politics Politics Congressional Dems pile on Alito after he says SCOTUS ethics can’t be regulated
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 100%

    ahem, I believe it’s mustache-twirling...

  • politics Politics Congressional Dems pile on Alito after he says SCOTUS ethics can’t be regulated
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 86%

    Alito: “Regulate us, I dare you!

    Congressional Dems: “Hold our beers..."

  • worldnews World News How native Hawaiians feel about the occupation regime
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 66%

    says the troll

  • technology Technology Elon Musk Plans to Remove Option to Block People on Twitter
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 75%

    saw this on mastodon just now…

  • worldnews World News How native Hawaiians feel about the occupation regime
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 66%

    says the troll

  • technology Technology YouTube and Reddit are sued for allegedly enabling the racist mass shooting in Buffalo that left 10 dead
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 91%

    Ok so isn’t the issue at hand whether the sites are to blame?

    let’s break this down so I can answer you in what I think is an honest way:

    1. Are the sites legally responsible for the content they host, generally speaking and/or in this context of radicalization and such subsequent results as these?


    1. Do these sites bear any social/moral responsibility to moderate their more extreme content in good faith to try to prevent this sort of result?


    1. Is there an overlap of 1 and 2?

    1 - this is for a court to decide. I’m not familiar enough with the very specifics of case law or with the suits being brought to know exactly what is being alleged, etc. I can’t opine on this other that to say that, from what I do know, it’s unlikely that a court would hold these sites legally responsible.

    2 - I fully believe that, yes, sites like these, massive, general-use public sites have a social and moral responsibility to keep their platforms safe. How and what that means is a matter for much debate, and I’m sure people here will do just that.

    3 - is there overlap? again, legally, I’m not sure, but there might be, and in the near future, there might be much more. also, should there be more? another subject for debate.

  • technology Technology YouTube and Reddit are sued for allegedly enabling the racist mass shooting in Buffalo that left 10 dead
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 100%
  • technology Technology YouTube and Reddit are sued for allegedly enabling the racist mass shooting in Buffalo that left 10 dead
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 100%
  • technology Technology YouTube and Reddit are sued for allegedly enabling the racist mass shooting in Buffalo that left 10 dead
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 100%

    Trump and his supporters complained that the 2016 election was rigged even after he won.

    They’ll say anything to claim victimhood, most often when the opposite is true.

  • technology Technology YouTube and Reddit are sued for allegedly enabling the racist mass shooting in Buffalo that left 10 dead
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 81%

    right, but “everybody” aren’t the ones committing mass shootings all the time. that’s an alt-right crazies problem.

  • world World News German government approves controlled legalization of cannabis use
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 100%

    Germany=Nazi joke

    not funny

  • world World News German government approves controlled legalization of cannabis use
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 100%

    eh… I believe you have your controlled substances mixed up...

  • technology Technology YouTube Can Read All Text Inside Your Videos and Flag It for Violations
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 100%

    I think this is more of an official acknowledgment and them exploring how it works, not so much “breaking news” for those of us in the know. I’d imagine most people are probably unaware of this.

  • technology Technology YouTube and Reddit are sued for allegedly enabling the racist mass shooting in Buffalo that left 10 dead
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 74%

    yeah, but progressives and liberals and all other "crazies and normal people" aren’t the ones committing mass shootings all the time.

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating Twitter/X new ID Verification - First Look
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 100%

    didn’t Parler have something like this, then their entire DB got hacked handed over to the FBI just after jan 6th, complete with hundreds of videos of the traitors committing crimes that they upload themselves? since Parler didn’t strip any metadata from uploaded media, the feds were able to use it all as evidence and use everyone’s IDs to tie it all to them.

    I bet they arrested hundreds of people this way and used tons more of it at the various trials

  • technology Technology YouTube and Reddit are sued for allegedly enabling the racist mass shooting in Buffalo that left 10 dead
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 71%

    interesting… whether the sites will be found liable…. it’s pretty unlikely, but it sure does shine a spotlight on how each are magnets for alt-right crazies. I wonder if that will have any effect on their moderation?

    I doubt it.

  • worldnews World News How native Hawaiians feel about the occupation regime
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 50%

    Ok, so you know you’re wrong

    oh, the lies you tell yourself… how funny

  • worldnews World News How native Hawaiians feel about the occupation regime
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 50%

    Yes, you’re really smart and you’re crashing this online argument. Your logic is impeccable and your arguments are flawless. I give up, you win!

    it’s sad this is the only way you can see the world. it explains your trolling.

