Natural Process Art Loren 2 months ago 98%
"Every Breath is Beautiful" Lung surfactant photo by Benjamin Stottrup

2nd Place at the Biophysical Society's annual Art of Science competition in 2024 went to Benjamin Stottrup for this stunning image - "Every breath you take is possible because of lung surfactant. Lung surfactant makes these intricate and beautiful patterns that vary with composition and surface pressure. This image was taken by confocal fluorescence microscopy. Sample composition is 9:1 (4:1 r:racDPPC):hexadecanol with 1.5 mol% dehydrocholesterol." []()

natural_process_art Natural Process Art Rodent optic nerve head - photo by Hassanain Qambari and Jayden Dickson
  • Loren Loren 5 months ago 100%

    I love it when the imaging process is every bit as fascinating and awe-inspiring as the process it illuminates!

  • natural_process_art
    Natural Process Art Loren 5 months ago 89%
    Rodent optic nerve head - photo by Hassanain Qambari and Jayden Dickson

    This image of a rodent optic nerve head showing astrocytes (yellow), contractile proteins (red) and retinal vasculature (green) by Hassanain Qambari and Jayden Dickson won first place at the 2023 NSW Photomicrography competition.

    Natural Process Art Loren 7 months ago 100%
    Lidar-Derived Aerial Maps Reveal the Dramatic Meandering Changes in River Banks Over Millennia

    The processes of erosion and subsequent sediment deposition can produce some very intriguing and visually staggering imagery, whether on a small scale, or visible from satellites, as presented here. Wherever there is nature, you will never be far from Art.

    Natural Process Art Loren 9 months ago 100%
    Spiral Jetty: 50 Years in an Ecosystem

    One of the most amazing things about Art which is meant to change within an environment as the environment changes, is the cumulative effects that change can have, when viewed over a long period of time. This artwork was meant to archive that change, as that change transformed the work of art. It's important to revisit works like these, to get in touch with the passing of time in beautiful new ways.

    natural_process_art Natural Process Art Do we need more soil art?
  • Loren Loren 10 months ago 100%

    My artwork probably wouldn't exist in the form it's in now, if it weren't for alluvial fans and river deltas being formed by sediment deposition in nature - I suppose that isn't the same thing as soil art, but as long as the imagery is a result of or inspired by natural processes, then my vote is still "YES". Thank you for posting!

  • natural_process_art
    Natural Process Art Loren 10 months ago 100%
    "Geodesic Actin Structure" by Dong-Hwee Kim

    ![]( Kim's work resulted in this beautiful image, which won 2nd place in the annual "Art of Science" image contest hosted by the Biophysical Society, in 2013!

    Natural Process Art Loren 11 months ago 96%
    "Tree of Sand" by Brian Canavan

    ![]( Sediment deposition/erosion is a natural process that produces some breath-taking imagery! Many thanks to Brian for this newest work!

    Natural Process Art Loren 11 months ago 100%
    "Surface of titanium carbide crystal" by Dr. Lynn Boatner and Hu Longmire

    ![]( This image was captured by Differential Interference Contrast by Dr. Lynn Boatner et al of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA for the 2003 NSW competition, where it placed 15th. ...But of course I will hone in on it because it looks so much like a landscape!

    Natural Process Art Loren 11 months ago 92%
    "The Phoenix" by Loren Hall

    ![]( This painting was a salvage operation, from the moment when I discovered that my gesso had been replaced by a cheap impostor wearing the same bucket. The gesso cracked and fell away from the masonite, and I almost gave up on this painting - and painting in general. I didn't though, and just applied more gesso over what was left in this painting. The end result was definitely an interesting surface to apply pigment to, resembling a rocky coastline where a few puzzle-pieces of gesso held on. ![]( My work has always attempted to echo nature, by applying some of the same processes that nature uses - in this case sediment deposition (in addition to fractal field applications), to reproduce alluvial fans, river deltas, and other geological features often found in the natural world. ![]( Pigment is applied in a highly aqueous state by pouring it over a level painting like flood waters, which move over some areas quickly, and others more slowly. Depending on the pigment grain, the individual particles settle at different rates, collecting on the surface in differing concentrations. Just like in nature, this liquid collects from these "rivers and streams" into larger "lakes and seas", which sometimes take days to dry completely in the sun. ![]( Each consecutive layer interacts in unexpected ways with the previous, resulting in a work that was painted by nature. As the artist I just facilitated the various processes it needed to accomplish its magic.

