melbourne Melbourne Daily discussion thread: 🍩 Friday, May 17, 2024
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 4 months ago β€’ 100%

    That is a nightmare week πŸ˜”

    Wishing Mr P all the best for the test results, I can't imagine how stressful that would be πŸ’œ

    You're totally justified in being frustrated at MIL's belated benevolence. It's nice she's offering to help, but not helpful when she's offering!

    I went through a phase like Miniest and grew out of it β€” mostly anyway.

    Before you know it, she'll be 40, and you'll laugh as you recount a story about a crazy thing she did when she was a teenager.

    Take care πŸ’œ

  • melbourne Melbourne Daily discussion thread: 🍩 Friday, May 17, 2024
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 4 months ago β€’ 100%

    My work week is finally done.

    And what a cluster fuck.

    While the department that I work in is profitable, overall our organisation is set to lose money this year.

    Bad decisions made by the "manager" have been a contributing factor.


    The "manager" has gotten it in his head that if only our organisation can send an email to everyone on a partner organisation's mailing list, sales will boom.

    A couple of months back, he convinced the partner organisation to send a small segment of its list an email offering them one of our organisation's products for free.

    And to be fair, a reasonable number took up the free product.

    This has convinced "manager" that if the partner organisation sends an email to its entire mailing list offering them a discount for buying our org's products, thousands of them will take it up. Even though many (most?) of their customers have never heard of us before.

    The "manager's" boss is new in her role (she moved into it after a restructure earlier this year), and trusts what he says.

    Here's where it becomes a trainwreck.

    The past two years, our org has run an end of financial year sale aimed at consumers. Both times, it has increased sales a bit, but nowhere near enough to meet targets.

    Marketing have tried different promotions and shown they work better. They want to run a marketing campaign to business customers for the end of financial year, and use a different approach with consumers in the new financial year.

    They did a whole preso to "manager" showing that a different approach will generate more sales overall β€” but a lot of that revenue will fall in the new financial year.

    Manager overruled them. His official reason is that he doesn't want to try anything different to last year, because that's risky.

    (The real reason is he wants as many sales as possible this financial year, so that the losses from his bad decisions are as small as possible.)

    So marketing are stuck with a campaign they know won't work.

    "Manager's" brilliant plan is to use that campaign strategy that hasn't worked, but then to get the partner organisation to email everyone on their mailing list, which he thinks will mean thousands of people will buy products and that will make it work.

    (And yes, partner org mailing everyone on their mailing list is something out org hasn't done before. But this isn't seen as "risky" by "manager" because it's his idea.)

    Of course, this pissed off the business salespeople.

    So to keep them on-side, he's also making marketing run the business promotion as well, even though they don't have the staff or the budget to do both.

    He's only just approved all of this now, and both promotions need to start on 1 June, so the graphic designers basically have two weeks to get everything ready.

    It gets worse.

    The partner organisation has already explicitly told us that e-mailing everyone on their contact list during June is a hard no.

    But "manager" has sold his boss on the idea, and she's said that she expects partner org to email everyone on their contact list.

    Following a string of meetings, my boss is now stuck with making that happen. Even though it's a hard no from the partner org.

    So I was stuck in a string of meetings today where my boss was desperately trying to find a reason to tell her contact at the partner org why they should change their policy other than "Manager" thinks it's a good idea (there isn't one). Or some fact or piece of information will persuade "manager" to see reason (I'm honestly not hopeful).

    Sorry for the rant. But it's been a week!

  • melbourne Melbourne Daily discussion thread: πŸ₯§ Thursday, May 16, 2024
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 4 months ago β€’ 100%

    Outrageous. Time to demand a refund on that defective ticket πŸ˜‚

  • melbourne Melbourne Daily discussion thread: πŸ₯§ Thursday, May 16, 2024
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 4 months ago β€’ 100%

    If it's a one-on-one conversation, I tend to ask questions about whatever it is.

    Unfortunately, this sometimes leads to them thinking I'm actually far more interested in learning about their GX-Holden-whatever than I really am, and they decide to tell me all about it next time we meet as well... πŸ™‚

  • melbourne Melbourne Daily discussion thread: πŸ₯§ Thursday, May 16, 2024
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 4 months ago β€’ 100%

    Weakest points:

    There's many.

    I'm atrocious at sports and physical activities. I'm not handy at all. There's a lot of stuff, particularly in more advanced math and science, that I don't know much about. I don't watch much TV or many movies compared to most people, and end up with little to say when the topic comes up. I know nothing about cars.

    Strongest points:

    I'm modest enough not to mention them πŸ˜‚

  • melbourne Melbourne Daily discussion thread: πŸ₯§ Thursday, May 16, 2024
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 4 months ago β€’ 100%

    Gibson deserves all the treats! 😸

  • melbourne Melbourne Daily discussion thread: πŸ₯§ Thursday, May 16, 2024
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 4 months ago β€’ 100%

    Yes! Especially while they're fresh and warm πŸ˜‹

  • melbourne Melbourne Daily discussion thread: πŸ₯§ Thursday, May 16, 2024
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 4 months ago β€’ 100%

    So I mentioned in passing to wifey that I'm thinking about getting a buzzcut when the weather gets warmer.

