nyheder Nyheder Malene opgav at vente på en tid ved psykiater i det offentlige og har selv betalt 20.000 kroner for en udredning
  • TDCN TDCN 2 days ago 100%

    I det private er der mulighed for at få tider. Fik selv til i løbet af 3-4 uger for lidt under et år siden. Så ja synes det lyder lidt underligt. Hvis det så virkelig er der mangler psykiatere så skulle man måske kigge på at få uddannet nogle flere eller afhjælpe dem ved at egen læge kan hjælpe med at screene bedre eller lave nogle indledende samtaler mens man venter så det ligger klar til psykiateren. Brugte selv tid på at udfylde skemaer og tests som min egen læge sagtens kunne have ordnet og sendt videre men i stedet skulle jeg lave dem begge steder (lidt forskellige men næsten det samme) hvilket jo er lidt dumt

  • nyheder Nyheder Malene opgav at vente på en tid ved psykiater i det offentlige og har selv betalt 20.000 kroner for en udredning
  • TDCN TDCN 2 days ago 100%

    Som en der selv har været igennem møllen via privat sundhedsforsikring føler jeg virkelig for alle dem som ikke er ligeså priviligerede. Den danske offentlige psykiatri er til grin, og staten burde skamme sig.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearNY
    Nyheder TDCN 2 days ago 92%
    Malene opgav at vente på en tid ved psykiater i det offentlige og har selv betalt 20.000 kroner for en udredning www.dr.dk
    adhd ADHD memes Highly enjoyable things require concentration too
  • TDCN TDCN 2 days ago 100%

    It's good to hear you get help. This story just speaks volumes to how important it is to get help as early as possible and to learn to drop the mask and let go when you need to. Wish you the best.

  • adhd ADHD memes Highly enjoyable things require concentration too
  • TDCN TDCN 2 days ago 100%

    Definitely try again. I had a stupid doctor as well and it took me way too long to change it and get proper help. I was so depressed and really bad when I finally got my shit together over 2 years later. I begged for help and told my girlfriend to please not let me slide out of this.

    Let me be your push to try again, because everyone deserves help and to be taken seriously. You NEED to go again and insist. Don't budge. Be the "worst side of yourself" and by that I mean don't try to hide anything. There's no reason to try and appear strong and "well functioning" towards your doctor like you are probably used to doing for everyone else. Tell your doctor about every small little detail of your life that is inhibing you, and tell about all the stupid small stuff you do that you probably barely even notice yourself, like constant fidgeting or thought processes flying crazy for no reason or whatever it might be in your case.

    Let the hyperfocus consume you towards getting help😄 and I mean that in the best way possible.

    I've been there myself and in hindsight I wish someone would have pushed me harder to go get help and insisted I should not give up..

  • adhd ADHD memes Highly enjoyable things require concentration too
  • TDCN TDCN 2 days ago 100%

    Sounds like it could be too high a dose if you get jittery, been there at 30-40mg but 20mg + 10mg both extended release later in the day works really well for me.

    Remember that the way Ritalin (methylphenidate) works is not by boosting dopamin but rather slow down dopamin uptake. You still need to create the first "spark of dopamin" yourself that then slowly snowballs itself stronger. I'd say you need to take it at least a few days to weeks to see an effect and learn how it affects you. Start at just 10 to 20mg. Otherwise try another variation of methylphenidate like concerta or medikinet.

  • nyheder Nyheder Minister lovede hjælp i Gitta-sag [boligejer der skulle indsamle skat fra naboer]: I stedet får hun nu en ny kæmperegning for 13 naboer
  • TDCN TDCN 2 days ago 100%

    Jeg tror computersystemer har lammet folk til ikke at kunne gøre noget medmindre det er i systemet og det er ærgerligt, og det siger jeg som softwareudvikler.

    Jeg tror at en del af grunden er, at systemerne er blevet meget komplekse og kun et ekstremt fåtal af mennesker besidder faktisk evnerne til at gå ind og rette systemerne men samme fåtal af personer har ikke mandat til faktisk at ændre det. Dem som så har mandat til at lave ændringerne, ledere og bestyrelsen, besidder ofte absolut ingen it evner. Et sådan setup slår totalt knude på sig selv da lederne så heller ikke kan formulere en ordenlig URS hvorfor vi så får systemer som ikke opfører sig hensigtsmæssigt.

