world World News Experts: Lebanon Pager Explosions Likely Not Lithium Batteries Alone
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 1 day ago 100%

    What a fresh new hell this is.

  • memes Memes "Socialism doesn't work"
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 1 day ago 94%

    You messed up the format.

    The caption should be "Why would Socialism do this?"

  • fullyautomatedrpg
    Fully Automated RPG andrewrgross 2 days ago 100%
    New adventure idea: Rock-a-by Baby!

    I had this idea for an adventure. I wanted to post it here so I don't forget it, and also to share it in case anyone else wants to use parts of this. ~ Players investigate a fatal industrial accident in a mining project by a fault line management agency. They discover that the deceased had uncovered a conspiracy: the agency has been slowly infiltrated at multiple levels by members of the suicide cult NostroCramo. This group believes that the world is a simulation, and seeks to crash the simulation to liberate themselves and anyone else who is trapped in it, and they've become convinced that triggering a massive earthquake will do it. To do so, they've infiltrated the Seismic Management Division of the Pacifican Department of Geology, which is responsible for conducting deep subterranean operations to execute small controlled releases of energy along fault lines. Their plan has been to use the agency's resources to do the exact opposite purpose: instead of modeling out the safest way to release energy, they've been setting up an energy release meant to trigger the biggest possible release along the entire San Andreas fault line ever: the first magnitude 10+ quake. The players have to investigate the death, discover that the accident was really a murder, uncover the conspiracy, then make their way through mine shafts to disable the charges. They must work their way all the way to the location of the largest charge in a bunker sitting 7 km down within the earth's crust. They can initially be trying to move undetected to avoid motivating the cultists to trigger the charges early, and then later be racing them down to the last and deepest one. (I'm calling it "Rock-a-bye Baby" for now, although I'm pretty sure I can do better than that. Feel free to suggest cooler names.)

    climate Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics. Mirroring how ABC’s debate moderators treated climate change, cable news networks aired 31 hours of post-debate coverage without a single mention of climate
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 2 days ago 100%

    Well, there is a cycle:

    • Media doesn't cover climate change
    • Groups like Xtinction Rebellion hold a disruptive demonstration
    • Media complains that it's irrational and actually pushes people away from the climate movement
    • A small backlash of commentators point out that they're drawing needed attention to the issue
    • Public discusses climate change until media loses interest

    ... and the cycle repeats.

    I hope that some climate protesters do something flashy and disruptive as soon as possible.

  • fullyautomatedrpg
    Fully Automated RPG andrewrgross 3 days ago 100%
    We now have videos! An introduction AND actual play videos!

    I created a brief introductory video explaining the premise of the game, another describing the premade characters, and four actual play videos to show folks what the game looks like in practice! I've uploaded these to YouTube and of course PeerTube as well! I don't plan on making any more content at the moment, but I'm glad to have a few videos that I think might help people who want to know more get a clearer picture on what this is. And if we happen to make more video content in the future, we now have somewhere to put it!

    3dprinting 3DPrinting Print fails with "frayed" ends
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 3 days ago 100%

    This looks like a clog caused by retraction.

    Is it clogged when it finishes? Also, does the cooling change at this layer? Is there anything specific to this layer?

  • fullyautomatedrpg
    Fully Automated RPG andrewrgross 4 days ago 100%
    We're now listed on! is a website for rating and discussing role playing games. We now have a product listing there. If anyone is registered to the site, consider going on and leaving a rating or review!

    world World News UN employee shot dead by Israeli sniper in occupied West Bank
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 4 days ago 100%

    As someone who has thought about this a lot, here's what I try to do myself.

    First, let's reconcile some things. On one hand, you have a sense of powerlessness, and it's not an illusion. However on the other, I think there is a real and valid sense among many that Israel's situation has changed in fundamental ways that cannot be undone. And it seems realistic that the current order will fall in our lifetimes. So then how do you and I act to hasten that?

    First (and really second, third, and fourth), we must bear witness. We must continue to read these articles and learn about this situation well enough to try and explain it to others. Save articles by Palestinians to use to lift up their voices when opportunities arise.

    At this point, it helps to reflect on a certain model of persuasion I like. Our goals are not to convince someone who opposes us to join our side. It's to move people along a ladder. You want to find people who already agree with you but are passive, and activate them to do the things you're already doing. You want to convince people who are neutral to agree with you, passively. You want to convince people who are passively opposed to become neutral. And you want to convince people who are actively opposed to lose their conviction and become passive in their opposition.

    This has been happening for a long time, and it's begun to accelerate in the last year. Learn and share knowledge. I don't mean facts: I mean listen to people and slip them time-bomb ideas tailored to where they are that will move them on the ladder the next time they read a headline that you've primed them to look at with new eyes.

    Second: I think it's very likely that major turning points will be accompanied by mass actions. Protests don't do anything ... until suddenly they do. Be a member of a group -- DSA, JVP, PYM, etc. -- to make sure that when people march, you'll get the call.

    That's pretty much what I have now. That and conversations like this one.

    Third, I try to make sure I'm visible in my politics. I wear a kippah, and I have a Palestinian flag pin on it. I've found that this lets fellow Jews who've felt silenced know that I'm safe to talk to about this, and quietly lets Muslim neighbors know I'm with them. I have a drawstring bag with a pro-Palestine message I often carry. If useful to you, consider signaling politely where you stand to let others know.

    And lastly: keep the faith. That ladder I mentioned? Zionists are trying to do all this to you too. There are people who want to exhaust you and demoralize you. Take breaks if needed. Don't burn out. Do what you must to stay active for the long haul.