    She's urging me to do it, and is now offering to shave my head...

  • melbourne Melbourne Daily discussion thread: πŸˆβ€β¬› Wednesday, May 15, 2024
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 4 months ago β€’ 100%

    Is this a good time to mention I had a C64 growing up, and later an Amiga 500?

    LOAD "*",8,1 RUN

  • melbourne Melbourne Daily discussion thread: πŸ‘Ύ Tuesday, May 14, 2024
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 4 months ago β€’ 100%

    "Thank you everyone for all the kind words 😽

    "Mum is still giving me eyedrops today, and it's really uncomfortable 😿

    "But my eye feels a lot better today 😸

    "Now excuse me, I have some chicken to eat for dinner. It's my favourite! Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom"

    β€” Miss Mimi

  • melbourne Melbourne Daily discussion thread: 🦈 Monday, May 13, 2024
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 4 months ago β€’ 100%

    Mimi is such a brave little kitty.

    Yesterday, wifey noticed that Mimi seemed to be winking a lot. After some further inspection, she noticed that one of Mimi's eyelids was swollen.

    So today, Mimi went on a big trip to the vets to see Dr Paul.

    Dr Paul took a look at her eye, and thankfully there's no scratches on her eyeball.

    Because it's one eye that was swollen, it's unlikely to be an allergic reaction, and our babies are all indoor cats.

    Most likely, it was that some individual β€” who may or may not be named Spunky or Snowy β€” got a little rough while playing with Mimi overnight.

    After an anti-inflammatory injection and some eyedrops, Miss Mimi was sent home.

    She's now happily playing in a box.

  • melbourne Melbourne Daily discussion thread: πŸŽ† Saturday, May 11, 2024
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 4 months ago β€’ 100%

    Now Miss Mimi is having her turn. We can't let the others have all the fun!

  • melbourne Melbourne Daily discussion thread: πŸŽ† Saturday, May 11, 2024
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 4 months ago β€’ 100%

    Spunky has been evicted from the box.

    Mr Snowy decided the box looks like fun, and decided to have a turn.

  • melbourne Melbourne Daily discussion thread: πŸŽ† Saturday, May 11, 2024
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 4 months ago β€’ 100%

    Am I biased in saying crazy cat ladies (and gents) are the best people?

    Anyway, little Spunky got a surprise today when his mum got an Amazon delivery today. A big new box for a little kitty πŸˆπŸ“¦

  • foodaustralia Food Australia Tucker Time: Fri 10 May 2024
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 4 months ago β€’ 100%

    Ramen noodles with egg for me πŸ˜‹πŸœ

  • melbourne Melbourne Daily discussion thread: Thursday, May 9, 2024
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 4 months ago β€’ 100%

    One more for all my fellow crazy cat ladies (and gents)...

    Here's Mr Snowy, who's sitting beside me on the couch, and not too amused about being photographed:

  • melbourne Melbourne Daily discussion thread: πŸ” Wednesday, May 8, 2024
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 5 months ago β€’ 100%

    Nawww, who's an adorable floof 😻

    And at least he's not like our Mr Snowy, who thinks sinks are a great place to sleep...

  • melbourne Melbourne Daily discussion thread: πŸ‚ Monday, April 29, 2024
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 5 months ago β€’ 100%

    I know that feeling!

    Wifey is already sound asleep, as are our fur babies. I need to be up early for work tomorrow.

  • melbourne Melbourne Daily discussion thread: πŸ›– Sunday, April 28, 2024
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 5 months ago β€’ 100%

    Weekend highlight: Finding a Philippino take away/burger place that does an ube (purple yam) flavoured dessert.

    Incredibly sweet, but delicious.

  • melbourne Melbourne Daily discussion thread: 🌢️ Friday, April 26, 2024
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 5 months ago β€’ 100%

    It's that time of the evening. There's more work that needs to be done, but that's next week's problem.

    Now it's time for wine and pizza

  • afl
    AFL ajsadauskas β€’ 6 months ago β€’ 85%
    Waverley Park β€” Melbourne's car-dependent suburban AFL stadium with a planned seated capacity of over 150,000 (not a typo!)

    cross-posted from: > Waverley Park β€” Melbourne's car-dependent suburban AFL stadium with a planned seated capacity of over 150,000 (not a typo!) > > A really good run down by [@philip]( on the plans by the AFL (and its predecessor, the VFL) to build the world's largest stadium in outer-suburban Melbourne. > > Unfortunately, a planned railway line past the stadium to Rowville was never built. That meant a massive 25,000-spot car park as the only real means to get there. > > While most of it has been demolished and redeveloped for housing, the oval itself still used by Hawthorn Football Club as a training and administration centre. > > []( > > [@fuck\_cars]( [#AFL]( [#Urbanism]( [#UrbanPlanning]( [#cars]( [#stadium]( [#stadia]( [#Melbourne]( [#sport]( [#footy]( [#football]( [#stadiums]( [#history]( [#Victoria]( [#VicPol]( [#Australia]( [#planning]( [#Hawthorn]( [#AusPol]( [#CarBrain](

