risa Risa A Rehash of a Classic
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 6 days ago 100%

    32nd Century Historians: “Doctor Bashir was good friends with a Cardassian tailor named Garak. Though both men would occasionally take a romantic partner, their friendship was the most enduring relationship in both men’s lives.

    ”Doctor Bashir and mister Garak’s friendship was characterized by frequent lunch engagements, discussions of classic literature, and long sessions together in the holosuites.

    ”Eventually the two men retired together to a small pleasure planet that catered primarily to males. Mister Garak ramped down his tailoring to work exclusively with leather, and the pair raised prize winning voles.

    ”After Garak passed away in his sleep, Doctor Bashir is said to have become distraught. He refused to leave mister Garak’s gravesite, and died himself only three weeks later.”

  • risa
    Risa USSBurritoTruck 1 week ago 100%
    Odo is a barrel of laughs https://i.imgur.com/RgwAxmd.png

    Not my original content

    startrek Star Trek An Exclusive Look and Poster for Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 5 Debuts on Star Trek Day
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 2 weeks ago 100%

    My interpretation of Rom's portrayal was that he was playing up the simple earnestness of the character, as a ploy to lull Admiral Vassery into accepting the terms of deal as part of a test to see if the Federation had the lobes to be viable allies to the Ferengi Alliance.

  • startrek Star Trek An Exclusive Look and Poster for Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 5 Debuts on Star Trek Day
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 2 weeks ago 100%

    I'm curious about what your issue with Rom's portrayal was.

  • risa Risa You have to learn as you play. Roll.
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 3 weeks ago 100%


  • risa
    Risa USSBurritoTruck 3 weeks ago 97%
    You have to learn as you play. Roll.

    Not my original content

    risa Risa Sometimes it's hard to keep track of them all
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 3 weeks ago 100%

    Nope, as mentioned in the post, I didn't make this one.

  • risa
    Risa USSBurritoTruck 3 weeks ago 99%
    Sometimes it's hard to keep track of them all

    Not my original content

    risa Risa My favourite VOY episode
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 4 weeks ago 91%

    I think you may be referring to "Extreme Risk", where Paris builds the Flyer.

    "Drive" is the episode where Paris' ongoing midlife crisis prompts him to convince Janeway that allowing him to enter the Flyer in a politically charged race between former enemy states is a good idea.

  • risa Risa What are the biggest red flags when talking with a Trek "fan"?
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 1 month ago 100%

    NuTrek apparently began in 1973.


  • startrek
    Star Trek USSBurritoTruck 2 months ago 100%
    Canon Connections: PRO 2x04 - Temporal Mechanics 101

    • The episode title refers to a textbook that several other characters have admonished Dal for not reading this season, beginning in “Into the Breach, Part I”. • Rok-Tahk catches Murf having a discussion with a silhouetted figure in the *USS Voyager A*’s astrometrics lab. Previously we’ve seen Silik speaking with the silhouetted Future Guy, beginning in ENT’s premiere, “Broken Bow”. • Janeway speculates that the temporal shielding aboard the *Infinity* is what’s preventing *Voyager A* from being affected by the changes to the timeline caused by Chakotay and Adreek escaping aboard that *USS Protostar* in the previous episode. Temporal shielding was used to great effect during the *USS Voyager*’s conflict with the Krenim temporal weapon in “Year of Hell, Part II”. • A chyron informs us the stardate 52 years in the future where the Protogies are stuck is, 112152.1. • *”Then we send a hundred ships.”* It was established in “Preludes” that the Vau N’Akat did indeed send 100 ships into the anomaly in pursuit of the *Protostar*. • Zero descends into the Va’Lu’Rah pit carrying Dal and Maj’el in a manner not dissimilar to Spock carrying Kirk and Bones up the turbolift shaft with his hover boots in “Star Trek: The Final Frontier”. • Dal claims to be able to feel that Gwyn is in pain while displaced from time. Dal has latent telepathic abilities from this proto-Organian genetics. • *”I’m a doctor, not an exorcist.”* The Doctor has uttered variations on Bones’ famous, “I’m a doctor, not a bricklayer,” in 13 prior instances. • *”I came across a mission log where lieutenant Worf was able to jump between quantum timelines by generating an inverse warp field, siphoned from a temporal anomaly.”* Maj’el relates the events of “Parallels”. • Characters this season have chided Dal for not reading Temporal Mechanics 101, but, to be fair, the text appears to be a short video lesson, so none of them actually read it either. • Doctor Erin MacDonald was first mentioned in the LDS episode, “First First Contact”, and seen in “Supernova, Part II”. She is based upon, and voiced by, Doctor Erin MacDonald, the science advisor who has worked on every modern Trek series thus far. • Temporal Mechanics 101 has three examples of how to travel through time:     • Slingshot around the sun - “Tomorrow is Yesterday”, “Star Trek: The Voyage Home”, and “Penance”     • Get on the wrong side of a Q - “Tapestry”, “All Good Things…”, “Deathwish”, “Farewell”     • A wormhole - “Eye of the Needle”, “Into the Breach, Part II” • Zero uses a chronitonic hypospray to temporarily prevent Gwyn from shifting between quantum realities. The Doctor did something similar in “Shattered” using a chroniton infused serum to bring Chakotay into temporal alignment after he was hit by a surge of temporal energy from an anomaly. • The Doctor modified a phase discriminator to stabilize Gwyn. In “Timescape”, captain Picard, Data, Geordi, and Troi used phase discriminators to protect themselves from being trapped in a temporal fragment.

    startrek Star Trek Canon Connections: PRO 2x03 - Who Saves the Saviors
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 2 months ago 100%

    ”I guess you guys weren’t ready for that, but your clone offspring are are going to love it.”

  • startrek
    Star Trek USSBurritoTruck 2 months ago 94%
    Canon Connections: PRO 2x03 - Who Saves the Saviors

    • The episode title is a callback to the TNG episode, “Who Watches The Watchers”. • Maj’el uses a band of cloth to hide her Vulcan ears, a maneuver Spock first performed in “Star Trek: The Voyage Home”. • A chyron informs us the stardate during the present time is 61860.1. • Gwyn challenges Ascencia to Va’Lu’Rah, a *“sovereign ritual”* for the Vau N’Akat, mentioned in the previous episode. Certainly this isn’t going to be some trial by combat.     • Cultures that have ritual combat include:       • Vulcans       • Ligonians       • Klingons       • Gelrakians • *”Those Vau N’Akat put a weapon on our ship that threatens the entire Federation.”* Adreek is referring to the living construct, which the Protogies discovered and dealth with during the previous season, by destroying the *USS Protostar*. • *”It would not be the first instance of a causal time loop in Starfleet history.”* Maj’el confirms that the events of “Past Tense, Part I”, “Past Tense, Part II” and “Star Trek: First Contact” were the results of bootstrap paradoxes. • *”Vulcans do not lie.”* Maj’el lies right in Dal’s face.     • In “The Menagerie, Part I”, Spock tells Pike, *“I have never disobeyed your orders before, Captain,”* which contradicts “The Red Angel” where he refuses an order to stand down.     • In “The Menagerie, Part I”, Spock made a false entry in the *Enterprise’s* log.     • In “The Menagerie, Part 2”, it is revealed that Spock has been aware the entire time that the trial was a Talosian projection and thus has been making false statements in service of that deception.     • In “A Taste of Armageddon”, Spock lies as a distraction, claiming there’s a bug on someone’s shoulder before nerve pinching them.     • In “Errand of Mercy”, Spock tells Kor he’s a merchant.     • In “Amok Time”, Spock lies about his excitement seeing that Kirk survived kal-if-fee, claiming it was simply logical relief that Starfleet did not lose a capable captain.     • In “The Enterprise Incident”, the Romluan commander asks if it is merely a myth that Vulcans cannot lie, to which he responds, *“It is no myth.”*     • In “The Enterprise incident”, Spock claims he was unprepared for Kirk’s attack, and used the *”Vulcan death grip” instinctually. Clearly the attack had been planned, and there is no such thing as a Vulcan death grip.     • In “Yesteryear”, Spock lies about his identity after travelling to the past and visiting his family.     • In “More Tribbles, More Troubles” Spock claims that Vulcans don’t have a sense of humour, which they obviously do.     • In “Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan”, Spock lies about how long it will take to repair the *Enterprise* in case the transmission is being monitored. When Saavik calls him on this, he claims he merely exaggerated.     • In “Spock Amok”, Spock told Chapel that he had a dream where he had to fight his human side, whereas it was obvious that in his dream Spock was the human half fighting his Vulcan side. • The timeline changes with Chakotay and Adreek escape aboard the *Protostar* instead of launching it under autopilot, causing Gwyn to start disappearing from existence. In “Children of Time” the descendants of the crew of the *USS Defiant* and their colony disappear when the alternate future version of Odo chooses to let 200 years worth of people never be born so he can save Kira from dying.

    startrek Star Trek Extended Clip | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds - Season 3
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 2 months ago 100%


  • startrek Star Trek Star Trek: Lower Decks Returns in New Ongoing Comic Series
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 2 months ago 100%


  • startrek Star Trek Star Trek: Lower Decks Returns in New Ongoing Comic Series
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 2 months ago 100%

    Only if they can't help it.

  • startrek Star Trek Extended Clip | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds - Season 3
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 2 months ago 100%

    'Academy' hasn't even started filming, so likely not.

  • startrek Star Trek Extended Clip | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds - Season 3
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 2 months ago 100%

    Spock's insecurities being the cause for whatever is happening here is my hope as well. It's a funny moment, but it falls apart under even the slightest scrutiny, so I'm hoping Trelene did it or whatever.

  • manitoba
    Manitoba USSBurritoTruck 2 months ago 80%
    Winnipeg Sea Bears Defeat Calgary Surge to Clinch CEBL Playoffs Spot

    With tonight’s victory, Winnipeg has officially knocked the Saskatchewan Rattlers out of contention, and now have a spot in the Western Conference play-in game.

    Winnipeg USSBurritoTruck 2 months ago 75%
    Winnipeg Sea Bears Defeat Calgary Surge to Clinch CEBL Playoffs Spot

    With tonight's victory, Winnipeg has officially knocked the Saskatchewan Rattlers out of contention, and now have a spot in the Western Conference play-in game.

    risa Risa The fight does not go well, Enterprise
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 2 months ago 100%

    Strange. I assume that is not the case for other posts on the board?