  • memes Memes Miss me with that doomer shit
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 4 days ago 100%

    Thanks for sharing this. I wasn't familiar with this channel, not I'm liking it.

    I just read that this guy was part of Nebula and was forced out. It's remarkable that he's forced out for speaking openly and defending his beliefs when Isaac Arthur is tolerated despite having much more onerous politics but having them in secret. Smh.

  • climate Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics. Schools are ripping up playgrounds across the US | Projects to plant trees, build shade structures & reduce amount of pavement around schools become priority as schoolyards become dangerously hot
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 4 days ago 100%

    My kids school has done some of this. Next to his kindergarten class is a little patio where they eat snacks and spend a lot of the day. It used to be concrete, but now it's all wood chips and little logs for stools. The shade is lacking, but it has trees, they're just a bit young. When they fill out, it'll be amazing.

  • memes Memes Mastermind
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 5 days ago 100%

    Amen. It drives me fuckin' nuts anytime -- in business as well as in sci-fi and general discussion -- when people envision a society made perfect because it's run by a genius computer.

    For pretty much every challenge society faces, the major obstacle is not that we're unsure what to do or lack the intelligence to solve. We already have all the solutions, it's just that our decision making systems are completely disinterested in employing any of the solutions that we already have.

    It's like, if you could get everyone to agree to listen to a computer, why not just skip the computer and get everyone to agree to listen to a combination of popular will and expert advice? Popular will and expert advice are like the supercomputer that runs society that we already have.

  • usnews
    U.S. News andrewrgross 5 days ago 100%
    What is going on in a small Ohio town that Trump and Vance won't stop threatening

    Springfield, Ohio became suddenly famous nationally when Trump claimed that an influx of Haitian migrants were devouring residents' pets. I went looking to see what the town is experiencing from the perspective of local news, and it looks surprising nuanced. It appears that the town saw a rapid influx of migrants fleeing violence in Haiti. The town has since experienced a strain in its ability to function in notable ways because of the population shock. The issues include a sudden reduction in the housing supply and an increase in traffic and inexperienced drivers. One particularly bad traffic accident killed a child during a school bus crash. The city government has seemed to largely avoid blaming new arrivals themselves. However they've expressed a sense of betrayal towards Biden and the federal government for granting thousands of people entry into the country without appearing to recognize any responsibility for helping them resettle or aiding their destination cities in accommodating them. Additionally, they've begun investigating local businesses which they suspect used the expansion of visas for Haitians seeking asylum as an opportunity to seek out low-cost workers while concealing their role in creating a population shock for which the city was unprepared. I must say that I think the city government makes a reasonable point: those of use who want to offer foreign visitors safety and dignity in American must also demand that our government takes responsibility for helping them relocate to a town in which is expecting their arrival and has been aided in making that arrival successful.

    Memes andrewrgross 1 week ago 98%
    Memes andrewrgross 1 week ago 95%
    Miss me with that doomer shit

    cross-posted from: > Not givin' up

    memes solarpunk memes Miss me with that doomer shit
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 1 week ago 100%

    “We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings. Resistance and change often begin in art, and very often in our art, the art of words.”

    ― Ursula K. Le Guin

  • memes solarpunk memes Miss me with that doomer shit
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 1 week ago 100%

    You are utterly powerless to stop this, even at your most self actualized, mobile, and focused you are fundamentally incapable of changing what needs to be changed.

    This is flat out wrong.

    You're missing the point, because your scale is off. I'm not trying to change the planet. I'm trying to change my city and neighborhood. I'm not trying to hold back the tides. I'm trying to teach the next generation the resiliency to survive a long road to something better.

    Those goals are totally in my reach. I can't save billions, but I can definitely save dozens. Perhaps hundreds over the next century. And if enough of us do that, collectively we CAN save billions.

  • memes solarpunk memes Miss me with that doomer shit
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 1 week ago 75%

    And somewhat ironically, the “our species can still turn it around! live in hope!” types are the same ones deadset against revolution to force those living large off destroying the planet to stop in a physical way.

    I feel like it's the other way around. I feel like it's my people who are out there getting arrested and making fossil fuel execs upgrade their security detail, and it's the doomers who seem to complain endlessly about how much they hate the taste of shoe leather while somehow spending the most time down there.

  • solarpunk Solarpunk Map of 2000+ lemmy communities -- is pretty diverse
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 1 week ago 100%

    So do I understand correctly that this is a Principal Component Analysis of the amount of users who comment on other instances? This is very cool.

    Thanks for sharing this. I would also crosspost to the c/meta.

  • memes solarpunk memes Miss me with that doomer shit
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 1 week ago 88%

    Okay well then where's the problem? If there's no point in trying to fight climate change while capitalism exists, then end capitalism. I don't understand where we disagree.

  • technology Solarpunk technology Experiences With Mist Showers?
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 1 week ago 100%

    I'd still be curious to know whether a mist is comfortable and how much water it consumes.

  • solarpunk Solarpunk “I’m an environmental journalist, but I never write about overpopulation. Here’s why.”
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 1 week ago 100%

    You know, the podcast The Climate Denier's Playbook had a great episode recently on Malthusianism in the environmental movement, and did a great job clowning on how it's totally divorced from science.

  • solarpunk Solarpunk I just read Octavia Butler's "Parable of the Sower" and I can't believe it took me until now to read it.
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 1 week ago 100%

    Yeah. You can find it on our website: .

