• a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 4 weeks ago 100%

    How else would you try to start a business 😂?

  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 1 month ago 100%

    Makers went out of business.

  • technology Technology Why Americans aren’t buying more EVs
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 3 months ago 100%

    Well, in some European countries you could load your car while at work or grocery shopping.

    Depending in your commute this could just be enough.

    Anyhow: the prices and (country-specific) loading network might be show stopper. Many other things are just habit and/or subjective convenience.

  • preppers Preppers Water crises
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 3 months ago 100%

    Sorry for the late reply.

    I feel your question is a quiet country and living situation specific.

    Here in Germany the guideline says to store 2 Liters (0,53 Gallons) per person per day and to have a stock of 10 days.

    Having this said, our country is smaller, ways are shorter.. supply chains easier to establish.

    You could talke your problem by a ) have some canned water stored as the guidelines say, b ) get informed about water sanitation with filters and chemicals and prep these items.

    Without owning some property, having enough storing room and for example a well, you won't be able to be really independent.

    So my best advice is you prepare to bridge the time until supply is up again (may it be logistics or pipe), or until you can move to a different unaffected location.

  • bean Bean Bean is toast
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 5 months ago 100%

    I would chill and not call it a scam per se. I believe the two devs tried to built a honest business and something went sideways.

    It is not as if about 1500 subscriptions buy you a yacht and a sunset in a southern country.

  • bean Bean Bean is toast
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 5 months ago 100%

    I would not call them scammers.. heck, their whole business went down the drain.

  • bean Bean Bean is toast
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 5 months ago 100%

    Thunder is made with flutter. When I realized it, it went straight to the bin.

    I prefer native over react native over flutter. But to be honest: they all do look alike in many cases. Not much setting them apart (design-wise) 😅.

  • bean Bean Bean is toast
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 5 months ago 100%

    Took a look at Avelon, and even bought lifetime. Had to refund it, because dev isn’t reacting since 4 month 😂

    Currently I am using voyager, which is okay-ish. There is also arctic which is a native App for a change.

  • preppers
    Preppers a887dcd7a 5 months ago 100%
    Droughts in Europe https://edo.jrc.ec.europa.eu/edov2/php/index.php?id=1052

    A nice overview if drought areas in Europe.

    bean Bean Bean is toast
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 5 months ago 100%

    I suppose such complaints are more hefty If more people raise them: http://reportaproblem.apple.com/

  • bean Bean Bean is toast
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 5 months ago 100%

    I am quite relaxed: 35 bucks for a lifetime update of an App is still quite cheap and I spent more for worse 😅

    That they allegedly sold 1.000+ licenses without communicating their downfall is what lead me to involve Apple Support for a complaint.

  • bean
    Bean a887dcd7a 5 months ago 100%
    Bean is toast http://wearecocoon.co.uk/

    Now that http://wearecocoon.co.uk is officially out of business (subpages are still working) did anybody try to get a refund in the App Store? **Edit** I just opened a fraud case with Apple support: http://reportaproblem.apple.com/

    bean Bean Any news?
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 5 months ago 100%
  • bean Bean *Permanently Deleted*
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 7 months ago 100%

    As star gate fan, I am sure it is a alien time loop thingy . Thanks for bringing this up!

  • bean Bean *Permanently Deleted*
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 8 months ago 100%

    It is a little bit laggy, but also my second choice

  • bean Bean *Permanently Deleted*
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 8 months ago 100%

    😅 Cheers!

  • bean Bean *Permanently Deleted*
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 8 months ago 100%

    Idk. The devs run a business and still advertise with bean. If it is really abandoned instead of just low prioritized or idling they would start a coverup...in the end reputation sells.

    The “likely” in the heading needs to be emphasized as we cannot say with certainty what will happen…

    I would also not recommend anybody to subscribe or renew until there was a sign of life.

  • bean Bean Expectation management
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 8 months ago 100%

    Well, the App basically works and there have been updates. Also — come time — there will be further updates in the future.

