Canada NightOwl 6 hours ago 100%
Liberals Are Finding New Ways To Undermine The Right To Strike

>The government’s intervention in the rail dispute is especially troubling for a number of reasons. > >For starters, this was an employer lockout imposed in an effort to extract concessions that rail workers argue will make both themselves and the broader public less safe. > >Larry Hubich, former president of the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour, in fact argues that the rail employers, along with other companies who are members of FETCO (Federally Regulated Employers – Transportation and Communications), were trying to cause enough economic disruption through the lockout to force the government to curtail rail and federal workers’ rights to strike. It seems the government largely obliged.

World News NightOwl 2 days ago 86%
Iran slams EU allegations on missile supplies to Russia

>Kan’ani said any claim regarding sales of Iranian missiles to Russia is unfounded. > >“I am again clearly reminding the position of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Any claim that Iran sells ballistic missiles to Russia is false,” he said.

Canada NightOwl 2 days ago 98%
Trudeau says government will not intervene in Air Canada dispute with pilots

>Labour Minister Steven MacKinnon met both the company and the union on Thursday. Both sides are still far apart on the question of wages. > >MacKinnon has broad powers to tackle disputes and last month intervened within 24 hours to end a stoppage at the country's two largest railway companies, Canadian Pacific Kansas City and Canadian National Railway. > >Air Canada says this set a precedent. But while Ottawa has intervened several times in labor disputes over the last few decades, it has only done so after stoppages have begun, not before. > >"We are not going to interfere, we are not going to take action before it really becomes very clear that there is no goodwill at the negotiating table," said Trudeau. > >The Business Council of Canada, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce issued a joint statement on Friday calling on Ottawa to intervene to prevent a strike before it began.

Canada NightOwl 2 days ago 95%
McGill president smears students while ignoring genocide

>There are important geopolitical and cultural factors that influence Canadian support for Israel and help explain Saini's hostility to divesting, as the university recently did with [fossil fuels]( and [Russia]( But the most pressing element is a remarkably empowered victim narrative. > >"[Jews]( at McGill: 'We feel alone'", blared the cover of Saturday's _National Post_, linking to a two-page spread that included the spurious claim students organized a "Kristallnacht-themed rally" in November. ([73 Postmedia]( outlets reportedly ran the story). The New York based _Jewish Forward_ published a similar commentary headlined "[For Jewish]( students at McGill like me, our return to campus is filled with dread". >On Friday McGill students organized a walkout and some ripped up the grass where the encampment was demolished. Those who see little problem with destroying everything in Gaza were outraged grass had been damaged.

Canada NightOwl 3 days ago 100%
Canada in talks about joining expanded AUKUS, defence chief Blair says

>Canada is looking for a bigger security role in Asia and has made forging deeper ties with Japan and South Korea a priority. As its defence commitments expand at home and overseas the country is expanding military spending. > >"Next year, my defence budget will rise by 27% over this year, and, frankly, in the next three or four years, our defence spending will triple," Blair said.

Canada NightOwl 4 days ago 100%
Montreal mayor criticized for blocking social media comments

>But Salem said elected officials have an obligation to engage with their constituents. He said Plante could deal with online harassment by blocking individual accounts or reporting them to the police. "When we decide to be public figures, that goes with the position," he said. "When we want to be representative of the population, we have to be representative of the whole population." > >Anaïs Bussières McNicoll, director of the fundamental freedoms program at the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, said a "blanket prohibition on comment" is an unreasonable limitation of people's freedom of expression. Instead, she said, elected officials should evaluate inappropriate comments on a case-by-case basis. > >"I would say that elected officials with significant resources shouldn't have their cake and eat it too," she said. "In that if they choose to have access to and to use social media platforms in the context of their public work, they should also accept that their constituents might want to comment on their work on that very public platform."

Canada NightOwl 4 days ago 99%
Feds' decision to ease PFAS rules based on industry study

>But researchers say focusing on the environmental impacts and potential health harms of the finished products alone hides their actual environmental impact. Manufacturing Teflon and other fluoropolymers uses other, more dangerous PFAS chemicals. These compounds are known to contaminate the environment surrounding manufacturing facilities, said Rainer Lohmann, a professor of oceanography at the University of Rhode Island. > >"Basically, anywhere where there's a major fluoropolymer producer, they seem to have succeeded in contaminating the entire region with their production process," he said. >The ministry's move to remove fluoropolymers from its proposed rules suggests those industry lobbying efforts have worked, MacDonald said. Using a study with self-declared ties to the chemical industry to back up the ministry's decision to exclude fluoropolymers "just kind of shows a little bit of what's happening behind the scenes in terms of where the government is taking the industry's word," she said.

World News NightOwl 5 days ago 90%
US maintains military grip over ‘sovereign’ Pacific island states

>In exchange, the compact states have conceded several controls to Washington, one of which is what U.S. officials call "strategic denial," or the authority to prohibit the military forces of other countries from accessing the compact states. Although strategic denial is [_inconsistent_]( with the [_UN Convention on the Law of the Sea_](, which provides all countries with the right of innocent passage in territorial waters and freedom of the high seas in exclusive economic zones, U.S. officials have insisted that it is their right to control the seas, land, and airspace of the compact states. > >Ironically, the U.S. position contrasts sharply with its insistence, over Chinese protests, that the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard have the right to conduct so-called "[_freedom of navigation operations_](" in waters claimed by Beijing in the [_South China Sea_](

World News NightOwl 5 days ago 93%
Kremlin warns of escalation if US allows Kyiv to hit Russia with long-range missiles

>Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters Moscow suspected a U.S. decision to let Kyiv fire such missiles into Russia had already been taken and that there would be a response if that happened. > >"It (our response) will be an appropriate one," said Peskov. > >"The involvement of the United States of America and European countries in the conflict over Ukraine is direct, and each new step increases the degree of this involvement," he said. > >Vyacheslav Volodin, the chairman of the State Duma, the lower house of parliament, and a close ally of President Vladimir Putin, said Moscow would be forced to use "more powerful and destructive weapons" against Ukraine if Kyiv started firing long-range Western missiles at Russia. > >"Washington and other European states are becoming parties to the war in Ukraine," Volodin said on Telegram.