  • risa Risa The fight does not go well, Enterprise
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 2 months ago 100%

    What is it you are seeing?

  • quarks Quark's Interest in a Star Trek Comics Community on this instance
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 2 months ago 100%

    If there's enough interest, I'm fully willing to start putting up the comics discussion posts again. The issue initially was I was almost always the only one sharing my thoughts about the books.

  • startrek
    Star Trek USSBurritoTruck 2 months ago 100%
    Canon Connections: PRO 2x02 - Into the Breach, Part II

    • *”I swear, you’ve read those first contact protocols more than Picard.”* Gwyn is too polite to reply that she, an alien child who grew up in a Delta Quadrant labour camp, has has no context for who Admiral Jean-Luc Picard is, even if he was captain of Starfleet’s flagship. • Asencia [Jameela Jamil] escaped capture in the previous season’s “Supernova, Part 1” after murdering the Diviner. • Janeway’s admiral’s log records the stardate as 61859.6.     • The most recent stardate prior this episode was 61302.7, given in the fourteenth episode of season one, “Crossroads”. • This is the first time we’re learning that the Diviner’s [John Noble] name was…is? Ilthuran. In season one, he was only ever referred to by his title. • *”We were just a bunch of nobodies on a rock. No hope, no future, until we found that ship.”* Dal is referring to the events of the season one premiere episodes “Lost and Found”. • The crew of the *USS Voyager* and their allies used temporal shielding during conflicts with the Krenim during “Year of Hell” and “Year of Hell, Part II”. • *”Refuse to help my own daughter? Surely I don’t make that bad of a father, do I?”* The Diviner choose to abandon Gwyn on a sentient planet that manifested the nightmares of its inhabitants and then consumed them in “Terror Firma”. • The Vulcan Nova Squadron cadet is named Maj’el, for the late Majel Barrett, who portrayed:     • Number One     • Christine Chapel     • Lwaxana Troi     • The Computer in TOS, TAS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT, “Star Trek Generations”, “Star Trek First Contact”, “Star Trek Insurrection”, “Star Trek Nemesis”, and 2009’s “Star Trek”     • Several other characters in TAS, including Amanda Greyson and M’Ress • This is the first on screen mention of a sonic toilet. • Maj’el claims that Vulcan psychic abilities are enhanced in the presence of other telepaths. I believe this is the first time this has been explicitly stated, or even implied on screen. • One of the crew who gets on the turbolift with Maj’el calls for deck 32. In the previous episode, Zero said that the *USS Voyager A* has 29 decks. • *”Warp cores are so beautiful up close. It’s the delta radiation.”* Delta radiation? You mean the thing that melted captain Christopher Pike and consigned him to a tortured existence in a beep chair? Too soon, Zero, too soon.     • Mirror Charles Tucker III was also deformed by long term exposure to delta rays.

    risa Risa For the Whovians on C/Doctor Who
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 2 months ago 100%

    Inspector Spacetime?

  • risa Risa It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 2 months ago 100%

    12 is what I want to pick as well, just because I feel like Riker and Kirk are some of the more gregarious characters, and would make for the best conversation, but that would be three relatively burly dudes in one another's space for a pretty long time.

    I think ultimately I would have to pick 8.

  • startrek Star Trek Canon Connections: PRO 2x01 - Into the Breach, Part I
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 2 months ago 100%

    Thank you! These are always fantastic. Please keep them up!

    Thanks, I appreciate it. I'm going through season two as I'm able, but with Netflix dropping them all at once, and my other obligations, I can't say I'm going to be especially quick with the posts. Hopefully I can do two or three a week, but I make no promises.

  • startrek
    Star Trek USSBurritoTruck 2 months ago 95%
    Canon Connections: PRO 2x01 - Into the Breach, Part I

    • It’s perhaps interesting that the opening sequence for the show (or at least this episode) has not changed from the first season. Because of that, we still see elements such as the *USS Protostar* which was destroyed in in season one’s “Supernova, Part 2”, and a representation of the Emergency Janeway Hologram, which sacrificed herself in that same episode.     • In the episode, when asked if the Protogies would be taking a Protostar-class starship for their mission, the Doctor [Robert Picardo] says, *”The* Protostar *is still under construction.”* • The episode opens with Murf [Dee Bradley Baker] engaged in a tactical training exercise at Starfleet Academy. The cadets, other than Murf, are wearing a uniform we haven’t seen before. • An officer hands Murf a PADD with a message from Admiral Janeway [Kate Mulgrew], and the other Protogies each receive one as well. In the message they’re referred to as *”Starfleet Academy hopefuls.”* It was established in “Supernova, Part 2” that the Protogies wouldn’t be accepted into the Academy ahead of more qualified entrants, but would become warrant officers training under Janeway’s command. • When Rok-Tahk [Rylee Alazraqui] receives the message, she is in the middle of a presentation on lieutenant Edward Larkin, and citing the events of the “The Trouble With Edward” short. • *”She’s probably Queen of Solum by now.”* The Protogies lament the absence of Gwyn [Ella Purnell], who separated from them in “Supernova, Part 2” on her own mission to her species homeworld. • A shuttlecraft arrives, bearing the registry number NCC-74656-A. Hey, NCC-74656 was the *USS Voyager*’s registry!     • Shuttles with the same registry were seen in “Supernova, Part 2”, fishing the Protogies out of San Francisco Bay. • The shuttle contains *Voyager*’s Emergency Medical Hologram, the Doctor, who apparently still has not chosen a name for himself, though he is willing to claim the title *”Hero of the Delta Quadrant.”* • *”I’m a doctor, not a butler.”* The Doctor echo’s Doctor McCoy’s phrase, first uttered in “The Devil in the Dark”, where he stated, *“I’m a doctor, not a bricklayer.”*     • Though Bones was the originator of the phrase, the Doctor is easily the character who has uttered it the most.     • Doctor Bashir, the EMH Mark II, Doctor Phlox, and Doctor Culber, have all had variations of the line as well. Doctor T’Ana has not used the phrase on screen, but Boimler has imitated her saying it, albeit with a lot more curses than most Starfleet doctors. • The Doctor explains that he’s able to move about thanks to his mobile emitter, and bit of 29th century technology he acquired in “Future’s End, Part II”. • The Doctor refers to having written a holonovel he wrote that *”was very well received.”* Presumably he is not recalling “Photons Be Free” the holonovel he wrote features in the episode “Author, Author” as that was not about a bond between a hologram and its crew. • The mission Janeway is taking the Protogies on is to observe the wormhole created by the destruction of the *Protostar* in “Supernova, Part 2”.     • The Doctor explains that a distress call from Captain Chakotay [Robert Beltran] came through the wormhole, reiterating what we saw in “Supernova, Part 2”. • We get to see the *USS Voyager A* in spacedock. It is a Lamarr-class starship.     • The Lamarr-class was named for scientist and actor, Hedy Lamarr, according to the Hageman brothers.     • According to Zero [Angus Imrie], the *Voyager-A* has 29 decks, a crew of more than 800, and two schools.     • In engineering, we’re also shown a quantum slipstream drive, a Delta Quadrant technology first encountered in “Hope and Fear”.     • “Twovix” is set in 2381, and this episode is set in 2384.     • The Doctor says that *”There are over 16 holodecks.”* Not really clear why he choose not to give a specific number.     • The *Voyager A* also has a cetacean ops, large enough to accommodate a humpback whale.       • Rok-Tahk mentions that it’s her turn to feed the dolphins at one point in the episode. Apparently the navigators in Cetacean Ops don’t get access to their own replicators.     • There are two shuttlebays, not three. • *”Her predecessor is a floating museum.”* We saw the decommissioned *Voyager*’s journey to be installed as an orbiting museum in “Twovix”. • The Doctor claims that the rest of Starfleet is busy with the Romulan evacuation. As we learned in “The End is the Beginning”, Starfleet and the Federation abandon that effort in 2385, following the synth attack on Mars. Perhaps something to look forward to for season three? • Nova Squadron is an elite group of cadets, introduced in “The First Duty”. • *”I already promised Admiral Picard I wouldn’t lose this one in the Delta Quadrant.”* Admiral Picard was previously mentioned in the LDS episode, “The Stars at Night”. Apparently he’s some sort of mummy aficionado. • *”And we need all these people to…observe a hole.”* Traditionally all the important tasks aboard a Starfleet vessel are carried out by the three to seven most important members of the crew, while the other sometimes hundreds of officers aboard the ship are there to do routine maintenance, keep the seats warm on the bridge when the senior staff is off engaging space adventure, and occasionally serve as human shields. For more information, please see Star Trek. All of it.     • All of it. • In Dal’s [Brett Gray] quarters we see a model of the *Protostar* as well as the goggles he wore in the mines of Tars Lamora in the series premiere, “Lost and Found”. • *”Borg is short for cyborg!”* While perhaps Dal is correct metatextually, that’s never been previously stated in Trek. In the Borg’s first appearance, “Q Who”, Guinan simply states, *”They’re called the Borg.”* The Borg refer to themselves as such, there would be little reason for them to have named themselves after a term that originated in 1960s Earth science fiction. • *”Well, cloaked ships are illegal in Starfleet.”* Jankom Pog [Jason Mantazokus] is referring to a provision in the Treaty of Algeron, explicitly stated in “The Pegasus”.     • The titular *USS Pegasus* in “The Pegasus” did have prototype cloak, which would also allow the ship to phase through matter.     • The *USS Defiant* did have a Romulan cloaking device on it, and was originally only able to be operated by a Romulan officer billeted aboard the ship, as seen in “The Search, Part I”.     •In “Star Trek: Insurrection” Starfleet also had a cloaked holoship intended to be used to forcibly relocate the Ba’ku. • Janeway reveals to her senior staff that Admiral Jellico is concerned that the classified mission to use the Infinity to enter the wormhole and rescue Chakotay would put the timeline at risk. Jellico was introduced in “Chain of Command, Part I” where he wanted to negotiate with Cardassians first by appearing to be a loose canon, and then by threatening them with mines attached to their ships. In “Masquerade” ordered Janeway to avoid entering the Neutral Zone to prevent provoking the Romulans, and instead commanded that they fire a torpedo into the Zone to destroy the *Protostar*. No doubt he also has a good plan regarding the Vau N’Akat.

    startrek Star Trek Archer knew what he was doing
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 3 months ago 100%

    Please explain what it is about my post you think is trolling.

