fediverse Fediverse Why haven't we figured out monetisation for peertube?
  • Pekka Pekka 2 months ago 100%

    Yup YouTube makes it very easy to receive money from adds and people that have YouTube premium. Having a YouTube premium subscription means that you are at least supporting the creator of every video that you watch a little bit (from what I can find 55% of what you pay is going to the creators). Yes YouTube takes quite a large cut, but video hosting in high quality costs a lot of money.

    I think it will be very hard to do this on a decentralised platform. People don't trust just anyone with their money, so it could lead to people abandoning smaller servers and you can be sure that bad actors would pop up and try to abuse the system. And even if you do this the right way, you would have to build this system entirely before you can convince creators to move to this platform.

    It will also be really hard to offer the same quality and reliability that YouTube offers, without taking a larger cut than the 45% that YouTube takes. Hosting a large video platform is expensive, and many of the Fediverse users are anti-adds and will run an add-blocker and maybe even sponsor-blocker.

  • linux Linux Question: Just got a Surface Go; want to install linux (use case details in post)
  • Pekka Pekka 2 months ago 100%

    On the touchscreen I can use pinch to zoom in browsers like Firefox and Microsoft Edge (I use it because Firefox doesn't have PWA support), it is also supported in apps like Gnome Maps and Kirta. In Krita I can even move and turn the canvas with two finger input, it seems moving and turning are both supported in GNOME.

    Outside of apps, you can also use a three finger up gesture to go to the active app overview. And you can switch between the active workspace with a three finger swipe to the right or the left (this can make switching between applications really fast). Long press for right click seems to work in most places.

    You can drag an app to the left or the right of the screen to make it fill up half of the screen, and drag it to the top to make it full screen.

  • linux Linux Question: Just got a Surface Go; want to install linux (use case details in post)
  • Pekka Pekka 2 months ago 100%

    I installed Fedora 40 with Gnome and Wayland a few days ago on my Surface pro gen 1 and have been very happy with the results so far. I do have a type cover and I do use it a lot and I use touch input instead of a mouse. Gnome supports most touch input, and that hasn't been an issue so far. Some third party applications don't understand what 'pinch to zoom' is though. The onscreen keyboard situation on Wayland seems to be a bit messy. I didn't really like the default gnome keyboard and I couldn't get a better keyboard to work (note that for me, it is also important that the OSK is disabled when the type cover is attached, so you won't have that issue).

    The performance on the original Surface Pro is fine, I can even emulate Windows games trough Steam, I tried RuneScape (OldSchool and RuneScape 3) and Tunic. Browsing, reading Discord, watching videos all work fine. The main limitation when working with the device seems to be the 4 GB of RAM. So close other apps like the browser when starting a game, or the entire system can freeze. This seems to be mostly an issue when running multiple Electron based applications, gaming and compiling code.

    The newer Surface devices have some Microsoft specific hardware that is not always well-supported by the kernel. If you have issues you can try the kernel made specifically for the Surface devices. https://github.com/linux-surface/linux-surface Personally I haven't tried it as everything just worked so far on my device (they do try to get their patches upstream, so that is probably the reason).

    For drawing, I always used Adobe and Affinity software, I did try to get Affinity Photo installed, but I did not succeed yet. I tried both version 1 and 2.

  • technology Technology Maven Imported 1.12 Million Fediverse Posts
  • Pekka Pekka 3 months ago 100%

    Maybe we have some bias on this topic, but I had the same thought. Maven is such a well known tool in IT, that I'm surprised they just created a social network with the same name. Until they get a bit famous this won't be good for SEO.

  • linux Linux KDE Plasma 6.1 Will Change My Life
  • Pekka Pekka 3 months ago 100%

    He also seems to make a video almost every day. That really doesn't help with the quality of the video's. I doubt there is a lot of time to do additional research on the topic, so often it seems to just stick to the basic information from some kind of article and comments (and maybe a few related articles). And is often just related to the drama of the day.

    Although he does sometimes have video's that do require more research, but a lot of people won't see those as they assume low quality because of many other video's.