    Solarpunk Urbanism ajsadauskas β€’ 6 months ago β€’ 100%
    Waverley Park β€” Melbourne's car-dependent suburban AFL stadium with a planned seated capacity of over 150,000 (not a typo!)

    cross-posted from: > Waverley Park β€” Melbourne's car-dependent suburban AFL stadium with a planned seated capacity of over 150,000 (not a typo!) > > A really good run down by [@philip]( on the plans by the AFL (and its predecessor, the VFL) to build the world's largest stadium in outer-suburban Melbourne. > > Unfortunately, a planned railway line past the stadium to Rowville was never built. That meant a massive 25,000-spot car park as the only real means to get there. > > While most of it has been demolished and redeveloped for housing, the oval itself still used by Hawthorn Football Club as a training and administration centre. > > []( > > [@fuck\_cars]( [#AFL]( [#Urbanism]( [#UrbanPlanning]( [#cars]( [#stadium]( [#stadia]( [#Melbourne]( [#sport]( [#footy]( [#football]( [#stadiums]( [#history]( [#Victoria]( [#VicPol]( [#Australia]( [#planning]( [#Hawthorn]( [#AusPol]( [#CarBrain](

    Melbourne ajsadauskas β€’ 6 months ago β€’ 100%
    Waverley Park β€” Melbourne's car-dependent suburban AFL stadium with a planned seated capacity of over 150,000 (not a typo!)

    cross-posted from: > Waverley Park β€” Melbourne's car-dependent suburban AFL stadium with a planned seated capacity of over 150,000 (not a typo!) > > A really good run down by [@philip]( on the plans by the AFL (and its predecessor, the VFL) to build the world's largest stadium in outer-suburban Melbourne. > > Unfortunately, a planned railway line past the stadium to Rowville was never built. That meant a massive 25,000-spot car park as the only real means to get there. > > While most of it has been demolished and redeveloped for housing, the oval itself still used by Hawthorn Football Club as a training and administration centre. > > []( > > [@fuck\_cars]( [#AFL]( [#Urbanism]( [#UrbanPlanning]( [#cars]( [#stadium]( [#stadia]( [#Melbourne]( [#sport]( [#footy]( [#football]( [#stadiums]( [#history]( [#Victoria]( [#VicPol]( [#Australia]( [#planning]( [#Hawthorn]( [#AusPol]( [#CarBrain](

    Sydney ajsadauskas β€’ 6 months ago β€’ 100%
    So WestConnex was totally going to solve traffic in Sydney by adding more lanes for cars. Just a few teething problems on the Rozelle Interchange and it'll all clear up, they said.

    cross-posted from: > So WestConnex was totally going to solve traffic in Sydney by adding more lanes for cars. Just a few teething problems on the Rozelle Interchange and it'll all clear up, they said. > > I wonder how it's going? > > "Gladesville and Drummoyne locals say gridlock is worsening in their suburbs following changes to improve traffic flow through the notorious Rozelle Interchange, with drivers using local streets as β€œrat runs” to dodge congestion." > > Oh dear... > > []( > > [\#roads]( [#cars]( [#fuckcars]( [#urbanism]( [#UrbanPlanning]( [#traffic]( [#cities]( [#congestion]( [#car]( [@fuck\_cars](

    Solarpunk Urbanism ajsadauskas β€’ 6 months ago β€’ 100%
    Sydney has opened up consultation on a strategy to reduce car traffic and make the city more walkable

    cross-posted from: > Sydney has opened up consultation on a strategy to reduce car traffic and make the city more walkable > > "Driving in central Sydney will become harder under a plan to make the city more comfortable for pedestrians. > > "The City of Sydney wants to narrow roads for wider footpaths and push for lower speed limits to discourage drivers from the CBD and transform Sydney into a walkable city. > > "The council will also install more pedestrian crossings and prioritise people over cars... five times more pedestrians than motorists on the average street, yet just 40 per cent of road space is allocated to footpaths." > > []( > > Some key points of the strategy are: > > We will ensure that there is sufficient space for people to walk. > > We will improve connectivity for people walking by ensuring there are frequent street crossings that give people priority and that align with people’s walking routes. > > We will ensure that footpaths and crossings are accessible so that everyone can use them. > > We will plan our city based on 10-minute neighbourhoods so that people are able to meet their daily needs easily by walking. > > We will make it safer for people to walk by reducing vehicle speeds. > > We will reduce traffic volumes on surface streets and manage through-traffic in residential neighbourhood streets to improve both safety and experience for people walking. > > We will work to make all people feel safer while walking around our city. > > We will work to improve compliance with road rules, especially the lesser-known rules that benefit people walking. > > We will make our streets and public spaces comfortable and inviting by ensuring that they > are green and cool. > > We will make sure that there are frequent opportunities for people to stop and rest, use the toilet or have a drink of water. > > We will make our city more pleasant to walk in by reducing noise and air pollution from > traffic. > > We will make all streets interesting to walk along by ensuring that built form has active, permeable frontages that invite engagement and curiosity. > > We will use design, activations and installations to create neighbourhood-based community and encourage people to interact with their streets. > > Full details here: []( > > Unfortunately, the car-brained leader of the local business lobby isn't on board: > > "Business Sydney executive director Paul Nicolaou welcomed efforts to make the city pedestrian-friendly... But Nicolaou said it was difficult to see how making Sydney a predominantly walking city would benefit businesses such as retailers." > > (Worth repeating that 80% of people on an average city street are pedestrians, so it already is a predominantly walking city.) > > Anyway, if you think the plan's a good idea, make sure you let the Sydney City Council know by emailing > > [\#urbanism]( [#UrbanPlanning]( [#Sydney]( [@fuck\_cars]( [#walking]( [#walk]( [#walkability]( [#nswpol]( [#auspol]( [#nsw]( [#planning]( [#cities]( [#UrbanGreening]( [#city]( [#cities]( [#australia](