    What would be the basis for apple to grant a refund?

  • bean Bean Expectation management
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 8 months ago 100%

    Maybe an opening. You look like a nice fella. Maybe you want to be a community manager 😂 Be prepared for some pitchforks 🧐

  • bean Bean Expectation management
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 8 months ago 100%

    I'm 100 % with you on that. Health comes above all else.

    But his mate, who is also running the business, could just leave a message of absence or so. With the pre-course this would honestly be enough - at least for me.

  • bean Bean Expectation management
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 8 months ago 100%

    Yea, I read you the other day commenting a post. Yet I thought I would love to bring this upfront to devs attention and provide some simple ideas on how to communicate… ehm.. more 😂

  • bean
    Bean a887dcd7a 8 months ago 100%
    Expectation management

    Hey Steve, its been a while since your last occurrence, when you and your buddy re-assured your commitment and explained some time of absence: fine with the most of us. But since then: silence. Some of your early customers already moved on and wrote off their invest. Could you please step the game up a little and start managing your community and maybe our expectations? For example you could share a rough roadmap, just so we know, that you are still on it and your community issues were heard? Or take half an hour once a week, biweekly or monthly to communicate your progress and what you are up to? Best wishes a early stage customer that already resorts to other clients

    Preppers a887dcd7a 9 months ago 100%
    [Discussion] What are your cold weather skills and preps?

    Just for the sake of communication and keeping this sub relevant: how are you situated (rural/city/flat/house) and what are your skills and preps to e.g. deal with harsh weather, a short-term cut off of energy and heating or cold and ugly weather on the trail with your BOB.

    preppers Preppers Blackout Kit: Where to find reliable recommendations/reviews of equipment?
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 9 months ago 100%

    I actually enjoy the Anker bolder LC90 torch and for general purpose a set of two LC40 as well as a no name mini torch as EDC.

    With everyone running LEDs it is only the case and the features and use case that sets them all apart.

    For headlights I went with three different Petzl torches (ACTIK, TIKKA) and am totally satisfied with the quality and feature set (one in the BOB, one as daily driver, one for my partner). Others like to go with ledlenser. In regard to regular torches olight is celebrated by the tactical community.

    It comes down to this: how much are you willing to spend on this subject. I would go with products that are ranged in the realm of reasonable pricing.

  • preppers Preppers Blackout Kit: Where to find reliable recommendations/reviews of equipment?
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 9 months ago 100%

    For multitools, I would also recommend SOG. I EDC a small PowerAssist EOD .

    What I do not recommend is Gerber, at least not in the price class I bought. I got myself a Gerber Suspension and an Airlift in a set and both kind of suck for my purpose, maybe even for any purpose.

    In terms of blades I'm intrigued by "local brands" Wolfgangs and Boker and as always mora. Anyhow, my next fixed blade will be a ESEE 4.

  • preppers Preppers Blackout Kit: Where to find reliable recommendations/reviews of equipment?
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 9 months ago 100%

    Hi, in my opinion there are several great brands for different stuff out there. Whenever I want to buy a product I try to find some youtube reviews to see what problems might come up with. Often times you can also find information "searching the old place where we used to hang out" 😂

    Anyhow: as a rough orientation and pretty obvious: I would never trust a reviewer to be unbiased if he pushes you to use his affiliate marketing links, or if he is sponsored by the brand.

  • preppers
    Preppers a887dcd7a 10 months ago 100%
    PSA: Sawyer Mini Counterfeit www.sawyer.com

    With black week and some headlessness I bought my second Sawyer Mini on eBay. I hoped for a sellout, but when I received shipping information from China and was not able to cancel the order, I already knew whats going down 😂. Anyhow, I received a cheeky counterfeit and am now talking to Sawyer and eBay. I'm not worried about the money, it is more like these filters can be life threatening and should be pulled from market.

    bean Bean Do you really think we will see an update this week?
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 10 months ago 100%

    Ah... I still have faith. I mean communication could have been slightly better cough, cough , but after all it is a two man gig which is more prone to hard times. I anticipated kind of a growing process, when buying. Christian's Apollo for reddit was the playbook example how it could be. On the other hand dev of the mastodon woolly App went dark on all outlets... that leaves me wondering if something bad happened to him.