  • linux Linux KDE Plasma 6.1 Will Change My Life
  • Pekka Pekka 3 months ago 100%

    Sometimes I do like his videos, but this one was positioned so bad. The video does go over the changes in Plasma 6.1 and they are good, but this is not a huge change that would change anybodies live.

    I know he is probably inspired by channels like Linus Tech Tips, but even they don't got that far anymore. I think he probably intended this in a comedic way, as most of his audience knows that he makes his videos like this, but it really makes the videos worse.

  • feddit_nl feddit.nl announcements 📢 Feddit.nl upgraded to v0.19.4 📢
  • Pekka Pekka 3 months ago 100%

    Thanks for the update :) I was already wondering why the server was down.

    Let's hope the Local Only Communities won't be abused (and only used for the intended purpose) so that we don't have to start creating accounts on multiple instances.

  • programming Programming Malicious VSCode extensions with millions of installs discovered
  • Pekka Pekka 3 months ago 100%

    Ah it makes more sense that way, I didn't read the title as if they were talking about all the extensions that they found summed together. This does make it really clear that you should always check extensions when installing them, and not just install extensions with a low install base from an unknown author.

  • programming Programming Malicious VSCode extensions with millions of installs discovered
  • Pekka Pekka 3 months ago 100%

    That headline is quite misleading ... the malicious extension only had a few hundred installs, not millions. They just copied an existing extension that does have 7 millions installs. They did went quite far by registering a URL. Of course it is bad that stuff like this manages to get on the store, but as long as you check what you are installing, you should be fine.

  • lgbtq_plus LGBTQ+ Was this community always a news space?
  • Pekka Pekka 3 months ago 100%

    I also started using Lemmy during the Reddit fallout, and stayed for a few weeks. After that I started seeing less posts that interested me, and I took a break from Lemmy for a while. And finally returned a week ago.

    Even on Reddit I see less interesting posts now. Especially the amount of discussion posts also seems to be lower there now. The official Reddit app is also a lot better for reading than for writing.

  • tabletop Tabletop Gaming Dealing with D&D5E Hate and Pathfinder 2E
  • Pekka Pekka 3 months ago 100%

    This sounds like a difficult problem if he wants to continue browsing the Reddit community for pathfinder. I have seen these kind of people on D&D subreddits too, and it also put me a bit off trying pathfinder during the OGL drama.

    Maybe there are other communities outside of Reddit that are able to provide the answers to questions, but I doubt you will escape this hate on the larger TTRPG subreddits.

  • technology Technology Microsoft's Recall Feature Is Even More Hackable Than You Thought
  • Pekka Pekka 3 months ago 100%

    Although this feature sounds helpful, it really looks like they went too far with this. They should probably look for a way to sell these Copilot+ pc’s in another way if they can’t get this secure enough and probably keep it disabled for companies…

    I’m surprised they didn’t make sure that the part that should help you hide sensitive information worked well before letting the first testers get their hands on the feature. All this bad news about the future doesn’t help convince people to turn it on.

  • lgbtq_plus LGBTQ+ Was this community always a news space?
  • Pekka Pekka 3 months ago 100%

    There is indeed quite a shift towards just posting articles. A lot of people don’t regularly post (at least it was like that on Reddit), and for those people, the articles are great.

    It is hard to keep conversations active in smaller communities. As people will quickly stop posting new chats and questions if there are no replies.

  • linux Linux Most painless way to play Old School Runescape on Linux?
  • Pekka Pekka 4 months ago 100%

    It would be nice if Jagex would confirm that it is fine to use this laucher. As far as I know we have no more information than this tweet from Mod Ash: https://x.com/kaelygon/status/1763667578315042847 Bolt does work the same as the official launcher, so it should not be a problem…

  • linux Linux Linux admin with 20 years experience, looking for "beginner" distro [Solved, the real beginner distro was the Debian I've used along the way]
  • Pekka Pekka 4 months ago 100%

    Fedora might be a good option, but it might require more setup with an Nvidea GPU. They use Wayland now, are a Gnome based distro, support full disk encryption. For me the package mangar has been fine, and they do support flatpak. It is a very large distro with backing from RedHat. So it should generally be stable.

