politics politics Trump backs out of debate as camp says it's 'inappropriate to schedule things with Harris'
  • TCGM TCGM 2 months ago 100%

    I so badly want to see her wipe the floor with him, but now sadly the popcorn I bought in anticipation will have to settle for a movie.

  • news News Trump supporters call for riots and violent retribution after verdict
  • TCGM TCGM 4 months ago 100%

    Don't forget planned to murder every Democrat, Republican who didn't do what they wanted, and the Vice President.


  • science science Playground bullies do prosper – and go on to earn more in middle age
  • TCGM TCGM 5 months ago 100%

    As I already said, we're not going to be able to get rid of the sociopaths. It's a mental disorder, by chance and or trauma. They'll always be with us, barring some genetic engineering that borders on eugenics. That's not the point.

    The point is to make them the minority, and have a system where everyone isn't forced to act like them in order to succeed.

    I've already stated a potential option. Capitalism on its own is technically a purely neutral economic system, provided it's ONLY the economic system. We have expanded that system into our society as well, and that's when it becomes toxic.

    Use a capitalist economy, but strapped and locked down by socialist (true socialist, not the USSR or communist) principles and systems. Ensure that if capitalism has social effects, they're extremely minor, and elevate the good of people above that of capital. Socialism Strapped Capitalism.

    Good inroads to this are things like UBI, a maximum income, and ensuring social and environmental effects are included in corporate financial calculations.

  • science science Playground bullies do prosper – and go on to earn more in middle age
  • TCGM TCGM 6 months ago 100%

    Thank you for being my first block here, you galactic brain simpleton, you ;)

  • technology Technology Microsoft is blocking Windows Customization Tools
  • TCGM TCGM 6 months ago 100%

    Thanks for your reasonable reply and question! As for what I love about UI, it's simple;

    I don't have to remember what to enter, just the pathway to get there.

    With command line, you have to remember commands, arguments, syntax, and gods forbid you enter something wrong. It won't work.

    But with a (decently designed) UI, you merely have to remember the path you took to get to wherever you want to go, what buttons to press, what mouse movements to execute.

    As someone with a limited attention span and energy to do things, this is a lifesaver.

    As for Visual Studio, that's a development preference. Code is too different for me to be comfortable in it, and relies on command line too much.

  • technology Technology Microsoft is blocking Windows Customization Tools
  • TCGM TCGM 6 months ago 42%

    I'll switch to Linux when Visual Studio Community (NOT Code) works on it and I never have to touch the command line ever again.

  • science science Playground bullies do prosper – and go on to earn more in middle age
  • TCGM TCGM 6 months ago 100%

    It's worse. Certain economic and social systems are designed to make the only viable, or most viable, survival strategy to be a sociopath or worse. Most people are forced to cosplay that at some level in these systems, whether they have those traits naturally or not, in order to survive. And despite human nature being communal, it's more powerful in survival adaptation.

  • science science Playground bullies do prosper – and go on to earn more in middle age
  • TCGM TCGM 6 months ago 50%

    I'm morbidly curious as to when you think capitalism started, considering your take here :V

    Hint: it was fire

  • science science Playground bullies do prosper – and go on to earn more in middle age
  • TCGM TCGM 6 months ago 100%

    That's not the problem. The problem isn't the people willing to exploit the system. They're the sociopaths in question that capitalism is designed to help succeed.

    The problem is, everyone else has to cosplay them in order to survive. And human nature, despite being communal, is more powerful than that in only one way; survival adaptation.

    Our species will adapt as hard as it has to in order to survive, no matter what.

    In a capitalist system (mind you, societal as well as economic, socialism strapped capitalism might actually work very well), because the best survival strategy is to be a sociopath or worse, most people will be forced to do so to at least some level.

    Change the system, change the outcome.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Lay them on me
  • TCGM TCGM 6 months ago 100%

    Why would I lay one on you if you can't lay

  • science science Playground bullies do prosper – and go on to earn more in middle age
  • TCGM TCGM 6 months ago 93%

    It's almost like capitalism is designed to make sociopathy the more successful survival strategy

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Choose your items
  • TCGM TCGM 7 months ago 100%

    The Delorean is on the sheet, so it's available, and I'm taking it.

    I'll take the castle too, since being landed gentry is one of the best ways to survive back then.

