privacy Privacy How does Amazon/Audible know my country with VPN and private browsing on?
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 71%

    Probably DNS?

  • vaporents Vaporents Hellll yeah! Brand new OG Mighty just arrived
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    Nice. Happy vaping!

  • vaporents Vaporents VAS hit hard today
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    Quite a haul! Always nice to add to the collection.

  • vaporents Vaporents Finally got my ESP32-based e-nail working
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    True #StonerEngineering!


  • asklemmy Asklemmy *Permanently Deleted*
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 0%

    I mean, by like Group Policy, sure, but typically random websites don't get to set policy on machines that visit them!

    I can't think of any server -side implementation that would achieve that, and no client-side scripts should have that access/privilege. At that point, your "browser" is full RAT/malware anyway

  • vaporents
    Vaporents Loki 1 year ago 91%
    Sticky Brick Sorority / Brethren Unite!

    Not to exclude Theydies & Gentlethem, but couldn't resist the alliteration. Sticky Brick Jr in Zebrawood. What a beast.

    vaporents Vaporents My buddy broke out this gorgeous nug of Cherry Burger for our Dynavap sesh tonight 🍒🍔🤯
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%


  • vaporents Vaporents My buddy broke out this gorgeous nug of Cherry Burger for our Dynavap sesh tonight 🍒🍔🤯
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    Noice. Stay frosty my frient.

  • vaporents Vaporents Anvil Amp-up - for those throat-ripping hits
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    If budget is restricted the Anvil is probably not the vape you are looking for! That is one of the probably valid criticisms that can be levelled at it, and at Dyna too for that matter.

    I have never tried a Volcano or Crafty, but I have a Mighty, and the OG Pax was actually my first vape. I would reach for the Dyna/Anvil over both 90% of the time, fwiw.

  • vaporents Vaporents Anvil Amp-up - for those throat-ripping hits
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah, iirc the clicker is in the top of the chamber, not in the oven, and there's a lot of thermal mass in the copper core overn, so by the time you get that click it's had a fair bit of time to heat-soak.

    For reference, using my single flame torch it typically takes around 45 seconds or so to get to the first click on the Anvil, versus 20-something for my Dynas.

  • vaporents Vaporents Anvil Amp-up - for those throat-ripping hits
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    Good question! It actually has a much more distinct click, and 'they' say this vape is all about riding the line (RTL, for those unfamiliar with the phrase, means "riding the line" between vaping and combustion, so a full spectrum big hit is the goal. Not for temp steppers!); which the clicks facilitate.

    It uses convection, mostly; the actual chamber is kinda suspended in the oven - you heat the oven, then inhalation draws hot air through the chamber, vaopourising the material.

    It has some detractors, largely (as often seems to be the case in vaping world) based on the maker, Vestratto, which I won't rehash here, but in that respect is remarkably similar to recent drama surroudnding Dynavap and Simrell, for instance. So there are parallels that extend beyond the form factor/tech!

    I think it's not too controversial to say that most of those who hate it don't have one and wouldn't get one, while those who have one tend to love it and discount the drama.

    I love it! i actually use it most on a Simrell MVS, I find it smoother than the stock stem.

  • vaporents
    Vaporents Loki 1 year ago 100%
    Anvil Amp-up - for those throat-ripping hits

    I have to say, I don't often hit the Anvil native with the stock stem, but if you need a throat-tickle like you used to get in the combustion days, look no further...

    vaporents Vaporents Cool and tasty vapor why portable inside the house... what else can I ask?
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    Good points! I also use a dimpled long stem [with the TM] about 60% of the time, it's not pocket-friendly but gottdamm it's good in the house. I have a bong, but most of the time I'll use the 3D stem or the J Hook.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy *Permanently Deleted*
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    Can confirm. Source: cyber security analyst in fintech

  • asklemmy Asklemmy *Permanently Deleted*
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    That's a really good point

  • vaporents Vaporents Cool and tasty vapor why portable inside the house... what else can I ask?
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    That stem looks like it would be a bastard to store/transport; and enough of a joy to use you don't give a shit!

  • vaporents Vaporents Good morning Vaporents! ☕️🥦😸☁️
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    Can you decap the Dyna with that interesting top section of your grinder, or does it just provide a convenient rest?

  • vaporents Vaporents Good morning Vaporents! ☕️🥦😸☁️
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    Now that is a salutation I can get behind! Blessed day to you also frient!

  • vaporents Vaporents Vape Storage Solutions - how do you keep your shit organised?
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    Sounds like it tickes all the boxes! How do you cope with the ever expanding range of vapes, accessories and cleaning products, or are you superhuman and immune to VAS??