  • solarpunk Solarpunk I just read Octavia Butler's "Parable of the Sower" and I can't believe it took me until now to read it.
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 1 week ago 100%

    Definitely do! It's a fast read. I couldn't put it down (which is all the more remarkable because of how dark it is).

  • solarpunk Solarpunk I just read Octavia Butler's "Parable of the Sower" and I can't believe it took me until now to read it.
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 1 week ago 100%

    Fully Automated. It's a tabletop role playing game. I originally posted this to the Lemmy community for the game, but cross posted it because I wanted more people to talk to about the book.

  • fullyautomatedrpg Fully Automated RPG I just read Octavia Butler's "Parable of the Sower" and I can't believe it took me until now to read it.
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 1 week ago 100%

    I wish so much that she was still around! She was so ahead of her time. I think if she were still alive, she'd have built up a massive fandom at this point, and be such an incredible voice in our culture. And imagine what she might be writing! If her work feels current decades later, how wild would her work be in the present?? I'm confident that it world be enormously controversial in all the best ways!

  • fullyautomatedrpg Fully Automated RPG I just read Octavia Butler's "Parable of the Sower" and I can't believe it took me until now to read it.
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 1 week ago 100%

    I am definitely going to. I'm really curious to see where it goes!

    I read Octavia Butler's Xenogenesis series years ago. I feel foolish for having discovered her and not read more of her books after finishing that! I'm going to try to avoid making that mistake again.

  • solarpunk
    Solarpunk andrewrgross 1 week ago 96%
    I just read Octavia Butler's "Parable of the Sower" and I can't believe it took me until now to read it.

    cross-posted from: > Parable of the Sower is such a good book. > >First, it's interesting that it starts right about now. The book starts in mid-2024, and even mentions that its an election year. That was a fascinating experience to read a scifi book in the moment in time in which it is set. It still feels like it takes place about 20 years in the future. It was written 31 years ago, so politically things have seemed to move as many steps forward as backward. It seems like a lot of things have not gotten better and worse than when Butler wrote it, so in some sense I feel like I'm looking at it as a near future in the same way as when it was written a generation ago. I guess I'm glad things didn't go as badly as in the story, but it's rough that the looming threat from 30 years ago feels the same distance away now as then. > >Second, it's painful to read. Although the events described in the book haven't happened in the book's setting -- California -- the social collapse and migrations described have happened in Honduras, Gaza, Yemen, and certainly others I'm not aware of. It was really hard to read that and know that it was already real somewhere. > >Third, as a solarpunk novel -- and really as general fiction -- it feels like it should be part of a high school curriculum. It's really well written and an engrossing read. Since publishing Fully Automated, I often relate solarpunk stories to that game. What might I have added to the game if I'd read this before? How well does it naturally fit? One thing that struck me is that her emerging in-world faith -- Earthseed -- reminds me quite a bit of elements of Seekerism, a new faith tradition in Fully Automated. I wish I'd known and included direct references to Earthseed, but it's nice when the game has alignment with great works that I wasn't directly familiar with. > > Has anyone else read this? What do you folks think?

    fullyautomatedrpg Fully Automated RPG I just read Octavia Butler's "Parable of the Sower" and I can't believe it took me until now to read it.
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 1 week ago 100%

    Also: Sean Bodley, the artist who did the cover and a lot of the interior art for the game has a handful of works from or inspired by Parable of the Sower. It's cool that while reading, these works formed a kind of natural visual foundation for me to imagine the story through art I'd seen but had no context for. Here is an example:

  • fullyautomatedrpg
    Fully Automated RPG andrewrgross 1 week ago 96%
    I just read Octavia Butler's "Parable of the Sower" and I can't believe it took me until now to read it.

    Parable of the Sower is such a good book. First, it's interesting that it starts right about now. The book starts in mid-2024, and even mentions that its an election year. That was a fascinating experience to read a scifi book in the moment in time in which it is set. It still feels like it takes place about 20 years in the future. It was written 31 years ago, so politically things have seemed to move as many steps forward as backward. It seems like a lot of things have not gotten better and worse than when Butler wrote it, so in some sense I feel like I'm looking at it as a near future in the same way as when it was written a generation ago. I guess I'm glad things didn't go as badly as in the story, but it's rough that the looming threat from 30 years ago feels the same distance away now as then. Second, it's painful to read. Although the events described in the book haven't happened in the book's setting -- California -- the social collapse and migrations described have happened in Honduras, Gaza, Yemen, and certainly others I'm not aware of. It was really hard to read that and know that it was already real somewhere. Third, as a solarpunk novel -- and really as general fiction -- it feels like it should be part of a high school curriculum. It's really well written and an engrossing read. Since publishing Fully Automated, I often relate solarpunk stories to that game. What might I have added to the game if I'd read this before? How well does it naturally fit? One thing that struck me is that her emerging in-world faith -- Earthseed -- reminds me quite a bit of elements of Seekerism, a new faith tradition in Fully Automated. I wish I'd known and included direct references to Earthseed, but it's nice when the game has alignment with great works that I wasn't directly familiar with. Has anyone else read this? What do you folks think?

    world World News Israel accused of killing its own civilians under the 'Hannibal Directive' to avoid them being taken hostage
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 1 week ago 95%

    The only thing I don't understand about this article is what precipitated them to write it now, in September.

    As they mentioned, this all came out months ago. Haaretz -- which is basically the Israeli New York Times -- reported on this. Soldiers, survivors, and investigators have all testified that the IDF instructed soldiers to let no one return to Gaza, full stop, by any means necessary, and liquidated hostages in a widespread manner.