    Natural Process Art Loren 11 months ago 100%
    "Thin slab of Brazilian agate" by John I. Koivula

    ![]( Submitted to the Nikon photomicrography competition in 1990, this entry won 4th place. In addition to just being a lovely piece, it has the distinctive signs of nature repeating herself - this time in the form of an alien desert landscape! And THAT, is a tell-tale sign that some natural process art is afoot!

    Natural Process Art Loren 12 months ago 100%
    Elin Thomas exhibition pieces, Pt. 2

    ![]( The more I look at these, the more I'm taken by the feeling that what I'm looking at was not only formed by nature, but colonized by nature in a seemingly random way that has a mind of its own - apart from the artist. It is this "mind" that creates a lot of natural process art, and as an artist I can tell you that it is a joy and a wonder to work with, once you can forge a relationship with it. I do not think that this particular artist copies mold colonial distribution exactly, mapping them all out using mathematical coordinates, but there's an overall feeling that says "this is natural", not a placement that feels labored over, or over-considered, and that requires an artist for which the natural world, its preservation and presentation, is more important than the ego, or the will of the artist. I can highly respect that. ![]( ![]( ![](

    Natural Process Art Loren 12 months ago 100%
    "Carbon Nanodiamond Particles Alter the Morphology of DPPC Monolayers" by Prajnaparamita Dhar

    ![]( This entry from the 2013 competition won first place, and in spite of its rather pixelated appearance, it is indeed fascinating, and visually intriguing! It was created by using fluorescence microscopy imaging, and shows "alterations in the morphology of Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) monolayers at an air/water interface due to extended exposure (8 days) to carbon nanodiamond particles. The images show discrete dark liquid condensed phase domains in a continuous bright liquid expanded phase due to interactions with the carbon nanoparticles." ...I couldn't have said it better, myself.

    Natural Process Art Loren 12 months ago 100%
    "Crystals evaporated from solution of magnesium sulfate and tartaric acid" by Richard H. Lee

    ![]( This image won first place in the NSW photomicrography competition, in 1990. Looking at the other entries from that year, the competition seemed to be fairly stiff. I will most definitely be posting some more images from that year! This particular image was produced by Richard H. Lee of Argonne National Laboratory in Argonne, Illinois, and looks for all the world like a fish rising to the surface of the water to me.

    GIF Base Alpha Loren 1 year ago 95%
    Perspective is everything...


    Fractal Field Painting Loren 1 year ago 100%
    Random WiP detail image by Loren Hall - 2023


    Space Engine Loren 1 year ago 100%
    Big crater streaks

    This rocky (and sandy) moon has produced some great big displacement streaks, at the site of this meteor impact! ![](

    Natural Process Art Loren 1 year ago 100%
    "A Morphological Examination of Programmed Cell Death" by Eammon Kennedy

    This striking image, produced by Eammon Kennedy of Notre Dame, is a composite of six Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) topographs of cancer cells. Programmed cell death (apoptosis) has been induced by laser irradiation. This image won 2nd place in The Biophysical Society's annual Science of Art competition, in 2017. ![](

    Natural Process Art Loren 1 year ago 100%
    Elin Thomas exhibition pieces, Pt. 1

    Elin Thomas has used the "mold and lichen" motif on everything from clothing to book covers and more, but her exhibition pieces are arguably her most intriguing, because rather than using these individual elements as an accent, or simple adornment, these larger pieces capture the random distribution of colonies over an area, which to me is every bit as fascinating and visually captivating as the formations themselves. ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![](

    Natural Process Art Loren 1 year ago 100%
    The Scientific Illustrations of Ernst Haeckel

    Are scientific illustrations natural process art? That is up for debate, but in my opinion any art that is based on direct observations of nature can be considered natural process art, so long as the intent is not only to illustrate an idea, or present a thing, but present it in an aesthetic, visually appealing way. The intent is also to create something beautiful, not just educational, or scientifically accurate. The work of Ernst Haeckel definitely fits into this category. Not only does it offer an accurate reporting of biological forms in their various environments and life cycles, but does so in a staggeringly beautiful, graphically intriguing manner. ![]( ![]( ![]( All work from "Kunst Formen der Natur".

