lemmy Lemmy Hot Take: Lemmy communities should function similar to hashtags on Mastodon.
  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 2 hours ago 100%

    I'd hardly describe this as the product of a 'great mind', but I do think it's important to discuss alternative ways of doing things. There's some good reasons voiced here for why this (as written) is impractical, and it sounds like a solution with similar goals but better implementation is in the works, so that's great to see. My favorite thing about Lemmy is that you can post something a bit out there like this and have a legitimate discussion about it; if this were Reddit, it'd have 400 downvotes and a bunch of replies telling me to kill myself, and that'd be the end of it.

  • lemmy Lemmy Hot Take: Lemmy communities should function similar to hashtags on Mastodon.
  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 6 hours ago 100%

    Edit: Sorry, thought this was a different reply.

    I mean block the instance's posts from showing up on the community level, which would need to be a new option implemented with this hypothetical system.

  • lemmy Lemmy Hot Take: Lemmy communities should function similar to hashtags on Mastodon.
  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 6 hours ago 100%

    Yep, it's a valid criticism. Theoretically the recourse in that case would be to block the instance entirely, but it'd still require multiple moderator actions (across multiple instances).

  • lemmy Lemmy Hot Take: Lemmy communities should function similar to hashtags on Mastodon.
  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 6 hours ago 100%

    In this system, each community needs moderators from each instance it is on. A small instance run by one person would face a challenge finding people to moderate potentially hundreds of communities.

    Each instance would be responsible for moderating its own posts, so a single user instance wouldn't need a moderator at all unless other instances were failing to moderate their content, but I agree, this is a hurdle, and would make it easier for bad actors to go to tiny instances and post spam.

    You mention that a user who doesn’t like their instance’s moderation can use a different instance, but this isn’t easy. There’s no account migration at the moment. This is more of an issue with the lack of that functionality, since there are many other reasons people would want to switch instances.

    Sorry, I might've been unclear - I simply mean that you could visit the community from your instance via that instance - e.g. [yourcommunity]/c/worldnews@lemmy.world - to see lemmy.world's "view" of the community. Your account would still exist on your own instance.

    If this was implemented, presumably it would require merging all existing communities that share names.

    A fair point; while it'd benefit some communities to have their content combined, it would not benefit others; this is a very valid criticism.

  • lemmy Lemmy Hot Take: Lemmy communities should function similar to hashtags on Mastodon.
  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 6 hours ago 100%

    So all the spam and CSAM would have to be taken down by each individual instance.

    Or only by the instance from which they were posted. If an instance is a moderation graveyard and is generating CSAM spam, it probably just needs to be defederated from, but I agree that the necessity to rely on local moderators to cleanly remove a post is a problem with the proposal.

    Would also somehow have to find a way for instances to pull the hashtags out of every federated instance too.

    If each instance shared a list of communities that it hosts with each instance that is aware of it on first discovery and periodically thereafter, it would assist with this. Wouldn't need to duplicate the content, just share a list of communities that exists. (I think that lack of duplicated content would actually be an improvement over the current system where, unless I'm mistaken, content is being duplicated, but I might also have an imperfect understanding of how it functions now.)

  • lemmy Lemmy Hot Take: Lemmy communities should function similar to hashtags on Mastodon.
  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 6 hours ago 100%

    Well, under this theoretical standard, you'd only be posting to a single community; you wouldn't be literally tagging communities on your post. The hashtag comparison was more to how you view hashtags on Mastodon (e.g. you're searching for a hashtag and seeing all related posts from every instance.)

  • lemmy Lemmy Hot Take: Lemmy communities should function similar to hashtags on Mastodon.
  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 6 hours ago 100%

    Okay, sure, but the underlying point is that the moderators of that community moderate all posts regardless of their origin, so biased moderators can direct the course of discussion. It's more a problem for broad topical communities with polarizing topics.

  • lemmy Lemmy Hot Take: Lemmy communities should function similar to hashtags on Mastodon.
  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 6 hours ago 100%

    Your proposal seems to target the same issues as with multi-community support https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/issues/818, which just got 6000€ funding from NLnet. Which seems to be a cleaner way of achieving the same goal.

