chapotraphouse chapotraphouse AOC is picking a twitter fight with the Teamster president over not supporting Kamala's candidacy
  • PKMKII PKMKII 1 hour ago 100%

    The dumbest part is it really doesn’t matter. Union endorsements don’t move votes like it used to, and if the Teamsters leadership endorsed Kamala in spite of the member votes it would’ve made her support look artificial. Best to just shut up about it.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Warcrime-enjoyer-cels be seething at pizzamaxxing chads
  • PKMKII PKMKII 5 hours ago 100%

    Not the treats!

  • games games Nintendo's suing Palworld (for real this time)
  • PKMKII PKMKII 7 hours ago 100%

    The fundamental flaw with patents is being transferrable and the property model of them. Within the context of the current political economy, it would make more sense if someone used another’s patent commercially, the patent holder just gets a tax credit equal to some small percentage of the sales. And sweet Jesus the entire concept of being able to buy and sell patent rights is fucked up.🔝

  • games games Nintendo's suing Palworld (for real this time)
  • PKMKII PKMKII 8 hours ago 100%

    Which would work out in Pocketpair’s favor; establishing that it was an existing, common mechanic before the patent was filed will typically get it nullified.

  • games games Nintendo's suing Palworld (for real this time)
  • PKMKII PKMKII 8 hours ago 100%

    According to a Mastodon post, the speculation is it’s over “patents such as one for throwing and using Poké Balls in a 3D space (JP,2023-092953,A); and one for automatically switching between ride Pokémon as a player transitions between different terrain, such as between air and the ground (JP,2023-092954,A)."

    IANAL, certainly not in Japanese patent law, but the first one sounds stronger to me, but still not bulletproof.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank The rise of Britishcore: 100 experiences that define and unite modern Britons
  • PKMKII PKMKII 9 hours ago 100%

    3 is just a rip off of the MTA’s “If you see something, say something.”

    80% of these can be summed up as “You have semi-functional alcoholism.”

  • dredge_tank The Dredge Tank Even Leninism is getting co-opted now
  • PKMKII PKMKII 9 hours ago 100%

    So they took the most cartoonish lib propaganda version of Lenin and said “That was actually good, it just needed to be right wing.”

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse I HAVE MY FIRST POST RECOVERY DATE
  • PKMKII PKMKII 9 hours ago 100%

    going spray painting


  • badposting badposting Nobody wants to be a slave anymore
  • PKMKII PKMKII 9 hours ago 100%

    Workers so goddamn lazy and entitled these days

  • main main Whoops! Mr. Beast did a 9/11
  • PKMKII PKMKII 11 hours ago 100%

    Whelp time to invade Iraq

  • dredge_tank The Dredge Tank Brave socdem freedom fighter opposes evil Cuban dictatorship while getting free medical education from them
  • PKMKII PKMKII 1 day ago 100%

    Unlike in America where no one ever stifles people who voice their opposition to the political system

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Teamsters Presidential Poll: close to 60% choose red Hitler over blue hitler
  • PKMKII PKMKII 1 day ago 100%

    This is a result of a political system that only allows dissent against the neoliberal economic order to be amplified if it’s crouched in ethno-nationalist terms.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank King Bazinga presents some poetry about how we actually need Supply-Side Cultural Christianity.
  • PKMKII PKMKII 1 day ago 100%

    It’s one of those things left intentionally vague so that the audiences can fill in the blank. It echoes MAGA not saying when America was last great or what made it great then. So one person fills in brand identity, another fills in wokeness, another fills in celebrity worship, another fills in big government, etc. The point isn’t coherency, it’s about getting people with wildly different views to think the solution is to turn the clock back.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank King Bazinga presents some poetry about how we actually need Supply-Side Cultural Christianity.
  • PKMKII PKMKII 1 day ago 100%

    Religion is not it

    To cover up your bullshit

    Now please do not make a fit

    Time to get in the god damn pit

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Palantir CTO basically confirming their involvement in Israel's pager attack
  • PKMKII PKMKII 1 day ago 100%

    gui-better gui-better gui-better

  • dredge_tank The Dredge Tank It's not terrorism; it's a "counterintelligence operation"
  • PKMKII PKMKII 1 day ago 100%

    Yeah guys the intended targets were Hezbollah, the kids killed were an oopsie. The Lebanese are being illogical if they feel terrorized by it.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank From Radical to Lib: Angela Davis "Electing Harris will open space for more radical struggles"
  • PKMKII PKMKII 1 day ago 100%

    Capitalism, militarism, and neo-colonialism



  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Somehow Hamilton is still relevant
  • PKMKII PKMKII 1 day ago 100%

    There’s something about the use of hip hop here, especially in that dorky Lin Manuel Miranda cadence, that harkens back to an early 90’s PSA using the worst, no-flow hip hop to teach the kids it’s cool and dope to not litter, yo.