  • adhd ADHD memes Highly enjoyable things require concentration too
  • TDCN TDCN 2 days ago 90%

    Have you talked with a psychiatrist and gotten a diagnosis yet? That's a good step to take towards helping yourself, but start with your own doctor of you haven't already, and get a referral (or however it works in your country). If you have ADHD it's often that the brain is underestimated hence stimulants work wonders for ADHD to get the brain knocked back on track. You'd probably need to try a variety of stimulants to find what works for you even within the same family of stimulants like release times and brands, small variations can make you react differently.

    I wish you the best and hope you'll find something that works. This forum is a great source of help and motivation.

  • adhd ADHD memes Highly enjoyable things require concentration too
  • TDCN TDCN 2 days ago 96%

    Stimulants.... Or lots of coffee... I mean loooots of coffee

  • futurology Futurology The Auto Industry Finally Has a Plan to Stop Electric Vehicle Fires
  • TDCN TDCN 4 days ago 100%
  • adhd ADHD Hate Myself So Much
  • TDCN TDCN 5 days ago 100%

    Hey, you are okay as you are. Thanks for sharing because that's a really important skill to have.

    You sound depressed or maybe just a moment of weaknes is flowing over you, but in any case it's always good to talk to your doctor about it. If you don't like your doctor get a new one. I have before stayed too long with a bad doctor and it was a revelation when I moved house and was forced to change. Having a good doctor to talk to about depression, ADHD and mental health is just so important, and a great help.

    I hope you'll feel better soon. Stay safe.

  • teknologi Teknologi Neither Elon Musk Nor Anybody Else Will Ever Colonize Mars | Defector
  • TDCN TDCN 6 days ago 66%

    Underfladfisk base... Okay, den er godkendt 😆

  • linux Linux What Linux distro surprised you the most?
  • TDCN TDCN 1 week ago 100%

    Debian. Since so many distros are based of it I always thought of it to be a stripped down, minimal and basic distro, but after daily driving for a year now in suprised how feature complete and pleasent it is out of the box with kde DE.

  • diy DIY Making DIY cat litter
  • TDCN TDCN 2 weeks ago 100%

    What's the function of the baking soda? Disinfectant?

  • fedditdk Feddit.dk Feddit.dk har, overraskende nok, de to mest opduttede kommentarer fra alle Lemmy-instanser
  • TDCN TDCN 2 weeks ago 100%

    Synes også jeg fik godt med opdutter på den kommentar :D var dog ikke klar over at det var noget specielt.

  • adhd ADHD Best Apple Ecosystem app for To Dos and reminders for our particular neurodivergent use case?
  • TDCN TDCN 2 weeks ago 100%

    I love using Trello. Its cross platform. It really helps organising my work. I have a few boards for diferent types of work and it is so far the tool I've stuck with the longest compared to many othe apps and paper note books I've used. Its free tear plan is plenty for home use and you dont need the pro plan. I love how you can automate things you automatically move, create, color or delete tasks. If you need tips on how to get started let me know and I can show how I do it.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Whats on your USB stick? Looking for recommendations for handy tools
  • TDCN TDCN 2 weeks ago 100%

    What's on my USB stick you ask... A bunch of random shit I haven't touched for 8 years so I have no idea what it is and it's probably outdated, but I'd be damned if that usb stick is not In my keychain because "I might need it one day"

  • nyheder Nyheder Politiet har igen og igen sat stopper for nye hastighedsgrænser: Nu skal det være slut
  • TDCN TDCN 2 weeks ago 100%

    Fedt. Nogen som ved hvordan det fungere i f.eks Holland? De har enormt meget fokus på trafiksikkerhed, men hvem bestemmer standarderne brugt?

  • spoergsmaal_og_svar Spørgsmål og Svar Tror i Danmark nogensinde kunne indføre "approval voting"? Hvad ville det have af konsekvenser?
  • TDCN TDCN 2 weeks ago 100%

    Det jeg er mest træt af ved den nuværende model er den måde partierne danner regering efter valget. Det parti som har flest stemmer kommer ikke nødvendigvis i regering. En række mindre populære partier kan derefter gå sammen og danne regering uden om vælgernes egentlig preferencer. Det er nok det som pisser mig mest af. Approval stemme er måske en måde at løse det på, men skal vi så altid have et parti regeringer? Lige så irriterende som der er (som jeg lige har beskrevet) lige så spændene kan det være at partier går sammen. Hvis vi har approval stemme skal det så f.eks. være de 3 største som bliver tvunget til at lave regering sammen? På den måde tvinges de til at indgå kompromiser som reelt kommer alle tilgode. Lidt ligesom en 3-parts aftale.

