latestagecapitalism Late Stage Capitalism Why You Probably Won't Inherit Anything!
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 7 hours ago 66%


    And actually, I wanted a Soviet, or other Communist country's dirigible as a profile pic but I couldn't find anything that would look good and neither the AI made anything I liked so when I managed to have it genarate this I took it.

    But thinking about it now I could probably try making/editing something myself as well, like I've done in forums long ago. Just need a good idea.

  • latestagecapitalism Late Stage Capitalism Why You Probably Won't Inherit Anything!
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 10 hours ago 83%

    But I have an AI profile picture because I couldn't find a nice enough Communist aethethics spaceship image around...

  • worldnews World News The Once-Dominant Tank Is Getting Humbled on the Battlefield
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 6 days ago 100%

    Of the 31 Abrams tanks the U.S. sent to Ukraine, six have been destroyed

    Is it really that low? I was pretty sure it was at least double that many by now.

  • worldnews World News Putin: Long-range missile approval will put NATO 'at war' with Russia
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 7 days ago 100%

    but when Iran gives Russia missiles suddenly it’s a problem

    Not even that. They probably just invented it to try to use this as an excuse as there isn't even any evidence of that.

  • worldnews World News Putin: Long-range missile approval will put NATO 'at war' with Russia
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 1 week ago 100%

    I guess they could also do something like destroying GPS satellites or undersea cables as well, which might be a better approach if they don't want to kill anyone in NATO countries while hurting them considerably.

    I don't see many chances of the US backing down of striking Russia by use of Ukraine, specially as they likely accept their own propaganda that Russia won't or can't do anything, so we unfortunatelly might know soon enough.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Why exactly should we support Russia and oppose Ukraine? (asking in good faith)
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 2 weeks ago 100%

    It took him far too long to realise that the western leadership is not interested whatsoever in peace or equality.

    I'm not even sure he has fully realized it though.

  • china China This is Why Chinese Economists Back the US Chip Ban
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 2 weeks ago 100%

    I'm pretty sure US companies can still sell to some extent, or at least could, it's mostly their puppets that can't. But even then the second part of the comment is very much right.

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say Why do right wingers and liberals say they "respect their opponent?"
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 2 weeks ago 100%

    That's only because they themselves want to be respected and they want those they like to be respected. They will never actually respect those they don't like but they will demand respect regardless because they are "always right" in their minds.

  • palestine Palestine European regimes continue facilitating the genocide in Gaza
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 2 weeks ago 100%

    Not so much "wasted" as transfered to billionaries and politicians (massive profits on weapon sales) with some loss (actually having to pay to build the items bought and sold).

  • worldnews World News The BRICS trading system is already wiping out US farmers, as global price discovery is destroyed
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 3 weeks ago 100%

    It's likely, specially as from what I hear China was able to sell steel in Brazil cheaper than the local production too, so something likely changed/improved in China recently. It could be, at least in part, due to less internal demand, but cutting off the middlemen might have helped too.

  • technology Technology Nearly half of Nvidia’s revenue comes from just four mystery whales each buying $3 billion-plus
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 3 weeks ago 100%

    From what I remember from a few months back the H100 GPU (I think) cost something like 30k and there were a few companies each buying up to 100k of them so something like this makes sense.

    So if the demand for this GPUS don't continue high, which is possible as the newer LLMs are smaller and much better while not taking as much compute to run after trained, then what matters is by how much this deman will fall as I really doubt the demand will fall to 0 but we could be one development away from the deman tanking, being maintained or even going up.

  • worldnews World News BRICS: Payments in Chinese Yuan Surpasses the US Dollar by 2.5%!
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 3 weeks ago 100%

    The 2.5% in this case comes from all the international trade from Russia in 2023-2024, where 42% use Yuan to 39.5% the dollar.

    So not globally passing the dollar yet, but it's nice that there are examples for others to see the new opportunities.

  • worldnews World News The BRICS trading system is already wiping out US farmers, as global price discovery is destroyed
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 3 weeks ago 100%

    Probably something like the smaller producers sold locally, governing their prices in part by what bigger producers set. Meanwhile, large producers could likely pay for the price discovery, individually or in a group, or they had many contacts which allowed them to have an idea of what would be fair. But it was likely the US was stealing quite a lot as middlemen, which can now be at least atenuated somewhat by having many people trading directly and perhaps even more "state help" to figure out good prices long term.

    I would be interested in understanding this better as well, and nice to see that the new system is already being used. Whoever is not using the new system yet will likely do the math to see how good it will be for them.

    Edit to add another point: Large producers would likely buy smaller local producers' production as well in case the export price was good, so the smaller producers would increase their prices when they knew the bigger producers were buying a lot.