    Pop_OS! Seems to be the great distro if you just want to game and watch videos without any issues arround setting up the drivers. It has been a quite stable distro for me and it is quite similar to Ubuntu. Unfortunately this distro doesn’t have Wayland yet.

    Manjaro is an Arch based distro, but it had some issues with using packages from the AUR. They do run Gnome on Wayland by default.

  • thenetherlands theNetherlands Nederlandse partij (NL Plan) bij Europese verkiezingen heeft banden met China'
  • Pekka Pekka 4 months ago 100%

    Ik had ze zelf nog niet eerder gezien. Lokaal valt er waarschijnlijk meer te behalen ja. Er zijn dan veel minder kiezers nodig en soms worden kleine partijen juist uitgelicht. En alleen al meer andacht is misschien al genoeg om de publieke opinie een beetje te beïnvloeden.

  • linux Linux What is/was your distrohopping journey?
  • Pekka Pekka 4 months ago 100%

    I started with an openSUSE dual boot with KDE. I didn't use Linux a lot at that point. Later, I switched to Ubuntu on a laptop for about a year and used that until I bought a MacBook. Eventually, I returned to Linux by running Pop!_OS on my desktop, but games were a bit choppy, and I really wanted to just run Wayland. I also started to use RHEL at work for our servers. So now I'm trying to switch to Fedora. I still have some issues with the Jagex Launcher, but aside from that, everything seems to work great now.

    At home, I have also had an Ubuntu Server for many years, and I also run Ubuntu Server on my VPS.

  • thenetherlands theNetherlands Nederlandse partij (NL Plan) bij Europese verkiezingen heeft banden met China'
  • Pekka Pekka 4 months ago 75%

    Wat een raar verhaal, waarom zou de Chinese overheid geld steken in het steunen van zo'n kleine partij die nooit zetels gaat halen. Ook heeft deze partij andere standpunten in het Nederlands dan dat het heeft in de Chinese media. (Zo zegt RTL: Vertegenwoordigers van de partij hebben sterke pro-Chinese standpunten, maar uiten die alleen in Chinese media.). Dus het is ook geen eenvoudige promotie van Chinese standpunten.

  • thenetherlands
    theNetherlands Pekka 4 months ago 100%
    Nederlandse partij (NL Plan) bij Europese verkiezingen heeft banden met China' nos.nl

    Bij de Europese verkiezingen aanstaande donderdag doet een Nederlandse partij mee die gesteund wordt door organisaties die zijn verbonden aan de Chinese Communistische Partij. Dat melden RTL Nieuws en Follow The Money (FTM) op basis van eigen onderzoek.

    linux Linux Schenker shows off a Linux laptop prototype with Snapdragon X Elite at Computex 2024
  • Pekka Pekka 4 months ago 100%

    This looks great. That would be quite a powerful low-weight machine with long battery life. If they won't be too expensive (and gaming works on them) I might get one. At least RuneLite seems to already support ARM64 on Linux and these chips also put more spotlight on ARM trough Windows on ARM.

  • thenetherlands theNetherlands Cruciale week in formatie, Frans Timmermans ligt op de loer (4 maart 2024)
  • Pekka Pekka 7 months ago 100%

    Ze zijn bij de VVD blijkbaar over de problemen met regeren met de PVV heen en willen graag een echt rechts kabinet. Maarja dan moeten ze wel de NSC overtuigen om toch met de PVV samen te gaan werken… terwijl ze kort geleden nog met ruzie uit elkaar gingen.

    Ik snap wel dat de VVD bang is voor een kabinet onder Timmermans, bij de volgende verkiezingen zal extreem rechts ze dan verwijten verantwoordelijk te zijn voor links beleid.