World News NightOwl 1 week ago 100%
Thousands protest across France over Michel Barnier appointment as PM

> >Olivier Faure, the first secretary of the Socialist party (PS), said Macron's decision to name Barnier PM put him in the far right's pocket. > > > >"Macron and his friends could have chosen not to punish the NFP, to let it govern while accepting it would have to compromise because it would not have an absolute majority. Instead, he preferred to put himself under the control of the RN," Faure posted on X. > > > >A [poll by Elabe on Friday]( suggested 74% of French people thought Macron had disregarded the election result with 55% saying they believed he had stolen the vote. At the same time, 40% said Barnier was a good choice for PM.

Traditional Art NightOwl 1 week ago 100%
Perseus Confronting Phineus with the Head of Medusa by Sebastiano Ricci >In Greek mythology, the hero Perseus was famous for killing Medusa, the snake-haired Gorgon whose grotesque appearance turned men to stone. This painting, however, shows a later episode from the hero's life. At Perseus's and Andromeda's wedding, their nuptials were interrupted by a mob led by Phineus, a disappointed suitor. After a fierce battle, Perseus finally triumphed by brandishing the head of Medusa and turning his opponents into stone. > >Sebastiano Ricci depicted the fight as a forceful, vigorous battle. In the center, Perseus lunges forward, his muscles taut as he shoves the head of Medusa at Phineus and his men. One man holds up a shield, trying to reflect the horrendous image and almost losing his balance. Behind him, soldiers already turned to stone are frozen in mid-attack. All around, other men have fallen and are dead or dying. Ricci used strong diagonals and active poses to suggest energetic movement.

World News NightOwl 1 week ago 96%
Tens of thousands march for Palestine towards Israeli embassy in London

>Saturday’s march was the 19th national demonstration for Palestine since the start of the war last October and the first time a pro-Palestine march has been held in the vicinity of the Israeli embassy in South Kensington.

World News NightOwl 1 week ago 98%
The Murdoch family is secretly battling over succession. News outlets are asking a court to make it public

> According to the report, Murdoch, the 93-year-old patriarch, filed a petition late last year to amend the irrevocable family trust that would have given equal voting shares to Murdoch’s eldest four children. Instead, Murdoch wanted to grant exclusive control to his eldest son and chosen successor Lachlan, according to The Times. > >Lachlan, who is more politically aligned with his father’s conservative views than his siblings, took over as chairman of Fox Corporation and News Corporation last September. Citing the court documents, which CNN has not independently seen, the Times reported that Murdoch felt handing Lachlan control of the media businesses he founded would better protect their value following his death by maintaining its right-wing editorial bent. > >But the entire process has been completely sealed in Nevada, with even the existence of the proceedings kept in secret.

World News NightOwl 1 week ago 100%
German warships aim to secure sea lanes in Indo-Pacific, admiral says

>Asked later whether the task force would cross the Taiwan Strait on its way to its next stop in Manila, Shulz told reporters that to telegraph the ships' plans would violate operational security. > >While the U.S. and other countries have sent warships through the narrow strait in recent weeks, it would be the German navy's first such passage since 2002. >Last month Germany joined the U.S.-led United Nations Command (UNC) in South Korea that helps police the heavily fortified border with North Korea and has committed to defend the South in the event of a war.

canada Canada Former Langley MP candidate's YouTube channel linked to Russian operation
  • NightOwl NightOwl 2 weeks ago 100%

    This seems to be the actual indictment, in case anyone wants to read it:

  • worldnews World News Venezuela: While US Politicians Call Fraud, American Election Observers Endorse Results
  • NightOwl NightOwl 2 months ago 62%

    The Carter Center (cited by that BBC piece) is funded by various western governments including the US, as well as CIA-affiliated regime-change orgs like the National Endowment for Democracy. They are not a neutral party.

    The "pro-Kremlin" smear is similarly questionable as it is promoted by the same groups.

  • canada Canada DND ignores requests to release information, undercutting federal law, MPs are told
  • NightOwl NightOwl 7 months ago 100%
  • moviesandtv Movies and TV Shows Nickelodeon Alums Allege Toxic Environment on Dan Schneider TV Shows in New Doc Trailer
  • NightOwl NightOwl 7 months ago 100%
  • worldnews World News Prime Minister invited Waffen-SS veteran Hunka to his official reception for Zelensky
  • NightOwl NightOwl 7 months ago 100%
  • worldnews World News Covid-19 social distancing was not based on scientific data, Fauci admits
  • NightOwl NightOwl 8 months ago 50%

    This article is literally quoting the official press release of the committee's chairman:

    Dr. Fauci claimed that the “6 feet apart” social distancing recommendation promoted by federal health officials was likely not based on any data. He characterized the development of the guidance by stating “it sort of just appeared.”

    Dr. Fauci acknowledged that the lab leak hypothesis is not a conspiracy theory.

    Dr. Fauci admitted that America’s vaccine mandates during the COVID-19 pandemic could increase vaccine hesitancy in the future.