    I see it that way. If the (indie) product is nice, I would like to support the dev behind it. Period.

    Here in Germany entrepreneurs have to calculate their manpower with at least 80-90 € per hour when offering contracts, just to have a sustainable business. I understand the scaling effects but 35 € is quite modest with that calculation in mind (even though regular workers have to put in some working hours to afford the 35 € :). Im curios if this offer is sustainable after all.

  • bean Bean Do you really think we will see an update this week?
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 10 months ago 100%

    Idk... he informed the community about last week, I suppose even If he coded like a manic monkey straight through there are still the the app store App release gods that need to have mercy... so no 🫢

  • bean Bean Do you really think we will see an update this week?
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 10 months ago 100%

    Is this some sort of premature bullying, after dev already opened up on current affairs and the near future?

  • bean Bean POV: you bought lifetime on sale
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 10 months ago 100%

    Dev and his colleague already reached out, mentioning the absence.

    Lets give them the benefit of a doubt, that dev had to deal with different matters first and will be able to commit more.

  • bean Bean Dev Update
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 10 months ago 100%

    Lets keep it short and relatable: welcome back.

  • technology Technology Tesla will sue you for $50,000 if you try to resell your Cybertruck in the first year
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 10 months ago 100%

    Yea, you are describing leasing, which is a totally different thing.

    If you would try these shenanigans in a regular contract, your company would be a) sued to the ground b) don't sell one car...

  • technology Technology Tesla will sue you for $50,000 if you try to resell your Cybertruck in the first year
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 10 months ago 100%

    I suppose only US buyers can be gutted that way

  • preppers Preppers The basics: bugging out vs bugging in
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 11 months ago 100%

    EU also means, that the distances are shorter: help might be much nearer, in case of rather local events. Also the population density is in parts higher, which could be troublesome in some scenarios...

    The other aspect is that in the US delivery routes are much more fragil and the impact on isolated locations bigger. I mean it makes sense to hoard tons of food if the infrastructure is known to be shaky.

    In regards to assessment: I hear you. Some risks can be mitigated, some are too expensive to mitigated. You need to assess and reassess your individual situation and risks in a manner that does not drive you nuts and is rooted in reality.

    I find it much more helpful to prepare resourcefulness rather than plans. Meaning: I invested in outdoor hobbies to make sure to know my gear and ways around. If I had to evacuate by train, bike or feet, I am sure I would have the capabilities to get to my desired (pre-planned) location.

  • preppers Preppers The basics: bugging out vs bugging in
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 11 months ago 100%


    much appreciated post!

    Some thoughts:

    • If you really need to formalize and write down every plan in a binder should be open to discussion.
    • Threats and threat level differ from land to land and region to region. Prepping in the states is totally different from being prepared in the EU and elsewhere.
    • Like you said: not all risks are equally probable. The ideas of risk management (likelihood, harm, cost of avoidance, cost of arrival) could be applied to identify your personal risks.
    • A good addendum would be the mode of transportation. Not everyone has a car..

    In my opinion preemptively leaving your place when e.g. trains are still going would be preferred over strolling the wild in a big evacuation movement.

    Best wishes

  • preppers Preppers Three found dead in Rockies after trying to live 'off the grid'
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 11 months ago 100%

    Nice. Your post will get sticked to the community immediately. If you want to be bold, just name your initial post "Start here"

  • fragfeddit Frag Feddit Chirurgischer Eingriff, besser im privaten Klinik oder im staatlichen Maximalversorger?
    fragfeddit Frag Feddit Chirurgischer Eingriff, besser im privaten Klinik oder im staatlichen Maximalversorger?
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 1 year ago 100%

    Ein befreundeter HNO aus einer Universitätsklinik fragt gleich wie Du versichert bist 😀

    Du könntest in die Fallzahlen der Qualitätsberichte schauen um rauszufinden welche Klinik mehr dieser Fälle operiert hat. Klinikradar arbeitet die Zahlen durchsuchbar auf.