    It's terrible. I'm glad it's being talked about. But geez, why does it take months for something like this to suddenly get reported on?

  • technology Technology UK's first 'teacherless' AI classroom set to open in London
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 2 weeks ago 92%

    This article doesn't really answer most of my questions.

    What subjects does the AI cover? Do they do all their learning independently? Does AI compose the entire lesson plan? What is the software platform? Who developed it? Is this just an LLM or is there more to it? How are students assessed? How long has the school been around, and what is their reputation? What is the fundamental goal of their approach?

    Overall, this sounds quite dumb. Just incredibly and transparently stupid. Like, if they insisted that all learning would be done on the blockchain. I'm very open minded, but I don't understand what the student's experience will be. Maybe they'll learn in the same way one could learn by browsing Wikipedia for 7 hours a day. But will they enjoy it? Will it help them find career fulfillment, or build confidence or learn social skills? It just sounds so much like that Willie Wonka experience scam but applied to an expensive private school instead of a pop-up attraction.

  • world World News Israeli soldiers fatally shot an American woman at a West Bank protest, witnesses say
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 2 weeks ago 93%

    Even still. Most are like, 'Woman (allegedly American) no longer alive due to visiting West Bank, claim some'.

    Most headlines don't even say who killed her.

  • music SLRPNK Music Carl Sagan - 'A Glorious Dawn' ft Stephen Hawking (Symphony of Science)
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 2 weeks ago 100%

    Oh man! I remember this! I think I bought a digital download of this album. I think it was like $5 for an online download or something. I shared this with mom. Now I gotta go listen and see how it all holds up.

  • music
    SLRPNK Music andrewrgross 2 weeks ago 66%
    Campaign 1: Regulation; The Soundtrack!

    cross-posted from: > I finally got around to making a playlist of the music used to score the starter campaign, Fully Automated: Regulation! > > I think it's a collection of real bangers. I hope that for people who haven't played these stories, this might give an enticing taste of what to expect. And for people who might've played, perhaps it takes you back to some memorable moments. > > **Demonstration of Power** > > - The stakeout: “This DJ” by Warren G > - Fight scene!: “Dare to be Stupid”, covered by The Cybertronic Spree > - Roll credits: “Fine”, by Lemon Demon > > **Psychonautica** > > - Opening Sparing match: “Champion” by Buju Banton > - Entering neurospace: “Just dropped in” by Kenny Roger > - The mindscape: “Ghandi, Dalai Lama, Your Lord & Savior J.C.” by André 3000 > - Dance battle: “Do the Damn Thing” by Rupee > - The Bathhouse: “Ants to You, Gods to Who?” by André 3000 > - Android assault: “Robot Rock” by Daft Punk > - Synthesizing the cure: “The Oligo Separation Verse” and “Analytical Gangster” by True Speak > - Roll credits: “Pony” by Deluxe > > **Piece of Mind** > > - Surf Intro: “Cecilia Ann” by The Pixies > - Fighting back: “Headshot” by she > - Starting the investigation: “No Time for Dreaming” by Charles Bradley & Menahan Street Band > - Sneaking around: “The Sensual Woman” by The Herbaliser > - Piecing things together: “Cause for Alarm” by The Heavy > - Research montage, pt.1: “Metrocenter 84” by Sunset Neon. > - Research montage, pt.2: “You Rock Me” by she > - Making a plan: “Drag and Drop” by the Soul Motivator > - Showtime: “Swing Break” by the McMash Clan, feat. Kate Mullins > - Showdown: “Mastermind” by Deltron 3030 and Dan the Automater > - Showdown, cont’d: “Don’t Get In My Way” by Zach Hemsey > - Roll credits: “UNLVD” by Socalled > > **Olives Fair in Love and War** > > - Vampire fight: “Dark Entities” cover by Daniel Guerra Caballero > - Roll credits: “Birdhouse in your Soul” by They Might Be Giants

    Fully Automated RPG andrewrgross 2 weeks ago 80%
    Campaign 1: Regulation; The Soundtrack!

    I finally got around to making a playlist of the music used to score the starter campaign, Fully Automated: Regulation! I think it's a collection of real bangers. I hope that for people who haven't played these stories, this might give an enticing taste of what to expect. And for people who might've played, perhaps it takes you back to some memorable moments. **Demonstration of Power** - The stakeout: “This DJ” by Warren G - Fight scene!: “Dare to be Stupid”, covered by The Cybertronic Spree - Roll credits: “Fine”, by Lemon Demon **Psychonautica** - Opening Sparing match: “Champion” by Buju Banton - Entering neurospace: “Just dropped in” by Kenny Roger - The mindscape: “Ghandi, Dalai Lama, Your Lord & Savior J.C.” by André 3000 - Dance battle: “Do the Damn Thing” by Rupee - The Bathhouse: “Ants to You, Gods to Who?” by André 3000 - Android assault: “Robot Rock” by Daft Punk - Synthesizing the cure: “The Oligo Separation Verse” and “Analytical Gangster” by True Speak - Roll credits: “Pony” by Deluxe **Piece of Mind** - Surf Intro: “Cecilia Ann” by The Pixies - Fighting back: “Headshot” by she - Starting the investigation: “No Time for Dreaming” by Charles Bradley & Menahan Street Band - Sneaking around: “The Sensual Woman” by The Herbaliser - Piecing things together: “Cause for Alarm” by The Heavy - Research montage, pt.1: “Metrocenter 84” by Sunset Neon. - Research montage, pt.2: “You Rock Me” by she - Making a plan: “Drag and Drop” by the Soul Motivator - Showtime: “Swing Break” by the McMash Clan, feat. Kate Mullins - Showdown: “Mastermind” by Deltron 3030 and Dan the Automater - Showdown, cont’d: “Don’t Get In My Way” by Zach Hemsey - Roll credits: “UNLVD” by Socalled **Olives Fair in Love and War** - Vampire fight: “Dark Entities” cover by Daniel Guerra Caballero - Roll credits: “Birdhouse in your Soul” by They Might Be Giants

    fullyautomatedrpg Fully Automated RPG Using Every Part Of The Car – A Resource For Solarpunk Writers And Artists
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 2 weeks ago 100%

    This is a big post! Thanks for sharing. I'm really enjoying reading through!