    Natural Process Art Loren 1 year ago 100%
    "Appendages of a common brine shrimp" by Dr. Igor Siwanowicz

    The intricacy and color depth of this one just floor me... It came in 8th place in the Small World competition in 2014, but if you ask me it should have ranked higher, in spite of the high quality of the competition! ![](

    Natural Process Art Loren 1 year ago 93%
    ASM Video Tutorial: How to Create Agar Art with Living Microbes

    This video was produced by the same organization that brings us their annual agar art contest each year! I was fascinated to learn how this is done, and hopefully the process will intrigue you, as well!

    natural_process_art Natural Process Art More Pyrochemography by Von Contu!
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    I love how unique and beautiful his imagery is! I do wish he was a bit more scientific about his processes, but I suppose a healthy portion of "let's just see what happens" is necessary in science!

  • natural_process_art
    Natural Process Art Loren 1 year ago 100%
    More Pyrochemography by Von Contu!

    - "Tribal" ![]( - "Temporal Distortion" ![]( - "Dreamcast" ![]( - "Spring Again" ![](

    Natural Process Art Loren 1 year ago 100%
    "Harvest Season" Agar Art by Maria Eugenia Inda, Ph.D.

    ![]( If you had told me just a couple years ago that people painted with microbes, I would probably tell you to go easy on the LSD. But no... this really happens, and it's not an accident in the back of someone's refrigerator - it's completely intentional, and beautiful! As the artist you are actually growing the pigment! This entry was from the first ASM Agar Art contest in 2015, and placed third!

    space_engine Space Engine A Strange Occurrence...
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    You're welcome, and I agree!

  • natural_process_art Natural Process Art Pollen under confocal microscope
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    Not only allowed, but appreciated!

  • natural_process_art
    Natural Process Art Loren 1 year ago 100%
    "Cross-section of very young beech" by Jean Rüegger-Deschenaux (1994)

    This entry won first place in the Nikon small world photomicrography contest, in 1994. ![](

    Natural Process Art Loren 1 year ago 95%
    Should "Eco Graffiti" change its name?

    ![]( While the roots of this term definitely reside in street art - that is, art which is not officially endorsed, funded, or sanctioned - it is often a welcome beautification of otherwise drab, dreary places with a bit of natural magic. If the moss might be there naturally anyway, why not present it in an appealing and interesting way? ![]( Not only that, but studio artists have taken up the green mantle themselves, opening up the arena to all sorts of new interpretations, perspectives, and messages. ![]( These works, without regard to their creation or intention, are all related by more than chlorophyll, they are all expressing the idea that nature is a bridge between humanity and our aspirations - with it, by it, and through it, we can achieve anything. It is also temporary - expressing that we only have a brief window of opportunity to view this perspective from.

    Natural Process Art Loren 1 year ago 100%
    "Bridge of Chaos" Fractal fields by Derek K. Nielsen (2016)

    cross-posted from: > Older work by Derek Nielsen, but one of my favorites! The depth and delicate intricacy of his fractal field patterns just captivate me. Couple them with some well-placed color, and we have a winner. If you like his work then please check the link below! > > ![]( > > >

    Fractal Field Painting Loren 1 year ago 100%
    "Bridge of Chaos" by Derek K. Nielsen - 2016

    Older work by Derek Nielsen, but one of my favorites! The depth and delicate intricacy of his fractal field patterns just captivate me. Couple them with some well-placed color, and we have a winner. If you like his work then please check the link below! ![](

    natural_process_art Natural Process Art "Ice Crystal Growth in Microfluidics" by Graham Johnson
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    I'm just glad someone's working on it, because I have no idea! 😅

  • natural_process_art
    Natural Process Art Loren 1 year ago 100%
    "Ice Crystal Growth in Microfluidics" by Graham Johnson

    I don't know about you, but this is what I need more of right now in this weather - visions of very, very cold things! This one in particular is interesting because it is an image taken during research onto ice-binding proteins. The temperature is suddenly lowered, to study the dendritic crystal growth which happens in an enclosed matrix. ![](

    Natural Process Art Loren 1 year ago 100%
    "Composition from wind-blown sand on concrete 2" by Brian Canavan

    Are these windswept sand dunes, as seen from 1,200 feet above the surface of the planet, or are these formations inches across? It's often hard to tell with natural processes, and that ambivalence lends itself to some wonderful new perspectives. ![](

    Natural Process Art Loren 1 year ago 100%
    Crocheted Coral Reef pt. 3

    Though this science-based project originated in one place with two people, it has now grown to cover many more places, and even more people! It takes many hands to make these reef components, and those hands need many hours to make all of the stitches required to produce these displays. ![]( ![]( ![]( Next time we'll cover the ecological and environmental aspects of these works! [Satellite Reefs](

    archaeology Archaeology 550+ Ancient Greek Places in Google Earth (10th Edition)
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    I will, and thank you again also!

