chat chat I'm back! What did I miss?
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 3 weeks ago 100%

    It's not too bad as this is really only the 2nd time this happened (or at least I noticed it happen) though I might be giving them too much credit considering this is the first post they made after 2 months of radio silence.

  • chat chat I'm back! What did I miss?
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 3 weeks ago 100%

    I've read through that too, the party had some very strange and concerning takes since Krzysztof Szwej resigned from position of party chairman.

  • chat chat I'm back! What did I miss?
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 4 weeks ago 100%

    You missed Catradora-Stalinism's comeback to Lemmygrad by 40 minutes, the rare event of our communist party actually posting something on their website by 23 days and perhaps more, I'm a bit out of the loop myself.

    ::: spoiler Welcome back btw.

    Am I even entitled to say this if this is the first time I interact with Hexbear? :::

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad Who said the quote: “ Every time China visits we get a hospital, every time Britain visits we get a lecture.”
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 7 months ago 100%

    Some tweet pointed to this but I have no idea if this is it because it's paywalled and I have a skill issue with trying to get past it.

  • arethestraightsok Are the Straights OK? No. The straights are not ok
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 7 months ago 100%

    Found the comment by pure chance today actually, it was referring to clay that was being dug up from the ground in the video.

  • memes Memes This should be forbidden
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 10 months ago 100%

    No idea but if you read it like as it is in Polish you get something like "Gierek fucks pussy".

  • worldnews World News General Assembly votes overwhelmingly against US Cuba embargo
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 11 months ago 100%

    For which consecutive year has the UN overwhelmingly voted against the US embargo on Cuba now? 23rd?

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say but do they serve in occupation army?
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 11 months ago 100%

    This reminded me of the fact Israel sterilised Jewish Ethiopian women.

  • technology
    Technology Patyk34 11 months ago 100%
    Does Naenara support the Flash plugin?

    Random question that came into my mind just now.

    Immortal name of Stalin the banner of humanity in the fight for peace, democracy and socialism

    Polish poster, no idea what year it's from but judging from the abscense of the Yugoslav flag and the presence of the Korean flag I'm assuming it's from after 1948 and before 1956, because you know. The 3 blue and 2 red flags with no markings confuse me - the red flags can be excused for symbolising socialism, but I don't know what the blue flags symbolise. PS. Am I supposed to tag the post with the language of the poster or the contents I write in here?

    Touhou Project Patyk34 12 months ago 100%
    Just realised we missed Cirno day

    We missed the chance to spam local with our shit 😢 Pretty sure the artist is かめぱすた otherwise known as kamepan44231, also known as just kame. Wild.

    Materiały do czytania o PRLu

    Chciałem wczoraj zrobić posta z okazji urodzin Edwarda Ochaba, ale kiedy już przyszło do pisania czegokolwiek na jego temat to zorientowałem się, że nic nie wiem poza tym co napisane jest na Wikipedii która oczywiście nie jest wiarygodnym źródłem w takich tematach. Znacie coś dobrego co dałoby się przeczytać na temat kraju którego nie miałem okazji zobaczyć na oczy?

    Touhou Project Patyk34 1 year ago 100%

    Trying to give this community the illusion of life. For a 128KB jpeg it fits pretty well for a wallpaper, huh... The artist's **Kasuya Baiyan** if you care. I have no idea what's being said on the pic, sorry.

    genzedong GenZedong Guys, why is everything so small?😕
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 1 year ago 100%

    I wish.

  • worldnews World News Infographic: U.S. Has Passed Far More Trade Restrictions Than Its Peers
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 1 year ago 100%

    I wanted to click the plus to expand the image that's shown in the link so I could see it without entering the link just to learn that feature was deleted in the newest GUI update. Damn tankies, forcing me to read!

  • genzedong GenZedong Guys, why is everything so small?😕
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 1 year ago 100%

    Yet another UI change so I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be like this.

  • memes Memes Distractions
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 1 year ago 100%

    Big beard and the fact he's in black and white.

  • Patyk34 Patyk34 1 year ago 0%

    ::: spoiler I've been discovered! :::

  • touhou
    Touhou Project Patyk34 1 year ago 100%

    I saw a dead community and decided to poke it with a stick.

    shitposting shitposting BMPussy 😩
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 1 year ago 100%

    Took me a moment to realise what song you're talking about lol, I listened to way too many Soviet songs about Afghanistan.

  • announcements Announcements So we have custom emojis now
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 1 year ago 100%

    I wanted to send an animated webp image but it resulted in the site telling me the network request failed. Oh well.