  • world World News UN’s Gaza polio vaccination campaign reaches 189,000 children in first phase
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 2 weeks ago 100%

    I agree with all of that. It's tough to talk about because I really hate to give any impression of moral equivalence. I think the leaders on both sides are equivalent in their hearts, but in actions and outcomes there's simply no contest. Israel's killers are much, much, much more brutally effective. At least several hundred times so in numbers. Very possibly a thousand times so.

    When I speak of Hamas, it's largely for the purpose of trying to understand their behavior.

  • world World News UN’s Gaza polio vaccination campaign reaches 189,000 children in first phase
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 2 weeks ago 83%

    I'm not terribly surprised, since whatever either side says is largely detached from what is really going on on the ground.

    For instance, Israel has stated that it allows the vaccinations to take place, but four days ago blew up one of the aid trucks organized by a group called Anera after it had already been authorized for transit.

    Now, the IDF claims that the truck was hijacked by armed militants. Anera said that the truck was not hijacked, it was staffed with local Palestinian delivery drivers who asked to drive at the last minute, but also admitted that they were not among the people that the IDF had pre-aproved.

    So we can see here that the IDF blows people up in a deconflicted setting. But I'll say something critics of Israel often won't: I can't guarantee that none of those drivers were actually part of Hamas. Would it surprise me if Hamas and the IDF agreed to peacefully allow vaccinations without interference and BOTH broke that agreement? No. Israel doesn't follow the rules of engagement, nor does Hamas. What either side says they agree to is not a reliable source of what is happening. Both say whatever they think sounds good and then their fighters do whatever the hell they like. Neither side is honest or in control of their fighters, so nothing anyone says really matters that much.

  • world World News UN’s Gaza polio vaccination campaign reaches 189,000 children in first phase
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 2 weeks ago 86%

    This makes me so sad. It's clear that the only reason that they're doing it is because unlike starvation, unconstrained polio virus can transmit to soldiers.

    They'll allow limited aid to prevent kids from dying of this one particular thing. Not of dying of all the other horrible stuff. But just of this one special cause.


  • asklemmy Asklemmy What should I do if I find a bag by the road that I'm concerned it's a dead body?
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 2 weeks ago 79%

    I feel like this is a pretty crass joke to make.

    A good friend of mine found a body a few months ago. It's a pretty shitty experience. And it's actually a lot like what OP describes. A sense of foreboding and suspicion combined with a conviction that these thoughts are foolish. And an uncertainty whether to check or to alert someone or to just try to forget it.

    Op, I'd report it and ask them to please follow up with you and let you know. It's probably nothing, and you'll feel better once you know it was nothing, and that you did the responsible thing in having it dealt with.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What should I do if I find a bag by the road that I'm concerned it's a dead body?
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 2 weeks ago 100%

    I would suggest calling the city or county and reporting suspicious dumping. It could be a body. It could be a rotting animal carcass. It could have toxic chemicals in it.

    You don't need to suspect that it's a body to call the city and report what looks like dangerous dumping.

  • pleasantpolitics Pleasant Politics Radical? Far left? Kamala Harris’s policies are just common sense to most Americans | Bernie Sanders
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 2 weeks ago 100% shared a link to a list of traits of fascism. She doesn't fit these. The list describes a form of demagoguery that is inherently conservative, violent, ethnonationalist, and toxicly masculine, By this definition, Netanyahu and his allies for instance are obviously, clearly fascist.

    Harris is supporting the same agenda. She is still guilty of genocide. But she's pursuing genocide under a banner of diverse, forward-looking girl-boss pandering to progressives. It's still bad, but I don't think you can call imperialism under the banner of fake leftist signaling fascism. I would call that neoliberal imperialism. It's still bad. It's just a different bad thing.

  • pleasantpolitics Pleasant Politics Radical? Far left? Kamala Harris’s policies are just common sense to most Americans | Bernie Sanders
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 3 weeks ago 100%

    I think the point that many of us are making us that she's a monster, but not a fascist.

    Fascists are monstrous, but not all monsters are fascists.

  • solarpunk Solarpunk Solarpunk media recomendations?
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 3 weeks ago 100%

    I really like Murder in the a tool library by Ae Marling and The Lost Cause by Cory Doctorow.

  • world World News China: Two women spark debate after locking girl in plane toilet
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 3 weeks ago 100%

    To clarify a bit: I DO think that what this woman did was child abuse. But not specifically because she locked the kid in a bathroom. Because she did it for a social media audience.

    For some context, I use what is often called "gentle parenting" (although I think it's just what I would call "parenting if you're humane and responsive to the needs of a child"). So I would never do this. But I also am very aware of the feeling of helplessness that comes from having a child in distress and having exhausted every remedy I know. I am familiar with the logic that a child who is screaming is doing so for attention, and will stop when their behavior isn't being tolerated. Putting a child into a time out until they stop doing something is not a radical approach. If I saw someone do this on a plane, I wouldn't immediately consider it abusing a child.