  • worldnews World News Vietnam becoming a chip-making powerhouse
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 3 weeks ago 100%

    Even just a country existing independently by themselves is already enough for them to do whatever they can to demonize and attack them as such an independent country will be a symbol of hope for other countrries wanting the same.

  • ukraine_war_news Death to NATO There will be "severe punishment" following Ukraine's incursion into Russia, according to the Russian ambassador to the US
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 4 weeks ago 100%

    That's my thinking as well. I am actually kinda expecting them to do something as they had been responding to attacks on their refineries and looking at the ammount of refinneries, air bases and other things that have been hit recently toghether with the whole Kursk incursion and the west giving green light for the use of their weapons inside Russia, they kinda of are pressed to do what could be the biggest attack since the war started, but I wouldn't be surprised if they just pretend nothing of this happened too and just continue pushing in the east as they may think they will win soon.

    But if they do actually do something perhaps they could take the opportunity to do it at the same time as Iran and Yemen, and even others as well, to really show that a red line has been crossed.

  • technology Technology You’ll need to teach this $16,000 humanoid robot how to make breakfast
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 4 weeks ago 100%

    The first version needs people to teach it but it already costs less than paying for a worker in many cases.

    The second will still need some coaching in some case but will do almost everything by itself out of the box.

    The third will know even more and will be much more efficient and cheaper.

    By the fourth or fith version their existance and number will likely have completely reshaped how work works making it clear to people that in the not distant at all future no one will need to work again.


  • memes Memes Libs be like about Palestine
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 4 weeks ago 89%

    If that's the case I'd say not only him but anyone in the world is a viable candidate.

  • worldnews World News Ukraine preparing ‘dirty nuke’ attack – media
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 1 month ago 100%

    I guess there might have been some confusion from what I said to here.

    I never said the Ukrainian puppet regime would never do something like irradiating Russia and Europe by blowing up a nuclear power plant, I just said that if they were going to bomb a nuclear power plant, releasing a lot of nuclear materials, there was no reason for them to go out of their way to get more nuclear materials to throw at it as just blowing it up conventionally would already be spreading a lot of radiation and adding more would likely not even make a difference.

    So, either they would be attacking the nuclear power plant with conventional weapons or they would get nuclear materials to attack a city with a dirty bomb, but there is no need to attack a nuclear power plant with a dirty bomb as it is redundant and counter productive, so it might be that the news is either really bad propaganda or mistranslated/misreported.

  • worldnews World News Ukraine preparing ‘dirty nuke’ attack – media
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 1 month ago 93%

    The attack is intended to use radioactive warheads to target spent fuel storage sites at a nuclear power plant, and the ammunition has already been delivered to Zhovti Vody.

    Where do I even begin to talk about how dumb this is?

    It's like saying you will make nerve agent just so you can bomb a nerve agent plant. It doesn't make sense. Not even for the Ukrainian regime.

    I guess you could add extra radioatice stuff to make sure it to gets mixed with everything else at the target site, but if you just use normal shells/bombs you can at least claim it was a mistake, so I really don't see how this makes sense as is.

    If they want to bomb a nuclear power plant normal bombs, perhaps bunker busters, sufice. There is no need to do any more than that.

    The only reason I can see for them to be searching for "radioactive materials" to target the plant it would be if they wanted spent uranium rounds, but that wouldn't be used because it is radioactive but because it is "harder".

    So, either this is some dumb propaganda piece, some even dumber plan, or some dumb reporting or translation on what should be really serious.

  • worldnews World News China to restrict key antimony exports as geopolitical tensions target weapons
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 1 month ago 100%

    Nice to see them doing something like this.

    Now it would be nice if they could coodinate with the next two biggest producers, Russia and Tajikistan, the three of whom toghether have almsot 90% of the world's production, to also do something similar in exchange for investment. Or perhaps it might be better to just do the same restriction to another important resource.

    There were also some very uncofirmed talks about China stopping drone parts exports too, which if they really did could have a massive impact on west.

  • genzedong GenZedong What is actually going on in Kursk?
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 1 month ago 100%

    Id argue its a sign of Ukraine trying to come to the table with a deal for peace that involves returning the contested border regions in the north (Russia recently pushed in further east, the trade will be for these two regions) and then likely peace on the current lines on the east.

    I really doubt it as Russia is simply unlikely to accept a peace deal right after this attack, as they have already said, and specially if you also take into account that they had already said they would only accept a cease fire if Ukraine moved out of the oblasts that Russia is occupying partially in Ukraine.

    As for what happens now, it seems Ukraine has already been mostly stopped so once things stabilize Russia will either push back as they have elsewhere or they will just hold favourable ground and let Ukraine pour as much resources there as they have, as they have been shown to pursue "PR victories" to try to prove their worth to the west so they will give Ukraine more resources to continue fighting.