  • cat cats Hank photobombed
  • TDCN TDCN 3 weeks ago 100%

    No no he didn't.... He photoimproved.

  • teknologi Teknologi End-to-end kryptering kan altså ikke brydes
  • TDCN TDCN 3 weeks ago 100%

    Ej hvor er det en smart løsning. Vi burde have noget tilsvarende implementeret i netbanken så man ikke behøver at bruge tid på at logge ind hele tiden med både NemID og HTTPS og al det der. Kan man ikke bare krydse af at man kun vil flytte sine egne penge og ikke andres og så hvis man er kriminel så skal man bare vinge af at pengene ikke er ens egne. Det vil være så meget nemmere for for både almindelige borgere, kriminelle og politiet.

    ((/s altså helt ærligt ))

  • teknologi Teknologi End-to-end kryptering kan altså ikke brydes
  • TDCN TDCN 3 weeks ago 100%

    Jammen det er jo nemt nok, det er jo kun de kriminelle hvis kryptering skal kunne brydes ind i. Det er jo for vores alles sikkerhed at de kriminelle ikke kan kommunikere hemmeligt. Så længe du ikke er kriminel så behøver du slet ikke kryptering.

    /s hvis nogen skulle være i tvivl....

  • nyheder Nyheder Kommuner tjener mere end nogensinde på parkering
  • TDCN TDCN 3 weeks ago 100%

    Business case: kommunen sætter prisen til 10.000 kr om måneden for at parkere. Beboere der er afhængige af deres bil er nu enten nødt til at betale mega dyrt eller flytte væk. Jeg tror simpelthen ikke at kommunerne kan styrte sig. Bare se hvad der er sket i Ørestad hvor det hele er drevet af ByogHavn. Der koster mange steder 1500 kr om måneden at parkere og du har ikke en gang en reserveret plads til den pris.

  • nyheder Nyheder Helt særligt træ skal bruges til genopbygningen af Børsen
  • TDCN TDCN 4 weeks ago 100%

    Helt enig. Synes at vi bør værne lige så meget om gammel natur som gamle bygninger. Moderniser det i stedet og lav det af nyere materialer som evt symbolisere genopbyggelsen og vores moderne tidsalder. Lav det i glas, rustfrit stål, aluminium, bronze, genbrugstømmer, nylon eller et eller andet mere kreativt end precis det samme gamle.

  • adhd ADHD memes crowded conversation [Admiral Wonderboat]
  • TDCN TDCN 4 weeks ago 100%

    If only I knew that this is not normal 20 years ago I would have been a different place today. So many internal conflicting voices/thoughts and it's fucking constant.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Small VPN Access Device?
  • TDCN TDCN 1 month ago 100%

    Here's an idea. Use a mikrotik router board. They are super cheap and support VPN natively. I use wireguard but it should also support openVPN as well. Maybe more I'm not sure. The small hap series are super cheap and works great.

  • fedditdk Feddit.dk Hvis du ikke kan se ugetrådene (Fri snak fredag, mandagstrådene osv) så gå ind i indstillinger og slå "Show Bot Accounts" til
  • TDCN TDCN 1 month ago 100%

    Det vil være en god mulighed også. Især for nykommende brugere som måske ikke lige ved hvordan man skal indstille alting.

  • fedditdk Feddit.dk Hvis du ikke kan se ugetrådene (Fri snak fredag, mandagstrådene osv) så gå ind i indstillinger og slå "Show Bot Accounts" til
  • TDCN TDCN 1 month ago 100%

    Er der en feature request på Lemmy for at kunne whiteliste robot brugere istedet for kun at kunne blackliste dem en ad gangen som det er nu? Ellers skulle vi måske oprette en feature request?

  • foodporn FoodPorn Homemade rye bread
  • TDCN TDCN 1 month ago 100%

    As a Dane I can approve. Looks great.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Router died - Replacement/solution recommendations
  • TDCN TDCN 1 month ago 75%

    Mikrotik all the way. But prepare yourself for a nice steep learning curve, but now that om past that i sware by it. Super fast and infinity configurable. The entire router configuration can be exported as a txt file and imported in seconds so if it breaks just get a new one and load up your config and you are good to go. Also the forums are a gold mine of information. What i love the most is just how fast it is. Setting take effect instantly. Also means it is extremely fast to lock yourself out of not careful. Again, steep learning curve but really good after that.