    That's great, maybe it's (or will at some point in the future be) a non-issue, then. (For what it's worth I did search for similar things before posting this, but apparently didn't hit on the right search terms.)

    Some suggested points are also against ActivityPub standard.

    I'm not familiar enough with the intricacies of ActivityPub to be able to comment on that; this is obviously not a set-in-stone implementation, and it sounds like some version of the underlying idea is possible, judging by the above.

  • lemmy
    Lemmy KoboldCoterie 6 hours ago 90%
    Hot Take: Lemmy communities should function similar to hashtags on Mastodon.

    Rather than communities being hosted by an instance, they should function like hashtags, where each instance hosts posts to that community that originate from their instance, and users viewing the community see the aggregate of all of these. Let me explain. Currently, communities are created and hosted on a single instance, and are moderated by moderators on that instance. This is generally fine, but it has some undesirable effects: - Multiple communities exist for the same topics on different instances, which results in fractured discussions and duplicated posts (as people cross-post the same content to each of them). - One moderation team is responsible for all content on that community, meaning that if the moderation team is biased, they can effectively stifle discussion about certain topics. - If an instance goes down, even temporarily, all of its communities go down with it. - Larger instances tend to edge out similar communities on other instances, which just results in slow consolidation into e.g. lemmy.ml and lemmy.world. This, in turn, puts more strain on their servers and can have performance impact. I'm proposing a new way of handling this: - Rather than visiting a specific community, e.g. worldnews@lemmy.world, you could simply visit the community name, like a hashtag. This is, functionally, the same as visiting that community on your own local instance: [yourinstance]/c/worldnews - You'd see posts from all instances (that your instance is aware of), from their individual /worldnews communities, in a single feed. - If you create a new post, it would originate from your instance (which effectively would create that community on your instance, if it didn't previously exist). - Other users on other instances would, similarly, see your post in their feed for that "meta community". - Moderation is handled by each instance's version of that community separately. - An instance's moderators have full moderation rights over all posts, but those moderator actions only apply to that instance's view of the community. - If a post that was posted on lemmy.ml is deleted by a moderator on e.g. lemmy.world, a user viewing the community from lemmy.ml could still see it (unless their moderators had *also* deleted the post). - If a post is deleted by moderators on the instance it was created on, it is effectively deleted for everyone, regardless of instance. - This applies to all moderator actions. Banning a user from a community stops them from posting to that instance's version of the community, and stops their posts from showing up to users viewing the community through that instance. - Instances with different worldviews and posting guidelines can co-exist; moderators can curate the view that appears to users on their instance. A user who disagreed with moderator actions could view the community via a different instance instead. - Users could still visit the community through another instance, as we do now - in this case, [yourinstance]/c/worldnews@lemmy.world, for example. - In this case, you'd see lemmy.world's "view" of the community, including all of their moderator actions. The benefit is that communities become decentralized, which is more in line with (my understanding of) the purpose of the fediverse. It stops an instance from becoming large enough to direct discussion on a topic, stops community fragmentation due to multiple versions of the community existing across multiple instances, and makes it easier for smaller communities to pop up (since discoverability is easier - you don't have to know where a community is hosted, you just need to know the community name, or be able to reasonably guess it. You don't need to know that a community for e.g. linux exists or where it is, you just need to visit [yourinstance]/c/linux and you'll see posts. If an instance *wanted* to have their own personal version of a community, they could either use a different tag (e.g. world_news instead of worldnews), or, one could choose to view only local posts. Go ahead, tear me apart and tell me why this is a terrible idea.

    games Games Skyrim lead designer says it will be 'almost impossible' for Elder Scrolls 6 to meet fan expectations: 'Marketing departments just put their heads in their hands and weep'
  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 21 hours ago 97%

    I mean maybe if you hadn't been milking Skyrim for 13 fucking years, expectations wouldn't be so unreasonably high, would they?

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What do you think the voting age should be?
  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 22 hours ago 100%

    The one that I remember best was restricting eating food outside of the cafeteria. Previously it had been allowed to eat outside (the school had a patio area out where kids would wait for the busses, right outside the cafeteria), but there'd been issues with people leaving trash and things out there. The options on the ballot as I remember them were to continue to allow it with no change, to allow it but to implement strict punishments for anyone caught leaving trash around, or to just ban it entirely, and surprisingly 'Ban it' ended up winning, but it was really close. There was a group of students really pushing hard for that; they made posters with pictures of garbage and whatnot outside on the patio area and posted them all around, and got enough support to make it happen.

