sciencefiction Science Fiction Is Dune part 2 worth watching?
  • ShadowZone ShadowZone 4 weeks ago 96%

    As an avid Dune books reader (all of them), I think Villeneuve did the best adaptation possible. As a character, Chani is much more fleshed out in the films and Rebecca Ferguson CRUSHED it as Jessica. Oscar Isaac also was a very good Leto.

    My big gripe is with Stilgar and Paul. Stilgar in the second movie was almost relegated to comic relief. Yes, he is also portrayed as a believer in the books, but it felt like a caricature in Dune Part 2.

    As for Paul, I had hoped for more focus on why he actually went to drink the water of life. In the books he wanted to avoid it. But events he couldn't foresee and put people he loved in danger pushed him over the edge. In the film I didn't get any of that.

    Still, loved both parts. Definitely worth a watch.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes Ah, the free press
  • ShadowZone ShadowZone 1 month ago 100%

    With normal news websites, A/B testing could be a thing. We had a rudimentary implementation of that back in 2011 already. But this is Reuters, a news agency. They are B2B and don't care about clicks, their business model is selling first hand reporting to other media outlets (e.g. CNN, USA Today etc). As stories develop, so does the title. Especially when ongoing conflicts are concerned.

  • television Television Am I the only one watching the Olympics opening ceremonies? Because WTF am I watching?
  • ShadowZone ShadowZone 2 months ago 100%

    Ugh, might be a EU region lock thing. I hate that type of restriction, especially for a global sports Event. The organizers or media have been going after every shred of shared media from the ceremony. It's ridiculous, do you want to promote you event or not?

    Sorry for the rant, but these antiquated copyright behaviors make me angry.

  • television Television Am I the only one watching the Olympics opening ceremonies? Because WTF am I watching?
  • ShadowZone ShadowZone 2 months ago 100%

    Clearly thou ART not like the French.

  • television Television Am I the only one watching the Olympics opening ceremonies? Because WTF am I watching?
  • ShadowZone ShadowZone 2 months ago 100%

    That wasn't just cool, it was badass! You can rewatch it here:

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What product have you purchased based on advertisment from modern podcasts and youtube channels that have worked out well?
  • ShadowZone ShadowZone 2 months ago 100%

    I've been using Backblaze long before it showed up in YouTube ads. It's a great product.

  • shittydarksouls ShittyDarkSouls Me trying new weapons without respeccing
  • ShadowZone ShadowZone 3 months ago 100%

    Fun fact: "Mordhau" literally translates to "murder hit".

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes Confound you, WSUS!
  • ShadowZone ShadowZone 3 months ago 100%

    Sorry I don't. I only have the HDMI card.

    Does the Index really need full DP or does it work via USB-C? Because in the end all those expansion cards are just USB-C accessories. I'm asking because we own a Quest2 and use it with USB-C and my desktop PC. Haven't tried it with my Laptop.

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes Confound you, WSUS!
  • ShadowZone ShadowZone 3 months ago 100%

    I have the 13" AMD one. Only reason I still have Windows on it is because I can't get Davinci Resolve to run under Ubuntu. Otherwise very happy with my purchase.

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes Confound you, WSUS!
  • ShadowZone ShadowZone 3 months ago 100%

    Had this exact thing happen to me. Luckily my Framework laptop's BIOS allows me to pick the EFI boot order and I set it back to the Linux Boot loader.

  • micromobility micromobility - Ebikes, scooters, longboards: Whatever floats your goat, this is micromobility E-Bikes Should Not Require Pedaling, Proposes U.K. Government, Diverging From E.U.
  • ShadowZone ShadowZone 4 months ago 100%

    No, no and no. In our country, there's a loophole in traffic regulation allowing for anything under 25kph on bike paths if it's electric powered. This resulted in a super dangerous situation for normal cyclists. I commute by normal bike and believe my it's terrible:

    • food delivery guys switched to electric scooters (think Vespa) and clog bike paths. These things are way too heavy in case of a collision with a pedestrian or cyclist.
    • the 25kph speed limit is not observed! Either the manufacturers don't care or the drivers tweak their rides.
    • the acceleration is way too sudden. Even a regular E-Bike needs to ramp up to speed. And you see when the driver engages his drivetrain by way of them moving their legs. With a throttle you just have a lump of mass that suddenly jumps forward. Super unpredictable.