  • latestagecapitalism Late Stage Capitalism is this community pro Tankie?
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 1 year ago 100%

    noo criticalresist dont you know that violence makes you the real oppressor

  • latestagecapitalism Late Stage Capitalism is this community pro Tankie?
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 1 year ago 100%

    Our entire instance is tankies why are you even asking lol

  • genzedong GenZedong Some awesome communist posters of women
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 1 year ago 100%

    I wanted to contribute by showing a Soviet Estonian poster that I really like, even though in this one the gender isn't really the main focus.

  • pics_that_go_hard Pics That Go Hard Serbian man attacking NATO soldiers with a stick
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 1 year ago 100%

    Poor Moldova, it doesn't deserve this ~fate~ ~of~ ~being~ ~in~ ~NATO~

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say ''Asexual would do sexual things''
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 1 year ago 100%

    This reminds me of something an anticommunist posted once. ::: spoiler CW: "Justification" of loli and homophobia. :::

  • Patyk34 Patyk34 1 year ago 100%

    "Dziedzic" sounds like a Polish surname - opinion discarded.

  • tankietunes TankieTunes Warszawianka (Japanese Version)
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 1 year ago 100%

    Both of them are Polish. And while we're talking about Warszawianka, let me suggest one more version:

  • genzedong GenZedong Top 10 biggest economies by GDP PPP estimation from 2020 (from World bank and IMF)
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 1 year ago 100%

    Honestly I feel like we ~(Euros)~ have had nothing but Ls since 1990. Though maybe I'm just not looking at the bigger picture.

  • communism101
    Communism101 Patyk34 2 years ago 100%
    The Marshall Plan and Yugoslavia

    cross-posted from: > If I am to believe my school textbooks (which are not to be trusted more than half the time on recent history), Yugoslavia made use of the Marshall Plan, and if I'm to trust another book, related to that history period, but released when we still had socialism in Poland, the Marshall Plan was used by the USA to manipulate politics of the plan's beneficinaries to their likes. > > How did this affect the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, if at all?

    SFR Yugoslavia Patyk34 2 years ago 100%
    The Marshall Plan and Yugoslavia

    If I am to believe my school textbooks (which are not to be trusted more than half the time on recent history), Yugoslavia made use of the Marshall Plan, and if I'm to trust another book, related to that history period, but released when we still had socialism in Poland, the Marshall Plan was used by the USA to manipulate politics of the plan's beneficinaries to their likes. How did this affect the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, if at all?

  • Patyk34 Patyk34 2 years ago 100%

    Isn't "UM" an alternative US flag which doesn't differ in any way but it's still there because US exceptionalism dictated it must have 2 flags?

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say Xi is literally satan
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 2 years ago 100%

    I actually use it as a wallpaper on my phone lmao

  • genzedong GenZedong They could use this
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 2 years ago 100%


    Sir I believe this is already beyond repair.

  • genzedong GenZedong On a unrelated post about bird flu
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 2 years ago 100%

    As someone from a Polish father and a Ukrainian mother, born in Poland, I'd like to say I don't hate the Russians, making this person's justification of "as someone of Polish and Ukrainian descent" for it invalid.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat What (unconfirmed) “conspiracy theories” do you believe? (poll)
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 2 years ago 100%

    Stalin was gay. I remember reading an article about how he looked at pictures or drawings of other naked men, and - get this - he did it in presence of other men. The source for this was Stalin's guards remoirs, if I remember correctly.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat What (unconfirmed) “conspiracy theories” do you believe? (poll)
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 2 years ago 100%

    Not sure if this fits into the unconfirmed category, but I believe the Nazis are responsible for the massacre of Polish POWs in the Katyń forest.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Have you guys visited any countries?
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 2 years ago 100%

    Ukraine, unironically. My mother's Ukrainian and as such, I went there every summer break to visit my grandparents until COVID-19 put an end to all that. One of the memorable moments I had there was witnessing a nationalist parade. One thing that made it particularly memorable was that they had 2 flags: the national flag of Ukraine, and the UPA banner. I was a little kid back then, so I still didn't understand that they were just fascists. Another thing that fell into my memory was that whenever there was police nearby, my grandmother would change the route that we were taking. I don't remember what her justification was when I asked why.