    HOWEVER: if I saw this lady chatting animatedly into her phone's front facing camera while dragging a distressed kid (to whom she's not addressing her attention) toward a lavatory, I'd immediately think, 'Oh fuck: is that one of those people who turns every moment into a social media opportunity? That kid needs rescued.'

    I think it's an omission that the article didn't recognize this. This woman didn't just put a kid in a bathroom to try to get them to calm down (dumb idea, but not abuse by itself, imo). She did all that while talking to strangers and saying, 'Hey everyone! Look at me! Look AT MEEE!'

    THAT is what makes it abuse.

  • technology Technology Silicon Valley’s Very Online Ideologues are in Model Collapse
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 3 weeks ago 100%

    I was trying to explain what AI alignment is to my mom, and I ended up using the behavior of companies like OpenAI, and how they're distorted by profit motive as an example of a misaligned decision making system. And I realized that late stage capitalism is basically the paperclip maximizer made real.

    This is a very good article. I think AI models have more to teach us about epistemology than people want to believe right now.

  • world World News China: Two women spark debate after locking girl in plane toilet
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 3 weeks ago 64%

    This is interesting.

    It's fascinating how different people and different cultures view this stuff.

    I'll say this: the grandmother doesn't get enough attention in this article. To start with, I simply don't think it's considerate at all to fly with a one year old. I didn't fly with my kid until he was about two and a half, specifically because one year olds have little to no self control, and the air pressure can be very painful. It's just bad for the kid and other passengers. And then this grandmother gives the kid some random person? Does that person have kids of their own? It's odd that the article doesn't say.

    I don't think confining the child to the restroom was effective or healthy. Now I don't think it's child abuse... unless perhaps if you're filming it for TikTok. As soon as the woman is performing for likes, her credibility as a responsible care giver evaporates. I think filming it was probably the dumbest part of the story.

    Really, "L"s for everyone all around.

  • world World News US imposes sanctions on extremist Israeli settlers in West Bank
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 3 weeks ago 100%

    This needs said over and over.

    The settlement of the West Bank used to be a slow walk of annexation. Now, it's not even slow.

    The Israeli civilian government is actively annexing the entire region. They are rounding up native residents and putting them into interment camps. They are openly discussing expanding their activity into their northern neighboring country, Lebanon. The military is serving as shock troops for the naked displacement of locals. The IDF is conducting air strikes on a totally defenseless demilitarized neighboring country that is already under total military occupation. While using a separate, unrelated war as a brazenly cynical excuse to just start attacking anyone whose land they happen to want next.

    Thes sanctions are a band aid applied to a mortar wound to the chest. This is so wildly disproportionate to the needs of the situation that I genuinely feel it is far more offensive than doing nothing.

  • games Games A Prominent Accessibility Advocate Worked With Studios and Inspired Change. But She Never Actually Existed.
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 3 weeks ago 100%

    Hard to really say, but I would venture that the best way to tell was from what he did with the attention.

    I doubt it's as simple as 'He did it for the money' or 'He did it for the clicks' etc. I'm guessing he did it for all the attention/money/influence it got him. I think as we confront a world where AI can be used to fabricate people with incredible ease, the lesson is that people need to occasionally meet in person if we want to guarantee that they have a physical personhood.

  • fullyautomatedrpg Fully Automated RPG I love this artist's work (Joan_de_art). This vision of a city really captures how i picture Los Angeles in Fully Automated.
  • andrewrgross andrewrgross 4 weeks ago 100%

    I think the soundproofing described is primarily meant to limit the external noise for the comfort of the occupants.

    I definitely think designing buildings to limit the effect for neighbors of dogs barking or kids crying or a loud movie or noisy sex is a good idea. For domestic violence, though, I'd rather someone intervene.

  • fullyautomatedrpg
    Fully Automated RPG andrewrgross 4 weeks ago 96%
    I love this artist's work (Joan_de_art). This vision of a city really captures how i picture Los Angeles in Fully Automated.

    cross-posted from: > Created by /u/joan_de_art on Reddit.

    Fully Automated RPG andrewrgross 1 month ago 100%
    I recorded a podcast episode about Fully Automated!

    I just wanted to share that I recorded an upcoming episode of the Solarpunk Presents podcast! I recorded it last Thursday, so I'm guessing it'll probably come out in September. I hope it went well. I'm a little concerned I was overcaffinated and also got too excited and might sound like it. But hopefully that won't be too much of a problem. I'm very excited to hear it. The conversation felt very lively, and I'm eager to see what comes of it. If anyone knows of other opportunities to talk on streams or podcasts, let us know! You can offer to go on yourself or refer another person. Cheers!

    Fully Automated RPG andrewrgross 1 month ago 100%
    A suggested expansion: a guide to all the in-world catastrophes!

    A gentleperson in the Discord opined that the world guide lacks definition in its addressing of all the major catastrophes. Specifically, they pointed out that these catastrophes are pivotal, culture-defining events. How we navigate them informs so much of the present. That means that it underserves the game world if they're hand-waved away. This document is an opportunity to elaborate on how various problems were addressed and what marks they've left on society. Feel free to add your own ideas freely! We can edit for clarity later.

    Fully Automated RPG andrewrgross 1 month ago 100%
    Solarpunk Capetown by pickledtezcat

    This is from the [solarpunk images collection of pickledtezcat]( It was shared with me by []( . Here's the description of this piece: >A bit of Afrofuturism with this one. >One of the scenarios I'd like to include in my pen and paper RPG project. I just discovered this artist, but I'm immediately going to reach out and see if they'd like to collaborate on anything RPG related. This is great.