  • adhd ADHD The single most thing that improved your ADHD?
  • TDCN TDCN 1 month ago 100%

    Tbh. While Ritalin is high on this list, the single most life improving thing was to get my shit together and finally go talk to my doctor about it and get help from a psychiatrist. I begged my doctor to not just send me home and leave it up to myself to call the psychiatrist and I begged for her to force me to call back and verify I booked a time. My ADHD gives me anxiety if I break a promise so that finally did it for me by promesing to my doctor that I'll call back when I got the help. I safeguarded the hell out of the situation also with my girlfriend because I was so desperate for help and just could not get myself to do it alone. As I got started it got easier to keep going realy quickly because I got motivated, but oh boy was the beginning it all the hardest part of everything.

  • technology Technology SanDisk introduces the first 8TB SD and 4TB microSD cards - Liliputing
  • TDCN TDCN 1 month ago 100%

    Product idea: "water cooled micro SD card reader"

  • fedditdk Feddit.dk [2024-08-09] Fri snak fredag
  • TDCN TDCN 1 month ago 100%

    Årstiderne. Bestiller en kasse ca en gang om ugen og der koster ikke ekstra forsendelse at købe flere købmandsvarer med. Det er dog ikke billigt (35 kr for 200g) men jeg har ikke noget at sammenligne med da jeg ikke har prøvet det før.

  • fedditdk Feddit.dk [2024-08-09] Fri snak fredag
  • TDCN TDCN 1 month ago 100%

    Skal prøve at stege tempeh for første gang til aftensmaden i aften . Vil prøve at bruge det i en salat. Håber det bliver godt

    Opdatering: det blev ikke godt, men det er min egen fejl da jeg stødte der på panden ved for høj temperatur og mon soya marinade brankede og blev sur og bitter. Jeg må prøve igen en anden gang og måske følge en opskrift

  • fedditdk Feddit.dk [2024-08-09] Fri snak fredag
  • TDCN TDCN 1 month ago 100%

    Det er det mest forheksede jeg har set

  • TDCN TDCN 1 month ago 100%

    You just described my situation almost exactly. Huge life changer for me to get medication. My mood is so much better and my confidence in myself at work is better than ever. I can finally trust myself and my skills and push complex projects like never before because the depressive anxiety and constant stream og garbage noisy adhd thoughts isn't holding me back anymore. I track my mood on an app every single day from 0-6 and you can se on the graph exact what day i started the medication because it went from the average hovering around 3 to now hovering around 5 which is just such a good feeling. Best of luck to you and I'm happy to hear you found help as well.

    Edit, the app i use to track my mood is called daylio and works pretty good. Giving me good insight on my own mental health.

  • TDCN TDCN 1 month ago 100%

    It can manifest itself in the same way for men but it is usually then never discovered untill maybe much late in life when you have someone with depression and anxiety coming to the doctor's who may also miss the fact that it could be ADHD

  • lemmybread Lemmy Bread Recipe for traditional Danish rye bread [Rugbrød]
  • TDCN TDCN 2 months ago 100%

    All this feeding and preparing many hours before didn't really fit with my ADHD and I had initially no experience with bread making so I developed this method (after many failed attempts) instead to get nice consistent results since I was so sad I could never get good results. Now after I have made many successful breads and have a much better understanding of the principles I might take it up again and try a rye bread starter. But this recipe is foolproof for anyone to have succes so its a really good starting point while still being so good its better than most rye bread I've ever eaten.

  • lemmybread Lemmy Bread Recipe for traditional Danish rye bread [Rugbrød]
  • TDCN TDCN 2 months ago 100%

    This version is less tangy because i don't use sour dough. Traditionally rugbrød is made with sour dough, but I suck at keeping it alive and delicious and it had too much variability so I could never get a consistent result. This version of the recipe is easy to just throw together on a whim without any planning because it uses yeast. It stil has some sour taste from the lemon so if you still want to keep it simple but even more tangy you could try to double the lemon and reduce the water accordingly, or use a really sour buttermilk (expiration date is just a suggestion anyway... ).

    and yes 1dL is 100mL. it is very common in recipes here, but apparently not where you are from?