  • poland
    Znalazłem złoto polskiej literatury historycznej

    Dzisiaj przegladając bibliotekę znalazłem 2 bardzo stare książki, przy czym jedna z nich jest z 1946 roku. Problem z nimi to co najwyżej taki, że papier okładek się już na nich kruszy, ale tekst itd. wszystko jest czytelne, co niestety nie zmienia faktu, że nie mam czasu na ich czytanie ze względu na obowiązki szkolne, a literatura mnie szczególnie nie kręci żeby poświęcać jej większość czasu wolnego. Książką o której roku wydania wspomniałem jest "Polska Piastów Polska Jagiellonów", wydana przez Drukarnię Św. Wojciecha pod zarządem państwowym. Co raczej niebywałe w literaturze PRLu (a przynajmniej tak mi się zdaje, bo nie widziałem żadnej innej książki z taką charakterystyką) mamy tu dosyć często pojawiające się obrazki, więc można nawet anarchistę zachęcić do przeczytania tego dzieła. Inną książką jest "Rewolucja Polska 1846 roku", wydana w 1949 roku przez Wydawnictwo Zakładu Narodowego Imienia Ossolińskich, którą wydano z zasiłku Prezydium Rady Ministrów i jest wyborem źródeł, przy czym chciałbym dodać, że na końcu jest zamieszczony komentarz Marksa odnośnie tej rewolucji. Znalazłem jeszcze trzecią książkę o której nie wspomniałem na początku, ponieważ nie jest ona z PRLu, a z IIRP. Są to "Wspomnienia z Dawnego Wiednia", którymi są fragmenty listów, wydane w 1937 roku przez księgarnię F. Hoesicka, od Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Strzecha w Wiedniu. Nie wiem o niej zbyt dużo i, szczerze powiedziawszy, wiele od niej nie oczekuję.

    shitliberalssay [ARCHIVED] Shit Liberals Say What in the living fuck
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 2 years ago 100%

    Why you gotta do the flag of Armenia like that?

  • memes Memes Meme the AnKKKaps
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 2 years ago 100%

    Fake, it suggests that an anarchist can read lmao

  • shitliberalssay [ARCHIVED] Shit Liberals Say Bro this is some DPRK level of propaganda 💀💀
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 2 years ago 100%

    I didn't really believe this, but I still looked into it because our Polish msm reported on it and cited Reuters, which in turn cited TASS. When looking through TASS, however, I couldn't find a single mention of it. Funny, isn't it?

  • genzedong GenZedong red vs blue
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 2 years ago 100%

    Father Frost, nooooo

  • memes Memes Most heavily armed Ukrainian:
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 2 years ago 85%

    This is the first photo of a Ukrainian soldier without any Nazi symbology I've ever seen.

    Under the shirt, maybe?

  • genzedong GenZedong Whats yalls opinion on Grover Furr?
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 2 years ago 100%

    Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe

    the object permanence goes away when the Soviets are mentioned

    Of course the historian with a Polish name starts going full bullshit mode the moment the Soviets are mentioned.

  • memes Memes If this was a real Mao-era poster, what would it say?
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 2 years ago 100%

    Maybe something about hoarding?

  • shitfascistssay [ARCHIVED] Shit Fascists Say ‘no prominent Jewish personality has apologized [for Romania’s] Bolshevization’
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 2 years ago 100%

    Least antisemitic anti-communist*

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat UPDATE: Lemmygrad is still down
  • Patyk34 Patyk34 2 years ago 100%

    I dunno man, seems fine to me if I ignore all the "image not found"s.

  • poland
    KPP zaktualizowało swoją stronę

    Kilka tygodni temu (10 października) Komunistyczna Partia Polski zaktualizowała stronę swojej Partii. Dodatkowo ich konto na Twitterze ożyło, co się liczyło z tym, że 10 października zapostowali życzenia noworoczne na ten rok. Jako tako nic interesującego, ale wspominam o tym, ponieważ nasza społeczność jest martwa, a ostatnim razem kiedy tam patrzyłem (27 września) strona dalej była dosyć biedna w wyglądzie i zawartości.

    "Polska w latach 1945 • 1956"

    Jest to właściwie pierwszy mój post tutaj, więc wybaczcie, jeśli napiszę coś niepoprawnie, czy to gramatycznie, czy na standardy sieci. Wypożyczyłem dzisiaj w bibliotece szkolnej książkę o tytule jaki zawarłem w tytule tego postu. Wydana przez Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne (WSiP) w Warszawie w 1987 r., opracowana przez Zenobiusza Kozika we współpracy z Eugeniuszem Grzędzińskim, na okładce dodatkowo pisze, że jest to wybór tekstów źródłowych do nauczania historii. Zanim zacznę ją czytać (a raczej skończę, bo kilka pierwszych stron już przeczytałem), chciałbym wiedzieć, czy powinienem mieć wobec tej książki jakieś zastrzeżenia (np. ze względu na niepoprawne odzwierciadlanie historii na czyjąś korzyść, itp.). Z góry dziękuję.