    Changing the subject now

    why would I engage in a discussion with a troll, knowing full well you have no problem lying, twisting my words, and using very logical fallacy in the book?

  • worldnews World News How native Hawaiians feel about the occupation regime
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 50%

    I’m pretty sure you understand what we’re talking about here:

    I’m pretty sure I see through your logical fallacies and am not buying your mental gymnastics to cover for them.

    this isn’t about “winning” just because that’s how you see the world, although I would categorically say that you’ve lost. lost time, lost face, and certainly lost your mind if you think you’ve won anything here.

    Or you’re not actually interested in the topic and are here only to do some light trolling?

    says the troll, lmao

  • worldnews World News How native Hawaiians feel about the occupation regime
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 50%

    note the dates. it was forcibly annexed by a coup government

    the facts don’t support your assertions. even if they did, it’s irrelevant because….

    the later vote to join as a state took place well afterwards

    just as I said and the facts I gave support. since 94% of people voted to become a state, no rational person would call it an “occupation”.

  • worldnews World News How native Hawaiians feel about the occupation regime
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 66%

    Well, this has been fun.

    kinda supports my argument that you’re a troll if this is your idea of fun.

    but I’ve wasted too much time on this conversation already, and I’d rather be spending it doing literally anything else.

    [X] DOUBT

    if that were true, you wouldn't have spent hours here trying to convince me of the weird things going on in your head.

    In all seriousness though, I do hope you seek therapy. This level of toxic internet behavior really isn’t healthy.

    at last, some self-reflection, even if it’s reflecting off of me…. (ya know, that projection thing you mentioned earlier…) also, best of luck with your dad!

  • worldnews World News How native Hawaiians feel about the occupation regime
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 100%
  • worldnews World News How native Hawaiians feel about the occupation regime
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 70%

    This one is just you.

    then I suppose “paranoid delusion” is more appropriate.

    Do you remember when he left you? Did he ever lay his hands on you or your mother? Other siblings? Remember, it’s not your fault he hit you. You’re not a bad person.

    I’m sorry to hear of your troubled childhood

  • worldnews World News How native Hawaiians feel about the occupation regime
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 16%

    that’s some imagination you got there, lol

  • worldnews World News How native Hawaiians feel about the occupation regime
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 66%

    You’re the one calling them conspiracies

    because I know what th word means. don’t fear knowledge, kid. knowledge is super!

    I’m just making deductions based on observations, that’s all.

    jumping straight tp paranoid conspiracy rather than considering that your trolling is unpopular isn’t what most would consider rational.

    It’s okay if you don’t want to talk about your dad, it’s not your fault he wasn’t around when you were a child. What about the other kids in school? Did they bully you a lot? I’m getting a real “bullied as a child” impression from you, the way you keep lashing out on the internet like this.

    I’m sorry that you really want to talk about your dad, but I’m not your therapist.

  • worldnews World News How native Hawaiians feel about the occupation regime
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 62%

    your life must be pretty dull if all you can do is spend time imagining conspiracies against, you. and such boring conspiracies…

    edit: I wonder… if you told someone your little theory, do you think they’d think you were making it up, or just shocked at how pathetic it was you gave a crap?"

  • worldnews World News How native Hawaiians feel about the occupation regime
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 62%

    Must be a coincidence

    must be ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Anyway, what about your parents? Did your mother love you? From the way you’ve been behaving today, I’m starting to think she might not have been a part of your life. Do you need a hug?

    you know that “projection” thing you were talking about? 😄

  • worldnews World News How native Hawaiians feel about the occupation regime
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 16%

    the ‘ligma’ fallacy

    oh, geez, I would, but you’re mom’s been working on it all day… 🏀⚽️

    I’ll let ya know when she’s done! xD

  • worldnews World News How native Hawaiians feel about the occupation regime
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 62%

    lol, you’re funny.

    In me experience, and especially with those who’ve been accused of projection in the past, a really good tell of someone’s insecurity is the good ol’ “you’re projecting” line. see, it’s something a psychologist wouldn’t really be able to diagnose until they’d met and interviewed a person, but with online trolls and bullies, it’s a pretty easy tell that they, in fact, are the ones projecting.

    you’re pretty sloppy at trolling, and you give yourself away a lot. oh, and beyond wasting bth of our time, you really haven’t done anything but make yourself very upset. I’ve enjoyed serveral films.