  • lemmybread Lemmy Bread Recipe for traditional Danish rye bread [Rugbrød]
  • TDCN TDCN 2 months ago 100%

    The perfect dad response to kids saying "IM HUNGRY!" in Denmark is "there's plenty of rugbrød in the kitchen" and the Danish version of "eat your vegetables" is "eat your rugbrød"

  • lemmybread
    Lemmy Bread TDCN 2 months ago 98%
    Recipe for traditional Danish rye bread [Rugbrød]

    Danish rye bread, known as "rugbrød," is a staple in Danish cuisine, renowned for its dense texture and rich, slightly tangy flavour. My recipe however is on the milder side and is probably more palatable to people from outside Denmark. This bread is packed with whole grains and seeds, making it not only delicious but also nutritious. Unlike lighter, airier wheat breads, Danish rye bread has a robust, chewy consistency that pairs perfectly with a variety of toppings. It's commonly enjoyed as an open-faced sandwich, topped with an array of ingredients such as cold cuts, cheeses, smoked fish, eggs, fresh vegetables, or simply just a good layer of butter. Whether for breakfast, lunch, or as a snack, Danish rye bread provides a satisfying and wholesome base for any meal. I hope this recipe will work for you, and please let me know if the bread doesn't turn out well, as the recipe always works perfectly for me every single time. I buy flour at the local discount food store, but I've used many different brands, and it still works just as well. Good luck and feel free to send pictures of your results. [Link to original post in danish](https://feddit.dk/post/6738641) # Everyday Rye Bread with Lots of Seeds ![](https://feddit.dk/pictrs/image/de9d8f11-9397-4b4f-b0b8-b0494bd8ab56.webp) ## Ingredients __the recipe is for a single loaf of rye bread fitting a 3L bread pan__ - 10 g fresh yeast (3g dry i think) - 3 dl buttermilk/kefir/yoghurt or whatever you have on hand. - 5 dl water - Juice of 1 lemon - 12g salt - 365 g rye kernels - 200 g wheat flour - 270 g rye flour - 315 g additional seeds, mix as you like, e.g. - 90g flaxseeds - 90g sunflower seeds - 90g walnuts - 45g chia seeds For the additional seeds, you can instead also use: - A handful of cranberries - Wheat kernels - Pearl barley - Chopped almonds - Hazelnuts - Oats ## Mixing Dissolve the yeast in the wet ingredients and then add the rest of the ingredients. Mix everything well for 10 minutes on the machine. If you don't have a mixer, you can stir it by hand in a large bowl with a wooden spoon/spatula. Then pour the dough directly into a [3-liter bread pan.](https://www.kunstogkokkentoj.dk/product/rugbroedsform-jern-non-stick?variant=056-001-30) After the dough is in the bread pan, smooth the surface with a wet spatula or fingers. If you like, you can sprinkle some seeds on top as decoration (I usually dont). ![](https://feddit.dk/pictrs/image/211802b7-c2a5-4e0f-83ea-577f2f0828ca.webp) ## Cold Rising Cover the bread pan with an 8L plastic bag and an elastic band, or use cling film. Place in the refrigerator for 12 - 24 hours. If you want to bake the same day, you can use about 15 g of yeast and let the dough rise at room temperature for about 2 hours instead, but be careful not to let the dough rise too much as it happens much faster than in the refrigerator. I generally discourage this as it gives the seeds and kernels less time to absorb the water. Cold rising in the fridge is preferable. ![](https://feddit.dk/pictrs/image/ef264c57-4e02-4892-9583-9351fc56067e.webp) ## Baking Take the bread out of the refrigerator 1-3 hours before it is to be baked so it can come to room temperature and finish rising. Keep an eye on the dough and see how quickly it rises, so you can preheat the oven in good time. When the dough is ready, it should preferably go straight into the oven. The dough is ready when there are 5-10 small pinhead-sized bubbles on the surface. This is not always visible as it depends a bit on the flour, but otherwise, 2 hours is usually enough. Generally don't let it stay for more than 2 hours, especially if you live in a hot climate. Preheat the oven to __180 degrees__ and put the bread in when it is ready. No fan. Place the bread on the very bottom rack, as low as possible. Bake the bread for about __1 hour 50 minutes__ or until the internal temperature of the bread is 96-98 degrees. **Take the bread out of the bread pan immediately after it has finished baking and let it cool on a rack** Remember that ovens can vary, so if the bread, feels a bit soft on the bottom side and slightly under baked, give it another 5-10 minutes in the oven but this time leave it out of the bread pan. If you feel like it takes significantly longer than 1 hour and 40-50 min to bake maybe your oven is a bit colder than mine so raise the temperature 5 degrees next time you bake. Wait with slicing and plastic baging the bread until it is completely cooled. It can take several hours. You can put a thin tea towel over it while it cools on the rack if you want a softer crust or to protect it a bit while cooling over night. Enjoy. ## Tips Mix the dough in the evening and put it in the refrigerator until the next day. Then you can take the bread out when you get home from work the next day and bake it durring the evening and have it cool down over night. When the bread is completely cooled, it can be sliced with a sharp knife (not serrated) and put in a bag in the freezer. When you want to use the bread, the frozen slices can easily be separated with a knife blade and a little push. The slices are toasted in the toaster and eaten warm. If the bread is sliced on a narrow cutting board, it is much easier to put in a bag as seen in the picture below. ![](https://feddit.dk/pictrs/image/2f0a608b-e826-4804-b55b-11b10a6707e8.webp) []()

    lemmybread Lemmy Bread Danish Homemade Rye Bread (Rugbrød)
  • TDCN TDCN 2 months ago 100%

