collapse collapse of the old society Raw Milk and the Collapse of Consensus Reality | how the "debate" over killing bacteria in milk is emblematic of the end of common ground
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 2 weeks ago 50%

    You left out the pus bacteria from milking machines.

  • politics politics Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Lashes Out at 'Predatory' Jill Stein
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 2 weeks ago 100%

    We may be doing a lot of choosing the lesser evil but gd there is such a huge margin between them right now. I am not willing to give a rapist traitor a 2nd chance to damage the country more than he already did. Hell I expect him to try and pull off something right on election day and if not that a Jan 6th 2.0 right after it. Putting the country into a civil war would not bother the diaper wearing orange shit sandwich in the slightest.

    I will not at all be shocked if republicans under trumps command try to push election certification to the house while complaining of fraud that didn't happen.

  • science_memes Science Memes Curse of Knowledge
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 3 weeks ago 100%

    It's a cork screw eh?

  • lemmyworld Lemmy.World Announcements Moderation conflict involving c/vegan
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 3 weeks ago 70%

    Someone linked the mod log. I read it and totally looks like echo chamber to me. You tow the line or you get removed. Did that admin open a can of worms step in doodoo and track it through the house instance making a mess? Yup. But the pot is calling the kettle black when it cries about the censorship aspect. These seem like folks that belong on reddit or their own instance because its the personal kingdom of the mods being encroached on that is their real problem.

    The rest of admins are now trying to navigate this mess and no matter what they chose to do a large chunk of thier userbase is going to be unhappy. As far as I can see this was the least damaging way they could move on. There simply is no good ending to this, just a least bad one.

    Ed: I've seen your voting patterns kids, your dissaproval of this post means nothing to me. I have no respect for people who purity test thier own social group.

  • lemmyworld Lemmy.World Announcements Moderation conflict involving c/vegan
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 3 weeks ago 87%

    Wow that modlog is pretty eye opening, big echo chamber vibes.

  • news News Racism Is Why Trump Is So Popular
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 1 month ago 100%

    Yeah, coz every accusation from them is a projection if some type.

  • news News Racism Is Why Trump Is So Popular
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 1 month ago 100%

    Even when you do manage to get one to think and realize the truth their peer group will come down on them HARD for "falling for leftist propaganda" and they will 180 immediately.

  • news News Racism Is Why Trump Is So Popular
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 1 month ago 90%

    They fear becoming a minority.

    They operate under the false beliefs that they already are and that "the libs" bring in foreigners to tilt the vote (which is litteraly not possible) and then "those people get free everything" to feed further into racism. The imaginary bussed in people can't vote or get benefits but thier social circle says so and thats all they need to believe and repeat it.

    The triangle of rhetoric is appeal to authority, appeal to emotion, appeal to logic. They don't accept any of it thay didn't come from within thier social group so there is no convinving them and that is why Tronald Dump can say he could shoot somebody on 5th avenue and have them call it fake news despite being recorded.

    (Edit x 5 :Why oh why can't spellcheck just work?)

  • comicstrips Comic Strips Linux processes
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 1 month ago 100%

    Mariadb did it with the candlestick in the library.

  • technology Technology Microsoft says Delta’s ancient IT explains long outage after CrowdStrike snafu
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 1 month ago 66%
  • technology Technology Microsoft says Delta’s ancient IT explains long outage after CrowdStrike snafu
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 1 month ago 80%

    Theres not fixing what ain't broke and there is refusing to budget to move on when needed. There are a lot of ifs and assumptions in your reply trying to put me in my place here. Old software that won't run on anything modern becomes a recipe for disaster when said hardware breaks down and can't be replaced with anything that functions.

    Fuck it lets see if all 3 of my replies can get to negative 3 digits: none of this matters because the original problem was pretty damm easy to fix but here I am taking shit on social media for saying so.

    P.s. in medical client sitiations there are compliance laws involved, and I keep seeing hospitals and practices not meet them until they start eating fines because they want to use every machine till it literly falls apart.

  • technology Technology Reddit CEO teases AI search features and paid subreddits
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 1 month ago 100%

    Remember when they tried to pretend he was not really involved? And then the time the removed his name? Insert pepperage farm meme graphic.

  • technology Technology Reddit CEO teases AI search features and paid subreddits
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 1 month ago 66%

    I felt that way till the influx of redditors came to get their little dopamine kicks via the rate buttons and bickering on bs topics.

  • technology Technology Reddit CEO teases AI search features and paid subreddits
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 1 month ago 100%

    "Reddit CEO teases new ways to damage and eventually kill Reddit"

  • technology Technology Microsoft says Delta’s ancient IT explains long outage after CrowdStrike snafu
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 1 month ago 33%

    I know my industry thanks. I've over a decade of experiance in sizable complex organizations. You know who really likes to cling to outdated hardware and software? Hopefully this scares you because it should: medical organizations.

    What the IT people did (and what others claimed was done) during this fiasco was objectively worse than the actual fix but everyone in this thread just isn't happy that I didn't join them in shitting on microsoft. This is where lemmy shows that its users are becoming more like reddit users every day. Or don't know what /s means.

    Hopefully none of those systems were exposed to anything internet facing for obvious reasons, but given the shear incompetance observed I wouldn't be surprised.

  • technology Technology Microsoft says Delta’s ancient IT explains long outage after CrowdStrike snafu
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 1 month ago 18%


    It was what crowdstrike themselves told us to do!!!! but I get bad faith questions assumptions and exaggerations out of people allegedly in my field here on Lemmy. Bullshit. You clowns belonged back on reddit. You are the worst kind of people.