  • worldnews World News How native Hawaiians feel about the occupation regime
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 62%

    Come on, you can do better than that.

    you’re free to troll someone else. all your bottled up rage has to go somewhere, right? it’s not like you know how to deal with it in a healthy way, or you wouldn’t be here proving that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • worldnews World News How native Hawaiians feel about the occupation regime
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 62%

    Is that why you’re still denying all of your alts?

    I’m very sorry for your troubles. just so you know, professional help is available in your area.

    best of luck with that

  • worldnews World News How native Hawaiians feel about the occupation regime
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 60%

    No, you’re right, it’s much more likely that several different users are all doing the same “everything you say is a logical fallacy” shtick, using the exact same Philosophy 101 infographics for these alleged logical fallacies in their posts,

    yeah, because google exists and copy/paste exist everywhere but on whatever planet you’re from. You guys should get on that.

    it’s been my experience that bullies like to blame others for the consequences they face rather then accept them.

  • worldnews World News How native Hawaiians feel about the occupation regime
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 60%

    trying what?

  • worldnews World News How native Hawaiians feel about the occupation regime
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 66%

    No, I’m talking about the one angry troll pretending to be six different people who is being toxic in this thread.

    right, because the only way some could disagree with or object to a brigade of angry trolls from hexbear is because of some “conspiracy” you can’t prove.


    You’re committing a strawman fallacy, or a false equivalence, or a false dichotomy, whatever, take your pick. You don’t know the difference, anyway.

    “I know you are but what am I?” doesn’t make a convincing argument. most people learn that when they’re 5.

  • technology Technology Statement from Linus Tech Tips about Madison's accusations
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 91%

    I’ve been under huge amounts of stress and have been mismanaged, but it never turned me into a grabass bully.

    systemic issues like this don’t just come from nowhere. likewise, they didn’t just appear, either. nor will they simply disappear now that they’ve been exposed or with some glib promise to “do better”.

    workplace atmospheres like this take time to develop and… fester. From what Madison described, it’s been this what from, at least, the time she started, which means these behaviors, these patterns, were existing, likely for some time.

    What Linus knew, when, etc. may important in a civil case, but it’s not to me— He failed at his job, and didn’t ask for help/hire help to fix the problems until faaaar too late. If it was this bad for Madison, it had to be at least as bad if not worse for others before her who simply did not (or could not) speak out, as well as other who are still there.

    Systemic issues do not affect only one person, and they don’t appear out of nowhere. Expect more bad news and expect that any resolution/fixes will take time and major change. If you don’t see any major changes over a reasonable amount of time, don’t trust claims that they’re “working on it."

  • usnews U.S. News Sandy Hook Families Say Alex Jones Cannot Hide Behind Bankruptcy
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 100%

    lol, wow. I guess summer break is over, and we’re back to this dipshit being in the news.

    and, yeah, he should have to pay every last penny of what he has, despite his rather inept attempts at hiding his money by sifting it around to his family and friends.

  • worldnews World News How native Hawaiians feel about the occupation regime
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 63%

    No one’s buying it, you know that, right?

    Whhaaaa??? you mean to say that a brigading band of angry trolls from two of the most toxic instances in the fediverse remain unconvinced by facts and logic??? GASP!!

  • worldnews World News How native Hawaiians feel about the occupation regime
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 60%

    sure ya don't

  • worldnews World News How native Hawaiians feel about the occupation regime
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 70%

    You said “[a yes vote on Russia annexing Crimea] never happened.”

    YOU said that. keep your words out of my mouth.

    I showed that it did.

    you know everyone can see your comments and my comments, right? that is very much not what happened, as anyone with eyeballs can see. I’m sorry that you’re having trouble seeing reality. consult a physician.

    You responded with “We’re taking about Hawaii here.”

    because we are, despite your attempts to change the subject. are you lost again?

  • worldnews World News How native Hawaiians feel about the occupation regime
  • adroidBalloon adroidBalloon 1 year ago 75%

    Perhaps it was you that didn’t pay attention to the title in the first place?

    see, I have proof, you have madboi rage you can’t process like a healthy person, so you direct it outwards at the person who pointed out - with evidence - that you’re wrong. classy.

    now that two different people explained to you that “people who live there” clearly meant “natives”

    you mean “moved the goalposts when they could win an argument and on facts”. lying now when there’s plenty f evidence here proving that you’re lying is a pretty bad way to try to convince someone of something.

    Perhaps now that you’ve been explained what “occupation” means

    I don’t need a bunch of angry trolls who can’ open their mouths without lies, rage, childish insults, and logical fallacies falling out to “explain” anything to me.