    Sydney ajsadauskas β€’ 6 months ago β€’ 94%
    Sydney has opened up consultation on a strategy to reduce car traffic and make the city more walkable

    cross-posted from: > Sydney has opened up consultation on a strategy to reduce car traffic and make the city more walkable > > "Driving in central Sydney will become harder under a plan to make the city more comfortable for pedestrians. > > "The City of Sydney wants to narrow roads for wider footpaths and push for lower speed limits to discourage drivers from the CBD and transform Sydney into a walkable city. > > "The council will also install more pedestrian crossings and prioritise people over cars... five times more pedestrians than motorists on the average street, yet just 40 per cent of road space is allocated to footpaths." > > []( > > Some key points of the strategy are: > > We will ensure that there is sufficient space for people to walk. > > We will improve connectivity for people walking by ensuring there are frequent street crossings that give people priority and that align with people’s walking routes. > > We will ensure that footpaths and crossings are accessible so that everyone can use them. > > We will plan our city based on 10-minute neighbourhoods so that people are able to meet their daily needs easily by walking. > > We will make it safer for people to walk by reducing vehicle speeds. > > We will reduce traffic volumes on surface streets and manage through-traffic in residential neighbourhood streets to improve both safety and experience for people walking. > > We will work to make all people feel safer while walking around our city. > > We will work to improve compliance with road rules, especially the lesser-known rules that benefit people walking. > > We will make our streets and public spaces comfortable and inviting by ensuring that they > are green and cool. > > We will make sure that there are frequent opportunities for people to stop and rest, use the toilet or have a drink of water. > > We will make our city more pleasant to walk in by reducing noise and air pollution from > traffic. > > We will make all streets interesting to walk along by ensuring that built form has active, permeable frontages that invite engagement and curiosity. > > We will use design, activations and installations to create neighbourhood-based community and encourage people to interact with their streets. > > Full details here: []( > > Unfortunately, the car-brained leader of the local business lobby isn't on board: > > "Business Sydney executive director Paul Nicolaou welcomed efforts to make the city pedestrian-friendly... But Nicolaou said it was difficult to see how making Sydney a predominantly walking city would benefit businesses such as retailers." > > (Worth repeating that 80% of people on an average city street are pedestrians, so it already is a predominantly walking city.) > > Anyway, if you think the plan's a good idea, make sure you let the Sydney City Council know by emailing > > [\#urbanism]( [#UrbanPlanning]( [#Sydney]( [@fuck\_cars]( [#walking]( [#walk]( [#walkability]( [#nswpol]( [#auspol]( [#nsw]( [#planning]( [#cities]( [#UrbanGreening]( [#city]( [#cities]( [#australia](

    australia Australia β€œWe cannot support it:” Polestar follows Tesla out of car lobby over Toyota led campaign
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 6 months ago β€’ 100%

    It is what the PTV website shows.

    And having caught that bus from Tullamarine to Epping, 23 minutes for the segment from Roxburgh Park station to Epping is about right. (Depending on traffic, of course.)

  • lemmy Lemmy Which subreddits would you most like to see on Lemmy?
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 1 year ago β€’ 100%

    We do have ! on Lemmy if you want a sport-based instance. It's dedicated to Australian Rules Football and the AFL. And if you don't follow the AFL, now's a great time to start 😊

  • music
    Music ajsadauskas β€’ 1 year ago β€’ 100%
    So who's your favourite band or artist? What's your favourite song or album?

    cross-posted from: > So who's your favourite band or artist? What's your favourite song or album? > > I'm keen to hear both who you're currently listening to, as well as your all-time favourites and guilty pleasures. > > What do you like about them? How did you get into their music? And significant stories or memories? > > []( []( [#music]( [#pop]( [#PopMusic]( [#Top40]( [#rock]( [#rocknroll]( [#metal]( [#MetalMusic]( [#HipHop]( [#HeavyMetal]( [#ThrashMetal]( [#NuMetal]( [#punk]( [#PunkRock]( [#FolkMusic]( [#Classical]( [#ClassicalMusic]( [#Musicals]( [#Opera]( [#Soul]( [#Funk]( [#Jazz]( [#EDM]( [#ElectronicMusic]( [#SoulMusic]( [#Blues]( [#Country]( [#WorldMusic](

    "Initials" by "Florian KΓΆrner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian KΓΆrner
    AFL: Australian Football League ajsadauskas β€’ 1 year ago β€’ 100%
    Head trauma, huge injury toll list sparks more tackle rule changes #AFL

    Some interesting takes here on the AFL's crackdown on dangerous tackles, and the issue of concussions.

