 30.6%. The bottom 50% have 2.5%.

    genzedong GenZedong Joint Statement of China and Arab Countries on the Question of Palestine (full text)
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 4 months ago 100%

    I'd rather trust a human to translate sensitive political documents. The website has an English section, but it doesn't look like this entry has been translated. At least, I couldnt find it after searching for "palestine" or "gaza" on the English page and looking for something dated 2024-05-31.

  • technology Technology 45% of business leaders admitted they were making major business decisions with ChatGPT. 😂️️
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 4 months ago 100%

    CEO = Stochastic Parrot. Got it.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Is this like the lemmy version of askreddit?
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 4 months ago 100%

    You won't see this, but... the Lemmy devs are Marxists, not right-wingers. Lemmygrad is definitely Marxist (Leninist). is left-wingers of all types.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Centrists are just as annoying as chuds
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 4 months ago 100%

    Just gonna leave some Parenti here...

  • fuck_cars Fuck Cars The NYTimes is once again trashing the most promising mobility innovation of the 21st century
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 4 months ago 94%

    The companies hawking e-cars have much larger advertising accounts with NYT than those hawking e-bikes.

  • announcements Announcements Lemmygrad Inactive Community Purge: Phase 1
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 4 months ago 100%

    Ditto. /c/hail_corporate is deleted now. I squatted /c/socialistra during the reddit migration wave -- the original subreddit was never officially a project of the Socialist Rifle Association and had been the source of some grief for the org (and I didn't want to see the same thing happen on Lemmy) -- but I'll leave it to admins to decide its fate.

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say The Guardian has published a hit piece on successful communists Haz and Jackson Hinkle
  • aspensmonster aspensmonster 4 months ago 100%

    IIRC, some of these "MAGA communists" were originally contributing to ProleWiki before ProleWiki booted out the patsocs.

  • shitposting
    shitposting aspensmonster 1 year ago 98%
    Material Conditions

    Meme Ben Shapiro pooh-bear on top: "facts don't care about your feelings." Karl Marx pooh-bear on bottom: "material conditions don't care about your idealism."

    GenZedong aspensmonster 1 year ago 100%
    US-China tensions: Biden calls Xi a dictator day after Beijing talks

    By Derek Cai BBC News US President Joe Biden has called Chinese President Xi Jinping a dictator at a fundraiser in California. His remarks come a day after US Secretary of State Antony Blinken met Mr Xi for talks in Beijing, which were aimed at easing tensions between the two superpowers. Mr Xi said some progress had been made in Beijing, while Mr Blinken indicated both sides were open to more talks. China is yet to respond to Mr Biden's comments. President Biden, at the fundraiser on Tuesday night local time, also said Mr Xi was embarrassed over the recent tensions around a Chinese spy balloon that had been blown off course over the US. "The reason why Xi Jinping got very upset, in terms of when I shot that balloon down with two box cars full of spy equipment in it, was he didn't know it was there," Mr Biden said. "That's a great embarrassment for dictators. When they didn't know what happened." Mr Blinken's visit to Beijing - the first by a top US diplomat in almost five years - restarted high-level communications between the two countries. Both Mr Biden and Mr Xi hailed it as a welcome development. But Mr Blinken made clear that major differences remain between the two countries. Washington and Beijing have long locked horns over an array of issues including trade, human rights, and Taiwan. But relations have especially deteriorated in the past year. With the US election looming and tensions with China emerging as a political issue, some Republican senators have attacked the Biden administration for being "soft" on China.

    GenZedong aspensmonster 1 year ago 89%
    Lemmygrad: Worse than CSAM

    OCR/caption below. It's a post from a user saying that Lemmygrad is the worst Lemmy instance of them all, even ones carrying far-right terrorism, NSFL gore, and CSAM. ------------------------- >>same, I'm on Sopuli and their Blocklist is pretty short but has the worst ones. >> >>they are really, really bad and some are straight up illegal in some countries. >> >>Mostly far-right ones, straight up terrorism (seriously there are people with RAF and other terrorist organization's logos on their profile pics there), nsfl gore videos (like people dying and being tortured type of stuff), and nsfw ones full of underage anime girls in suggestive poses... >> >>lemmygrad is probably the worst one out of all of them, just because of it's [sic] size (tankie terrorist group) >> >> > >Ah yes. There's far-right terrorism, NSFL gore, CSAM, but it's the **commies** that are "the worst one out of all of them." > >

    Memes aspensmonster 2 years ago 96%
    Non-political Meme
    GenZedong aspensmonster 2 years ago 100%
    Why You Don't Actually Own Anything Under Capitalism

    A surprisingly succinct and lucid overview of rent, subscriptions, and other arrangements that do not confer ownership to the payee, and how those arrangements are a logical consequence of capitalism's tendencies.

    Guns for Leftists aspensmonster 2 years ago 87%
    There's a Frogger in my grouping!

    Glock G19 compact 9mm, three yards, ten-round group. Still got some work to do.

    Hail Corporate aspensmonster 2 years ago 100%

    Newegg must really be desperate to get rid of those graphics cards now that GPU mining is useless.

    GenZedong aspensmonster 2 years ago 100%
    Fascist Assassination Attempt Targets Argentina’s Vice President

    And after the failed assassination attempt, right-wing media in the country pushed out guides for how to "properly" use the pistol in question:

    Guns for Leftists aspensmonster 2 years ago 78%
    Range Day 9mm 5-ish yards

    Haven't been to the range in a while. My trigger discipline has definitely decayed. Still not terrible though.

