Lemmy Shitpost PinkyCoyote 2 days ago 98%
Bro chill
shortstories Short Stories A Perfect Day for Bananafish by J.D. Salinger
  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 1 week ago 100%

    Stop looking at his feet!

  • aneurysmposting
    Aneurysm Posting PinkyCoyote 1 week ago 98%
    And another
    Aneurysm Posting PinkyCoyote 2 weeks ago 94%
    U die dead
  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 2 weeks ago 100%

    I'd like her number if you wouldn't mind

  • lemmyshitpost
    Lemmy Shitpost PinkyCoyote 2 weeks ago 96%
    I'm cumming
  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 2 weeks ago 100%

    You shannot pass

  • aneurysmposting Aneurysm Posting Reverse image search failed. No pixels, sorry
  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 2 weeks ago 100%

    Oh you're a life saver

  • aneurysmposting Aneurysm Posting Reverse image search failed. No pixels, sorry
  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 2 weeks ago 100%

    One way or another

  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 2 weeks ago 50%

    Oooh. Thanks!

  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 2 weeks ago 80%

    Just saw the community poster and remembered I never really mentioned @timenaan@lemmy.world for the creation of this community, whose comment on a post (first post on this community) is why I made this community.

    Wait that tag didn't work, how do I tag a user?

  • aneurysmposting
    Aneurysm Posting PinkyCoyote 2 weeks ago 97%
    I shan't
  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 3 weeks ago 100%

    THIS is the purpose of this community

  • aneurysmposting Aneurysm Posting Ran outta pixels, sorry
  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 3 weeks ago 100%

    tried image better quality reverse image and search couldn't find a, funny minimal it's still posting it bc and .

  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 3 weeks ago 100%

    Don't nobody tell me to post this to that other community

  • aneurysmposting
    Aneurysm Posting PinkyCoyote 3 weeks ago 93%
    Not the worst
    Lemmy Shitpost PinkyCoyote 4 weeks ago 89%
    Wise man
    memes Memes Me but ublock origin
  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 4 weeks ago 100%

    For android use either YouTube revanced or newpipe.

    Also there is the piracy megathread which will help you with that!

  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 1 month ago 69%

    What pisses me off is that this post got downvoted to hell.


  • aneurysmposting
    Aneurysm Posting PinkyCoyote 1 month ago 97%
    I know I know
    aneurysmposting Aneurysm Posting AI Creates step by step instructions on how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 1 month ago 100%

    This might be my favourite post here lol

  • aneurysmposting Aneurysm Posting AI Creates step by step instructions on how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 1 month ago 100%

    What was step 3 again?

  • aneurysmposting
    Aneurysm Posting PinkyCoyote 1 month ago 89%
    letsnotmeet Wild Personal Stories Mother's murder suicide
  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 2 months ago 100%

    Added context: OK we just started talking about this and the mother had called a sister and the ex husband before the suicide. They had rushed over but were too late. Also the daughter was the one who sent someone to buy poison telling the man to buy this specific poisonous thing they put in wheat when drying it. Idk what its called. So the kids knew

  • letsnotmeet Wild Personal Stories The Rat People of Pakistan
  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 2 months ago 100%

    And the most beautiful parts of the country (up north) are the most crazy parts. It's where the Taliban has roots and where all the Afghanis immigrated.

  • letsnotmeet Wild Personal Stories The Rat People of Pakistan
  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 2 months ago 100%

    Well it kind of does now. But the government is a non factor in the country in these matters.

    All government departments are in fact corrupt and incompetent.

    Now I haven't seen slumdog millionaire and wasn't aware thats what it was about. But south asian countries are massive and kind of lawless so its unlikely this will ever be solved.

  • letsnotmeet Wild Personal Stories The Rat People of Pakistan
  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 2 months ago 87%

    Now I wanna clarify. The shrines aren't the gangs.

    The gangs aren't the religious ones. And its quite possible that the kids aren't given away die to religious reasons but just victims of kidnapping.

    So maybe religion here just gives people hope. Can't blame this on em 100%

  • letsnotmeet Wild Personal Stories The Rat People of Pakistan
  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 2 months ago 100%


  • letsnotmeet Wild Personal Stories Mother's murder suicide
  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 2 months ago 100%

    Thank you. Honestly we barely met them 5 time in our lives at weddings etc. Didn't really know em. I pity the parents who lost everything.

