privacy Privacy 7 Things You Should Know Before Switching to GrapheneOS
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 20 hours ago 100%

    It Feels Almost Like Android... But It Isn't

    So what is it?

  • apple_enthusiast Apple iOS 18 is available today
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 2 days ago 100%

    Yeah and I can't get my head around why it won't be available here in the EU. This is so fucking stupid! Like how is the DMA or any other legislation supposed to prevent them from implementing iPhone mirroring? They literally offer every other continuity-related feature over here. This is just Apple being upset they're actually being regulated in the EU.

  • jetbrains JetBrains Not a fan of the #AI hype at all, but #RustRover new full line code completion feature is impressive
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 2 days ago 100%

    That's what I wanted to say as well! Most AI stuff in software development is bullshit, but full line completion is actually so useful!

  • asklemmy Asklemmy How do you say "[you have the] wrong number" in your language?
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 1 week ago 100%

    I'd return a non-zero value so they know it's their fault ^^

  • linux Linux Several windows programs won't work with Wine. Would running a Windows VM be a better option?
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 2 weeks ago 100%

    In my personal opinion: Yes. Wine is great and all, but in the end it's an emulation layer that - in the worst case - requires a lot of tweaking. I personally wouldn't want to spend that time so a VM sounds like a good option. But again, depending on the context (e.g. limited hardware resources or the amount of time available) you might be totally fine with Wine.

  • pokemon Pokémon Demaking Dexit - A video on how fan-demakes of modern Pokémon games might be better than the real deal
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 3 weeks ago 100%

    Do you still remember the name of the Johto rom hack made in the Gen 3 engine? I'd love to give it a try!

  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 3 weeks ago 100%

    Shit gets weird when the guy in 418 opens and claims to be a tea pot...

  • bitwarden Bitwarden Important update: Native Bitwarden mobile apps coming soon
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 4 weeks ago 100%

    You're right. Also the other way around the new Kotlin frameworks needed can't easily be used in a Java codebase. I mean on bytecode level they're compatible but it's basically impossible in practice

  • rust Rust Strategy Pattern in Rust
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 1 month ago 100%

    That makes sense, thanks again! I think dynamic dispatch is not as much of a performance issue in my case, yet you're totally right not to waste resources that aren't actually needed. Keeping things on the stack if possible is also a good thing.

    I'll definitely need to read more about Rusts type system but your explanation was already very helpful! I think this might be why my initial approach felt unnatural - it works but is quite cumbersome and with generics there seems to be a more elegant approach.

  • rust Rust Strategy Pattern in Rust
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 1 month ago 100%

    Thanks for your input! I'll have a look at both build flags and macros for sure! For my specific problem enums will do just fine I guess, but having an overview about the possibilities helps a lot!

  • rust Rust Strategy Pattern in Rust
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 1 month ago 100%

    Thanks for your reply!

  • rust Rust Strategy Pattern in Rust
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 1 month ago 100%

    Thanks for the advice! I didn't know generic functions were preferred. But it makes perfect sense if you think about it.

  • rust Rust Strategy Pattern in Rust
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 1 month ago 100%

    Thanks for the explanation! I think just using an enum will do perfectly well in my case.

  • rust
    Rust abrahambelch 1 month ago 100%
    Strategy Pattern in Rust

    Hey there, I'm currently learning Rust (coming from object-oriented and also to some degree functional languages like Kotlin) and have some trouble how to design my software in a Rust-like way. I'm hoping someone could help me out with an explanation here :-) I just started reading the book in order to get an overview of the language as well. In OOP languages, I frequently use design patterns such as the Strategy pattern to model interchangeable pieces of logic. How do I model this in Rust? My current approach would be to define a trait and write different implementations of it. I would then pass around a boxed trait object (`Box<dyn MyTrait>`). I often find myself trying to combine this with some poor man's manual dependency injection. This approach feels very object oriented and not native to the language. Would this be the recommended way of doing things or is there a better approach to take in Rust? Thanks in advance!

    asklemmy Asklemmy What languages do you speak?
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 1 month ago 100%

    I'm able to speak German (native speaker) and English (fluent).

    Also, as a German speaker, I'd like to correct the question in the post:

    Formal would be "Welche Sprachen sprechen Sie?".