    "Initials" by "Florian KΓΆrner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian KΓΆrner
    AFL: Australian Football League ajsadauskas β€’ 1 year ago β€’ 100%
    AFL Gather Round highlights: Every club's best moments #AFL #footy
    "Initials" by "Florian KΓΆrner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian KΓΆrner
    AFL: Australian Football League ajsadauskas β€’ 1 year ago β€’ 100%
    Gather Round: Fremantle fights back against Gold Coast for a win at Adelaide's Norwood Oval
    afl AFL: Australian Football League South Australia's premier takes on footy challenge with AFL gather round in full swing
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 1 year ago β€’ 100%

    More from Premier Malinauskas about the Gather Round:

    #AFL #SAPol #SouthAustralia #Adelaide

  • "Initials" by "Florian KΓΆrner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian KΓΆrner
    AFL: Australian Football League ajsadauskas β€’ 1 year ago β€’ 100%
    Adelaide Crows kick off Gather Ground with a BIG statement against Carlton #AFL

    Adelaide 118 to 62 against Carlton in front of a packed Adelaide Oval.

    "Initials" by "Florian KΓΆrner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian KΓΆrner
    AFL: Australian Football League ajsadauskas β€’ 1 year ago β€’ 100%
    AFL boss Gillon McLachlan backtracks over the future of Gather Round in Adelaide

    With Gather Round, all nine AFL matches in round nine are being held in Adelaide. And with all the matches selling out, the AFL is looking seriously at coming back next year.

    "Initials" by "Florian KΓΆrner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian KΓΆrner
    AFL: Australian Football League ajsadauskas β€’ 1 year ago β€’ 100%
    South Australia's premier takes on footy challenge with AFL gather round in full swing

    SA state premier Peter Malinauskas discusses Gather Round in Adelaide, with all round five matches being held in Adelaide.

    test test [@test]( This is just a test to see whether a thread I create in Mastodon can pull across to Lemmy.
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 1 year ago β€’ 100%

    It appears to have worked πŸ˜„

  • "Initials" by "Florian KΓΆrner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian KΓΆrner
    AFL: Australian Football League ajsadauskas β€’ 1 year ago β€’ 100%
    Warner brothers to premiere this weekend for the Sydney Swans, as coach Longmire urges calm on McCartin

    "SYDNEY coach John Longmire has urged for speculation surrounding Patty McCartin to cool as the key defender deals with another concussion that is threatening his career. "Speaking on Wednesday afternoon, Longmire revealed that 19-year-old midfielder Corey Warner, the brother of Swans star Chad, will debut on Friday night against Richmond."

    "Initials" by "Florian KΓΆrner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian KΓΆrner
    AFL: Australian Football League ajsadauskas β€’ 1 year ago β€’ 100%
    A full list of the players who will become free agents in 2023

    "ESSENDON defender Mason Redman and Port Adelaide forward Charlie Dixon are among a group of just seven remaining unsigned restricted free agents this year. "The AFL released its official list of 100 free agents to clubs on Wednesday, which followed revealing its list earlier this year, with the bandings of restricted and unrestricted free agents communicated to clubs. "Qualifying for restricted free agency means the players are entering their eighth or ninth seasons at their respective clubs and are in the top 25 per cent of their club's earners. It also allows their holder clubs to match a rival's free agency bid on them and force a trade if they choose under the rules, whereas unrestricted free agents can walk to rival suitors."

    "Initials" by "Florian KΓΆrner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian KΓΆrner
    AFL: Australian Football League ajsadauskas β€’ 1 year ago β€’ 100%
    Hawthorn coach Sam Mitchell comes clean on noodle sign that baffled the AFL world

    "Hawthorn coach Sam Mitchell has come clean on the eyebrow-raising noodle and chopstick sign his team used during the Easter Monday clash against Geelong. "The sign that was held up to the players from the sidelines baffled Channel 7 commentators and fans alike, with many a wild AFL theory emerging on social media."