    The student council got to decide the items that went on the ballot and the choices (probably with some faculty pressure for certain things, I imagine), so it was all student-led initiatives, which was neat.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What do you think the voting age should be?
  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 23 hours ago 100%

    Where I grew up, the schools all the way down to elementary school would hold votes to decide some school policies. Things like dress codes and rules governing hallway use, minor stuff, but stuff students care about and that affected us on a daily basis, and whatever won the vote became policy for that semester. We had lines and ballots and everything... The schools were the local voting places, so they had the official voting booths and everything from real elections. Was a great introduction to the process. We'd even get students canvassing in favor of certain policies beforehand if there was something particularly controversial on the ballot.

  • bun_alert_system Bun Alert System OHMYGOODNESSITSABABIEBUN
  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 1 day ago 100%


  • progressivepolitics Progressive Politics What's your favorite voting rule? e.g. FPTP, single transferable vote,
  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 2 days ago 100%

    Sounds like the perfect opportunity for the media to run one-sided stories about how much support there is for one issue or another, to scare people into opposing it. You don't know how many people voted for an issue until it's too late to cast your own vote.

  • progressivepolitics Progressive Politics What's your favorite voting rule? e.g. FPTP, single transferable vote,
  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 3 days ago 100%

    Let's say you get to cast 3 votes, and that I'm a corrupt politician. I'd put an issue that you care deeply about on the ballot with 3 other issues that you're likely to care about. If I can engineer a ballot with 4 issues that you really care about, but only 3 issues that my coalition cares about, we can concentrate our votes while you're splitting yours, and we win all 3 of the ones we deem important.

  • news News NYPD can't find knife at center of Brooklyn subway bystander shooting
  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 3 days ago 100%

    “the department put out a request seeking the public’s help to find the knife”

    Translation: "We'd love someone to come forward with a knife and claim it's from the crime scene, so we can cover our asses."

  • news News NYPD can't find knife at center of Brooklyn subway bystander shooting
  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 3 days ago 100%

    The police don't want you to know this, but the knives at crime scenes are free. You can take them home with you. I have 458 knives.

  • politics politics John Roberts’ secret Trump memo revealed in huge SCOTUS leak
  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 4 days ago 100%

    they expected future generations to update the constitution as necessary to protect the republic from those who would seek to undermine or replace it.

    The problem with this is that it requires people in power to vote to limit their own power. And while there have been some, certainly, who have been willing to do so, getting a supermajority of people willing to do it is simply not something I see as remotely possible anymore.

  • raccoons Raccoons Ever seen a partially shaved raccoon? Now you have!
  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 4 days ago 100%

    Stupid sexy raccoons...

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes Is this heaven or is this hell?
  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 5 days ago 100%

    Hi - I'm a Linux newbie.

    I don't tell other Linux users that I use linux because it almost always leads to a bunch of questions that I don't know the answer to. So let me assure you, that awkwardness is on both sides of that conversation you're describing.

  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 5 days ago 62%

    It's not like I'm sitting here actively supporting the genocide. I've been speaking out against Israel since this conflict started. Look, here I am being critical of Israel 10 months ago.

    But I'm going to level with you - if I was going to choose a single issue to base my vote on, it wouldn't be this. It would be climate change. I'd throw in my cap with whomever had the most decisive, immediate plan to cut fossil fuels and major pollutants, enact climate-friendly policies, and put 100% of our budget and focus into reversing as much of the damage we've caused as possible, because I think that's a much bigger issue than Gaza, or Ukraine, or anything else.

    Compared to that, which is a global problem, I think any individual nation's conflicts are pretty trivial. It trumps genocide, it trumps fascism, it trumps everything.

  • curatedtumblr Curated Tumblr Share your stories
  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 5 days ago 100%

    Did the teacher at least spend time discussing it, or did they just lay it on you and let you sort it out for yourselves? Either way, that's pretty early!