    More fitting for a casual environment (such as Lemmy) would be "Welche Sprachen sprecht Ihr?" though :)

    This is, because in German there are formal and informal ways of addressing people, both with their distinctive pronouns. Usually, when talking to people you don't know personally, you'll address them formally and then, when offered to, switch to the informal style once you know them. Online or among the younger generation it is much more common to just use the informal case though.

  • technology Technology Chrome will block one of its biggest ad blockers
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 1 month ago 100%

    Now I get your point. Technically, I think it could be possible to only include the changes in Chrome. It would make sense for Google to push the changes all the way down to Chromium, though, as this would eliminate ad blockers on many competing browsers as well. Judging based on the past I would say this is what's gonna happen

  • technology Technology Chrome will block one of its biggest ad blockers
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 1 month ago 100%

    I guess so. I don't get your second point however. Chromium is as independent from Google/Chrome as your banking app from your bank account.

  • signal The Signal messenger and protocol. Proxy Please: Help People Connect to Signal
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 1 month ago 100%

    Its mentioned in the article. Just posting you got a proxy and giving the address away via DM already decreases the chance of getting blocked a lot.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy *Permanently Deleted*
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 1 month ago 100%

    ~Google~ Any search engine is your friend

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What web browser extensions would you highly recommend to others?
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 1 month ago 100%

    Thanks for the tip!

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What web browser extensions would you highly recommend to others?
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 1 month ago 100%

    Im using Firefox/a fork of it - please note that many of the below mentioned extensions either only exist for Firefox or don't work well with Chromium browsers due to manifest V3.

    • UBlock Origin
    • I still don't care about cookies
    • CanvasBlocker
    • Multi account containers
    • Dark Reader
    • FlagFox
    • (Bitwarden)
  • apple_enthusiast Apple macOS Sequoia may require weekly permissions for screen recording apps
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 1 month ago 40%

    If this happens I'll consider switching back to a Linux machine next time a hardware upgrade is due.

    Hope there are some rapid developments in non-Apple ARM Chips by then :')

  • asklemmy Asklemmy any cheap VPS with payment with XMR?
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 2 months ago 100%

    I think you misunderstood my comment. A prepaid Mastercard can be bought at many gas stations or supermarkets and allows you to pay online at places that only accept credit cards without actually having one.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy any cheap VPS with payment with XMR?
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 2 months ago 100%

    Hetzner covers all of the above except the Monero payment option. Would a prepaid Mastercard do the job for you? I think you can buy them in cash without identification.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Do flat earthers think other planets are flat? All of them or some of them? Are stars (including and excluding the sun) flat too?
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 2 months ago 100%
  • asklemmy Asklemmy What would you like to change about Lemmy culture?
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 2 months ago 100%

    Fühle mich nach jedem Auslandsaufenthalt so, als wäre ich 20 Jahre in die Zukunft gereist lol

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What would you like to change about Lemmy culture?
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 2 months ago 100%

    Here in Europe there are a lot of country-specific instances (e.g. or I can confirm the German one has quite a lot of members and some large German subreddits moved to Lemmy when the blackout happened. Germans are quite privacy focused in general with a generally higher Firefox market share and a lot of shops only accepting cash (not proud of the latter haha)

  • asklemmy Asklemmy *Permanently Deleted*
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 2 months ago 100%

    First of all:

    You can always copy storage if you're able to physically access it. The only way to prevent this is to secure the chip in a way it destroys itself if physically tampered with (like some TPM chips).

    You should instead opt for a passphrase that is practically impossible to bruteforce on current hardware due to its complexity. Also, try not to disclose the encryption algorithm or software used as this information opens the possibility of exploiting known vulnerabilities.

    VeraCrypt for example is able to completely hide its presence on a volume and the only way to know if a device is encrypted with it is trying to decrypt it using VeraCrypt with the correct passphrase.

    Trying to answer your questions:

    1. Most modern smartphones encrypt their data by default nowadays. The rest depends on the phone itself. Mostly they just delete the encryption keys from the TPM when formatted so this still enables an authority to copy your storage and bruteforce.

    2. No. Encryption does never prevent you from copying the encrypted information. Those are two completely different things.

    3. No. You cannot encrypt the SD card with say Bitlocker and use it on a phone afaik.

    4. Yes, some Androids allow you to encrypt the SD card from within the storage settings.

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes IT Department's Plan
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 2 months ago 95%

    Sometimes you have to learn the hard way...