  • natural_process_art
    Natural Process Art Loren 1 year ago 100%
    "Ocean Siren" - Sensory Sculpture by Jason deCaires Taylor

    This is not meant to warn ships away from the Great Barrier Reef in Queensland, Australia, as its size and location prohibit that function. It's main function is a sensor for water temperatures in the area. The colors of the various LED's within indicate ocean temperatures, and are a beautiful way of indicating important ecological metrics, especially in relation to the coral reef it protects. ![](

    Natural Process Art Loren 1 year ago 100%
    More Crocheted Lichens+ from Elin Thomas!

    Elin Thomas is at it again, adeptly elevating the simple, everyday beauty of mold and lichen cultures to an art form! This time the emphasis is on "freeform" lichen, in the form of jewelry. Imagine wearing fungus as jewelry and pulling it off so beautifully, but honestly mushrooms have had their place here for years. It's time for some other spore-producers to have their day in the spotlight! ![]( And now for some lichen on stone! ![]( ![]( And one final work on a "stone" - this time in the form of coral colonies! ![](

    Natural Process Art Loren 1 year ago 100%
    "Emodin Melted with Urea" by Lars Bech

    Coming in 9th place in 1994's NSW Photomicrography competition is this beautiful image - whose beauty is surprising, considering what it's made with! Lars Bech snapped this image from a chemical reaction which did not last, but its visual impact remains.

    Natural Process Art Loren 1 year ago 100%
    "Neurons and Biological Shapes" Agar art by Maria Penil

    2015 was the year of the very first ASM Agar Art Contest, and the winners were all fairly stunning! Check out the 2nd and 3rd place winners, also! "Harvest Season" by Maria Eugenia Inda, 3rd place winner from 2015! ![]( [ASM Agar Art Contest Winners from 2015](

    Fractal Field Painting Loren 1 year ago 83%
    Brand new fractal fields from Ilario Giro!

    Posted yesterday on his facebook artist page, this untitled piece is rich and vivid as usual! July, 2023 ![](

    Natural Process Art Loren 1 year ago 100%
    Loren Hall paints by sediment deposition pt. 3

    "Autumn" by Loren Hall - 1999 ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( [Natural process painting explained!](

    gif_base_alpha GIF Base Alpha One of the word's first video images - from 1928
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    Another thing that's always intrigued me about it is that not only is it "analog", it doesn't even require electricity, at least for the audio portion. Sound waves could mechanically move a needle through warm wax which was spinning on a turntable at a regular rate with a hand-turned crank, across a screw drive. That needle would leave a spiral groove in a wax disk (or cylinder) that could be cast in metal using the "lost wax" method of casting. The reverse process would occur during playback, when the needle would read the data that was already recorded, and vibrate a mechanically amplified tympanum. I still don't know enough about the image recording process to say whether that could be done without electricity, but I know that its inception and the development of electricity happened very close together. There's no real reason I can think of why the Ancients could not have made something similar for recording audio and playing it back. The first phonographs did not use electricity!

  • natural_process_art
    Natural Process Art Loren 1 year ago 100%
    "Red Algae" by Dr. Nathanaël Prunet for the 2022 NSW Competition!

    This piece, by Dr. Nathanaël Prunet of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's Department of Biology, came 8th Place in the 2022 Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition. But in my opinion, the competition was fairly stiff! To me this looks amazing, and is a testament to the beauty of the nearly invisible, that we overlook nearly every day. For more information on this competition, including rules for submission, follow the link below! [Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition](

    gif_base_alpha GIF Base Alpha One of the word's first video images - from 1928
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    Thank you!! That is an amzing treasure trove of information! Sorry I called that a "laserdisc"! I knew it was a disk from my memory of the website where I found that GIF, but it's so amazing to actually see it in all its analog glory. It is the precursor of the videodisk, not the digital laserdisk. I misspoke.