  • startrek Star Trek Archer knew what he was doing
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 3 months ago 75%

    I guess Gen Z didn’t pay as much attention to space because the shuttle program ended before their time?

    I love that one of the enduring aspects of human nature is that each generation wants broad strokes paint the ones that follows them as lazy, incurious dolts who will lead to the downfall of civilization. Gen Z is getting the brunt of it now, but it wasn't too long ago that op eds were written blaming Millennials for "killing" everything from golf, to wine, to napkins, to basic courtesy. We can go all the way back to Plato, disparaging the youths of ancient Greece for sagging their togas, and spending all their time looking at tablature as opposed to having real conversations. And, of course, my generation also got its fair share before we all turned into the cranky old men shaking our fists at clouds in between writing those op eds.

  • startrek Star Trek Archer knew what he was doing
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 3 months ago 100%

    Best boss I ever had!

  • risa Risa In "Resurgence" the player's choices really matter. [OC]
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 3 months ago 100%

    Man, I miss Swear Trek.

  • risa Risa In "Resurgence" the player's choices really matter. [OC]
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 3 months ago 100%

    I agonized over that choice.

  • startrek Star Trek Archer knew what he was doing
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 3 months ago 100%

    No, that's a whole other board.

  • startrek
    Star Trek USSBurritoTruck 3 months ago 83%
    Archer knew what he was doing

    > ***Trip:*** *A poop question, sir? Can't I talk about the warp reactor or the transporter?* ***Archer:*** *It's a perfectly valid question.* In season one of ENT's "Breaking the Ice", the crew of the NX-01 records a video for Ms. Malvin's class of fourth graders back on Earth, and one of the questions is what happens when someone aboard the ship flushes the toilet, which Archer throws to Trip, and Trip is concerned the kids are going to think he's the ship's sanitation engineer. Now, because Archer is an awkward goober in this episode, it seems like he's reading the questions off the cuff, with no one other than the possible exception of Ms. Malvin herself, having first vetted them. However, at the start of the recording, Archer announces that he's the one who selected the questions so he knew going in that the, as Trip puts it, *"poop question,"* would be in there. Also before the recording Archer told Trip that he needed to there to participate as opposed to dealing with the large amount of work that was on his plate. What's more, we know from the start of the episode that Trip's nephew is one of the fourth grade students in Ms. Malvin's class. So, my theory is that Archer made the intentional choice to have Trip answer a question he knew the engineer would find to be embarrassing, specifically to diminish him in the eyes of his nephew. Why would he do this extremely petty thing to someone who is ostensibly his friend and most loyal officer? Probably because he sucks and wanted to put Trip in his place for some imagined slight, just like he later has an outburst with the Vulcan captain whom he invited to dinner.

    Risa USSBurritoTruck 3 months ago 93%
    A broad variety of pleasuring https://i.imgur.com/l8b4b0S.png

    Not my original content.

    startrek Star Trek The Star Trek Adventures first edition Core Rulebook pdf free for Saturday, June 22
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 3 months ago 100%

    You don't have to play the good guys for the system to work, the same system is used for Dune - Adventures in the Imperium, and that's a setting about as morally grey as it gets. Even with Star Trek Adventures, there is the Klingon Core Rulebook if you want to be a bit more rowdy than your typical Starfleet officers. The Operations Division sourcebook has suggestions for playing as Section 31 as well.

  • startrek Star Trek The Star Trek Adventures first edition Core Rulebook pdf free for Saturday, June 22
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 3 months ago 100%

    Lack of time is definitely the enemy of table top gaming. I feel very fortunate that I've managed to have an ongoing [mostly] weekly STA game for two and half years now.

  • quarks Quark's Season one of StarTrek.website is in the bag! So we've added "V'ger", as a treat.
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 3 months ago 100%

    Way ahead of you.

  • risa Risa Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 3 months ago 100%
  • startrek Star Trek WizKids Announces New Star Trek: Captain's Chair Strategy Card Game
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 3 months ago 100%

    If you're paying, you can spell his name any way you like.


  • startrek Star Trek Paul Giamatti Boards ‘Star Trek: Starfleet Academy’
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 3 months ago 100%

    My excitement at having Paul Giamatti in Trek is significantly tempered by the idea that he’s going to be the season villain for “Starfleet Academy”. Unless he’s going to be the hard ass dean of the Academy that doesn’t want to put up Tilly’s students putting Orion pheromones in the environmental system, and kidnapping the Klingon Military Academy’s targ mascot before the big game, I’m not interested in a villain.

  • startrek Star Trek This creature might try to drink my bones, but I will always cherish them.
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 3 months ago 100%

    So did 'Farscape'.

  • startrek Star Trek Canon Connections: DIS 5x10 - Life, Itself
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 3 months ago 100%

    Not surprised there wasn’t a close-up on that one; I wouldn’t have recalled that Janeway has a microscope in her ready room.

  • startrek Star Trek Canon Connections: DIS 5x10 - Life, Itself
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 3 months ago 100%

    I think Burnham was referencing Book, not Tyler, when she said she knows what it’s like to lose someone but got him back.

    I suppose you could interpret it that way, but I just don’t see it myself.

    Book died during the final events of 10C, but they magically zapped him back into existence, if I recall correctly.

    Book didn’t die, he was transporting out, and the 10C were able to capture his transporter pattern, and then later resolve it.

  • risa
    Risa USSBurritoTruck 3 months ago 98%
    Nobody messes with the Picard

    Not my OC

    Star Trek USSBurritoTruck 3 months ago 100%
    Canon Connections: DIS 5x10 - Life, Itself

    • This is the series finale of the “Star Trek: Discovery”, the first instalment of what we might consider to be the modern era of Trek.     • Premiering in 2017, DIS ran for five seasons over the course of seven years.     • The show has a total of 65 episodes. • The episode title, “Life, Itself” is a reference to the 1973 Disney animated classic, “Robin Hood” wherein the titular outlaw says the line, *”Marian, my darling, I love you more than life itself.”* Q transformed captain Picard into a version of the cartoon fox in "Qpid". • This episode’s credited director is series executive producer, Olatunde Osunsanmi, who has directed thirteen prior episodes of DIS, and two “Short Treks”. HIs presence is immediately apparent in the cold open when the first thing we see is the camera rotating upside down. The use of the flame jet emitters in the bridge is also one of his hallmarks.     • Jonathan Frakes is the uncredited director of the final sequence of the episode, which was done in reshoots after it was announced the series was ending. That means Frakes is now responsible for closing out two Trek series, both DIS and ENT. • I previously speculated that the floating wickets at the end of this season’s credit sequence were from the bridge of the Breen dreadnought, but that was incorrect. The interior of the Pregenitor technology features floating wickets as windows into different biomes, and they resemble the ones in the credits much more closely. • We see a dead Breen whose helmet is smashed open and a bunch of green goo is spilled out, perhaps confirming the fan speculation that when a Breen dies while not in its solid form, their body loses cohesion, and that is why Worf’s statement in “‘Til Death Do Us Part” that no one had ever seen a Breen outside of the refrigeration suit remained true, despite Kira and Dukat incapacitating two Breen to steal their suits for disguises in “Indiscretion”. • The Breen that tackles Burnham is the one who had a tether attached to their suit before attempting to enter the Pregenitor technology in “Lagrange Point”; you can see the snapped tether still protruding from their back. • **Production error:** The hurricane force winds are strong enough that Burnham and the Breen whom she’s fighting are both blown horizontal, but Burnham’s braids remain hanging down from her shoulders. • The final credits sequence brings back graphics from earlier seasons:     • The captain’s chair from season one     • The environmental suit from season one     • The paired Klingon mek’leths from season one     • The graphical representation of Zora from season four     • Book’s unnamed ship, from season three     • The flip communicator from season one     • The Red Angel suit from season two     • The DMA from season four     • The badge from season one • The Breen fighters we see have an asymmetrical design with some elements of what we saw from the Breen interceptors in DS9. • *”This is like the avalanche all over again.”* Rayner recalls the events of “Red Directive”. • *”Ever since Jinaal, I’ve been trying to figure out what it means. This change inside me, or whatever it is.”* Doctor Culber refers to the third episode of this season by its title. • *”I know what it’s like to lose somebody who means everything to you. I do. But thankfully, I got him back.”* In “Will You Take My Hand?”, Ash Tyler left to support L’Rell’s bid to become chancellor. They were reunited in “Saints of Imperfection”.     • Moll does not get L’ak back. • In the interior of Saru’s shuttle, we can see a pathway drive for the first time, though it was mentioned in the season four premiere, “Kobayashi Maru”. • Burnham and Moll locate a cairn. Burnham surmises it is the grave for the sixth scientist, the one whom Jinaal mentioned having died when the group located the Pregentior technology. • *”Nine. That’s the number you need to make a larger triangle.”* There are ten triangles on the Pregentior interface when we’re shown an unobstructed close-up. Moll is as good at counting as L’ak was at not stabbing himself. • The *USS Discovery A* destroys the fleet of Breen fighters pursuing them by using a photon torpedo to ignite a pocket of plasma. In “Shadows and Symbols”, the *IKS Rotarran* used an EM pulse to trigger a solar plasma ejection, destroying a Dominion shipyard. • Doctor Culber remembers the resonance frequency of the Pregenitor technology portal from his time as host to Jinaal’s consciousness in “Jinaal”. • *”My species are predators, and I have studied you like prey.”* In season one of DIS, the Kelpiens were mentioned repeatedly to be a prey species, and Saru was the lens through which that was presented. It was not until “The Sound of Thunder” in season two that Kelpiens were established to have nearly driven the Ba’ul to extinction thanks to the changes they undergo post-vahar’ai.     • In “Die Trying”, the medical hologram Eli claimed that Saru might be the last Kelpien to display biochemical traces of vahar’ai. • The Progenitor whom Burnham meets reveals that her people were not actually the originators of the technology, and shares a theory that there was some sort of pre-Progentiors who created it, and them as well. Some sort of Pregenitors, if will. • Apparently the *Discovery A* can perform a saucer separation. It’s unclear if this was a feature of the *Discovery* pre-refit, but in “The Apple” Kirk suggested, *”Discard the warp nacelles if you have to,”* to Scotty in order for the *USS Enterprise* to be able to devote as much power as possible to the impulse engines. • The Progenitor causes Burnham to experience four billion years of development in a moment. In “Hard Time”, O’Brien was implanted with memories of 20 years in prison, and it messed him up pretty badly for the rest of the episode. • “*Nothing here can bring him back. I’m so sorry.”* Burnham informs Moll that the Pregenitor technology can’t be used to bring L’ak back to life. Things that have been used to bring characters back to life in Trek include:     • Scotty was revived by Nomad after Nomad had killed him in “The Changeling”.     • Spock died in “Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan” but the Genesis planet, revived his body as an infant, allowing for his katra, which had been transferred to Doctor McCoy, be returned to his now alive body.     • Worf and Wesley were both killed in a battle with bestial soldiers conjured by Q. Riker resurrects them with his temporary Q powers.     • Harry Kim had to die in “Emanations” to get transported back to the *USS Voyager*. The Doctor was able to revive him with medicine.     • Neelix dies in “Mortal Coil”, but is revived with Borg nanoprobes.     • Kelvin universe Kirk died in “Star Trek Into Darkness”, but Doctor McCoy was able to filter Khan’s augment blood through a tribble and save him. Or something.     • Doctor Culber’s neck was snapped by Ash Tyler in “The Saints of Imperfection”, and beings that live in the mycelial network revived him using fungus material from an interdimensional transporter as his new body in “Despite Yourself”.     • Shaxs died aboard an exploding Pakled clumpship in “No Small Parts”, but returned in “We’ll Always Have Tom Paris” with story of having visited the black mountain and fighting three faceless apparitions of his father. • *”I realized we already have infinite diversity in infinite combinations.”* The IDIC is a Vulcan philosophy first mentioned in “Is There In Truth No Beauty?” so that Gene Roddenberry could sell merch. • Outside Federation HQ there is:     • An Eisenberg-class starship     • A Mars-class starship     • A Saturn-class starship     • A Merian-class starship     • A Courage-class starship • Among the trinkets in Kovich’s display are:     • A Terran knife     • A type-2 phaser of the sort introduced in season five of TNG     • A bottle of Chateau Picard dated 2249     • A VISOR, presumably the one Geordi wore beginning in season two of TNG     • A baseball; it’s too clean to be Sisko’s so perhaps it’s Rom’s from “Parth Ferengi’s Heart Place”     • Perhaps it’s noteworthy that Kovich does not have any items from the *NX-01* • Kovich reveals himself to be Daniels, the temporal agent introduced in “Cold Front”.     • Kovich says he’s from the *USS Enterprise*, but the *NX-01* did not have the USS designation. • Book had a confrontation with Talaxian pirates. Neelix established in “Non Sequitur” that Talaxian piracy is mostly cased around the procurement of haircare supplies. • Molly was the endangered trance worm Book rescued from the Emerald Chain in “That Hope is You, Part 1”. • In Burnham and Book’s 33rd century home on Sanctuary Four, they have the Tuli wood box in which the Eternal Archive and Gallery’s World Root cuttings were stored in “Labyrinths”, and captain Georgiou’s telescope, first seen in “The Vulcan Hello” and received by Burnham in “The Butcher’s Knife Cares Not for the Lamb’s Cry”. • We learn that Burnham has attained the rank of Admiral. • There is a deer-like creature on Sanctuary Four that Burnham calls Alice. Presumably she named the creature for “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”, a book we learned Amanda Grayson read to her as well as Spock in “Context is for Kings” and “Once Upon a Planet”. • *”I thought you’d be on your way to Crepuscula by now.”* The Crepusculans were a pre-warp civilization in “The Vulcan Hello”. Georgiou and Burnham visited their world to help mitigate the effects of a drought caused by an industrial accident in nearby space. • *”One, aye,”* calls back to “People of Earth” where Book disguised himself as a Starfleet officer. • The shuttle captain Leto picks Burnham up in is UFP-47. • Book has planted the World Root cuttings on Sanctuary Four, and we see several trance worms swimming in a river. • Starfleet HQ now has three of the station/ships in the 33rd century. • We see DOTs working on restoring the *USS Discovery* to it’s original configuration before the 32nd century refit. • *”I did hear a word in passing. ‘Craft.’”* Zora encounters Craft in “Calypso”, according to her, almost 1,000 years after being left in a nebula. • Despite the years that have passed, all the ships we see in attendance for the *Discovery’*s last mission are spaceframes we’re familiar with from the 32nd century.