    Russia may also decide that with this incursion on their land it's worth it to further attack Ukraine's rear, like finishing off their non-nuclear power plants and perhaps might make Russia decide that they want more land out of this as well due to increased public support for the operation following the attack in Russia.

  • technology Technology China on Verge of Brain-Computer Interface Commercialization
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 1 month ago 100%

    Ast it advances further if you get it you won't even be sure if you are really in reallity or trapped inside of it anyaway, unless you make your own, so I will let this tech for others or will wait until I can make my own.

  • technology Technology ChatGPT is bullshit - Ethics and Information Technology (Makan: Academic article.)
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 1 month ago 100%

    Frankly, AI might have its uses, and I’ve found it useful here and there, but perhaps the cons outweigh the pros…

    If I used a knife to write I shouldn't be surprised that I don't get good results. The other way around as well.

    Present AIs/LLMs, like any other tool, has its places to shine and places where you shouldn't even think about using it, but as a new tool we are still figuring everything out while at the same time new versions are appearing. So we should be careful about how we use it, but for what it works great it should be used as any other tool and hopefully it gets used more and more for the people rather than for capital.

    edit to better reply to you: The biggest con of AIs right now is capitalism.

    How does a country like Vietnam or China tackle AI?

    I don't know how they are using it but I'll give a few ideas about how they could be used to help improve countries, like:

    A simple use is to try to get rid of as much work/human hours of work as possible and distribute this time to the whole population to enjoy life. In such a case it would be much easier to ask everyone to work hard to make new data to train the AIs to replace then by basically writing everything as if explaining to a new worker or giving the AI your emails, or even recording your talks with coworkers, to make more good quality data that will reduce everyone's workload.

    Also, if a country were to ask each person to write a text about their lives, their strenghts, theirs problems, and an AI was trained on it the government, and the people, could ask it about what should be fixed in the country, how things could be fixed, and such things. Even if LLMs were simple "next token predictors" asking it to explain what people see as problems and how people think they can be solved could help governance in a Communist country massively.

    I'm sure there are even better things to do though.

  • genzedong GenZedong US stock market is crashing hard - New recession possibly incoming - Tech bubble is bursting
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 2 months ago 81%

    AI is great. Even if the tech stagnated for a few years a lot of improvements could still happen to what is available now and toghether with proper implementation of what's available could lead to quite a few good to amazing things. Too bad capitalism is trying to move its progress towards what is bad for workers.

    Death to capitalism and let's do what we can to see the US balkanize as soon as possible.

  • worldnews World News Iraq to release timetable for expulsion of US occupation forces
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 2 months ago 100%

    If they finally can get this done hopefully this also blocks the US from remaining in Syria as well, as I doubt Turkey will allow the US to remain in Syria using Turkish territory to maintain their bases.

  • china China China prepares for Collective West sanctions attack
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 2 months ago 100%

    That’s where the economic advantage in the west actually came from.

    Don't forget the massive exploitation of the Global South for cheap resources and labour that allowed them to advance themselves at the cost of massively empoverishing the vast majority of the chain of production they relied on. Or in other words, they stole everyones futures for advancing only themselves.

  • technology Technology China could reach chip tool self-sufficiency this summer, industry veteran says
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 2 months ago 100%

    Hope this means they can begin exporting chip making equipment undercuting and undermining western industry while making the lives of people from the Global South better by helping decrease the price of chips globally. Good job everyone!

  • china China China prepares for Collective West sanctions attack
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 2 months ago 100%

    And this could be a good oportunity for China to pass some big reforms to the benefit of their people and to maintain trade with non western countries as western production likely falls even more.

  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 2 months ago 100%

    Always nice to have pictures of workers doing their jobs well while not working to make some rich persong even richer.

    Also, any specs on the rocket or the launcher?

    They look really nice.

  • technology Technology OpenAI could be on the brink of bankruptcy in under 12 months, with projections of $5 billion in losses
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 2 months ago 100%

    They can just make their money back through the IPO, so as long as the company is seen as valuable and promissing, as it still is, they won't really care about its losses.

  • technology Technology OpenAI could be on the brink of bankruptcy in under 12 months, with projections of $5 billion in losses
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 2 months ago 100%

    I don't think that's how tech companies work. Rarely any of them make a profit at the start and survive from investiments, and considering how impactful AI is OAI has no need to make a profit for a long time unless some company comes up with something so much better than them and monopolizes the whole market overnight or something like that.

  • geopolitics Geopolitics Russia wins conflict in Ukraine, bringing the West to the brink of collapse - Emmanuel Todd.
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 2 months ago 100%

    I’m more optimistic about France in the near term actually.

    Don't know how exactly that would work out but I agree that this seems possible.