    Thanks for sharing my recipe and making me aware of this Lemmy channel. I'll try to translate the recipe and post it here for everyone to try.

    The recipe post is now up!

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearNY
    Nyheder TDCN 2 months ago 100%
    Markant flere piger og unge kvinder får adhd-medicin www.dr.dk
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearNY
    Nyheder TDCN 2 months ago 100%
    Cyklistforbundet vil have farten i byerne ned på 30 kilometer i timen www.dr.dk
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearNY
    Nyheder TDCN 3 months ago 100%
    Danskerne skal preppe, men staten har ikke selv styr på beredskabet: ’Dybt bekymrende’ www.dr.dk
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearNY
    Nyheder TDCN 4 months ago 100%
    Et før-og-efter-billede af en plæne fik uventet reaktion: Sprøjter vi stadig græsset? www.dr.dk
    cats TDCN 5 months ago 99%
    The best part of moving house for a cat is the endless amount of cardboard boxes 😍 she's so happy.


    No Lawns TDCN 6 months ago 97%
    Help me design my new garden. I need ideas and inspiration.

    I hope these type of requests are allowed here. Otherwise just let me know and I'll remove my post. I'm soon moving to a new house and it has a little garden area of 5.5 m wide and 4.4m long. And surrounded by a tall hedge (that I don't want to remove) At the moment, as you can see on the pictures below, it's all tiled. I initially intended to remove about a third of the tiles and make a mos, clover and wild flowers lawn that my cat and dog can use now and then. Then maybe make some tall planteres for wild herbs from stacking the removed bricks up in a square and adding some wood planks. But now i got the idea of asking you guys if you have any better ideas for how to use this space for a little sanctuary for me and my pets. I'd love to see some inspiration, sketches or ideas from you on how i get more use out of this space. Maybe removing the tiles is not the best idea? I live in Denmark so the climate is a bit mixed. I'm not a big gardener type of person so something simple that mostly takes care of itself is ideal. Lavenders, sage, oniongrass types of herbs and Viola tricolor and wild flowers for easy and pretty colors. ![](https://feddit.dk/pictrs/image/46c4d664-a138-4866-88d0-1143d691a751.webp) ![](https://feddit.dk/pictrs/image/cab1532a-ce4e-4cb7-880d-5d4934f923dd.webp)

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearSP
    Spørgsmål og Svar TDCN 6 months ago 100%
    Kan jeg bruge min feddit konto på mastodon

    Beklager hvis dette er noget som er blevet spurgt om før, men som titlen siger: kan jeg bruge min konto her på feddit til at poste eller interagere med mastodon? Jeg ser ofte opslag her på lemmy postet fra mastodon, men forstår ikke helt hvordan det fungere og om det kan gå den anden vej også. Går jeg ind på mastodon.social står der tydeligt at jeg ikke kan logge ind her med en konto fra en anden instans, hvilket jeg forventede, men hvad gør jeg så? Hvis ikke man kan lige nu, er der så nogen som ved om det er noget der arbejdes på, så man måske snart kan? Jeg er nemlig ikke umiddelbart interesseret i at have flere konti spredt ud på andre instanser jeg ikke kender og er tryg med, men måske i kan overbevise mig om at det ikke betyder noget?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearFI
    Finans TDCN 6 months ago 100%
    Advokat til skattesag i Trekantsområdet