  • gif_base_alpha GIF Base Alpha One of the word's first video images - from 1928
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    That gif was originally saved as "first tv broadcast" when I found it years ago, but even though I've done multiple image searches I have not been able to track down that original image! I literally scoured the internet. Thank you for your help in researching it, can you point me to any links? It always seemed strange to me that we could even see "the first broadcast" unless he had also invented video recording, but laserdisks came a bit later.

  • gif_base_alpha
    GIF Base Alpha Loren 1 year ago 100%
    One of the word's first video images - from 1928 ![](

    Natural Process Art Loren 1 year ago 100%
    "Silent Evolution" Mexico - Jason deCaires Taylor pt. 3

    Jason deCaires Taylor produces striking work with the help of colonized coral and seaweed encrustations! These eerily ethereal-looking sculptural elements have been intentionally left in an environment that is intended to house them indefinitely, as nature slowly claims the work as her own. This is of course intentional, and adds to the natural beauty and timeless wonder of his work! ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![](

    Natural Process Art Loren 1 year ago 100%
    Natural Process Art Competitions!

    I'm currently aware of 5 such competitions, in various categories, but if you know of others please comment! These mostly announce winners at the beginning-end of the year, although their submission dates are 1-2 months earlier. Check the links for the dates if you are interested in entering, and watch here for me to cover the winners when they are announced! - [ASM Agar Art Contest]( - [Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition]( - [Biophysical Society's annual "The Art of Science" Image Contest]( - [MRS Science as Art Competition]( - [UCSD Art of Science Contest ]( ![]( The winner of the ASM Agar Art Competition for 2021 pictured above was made by Sonja Borndörfer, Norbert W. Hopf and Michael Lanzinger from University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf in Freising, Germany, and it is entitled "Microlilies". The color was grown on cystine-lactose-electrolyte-deficient (CLED) agar plates, and drawn with Rhodococcus rhodochrous, an orange appearing bacterium.

    space_engine Space Engine Ringed Ice Giant Over Volcano
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    I finally found that video and uploaded it...

  • space_engine
    Space Engine Loren 1 year ago 100%
    Ringed Ice Giant Over Volcano

    I made a video for this place, with time sped up fast enough for its progression to be easily seen, and added some music to it. I need to see if I can find that, and if I do I will upload it here! ![](

    natural_process_art Natural Process Art "Oxalic Acid Crystals During Precipitation" - James Dvorak 1975
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    I agree, thank you, and you are very welcome!

  • natural_process_art Natural Process Art Eco-Graffiti's Architectural Applications
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    Between the 2 factions (covert and overt), we seem to be covering a lot so far! There aren't many doing the covert, just a few in large cities, but hopefully the mainstream acceptance will increase that, as well. I actually just realized a (completely unrelated) firm has bought the URL ...Not sure how I feel about that, exactly, but trying to stay positive. It would be much better if that firm actually DID eco-graffiti, but oh well.

    Oh, and here's how they're doing this!

  • space_engine Space Engine A Strange Occurrence...
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    I thought about this too... great use of that graphic! I bet you had no idea back then you'd be using it for this!

    I had to remind myself that the two stars were also orbiting each other, so all of that would change periodically! The planet would have a "blue era" and a "red era" depending on which star was in front of the other. ...Maybe?

  • space_engine Space Engine A Strange Occurrence...
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    I know!! And to imagine being on the surface of that planet, as the different zones passed over you... It would look like dusk came suddenly (red), then night which only lasted a few minutes, then "morning" (blue). ...Like getting an entire tiny day within the normal one!

    What's also interesting to note is that binary+ systems are the norm apparently, so something like this has to be way more common than what I've dumbly stumbled upon in the simulator!

  • natural_process_art Natural Process Art "Spiral Jetty" by Robert Smithson - 1970
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    Mt. Rushmore is a great example of the other side of that, thank you!

  • natural_process_art Natural Process Art "Crocheted Mold and Lichens" by Elin Thomas pt. 1
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    Me too! Yarn's not really "permanent", but it's way more permanent than spore cultures, and I love that about these. Plus you can pick them up and handle them without wanting to wretch. lol

  • main Introductions Hello there. I make art, which means constant curiosity about the science behind my subject matter and materials.
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    Welcome, I'm an artist too!

  • main Introductions Hi, I'm Eight
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    Hello and welcome!

  • main Introductions Hey there! I guess it's finally time to introduce myself.
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    Welcome, and I like your artwork a lot!