    So now we basically have way too big, way too heavy and way too quick objects on bike paths endangering everyone else.

    There needs to be strict mass limits for vehicles allowed on bicycle paths. There need to be acceleration limits. There need to be mandatory checks for pedal-less ebikes. If a bike from a manufacturer is found that can exceed the speed limit, there need to be existentially threatening fines. Because their products are threatening lives!

  • ShadowZone ShadowZone 10 months ago 95%

    This. When I got my CPR training, the consensus was: if you hear or feal something crack, don't stop. Messing up is better than doing nothing.

  • workreform Work Reform Bernie Sanders Champions 32-Hour Work Week With No Loss in Pay
  • ShadowZone ShadowZone 1 year ago 100%

    Except for the unicorn, your last paragraph is my reality. Oh and it's five weeks vacation, actually. My wife even has six. Sick days not included. Those are all part of the universal health care we have.

    38h work week btw. Rarely overtime.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Which electrolyte drink do you think tastes the best?
  • ShadowZone ShadowZone 1 year ago 100%

    Pokari Sweat.

    I survived on that stuff when I did a one week Kebdo training camp in Japan. It's fantastic!

  • sciencefiction Science Fiction Sci-fi books which don't involve too much space travels and massive world builds?
  • ShadowZone ShadowZone 1 year ago 100%

    If you like grounded sci-fi that elicits a "it could happen in a few years" vibe firmly rooted on Earth, check out William Gibson. Most of his stuff is excellent, but "The Peripheral" and its followup "Agency" are recent highlights. From his older stuff I very much enjoyed "Virtual Light" the most. More than his acclaimed "Neuromancer" (he invented the word cyberspace in 1982 and popularized it in this 1984 novel) even.

    Neal Stephenson - "Seveneves" One of my all time favorite sci-fi books. It is set mostly in space, but very realistic and never leaves the Earth's influence. Time setting is basically now or a few years from now.

    Also by Stevenson: "Anathem" Marvellous alternate universe story with a few twists. It's on Earth, just ... different.

    If you wanna go for the classics (1960 roughly), look into Stanislaw Lem. "Solaris", "Eden" and "Transfer" all left a lasting impression on me.

  • news News Hackers manage to unlock Tesla software-locked features worth up to $15,000
  • ShadowZone ShadowZone 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah. And adaptive cruise control is something you have to pay 900 Euro extra via the in car shop on some models. Models you already paid 50k Euro and more for.

  • news News Australians are so mad about the return to office, they’re taking companies to court to stop it
  • ShadowZone ShadowZone 1 year ago 100%

    What the heck are you on about? When we went into full work from home at my former company, productivity went UP.

    There's studies showing that companies forcing their workers back into the office suffer huge brain drains and cannot hire as fast as more flexible employers.

    The people have spoken.

  • austria Austria Villacher Kirchtag: Bis zu sieben Euro für ein großes Bier
  • ShadowZone ShadowZone 1 year ago 100%

    Wien, Naschmarkt, Frankfurter mit Gebäck: 11,50

    Regulärer Preis inzwischen, kein Kirtag oder sonstiges Event.

  • bicycles
    Bicycles ShadowZone 1 year ago 100%
    Morning trail run

    Got up early today to put my new-ish fully to the test before it got too hot. Trail was great, view was fantastic.

    android Android *Permanently Deleted*
  • ShadowZone ShadowZone 1 year ago 100%

    Sure, here you go:

  • space Space New research puts age of universe at 26.7 billion years, nearly twice as old as previously believed
  • ShadowZone ShadowZone 1 year ago 100%

    The question should rather be: how did time really behave at the beginning of the universe? Can we really say it was x billion years if in fact shortly after the big bang time moved exponentially slower than it does now?