    Fully Automated RPG andrewrgross 1 month ago 100%
    Utopia 2048 Berlin Friedrichstrasse by aerroscape

    This is from the Utopic Cities collection by artist aerroscape: It was shared with me by []( . I really love all these. Here is the artist description of this piece: >a back & front cover art commission for Lino Zeddies, an activist for a better world and author from Berlin. >In his book UTOPIA 2048 he creates a what-if scenario, where you wake up in the year 2048, realizing how favourably the world has developped after major changes in the financial system have been made. His book is now available in many online stores printed and as e-book. >___________ >this is a photo manipulation to about 30%. Sources: altered, licensed and open source web photos, own photographs and google earth images >___________ >feel free to share this artwork! you may use the artwork non-commercially, according to the creative commons license (CC BY-NC-SE 4.0)

    Fully Automated RPG andrewrgross 1 month ago 100%
    I just came across another RPG, Starscape, that really grabbed my attention!

    This is a Powered By The Apocalypse game meant to run general space western adventures. It offers opportunities for play similar to Star Trek, Firefly, The Expanse, Babylon 5, etc. First, as a general concept, I dig it. Second, I think the execution is solid. I'm looking through the quick start and the starter adventure, and this looks a lot like what I'd dream for the Fully Automated space expansion to resemble. It's tech level is quite a bit higher, but the structure and the art and everything is really well done. The attached link is to their Kickstarter for the published edition. It's already been fully backed, but it only has a day left, so if anyone wants any of the rewards, act quick, Here is a link to the page. The game seems to have undergone about four years of development and refinement, and it looks very professional. The Itch page no longer links to the game, as they've withdrawn the beta versions as they prepare for their official release, but the game docs are still available on the publisher's website through Google Docs: I would like to try this some time. And when we get around to a space expansion, I hope I might be able to talk to folks on this developer team, because their tastes are pretty much my tastes.

    Fully Automated RPG andrewrgross 1 month ago 100%
    Some pretty cool murals

    Just sharing / saving some dope mural art.

    Fully Automated RPG andrewrgross 2 months ago 100%
    I just read Peter Frase's "Four Futures" and it's really great.

    I just finished "Four Futures: Life After Capitalism" by Peter Frase. I'd meant to read this for a long time, but just got around to it. I wish I'd read it sooner. It's great! I was familiar with the general premise, as it's an expansion on a[n article Frase wrote for Jacobin in 2011 by the same name]( Has anyone else read this?

    Fully Automated RPG andrewrgross 2 months ago 100%
    I'm trying to make sense of a vague notion that I'm having trouble putting into words.

    I've had an idea bouncing around that I haven't been able to form into a sentence, and I'm looking for help. I feel like within Fully Automated there is a particular recurring concept in the application of science and medicine and engineering that is thematically tied to solarpunk philosophy, but it's one I can't quite describe. One example is the use of medical putty to close wounds, and how it is incredibly physical, and messy, and interpersonal. And this is meant to resembles the way that rejuvenation typically looks is in the biological world. This is kind of a distinct alternative to things like a "hypospray" in Star Trek: their healing is very abstract. Whatever problem a patient has, it's not visible, and it's cure barely engages with them physically. It almost resembles prayer in its degree of clean disengagement from the problem. None of us were born into the world packaged like an iPhone and shoved through an interdimensional mail slot. We grew from cells inside of a human body that sustained us, and then got shoved out of it covered in mucus. Hurray! I feel like this theme is repeated in a lot of technologies: from the idea of building things out of layers of resins or other composites as opposed to just stacking a bunch of bricks to the fact that going into cyberspace still requires you to feed light into your optic nerves and vibrate your tympanic membrane instead of just shoving a magic jellybean into the characters' brains and declaring that they're all permanently connected to WiFi now. But I don't really know how to tie all of that into a sentence that explains the principle or concept that these are examples of. Does this make sense to anyone else? Possibly in a way that they can describe?

    Fully Automated RPG andrewrgross 2 months ago 100%
    Request: rate and review us on DriveThruRPG!

    Now that the game and adventure modules are out, we'd like more reviews in order to get taken more seriously when we reach out to professionals for blurbs and reviews. The game is free, so all you have to do is make an account on DriveThruRPG if you don't have one, download the books, and after 24 hours if you go back to the product page, you can leave feedback. All honest reviews are appreciated! You also don't have to read the whole thing to have an opinion. skim and report what you think.

    Fully Automated RPG andrewrgross 2 months ago 100%
    Woah: a bunch of academics just released a massive treatise of essays on utopianism in ttrpgs!

    This looks really good, and really interesting. It's also really long, though. Time to start working through it.

    Fully Automated RPG andrewrgross 3 months ago 100%
    All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace by Richard Brautigan

    Just a poem someone mentioned that I found touching. Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to format the line breaks on Lemmy. Oh well. I like to think (and the sooner the better!) of a cybernetic meadow where mammals and computers live together in mutually programming harmony like pure water touching clear sky. I like to think (right now, please!) of a cybernetic forest filled with pines and electronics where deer stroll peacefully past computers as if they were flowers with spinning blossoms. I like to think (it has to be!) of a cybernetic ecology where we are free of our labors and joined back to nature, returned to our mammal brothers and sisters, and all watched over by machines of loving grace.

    Fully Automated RPG andrewrgross 3 months ago 100%
    Our starter campaign, Campaign 1: Regulation is done! Check it out!