  • astronomy Astronomy I made an icon for this community
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    Thank you!

  • astronomy Astronomy I made an icon for this community
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    Thank you, and I'm glad it's working! I made a Jupiter one also, and you're welcome to keep it and swap them out from time to time if you want, maybe I'll make some more! Oh, and animated banners also work, just confirmed!

  • astronomy Astronomy I made an icon for this community
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    Thank you!

  • astronomy Astronomy I made an icon for this community
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    Thank you, I about lost it when I realized you could do this over here...

  • astronomy Astronomy I made an icon for this community
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%


  • astronomy Astronomy I made an icon for this community
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    I'd love to increase the color saturation and contrast (even though it probably wouldn't look as natural), but editing webp files is proving harder than making them to begin with. :(

  • astronomy Astronomy I made an icon for this community
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    Saturn would be tricky because of the rings, but I'd love to do Jupiter! It might even look like a static image unless the red spot were in view, but when it appeared it would freak some people out I bet. :D ...Like the statue that suddenly blinks at you!

  • astronomy Astronomy I made an icon for this community
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    Yay, I'm glad that works!

  • archaeology Archaeology 550+ Ancient Greek Places in Google Earth (10th Edition)
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    Since I was a child, I've been obsessed with 2 particular places in mainland Greece - Olympia and Delphi. Anything that "felt ancient Greek" captivated me. I don't know why. After I grew up and discovered Google Earth, and after finding my own house with it, I found those two places. Doing 3D street views there blew my mind, and really gave me more of a feel for those places in first-person context, and in relation to other places. I honestly can't explain the feeling I got while doing that, but I was addicted. From Olympia I started exploring the Peloponnesos, including Corinth, Sparta, Argos, etc. From there I went to Athens, then Eleusis, Rhamnous, and Amphiaraion. Eventually I made it back to Delphi, and decided to just keep going.

    I joined a website called wikimapia and started finding and labeling all of these places over there. In the process of doing that I updated the database for each place with information about that place, and in order to do that I had to do varying levels of research. It was a process of completing a personal quest, but it was also a goal of mine to archive these places for anyone else who might find them useful, and along the way I increased my understanding of the geography and history. Quite often the historical context gave me clues for neighboring settlements to look for, even including descriptions like "5 km to the North, along a rocky escarpment" occasionally, making it much easier to find them in the modern satellite data.

    It sounds like a whole lot of work, and it was, but I lost track of the time because I was so into it.

    Eventually I moved onto Mycenaean sites, Minoan sites, Macedonian sites, then went to Asia Minor, Crete, then Lycian and Pisidian sites in Turkey. Then Cyrene in North Africa, Alexandria, Carthage, and began collecting the Phoenician sites along the Levant. From there the whole thing just exploded with Hellenistic sites stretching all the way to Ai Khanum and Alexandria-Kapisa in Afghanistan.

    About this time I started posting my KMZ file on google earth boards, and had various editions over the years. Once it got to about 500 places I was alerted that it had become "official google content", which was displayed on the main google boards page, and linked back to my google account. It was amazing to log in and see how many downloads it got! I was on top of the world, and endeavored to make it to 600 places.

    Then one day I logged in, and my post, and the entire history board it was featured on, got moved to another board with a totally different UI, which destroyed my graphics, text content, and even my download count. Just like that, all the joy was drained out of it for me. There was no way for me to fix it. A little while after this my list stopped being presented as "official google content", and archived so that I no longer could edit or control it. At about this time another list appeared that totally encapsulated my list - which was in historical context - and combined it with several other ancient place lists. The result was that this new "master list of 1,000 ancient sites" became official google content, even though none of the people who worked on it got any credit for it, including myself. They literally just took my places (and a lot of other people's) and stuck them on another list, and that's obvious when some sites had 3-4 entries for the same place.

    Eventually there was no evidence that I could find, that my original list existed at all, so I found the new location of the google community board where it is now, which lo-and-behold was the same as the original board layout and UI, and just re-posted it like it was (minus the now-wiped download count).

    THEN GOOGLE ARCHIVED IT AGAIN, because apparently information about ancient sites that are thousands of years old - has a shelf life.

    I'm really sorry that this explanation devolved into a rant, but it all illustrates one of the main reasons why we are here on a decentralized platform in the first place: the autonomy of our own content.