  • technology Technology Parody site ClownStrike refused to bow to CrowdStrike’s bogus DMCA takedown
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 1 month ago 100%

    The only real use of trademark I could find was actually on the twitter account clownstrike took a picture of, unless they seriously want to try and tell is they think the name could be confused for theirs with a straight face.

  • technology Technology Parody site ClownStrike refused to bow to CrowdStrike’s bogus DMCA takedown
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 1 month ago 87%

    Copyright assholes got a seat at the table when it was being drafted everyone else was given the finger. Its designed to be easily abused. Accidently on purpose, if you get me.

  • technology Technology JPEG is Dying - And that's a bad thing | 2kliksphilip
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 1 month ago 100%

    Hell old MSs penalty was giving free licenses in markets it never had a grip on, so its "lock 'em in!" model meant the "penalty" benefited them!

  • technology Technology Does everyone hate Google now? | Google's story over the last two decades has been a tale as old as time: enshittification for growth
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 1 month ago 100%

    Its worse in that to see the content I want I need MULTIPLE subscriptions that add up to more than cables cost ...or I can sail the high seas once more. I've cancellled everything except amazon because I save enough on shipping to justify it (mostly heavy items)

  • technology Technology uBlock Origin developer recommends switching to Firefox as Chrome flags the extension
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 2 months ago 96%

    Sounds about right for any news outlet. "Slams" is so overused, and usually nowhere near an accurate euphamism.

  • news News Three courts agree that a woman deemed wrongfully convicted should be freed. She still isn't
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 2 months ago 100%

    I think that attorney general should have to walk in her shoes for a bit and then have someone hold up his release

  • greentext > Greentext Anon thinks about Google
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 3 months ago 93%

    Not even gmail.. They turned that to shit years ago.

  • technology Technology Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 3 months ago 100%

  • thesimpsons The Simpsons Guess the Episode [Genius at Work]
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 3 months ago 100%
  • 196 196 TOPPED RULE
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 3 months ago 100%

  • news News The US needs to build 2 million houses to revive the American dream of homeownership
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 3 months ago 100%

    "The US needs to reclaim 2 million houses from firms to revive the American dream of homeownership"

    Fixed. The housing exists, it's just bought up so you can't have it because they want more profit.

    Also fck HOAs and the horse they road in on.

  • technology Technology Google Cloud accidentally deletes a financial institution account due to ‘unprecedented misconfiguration’
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 4 months ago 100%

    It has 100% happened before and just never been admitted to. I have both 1st hand dealt with the aftermath and heard from other smaller companies about it. I work at medium sized MSP and disaster recovery is in my wheelhouse.

  • memes memes I am taking Stick
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 5 months ago 100%

    Stickalibur. You are now the one true king of a small wooded area.

  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 5 months ago 100%

    Holds up "Dwarf planets matter" protest sign

  • politicalmemes Political Memes Why would she tweet that?! We're so effed...
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 5 months ago 100%

    Need to get to get the money out of politics. Theres so much corruption finding the starting point is dounting but I think a good start is heavy participation in getting rid of our worst senators and maybe making a real chance at undoing the damage of all the legalized bribery. Then maybe, just maybe, we can start to make real change happen.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes Why would she tweet that?! We're so effed...
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 5 months ago 77%

    Vote for 100% hitler or 90% hitler, or don't vote and actually get double hitler. What a system 'murica has.

  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 5 months ago 100%

    Speaking from experience giving the loudest users real time access to your sanity isn't great either. Better to corral them into a slower mode of communication, such as an old fashion forum or use githubs "discussions" feature. Then you can spend your weekend on unwinding without a bunch of kids screeching that they've been ignored because you missed some message that was checks notes 200 paragraphs of back scrolling.

    p.s. its 1000x worse when you inherit this kind of "community" from someone before you who let the monkeys do whatever. All I can say is thank god discord has that slow-mode feature now.

  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 5 months ago 100%

    so would it be like the god of gits or a god that is a git? asking for a friend dumb git

  • politics politics Emergency rooms refused to treat pregnant women, leaving one to miscarry in a lobby restroom
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 5 months ago 100%

    Church and state was where we really needed a wall, not Mexico

  • 196 196 Astrology Rule
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 5 months ago 100%

    Headcanon: "Adam West" is the only real batman. He retired to Quohog and all the others are paid by Alfred to keep the gotham criminals afraid of coming back after Bruces tbi during his final day in the batsuit.

  • privacy Privacy Reddit started blocking VPN users on
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 6 months ago 100%

    Fck reddit. We have lemmy. Let reddit rot.

  • gaming Gaming Critically acclaimed Dragon's Dogma 2 hits "mostly negative" on Steam after players raze it for microtransactions
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 6 months ago 100%


    Publisher deserves it for this bs.

    There is a reason the things being microtran'd are silly too: to try and ease the player into the idea of these being normal and ok. Sure you can get itemX an hour into the game. This time.

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor What are developers in different languages known as?
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 6 months ago 100%

    Usually some excuse about being more accessible from someone that just doesn't want to leave their own comfort zone - non professionals playing at being professional after coming across our github. See also: complaints about not having an installer download (strictly clone and build)

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor What are developers in different languages known as?
  • TeoTwawki TeoTwawki 6 months ago 85%

    C#itheads - those are the guys that show up to the emulation project I work on insisting we would drastically improve by nuclear rewriting millions of lines of code into c# (or another language occasionaly).

    It's a 20ish yrs old c++ program, we're never doing it but someone will show up trying to push the topic every couple of months.

  • finalfantasy
    Final Fantasy TeoTwawki 1 year ago 100%
    These retcons are getting out of hand

    Ok the retcons are going to far! ![Aerith with a steel chair]( /s