  • vaporents Vaporents Who wants to get lifted?
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    Nothing savage about blazin da herb, although it's definitely not the best for your health. I started smoking spliffs when I was 13, so the muscle memory and association means that as soon as I start rolling I get this Pavlovian relaxation effect, no actual combusion/ingestion required. I'm not quite there with vaping, which I've "only" been doing for about nine years. I still have the occasional zoot, but for health reasons I try to restrict it to holidays and special occasions. But nothing wrong with bunning the occasional zoot, I reckon, whatever the purists might say.

    Yeah, from my perspective, the main reason you use water with combustion is to cool the smoke down so it's not as harsh. Vapour is cooler than smoke, and if you put your vapour through water, it stands to reason that you are going to filter out some small percentage of the volatile terpenes etc. At the very least, it doesn't taste as fruity; and at worst you're reducing the amount of good stuff getting to your lungs. I can see how if you have particularly sensitive lungs/throat, that might be a trade-off you're willing to take. At least one of my mates finds even vapour too harsh for them, and for them I think water might be a good choice. I also think that for vaping, if you are going to use water, warm water makes sense. Again, we're not really going for cooling; and adding moisture back into the dry vapour would make sense from that perspective for smoothness' sake.

    The Kaiju Crush is a solid brew. Aus has a thriving microbrewery industry, and I always like choosing a six pack of something I haven't trtied before. I'm also partial to a cup of tea with my cannabis partaking, whether vaping or combustion.

  • vaporents Vaporents Where my Vapman Mans at?
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    Hah! I have the GRAV j-hook, and I have to confess I've never put water in it; I can def see the appeal of the eloquently-described purring sensation. As I noted in that other post, I rarely put water in 'water' pieces, but you make it sound eminently attractive.

    I have to say I'm surprised the TM hasn't found a home in your bounteous collection. As far as battery portables go, it's pretty nearly end-game for what I would imagine would be a majority of users. There are more powerful vapes, and more beatiful ones, but not available without going on waiting lists and shit; ain't nobody got time for that. Well, maybe I do. But I don't have the budget at this stage.

  • vaporents Vaporents Where my Vapman Mans at?
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    No worries! It's a great vape, I suspect any detractors have not got the technique down pat (altho, as I prove, you don't need to have perfect technique to enjoy it!). It is often described as functional art, and I have to say I can't disagree. It's definitely a connoisseur's vape - not in a snobby way, but those who just want to get from A to B as fast as possible will likely have no truck with it; it's something to be savoured and enjoyed, for those who enjoy the Ritual(tm). If that's you, and you like butane vapes, it's a lock afaiac.

  • vaporents Vaporents Who wants to get lifted?
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    A fellow ent of culture, I see! Dry glass ftw

  • vaporents Vaporents TinyMight 2 Appreciation
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    Thanks! I strongly recommend the Ed's TnT WPA, it feels more secure than glass on glass, and fits 14 & 18mm joints.

    PS damn it's nice to able to link shit. No affiliation btw, just love craftsmanship

  • vaporents Vaporents TinyMight 2 Appreciation
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    So the early adopters don't feel left out; the OG TM is still a beast

  • vaporents Vaporents Who wants to get lifted?
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    I am aware that is not technically "glass".

    Knowing my [wife's] propensity to break things - even titanium bracelets, damhikt… I have double-walled steel as my 'water'* piece of choice

    *see above

  • vaporents
    Vaporents Loki 1 year ago 100%
    Who wants to get lifted?

    ![]( Hey frients! In the interest of sparking discussion, Imma come right out with it: Glass is better with no water in it [for vaping]. Fight me. JK, we are all about peace and love here (it's a cannabis community after all)… but tell me why I'm wrong… I dare ya Do you use a water piece? Ice/cold water/warm water? Justify, defend, explain! Do you drink alcohol [at the same time as vaping]? What's your favourite beverage to accompany a sesh with the Devil's Lettuce?

    vaporents Vaporents Where my Vapman Mans at?
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    I actually think the Vapman is more forgiving wrt combustion than other butane vapes; I've combusted in all my Dynas, Anvil, and Sticky Brick;. but never in my Vapman. Maybe it's because I'm less confident with my technique, so I tend to creep up on the temp rather than blasting past it.

    Heard great things about the Lotus. It's def on my radar; which no other prod vapes really are - think Toad, Tetra etc. I have such a nice collection - altho not super extensive - that I'm not really interested in anything but the niche/artisan vapes now. I think my first TinyMight was order 300-and-something, back in Jan/February 2020; and I've been sold on small makers and craftsmen (Delta… take a bow...) ever since.