    [EDIT] Oh, and to answer your last question, I'm an artist and occasional writer, so this is all related to personal interest and inspiration.

  • natural_process_art Natural Process Art Air pressure organ
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    Natural process music! :0 Thanks for that!

  • natural_process_art Natural Process Art Von Cotu creates art with pyro chemography! (Pt.1)
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    I've been compiling a list of people that I've run across over the years, and filing them into a folder together, along with the various terms they use to describe their work, like "pyro-chemography" or "photomicrography". There is even a competition held every year to determine who made the best petri dish art, using bacterial cultures. I just had to wait like a sea anemone for some of them to float by, and I grabbed them. The only requirement was that the artist must use or depict one or more natural processes in their work. I envisioned some of them and could search for them (like eco graffiti for instance), but others were more elusive. I don't think I ever would have thought of someone mixing chemicals and setting them on fire like Von Cotu! Science at times seems every bit as limitless as the imagination to me.

    As I was trying to find my own identity in art, I realized that I actually shared large parts of that identity with a lot of other people. I grouped us all together, but today that seems to me to be rather presumptuous. For instance, after contacting one fractal field painter I was told that he did not want to be associated with it, nor natural process art, because that "wasn't what he was doing" (it was). I politely obliged, but it made me sad. I wasn't trying to assimilate him, I was trying to focus all of us into a beam, based on what we were already doing. Later on he understood my intentions better and allowed his own inclusion, but his reluctance can't be unique.

    Sorry for the rant, but I say all of that to say that I kinda stumbled across the idea of natural process art in the process of explaining what I was doing, although I was far from the only one actually doing it. I was also being grouped in other people's categories at the same time. An artist named Derek K. Nielsen had already done the same thing with fractal field painting, which put my artwork into that box with him, and many other people. Then I put that box into a larger box. It all kinda felt like a "citizens action" moment, in lieu of any real academic or cultural direction. Is any of it "official" or "definitive"? No, it was just a way of amplifying our collective voices in the process of finding our own individual voices, and this all might get supplanted by someone else's ideology tomorrow.

  • natural_process_art Natural Process Art Von Cotu creates art with pyro chemography! (Pt.1)
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    I thought the same thing! Of all the natural process artists I've run across, his work is some of the most visually unique!

  • main Introductions Hello there! I make Art with Science. :)
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    Thank you so much, I'm glad I could inspire someone! I used RunwayML to create my own models to generate from, but these days there are likely way more options. If you decide to take the plunge just let me know, and I may be able to save you some headaches! THANK YOU for your interest, and for reading the blog post!

  • main Introductions Hello there! I make Art with Science. :)
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    My husband is in tech support, and he just said you were AWESOME! ...But I could have told him that. Thank you!!

  • main Introductions Hello there! I make Art with Science. :)
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    Thank you!! I mostly sell physical pieces, but I do have prints for sale also. I love photography, but I have to take about 20 pictures just to get 1 that looks pretty good. :p

  • main Introductions Hello there! I make Art with Science. :)
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    Thank you very much!!

  • main Introductions Hello there! I make Art with Science. :)
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    Thank you, and thank you for the server! Whenever I try to create a second community, the circling arrow which appears when you hit "submit" never goes away. I have tried and tried for days now. No matter what server I use, I can only create just 1 community. I thought maybe there was a limit per day, but it's every day. I've restarted my browser, my PC, my modem, my router - everything I can think of.

  • natural_process_art Natural Process Art Welcome to Natural Process Art!
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    Thank you very much, and you're welcome!

  • natural_process_art Natural Process Art Welcome to Natural Process Art!
  • Loren Loren 1 year ago 100%

    Thank you! I did a blog post here, describing how it all came about. :) Thank you so much for your kind words, and your interest! I developed this painting technique, but it doesn't really have a name. All I can really do is describe it, and that's where the term "natural process painting" was born. However natural process art is much bigger than me, or my work, and includes any art that's either made with or by a natural process, or made to replicate a natural process. Another term that describes my artwork is another natural process, and that's fractal field imagery. So, my artwork is "natural process" so I call it natural process painting, but it needs another name because people like Dave Archer used electricity to paint in the 70's, and so therefore those works would be considered natural process paintings already.

    Well that's the terminology, which I at least partially had to develop along with the technique, but the blog post from above is the technical part! It might seem big and mystical, but it isn't. ;-)