    "Initials" by "Florian KΓΆrner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian KΓΆrner
    AFL: Australian Football League ajsadauskas β€’ 1 year ago β€’ 100%
    Essendon coach Brad Scott on returning to coaching, the next AFL CEO, and the 'ticking time bomb' his club faces at board level
    "Initials" by "Florian KΓΆrner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian KΓΆrner
    AFL: Australian Football League ajsadauskas β€’ 1 year ago β€’ 100%
    10 best AFL moments from round four
    "Initials" by "Florian KΓΆrner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian KΓΆrner
    AFL: Australian Football League ajsadauskas β€’ 1 year ago β€’ 100%
    Easter Monday footy highlights: Geelong score first win of the season

    The young Hawks were leading until half time. But then Geelong came back strongly in the second half to score an emphatic win.

    Fuck Cars ajsadauskas β€’ 1 year ago β€’ 96%
    β€˜Knee-jerk reaction’: Sydney cycle path to be ripped up months after opening

    "A cycle path built through part of Sydney’s inner west will be ripped up on Tuesday, five months after it was completed, due to a council decision described by riders as a knee-jerk reaction to complaints from residents."

    "Initials" by "Florian KΓΆrner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian KΓΆrner
    AFL: Australian Football League ajsadauskas β€’ 1 year ago β€’ 100%
    The confusion of the Port Adelaide-Sydney finish & what the win means for Ken Hinkley
    "Initials" by "Florian KΓΆrner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian KΓΆrner
    AFL: Australian Football League ajsadauskas β€’ 1 year ago β€’ 100%
    Final minutes: Port Adelaide's miracle after-the-siren win against the Sydney Swans
    "Initials" by "Florian KΓΆrner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian KΓΆrner
    AFL: Australian Football League ajsadauskas β€’ 1 year ago β€’ 100%
    Final minutes: Western Bulldogs and Richmond go right down to the wire
    Fuck Cars ajsadauskas β€’ 1 year ago β€’ 92%
    The decline of supermarkets: Why Europe's big box superstore chains are in decline

    Consumers across Europe no longer want to travel to big car-dependent hypermarkets on the edge of cities to buy food and goods. Here's why.

    Fuck Cars ajsadauskas β€’ 1 year ago β€’ 100%
    Sydney Central Station Upgrade: Central Walk Fully Open, Brand New Metro Concourse Views

    An interesting look at the new Central Walk concourse at Sydney's Central Station.

    "Initials" by "Florian KΓΆrner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian KΓΆrner
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    "Initials" by "Florian KΓΆrner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian KΓΆrner
    AFL: Australian Football League ajsadauskas β€’ 1 year ago β€’ 100%
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    "Initials" by "Florian KΓΆrner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian KΓΆrner
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    "Initials" by "Florian KΓΆrner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian KΓΆrner
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    "Initials" by "Florian KΓΆrner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian KΓΆrner
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    test test [@test]( Testing a post from Mastodon onto a Lemmy community. Don't mind me.
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 1 year ago β€’ 100%

    That's cool! What did you do at the Mastodon end to get it to pull through to Lemmy?

  • "Initials" by "Florian KΓΆrner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian KΓΆrner
    AFL: Australian Football League ajsadauskas β€’ 1 year ago β€’ 100%
    West Coast Eagles lose SEVEN players to injury in brutal Derby

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    "Initials" by "Florian KΓΆrner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian KΓΆrner
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    "Initials" by "Florian KΓΆrner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian KΓΆrner
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    "Initials" by "Florian KΓΆrner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian KΓΆrner
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    "Initials" by "Florian KΓΆrner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian KΓΆrner
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    "Initials" by "Florian KΓΆrner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian KΓΆrner
    AFL: Australian Football League ajsadauskas β€’ 1 year ago β€’ 100%
    BARRETT: Tom Hawkins is emblematic of Geelong's very real problems

    "THE problems are real. "And in no order, those problems include Tom Hawkins, a dysfunctional backline smashed by unavailable or injured players, an ineffectual midfield unable to generate clearances and maybe even a conditional collective attitude. "Geelong's three season-opening losses have got progressively worrying. Round one against Collingwood wasn't deemed a major concern, for the Pies will destroy many teams this year. Likewise, round two against Carlton, and the Cats fought to the end. "But Sunday's defeat by Gold Coast was proof of plenty of problems."

    fuck_cars Fuck Cars This new bus-train vehicle is as happy on the road as it is on rail
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 1 year ago β€’ 100%
  • fediverse Fediverse What's The Key Quality of The Grassroots Fediverse?
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 1 year ago β€’ 100%

    Completely agree.

    And there's a key word you left onto, and it's the one thing that will make or break the fedi, more than anything else: communities.

    The core of any social platform or protocol isn't the software, servers, or APIs. It's the communities of people that use it.

    Without those communities, even the shiniest of social media apps will fail. See Google+ for a real-world example.

    So how do we build or attract communities of people for Lemmy?

  • afl AFL: Australian Football League Have the Hawks made a huge mistake by cutting their list too deep?
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 1 year ago β€’ 100%

    Here's another video on the topic:

  • fuck_cars Fuck Cars Do we need to focus more on suburban bus services? #Urbanism #UrbanPlanning #Transit
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 2 years ago β€’ 100%

    I certainly hope so.