  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 1 year ago 100%

    Irgendwo habe ich heute gelesen dass Ihre Familie mit der Niederlage Nazideutschlands wohl viel Land (was denen sowieso nicht gehörte) aufgeben musste. Da sind die noch vergratzt…

    Und was die AfD angeht. Die radikalisieren sich zunehmend, zeigen Ihr wahres Gesicht (Wahlplakate mit SS Slogans, … misogyne und frei fremdenfeindliche Wahlprogramme).. Ich hoffe dass die zeitnah die Quittung bekommen.

    Edit: "Wie viele AfD-Funktionäre stammt Weidel aus einer Familie von Vertriebenen. Wie den Höckes oder Storchs gelang es auch den Weidels offenbar nie, sich von der Erinnerung an das erlittene Unrecht zu lösen. Sie konservierten die Erinnerung an die Mühe der Familie, sich nach dem Krieg eine neue Existenz aufzubauen."

    https://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/alice-weidel-die-afd-spitzenkandidatin-erstaunt-fruehere-weggefaehrten-a-1167859.html )

  • techsupport techsupport VOIP recommendations for a work line
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 1 year ago 100%

    easybell maybe in conjunction with 3cx as pbx.

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org So so her Kretschmer was ist denn diese Ursache?
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 1 year ago 90%

    Wir sind doch alle überrascht, dass er ein Wort wie Ursache kennt und wenig verwundert, dass er es nicht richtig begreift.

  • ukraine Ukraine National Resistance Center: Wagner convoys head to Russia after fatal crash
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 1 year ago 100%

    They lack of shiny tools, funding and support… so what do we have to expect? I fear: nothing big.

    They might be eradicated or integrated before my pop corn is finished.

  • bean Bean [Bug] Flair tagging
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 1 year ago 100%

    It’s always the regex 😉

  • bean
    Bean a887dcd7a 1 year ago 100%
    [Bug] Flair tagging

    Hi, I just saw that tags containing a slash are not recognized as flair tag ( https://lemmy.blahaj.zone/post/2118160 ) `[does not/work]` This seems to break the parser, but I cannot imagine how.

    Lemmy.world Support a887dcd7a 1 year ago 80%
    [resolved] Subdomains SSL handshake

    Cloudflare says the ssl handshake for - https://a.lemmy.world - Alexandrite UI - https://photon.lemmy.world - Photon UI - https://old.lemmy.world - A familiar UI do not work. **Edit** Works now.

    bean Bean [question] [solved] macOS
  • a887dcd7a a887dcd7a 1 year ago 100%

    You fast little super dev 😊 Thank you!

  • bean
    Bean a887dcd7a 1 year ago 100%
    [question] [solved] macOS

    Hi folks, did you uncheck, that your AppStore builds should be available on macOS? Back in the early days, I installed an test flight build (1.0.1) on my mac. Now I wanted to check back and see, if there is any of improvements in regards to macOS. I can't find bean in the macOS AppStore (with the iOS/iPadOS filter) 😞, so I suppose you deactivated it on purpose?

    Bean a887dcd7a 1 year ago 85%
    [bug] [solved] pro subscription

    Hi, I simulated to buy the pro version in TestFlight. When I installed the AppStore version my pro status was not reset properly. Edit: This is how I found out, not part if the problem: I recognized this, when I installed the App on the iPad and tried to restore the subscription: there was none.