    GenZedong aspensmonster 2 years ago 100%

    A peek at how the United States viewed Xi Jinping back in 2009, courtesy of Wikileaks. >It was an "open secret," the professor said, that it was through the "worker-peasant-soldier revolutionary committee" that Xi got his "bachelor's education." The professor said Xi's first degree was not a "real" university education, but instead a three-year degree in applied Marxism. I'm honestly curious what a three-year degree in "applied Marxism" looks like.

    GenZedong aspensmonster 2 years ago 100%
    Happy Bastille Day!

    ![]( Happy Bastille day, comrades :) Below is a single-use redemption URL for one free year of digital+print subscription (within the USA) to Jacobin: If it's already been redeemed by the time you read this, then maybe another comrade will have come along and dropped another link.

    GenZedong aspensmonster 2 years ago 100%
    Statement by President Biden on Consumer Price Index (CPI) in May

    "Today’s report underscores why I have made fighting inflation my top economic priority. While it is good to see critical “core” inflation moderating, it is not coming down as sharply and as quickly as we must see. **Putin’s Price Hike** hit hard in May here and around the world: high gas prices at the pump, energy, and food prices accounted for around half of the monthly price increases, and gas pump prices are up by $2 a gallon in many places since Russian troops began to threaten Ukraine. Even as we continue our work to defend freedom in Ukraine, we must do more—and quickly—to get prices down here in the United States."

    GenZedong aspensmonster 2 years ago 100%
    Victory Day - Never Forget - May 9 2022

    Happy Victory Day, everyone. Endless thanks to the millions of communists who gave the ultimate sacrifice to ensure that we would say "never again" to fascism and nazism. May their sacrifice not be in vain. Punch your local fascist and join your local socialist organization today. #victoryday #communism #communist #ussr #socialism #neverforget #fascism #nazism #fascist #nazi

    Introductions aspensmonster 2 years ago 100%

    Howdy folks. My name is Preston Maness. I'm a socialist --a card-carrying member of DSA, member of my local Austin DSA chapter, card-carrying SRA member, Bernie Victory Captain back in 2020-- and a software engineer in Austin Texas, mostly writing back-end C# code. I graduated from Texas State University with a BSEE (computer engineering emphasis) back in 2014. Though if I could go back in time, I'd probably change that emphasis to power engineering; computer engineering is very difficult to break into, and ultimately, I think Texas in particular will need more power engineers, given its flakey electrical grid, than computer or electronics engineers. I have a number of identities across the fediverse: - **Lemmy**: - **Peertube**: - **Mastodon**: And my Keyoxide (decentralized alternative to, which is rapidly atrophying in the wake of its acquisition by Zoom) can give you an idea of where I can be found elsewhere: My interests are varied, and can be sampled from this list of tags: **Locality**: #atx #tx #austin #texas #austintx **Software**: #grapheneos #firefox #debian #sysadmin #rockylinux #almalinux **Hardware**: #riscv #openpower #powerpc #ppc **Politics**: #socialism #communism #cyberpunk **Gaming**: #haloinfinite #celeste #stardewvalley #nintendo64 #n64 #deusex #zelda #ocarinaoftime #botw If you consider yourself a socialist of any flavour, I recommend checking out or Both are Lemmy instances with left-wing flavours. Lemmygrad in particular has seen quite a bit of growth in the wake of reddit quarantining /r/GenZedong.

    GenZedong aspensmonster 2 years ago 88%
    One of these is not like the other

    <iframe height="510" src="" class="mastodon-embed" style="max-width: 100%; border: 0" width="400" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe><script src="" async="async"></script> Zelensky brought a Nazi Azov fighter before the Greek parliament? Not according to western media.

    Memes aspensmonster 2 years ago 96%
    TankieTunes aspensmonster 2 years ago 100%
    USSR National Anthem

    cross-posted from: > <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    GenZedong aspensmonster 2 years ago 100%
    USSR National Anthem

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Games aspensmonster 2 years ago 0%
    1000 Words

    <p align="center"><iframe height="720" src="" class="mastodon-embed" style="max-width: 100%; border: 0" width="400" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe><script src="" async="async"></script></p> (should have iFrame above, no other text in body but this; URL itself is just the picture from the upload button/modal)

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Games aspensmonster 2 years ago 0%
    Duke Nukem 3D Theme Song

    ![]( (should have DN3D title image embedded above in body) (Post URL itself should be of the toot on I'm testing how well Lemmy handles mastodon URLs, iFrames, mp3 files, etc. I think it'd be awesome if there was first-class support for embedding toots into lemmy posts. Don't be surprised if this disappears. <p align="center"><iframe src="" class="mastodon-embed" style="max-width: 100%; border: 0" width="400" height="520" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe><script src="" async="async"></script></p> (the preview looks nice at least; frankly I'm somewhat surprised that it renders arbitrary HTML and suspect that won't stick around, but it's cool nonetheless :P)

    GenZedong aspensmonster 2 years ago 92%
    Uphold Hammer and Sickle

    ![]( Reddit really dislikes the hammer and sickle, but leaves the anarchist circles and syndicalist flag nearly completely unscathed.