    As for the challenges that come from trying to densify Sydney's wealthiest inner suburbs, especially in the east, I've put up a separate thread here:

  • fuck_cars Fuck Cars Do we need to focus more on suburban bus services? #Urbanism #UrbanPlanning #Transit
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 2 years ago β€’ 100%

    No cherry picking, and in fact if I wanted I could have picked even more stark examples.

    Here's a heatmap of Melbourne property prices, with higher prices being in orange and lower in deep purple.

    You'll notice that the prices are higher near the inner city, with the highest prices in a cluster of bayside and inner-eastern suburbs just near the CBD (places like Brighton and Toorak):

    Similar heatmap for Sydney. Again, highest prices in the inner city and a cluster of suburbs immediately to the east of the city, on the north side of the harbour, and the inner west. Note also that the further you go west, the more purple the suburbs tend to be:

    There's also a well-known meme about socioeconomics in Sydney known as the "Red Rooster line".

    Basically, the fast food chain Red Rooster tends to only operate its stores in working class outer suburbs.

    By plotting a line between the stores that are closest to the Sydney CBD, you get a good approximation of where the boundary line is between wealthier the inner suburbs and the poorer outer suburbs of Western Sydney.

    If you're interested, here's some analysis of the Red Rooster line from the University of NSW:

    Here's a good YouTube explainer of it:

    From the Australian Financial Review:

    "Waterfront locations and coveted school zones dominate the country’s most expensive postcodes, new Domain data shows.

    "All the postcodes in the top-20 list were in Sydney, led by the eastern suburbs, the northern beaches and the north shore.

    "Six of the postcodes in the top 20 have a median house price higher than $5 million, and 12 have a median price above $4 million."

    So yes, Australia hasn't seen the same hollowing out of property prices in the inner-city and inner suburbs of our metropolitan areas as the US. Very much the opposite in fact.

    And those wealthy folks in the inner suburbs have a lot of well-resourced NIMBY groups that fight what they see as "overdevelopment", and who get their leafy inner suburbs heritage protected, pushing more development to the outer suburban fringe. This is a serious ongoing issue:

    In principle, I completely agree that we need more density near existing rail lines, in the inner city, and the inner suburbs.

    I absolutely agree that all new development should be within walking distance of train and trams, in medium- or higher-density mixed-use higher density communities.


    That leaves a whole bunch of outer suburbs that were built in the '60s, '70s, '80s, '90s, and more recently that are heavily car dependent.

    In Australia at least, these outer suburbs tend to overwhelmingly be working class.

    And in many of them, the only accessible mode of transport is the bus.

    At least in the short- and medium-term, the most cost-effective way of providing transport to these areas, and improving social equity, is by improving bus services.

  • fuck_cars Fuck Cars Do we need to focus more on suburban bus services? #Urbanism #UrbanPlanning #Transit
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 2 years ago β€’ 100%

    I know in the US, inner city areas have tended to be where poorer people lived, and the outer suburbs is where wealthier people live.

    In Australia, it tends to be the opposite. The inner city is wealthier, outer suburbs tend to be poorer.

    So the median rent for a two-bedroom apartment in Surry Hills is A$820 per week.

    The median rent for a three-bedroom house in Bossley Park is A$560 per week.

    So it's around $260 per week cheaper to rent a three-bedroom house in an outer suburb in Western Sydney, such as Bossley Park, than a two-bedroom apartment that's 1km away from Sydney Town Hall.

    So that social equity equation is the polar opposite in Australia, compared to the US.

    In terms of the costs, running four additional buses per hour to transport people from the outer suburbs by bus pales in comparison to doing it by road.

    In Sydney, the WestConnex road tunnel cost A$16.8 billion, mostly to transport people from outer Western Sydney to the CBD and the airport:

    In comparison, 10-minute bus services are a drop in the ocean.

    One more thing on costs and social equity.

    In Glebe, an inner-city neighbourhood 3 kilometres from the centre of Sydney, the local 433 bus runs at a peak hour frequency of around one service every 10 minutes:


    Apples-to-apples comparison here: The median rental price for a 3-bed apartment in Glebe is $992 per week or $1000 per week for a 3-bed house, compared to $560 per week for a three-bedroom house in Bossley Park.

    So yes, wealthier inner-urban areas do get better bus services than outer suburbs.

    Better bus services in Australia's poorer outer suburbs can deliver less spending on roads and better social equity.

  • fuck_cars Fuck Cars Acer, as in the PC maker, is getting into the e-bike business
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 2 years ago β€’ 100%

    I wouldn't get one from them either. And definitely not the first one.

    But just the fact that a major tech company is getting aboard the e-bike trend is noteworthy in itself.

  • fuck_cars Fuck Cars These Stupid Trucks are Literally Killing Us
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 2 years ago β€’ 100%

    Another excellent video from Not Just Bikes ☺️

    The proliferation of SUVs and big trucks in the US is a public policy disaster.

  • fuck_cars Fuck Cars Do we need to focus more on suburban bus services? #Urbanism #UrbanPlanning #Transit
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 2 years ago β€’ 100%

    Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm all for higher density and transport-oriented developments.