  • technology Technology YouTube Music team laid off by Google while workers testified to Austin City Council about working conditions
  • TCGM TCGM 7 months ago 100%

    That sounds all kinds of highly illegal and I cannot wait for the delicious lawsuit

  • world World News Biden calls for 'immediate ceasefire' in Gaza
  • TCGM TCGM 7 months ago 75%

    About fuckin time, Joe!

  • 196 196 Reddit rule
  • TCGM TCGM 7 months ago 100%

    As The Crazy Game Master, I'm not the one dying.

    Everybody else? Roll for Initiative.

  • gaming Gaming The problem with modern gaming
  • TCGM TCGM 9 months ago 50%

    Doritos taste like shit bro

  • gaming Gaming The problem with modern gaming
  • TCGM TCGM 9 months ago 100%

    Take your upvote, damn it

  • gaming Gaming The problem with modern gaming
  • TCGM TCGM 9 months ago 100%

    Got a mechanical keyboard with keys that are at least a full inch wide?

  • politics politics The Supreme Court Takes On Yet Another Made-Up Controversy
  • TCGM TCGM 10 months ago 100%

    Anybody got a TL:DR?

  • technology Technology Firefox will support at least 200 new extensions on Android this December
  • TCGM TCGM 11 months ago 97%

    For anyone who is unaware, Firefox developer edition on mobile, otherwise known as Firefox nightly, never lost the ability to arbitrarily install extensions. You just need to make your own collection on the Firefox website, and link it in the settings on your phone.

  • TCGM TCGM 11 months ago 88%

    Fuck you! Welcome to Lemmy, we're fun here

  • games Games The Escapist murica-fires Editor-in-Chief - loses Yahtzee Croshaw and entire video team in hours
  • TCGM TCGM 11 months ago 100%

    With a loss of people like that, The Escapist is dead too.

    The pro gamer move would be to pick up the Zero Punctuation rights at auction.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost The Aliens did a little trolling
  • TCGM TCGM 11 months ago 100%

    Mosquitoes. Definitely those fuckers.

  • hfy
    Humanity Fuck Yeah! TCGM 1 year ago 86%
    The Tragedy of The War of the Worlds

    Did you ever hear the tragedy of the Martians who invaded Earth? I thought not. It's not a story the humans would tell you. It's an old legend of theirs. The Martians were rulers of the planet Mars in the Sol system, the same system as Earth, so powerful and so wise they were able to build spaceships capable of crossing the void between the planets and walking on the surface... They had such a knowledge of science that they could do this before the humans even invented flight! The Martian evolution was so advanced in time that they could even keep their species alive against all attacks. Their ships were considered by many humans to be unnatural, more like monsters of the deep than spacecraft. They became so powerful... the only thing they were afraid of was losing their supremacy to the rapidly advancing humans, which eventually, of course, they did. Unfortunately they did not check Earth well enough to find it a death world well beyond Mars, and so soon after they landed to try and take it for their own, the microscopic life humans took for granted killed them in their sleep. Ironic. They could travel the void, save their race from all they had done to their world, but they could not save themselves from Earth.

    Humanity Fuck Yeah! TCGM 1 year ago 100%
    The Fiction Brain

    All human stories and ideas seem to have a life of their own because in a way, they *do.* Long ago, life evolved on a death world, Earth, and the aliens of the galaxy feared us. Their greatest weapons didn't stop our planet from creating sophont life; even their last ditch attempt to wipe out our biosphere only killed off the dinosaurs, and monkeys took the lead a mere few hundred million years later. It didn't last. So they tried a new tactic. They built a gigastructure around our solar system, traveling with it, a truly titanic version of their psychic entertainment brains, in the hope that it would keep us occupied with whatever fiction we created, too interested in chronicling the adventures of our favorite characters to move beyond our planet. The first indicator something was wrong was when the storage began filling up faster than expected. Then again, humans had just invented mass communications in the form of printed books; it made sense that they'd see an initial spike in simulations. Frankly it was taking an embarrasingly long time for them to reach that point, and the Council was beginning to fear their idea might've been *too* successful. That fear was replaced quickly once humans started running simulations of spaceflight and FTL on the brain. They didn't even know they were doing it, a few of them just had otherwise interesting ideas that the brain then picked up, and despite its aim of distracting humanity it could only do so much to obfuscate how reality worked. At some point, if made it too unlikely, the humans lost interest. And the Council had sealed it from external control, fearful of a couple of the lesser (than Earth, anyways) Deathworlders working to free their brethren. Even this might not have been such an issue, until one day the humans managed to figure out interconnected networks, almost subconsciously, from the brain's psychic feedback. The Internet was born. All was somewhat worrying, but still manageable, for about 30 Earth years. Then suddenly, the number of simulations went exponential inside a single decade. Permutation upon permutation, run through billions of human minds each with their own way to process and see the world, started rapidly filling the previously unthinkably expansive storage of the brain. And the population of the galaxy could only watch on in horror as fan fiction and battles of theory turned the human species into a collective tactical, logical, and genre savvy race of masterminds while the brain's systems sped towards their maximum at a pace never seen before....

    lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Elon I need you to think carefully before you rename Twitter
  • TCGM TCGM 1 year ago 100%

    Middle schoolers don't deserve this

  • support Lemmy.world Support Deleting >4000 junk communities by @LMAO
  • TCGM TCGM 1 year ago 100%

    Should probably put in a check for if the community has any content or not tbh. Low chance, but still an edge case.

  • technology Technology If you value privacy, ditch Chrome and switch to Firefox now
  • TCGM TCGM 1 year ago 50%

    I recommend Chromium Ungoogled if you can't let go of the Chromium ecosystem for some reason. It's an open source fork of Chromium and puts pretty much all the power in the users' hands, so much so that to get certain features to even work you have to configure it. It is also fully compatible with the Chrome app store, if you want it to be.


  • memes Memes I really thought I would have more free time now that I'm off reddit
  • TCGM TCGM 1 year ago 100%

    No, they're MetaPhrastes

  • mentalhealth Mental Health PSA: Plurality is not inherently disordered
  • TCGM TCGM 1 year ago 75%

    Unfortunately your "literature backed" perspective is either outdated or willfully wrong. Please, for both our sakes, engage in an effort to keep up to date with medical and psychological research, especially regarding Plurality as this is an ever evolving and intriguing field.

    Because you've made so many comments on this, I'm just going to throw all my responses here.

    Firstly; the brain IS "designed" to run many different parts individually, with random access at any one point. It is a incredibly powerful multithreading processor; it's just normally not running multiple people. And while there's currently no decent study on running multiple people in parallel, that's not really what's going on; just like RAM swaps in a computer, it's merely extremely fast swapping, which from the inside looks like parallel existence. The distinction is difficult to notice and must be studied in situ and on the ground, so to speak. Get back to me once you've done that, kay? 😉

    Conditions like DID usually have side effects because the swapping is traumatic, both emotionally and for the brain executing the action, physically. It's not a set of conditions borne from normal brain operation. Additionally, it's usually a fracturing of a single person into many fragments of them, none of which is a full person on their own. Non DID plurality does not have that problem, provided it's done correctly.

    There are, just as in many communities on the Internet, toxic sides and those who operate based on fact. I'm sorry that you stumbled into the mystical side of plurality, the one obsessed with the word Tulpa and everything that it entails.

    If you're still willing to learn new things and accept that science isn't static, the side JCT belongs to is probably willing to teach you.

    However, it may not be mentally healthy for you to consider this. That's okay! You don't have to. Everyone should do what exactly what is mentally healthy for them. That includes you. And, if that means not considering plurality any further, then you should go right ahead and do that.

  • dnd Dungeons and Dragons I just saw the new DnD:Honor Among Thieves movie and I loved it! What are your favorite parts?
  • TCGM TCGM 1 year ago 100%

    Huh, TIL.

    Still, without knowing that, it looked exactly like the kind of collective meme the table would come up with and beg the DM to add.

  • dnd Dungeons and Dragons I just saw the new DnD:Honor Among Thieves movie and I loved it! What are your favorite parts?
  • TCGM TCGM 1 year ago 100%
  • dnd Dungeons and Dragons I just saw the new DnD:Honor Among Thieves movie and I loved it! What are your favorite parts?
  • TCGM TCGM 1 year ago 100%

    The fat dragon is what really landed the movie for me. That? That was a DM decision, based on the players and the DM being memelords. Straight from the tabletop.