    risa Risa An important reminder
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 4 months ago 50%

    Odo definitely identifies as male.

    And yes.

  • risa Risa An important reminder
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 4 months ago 100%

    He insisted that even though he is gay, the Sulu he portrayed is straight.

    "Unfortunately, it’s a twisting of Gene’s creation, to which he put in so much thought. I think it’s really unfortunate."

    Takei was not into it, but I do feel like he was overselling just how much thought Roddenberry put into the side characters in Trek. Sulu didn't even get a given name until "The Voyage Home", a film Roddenberry had nothing to do with.

    (In Generations, Sulu is married and has a daughter, Demora, who helmed the Enterprise-B.)

    Demora is Sulu's daughter, but there's no mention that Sulu was married, or if he was that it was to a woman.

    (and Cho himself is cool being a straight Korean playing a gay Japanese)

    Funny you mention the character's nationality, considering that Roddenberry envisioned Sulu as some pan-Asian character on indeterminate nationality. Sulu is not a Japanese name, and Roddenberry chose to name the character after the Sulu sea of the coast of the Philippians.

    Please don’t assume that I thought otherwise just because I didn’t explicitly mention every potentiality in that one post.

    That was not my assumption. I just can't think of any reason to assume that Sulu is not bi or pan, given what we know about the various iterations of the character.

  • risa Risa An important reminder
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 4 months ago 76%

    Who said anything about revenge?

  • risa Risa An important reminder
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 4 months ago 66%

    Ah, well that question has been answered by others and myself elsewhere in this thread. Sorry for assuming that you might have checked to see if your question was already answered before asking it.

    But hey, just for you, I'll repost what I've already said:

    Because the police enforce the laws of the state, often with violence. If the law dictates that a person being open about their identity is illegal regardless of the fact their identity harms no one, and everyone involved in their actions consents, than it is the responsibility of the cops to oppress them. One year the cops might march alongside people at pride, and then the laws might change and they’ll be there to bust heads of anyone who shows up the next year. 
    And yeah, there no doubt exist LGBTQ+ cops, or cops whose friends and/or family whom they love are LGBTQ+, but so long as they wear the uniform they represent an organization used to oppress marginalized and minority communities. 
    Fundamentally, pride is not just a party, it is a protest.

  • risa Risa An important reminder
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 4 months ago 100%

    It's the pansexual flag.

  • risa Risa An important reminder
  • USSBurritoTruck USSBurritoTruck 4 months ago 93%

    "No cops at pride" is not about the prejudices of individual cops, be they fictional future shapeshifters from half a galaxy away, or real police here and now. There are LGBTQ+ cops out there.

    The issue is the fact that cops enforce the law regardless of how just the law might be. Odo was the chief of security aboard Terek Nor while it was under Cardassian control, and while in that role rushed three innocent Bajoran workers to execution so he could maintain order aboard the station.

    Even once the station became Bajoran owned and Starfleet operated, Odo was still willing to conduct illegal surveillance, lock people in the detention facility on trumped up charges, and impose a strict curfew. Personally I don't think it would be too much of a stretch to assume that Odo would be willing to lock up people participating in a Pride event for no other reason than that he was told to do so, and they were causing a minor disruption on the Promenade.

  • risa
    Risa USSBurritoTruck 4 months ago 85%
    An important reminder https://i.imgur.com/aKI6BqV.png

    Not my original content, but something I stand by

    Star Trek USSBurritoTruck 4 months ago 100%
    Canon Connections: DIS 5x09 - Lagrange Point

    • This episode was directed by Johnathan Frakes, who starred in the ENT episode, “These Are the Voyages...” • Captain Burnham informs Rayner that the Breen Primarch Tahal is going to be arriving at their location in the next episode. We learned in “Erigah” that Tahal occupied Rayner’s homeworld, Kelerun, and used it as a staging point. • The tool Book is using to help effect repairs on the spore drive looks to be the same one he used as a weapon against Burnham in their fight when the characters first met in “That Hope Is You, Part 1”. • The Progenitor’s technology is contained within a structure carefully balanced at the point where the gravity wells of two black holes intersect, i.e. the Lagrange point. Hey, that’s the title of the episode! Which makes sense, because the rest of the episode must surely be about figuring out how to retrieve the structure from such a precarious position without being crushed, torn apart, or spaghettified by the intense gravimetric interactions. It would be silly if, say, the Breen dreadnought was to show up and simply yoink away the structure with a tractor beam while we’re still in the cold open, and the Lagrange point did not matter for the rest of the episode.     • The structure containing the Progenitor technology looks like a large barrel. Somewhere in Sto’vo’kor, a warrior punches a wall and doesn’t understand why. • Moll stores L’ak’s body in a portable transport buffer. Trek has been using the transport buffer to store people since Scotty did so in “Relics”, though the other engineer aboard the *USS Jenolan*, Franklin, a good lad, pattern degraded too far for him to also be retrieved. Presumably no one would notice if L’ak’s pattern degraded over time. • Adira mentions having been part of the Earth Defense Force, which is what they were doing when introduced in “People of Earth”. • Burnham’s plan for infiltrating the Breen dreadnought is to transport through a gap in the shield coverage near an exhaust port. In “Preemptive Strike”, Ro and a team of Maquis exploited a weak point in the *USS Enterprise D*’s shields created by the ship’s impulse engines to steal medical supplies. • Rayner asks Tilly to be his acting first officer while Burnham and Rhys are on the Breen ship. Saru also promoted Tilly to be his acting first officer while she was still an ensign. • The away team plans to move around the Breen dreadnought in replicated Breen suits. In “Indiscretion”, Kira and Dukat disguised themselves in stolen Breen suits to infiltrate a work camp.     • When Burnham activates her helmet, it forms around her head, but her braids are still visible hanging down her back before the transport. Upon arriving on the Breen ship, Burnham’s braids are no longer exposed. Later, when Burnham deactivates the helmet, her braids are already hanging down her back before it starts to dematerialize.     • Despite being Federation technology, the fake Breen suits still have Breen script in their HUD. • Burnham uses the term *“achworm”* during her bluff, something Primark Ruhn called called the Federation representatives in “Erigah” before it became apparent that T’Rina speaks the language. • Assembled at Federation Headquarters we see:     • Two Eisenberg-class starships     • A Saturn-class starship     • A Merian-class starship     • Two Mars-class starships     • One starship of the same class as the *USS Dresselhaus*     • One 32nd century Constitution-class starship     • One 32nd century Intrepid-class starship • T’Rina suggests sending the *USS Mitchell* to intercept Tahal’s fleet. The *Mitchell* first appeared in “Rubicon”.     • *”A shuttle wouldn’t be remotely capable of engaging her entire fleet.”* President Rillak seems to imply that the *Mitchell* could conceivably be a match for a Breen fleet, which I would argue is very appropriate for a ship named for Kenneth Mitchell, who played Kol, Kol-Sha, Tenavik, and Aurellio on DIS, and voiced the Tweerk captain, one of Ransom’s Starfleet black ops buddies, and a Romulan guard on LDS before his passing. • Burnham uses her xenoanthropology specialization to understand that joining a Breen feast day would be considered a good thing to do. Xenoanthropology was established as Burnham’s scientific focus in the series premiere, “The Vulcan Hello”. • Burnham relates the results of her self introspection in “Labyrinths” to Book. • *”Grum of osikod,”* is a reference to the Kellerun epic, *The Ballad of Krul*. Burnham quoted the passage in which it’s mentioned to Rayner in “Mirrors”. • *”Oh, holy schnoodle.”* In “Choose Your Pain”, Tilly was the first person to say *”fuck”* in Trek. • Before sitting in the captain’s chair, Rayner does a one handed variation on the Picard maneuver.