    It’s going to take an economic collapse for the Germans to get their heads out of their asses though.

    If the war in Ukraine ends wihin the next year or so they might escape that, if Russia doesn't continue puting pressure on Europe (by helping Yemen/Palestine and the decolonization of Africa, for example) that is.

    But if Germany and Europe continue feeling the pressure then things might happen within the next couple of elections, perhaps even before a hard collapse although likely through fascism, so we need to be vigilant.

  • technology Technology AI models collapse when trained on recursively generated data
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 2 months ago 100%

    Embodiment and things like it are a good one. Giving then the ability to interact with the world and basically use its interactions with the world itself to tell it if it succeded or not, leading to high quality data that can then be used to improve the next models. And having a way to use this to train the model itself, instead of the next gen, would be even better.

  • worldnews World News Japan and China resume strategic dialogue after 4 years
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 2 months ago 100%

    Just the other day I joked about Japan joining BRICS and this could be one step in that direction.

    Now I'm wondering what would be the first ex-US state to join. lol

    Either way, it will be interesting to see what happens with Taiwan as the US is turning its focus on China. Although unlikely I guess we can't rule out conflict starting not because of Taiwan being used against China but due to Taiwan going back to China and the US not liking it, even if it takes a decade.

    It's really hard to predict the future when things are so "chaotic".

  • china China Third plenum draws up sweeping reform blueprint to advance Chinese modernization
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 2 months ago 100%

    Thanks. I guess I should have been more careful with that.

  • china China Third plenum draws up sweeping reform blueprint to advance Chinese modernization
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 2 months ago 100%

    Economic reform, in particular, was a main focus. The third plenum said that China will build a high-standard socialist market economy in all respects by 2035. In building a high-standard socialist market economy, **the role of the market must be better leveraged, with a fairer and more dynamic market environment to be fostered and resource allocation to be made as efficient and productive as possible. **

    I am curious to see how this will go.

    Among the highlights of the reform tasks, Li pointed to the various reform measures to ensure and enhance the people's well-being, including improving the income distribution system and the employment-first policy, which will help address the direct concerns of the people. The reform plan for building a high-standard socialist market economy is also of great significance, as it will help create a fairer and more dynamic market environment, Li said.

    And specially curios about how they plan to change the income system.

    This appears to be the full text but it's in Chinese and this is it in English.

    Edit: Fixed link.

  • worldnews World News Ready for ‘long war’ with Israel, Yemen warns after strikes target al-Hudaydah
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 2 months ago 100%

    Good luck to the people of Yemen on their fight against genocide and hope their hard work can achieve even more than they already have.

    And thinking about this whole situation I do wonder if key nuclear weapons infrustructure (like radars) will be hit soon, considering Ukraine has hit some of Russia's early warning radars and Russia may have started supplying Yemen with weapons. Although I'm not sure the colonists would take that opportunity to dial things back. I guess we will see what happens.

  • technology Technology China escapes Microsoft outage, thanks to Beijing’s tech self-sufficiency drive
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 2 months ago 100%

    Any chance of suing them or something like that?

    Would be nice to see some extra blowback from this too.

  • china China China Has Just Gained First-Mover Advantage In Nuclear Fusion
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 2 months ago 100%

    The capitalist bloc has too much investment in fossil fuels (with the petrodollar being the very foundation of the capitalist bloc’s world dominance) to let an “unlimited energy source” propagate around the world. Especially not if this source was controlled by a socialist country.

    As I think about this such a development could be a big reason for the US to use nuclear weapons against China, so I do hope China builds something like laser defenses to take advantage of the new power source.

    In my opinion, only the creation of a world socialist federation (not literally every country in the world, but a significant number) could create the political conditions for fusion power to become humanity’s main energy source. It would be necessary not only to get rid of political opposition from the capitalist bloc, but also to provide generous terms on which the third world could acquire fusion energy without having to undergo carbon intensive development first.

    This could go hand in hand with cheap fusion reactors though, because if the reactors become very cheap fast and China can mass produce not dozens per decade but thousands per year this completely changes the game in a way that no one would really care for oil (other than the US and a few countries reliant on oil sales) in a year.

  • worldnews World News Israel strikes Yemen, opening 2nd front before lebanon
  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda 2 months ago 100%

    the military spokesperson for the Yemeni group said that “the Yemeni Armed Forces declare the occupied Jaffa [Tel Aviv] region an unsafe area and will be a primary target within the range of our weapons. and will focus on targeting the Zionist enemy’s internal front and reaching the depths.”

    I wonder if they will use ballistic missiles, like Iran, or if they would target nuclear power plants. Either way things will likely get very hot very fast.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Japan・日本国 KrasnaiaZvezda 9 months ago 100%