    Er der nogen som kender en god advokat til skattesager i Trekantsområdet I kan anbefale? Har en ven hvis far er kommet ud i et stort kaos hvor skat ikke har opkrævet korrekt skat helt tilbage i 2015 og står nu med en kæmpe regning på 150.000 kr som han slet ikke kan betale. Manden er snart pensionist (62) og får i øjeblikket kun 5-6 tusind udbetalt hver måned for hans taxakørsel (branchen går af lort fortiden). Han arbejder 10-12 timer om dagen og er totalt nedslidt og har gjort alt hvad han kan de sidste par år for at betale af på restgælden men kan knap betale de enorme renter som hele tiden kommer på. Af hvad jeg kan se lægger de op til 50% renter på hvert år eller også fatter vi slet ikke hvad de regninger består af. Ikke en gang hans revisor kan hitte ud af hvad de består af. Har har snart betalt mere i renter en hvad den oprindelige restgæld var på. Han har netop fået brev om at pantefogeden kommer om en måned og han er bange for at de sætter enten hans bil (hans levebrød) eller hus på tvang. Han ejer nærmest ingenting. Derfor har vi brug for en god advokat for føler virkelig han bliver røvrændt af skat/Gældsstyrelsen.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearFO
    Fotografier og Billeder TDCN 7 months ago 100%
    God fredag
    Coffee TDCN 7 months ago 94%
    Beautiful decaf mokka coffee from freshly grinded beans and lots of fresh warm milk. This is by far my favourite drink to have in the late afternoon. [update with recipe]

    A few of you asked for how to do it so here's my guide. This method gives me perfect coffee every time, but your milage may vary so don’t be afraid to experiment. Grind to filter coffe size or maybe a bit finer. Don’t go to espresso level or it’ll just clog the brewer and burn the coffee. It is generally not super sensitive to grind size so don’t worry too much. If in doubt go corser. Always, always weigh the coffe! I found that they are actually quite sensitive to the amount of coffe you put in. Ever since a started weighing the beans I’ve never had any issues with it. If you cannot get a nice consistent flow through the entire brew and it begins to sputter too early you most likely filled it too much. So rather than fiddle with the grind size, you should instead fill it a little less next time. This is why you must weigh the beans. I use 12-13g for the 2 cup that you see here, and 28-30g for the 6 cup version. If I go outside that range it won’t brew nicely. It’s that sensitive! Grind size does very little to change this Finally use hot water. This first of speed up the brew but also makes it easier to control the pressure inside. So pour hot/freshly boiled water in, assemble, and put on a low to medium heat with the lid open so you can see when the coffee comes. When the coffee starts to come through turn it down to low low heat to get a nice, slow and consistent flow. For the 2 cup version it’s about 15-30 seconds and for the big 6 cup version i think it’s about 40-90 seconds. I can’t remember exactly so don’t worry too much as long as it’s consistent and nice and slow. Pour the coffee immediately. Otherwise it’ll slowly burn and turn bitter in the hot brewer. If you want to share the portion stir it a bit first since its much stronger at the bottom. With this method i always get amazing coffee out of this little machine and i low it so much. The milk i just heated with the Bialetti electric milk foamer but a little pot and a whisk would do the same. Don't heat the milk too much. It should only be around 65 degrees or something like that or it changes the taste. For UHT treated milk i guess this doesn't matter. I hope this was helpful. So enjoy your coffee. Additional debugging steps: If you use a blade grinder: This is fine, and I’ve used one for years when I was a student and it worked just fine as well. You can grind pretty fine with that for the mokka pot. It's difficult to go too fine, but again, if on doubt go corser. Much more importantly is to avoid clumps. Blade grinders tends to make clumps so try to stir them out a bit with a needle/scewer or a very thin fork. Clumps causes channeling and easily makes it sputter and all the water goes through too fast since it cannot build the pressure needed to make a consistent flow. Clogging causes it to go really slow and sputter almost immediately and it seems like not all the water wants to go through. This is because it builds up too much heat and pressure so when the coffee passed through the coffee it's above 100C° so it instantly boils when it reaches the other side and gives a very harsh amd unpleasant taste. Oh I forgot to add. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD CLEAN YOU MOKKA POT WITH SOAP! Don't be fooled by what others are saying. It's not building up "flavour" it is literally old and rancid coffee "flavours" you are building up. So please please clean you pot with soap and a soft sponge every single time.

    FoodPorn TDCN 7 months ago 92%
    Homemade Turkish kumpir [filled baked potato with cheese]

    Kumpir is a traditional Turkish streetfood wich is based on a baked potato with cheese and toppings. In this case, the inside of the potato is mixed and mashed heavily with Gouda cheese and topped with olives, sweet corn, roasted sausage pieces, and salty pickles. Dressed with ketchup and mayo. Many different types of toppings exists, so very easy to make as you like.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearNY
    Nyheder TDCN 7 months ago 100%
    Storerejsedag: Ny fartkontrol på Storebæltsbroen møder kritik www.dr.dk
    flashlight TDCN 9 months ago 96%
    Walking the dog with my MT04