    Star Trek USSBurritoTruck 4 months ago 96%
    Canon Connections: DIS 5x08 - Labyrinths

    • The episode opens on L’ak’s funeral. Because he stabbed himself in “Mirrors”, and then intentionally overdosed on the drugs meant to cure him in “Erigah”. • The…bridge(?) of the Breen dreadnought appears to have the floating wickets seen in this season’s credit sequence. • We’ve seen Efrosians before in “Star Trek: The Voyage Home”, and “Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country”, but Hy’Rell is the first Efrosian woman we’ve been introduced to. She has more forehead ridges than the two previous Efrosians, though it's not clear if that's a redesign, or intended to be an example of sexual dimorphism. • Burnham is very curt with Hy’Rell, cutting the archivist off multiple times as she explains the history of the Eternal Gallery and Archive. As all the lues leading to the Progenitor technology have thus far involved a lesson of some sort, no doubt the lesson being set up here is one about patience, and surely not just a bunch of faffing about before ultimately deciding the real lesson is the importance of self reflection. • Cherenkov radiation was previously mentioned in “Choose to Live”.     • In “Choose to Live”, Cherenkov radiation was said result from Tachyons interacting with an atmosphere, while here Tilly claims it is a byproduct of plasma activity.     • In both cases, the Cherenkov radiation produced a blue glow. • When Rhys claims the *USS Discovery A* won’t be able to cloak while in the pocket of the Badlands the Eternal Gallery occupies, Burnham claims that will also be true for the Breen, implying that the Breen’s cloaking device functions similarly to the Federation iteration of the technology. • Hy’Rell is interested in having Book provide some information about one of the few remaining Kwejian artifacts stored at the Eternal Gallery. Kwejian was destroyed in “Kobayashi Maru”. • Hy’Rell has the Eternal Gallery lower its shields so Burnham and Book can transport over. We’ve seen that in the 32nd century, transporters are not limited by shields, such as in the episodes “People of Earth” and “There is a Tide…”. Apparently the Eternal Gallery’s shields still block transporters.     • The artifact is cutting from the a World Root, a system of tree roots that extended around the entirety of Kwejian before it’s destruction, first mentioned in “Kobayashi Maru”.     • Hy’Rell only says the cutting came in to the possession of the Eternal Gallery, *”long ago,”* without being any more specific. Kwejian was a pre-warp society when it was destroyed, though clearly some Kwejian, like Book, made it off world. • The interior of the Eternal Gallery and Archive was filmed at the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library at the University of Toronto.     • The Eternal Gallery’s collection we see appears to be mostly hardbound, paper books. No doubt all the various alien methods of recording information are kept in other wings. • Hy’Rell claims that the Eternal Gallery has an oubliette. In “Star Trek Nemesis” Riker the Reman Viceroy into a bottomless pit on the lowest deck of the *USS Enterprise E*. • The script used in the book, “Labyrinths of the Mind” is the same as what was on the library card that led the *Discovery A* to the Eternal Gallery, confirming that is the Betazoid language, meaning the first time it was seen was in “Erigah”. • Burnham’s consciousness is transported into an artificial reality.     • Captain Picard experienced the end of the planet Kataan from the perspective of a member of that species in “The Inner Light”.        • Doctor Culber says of the device affecting Burnham, *”It looks like some kind of nucleonic emitter,”* and that he doesn’t want to risk severing the beam as it could be fatal. In “The Inner Light” it was a nucleonic beam from the Kataan probe which subjected Picard to his experience.     • Captain Sisko, Jadzia Dax, Kira, and Doctor Bashir were transported into a Wadi game, Chula, in “Move Along Home”.     • Rutherford was also trapped inside a Chula game in “In the Cradle of Vexilon”.     • Harry Kim’s mind was trapped inside a shared consciousness ruled over by an evil clown in “The Thaw”. • *”Jinaal would have let an itronok eat us,”* Burnham recounts the test from “Jinaal”. • The books accessed by Doctor Derex when she was an archivist include     • “Comprehensive List of Talaxian Hairstyles”; a multi-volume set     • “Huypirian Folk Tales”; several Huypirians have been seen severing as personal valets to various Nagi of the Ferengi Alliance     • “Euclidean Geometry”; this is the first mention of a species called the Euclideans. • *”Hysperians really know how to party, by the way.”* Hesperia is a human colony of, as Rutherford puts it, *“ren faire types.”* • *”Someone once told me never turn my back on a Breen.”* Rayner shared the Romulan saying first spoken in “In Purgatory’s Shadow” in the previous episode, “Erigah”.     • The Breen also have a saying; *“Never turn your back on the wife of the Scion.”*

    Star Trek USSBurritoTruck 4 months ago 100%
    Star Trek: Day of Blood - Shaxs' Best Day nominated for 2024 Eisner Award

    The 2024 Eisner awards for the comics industry announced the nominees a couple days ago, and the Day of Blood tie-in issue, Shaxs' Best Day by Ryan North and Derek Charm is among the nominees for Best Single Issue/One-shot. The colourist for the current ongoing Star Trek comic, Lee Loughridge, was also nominated for Best Colouring.

    Star Trek USSBurritoTruck 4 months ago 100%
    My favourite art from the first edition of Star Trek Adventures

    Modiphius' Star Trek Adventures TTRPG is getting a second edition this year, and the last of the sourcebooks for first first edition has been published, so I thought I would go through the entire collection and share some of my favourite art from the game. **STA Core Rulebook** ![image](https://i.imgur.com/l6wkDrR.png) ![image](https://i.imgur.com/MDGkcHY.png) ![image](https://i.imgur.com/SOuHgNK.png) **Klingon Empire Core Rulebook** ![image](https://i.imgur.com/fDXB8XT.png) ![image](https://i.imgur.com/6mdV5Zz.png) ![image](https://i.imgur.com/pqSriod.png) ![image](https://i.imgur.com/pEVN0NG.png) **Rules Digest** ![image](https://i.imgur.com/PlZXP4i.png) Utopia Planitia Sourcebook ![image](https://i.imgur.com/hsXmjPD.png) **Command Division Supplement** ![image](https://i.imgur.com/OfVygaG.png) **Operations Division Supplement** ![image](https://i.imgur.com/RWbe4c0.png) **Science Division Supplement** ![image](https://i.imgur.com/Gzqs74d.png) ![image](https://i.imgur.com/kzgO03e.png) **Division supplements cover triptych** ![image](https://i.imgur.com/Fg0Mom5.png) **Beta Quadrant Sourcebook** ![image](https://i.imgur.com/6OR9JoP.png) **Alpha Quadrant Sourcebook** ![image](https://i.imgur.com/g78PekV.png) **Gamma Quadrant Sourcebook** ![image](https://i.imgur.com/cKP4fGr.png) **Delta Quadrant Sourcebook** ![image](https://i.imgur.com/LGuhUDh.png) **These are the Voyages Mission Compendium** ![image](https://i.imgur.com/5j4XW08.png) ![image](https://i.imgur.com/BU56L0b.png) **Strange New Worlds Mission Compendium** ![image](https://i.imgur.com/ftGT03D.png) ![image](https://i.imgur.com/aXQ4cCH.png) **Shackleton Expanse Campaign Guide** ![image](https://i.imgur.com/m3PAIDj.png) ![image](https://i.imgur.com/lYsLCGB.png) ![image](https://i.imgur.com/bpahJUO.png) **Keyhole to Eternity Campaign** ![image](https://i.imgur.com/MjwSneU.png) **Discovery (2256-2258) Campaign Guide** ![image](https://i.imgur.com/Qu4f3dC.png) ![image](https://i.imgur.com/lzWGFaY.png) **Lower Decks Campaign Guide** ![image](https://i.imgur.com/PJrBmm2.png) ![image](https://i.imgur.com/3yQrrJ9.png) ![image](https://i.imgur.com/UtWpShK.png) **Federation-Klingon War Tactical Campaign** ![image](https://i.imgur.com/g8eVEJY.png) ![image](https://i.imgur.com/Bk3pP9b.png) ![image](https://i.imgur.com/HSMdI6z.png)

    Star Trek USSBurritoTruck 4 months ago 100%
    Canon Connections: DIS 5x07 - Erigah