    It really just demonstrated that the whole movie is a DnD campaign (agglomerate homebrew) with extremely high production value, and I LOVED EVERY SECOND OF IT.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted How is everyone installing Lemmy?
  • TCGM TCGM 1 year ago 66%

    I've been having trouble understanding how the docker-compose thing works, and the whole... impermanence of docker containers. Got any tutorials you'd recommend? Note I'm on Windows.

  • fediverse Fediverse Lemmy's daily user activity skyrockets with a 1200% surge so far this month!
  • TCGM TCGM 1 year ago 100%



    This kind of growth is absolutely insane.

  • TCGM TCGM 1 year ago 100%

    Thanks for the knowledge, fixed

  • workreform Work Reform "No one wants to work"? Suuuuure
  • TCGM TCGM 1 year ago 100%

    Truths flying out of this man's mouth like a machine gun, gods damn

  • 196
    195 TCGM 1 year ago 100%


    firstimage First ever picture of everything First accurate image of the appearance of a black hole, made using punch cards on an IBM 7040. 1979
  • TCGM TCGM 1 year ago 100%

    If this is from 1979 why the hell did media have the wrong black hole visualizations for 4 more decades

  • nottheonion Not the Onion Twitter Bans Accounts Promoting Other Social Networks
  • TCGM TCGM 1 year ago 100%

    This is very old, from December 2022, and Twitter backed down from this policy when they were made aware of the antitrust suits which could be brought against them.

  • lemmyworld Lemmy.World Announcements Lemmy.world officially has 33k users! 3000 users away from becoming the #1 lemmy instance.
  • TCGM TCGM 1 year ago 100%

    What really hurts so much about this is that Reddit is effectively a modern Alexandrian Library, and it's burning. There's so much content there that's vitally important and it could all go up in smoke. Anybody know any full archival projects?

  • science science People, not search-engine algorithms, choose unreliable or partisan news
  • TCGM TCGM 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah I'm calling BS on that study immediately. Either bad faith or the researchers genuinely have no idea how algorithms work.

  • lemmyworld Lemmy.World Announcements Posting slowness issue seems solved!
  • TCGM TCGM 1 year ago 100%

    I'd be able to bury Bezos in nickels, on his back preferably

  • lemmyworld
    Lemmy.World Announcements TCGM 1 year ago 95%
    Default Communities

    A well known feature from Reddit, default communities (subs on Reddit) are communities that newcomers are subscribed to by default. Lemmy, and specifically lemmy.world, could use some of these, I feel. At the very least, communities like lemmyworld, general, and newcomers are good ones to include, if we're still somehow sticking with the old Lemmy ethos of less guided interaction. Aww, pics, videos, memes, news, etc, are good ones if not. This massively sped up the integration of new users on Reddit, and I believe it's a good addition to Lemmy. Added on to this is a capability that Reddit had and lemmy doesn't yet, which is multi(reddits) communities, or Collections is probably what we'd call them here. I could see a 'default' collection being applied to new users, for example. The pie in the sky version of this would be *publicly browsable and shareable* collections, so you could send your friends a link which allows them to subscribe to multiple communities at once and create a new personal Collection automatically based on it.

    Lemmy.World Announcements TCGM 1 year ago 100%
    Is Lemmy Indexable?

    Like Reddit is? e.g. for Google, or Bing (shudders), you know. Search engines. One of the ways many people around the world interacted with Reddit was looking up solutions, discussions, or similar from a search engine and NOT on Reddit itself. Is that possible in this thread of the fediverse?

    Lemmy.World Announcements TCGM 1 year ago 100%
    Lemmy External Instance Link Following Behavior

    Right now, when I follow a link posted on this instance to another instance, it takes me to that instance. I'm aware that this is Mastodon's behavior, and I find it repulsive there too, but it's even worse on a Reddit equivalent. Currently, to actually get subscribed to a sub, I have to either go to the actual instance and copy the link, or copy it manually here, travel back to this instance, pull open the search bar, post it in, search for it, wait for the search, and finally it'll let me click on a button to take me to a page on this instance where I can subscribe to it from this instance. Please. For the love of my poor mobile fingers. Make instance links skip most of that and just go straight to the local subscribe page?