  • vaporents Vaporents Where my Vapman Mans at?
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    Er, I guess?? It's a convection device powered by butane (i.e. torch), so the physics are similar, I suppose. They are both good at small doses, too; but if possible the Vapman is even more analogue than the Vapcap: there is no click, and I've never successfully one-shotted a Vapman. It's more of a flavour-intense, sippin' style conduction vape, while the Dyna is more of a one-hitter. That might be my lack of technique talking, tho. I've nailed my various Vapcap combos, and with an FMJ I can truly get one-heat-cycle extraction; whereas the Vapman is a "heat... was that enough... couple seconds more... still a bit wispy... ah, there we go"

    They're a great vape with an impeccable pedigree and a loyal following for good reason; imho criminally under-rated.

    Check it out!

  • vaporents Vaporents Smoking vs Vaporizing
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah, would def say that's vaporisation, although you're riding the line at 420.

  • vaporents Vaporents Smoking vs Vaporizing
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    Apologies, I reflex-downvoted before I checked the image.


  • vaporents Vaporents *pokes communities with stick*
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    PS dunno why, this meme never gets old. Prob cos I'm not US ㄟ(ツ)ㄏ

  • vaporents Vaporents *pokes communities with stick*
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    Love how this got 70+ upvotes and few, if, any, new posts!

  • vaporents Vaporents Where my Vapman Mans at?
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    Vapman in Kotibe. Damn I love this thing.

    The bendy educational thing, wossit, learning curve, is real. i find I have to use it regularly, or I lose the knack; but man this thing is superlative when I'm on point.

  • vaporents
    Vaporents Loki 1 year ago 88%
    Where my Vapman Mans at?

    And the Vapman **Wo**mans, and Vapman Enbies *et al* Where's the love?? So lo-tech it makes the Dyna look space-age, and so flavoursome it makes the Mighty cry. Give it up for the Vapman!

    vaporents Vaporents TinyMight 2 Appreciation
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%


  • vaporents Vaporents TinyMight 2 Appreciation
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    TinyMight2 with short stem and stock cooling unit

  • vaporents Vaporents TinyMight 2 Appreciation
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    Who tf downvotes a TinyMight?? Heathens.

  • vaporents Vaporents Vape Storage Solutions - how do you keep your shit organised?
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    I miss the days of just having the rolling tray on the desk!

    When I think that blazing just required flower, rizla, baccy and flame; the amount of kit I have now seems ludicrous, even if it provides the happy circumstance of indulging my love of gear/equipment.

  • vaporents Vaporents Vape Storage Solutions - how do you keep your shit organised?
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah, fair.

    Not a ball vape man, what with cats? Or Darwinian in approach, they'll learn when the singe their fur??

  • vaporents
    Vaporents Loki 1 year ago 90%
    Vape Storage Solutions - how do you keep your shit organised?

    cross-posted from: > So I may have a bit of VAS... > > I actually have two RYOT safecases, and three Pelican cases in various sizes. > > Love the Trekpak system, Ive got a bunch of spare pins and dividers so can reconfigure if required. > > I have young kids, so lockable and smell-proof is pretty critical. > > How do you all keep your shit stored and safe? > > #vaporents #dryherbvaping #gobag

    Vaporents Loki 1 year ago 75%
    Vape Storage Solutions - how do you keep your shit organised?

    So I may have a bit of VAS... I actually have two RYOT safecases, and three Pelican cases in various sizes. Love the Trekpak system, Ive got a bunch of spare pins and dividers so can reconfigure if required. I have young kids, so lockable and smell-proof is pretty critical. How do you all keep your shit stored and safe? #vaporents #dryherbvaping #gobag

    vaporents Vaporents Shaping the Future of Vaporents: Domain Name Feedback Survey - Ends 7/21/23 - 1PM EST
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    Agreed. BeyondCombustion was where the wiki was hosted even prior to The Fall Of Reddit, so there's a bunch of search history there, too.

    Love how PHJ is just like let's fucking goooo if the community wills it tho, mad props to your commitment dude

  • vaporents Vaporents wiki migration
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    Nice! Wikifying intensifies

  • vaporents Vaporents Flying with herb vapes
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    Hey, I used a RYOT safecase last time I flew as well! I kept the Li batteries in a separate clear ziplock bag, and put them in the tray separately, and also didn't take too many stems and spare CUs etc, wanted to keep it looking functional/medical, and not like a teenage stoner's dream of a portable head shop. Note: I am in Australia, and am ok in all states and territories with my prescription, so no Texas scenarios here.

  • vaporents Vaporents I don't want to talk to bots.
  • Loki Loki 1 year ago 100%

    Just as an FYI, as well: you can disable visibility of (self-proclaimed) bot accounts in your profile settings... But thanks for joining the community, and we look forward to creating fresh new content with you! Cheers, Loki