    • The episode’s title, “Erigah”, refers a form of Breen *“blood bounty”* first mentioned a couple episodes ago in “Mirrors”. • The opening shot is of the *USS Locherer*, first seen in “Jinaal”, and the Terran warp pod that Moll and L’ak escaped with in “Mirrors”. • It’s Nhan! From Star Trek! Nhan was introduced in “Brother” and is played by Rachael Ancheril. • *”Last time I saw you, also a personal situation, you fired on* Discovery *with photon torpedoes, and set off an isolytic weapon.”* Nhan is referring to the season four episode, “Rubicon”. • *”You did this to him!”* Moll stabbed himself while in a fight with Burnham in “Mirrors”. • *”Fierce as a sa-te kru.”* This is the first mention of a sa-te kru on screen, but the cat like predator from Vulcan/Ni’Var originated in a six page comic called “When Worlds Collide: Spock Confronts the Ultimate Challenge” written by Alex Kurtzman and Robert Orci, and drawn by Paul Pope that was published in a 2009 issue of “Wired”. • Throughout the course of the episode, outside of Federation HQ, in addition to the *USS Discovery A* we see:     • Two Mars-class starships     • *USS Excalibur* - 32nd century Constitution-class     • *USS Credence* - Introduced in “Choose to Live”     • *USS LaMar* - A ship of the same class as the *USS Dresslehaus*     • *USS Lochlerer* - Merian-class • The fourth piece of the Progenitor technology researchers’ map piece is now included in the opening credits sequence. • *”Let’s not forget what happened last time Breen entered Federation space.”* The last time we know for certain that the Breen entered Federation space was in “The Changing Face of Evil” when they attacked Starfleet HQ on Earth during the Dominion War, some 834 years ago. It is entirely possible that Rayner is referring to a more recent event that we the audience are unaware of.     • Later, Tilly claims, *”The last time the Breen paid a visit to the Federation, they destroyed an entire city.”* That might be a reference to the attack on San Francisco in “The Changing Face of Evil”, though it would be an exaggeration of the scale of the destruction. And again, 834 years have since passed. • Rayner evokes the Romulan saying, *”Never turn your back on a Breen.”* While in a Dominion prison station in “By Inferno’s Light” a Romulan fellow prisoner told Doctor Bashir that was a saying among her people. • The Betazoid emblem on the clue that we will learn is a library card, was originally designed by a Trek fan named David Bilic for the “Birth of the Federation 2” mod. It was first seen on screen in “The Star Gazer”. • The *USS Mitchell* was first seen in “Rubicon”. • *”What’s worse than death?”* *”This conversation, for starters.”* In “Magic to make the Sanest Man Go Mad”, Harry Mudd claimed that the weaponized dark matter beads that Captain Lorca had were rumoured to be the most painful way to die; now they need to be downgraded to number two. • Jett Reno apparently makes a cocktail called the Seven of Limes, presumably named for the notable captain of the *USS Enterprise G*. • Unlike the 24th century Breen Interceptors, the Breen Dreadnought appears to be more or less symmetrical.     • It is stated that this Dreadnought is the one Burnham and Rayner saw outside the destroyed Federation HQ in a possible future in “Face the Strange”, though I will be honest, it was too dark for me to make out on the screen at the time. • Burnham learned that Kellerun was used as a Breen outpost. Apparently that didn’t come up when she did the research in to Kellerun culture she mentioned in “Mirrors”.     • Does this indicate that Kellerun is not part of the Federation, or is the attack on Kellerun the previous entry into Federation space that Rayner mentioned earlier in the episode? • Reno claims she had *”tons of contacts in the book trade”* 800 years earlier. *Discovery* and its crew jumped to the 32nd century 933 years earlier. I think it’s safe to assume that Reno was rounding off, however, 133 years is still a pretty big gap. This can only mean that at some point before the jump to the 32nd century, Reno also found herself in the 24th century smuggling books. I eagerly await that spin-off. • President T’Rina bluffs Primarch Ruhn by claiming the Federation has received an offer from another Breen Primarch for Moll and L’ak. As we all know, Vulcans cannot lie.     • Vulcans lie all the time. • *”This bluff wouldn’t fool a hatchling.”* Ruhn’s remarks imply that Breen are oviparous. • Rayner states that Primarch Tahal named her ship the *Tau Ceti* *”After a lethal viper with a slow acting venom.”* It’s unclear if this viper is native to the Tau Ceti system, which can be seen on star charts going back to “Conspiracy”. • Book is able to get a psychometric reading off the library card to to figure out where the Archive is. This is the second time Book’s extrasensory abilities have been the key to solving one of the clues, the first being in “Jinaal”.     • The reading from the library card indicates the archive is in the Badlands, a volatile region of space, conceived of for the premiere of VOY, “The Caretaker”, and first seen in the DS9 episode, “The Maquis, Part 1”. • *”Sell me a goat farm on Bopak III while you’re at it.”* Bopak III is the world where the Jem’Hadar first, Goran’Ager enlisted Doctor Bashir to try and use the locally available materials to cure his men of addiction to ketracel white in “Hippocratic Oath”. • After stabbing himself and intentionally overdosing on medication meant to save him, L’ak dies as he lived. Stupidly.     • In an interview with TrekMovie, series editor Carlos Cisco said that while Breen are less vulnerable in their solid form -- still susceptible to self inflicted stab wounds though -- the act of maintaining it requires so much energy they are slower, more sluggish, and less intelligent while doing so. This is the form that L'ak chooses to remain in. • Rayner advocates for firing on the Breen before they can make the first move. in “The Vulcan Hello” Burnham so strongly believed that the *USS Shenzhou* should fire the first shot against the Klingons that she was willing to foment a mutiny to do so, a fact that she later points out to him.

    Star Trek USSBurritoTruck 4 months ago 94%
    Canon Connections: DIS 5x06 - Whistlespeak

    • Doctor Kovich gives Burnham a list of the five scientists who had the task of researching the Progenitor technology, three of whom we’ve already learned about. The remaining two are a Denobulan, Hitoroshi Kreel, and a Betazoid named Marina DeRex. The first Betazoid we were introduced to in Trek was TNG’s Deanna Troi, played by Marina Sirtis. • The opening sequence now shows the third map piece being added to the whole. • Burnham gives Tilly a rundown of what she learned about the pre-warp Halem’nite language. It was established in the series premiere, “The Vulcan Hello”, that Burnham’s expertise is xenoanthropology.     • The episode is named for the whistlespeak that the Halem’nites use to communicate over long distances. This mode of communication is used briefly early in the episode, and never again, including during the climax that relies upon a child communicating with their father. • When Burnham and Tilly beam down to Halem’no, they arrive with markings on their foreheads to appear as Halem’nites. Starfleet officers being surgically altered to blend in with the locals during an away mission goes back to “The Enterprise Incident” when Captain Kirk was disguised as a Romulan, but this is the first time we’ve seen those alterations be applied mid-transport. • *“Turns out you have a perfectly typical, healthy, and rather handsome human brain.”* Doctor Culber’s body was recreated out of mycelial network fungus matter in “Saints of Imperfection”. • *“I’m the queen of endurance.”* In “Point of Light”, Tilly, with some help from a jahSepp inhabiting her body, set a course record running a half-marathon through the corridors of the *USS Discovery*. • The weather tower control board features Denobulan script, first seen in “Stigma”. • It is revealed that the winner of the Journey of the Mother Compeer gets sacrificed to the gods in order to bring the rain.     • There are a few examples of sentient beings being ritually sacrificed in Trek, though most are talked about as something done in the past, such as on live sacrifices to Molar on “Qo’noS” being mentioned in “Will You Take My Hand?”, or the inhabitants of the planet featured in the VOY episode, “Muse” having replaced live sacrifice with theatrical plays.     • We saw that Kelpiens culture viewed their being taken by the Ba’ul as a sort of ritual sacrifice in “The Brightest Star”.     • In “Life Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach”, the Majalans regularly sacrifice a child referred to as the *”First Servant”* to a slow and painful death to maintain the technology which enabled their civilization. • The walls of the weather tower’s vacuum chamber are made of solid tritanium, and apparently too dense to allow for a transporter lock. The hulls and bulkheads of many Federation starships including the *Discovery* and the *USS Enterprise D* were made of tritanium, but did not impede transporter functions. • Burnham makes the decision to disregard the prime directive as opposed to letting Tilly and Ravah die. Kirk frequently ignored the prime directive to save lives, such as in “The Return of the Archons”, “A Taste of Armageddon”, and “The Apple”. Even Picard violated the prime directive in “Justice” to save the life of Wesley Crusher, and “Who Watches the Watchers” to prevent the Mintakans from worshiping him as a deity.     • The punishment for violating the prime directive is apparently a significant amount of paperwork. In “Bread and Circuses” it is stated that Starfleet officers swear to die before violating the prime directive. • The handle Ohvahz uses to open the sacrificial vacuum chamber functions very similarly to 24th century manual access clamps, such as the ones seen in “Star Trek: First Contact” and the LDS episode, “First First Contact”.

    Star Trek USSBurritoTruck 5 months ago 95%
    Were the [REDACTED] also a result of the Progenitors? DIS s5 spoilers

    So, the plot in season five of Disco is hunting down clues left behind by scientists who uncovered the technology left behind by a precursor race of alien beings who panspermiad their genetics all over the galaxy, resulting in all your favourite humanoids, like humans, Klingons, Romulans, and Cardassians, as seen in the TNG episode, "The Chase". And the antagonists of the season are not actually the tragically dumb young lovers, Moll and L'ak, but instead appear to be the Breen. We've learned Breen are, as Captain William Shaw might say, goo people. Or at least they're semi-transparent so long as they're within the confines of their refrigeration suit. If L'ak is any indication they can take a more solid, humanoid form, but the Breen appear to prefer to be Sour Patch Kids. I'm going to speculate that we will learn that the Breen are not actually one of the species who resulted from the Progenitors seeding the galaxy, and as such the Progenitor technology is of limited use for them.