    Preppers a887dcd7a 1 year ago 100%
    UK National Risk Register 2023

    Seen at https://lemmy.one/post/2005274

    Prepper Forum a887dcd7a 1 year ago 100%
    [crosspost] [Question] Gas mask (for smoke)

    https://lemmy.world/post/2313051 With all these fires going around and the potential of house fires a quick question about gas masks. Is the RD40 40mm thread EN-148-1 the same as the STANAG 4155 Nato thread? Would a [draeger rd 40 filter](https://www.draeger.com/en-us_us/Products/X-plore-Rd40) fit a [MP5 Gas mask](https://colemans.com/nato-military-mp5-gas-mask-with-filter-and-carry-bag) ? Or a [military nbc filter](https://www.urbanpreppers.de/products/cbrn-gas-mask-filter-nbc-77-sof-40mm-thread-20-year-shelf-life-x2) fit a [draeger x-plore-6300](https://www.draeger.com/en-us_us/Products/X-plore-6300)? **Edit**: Just want to know if the civilian and mil spec threading is identical.

    Preppers a887dcd7a 1 year ago 85%
    [Question] Gas mask (for smoke)

    With all these fires going around and the potential of house fires a quick question about gas masks. Is the RD40 40mm thread EN-148-1 the same as the STANAG 4155 Nato thread? Would a [draeger rd 40 filter](https://www.draeger.com/en-us_us/Products/X-plore-Rd40) fit a [MP5 Gas mask](https://colemans.com/nato-military-mp5-gas-mask-with-filter-and-carry-bag) ? Or a [military nbc filter](https://www.urbanpreppers.de/products/cbrn-gas-mask-filter-nbc-77-sof-40mm-thread-20-year-shelf-life-x2) fit a [draeger x-plore-6300](https://www.draeger.com/en-us_us/Products/X-plore-6300)? **Edit**: Just want to know if the civilian and mil spec threading is identical.

    Preppers a887dcd7a 1 year ago 100%
    [Discussion][EU] Short- and longterm plans

    Hi, sitting in a bigger City in the center of Europe I realised, that I have the short term problem covered, but no real plan for long term inconveniences. To be clear, in my opinion this is tailored to the EU as the USA has a vaster landscape, and a different infrastructure in regards to power and food delivery. The point is, that almost all European countries can be traversed in one day, so in case of regional events help and relief could be there faster. ## Bug in I have in accordance with the [Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance](https://www.bbk.bund.de/EN/Home/home_node.html) goods to stay self sufficient for about a week, maybe more. Because of a hiking and camping hobby, I have everything to deal with colder weather. So, I have some gear and skills which can be put to use. ## Bug out Hopefully seeing the signs early enough, I plan to leave town when everyone goes mad. I plan to head towards family and friends, which have houses and are situated more rural. I have one bag packed which would help me to make the way by bike or by foot. But actually I hope to have a car until then, or that the trains are still going. Anyhow: I would make my way out with a dedicated place to go and would stay there **until I can come back**. But what If there is nothing to come back, too? I mean, if something is fundamentally changing the world or my country as it is? Would it be okay to stay with said friends and family and to build up a community that watches after each other? I have certainly no clue but with this densely populated European countries the many times dreamed up living in the backcountry is no real option -- simply because there is not enough backcountry to provide for all the people. What is your take?

    Preppers a887dcd7a 1 year ago 75%
    [Discussion] [EU] Cheat Sheets for BOB

    I am about to print and laminate DIN A6 cheat sheets that go into my BOB. What would you add to the essentials (in Germany/Europe)? E.g. - Maps of ROIs - Basics for landnav - Fire setups (warmth vs cooking, which wood) - Radio frequencies (and their usage)

    Preppers a887dcd7a 1 year ago 100%
    EU/NASA wildfire overwatch

    Due to current affairs - [NASA Fire Information for Resource Management System FIRMS](https://firms.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov) - [European Forest Fire Information System ](https://effis.jrc.ec.europa.eu/apps/effis_current_situation/index.html)

    macOS build

    Hi my super productive overlords (no joke, u all got my utmost respect), thanks for the latest updates of memmy. The new sidebar sits well with memmy, and you can see, that the UI gets more polished. I had the iOS version installed on my mac from the getgo.. I was just curious what catalyst does to the App. The recent updates made it even more useable — by accident I suppose. Do you have the **long-term** goal of making a apple [multiplatform App](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/configuring-a-multiplatform-app-target) targeting iOS/iPadOS/macOS ? Also the App did not update via AppStore. Had to uninstall and reinstall it? I mean otherwise there are upcoming options like leomard I could settle with, but I really love the way memmy looks, feels and behaves. Best wishes