  • 2007scape Old School Runescape RuneScape Kingdoms Board Game & Roleplaying Game - Out Now!
  • Pekka Pekka 7 months ago 100%

    I got the boardgame last week, haven’t played it yet. The art and boxes all seem quite good. I’m looking forward to playing it.

  • gaming Gaming VR, Linux, and my Currently Unused Rift
  • Pekka Pekka 1 year ago 100%

    If you would just stick to playing games on the Quest 2/3 directly that should be fine. The Quest 2 can run basic games, so it does limit you a bit. For example VR Chat has some worlds with too many assets that are not playable on the Quest 2 directly. From what I remember you would be limited to Meta’s store though.

    Unfortunately VR seems to be a niche thing so I doubt this will get a lot of priority on Linux.

  • 2007scape Old School Runescape An Update on Jagex Accounts
  • Pekka Pekka 1 year ago 100%

    At least they are aware of the issue. For now it is still possible to bypass the Jagex Launcher trough Stream, but this will only allow you to play on the account linked to your steam user account, and you can only play on the steam client.

    I really hope they will make an official Linux build before upgrading to a Jagex account will be forced. The answers on Reddit at least sounded like the door was still open for creating a Linux version, before they just said Linux was not supported.

  • lemmy Lemmy Uploading videos on Lemmy
  • Pekka Pekka 1 year ago 100%

    I searched for a fish related video on PeerTube and put the URL (https://video.ploud.jp/w/ddbf542e-d4b6-4778-abed-8c51799188a4) in the search bar of my Lemmy instance, after a bit the video was available like here just as a regular Lemmy post. You should now be able to reply to it from Lemmy.

  • linux Linux Anyone else starting to favor Flatpak over native packages?
  • Pekka Pekka 1 year ago 100%

    Flatpak and Snap definitely make installation more simple. The packages come with their own dependencies so you have way less issues with conflicting dependencies. I like them when they are officially supported by the distribution or developer, but I prefer the official installations over supporting a random person making a package (not sure if this is a thing with Flatpak, but with Snaps that was definitely a thing).

    Some software really benefits from not begin inside flatpak though, I had to switch back to the deb version of Visual Studio Code as the integrated console didn't have access to some software outside the package and was also logging weird errors.

  • foundryvtt Foundry VTT Status of add-ons for v11.
  • Pekka Pekka 1 year ago 100%

    I still have to upgrade Foundry instance, so I haven't really checked it so far. What I did last time was to make a full backup from the data on the server, and use that backup on locally on my pc with a local server. Then you can safely run the update there, check if everything is working and fix what is not working. This is especially useful if you are running custom modules.

    Foundry also announced that they will make this process easier with Version 11.5. There will be an interface that will show if the systems and modules you are running are compatible with the new version and will also show if there are updates available to make them compatible with the new version. So maybe it is not a bad idea to wait for this update.

  • esperanto Esperanto Kial vi devus loĝi en Nederlando 🇳🇱
  • Pekka Pekka 1 year ago 100%

    Ni ankaŭ havas bonajn Esperantajn organizaĵojn. Mi esperas ke vi ŝatas la filmeton kaj esperas ke la plursendado de Esperantaĵoj estas parto de la celoj de ĉi tiu komunumo. Por novaj Esperantistoj estas grava ke ili vidas ke tiaj Esperantaĵoj ekzistas kaj ke ili povas provi kompreni ilin por ke ili povas plibonigi ilian nivelon de Esperanto.

  • nieuws Nieuws Perschef VVD biedt excuses aan na afpakken microfoon journalist
  • Pekka Pekka 1 year ago 100%

    Heftig filmpje, ik snap wel dat politici dit soort journalisten irritant vinden, maar het gedrag van deze perschef kan echt niet. Wel bijzonder is dat dit dus al de tweede keer is dat een microfoon van hen weggegooid wordt en er gewoon later excuses aangeboden worden, zoiets moet niet normaal worden. Aan de andere kant mag er ook wel op een iets minder irritante manier vragen gesteld worden, je krijgt op deze manier toch geen goede antwoorden.