    With the release of campaign 1, we've now released all the starting content planned within phase 1! Check it out, tell your friends. and consider leaving a review!

    Fully Automated RPG andrewrgross 3 months ago 100%
    What tools and built environments would enhanced/uplifted wolves use?

    This came up on Discord, and I thought it was with sharing more broadly: > Anyone have advice on handling a U-wolf PC? Anthropic bias is heavy. > ... > ok, got a coherant backstory from them, Third Generation from initial uplift, not all Aunts/Uncles are in the S5 range, and lifespan improvement is generationally incrementing upwarsd. > All of the pack that raised them are at least S4+, Moms are Foresters/Wilderness managers, Dad is a radio astronomer and hobbiest fisherman. > Walter Brown (the PC parawolf), is an informal coordinator using a BCI to keep connected to networks, and taking advantage of a very high Dunbar Number to maintain lots of distinct relationships.

    Solarpunk andrewrgross 3 months ago 88%
    Your Houseplants Can Think with Zoë Schlanger [Factually podcast with Adam Conover]

    Adam's podcast is just straight-up low-key solarpunk at this point. Like half the videos feel relevant. Here is the audio-only version, too:

    Fully Automated RPG andrewrgross 3 months ago 100%
    The Star Trek Adventures first edition Core Rulebook pdf free for Saturday, June 22

    cross-posted from: > Happy Free RPG Day! I saw this post last night just before the sale ended, and grabbed a free copy of the Star Trek Adventures RPG core rule book. If anyone would like a copy, message me and I'll share my copy with you (which I think is acceptable: as a rule, I don't encourage piracy of RPGs because I want to respect the creative work of others, but I got this free on sale yesterday, so it seems reasonable to share copies person-to-person). Having spent the morning reading it, I'm very impressed. I've made it a priority to try and learn from other RPGs, especially any that take place in some kind of positive future. And I'm especially interested in ones like Traveler, this, and The Expanse, because eventually I'd like to release a space-based companion to the core manual. This is a very cool game book. It's really rich in lore, and does a great job making the world seem intelligible to play in. Contextualizing the technology and making sense of the conflicts and player experiences in such a world is no mean feat, but this RPG does a really good job, imo, demonstrating ways of doing that.

    rpg andrewrgross 3 months ago 100%
    We just released our 3rd adventure in our free, open-source solarpunk setting: it's a cyberpunk-heavy mind control conspiracy called "Piece of Mind"!

    Our indie dev group just released our third playable adventure! This is the climax of a four-part set! It is now [available for free on DriveThruRPG](! It’s for a free, open-source game system/setting we made that’s like cyberpunk in a post-scarcity society. Check it out! Honest feedback is appreciated. >**A gang of whitehat biohackers suspect they’re being targeted. That threat is about to get very real.** > >*On a sunny summer day, your help is needed escorting a eccentric researcher to a meeting with their collegues. It’s been six weeks since unknown actors staged a daring armed robbery on their laboratory, and tensions are running high. But when this mysterious adversary puts their plans into action, it’ll take all your skills and judgement to avert a nightmare.* This story continues to build on the previous two in its scope, complexity, and challenges to give diverse player and character types opportunitites to see more places, meet more characters, and find ways to use their specialities to help their communities in a story with around 8 - 10 hours of content.

    Fully Automated RPG andrewrgross 3 months ago 100%
    Adventure 3: "Piece of Mind" is out now!

    Our indie dev group just released our third playable adventure! This is the climax of a four-part set! It is now [available for free on DriveThruRPG](! It’s for a free, open-source game system/setting we made that’s like cyberpunk in a post-scarcity society. Check it out! Honest feedback is appreciated. >**A gang of whitehat biohackers suspect they're being targeted. That threat is about to get very real.** > >*On a sunny summer day, your help is needed escorting a eccentric researcher to a meeting with their collegues. It's been six weeks since unknown actors staged a daring armed robbery on their laboratory, and tensions are running high. But when this mysterious adversary puts their plans into action, it'll take all your skills and judgement to avert a nightmare.* This story continues to build on the previous two in its scope, complexity, and challenges to give diverse player and character types opportunitites to see more places, meet more characters, and find ways to use their specialities to help their communities in a story with around 8 - 10 hours of content.

    Memes andrewrgross 3 months ago 98%
    The "xylo" is greek for wood

    A lone figure at a party reflects that the rest of the revelers don't know that "xylophones" with metal bars are actually glockenspiels.

    rpg andrewrgross 3 months ago 95%
    My game group just release a new adventure set in the world of Fully Automated!

    Our indie dev group just released our second playable adventure! It is now available for free on DriveThruRPG! It's for a free, open-source game system/setting we made that's like cyberpunk in a post-scarcity society. Check it out! Honest feedback is appreciated. >**An adventurer is facing a mind-bending medical crisis. Are you prepard to join the rescue party?** > >*Psychonaut Psilosybe Vulgaris has fallen into a catonic state while testing a new psychadelic. Now her doctor and friends need the aid of some daring and capable first responders ready to do whatever it takes to find a cure, before her mind dissolves away to nothing!* > >*As the second published adventure within the Fully Automated! solarpunk game catalog, Psychonautica is written for new players who are ready for a more free-form adventure. Unlike the short and simple demo mission, this one has twists, turns, and opportunities for GMs and players to tell stories with a bit more freedom.* > >*Respond to a medical emergency! Explore the wild mental dimension of neurospace! Meet a wilder, wider world of characters in a story that stands on its own while planting the seeds for an even more climactic sequel!*