    But at the same time, there are still a lot of suburbs out there, and until we can retrofit them all, we should aim to get at least some decent public transport out there.

  • fuck_cars Fuck Cars Do we need to focus more on suburban bus services? #Urbanism #UrbanPlanning #Transit
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 2 years ago β€’ 100%

    In Australian metro areas, typically outer suburbs are poorer than the inner city.

    For example, the median price for a three-bedroom house in Surry Hills (around 1 kilometre from the Sydney Central Business District) is A$2.3 million. In Bossley Park (where the 806 bus runs), 36 kilometres west of the Sydney CBD, it's $990,000.

    Surry Hills is also walking distance to multiple train lines, has light rail, and multiple high frequency bus lines.

    Public transport is a network. Even if I don't live in Bossley Park, I still benefit from it having higher frequency services, because if I need to travel out there I can on the public transport network.

    In Australia, public transport is funded by state governments (rather than by local councils), and tends to be operated as a metropolitan-wide network with a single system-wide ticketing system.

    The other important point is that if the local bus there runs once every 30 minutes, there will be far fewer people who use it than if it runs every 10 minutes.

    The great thing about public transport is that it benefits from economies of scale.

    The more people that use a system, the lower the cost of that system is per passenger.

    There are overhead costs in running a depot and maintaining a fleet. The more services that run, the less these cost per service (because those fleet and depot overheads are distributed across a larger number of trips).

    The cost to run a bus (the driver's salary, maintenance, fuel, etc) is the same whether there's one person onboard, or 40. But the more people aboard each bus, the lower that cost is per passenger.

    Assuming a fixed fare per passenger, the more people on board, the more of that cost is covered through the fare Box.

    The cost of going from one service each half hour to three is relatively low compared to other public transport investments (such as building new metro or light rail lines).

    Yet it can generate a substantial increase in the percentage of trips taken by public transport, and the overall number of passengers.

    That leads to lower costs per passenger.

    And more passengers on local bus routes means more passengers on their connecting train services too.

  • fuck_cars Fuck Cars Do we need to focus more on suburban bus services? #Urbanism #UrbanPlanning #Transit
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 2 years ago β€’ 100%

    Population density isn't the only variable that determines the number of passengers. The other two critical variables are service levels (the quality of public transport services and how frequently they run), and modal share (the percentage of trips taken by public transport.

    High population density doesn't automatically guarantee either good service levels, or high ridership (although it can help with both of those things).

    There are high-density cities with low ridership and low modal shares, and very low density villages (think Switzerland) that have high public transport modal shares and relatively high levels of public transport ridership.

    There are real world examples where increasing service frequency leads to a huge growth in public transport use. It's the same area, with the same population density, upgrading to higher service frequencies has led to higher public transport modal share, and higher ridership. Here's an example:

    In many suburbs, the modal share for cars is well over 90% because there's no viable alternative.

    If the public transport option is one or two buses every hour, then of course it's not going to be a viable option for many people.

    Increase the frequency to one bus every 10 minutes, and it becomes a more viable option for more people, and suddenly it becomes a much better option for more people. This leads to a higher percentage of trips being made by public transport.

  • fuck_cars Fuck Cars What's the worst thing about cycling or transit infrastructure in your city?
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 2 years ago β€’ 100%

    Have there been bus network upgrades as the light rail has rolled out? Or has the focus just been on the shiny new trams?

  • fuck_cars Fuck Cars We are living in a golden age of electric cargo bikes
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 2 years ago β€’ 100%

    Definitely agree the world needs more electric cargo bikes.

    And decent, barrier-protected bike lanes for them to be used in.

  • fuck_cars Fuck Cars Do we need to focus more on suburban bus services? #Urbanism #UrbanPlanning #Transit
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 2 years ago β€’ 100%

    Here's an example of the type of situation I'm thinking about.

    The 806 bus is the main public transport options for a number of suburbs in outer Western Sydney

    The problem is the timetable is infrequent. If you miss a bus, you're potentially waiting half an hour for the next one.

    The bus is already there. It already runs. Just it's incredibly infrequent.

    Improving the timetable so it runs every 10 minutes would be enough to encourage more people to use public transport, rather than driving.

    And it can be accomplished at a fraction of the cost of a new underground metro or light rail.

    A mini-bus taxi service won't do the trick. It's less than what's there already.

    And we're not talking bus rapid transit here. Just a regular, reliable bus service with a decent frequency.

    Yes, in an ideal world, suburbs such as the ones the 806 shouldn't exist. The fact they were built is a planning mistake.

    Now that they do exist, is there a case that at least getting decent bus and cycling infrastructure should be more of a focus than it is in urbanist circles.

  • fuck_cars Fuck Cars What's the worst thing about cycling or transit infrastructure in your city?
  • ajsadauskas ajsadauskas 2 years ago β€’ 100%

    It's a little surprising that Ulsan doesn't have any metro or light rail, given it's a metro area of over 1 million people. Is it on the drawing board over there? What's the official reason the city hasn't built any rail?