    Ik vraag me wel af of deze perschef niet op een effectievere manier deze journalisten bij Sophie Hermans weg had kunnen houden. Op deze manier krijgt ze de agressieve manier van interviewen alsnog over zich heen en moet de perschef veel te ver gaan, dus dit werkt ook niet.

  • fediverse Fediverse Lemmy just had its first major hack. What happens next:
  • Pekka Pekka 1 year ago 100%

    Only Lemmy instances with custom emoticons were affected based on the Recap of the Lemmy XSS incident. So if Lemmy.ml doesn't have these it should not have been affected.

  • fediverse Fediverse Toot toot! Mastodon-powered Blog Comments
  • Pekka Pekka 1 year ago 100%

    So it works by fetching replies from Mastodon. We can see Mastodon users here by searching for their profile (like @user@example.com ) but that does not list any of their posts as Lemmy is not able to show messages that are not part of a post/magazine. Is there any way that we can find the messages trough a direct link?

  • thenetherlands theNetherlands Nieuwe verkiezingenbingo!
  • Pekka Pekka 1 year ago 100%

    "PvdA/GL laten elkaar niet los" deze lijkt inmiddels al bereikt als ze met één lijst mee gaan doen aan de verkiezingen. Dan wordt het heel moeilijk om daar nog weer twee fracties van te maken.

  • thenetherlands theNetherlands Nieuwe verkiezingenbingo!
  • Pekka Pekka 1 year ago 100%

    De NOS vroeg Omtzigt al of er nu een lijmpoging mogelijk was. Maar die had daar zin in. Een andere optie die hen redelijk leek is Mona Keizer terug, mar die is toen ontslagen vanwege haar Corona standpunt dat tegen het kabinet in ging. Het wordt heel lastig om daar nog een goed team neer te zetten dat een beetje uitstraling heeft en herkend wordt door de kiezer. Anders zullen ze het echt alleen van de mensen moeten hebben die gewoon op het CDA stemmen omdat ze dat altijd al deden.

  • webdev
    Web Development Pekka 1 year ago 100%
    Fireship: htmx in 100 seconds www.youtube.com

    htmx is a very different way of developing your web application. You can define a lot of behaviour inside your HTML with the new attributed added by htmx. This allows you to build an interactive website without using any JavaScript. You do need a REST API that returns HTML though. For more information about HTMX you can read the [htmx docs](https://htmx.org/docs/).

    nieuws Nieuws Nederlandse overheid begint Mastodon-instance voor overheidsaccounts
  • Pekka Pekka 1 year ago 100%

    Deze server gaat in ieder geval niet beschikbaar worden voor ambtenaren en alleen gebruikt worden officiële accounts. Ik zou het mooi vinden als de overheid ambtenaren zou pushen om gebruik te maken van open social media alternatieven zoals Mastodon en Lemmy, maar zover zijn we nog niet.

    Sommige overheidsinstanties verplichten op dit moment al wel Signal als chat-app voor ambtenaren: RDDI: Wat is het verschil tussen WhatsApp en Signal. Dat is natuurlijk geen Fediverse service, maar het is wel een voorbeeld van het steunen van apps die op een open manier werken. Zowel de source van de signal client als server zijn beschikbaar onder de AGPL licence.

  • thenetherlands theNetherlands Einde van een tijdperk. Rutte geen lijsttrekker meer voor de VVD.
  • Pekka Pekka 1 year ago 100%

    Dit is een grote stap. Ik had niet verwacht dat hij er echt uit zichzelf mee zou stoppen zolang de mensen voor hem bleven stemmen. De formatie zou wel erg lastig worden met zoveel partijen die het zat zijn om met hem samen te werken (PvdA, GL, BBB). Het wordt wel heel interessant waar het nu naar toe gaat.

  • nieuws Nieuws Nederlandse overheid begint Mastodon-instance voor overheidsaccounts
  • Pekka Pekka 1 year ago 100%

    Lijkt me een goed plan om dit op een open Fediverse platform te doen. Hopelijk wordt het in de toekomst ook mogelijk om vanaf andere platformen de posts te bekijken. Op dit moment kan je nog geen Mastodon gebruikers volgen hier op Lemmy bijvoorbeeld.