  • letsnotmeet Wild Personal Stories The Rat People of Pakistan
  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 2 months ago 100%

    Again, you may ask whatever you'd like. Happy to answer

  • letsnotmeet
    Wild Personal Stories PinkyCoyote 2 months ago 84%
    The Rat People of Pakistan

    Now this isn't exactly a personal horror story which is what I made this sub for, but an evil around us and I wanted to let people know about this and this feels like a decent enough place to do so. This post deals with sensitive topics so -*content warning*- folks. In the city Gujarat close to my city is a shrine, a shrine where people since the 1800s have come to pray when they fail to have kids. But in what sounds like a German fairy tale, the cost is that you then give the shrine your first born. Now I wouldn't speculate what this meant in the past but that tradition under the wraps continues to this day. If you are barren and you pray at the shrine, the Saint will grant you a child but it could look like a mouse, you have to donate that child to the shrine or all your future children will look like mice too. This is a claim made at the Gujarat shrine. Pakistan has a million issues and what is a heart wrenching one for me are the beggar gangs. To briefly explain this, children are kidnapped throughout the country, Karachi especially is sooo terrible at this. 3000 kids went missing in one city in a single year which I don't think is the highest year. Kids are then traded across gangs across cities so they aren't found. Now why kids? And what do they do to said kids? Well the purpose of these gangs is to create an army of beggers they own and control, beggers who can bring in more donations. These children are moved across shrines but to make them obedient, to make them docile, unrecongnizable and more pitiable... they are mutilated. Limbs cut off, eyes gouged out. The intention is for the child to attract sympathy and money. And one hour at a shrine will show you it works. Kids already disabled are also prime kidnapping targets. Shrines attract desperate people, people in emotionally vulnerable states, people willing to donate more than not. Now why did I bring up Gujarat specifically? Well there lies one of the cruelest deformation that I could imagine. I've seem beggers without a limbs or eyes, moving around in 50 degree heat with a rag on their body lying on a broken wooden board bleeding. Every time I leave my house I come to tears at the state of the begging culture of this nation. Yet amongst them all lie the 'chooay' or mice of Pakistan. Kids whose heads are wrapped in metallic bands that destroy their minds. People who have in all effect little to no sanity. They are also very regularly victim to sexual assault as they can't exactly complain. This theory was established and researched by one of Pakistan's top scientists, who was then banned from talking about the issue following media exposure years ago.  (Another issue is molvis raping kids. How under threat women are; every woman I know has told me 5 personal horror stories. There's sexual assault EVERYWHERE.) Some think it is a mix between Down's syndrome and mongoloid children. With Pakistan's inbreeding tendencies. My mother loves cousin marriages and is obsessed with the idea. The educated part of the current generation is rebelling against this but a vast majority love inbreeding. Many are offended if you say a word against it. But that could be possible. Legally you cannot give a child to the shrine and so the tradition is in ways limited. Yet kids are given away or taken away. Whether by shrines or begging gangs who deploy them outside those shrines (and everywhere else too). So these kids are kidnapped, mutilated, raped and traded. Thrown around as beggers, their money all then collected. Many hooked on cheap drugs that kill them. They are not just victims of poverty. They are victims of the worst offences you could imagine. Women are raped and impregnated in order to maximise ‘profit’ in these gangs. Children and seniors deliberately have their limbs abnormally twisted or removed, leaving them crippled. They lay a persons leg on a train track and a train chops off their leg. Beggars are then taught begging tactics such as where and how to beg effectively to maximise donations. On average, a child domestic worker makes an estimated Rs. 500-1500 (£2-£16) per month. Yes people employ children. Whereas beggars can make between Rs. 100 and 10,000 (46p-£45) daily. Thus, begging is more profitable than being a nanny, cook, driver or gardener in Pakistan. # So. I don't know if the rat people are victims of microcephaly or torture. And I don't care, for they are victims in many many more ways too. Some additional info: I live in the middle east now and Pakistani's love moving here and have bought this beggar industry here too. To add to that faking or exaggerating physical or mental disabilities, injuries, diseases, or deformities to elicit pity and donations from the public is common is begging gangs. Some beggars may even mutilate or injure themselves or others to create a more convincing appearance is also an issue here. Claiming to be victims of natural disasters, wars, conflicts etc and asking for help or relief from the public. Some beggars also use fake documents, photos, or stories to support their claims. Because yes recently beggars started moving around with documents, they'd start by saying, I am not a begger I need money for this medical bill or I got evicted etc.

    letsnotmeet Wild Personal Stories Mother's murder suicide
  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 2 months ago 100%

    Ask any questions you'd like. I'll gladly answer em, this was a quick post and I feel I may have left obvious stuff out.