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearLE
    Lemmy Support a887dcd7a 1 year ago 100%
    Edit community info button and leave mod team pretty close

    Hi, I did not fall for it, yet, but the "edit" (community info button) and the links "leave mod team" are pretty close to each other. Best wishes, a9987dcd7a

    Preppers a887dcd7a 1 year ago 100%

    > Be polite and be excellent to each other. Beyond that follow [lemmy.worlds rules](https://mastodon.world/about). ( We might adjust our rules, as we go along :-)

    Preppers a887dcd7a 1 year ago 100%
    Check your sources

    A quick reminder to check your sources of information, and a big disclaimer for an *incoming rant* A friend of mine just came along with a youtube video talking 2023 power management in Germany and the video was far beyond conspiracy and resonated too heavily. A key competency should be to check sources for relevance by questioning the presentation style: - Wording preset to inflict fear and insecurity - Wording preset to stimulate a conflict (we against the others) - Author profits, e.g. by promoting his store/hardware - Author evades naming further sources - Author use portions of statistic / single sources to "proof" his point If all that checks, oh boy. Maybe the source is not as independent, philanthropic or enlightened as you thought it would be. Especially the point with the sources is something I come along in many discussions lately...

    Shout out

    Really just a humble and honest shout out for the pace the development takes place at.

    Preppers a887dcd7a 1 year ago 100%
    Emergency kits -- regional information

    Do you know of any regional sources/information on useful emergency kits? I now for Germany there is a [leaflet distributed by the BBK (Government)](https://www.bbk.bund.de/DE/Warnung-Vorsorge/Vorsorge/Ratgeber-Checkliste/ratgeber-checkliste_node.html) and I just found out about [https://www.ready.gov/kit](https://www.ready.gov/kit) in different languages for the USA. Any further sources/countries to add?

    Preppers a887dcd7a 1 year ago 100%
    [Updated] Offline data and reading material - 07.2023