    Star Trek USSBurritoTruck 5 months ago 95%
    Love, strange love a star woman teaches www.youtube.com

    I've known for years that Gene Roddenberry wrote lyrics for Theme from Star Trek so that he could receive 50% of the royalties, but it never occurred to me that I should try and find out what those lyrics were. However, the lyrics did come up recently in a nerdy trivia show I watch, "Uhm, Actually", and now that I know them, I thought it important to share. # *Beyond the rim of the star-light* # *My love is wand'ring in star-flight* # *I know he'll find in star-clustered reaches* # *Love, strange love a star woman teaches.* # *I know his journey ends never* # *His star trek will go on forever.* # *But tell him* # *While he wanders his starry sea* # *Remember, remember me.*

    Star Trek USSBurritoTruck 5 months ago 100%
    Canon Connections: DIS 5x05 - Mirrors

    • The episode title references the mirror universe, a dark reflection of the familiar reality of Star Trek where humans, or Terrans as they’re more commonly called there, evolved to be more sensitive to light, resulting in everyone tending more towards malevolence, and barbarism, and queer coded villainy. Other episodes involving the mirror universe that reference mirrors, include:     • “MIrror, Mirror”     • “Through the Looking Glass”     • “Shattered Mirror”     • “In a Mirror, Darkly”     • “In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II” • Despite not being Starfleet, Book apparently keeps a personal log. He records the stardate as 866282.9.     • Other non-Starfleet personnel whom we know kept logs include: Neelix, Seven of Nine, and T’Pring. • The digital *”Federation Watch List”* wanted poster for Moll shows the emblems of:     • Starfleet     • Ni’Var     • United Earth     • Trill     • Fernginar     • Risa     • Hornish     • Orion     • Andoria     • We also see Orion and Andorian files on Moll, including Orion and Andorian script, first seen in “Borderland” and “The Andorian Incident” respectively. • Rayner suggests to Burnham that the mission into the wormhole is too dangerous for the ship’s captain to take themselves. Picard says it’s a general policy in “Time’s Arrow” that the captain does not join away teams, and in “Star Trek Nemesis” Data sites a specific regulation. However, no captain we’ve seen other than Picard really observes this regulation. • On the other side of the wormhole, Burnham and Book find the *ISS Enterprise*. The ship’s only other appearance was in “Mirror, Mirror”. For this episode, the Constitution-class appearance seen in both DIS and SNW is used for the ship, and redressed SNW sets are used for the interior.     • In “Despite Yourself”, a wireframe model of the Constitution-class *USS Defiant* was displayed aboard the *USS Discovery*; at that time the ship had been in Terran Empire custody for over a 100 years, and appeared to have some alterations to both the nacelle pylons, and the bridge, but apparently when the Terrans got around to building their own Constitution-class, they opted for a configuration closer to the original. • It was established in “Die Trying” that *”Crossing between universes has been impossible for centuries.”* • *”That was my brother’s station, aboard the* USS Enterprise*.”* Burnham was raised by Sarek after the apparent death of her parents, as established in “The Vulcan Hello”.     • *”I’m sure he was just as ruthless as the rest of them.”* We learned in “Crossover” that mirror universe Spock became High Chancellor of the Terran Empire, after being inspired by Kirk in “Mirror, Mirror” and instituted major societal reforms, making the Empire more peaceful, resulting in it being conquered and enslaved by the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance.     • Book finds a plaque with the story of the mirror *Enterprise* claiming that they escaped to the prime universe after the High Chancellor was killed for attempting to institute reforms. Presumably this still refers to mirror Spock, though he’s not mentioned by name.     • Burnham and Book assume the *”Kelpien slave turned rebel leader”* who helped the mirror *Enterprise* escape was mirror Saru, whom we saw in “The Wolf Inside”. • Burnham find a plush doll of a mirror universe Gorn. Mirror Gorn, of course, also abduct members of other species to use as host bodies/food on their breeding planets, but in the Terran Empire that is considered to be a cuddly trait. • Moll and L’ak created multiple holographic duplicates of themselves to stymie Book and Burnham. The Doctor did something similar in “Renaissance Man” by filling the holodock with copies of himself to escape Tuvok. • We learn that L’ak is a Breen, a species whom we the audience have not previously seen outside of their refrigeration suits.     • In “‘Til Death Do Us Part” Worf claimed that no one had seen a Breen outside their suits and lived. Though in “Indiscretion”, three seasons earlier, Kira and Dukat did incapacitate some Breen and steal their uniforms to use as disguises, so Worf’s claims are about as accurate as usual. • In flashback we see a station operated and populated by Breen. Though their helmets no longer resemble something a character might wear during a War in the Stars, the asymmetric design of their refrigeration suits is inspired by what we saw in DS9. • We learn through the flashbacks that Moll was saving latinum to be able to afford to set herself up on a colony in the gamma quadrant that she had never been to, but was described to her by Cleveland Booker as being the perfect home. In the season four episode, “The Galactic Barrier” we saw Tarka’s flashbacks to his developing a relationship with Oros, and their mutual obsession with finding a way to an alternate universe that was supposed to be a paradise. • Unlike what we’ve seen of the *Enterprise* in DIS and SNW, it’s mirror counterpart has been upgraded with the same system aboard the *USS Discovery A* that belches gouts of fire into the bridge whenever it encounters a bit of turbulence. • During a scuffle with Burnham, L’ak ends up stabbing himself, an advanced fighting technique usually only attempted by the most feared Klingon warriors, such as Kozak in “The House of Quark”, the Torchbearer in “The Vulcan Hello”, and most recently Dak’Rah in “Under the Cloak of War”. L’ak has not quite yet mastered the move though, as he lived. • We learn that L’ak *“Carries the genetic code of the Yod-Thot. Those that rule.”* In DS9, Thot was a rank held by Breen flag officers. • Book asks Burnham if she wants to give Pike’s catchphrase, *“Hit it,”* but she declines. Presumably Book looked up the catchphrases used by various captains of the *Enterprise* at some point. • Detmer and Owosekun get to head a team to fly the mirror *Enterprise* back to Federation HQ. Rhys, whom it has been established twice this season in “Jinaal” and “Face the Strange” loves the Constitution-class more than any other ship, punches a bulkhead when he hears the news. • A gormagander is a colloquial referred to as a space whale, and they were introduced in “Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad”. • Doctor Culber mentions having died, which he did when Ash Tyler snapped his neck in “Despite Yourself”, his resurrection in “Saints of Imperfection”, and then hosting the Jinaal personality in “Jinaal”. • The episode was dedicated to Allan “Red” Marceta, a set dresser who passed away in 2022.

    Star Trek USSBurritoTruck 5 months ago 100%
    Canon Connections: DIS 5x04 - Face the Strange

    • The arms merchant whom we see Moll and L’ak dealing with appears to be an Annari, who were introduced in the VOY episode, “Nightingale”, which I mention only because I believe it is the first time we’ve seen a member of Delta Quadrant species in DIS, though not the first mention.     • The weapon he acquired for them is a Krenim *“chronophage,”* or time bug, which presumably would have originated in the Krenim Imperium, also in the Delta Quadrant, as seen in “Year of Hell” and “Year of Hell, Part II”. In those episodes, the Krenim also had a weapon that manipulated time.     • Rayner establishes that the time bugs are left over from the Temporal War, which was mentioned in “That Hope Is You, Part 1” as being the reason time travel is outlawed in the 32nd century. • The Emerald Chain were the antagonist organization of season three of DIS. • We see that the time bug is what Moll put on Adira’s uniform sleeve at the end of the previous episode, “Jinaal”. • Burnham appears to keep either a copy of the Vulcan Kir’Shara or a similar artifact in her ready room. • The opening credits sequence has changed to include both the parts of the key that the *Discovery* crew have secured being inserted into the ring. • Burnham and Rayner find themselves being transported between multiple points in the *USS Discovery*’s existence.     • The *Discovery* following Burnham in the Red Angel suit to the future in “Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2”.     • The construction of *Discovery* apparently in drydock in San Francisco. The first time we saw a starship being constructed at a ground facility was the Kelvin timeline *USS Enterprise*.     • Stardate 1051.8, which was the stardate Burnham recorded in her log in “Such Sweet Sorrow” at the beginning of the episode when they’re preparing to abandon *Discovery* and destroy it, somewhat before the battle with Control depicted here begins. That battle was in “Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2”.     • Stardate 865422.4. Not a stardate previously given, but apparently during the Emerald Chain attack on Discovery in “There Is A Tide…”     • 27 years in the future.     • Some point after *Discovery* arrives in the 32nd century in “Far From Home”, but before the retrofit in “Scavengers”.     • After Burnham becomes captain in “That Hope is You, Part 2”, but before the destruction of Kwejian in “Kobayashi Maru”.     • Season one between “Context is For Kings” and “The Butcher’s Knife Cares Not For the Lamb’s Cry”. • The hardhat worn by the technician working aboard the *Discovery* during construction has the 23rd century symbol for Starfleet’s operations division on it. • *”Well, he lives outside of time because of his tardigrade DNA.”* Obviously. Stamets spliced the DNA of the giant tardigrade with his own in “Choose Your Pain”, and we learned that allowed him to exist outside normal spacetime in the time loop episode, “Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad”. • The Temporal Prime Directive was first mentioned in “Future’s End, Part II”. • Zora is listening to a rendition of “Que Sera, Sera”. • *”Are you stuck in a time loop now right now, Stamets?”* He’s not, but Stamets was the only one aware of being stuck in a time loop in “Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad”. • Burnham runs into her younger self. Other characters have met iterations of themselves via time travel in:     • “Yesteryear” - Spock     • “Time Squared” - Picard     • “Firstborn” - Alexander     • “Visionary” - O’Brien     • “Children of Time” - Odo; the Dax symbiont     • “Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night” - Kira     • “Time’s Orphan” - Molly     • “Relativity” - Seven of Nine     • “Endgame” - Janeway     • “E²” - T’Pol     • 2009’s “Star Trek” - Spock     • “A Quality of Mercy” - Pike • It’s Airiam! From Star Trek! Despite Airiam’s appearance here taking place during season one, it is Airiam’s season two actor, Hannah Cheesman, under the prosthetics. • It’s Bryce! From Star Trek! Ronnie Rowe Jr. reprises the role he played in seasons one, two and three, before leaving the regular cast, and appearing in only four episodes of season four. • Burnham demonstrates her familiarity with Owo by mentioning the operations officer joined Starfleet because she wasn’t able to prevent a childhood friend’s death, something Owo told Saru in “Stormy Weather”. • Burnham convinces Airiam she’s genuine by telling Airiam she sacrifices her life to save everyone else in “Project Daedalus”, an act that none of the rest of the crew believe Airiam would perform. • *”You love ships, you love the Crossfield.” “Who doesn’t?”* Buddy…. • Rayner has to stick a chroniton stabilizer into a field of accelerated time protecting the time bug with his bare hand for some reason, causing the appendage to age rapidly. Picard accidentally stuck his hand in “Timescape”.