  • curatedtumblr Curated Tumblr Share your stories
  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 5 days ago 97%

    Flowers for Algernon, that was thought provoking but also way too heavy for a 7th grade English class.

  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 5 days ago 60%

    If Trump and the GOP have their way, there won't be another election cycle. Maybe you need to think beyond this one, too.

  • news News Cops bust furious NYC driver accused of stealing tow truck with own pickup attached
  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 5 days ago 100%

    Yeah I mean, the towtruck owner was not without fault by all I've read but even so, the guy stole a truck and caused a lot of property damage and that's a jailable offense no matter the circumstances.

  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 5 days ago 60%

    Where along the DNC’s journey to the right do you hop off? Is it never?

    When we have a viable progressive candidate. Until then, I'm going to continue being a pragmatist and vote for the candidate that I think is better among those who have a chance to win, rather than waste my vote trying to make an idealistic point.

  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 5 days ago 57%

    Even if it were the case that both were exactly identical, then you'd have to admit that your vote won't matter for Palestine, and you should base it on other factors, so why don't you tell me which of Trump's policies you're okay with having in exchange for the opportunity to take the idealistic stance in this election?

    We can sit here and quote conflicting sources at each other all night, and it's clear that neither of us is going to sway the other, so we probably should just shake hands and agree to disagree, but fuck it, I'm not doing anything else, so I'll start. Here's one. Okay, your turn.

  • news News Cops bust furious NYC driver accused of stealing tow truck with own pickup attached
  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 5 days ago 95%

    I feel like maybe you aren't actually familiar with the issue you're commenting about here. Maybe you should read the article and watch the video before defending this guy.

  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 5 days ago 61%

    I'm so sick of this horrible take. You do realize that, of the two candidates who have a chance to win this election, neither are good for Palestine, but one is worse, right? It's not like Donald Fucking Trump is out there campaigning on cutting off arms to Israel and supporting Palestine.

    You give me an actual viable candidate who has a chance of actually winning an election in the US and I'll give them my vote, but right now, what're you proposing? Voting third party? Why, exactly? Do you only value "taking a stand", or are you actually trying to do what's in everyone's best interest?

  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 5 days ago 68%

    The problem is really that republicans keep putting up the worst possible candidates and policies. If the choice was "A sort of bad candidate or another sort of bad candidate", we'd all happily vote third party and if the slightly-worse-but-not-appreciably-so candidate won as a result, it wouldn't be a huge hurdle and over a few election cycles we could maybe effect change.

    Instead, in that scenario, it leads to Trump and Project 2025 and I'd love to hear your explanation of how that helps us get progressive candidates into office, because I just don't see it.

    I'm a "single issue voter" and that "single issue" is that I don't want another Trump presidency, so I'll vote strategically to prevent that from happening, even if I'd much rather have someone else.

  • politics politics Pope Francis criticizes Trump and Harris and says voters must choose between ‘lesser of two evils’
  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 5 days ago 100%

    I think she panicked a little bit. She was asked the question, and thought, "Oh shit, this is what fucked Clinton," and didn't want to leave any doubt in WV residents' minds that she was going to take their jobs away, so she gave a clear, no-bullshit answer.

    Obviously yes, it would be preferable that the overwhelming opposition to fracking from most of the rest of the country was enough to offset one very small, backwards state's fears, but that's not the country we live in right now. Maybe in the future.

  • politics politics Pope Francis criticizes Trump and Harris and says voters must choose between ‘lesser of two evils’
  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 6 days ago 92%

    Regarding the fracking issue, what was she supposed to do there? Hillary Clinton said she was going to shut down coal mining and it was a major contributor to losing her the election as a whole. We didn't need a repeat of that.

  • politics politics Pope Francis criticizes Trump and Harris and says voters must choose between ‘lesser of two evils’
  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 6 days ago 98%

    Well, given his problem with Harris is that she supports abortion rights, he can just get fucked along with his opinions.

  • usa United States | News & Politics What happens if Trump replaces Vance?
  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 1 week ago 100%

    Even moreso because he's spent so much time shitting on dems for replacing Biden.

  • gamedev GameDev Unity is Canceling the Runtime Fee
  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 1 week ago 100%

    Do you see yourself going back to Unity after they changed streams?

