Canada NightOwl 4 days ago 95%

McGill president smears students while ignoring genocide

There are important geopolitical and cultural factors that influence Canadian support for Israel and help explain Saini's hostility to divesting, as the university recently did with fossil fuels and Russia. But the most pressing element is a remarkably empowered victim narrative.

"Jews at McGill: 'We feel alone'", blared the cover of Saturday's National Post, linking to a two-page spread that included the spurious claim students organized a "Kristallnacht-themed rally" in November. (73 Postmedia outlets reportedly ran the story). The New York based Jewish Forward published a similar commentary headlined "For Jewish students at McGill like me, our return to campus is filled with dread".

On Friday McGill students organized a walkout and some ripped up the grass where the encampment was demolished. Those who see little problem with destroying everything in Gaza were outraged grass had been damaged.

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