    Star Trek USSBurritoTruck 5 months ago 95%
    Canon Connections: DIS 5x03 - Jinaal

    • We will learn that the episode title, “Jinaal”, is a character’s name. Trek has had several episodes where the title was simply a character’s name:     • “Charlie X”     • “Miri”     • “Bem”     • “Sarek”     • “Ensign Ro”     • “Aquiel”     • “Dax”     • “Melora”     • “Jetrel”     • “Shakaar”     • “Tuvix”     • “Alice”     • “Rajiin”     • “Su’kal”     • “Vöx”     • Tangentially, the season four VOY episode “One” does not share it’s name with the Borg drone named One; that episode was called “Drone” and was part of season five. • We see assembled outside of Federation HQ:     • *USS Discovery A* - Crossfield-class refit     • Two Saturn-class starships     • A Friendship-class starship     • *USS Nobel*, NCC-325002 - 32nd century Constitution-class; first seen in “That Hope is You, Part 2”     • An unnamed 32nd century Constitution-class starship     • A Courage-class starship     • A Mars-class starship     • A starship of the same class as the *USS Dresselhaus*     • *USS Locherer*, NCC-325062 - Merian-class; named for J.P. Locherer, a cinematographer credited on every episode of seasons two, three, and four of DIS, who passed away in 2022.     • There is a shuttle type that I don’t believe we’ve seen before flying between ships as well. • The Emerald Chain was the primary antagonist of DIS season three. • *”Have you tried Vulcan meditation yet? Helped you as a kid.”* Culber is reminding anyone in the audience who may have forgotten that despite being human, Burnham was raised on Vulcan, as established in the series premiere, “The Vulcan Hello”.     • When Burnham does attempt Vulcan meditation, she holds her palms together, fingers apart in the position of the Vulcan salute. Spock held his hands the same way while meditating in “Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan”. • Tilly claims that Trill is, *”A very big planet,”* citing its surface area of 500 million km²; Earth has a surface area of 510.1 million km². • Adira says of the Bix symbiont, *”It would be unusual for one to live 800 years, but not completely unheard of.”* Adira is host to the Tal symbiont, one of whose former hosts appeared to be a Starfleet captain, shown in “Forget Me Not” wearing the uniform introduced after 2382, and phased out by 2401, some 790 years before this episode. • Rayner has taken a demotion to commander from the previous episode, where he was still a captain. At least until Admiral Vance asked him to voluntarily retire. • Lieutenant Arav has been aboard the *Discovery* since the season one episode, “Context Is for Kings”, but this is the first time the character has been named. • It’s Jett Reno! From Star Trek! Jett is played by Tig Notaro. • Jett keeps her collar open, and the closure is bisected in half, but when we see Culber with his collar open, the closure remains a single piece.     • The uniform the Ferengi bartender wears does not have a collar at all. • Raktajino is a Klingon coffee, first mentioned in “Dax” • Guardian Xi was introduced in “Forget Me Not”. He has been portrayed by Andreas Apergis. • The Caves of Mak’ala were introduced in “Equilibrium”.     • Some of the stalagmites in the cave bear a striking resemblance to the rock Kirk used as a weapon in “What Are Little Girls Made Of?” • Hey, it’s Gray! From Star Trek! Gray is played by Ian Alexander. • The Zhian’tara is a Trill ritual where the mind of a former Trill host is transferred into the body of another person so they may communicate directly with the current host, as seen in “Facets”. • The favinit is a plant native to Vulcan. Tuvok showed Janeway a a hybrid he made using a favinit and an orchid in “Alliances”. • The Vulcan purists are an isolationist faction on Ni’Var introduced in “Unification III” • A cabrodine explosive was used to destroy Keiko O’Brien’s school aboard Deep Space 9 in “In the Hands of the Prophets”. • Jinaal mentions the Dominion war, which puts the timeframe in which he and the other scientists decided to hide the Progenitor’s technology sometime from 2373 to 2375. • *”Something about the curves of a 23rd century Constitution-class just gets me.”* Rhys’ sentiment echoes across centuries, in “The Bounty” Jack Crusher claimed, *“I’m definitely a Constitution-class man.” • The Dakalan bore worm was a concern for the crew of the *NX-01* in “Rogue Planet”. • Tongo is a Ferengi game introduced in “Rules of Acquisition”. • We learn Nilsson has been reassigned to the *USS Voyager J*. Nilsson was introduced in season two played by Sara Mitich, who also played Airiam in season one. • Nilsson apparently gave Christopher her pet tribble. In season one, Lorca had a tribble in his ready room, and in season four, there was an unattended tribble in the corridors of *Discovery* in “Kobayashi Maru”. • *”Last time I did this, they have me chips.”* Reno is presumably referring to her interrogation upon the *Discovery* locating Federation HQ in “Die Trying”. • *”We literally used to be connected.”* After his death, seen in “Forget Me Not”, Gray lived on as part of the Tal symbiont in Adira until his consciousness was transferred into a synth golem body in “Choose to Live”. • *”It’s really pissed off.” “We didn’t need empathy powers to tell us that.”* The coffin turning over that the episode briefly cuts to appears to be that of Deanna Troi, ship’s counselor aboard the *USS Enterprise D*, and the *USS Titan*. • Slug-o-Cola is a Ferengi beverage, introduced in “Profit and Lace”. The bottle the bartender pours for Tilly features the 32nd century Ferengi Alliance emblem from “...But to Connect”. • This is the first time we’ve heard the name Red’s used for the *Discovery A*’s piano lounge. • The Tzenkethi have never been seen on screen, only mentioned in dialogue. First in “The Adversary” where we learn they had a conflict with the Federation that Captain Sisko fought in.     • Beta canon sources are remarkably inconsistent about the depiction of the Tzenkethi, though Robert Hewitt Wolfe, co-writer of “The Adversary”, envisioned them as *”heavily-armoured lizard things.”*       • In the “Infinite Bureaucracy” from the “Strange New Worlds VII” anthology of short stories, they are described as being catlike, similar to the Kzinti.       • In the Typhon Pact novels the Tzenkethi are tall, attractive humanoids with a wide range of pigmentation, who have fluid filled sacs instead of bones.       • “Star Trek Online” shows Tzenkethi characters as being stocky, four armed salamander like beings.       • The recent IDW “Star Trek” ongoing series had the Tzenkethi very recently appear to be large, bipedal dinosaurs.     • I mention all this only to express the hope that if we actually get an on screen Tzenkethi in the upcoming episode, it does not resemble any of the previous depictions. Or the dinoaurs.

    Star Trek USSBurritoTruck 5 months ago 100%
    Canon Connections: DIS 5x02 - Under the Twin Moons

    • Burnham records the stardate as 866274.3 in her personal log. • Burnham has the recording of the projection of the Progenitor from “The Chase” displayed in her quarters. • As with season four, it appears that aliens serving Starfleet, specifically the ones whom you would except to have hands notably different from a human’s based on their facial features, wear gloves. Apparently this mandate extends to the admiralty, as we see the Deakohn admiral here covering the shameful monstrosities we can only assume his digits to be. • In addition to the *USS Discovery A* and the *USS Antares*, congregating around Federation Headquarters at various points we see:     • Three Eisenberg-class starships     • Two Courage-class starships     • Two Constitution-class starships     • Two Merian-class starship     • Three Friendship-class starship     • A Saturn-class starship     • A Mars-class starship • It’s grudge! From Star Trek! • We learn that Lyrek is a burial world that was used by the Promellians prior to their extinction. Promellians first appeared in “Booby Trap”. • *”The last recorded exploration was over a century before Doctor Vellek was even born.”* That does potentially raise the question of how Burnham would have been so familiar with Lyrek in the previous episode, though of course she and most of the rest of the *Discovery* crew might have been alive before Doctor Vellek’s birth. • Saru reveals that it was Jett Reno who gave him the nickname *”Action Saru,”* which only makes the fact that we’ve yet to see Reno this season all the more galling. • *”I remember the day you came aboard* Discovery. *A mutineer. A prisoner. You seemed exactly the wrong choice.”* Saru seems to be overlooking the fact that he knew Burnham prior to her mutiny and imprisonment, as seen in the series premiere, “The Vulcan Hello”. • Saru implies to Burnham that she should consider making Book the new first officer on *Discovery*. Book is not a part of Starfleet or any other similar hierarchical organization. Presumably Saru makes the suggestion so that his own choice of ensign Tilly as his first officer in “Unification III” is no longer the wildest choice of in the history of Starfleet.     • Presumably Book could be given field commission, as Chakotay was in “The Caretaker”. • Adira laments being separated from their boyfriend, Gray who almost immediately booked it off *Discovery* in “But to Connect…” after his consciousness was transferred out of the Tal symbiont and into a synth gollum in “Choose to Live”. • On Lyrek, Burnham and Saru encounter parts of statues, including heads that have features similar to the Promellian captain whose log was seen in “Booby Trap”, but the statues have four eyes whereas Promellians only have two. • The Promellian statues launch flying drones that set to attacking Burnham and Saru. The crew of the *USS Enterprise D* were also attacked in a jungle by the flying drones of a dead civilization in “The Arsenal of Freedom”. • *”Tilly, we’re losing our foot!”* Burnham is referring to a bit of shelter she and Saru have taken cover under. Nog lost an actual food in “The Siege of AR-558”. • Lang-cycle fusion engines were established as being a feature of Promellian battle cruisers in “Booby Trap”. • It was established in “Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum” that Kelpiens are stronger, and faster than humans. • We’ve previously seen Saru’s quills stab into a wall, or incapacitate a human, but this is the first time we’ve seem them projected with enough force to obliterate a machine. • The fact that Kelpien visual acuity allows them to see things outside the range available to humans was seen in “Brother”. • Burnham and Saru both recognise a type of Romulan poem called a revlav. Burnham and Saru also both come from a time in Starfleet’s history when the Romulans were known to the Federation only as a mysterious enemy. • *”Diary’s Romulan; Federation’s got no claim to it.”* it was established in “Unification III” that the Romulans had reunified with the Vulcans at some point during the in the past, and in “All Is Possible” Ni’Var rejoined the Federation. • Romulan homes having a false front door was established in “The End is the Beginning”. • Zora uses programmable matter to create a physical copy the symbol from Doctor Vellek’s diary. This physical version is the one seen in the opening sequence this season. • Book explained that he got his name from his mentor, the previous Cleveland Booker, in “Species Ten-C”, who was also apparently Moll’s father.     • *”Which, I suppose, makes her the closest thing to family I’ve got left.”* Book’s Kwejian family was killed in “Kobayashi Maru”. • Saru’s pruning knife was a gift from his sister in “The Brightest Star”. • Saru recounts his experience going through Keplein puberty, vahar’ai, in “An Obal for Charon”. • Saru told Tilly to avoid touching the swampkelp while it was in bloom in “Choose to Live”.