  • dredge_tank The Dredge Tank [CW: gender based violence] Wow, cool YouTube. Way to open up a fresh can of trauma.
  • PKMKII PKMKII 1 day ago 100%

    SMFH the unwoke YouTube channel has gone woke by forcing the disabled into their videos

  • dredge_tank The Dredge Tank [CW: gender based violence] Wow, cool YouTube. Way to open up a fresh can of trauma.
  • PKMKII PKMKII 1 day ago 100%

    The front half of the car in the background is a Volkswagen Beetle, the back half is a Chrysler.

  • food food Aldi, who else loves shopping there?
  • PKMKII PKMKII 1 day ago 100%

    Never actually been to an Aldi. My gold standard is Wegmans, how does Aldi compare?

  • news news NYPD says officers recovered wrong knife from police subway shooting in Brooklyn
  • PKMKII PKMKII 2 days ago 100%

    New York’s finest, everyone

  • dredge_tank The Dredge Tank big Joel more like big LOSER
  • PKMKII PKMKII 2 days ago 100%

    The dumbest part is these aren’t big Republicans. If they were, they would’ve just identified them by name.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank The right can't meme
  • PKMKII PKMKII 2 days ago 100%

    The Garrison effect

  • games games Are gamers really that much of a baby that they need to be told to not pre order games from trash studios lol
  • PKMKII PKMKII 2 days ago 100%

    Ironically, I don’t think it’s the FOMO of the game itself that drives them, it’s the FOMO of the pseudo-social experience of the day one purchase-play-social media feedback cycle.

  • askchapo askchapo Why is TERFism so popular in Britain in particular?
  • PKMKII PKMKII 3 days ago 100%

    Someone on here once pointed out that because feminism and the LGBTQIA+ movements didn’t come to Britain until after its colonial era, it was never weaponized to justify imperialism to bring LGBTQIA+ enlightenment to the third world “barbarians” like what happened in the U.S.

  • anime anime Did the English dub of Spirited Away add a bunch of random lines or what's going on here
  • PKMKII PKMKII 3 days ago 100%

    Which in the context of the scene makes sense. They’re sneaking off to a restricted area they’re not supposed to be in while most of the denizens of the springs are asleep, of course they would be keeping quiet as to not alert anyone.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Liberal techno-fascists are utterly deranged
  • PKMKII PKMKII 3 days ago 100%

    The second bit with Mr. Nomad is much more infuriating to me than Luckey. Luckey is a ghoul but it’s typical ghoul shit: war machines, American exceptionalism, justified the two with the “threat” of Russia and China even though they’ll be inevitably used against “underdeveloped” nations no where near superpower status (which has a domestic equivalent in the creeping security state justified with the threat of terrorism but overwhelmingly used for the war on drugs).

    Nomad, on the other hand, how willfully ignorant do you need to be to think efficiencies in the military industrial complex would lead to reduced government spending? When has that ever lead to anything other than more spending? This is the most brainworms part of libertarians, they simultaneously think capitalists are good for putting the profit motive above all else but then also think “good” capitalists follow this morality play version of capitalism with all these rules that go against the profit motive.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Liberal techno-fascists are utterly deranged
  • PKMKII PKMKII 3 days ago 100%

    But also, throwing shit tons of money at the military industrial complex is the exact opposite of different. That’s about as status quo as it gets in DC.

  • anime anime Did the English dub of Spirited Away add a bunch of random lines or what's going on here
  • PKMKII PKMKII 3 days ago 100%

    Yeah mainstream western animation, especially back then, tends to have action, dialogue, or both going on at any time. Execs saw more than a couple seconds of just scenery, emotion and were like “fill the gap with something!

  • anime anime Did the English dub of Spirited Away add a bunch of random lines or what's going on here
  • PKMKII PKMKII 4 days ago 100%

    Yeah it goes off towards the end. The sub script isn’t bad in the abstract, but it’s also kind of weird that they decided to deviate that much. It’s not like the Japanese script has anything weird or problematic. Almost like Disney just assumed that they had to change it because something would be off-putting to Western audiences, even if they didn’t know what.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank New york crimes or one american news network 🤔
  • PKMKII PKMKII 4 days ago 100%

    Yeah this just confirms that America is on the wrong side of history here

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Imagine being part of the 20-person security team of someone calling himself "Voyager" that wages culture wars on Twitter while sitting on the toilet.
  • PKMKII PKMKII 5 days ago 100%