    The only reason this didn't stick is because they got overwhelming backlash from it. They didn't revert it because they're thinking of their users, they didn't revert it because they had a change of heart; they did it because it was a PR issue and they decided they'd make more money by reverting the decision than by keeping it. That's the only reason.

    The next time they think of some half-baked idea to milk more money from their users, they'll try that one, too, and they'll just keep doing it until something sticks, then probably start the process again and add something else on top of it. Anything they say denying this is just corporate speak.

    Case in point, they're still adjusting their prices; they're lowering them for some very low-revenue teams while increasing them for their larger teams and this is, I guarantee you, because they ran the numbers and realized they'll make more this way.

    Don't trust them. Get out if you haven't already. There's too many great, free options out there. Godot basically has feature parity with Unity right now except for console exports, and that's coming later this year.

  • games Games Nexon establishes Dave the Diver developer Mintrocket as a new wholly owned subsidiary corporation. Nexon says this will expand Mintrocket's "brand and reputation for rapid development of games"
  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 1 week ago 100%

    It'll certainly expand their reputation, but not in a good way.

  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter Bruh even the Bleach blonde, bad built butch body lady called Laura Loomer a racist
  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 1 week ago 100%

    Kinda sounds awesome, not gonna lie. Who doesn't like the smell of curry?

    Unrelated, you're a dick - I spent a good minute or so wondering when we started federating with Threads.

  • politics politics No, Kamala Harris wasn’t wearing these audio earrings
  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 1 week ago 97%

    I honestly love this; they're basically saying that they think her talking points were good enough that she couldn't have been doing it off the cuff. Great endorsement for Harris.

  • politics politics Jill Stein delivers scathing response to Harris-Trump debate and urges Green alternative
  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 1 week ago 100%

    It's a fine take and I mean, I'd love to have the option to vote for that alternative, but realistically right now, none of us do. No matter which side of the aisle you're on, if you abandon the side you'd normally vote for to vote third party, you're only helping your own personal worst case scenario.

    Really, all of these third party... parties should be focusing more on pushing for an alternate voting system. I know they say we should get away from two-party politics, but I rarely see any actual action taken to try and accomplish that. Ranked-choice was on the ballot 4 years ago in MA, but didn't pass, and if these third parties had poured their campaign budget into getting it passed, they'd be getting my vote in November. As it stands, they won't be. Their policies, frankly, don't matter, because we can't vote for them, as much as we'd like to, without voting against our own self-interests and really, those of the entire country.

  • politics politics Good summary of yesterday's debate?
  • KoboldCoterie KoboldCoterie 1 week ago 100%

    The Daily Show did a piece on it, if you don't mind a distinctly left-leaning focus and want to be entertained while still getting the highlights, rather than seeing an objective summary of the whole thing.

  • godot
    Godot KoboldCoterie 1 month ago 100%
    Problem displaying 'ff' in RichTextBox?

    I'm sure there's a really simple answer to this, but it's a surprisingly difficult problem to search for. I've got a RichTextBox control and I'm trying to write text that includes the letters "ff", but they don't show up. This is the specific code in question: ``` for entry in suffix: desc += "[color=darkgray]Suffix (Tier: %s, Quality: %s%%) 'of %s'\n[color=royalblue]" % [entry.tier, entry.quality, entry.mod.name] ``` This is what it ends up printing: ![](https://pawb.social/pictrs/image/ec6c5d2a-d6e6-4af5-8409-5f27dd095c39.png) If I change one or both of the Fs to capitals, they *both* display fine; it's specifically two lowercase Fs that're problematic. They also display fine elsewhere in the same textbox; it's just *this line specifically* that's problematic. Even tried escaping it but it didn't like that, either. Most of the settings on the RichTextBox are default; the font has a lowercase 'f' character; I haven't done anything weird with the font size, or style, or anything else. I'm tearing my hair out here. Please tell me this is just some stupid bbcode tag or some such. Edit: For anyone finding this later: It's a ligature (ffi) that the font is missing a glyph for. To solve the problem: On the Import tab, choose the font you're using, click Advanced, and under Metadata Overrides, expand OpenType Features, click Add Feature -> Ligatures, add whichever option is appropriate (discretionary or standard ligatures), then disable the option. Reimport the font, and the issue is fixed! ![](https://pawb.social/pictrs/image/d3d20c62-985e-45e1-ac9f-0a8e9e5089e6.png)