  • letsnotmeet
    Wild Personal Stories PinkyCoyote 2 months ago 100%
    Mother's murder suicide

    Sorry I haven't been posting here. I have soooo many family stories I wanna post but I'm too lazy to make an effort post. Well its been a few months now so I'm just gonna post this here. First of all you should know my family particularly mothers side is INSANE. And insane in Pakistan, not just generally insane. This is the story of my mums aunts family. There were two siblings. An older brother in his late 30s and a younger sister also in her 30s (mid 30s I think). Now last year the older brother died after his bike got trampled over by a truck in a police chase but that's a story for another time. Today I wanna tell you about the sister. So she got married and had 2 kids by now and surprisingly managed to get a divorce (it's Pakistan, it was an arranged marriage and divorce ain't easy for a woman to get). Now the father of the kids didn't give much of a fuck about them and didn't boher em much for 2 years after the divorce. But now (a lil over 2 years after divorce and a year post brothers death) the ex husband starts threatening her that he'll take the daughters away. Now she is scared, alone, powerless and panicked. Her parents are old and in critical conditions. Women can't work here. They are living off of basically no money. All they have for 4 people is the tiiiiiiny retirement fund of the father. Yes women basically can't work. So she was in a bad bad situation and one day we get a call and find out she's in the hospital. Shocked, we ask what on earth had happened. .... She put rat poison in her and her daughters food. Both kids had died and the mother was in the ICU. She has survived and I have no clue what is going to happen now. This is fucked up even for my family's standards and I have no clue what to say about this. We went to the kids funeral and it was the saddest thing in the world. And not even for the reasons you think. I heard one woman at the house complain about the catering. I heard many women gossiping about the family. I saw exaggerated fake outbursts from neighbours who never knew them. The funeral was as disgusting as anything I've seen. I lost hope in humanity and am happy I don't live here anymore. And guess what the story of the funeral is a common one here. I just think about the innocent 10 year old girls and wonder if there was a better life for them out there than their mother. In this country, in their financial and societal conditions, I expect not.

    Aneurysm Posting PinkyCoyote 2 months ago 94%
    can you
    asklemmy Asklemmy What would you like to change about Lemmy culture?
  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 2 months ago 25%

    I think there's am askwomen like community. Can't remember the name. If not, you can always make one!

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What would you like to change about Lemmy culture?
    asklemmy Asklemmy What would you like to change about Lemmy culture?
  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 2 months ago 100%

    Thats what me and my 7 alts do

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What would you like to change about Lemmy culture?
  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 2 months ago 90%

    Honestly imo lemmites are better at this than any other social media site.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What would you like to change about Lemmy culture?
  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 2 months ago 96%

    Personally I'd like to change the fact that every memes comment section is just serious conversation. Where's the whimsy, where's the tomfoolery folks

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost I still crie evrytiem
  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 2 months ago 100%

    So its ..... A comedy graveyard

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost I still crie evrytiem
  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 2 months ago 100%

    How own spells dare you my use me against potter.

  • aneurysmposting
    Aneurysm Posting PinkyCoyote 2 months ago 97%
    Why not?
    lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost "How old am i" and "where are my pants"
  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 2 months ago 100%

    What is funny?

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost i believe he made himself very clear
  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 2 months ago 100%

    Hope that explains it ❤️

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost i believe he made himself very clear
  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 2 months ago 100%

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost And why your brother is your father and the father of your child😂
  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 2 months ago 100%

    Had a cousin like that

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Loading like a 90's dell computer
  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 2 months ago 100%

    Loading like a 90s dell computer

  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 2 months ago 100%

    I specifically demanded

  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 2 months ago 100%

    I specifically asked

  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 2 months ago 93%

    Nobody dare tell me its not that bad and easy to fix

  • aneurysmposting
    Aneurysm Posting PinkyCoyote 2 months ago 96%
    yes ofc
    aneurysmposting Aneurysm Posting Where the spoon goes
  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 2 months ago 100%

    Don't wanna overpolice

  • aneurysmposting
    Aneurysm Posting PinkyCoyote 2 months ago 95%
    I'd buy a son
    Aneurysm Posting PinkyCoyote 3 months ago 95%
    And another
  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 3 months ago 100%

    Auto translate is a gem

  • aneurysmposting
    Aneurysm Posting PinkyCoyote 3 months ago 98%
    aneurysmposting Aneurysm Posting Genital Horse for sale
  • PinkyCoyote PinkyCoyote 3 months ago 100%

    That could be a pop song

  • aneurysmposting
    Aneurysm Posting PinkyCoyote 3 months ago 87%
    Ok sir
    Aneurysm Posting PinkyCoyote 4 months ago 89%
    Aneurysm Posting PinkyCoyote 4 months ago 93%
    Aneurysm Posting PinkyCoyote 4 months ago 96%
    Damn right