  • protonprivacy Proton Introducing Proton Scribe: a privacy-first writing assistant
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 2 months ago 100%

    Even if degoogled, Chromium still does a poor job at protecting your privacy.

  • apple_enthusiast Apple Hidden Photos available via USB
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 2 months ago 100%

    Thanks for sharing, actually this very project inspired me to do it myself. It is an incredible resource when it comes to certain aspects of the database format!

    Imho it has some deeper architectural issues though which I wanted to avoid in my implementation. I'm also using an entirely different tech stack I wanted to train myself in.

    My implementation is not as feature complete as osxphotos but I'm sure I will be able to contribute back to the project with the occasional bug fix.

  • apple_enthusiast Apple Hidden Photos available via USB
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 2 months ago 100%
  • apple_enthusiast Apple Hidden Photos available via USB
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 2 months ago 92%

    I reverse engineered the Apple Photos library file on my Mac as a side project and can confirm that hidden assets are not actually encrypted or otherwise protected. The respective assets are just not shown in the apps and can be accessed via Finder on macOS.

    I didn't know they were visible when you connect your phone to your PC but I guess it makes sense.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy People younger than 30, what advice would you give to people over 30?
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 2 months ago 90%

    Maybe it's the wrong person if they can't be with someone who doesn't use Instagram ;)

  • asklemmy Asklemmy People younger than 30, what advice would you give to people over 30?
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 2 months ago 98%

    Don't make the same mistake as our generation and fall for TikTok, Instagram and that shit.

    Almost everything is better without it, from concerts to weekend trips to relationships.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy iPhone users, what's stopping you from switching to Android?
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 2 months ago 100%

    When you re-import the images into another program/library, they will not be displayed in the correct order and all other information will be lost as well.

    Metadata in general is very useful and contains a lot of valuable information like location data, lens, focal length and device information which you have to manually re-integrate into each and every photo.

    I mean yes, I could write a quick and dirty Python script for this, but why should I have to do this in the first place?

    In my subjective opinion this is malicious as in it only being this way to make it as hard as possible to migrate away. I highly doubt this is the way their servers store the images as it is very inefficient and the images are likely stored in a database instead. This means in order to retrieve a file they have to process each image anyway, so why not follow the universally accepted and well defined standard and include the metadata in each file?

  • asklemmy Asklemmy iPhone users, what's stopping you from switching to Android?
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 2 months ago 87%

    First thing: Privacy. I am aware that iOS is not entirely private too, but I trust Apple Photos much more than Google Photos. You can even enable end-to-end encryption iirc.

    Second point is control over my data. I can easily export my photos from Apple Photos as files, whereas Google maliciously separates Photos and Metadata upon export. In my experience this is the same for a lot of other services as well. Being able to easily export my data enables me to escape the walled garden more easily should I get fed up with one system. I also try to use as many open source services as possible for this as well as other reasons.

    Apple has a lot of malicious practices too, especially when it comes to EU citizens and third-party app stores, etc. - but in my experience Google is no better.

    Lastly, I considered switching to an Android with Graphene OS (privacy focused Android derivate) a couple of times, but the added control over your data comes with a lot of other inconveniences. So for now, I’m just sticking to iOS.

  • pokemon Pokémon Is there any way to transfer between two games of the same generation?
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 2 months ago 100%

    I’m afraid there’s no way to do this without a second Nintendo DS or an external tool like a save editor (PKHex, for example) :(

  • asklemmy Asklemmy At what hour you go to sleep?
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 3 months ago 80%

    Same! I just can't manage to sleep earlier than 2 am and I'm starting to feel it in the mornings

  • rust Rust JetBrains RustRover Is Released and Includes a Free Non-Commercial Option
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 3 months ago 100%

    Beware they started charging for the database tools even if you own an all-products license (the plugin was included in the EAP version).

    IntelliJ still has it bundled iirc.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy How useless are dating apps?
  • abrahambelch abrahambelch 3 months ago 100%

    Im very well aware these apps are terrible in every aspect possible and only there to take advantage of people's anxieties. Thus, I'm even more confused I met my girlfriend on Bumble and we've been a couple for two years now.

    To be fair, I've been trying my luck on tinder before and got so frustrated I deleted the app multiple times.

    As an introvert, finding people in real life can be a lot harder than for other people so you kinda have to rely on dating apps sometimes. This makes it even worse to see how they're developing.