    I assumed they meant in the context of Star Trek Voyager

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Mao 🤝 Kamala Harris
  • PKMKII PKMKII 5 days ago 100%

    The “[historical figure] would’ve supported [modern candidate/movement/policy]” is the most brain dead argument. Obviously, they’re not here to tell us otherwise. But more importantly, despite the iconography being fun, figures like Lenin, Mao, etc were not prophets delivering holy truths from on high. They were just people making the best of their situations and figuring out what worked in the moment. Which is the best we can do, and often that means taking a different tactic than leftists of old. Ironically, playing games of “What would Lenin do?” is the exact opposite of conceptualizing theory in the modern context because it ties leftist politics to people who had decades of evolving context since their deaths.

  • games games The entire staff of beloved game publisher Annapurna Interactive has resigned
  • PKMKII PKMKII 5 days ago 100%

    I enjoyed Donut County and Neon White that they published

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Libs trying not to blame communists for the holocaust challenge (impossible)
  • PKMKII PKMKII 6 days ago 100%

    Yeah how’d that work out for the New Popular Front in France?

  • dredge_tank The Dredge Tank The East Has Fallen
  • PKMKII PKMKII 6 days ago 100%

    I’m going to assume “toned down the physics” means her breasts no longer constantly jiggle like there’s a blind mouse inside them trying to get out.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse On tankies and online discourse about them
  • PKMKII PKMKII 6 days ago 100%

    I’ll take a slightly different take and argue it’s a coping mechanism. They see an ascendent neo-fascism that they’re powerless to stop, with the liberal institutions discarding any pretense of caring about what their constituents want and are at best indifferent to the neo-fascism, at worst willing to ally with it to protect their interests (see: Macron). So they look for something easy to feel like they’re getting a W and, oh look here’s this loud online but completely powerless in real politics hard left. So they can act like “containing the tankie contagion” is them doing their part to preserve “democracy.”

  • labour
    labour PKMKII 6 days ago 100%
    Boeing workers go on strike in fresh blow to troubled aircraft giant

    >Workers had sought a 40 percent wage rise, the restoration of a defined-benefit pension plan axed in 2014, and a stronger guarantee that future production would not be moved out of the Seattle region.

    chapotraphouse chapotraphouse The policeman of the world says you can't have a state
  • PKMKII PKMKII 6 days ago 100%

    So is she arguing for a single state solution then? Because Palestinian statehood is intrinsic for a two state solution, and the only other option is one state with equal rights. Getting big-time sunday-friend vibes from her.

  • askchapo askchapo Does anybody know of any resources that discuss the life and treatment of disabled people in the Soviet Union?
  • PKMKII PKMKII 6 days ago 100%

    So what they said is, there was a relatively straightforward way of accessing the services; general doctor gives you a referral to a specialist, most likely in Moscow, you get treatment/services at their facility. On paper, state run and covered. In practice, getting better care typically meant greasing some palms. Things like paying out of pocket for sheets at the facility, or a little “gift” to the doctor to ensure you get the better meds. Without that there was still care, just the minimum.

    Two important caveats/notes: this was their observations as a youth receiving disability services, so it doesn’t speak to long-term programs for adults. This was also in the waning years of the Soviet Union, so their observations don’t speak for the entirety of the USSR, just that period of heavy flux.

  • fashion
    fashion PKMKII 3 weeks ago 100%
    Where can I find quality replica hats of socialist countries/revolutions/movements?

    I saw some dope field caps of the North Vietnamese army, but the only listing I could find was an original that had already sold, and searching for “Vietnam hat” just gets me a bunch of boomer participation trophies.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    neurodiverse PKMKII 3 weeks ago 100%
    This Is Why You Can’t Get ADHD Treatment
    traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns PKMKII 1 month ago 100%
    Look what they need to mimic a fraction of our coolness!

    earth PKMKII 1 month ago 100%
    How the most powerful environmental groups help greenwash Big Meat’s climate impact

    >Take the World Wildlife Fund, or WWF, a green giant with over $600 million in assets. WWF and McDonald’s are both founding members of the beef roundtable, and later, the two worked together on other beef-related projects. In fact, that inaugural conference in 2010 was officially titled the World Wildlife Fund Global Conference on Sustainable Beef. (WWF has helped to found similar industry roundtables for poultry and soy — most of which is fed to farmed animals — and a certification program for seafood.) >For its collaboration, McDonald’s makes sure WWF is well compensated; from 2015 to 2022, the company donated $4.5 to $9 million to WWF-US. >From 2017 to 2022, WWF-US brought in approximately $12 million to $28.6 million from various meat, dairy, seafood, fast food, restaurant, and grocery companies, including Tyson Foods, Cargill, Burger King, Costco, Walmart, Red Lobster, Chobani, and Dairy Management Inc., a dairy trade group.