  • feddit_nl feddit.nl announcements 🎉 Feddit.nl draait nu op Lemmy 0.18.1! 🎉
  • Pekka Pekka 1 year ago 100%

    Goed bezig! Sinds we over zijn op 1.18.1 prereleases werkt Lemmy een stuk beter als PWA (Progresive Web App) op de mobiel.

  • linux Linux Give it to me straight. How worried are you for Fedora's future after Red Hats recent anti user decisions?
  • Pekka Pekka 1 year ago 91%

    Not worried at all. Their source code controversy mostly hurts companies that want to run RHEL without paying IBM, as after these changes distos like Alma Linux and Rockey Linux might diverge more from RHEL and they will have a harder time to guarantee bug-for-bug compatibility.

    Fedora is not trying to steal business and government contracts away from RHEL and as a normal user you don’t need this bug-for-bug compatibility anyway. You can just sign up for a RedHat developer account and download RHEL Server for free, this includes a GUI everything you need to run it on a workstation. You can even view the source code trough their website.

    So I am not worried that CentOS stream or Fedora will go away, RedHat is not trying to hurt consumers, they just want that enterprises (that are interested in support contracts) actually pay them when they use the work they put into RHEL. If they want a free version, they can still use CentOS stream.

  • thenetherlands theNetherlands Kabinet gevallen, geen akkoord over asielmaatregelen
  • Pekka Pekka 1 year ago 100%

    In de provincies zien we dit al, dus dit zou inderdaad zomaar kunnen. Veel boeren begrijpen ook echt wel dat er maatregelen nodig zijn om de uitstoot van stikstofverbindingen te verminderen, maar ze kunnen nu niets door alle onduidelijkheid. Op die onduidelijkheid is ook het afgelopen stikstofakkoord vastgelopen.Boeren hebben nu echt een keer duidelijkheid nodig zodat ze weten of hun bedrijf nog toekomst heeft en wat ze kunnen doen zodat ze door kunnen. Maar het blijft maar bij gesprekken en kaartjes ...

  • thenetherlands theNetherlands Ik denk dat ie wel wat gaat starten als ik de toon van dit bericht zo lees
  • Pekka Pekka 1 year ago 100%

    Hopelijk gaat hij inderdaad beginnen met zijn nieuwe partij, het zou heel jammer zijn als hij er mee zou stoppen. Recent is Renske Leijten het kamerlid van de SP waar hij veel mee samenwerkte in zijn onderzoek naar de toeslagenaffaire er wel mee gestopt: SP'er Renske Leijten stopt als Kamerlid

  • linux Linux Ubuntu Plans to Ditch its 'Minimal' Install Option
  • Pekka Pekka 1 year ago 100%

    Such a misleading title.. if they actually do this you will still be able to install the minimum version of Ubuntu, you just get the option to pick additional software that automatically gets installed as snap packages.

    I really don’t see the issue. If you don’t want any additional application or if you don’t want snap packages don’t pick anything. It really is their choice to support Snap packages, and snap and flatpack packages are just a lot easier to support for distro maintainers.

  • webdev
    Web Development Pekka 1 year ago 100%
    Theo: Presenting the Stack Overflow results www.youtube.com

    The results of this year Stack Overflow survey have been published: https://survey.stackoverflow.co/2023/ There is a lot to go through, so if you prefer it in a video format, these kinds of videos can help and also provide some comments on the raw data that you see.