    As suggested at a [previous post](https://lemmy.world/post/556408) it might be good to have some offline data stowed away. May it be in form of a prepared mobile device, a pen drive or a hard disk. Some even suggest [Raspberry Pi setups](https://www.reddit.com/r/raspberry_pi/comments/sdnly5/i_built_a_cyberdeck_now_i_need_to_figure_out_how/), which make it easy to serve/share data in a hotspot WiFi — aiming more at TEOTWAWKI situations. One thing is for sure: having a (encrypted) pen drive with essential proof (IDs, licenses certificates, etc.) should be the bare minimum. As pointed out below you want to considered long-term storage like an M-DISC or swap the drive on a regular basis. You also need to update your outdated files, so you might want to do this in one step. The topic and different approaches were often discussed at reddit and I'll try to give an overview and animate people to also post good digital reading materials and sources. ## Wikipedia We already mentioned the [offline wikipedia](https://www.reddit.com/r/EuroPreppers/comments/oxoi40/offline_wikipedia/) with KiWix and ZIM-archived, browsable data: - https://www.openzim.org/wiki/Build_your_ZIM_file - https://youzim.it - https://archive.org/details/zimarchive - https://archive.org/download/kiwix_zimsets_201403 - Wikipedia Full http://download.kiwix.org/zim/wikipedia_en_all_maxi.zim ~83GB - Wikipedia No pictures http://download.kiwix.org/zim/wikipedia_en_all_nopic.zim ~40GB - Wikipedia Mini http://download.kiwix.org/zim/wikipedia_en_all_mini.zim ~10GB ## Maps You might also want to store map data with - https://opentopomap.org/ - via https://osmand.net on your mobile devices - via https://print.get-map.org printed as PDF and paper version - US → https://www.usgs.gov/programs/national-geospatial-program/us-topo-maps-america Coming from https://www.reddit.com/r/preppers/comments/oxbna2/prepper_hard_drive/ someone posted the [http://survivorlibrary.com](http://survivorlibrary.com) as good starting point, and an [article shtfblog.com discusses a bug out library on SD/USB drives](onhttps://www.shtfblog.com/bug-out-usb). I will edit this post when I find the other sources in my archives and would be glad to incorporate your suggestions. ## Edit I have been skimming through several sub reddits [like /r/preppers](https://www.reddit.com/r/preppers/search/?q=ebooks&restrict_sr=1) in search for a collection I once saw. However, you could also use [Google and search for yourself](https://www.google.com/search?&q=survival+pdf+collection). Many of the sources are unchecked for quality. ⚠️ Some resources have an American touch and might address gun smithing, general warfare, military SOPs and field manuals as well as civilian sheltering and or resistance stuff.... because of, well.. it's an important thingy oversees. Sieving through these collections is an absolute must. ### Collections - https://www.reddit.com/r/preppers/wiki/books/ - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CD3WD - http://www.zetatalk11.com/docs/ - `wget -m http://www.zetatalk11.com/docs/` to download all on linux/mac. - https://www.preppingdeals.net/deals/amazon-free-ebooks-for-preppers-kindle-free - https://www.cityprepping.com/2021/07/07/preppers-free-pdf-library/ - https://ferfal.blogspot.com/2012/11/100-neat-free-survival-downloads.html - https://www.reddit.com/r/PrepperFileShare/ - https://app.box.com/s/38gyss6q4dgn80s5nmf2c7i1dmkzbh36 - https://www.survivorlibrary.com/ - https://blog.archive.org/national-emergency-library/ - https://archive.org/details/@icy_archers - [Medical](https://archive.org/compress/medical_offline_resources/formats=TEXT%20PDF,TEXT,UNKNOWN,IMAGE%20CONTAINER%20PDF,ITEM%20TILE,ADVANCED%20AUDIO%20CODING,JPEG,METADATA) - [Food](https://archive.org/compress/food_resources/formats=TEXT%20PDF,TEXT,IMAGE%20CONTAINER%20PDF,HTML,EXCEL,WORD%20DOCUMENT,JPEG,ITEM%20TILE,METADATA) - [Education](https://archive.org/compress/2-18-yr-education/formats=TEXT%20PDF,IMAGE%20CONTAINER%20PDF,ARCHIVE%20BITTORRENT,METADATA,HTML,PNG,UNKNOWN,JPEG,CASCADING%20STYLE%20SHEET,ITEM%20TILE) - https://gingerybookstore.com/ - https://www.waterstones.com/book/practical-self-sufficiency/dick-strawbridge/james-strawbridge/9780241400845 - https://archive.org/details/PrepperJumble/ - https://www.reddit.com/r/Survival/comments/732c79/ive_collected_a_bunch_of_free_survival_pdf_links/ - https://www.reddit.com/r/DHExchange/comments/4645lm/s_4chans_k_newest_mega_torrent_the_ark_over_300/ - https://github.com/alx-xlx/awesome-survival ### Medical Books - https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/3b311a_6ef34fffc73447ce9a4d25a4d441b662.pdf - https://armageddonmedicine.net/ -http://www.frankshospitalworkshop.com/organisation/biomed_documents/Where%20there%20is%20no%20Doctor%20-%20David%20Werner.pdf

    Preppers a887dcd7a 1 year ago 100%
    What to expect from this community?

    Hi, I've been around at several reddit counterparts of this community and always loved to interact with the more rational people and nerd around about gear, goodies, gadgets and techniques. Are you (mod) already spreading the word, that there is this community around? This community looks a little bit "abandoned", already 🫢. Best wishes, a887