    chapotraphouse PKMKII 1 month ago 100%
    Love how the tech oligarchs have convinced us the worst parts of old tech are cool and futuristic in new tech

    You hate having to deal with an automated voice recognition system when calling customer service? Well we put it in an app and called it AI and now you piggies love it. That’s right, eat your slop.

    technology PKMKII 1 month ago 100%
    Google has illegal monopoly over internet search, US judge rules

    > A judge in the United States has ruled that Google spent billions of dollars to create an illegal monopoly for its search engine, exploiting its dominance to squash competition and stifle innovation. >Monday’s landmark decision that Google broke antitrust law marks the first major success for US authorities taking on the dominance of Big Tech, which has come under fire from across the political spectrum. > “The court reaches the following conclusion: Google is a monopolist, and it has acted as one to maintain its monopoly,” US District Judge Amit Mehta wrote in his 277-page ruling.

    badposting PKMKII 2 months ago 100%
    I’m not sure about this Christianity thing

    I mean, the name of the guy they follow means “I suspicious” in French.

    technology PKMKII 2 months ago 100%
    Pluralistic: AI’s productivity theater

    >But bosses' resemblance to toddlers doesn't end with their credulity. A toddler's path to getting that eye-height candy-bar goes through their exhausted parents. Your boss's path to realizing the productivity gains promised by an AI salesman runs through you. >A new research report from the Upwork Research Institute offers a look into the bizarre situation unfolding in workplaces where bosses have been conned into buying AI and now face the challenge of getting it to work as advertised: > >The headline findings tell the whole story: >* 96% of bosses expect that AI will make their workers more productive; > * 85% of companies are either requiring or strongly encouraging workers to use AI; > * 49% of workers have no idea how AI is supposed to increase their productivity; > * 77% of workers say using AI decreases their productivity.

    politics PKMKII 2 months ago 100%
    Harm Reduction in Action


    technology PKMKII 2 months ago 99%
    Astronauts are now stuck on International Space Station indefinitely due to issue with Boeing Starliner

    > Also docked to the space station is SpaceX’s Crew Dragon capsule that ferried four astronauts to the ISS in March, and a **Russian Soyuz capsule** that delivered three others in September. Stich acknowledged that at least one of those vehicles could provide an alternative ride home for Wilmore and Williams. ![joker-amerikkklap]( "emoji joker-amerikkklap")

    games PKMKII 3 months ago 100%
    Splatoon world champs Jackpot caught having heated gamer moments (CW: racism, homophobia)

    I always thought the Splatoon community was relatively better when it comes to marginalized people but even it’s not immune to the ![freeze-gamer]( "emoji freeze-gamer") mindset

    badposting PKMKII 3 months ago 100%
    The beanis has transitioned

    It is now veanis

    badposting PKMKII 5 months ago 100%
    We must feel sympathy for the sensible centrists

    Their willingness to support reasonable candidates from both parties means they end up getting both parties’ obnoxious donation spam emails

    chapotraphouse PKMKII 1 year ago 100%
    Bit idea: Mashing up aughts Jesus Freak aesthetics with Yas Slay Queen tropes

    T-shirt that say “Jesus is my Girlboss” with a picture of Christ in a business dress.

    transenby_liberation PKMKII 1 year ago 100%
    Seeking advice regarding transitioning family member

    Long story short, I’ve always been supportive of the trans community and individuals, trans rights are human rights, all that good stuff. However, I’ve never had someone in my personal life transition, until now; my FIL told my wife that they’re now a MIL. So there’s two sides to this request: First, any general advice, resources, etc., on how to be supportive/helpful for her during the transition, and advice that would be more specific to someone that’s transitioning as a senior and as a trans woman that wouldn’t respond well to overtly left wing resources on the matter. Yep, she’s a lifelong Republican, was optimistic about Trump although I have no clue how she stands on him now (as an aside though, oh boy were the rants about drag queen story times ironic in hindsight). Which leads into the second side: while she has started on HRT, she’s still not publicly presenting as feminine, and we haven’t told our son/her grandson yet. We’ve discussed the general concept of people who are transgender with him, but that’s not the same thing as him processing grandpa becoming grandma, and he’s at an age where I have no clue how he’s going to take it. So I’m looking for any recommendations as to how to discuss what’s happening with him, maybe some books (like third/fourth grade level) that do a good job of presenting the concept for a younger mind.