    It can certainly turn night into day

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearNY
    Nyheder TDCN 1 year ago 96%
    Fra næste år skal alle logge ind for at se DRTV www.dr.dk

    Er jeg den eneste der ikke synes at DR skal opbevare mine personlige oplysninger og have muligheden for at tracke alt hvad jeg ser. At tvinge folk til at oprette en konto er en ualmindelig dårlig ide. Kan virkelig ikke se fidusen i at tvinge et login. Det værste vil blive for folk med IT vanskeligheder så som ældre og svage der er ikke kan finde ud af at logge ind. Det kommer til at blive et helvede at forklare mine forældre at de skal oprette en konto sikkert med personlige oplysninger på for at se gratis indhold.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearSP
    Spørgsmål og Svar TDCN 1 year ago 100%
    bedste symaskine til begynder/let øvet

    Jeg vil gerne købe en symaskine som gave til min kæreste, men ved ikke hvad jeg skal vælge eller om div "bedst i test" er til at stole på. Derfor tænkte jeg at spøge jer nørder her om der er nogen som ved noget om hvad der dur og ikke dur. Min kæreste er begynder til let øvet i symamkine og jeg er på udkig efter noget i prisklassen 1000-2500 kr måske lidt mere. Har allerede kigget på denne her Husqvarna [husqvarna-viking-emerald-116](https://symaskinetorvet.dk/husqvarna-symaskiner/husqvarna-viking-emerald-116/) men den er også lidt dyr. Håber der er nogen som kan hjælpe.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearFE
    Feddit.dk TDCN 1 year ago 92%
    Hvad har I repareret i stedet for at smide ud? www.dr.dk

    I lyset af alle de nyheder, jeg ser på DR omkring klimaforandringer og reparation af ejendele, vil jeg gerne høre fra jer. Har I for nylig taget initiativ til at reparere noget derhjemme eller på arbejdspladsen i stedet for at smide det ud? Jeg har for eksempel selv på hjemmefronten stoppet sokker og karklude, så de holder mere end dobbelt så længe, og på arbejdet går jeg rigtig meget op i at genbruge elektronik. En gammel computerskærm kan blive til et dashboard eller en ekstra skærm ved siden af min hovedskærm. Jeg skiller også gamle automationsudstyr ad og genbruger knapper, PLC'er og motorer, som kun er nogle få år gamle. Fortæl og inspirer.

    Fuck Cars TDCN 1 year ago 94%
    I laugh at the Ford every time I see it. Today i got at chance to park next to it and the the size difference is comically large.

    One of these has definitely hauled more than the other, and i guarantee you it's not the ford.

    No Lawns TDCN 1 year ago 100%
    let the wild fowlers come

    Hi nolawn. I just wanted to show my tiny little home project that is to allow the wild flowers to come and then one by one learn what it is. It's a a narrow strip of dirt i have on my tarrace at my appertment but I wouldn't be without it. I fenced my tarrace to keep my dog in but more importantly to keep the gartner out, since he remove "weeds" that are not allowed to grow. He straight up remove floweres from all my neighbours strips of dirt last year and I hate him so much for it. I strictly told him to let my garden be and that I'll manage it myself. This year it comming with full power and filled with wild flowers and the bees are buzzing here. It's the pretties strip in the neighborhood imo. ![](https://feddit.dk/pictrs/image/0fa54bac-81ea-44ab-a85f-042f14bb7740.jpeg) ![](https://feddit.dk/pictrs/image/bacdcf62-b2a6-44cc-a7af-6fbf19a286ed.jpeg) Some sage I planted and tte bees love it. ![](https://feddit.dk/pictrs/image/9c15c4c6-824c-4ee7-8a2c-42f18a817159.jpeg) ![](https://feddit.dk/pictrs/image/e60ba8a4-cb39-41b5-b6d1-50c449012d0f.jpeg) This below is just so sad. It's from last year. Stupid gartner... Those floweres were so pretty. ![](https://feddit.dk/pictrs/image/57b573af-2059-4e19-b34a-d12e6c268d55.jpeg)

    3D Printing TDCN 1 year ago 100%
    Simple i know, but one of the best prints I've done this month. Raisers for my garden chairs. so satisfying.

    I love it when I have a problem and I can just go fix that with an hour of designing and testing and have a working solution printed for the next day. Just so satisfying. This is why I love this hobby. ![](https://feddit.dk/pictrs/image/f9e7285d-3b15-4cf0-9a3f-40833bdf87a6.jpeg)