    Wauw, deze gemeenschap bestaat Pekka 1 year ago 100%
    Community Icons gist.github.com

    Ik zag dat ze bij Beehaw nu één stijl aan icoontjes aan houden. Dat ziet er erg leuk en herkenbaar uit. Natuurlijk is het ook goed dat je gewoon een community kan oprichten zonder dat je je daar super druk over hoeft te maken. Ik vond het zelf alleen wel leuk om iets van een gezamenlijke stijl aan te houden voor de icoontjes die ik maakte, daarom koos ik voor de stijl van onze nu al meestgebruikte community [!nieuws@feddit.nl](https://feddit.nl/c/nieuws). Wil je ook net zoals !nieuws en [!tech@feddit.nl](https://feddit.nl/c/tech) deze stijl aanhouden, dan kan je het SVG-bestand van de Tech community gebruiken als basis: https://gist.github.com/Fireblade75/005f4d398eb67c970bbd2e3f5d77b24f

    Web Development Pekka 1 year ago 50%
    Sending email with react-email + Resend www.youtube.com

    Theo, a former Twitch employee, that now is one of the larger tech streamers on Twitch, made a video where he quickly goes over both react-email and Resend. Resend is a new service hat makes it easy to set up email for your website, and it is very affordable for small projects. It even comes with a free tier.

    Google risks forced breakup of ad business as EU alleges shocking misconduct arstechnica.com

    Google may soon be ordered to break up its lucrative ad business, which amounted to nearly $225 billion in 2022 and represented nearly 80 percent of Google's total revenue.

    Nieuws Pekka 1 year ago 100%
    Gasprijs bijna verdubbeld sinds 1 juni, energiecontracten weer duurder nos.nl

    Met een inkoopprijs van 23 euro per megawattuur (MWh) op 1 juni leek de gascrisis voorbij, maar nu blijkt hoe grillig de gasprijzen zijn. De prijs van gas sloot gisteren op ruim 40 euro per MWh en naderde eerder op de dag zelfs even de 50 euro per MWh. Oorzaken: de stijgende vraag naar gas in China en minder aanbod uit Noorwegen.

    Old School Runescape Pekka 1 year ago 100%
    Vorkath Guide for OSRS by No Help www.youtube.com

    I generally like No Help's videos about OSRS, he keeps a very relaxed an accessible theme. This time he made a Vorkath guide.

    Nieuws Pekka 1 year ago 100%
    Koninklijk rijtuig na 160 jaar met pensioen nos.nl

    De koninklijke trein gaat met pensioen. Na bijna 160 jaar zullen het koningshuis en buitenlandse staatshoofden niet meer met het rijtuig reizen. Het vervoersmiddel is aan het einde van zijn levensduur, meldt de NS. In de toekomst reist de koninklijke familie met reguliere treinen.

    RuneScape Pekka 1 year ago 100%
    Woodcutters' Grove - Fort Forinthry season update secure.runescape.com

    June 19th Jagex will add the Woodcutters' Grove to Fort Forinthry. With this update, they will also rebalance the woodcutting skill and even add the new Imcando Hatchet. This will make cutting logs from slow trees like magic trees a lot faster and more in line with the current state of the game.

    Nieuws Pekka 1 year ago 93%
    Vier vervoerders strijden voor een plek op het internationale spoor nos.nl

    Gaan we binnenkort de internationale treinen ook opknippen naar verschillende vervoerders?

    JavaScript Pekka 1 year ago 100%
    Dev Vlog: June 2023 - Svelte 4.0 with Rich Harris www.youtube.com

    Svelte 4.0 Beta is out. The most important changes are the minimum requirement of Node 16, TypeScript 5 and Webpack 5 (although the use of Webpack is not recommended) Svelte 4.0 focusses on structural improvements of the project and comes with better types for use in TypeScript. Even though the project, itself, is now moving to JSDoc (they say that this makes library development a lot faster). More impactful changes are expected in Svelte 5.

    RuneScape Pekka 1 year ago 100%
    Increased Area loot update secure.runescape.com

    With the update of last Monday, they increased the area loot on desktop to be the same as on mobile. Now we can finally just pickup most of our drops without moving while doing slayer. (if you need even more range, you can even use the Lorehound to extend this range by 2 tiles) ![](https://feddit.nl/pictrs/image/f29af03e-4663-4112-88ac-8a88eb068408.png)