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearFU
    Furry KoboldCoterie 2 months ago 91%
    Canvas (Lemmy version of Reddit's r/place) event begins in about 8 hours https://canvas.fediverse.events/

    Let's get some furry shit up in there. We can create / share a template so we're all working on something cohesive. Any interest / anyone have any suggestions for something to draw? [Community Link](http://pawb.social/c/canvas@toast.ooo)

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearTE
    Furry Technologists KoboldCoterie 12 months ago 95%
    'Gay furry hackers' claim second NATO cyber-break-in www.theregister.com

    > The hacktivists, which describe themselves as made up of "gay furry hackers," usually target government orgs whose policies they disagrees with, and have a flare for political publicity stunts, also posted a link to the purported stolen files on their Telegram channel. >"The astonishing siegedsec hackers have struck NATO once more!!1!!!," the crew wrote, bragging: "NATO: 0. Siegedsec: 2." > The team is referring to its earlier NATO intrusion in July, during which it claimed it swiped information belonging to 31 nations and leaked 845MB of data from the alliance's the Communities of Interest (COI) Cooperation Portal.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearTE
    Furry Technologists KoboldCoterie 1 year ago 90%
    Google's Generative AI Tools Now Turn Text Into Online Worlds decrypt.co

    > "Some game developers are turning to artificial intelligence to make the creative process faster and easier—and cheaper, too. At Google Cloud Next in San Francisco, startup Hiber announced the integration of Google’s generative AI technology in its Hiber3D development platform, which aims to simplify the process of creating in-game content. > Hiber said the goal of adding AI is to help creators build more expansive online worlds, which are often referred to as metaverse platforms. Hiber3D is the tech that powers the company's own HiberWorld virtual platform, which it claims already contains over 5 million user-created worlds using its no-code-needed platform. > By typing in prompts via its new generative AI tool, Hiber CEO Michael Yngfors says creators can employ natural language to tell the Hiber3D generator what kind of worlds they want to create, and can even generate worlds based on their mood or to match the vibe of a film. [...]" Once this is refined, this could be very neat! It's only environments right now, not characters and whatnot, too, but maybe eventually we'd be able to dynamically generate some anthro-populated worlds to explore.

    Memes KoboldCoterie 1 year ago 92%
    I made this.
    Explain Like I'm Five KoboldCoterie 1 year ago 100%
    ELI5: How are unexploded cluster munitions not a solved problem?

    I really don't have a lot of background on cluster munitions; it only really came into my perception in response to the controversy over the US providing them to Ukraine. As I understand it, the controversy is because they often don't all explode reliably, and unexploded munitions can then explode months or years later when civilians are occupying the territory, making it similar to the problems caused by landmines. In an age where things like location trackers, radio transmitters, and other such local and long-range technology to locate objects are common place, what's stopping the manufacturers of these munitions from simply putting some kind of device to facilitate tracking inside each individual explosive, to assist with detection and safe retrieval after a conflict? I get that nothing is a 100% effective solution, but it seems like it'd solve most of it. Can someone with actual knowledge explain why this is still a problem we're having?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearFU
    Furry KoboldCoterie 1 year ago 96%
    Kobold Hucksters (by Commissar-K)

    He's an alchemist, okay? It's definitely a Strength potion, not grape Kool-Aid, okay? It's only $5, just try it!

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearFU
    Furry KoboldCoterie 1 year ago 97%
    Need some kobold representation up in here. (by jareddrawsjared)

    That poor elf has seen better days; it takes a special kind of talent to be overpowered by kobolds.

    Lemmy KoboldCoterie 1 year ago 85%
    Per-User Community Groups?

    We can currently filter communities in our feed by 'Subscribed', 'Local' and 'All', but I'd really love a way to add communities to custom groupings, and have additional filter options based on those groupings. For example, a 'News' group that I could add all of the News-related communities to, and be able to click a filter button and see only those... or maybe the use case most people would likely use: creating groups to isolate SFW and NSFW content. If there's a way to do this that I'm unaware of, I'd love to hear about it.
