• Sykasa Sykasa 1 year ago 100%

    This one really got me. It was so unexpected.

  • austria Austria Montags Suder Thread!
  • Sykasa Sykasa 1 year ago 100%

    Montag, Arbeit, Allergie, Kind hat letzte Schulwoche, Chaos.

  • memes Memes 6 feet wide
  • Sykasa Sykasa 1 year ago 100%

    „Hey Rob, the guy living here seems to be a fatty.“ „I see, let‘s take our time & take everything we want, he cannot follow us anyway.“

  • austria Austria *Permanently Deleted*
  • Sykasa Sykasa 1 year ago 100%

    56 Betriebe. Ich kenne 10 in nächster Umgebung & wohne am Land. Da bescheissen mehrere Hunderte bus Tausende erfolgreich.

  • shittylifeprotips Shitty Life Pro Tip SLPT Do your misplace your kids often? Have them swallow an air tag. Cover it in yogurt to help get it down.
  • Sykasa Sykasa 1 year ago 100%

    This tip isn't shitty for the reason, but for the execution.

  • austria Austria Kritik an zum Teil untragbaren Zuständen in heimischer Haft
  • Sykasa Sykasa 1 year ago 100%

    Und abermals bereue ich den Besuch der Kommentarsektion vom Standard.

    Schade, dass dieses System so unter der Regierung leidet. Menschen wieder einzugliedern scheint keine Priorität zu haben.

  • shittylifeprotips Shitty Life Pro Tip SLPT pulling over for police is optional. They can't give you a ticket if you don't pull over.
  • Sykasa Sykasa 1 year ago 100%

    Not in first world countries.

  • memes Memes A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one
  • Sykasa Sykasa 1 year ago 100%

    Wrong use of format. Makes no sense at all.

  • huntshowdown
    Hunt Showdown Sykasa 1 year ago 100%
    What's your meta prediction for 1.13?

    So, since this community is still new, i am gonna throw in a question. How do your predict the possibly new meta? I think we will see - *for the first time since forever* - a shift form long ammo to custom ammo meta. Maybe bleed and incendiary ammo will be meta. What are your thoughts about it and most importantly; what are you most hyped about?

    austria Austria Parlament: Schwarzer Nachfolger für vergoldeten Flügel
  • Sykasa Sykasa 1 year ago 100%

    Naja bitte, jetzt braucht sich auch keiner mehr aufregen. Der neue Flügel kostet immerhin unter 100.000€.

  • memes Memes Society should change for once
  • Sykasa Sykasa 1 year ago 100%

    Society if we stop caring about people caring about celebrity gossip.

  • showerthoughts Showerthoughts Oceangate Titan silver lining: new execution method
  • Sykasa Sykasa 1 year ago 100%

    I'll be honest, i never thought about HOW death sentences are executed, mostly because i live in a country where death sentences are seen as barbaric and are not possible thankfully. But now that i think about it, a "mutli-drug cocktail" sounds like one of the worst ideas, next hanging and guillotine.

  • Sykasa Sykasa 1 year ago 100%

    -sent from toilet

  • austria Austria Stromkostenabrechnung
  • Sykasa Sykasa 1 year ago 100%

    Hatte vor 2 Monaten auch 600€ Guthaben auf meiner Abrechnung. Habe aber im Vergleich zur vorherigen Abrechnungsphase auch 100% mehr bezahlt. Alles in Allem immer noch ein fettes Minus. Aber immerhin musste ich nicht nochmal draufzahlen.