    We're still fumbling in the dark, desperate for enlightenment. I hope in my lifetime we can answer a few of the open questions. I am certain there will be more than enough left after I'm gone.

  • android Android *Permanently Deleted*
  • ShadowZone ShadowZone 1 year ago 100%

    I used my Pixel 5 as a mobile recording rig. Plugged in my audio interface via USB-C (which powered it as well), two wireless XLR receivers and used the app n-track to record an interview with an astronaut at an ESA event (lav mic on myself and the astronaut).

    In that moment, I felt like a pro.

    Unfortunately, the interview didn't get a lot of views on my YouTube channel haha

  • world World News Nepal becomes first South Asian country to allow same-sex marriage
  • ShadowZone ShadowZone 1 year ago 100%

    This is a W. It started with different registers here in Austria as well ("registered partnership" vs "marriage") until our supreme court ordered it was unconstitutional to make that distinction.

    Now all marriages are equal before the law. As they should be.

  • politics politics Here are the 70 House Republicans who voted to cut off all US military aid to Ukraine
  • ShadowZone ShadowZone 1 year ago 100%

    Current day Russia is an authoritarian oligarchy. Nothing communist about it.

  • jerboa Jerboa Not storing my account or keeping me logged in?
  • ShadowZone ShadowZone 1 year ago 100%

    This was the solution that worked for me as well. Thanks!

  • world World News Under Orders From Ben-Gvir, Israeli Police Will Not Confiscate Guns From Settlers Who Shoot Palestinians
  • ShadowZone ShadowZone 1 year ago 100%

    Thanks for adding more context to this!

  • world World News Studying the link between mental health and the gastrointestinal system
  • ShadowZone ShadowZone 1 year ago 100%

    Yep, gut-liver-brain axis is a thing and people definitely don't know enough about it. Including myself.

  • technology Technology 1% rule: 1% of users actively create new content, while the other 99% only lurk.
  • ShadowZone ShadowZone 1 year ago 100%

    I admit it: I'm a lurker 99% of the time. I do partake in the up- and downvoting though.

  • kerbalspaceprogram Kerbal Space Program Nana nana nana nana Kerbals!
  • ShadowZone ShadowZone 1 year ago 100%

    It does fly well... with infinite fuel, because the range is rather limited. It does glide excellent, though.

  • kerbalspaceprogram Kerbal Space Program Nana nana nana nana Kerbals!
  • ShadowZone ShadowZone 1 year ago 100%

    It glides surprisingly well, considering the weird shape. Not big on range, though. Powered by movie magic ;) See for yourself:

  • redditwasfun Reddit Was Fun Goodnight, RIF
  • ShadowZone ShadowZone 1 year ago 100%

    I used Reddit exclusively through RIF. It was perfect for what I wanted out of the site.

    A sad day. But now I'm here via Jerboa and like it a lot so far.

  • redditwasfun Reddit Was Fun Goodnight, RIF
  • ShadowZone ShadowZone 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah, I used Reddit exclusively through RIF. It was perfect for what I wanted out of the site.

    A sad day. But now I'm here via Jerboa and like it a lot so far.

  • redditwasfun Reddit Was Fun Goodnight, RIF
  • ShadowZone ShadowZone 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah, I used Reddit exclusively through RIF. It was perfect for what I wanted out of the site.

    A sad day. But now I'm here via Jerboa and like it a lot so far.

  • kerbalspaceprogram
    Kerbal Space Program ShadowZone 1 year ago 97%
    Nana nana nana nana Kerbals!

    For my first post here I wanted to share the Batwing I made recently in KSP2. Those procedural wings are really great for builds like this. Image is a little photoshopped to make the black really black.
