• Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 3 months ago 100%

    I just buy new clothes every time.

  • android Android The YouTube app could finally get a sleep timer (APK teardown)
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 3 months ago 100%

    Newpipe is the answer to have a Youtube app without ads and features like background play, download etc.

  • games Games Senior Riot devs say the League of Legends playerbase is getting older, with fewer newbies jumping in: 'Candidly, it's not the same situation it was 10 years ago'
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 3 months ago 100%

    Certainly not by trying to install kernel level malware into a fucking game.

    Uninstalled that shit faster than anything and am clean since.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Desk workers of Lemmy, what are your tips for appearing busy in the office even when you might not be?
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 3 months ago 100%

    Their reasoning being that their employees were using unethical behavior while the company itself has been in multiple lawsuits for unethical behavior

    What does one call that again? Fucking hypocrits

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Desk workers of Lemmy, what are your tips for appearing busy in the office even when you might not be?
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 3 months ago 100%

    what does viva insights do exactly?

  • world World News Boeing sales tumble as the company gets no orders for the 737 Max for the second straight month
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 3 months ago 100%

    The company itself maybe, the people responsible for the downfall not so much.

    The C-levels probably got huge bonuses for saving tons of money, while having a super high paycheck anyways and when the boat finally goes down they will just hop into a C-level position at a different company where their main focus will be again to save tons of money.

    C-level positions truly are the most insane thing in this capitalist hellhole that we live in. They come and go (usually in a 2-5 year cycle) and their next job is secured no matter their performance.

  • enshittification Enshittification Instagram Confirms Testing Unskippable Ads for Some Users: Report
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 3 months ago 100%

    free yourself from this cancer called instagram

  • memes memes It'll end up as "Vote stupid parties, win stupid prices"
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 3 months ago 100%

    Their argument being is that as long as others have it worse, its a sacrifice they are willing to make.

  • world World News Russia mocks Macron following EU election defeat
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 3 months ago 100%

    Well at least we have an real election

  • technology Technology Microsoft is reworking Recall after researchers point out its security problems
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 3 months ago 66%

    Best Solution is to not use Microsoft, i just setup an old Laptop with Linux Mint to see if it can work for my requirements.

    If all goes well ill just use that for my main pc.

  • technology Technology Instagram's unskippable ads test causes outrage among users
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 4 months ago 100%

    People will get outraged, scream for a bit and then accept it and keep using the service.

    The additional ad-revenue will outscale the few users that quit by far and thus enshittification continues.

    Tho i guess we should be happy for the few that escape the shothole instagram because social media is cancer anyways.

  • world World News Ukraine can strike Russian targets with Dutch F-16s
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 4 months ago 100%

    I am not sure what the discussion is about not striking inside Russia.

    Russia is the aggressor, they CHOOSE to invade Ukraine. So all of Russia is fair game. Period.

    If they cry like the babys they are, they can just fuck out of Ukraine and not fear defensive acts against their terretory

  • steam Steam Until Dawn will also require a PSN Account to play on Steam. I think we already got the message, every playstation game will now require a PSN account
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 4 months ago 99%

    Refund that shit, or dont buy it.

    Vote with your wallet

  • politics politics WP: US concerned about Ukrainian strikes on early-warning radars on Russian soil, official says
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 4 months ago 100%

    yeye sure, and then russia will use their nuclears as they've threated every wednesday in the past 2 years.

  • news News Nearly 80% of Americans now view fast food as a luxury
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 4 months ago 100%

    if you call in advance they are usually the same speed if not faster

  • news News Nearly 80% of Americans now view fast food as a luxury
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 4 months ago 100%

    Fast food used to be shit quality for little money.

    Now its shit quality for a fuckton of money.

    Cook at home folks, more nutricious, tastes better, is cheaper and if you pick the right recipes its also fast.

  • world World News Germany and France agree Ukraine may strike Russian military targets
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 4 months ago 93%

    Good, Russia is whining about this means it's the right thing. Honestly everything should be game for Ukraine since Russia is the aggresor. They could just fuck off Ukraine and not be bothered.

    As Luis C.K said, of course it's a terrible tragedy if you go to war and get shot, but maybe if you invade another country and get shot by the guy you were just shooting at, its not that weird.

  • world World News Visitor to Taiwan hit with $9,000 fine over 'roast chicken and pork combo' lunch box
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 4 months ago 96%

    Better Headline yet: Reckless visitor tries to sneak in forbidden food and gets a fine.

    There is a reason for this ban, its announced everywhere, and you even have a chance to give it up before going through the checks. Its your responsibility to obey local laws, whether you like them or not.

  • coolguides Cool Guides A cool guide to daily protein sources by region
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 4 months ago 100%

    I try to reduce my intake of meat based protein so much but i keep up failing over and over.

    Ive tried countless recipes but whatever i do it feels like my meal is missing SOMETHING.

    My goal is to reduce meat consumption to maybe once, maximal twice a week. Currently i am between 4 and 5 times.

  • technology Technology Google Search’s “udm=14” trick lets you kill AI search for good
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 4 months ago 100%

    For now at least

    use duckduckgo guys

  • worldnews World News Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi killed in helicopter crash, official says
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 4 months ago 80%

    Words can't express how unhappy i am with these news.

  • technology Technology Slack users horrified to discover messages used for AI training
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 4 months ago 100%

    I know of a few security companies that use slack to work together that includes a shitton of privat data, source codes and confidentional information

    Guess whoever introduced the company to slack service fucked up by not reading their policies.

  • technology Technology Netflix Windows app is set to remove its downloads feature, while introducing ads
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 4 months ago 98%

    I got Netflix stock, and i can tell you guys that stock is just going up and up.

    People rly are fking stupid

  • foss Free and Open Source Software Windows 11 is now an ad platform--this is why we're here
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 4 months ago 100%

    I hate shopping i hate it more than anything. I dont need shit. Just leave me alone, if my shirts get worn out i buy new ones. And only then. I dont throw them out cause i bought new ones and i dont need 200 of them. I buy shirts when i need them.

    Guess most people aren't like me and thats why these companies exist in the first place.

  • foss Free and Open Source Software Windows 11 is now an ad platform--this is why we're here
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 4 months ago 100%

    I have friends that dont mind that bs, they say yeah sure its convenient to have ads that are interesting to me, how else am i gonna discover cool new things.

    I dont know Frank, if you didnt think of it you probably dont need it.

    How i hate capitalism

  • world World News Teacher accused of having sex with two students says she ruined her 'dream job' with stupid 'mistakes', jury hears
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 4 months ago 97%

    Rape is not a stupid mistake. It's an intentional action that is immoral and illegal and should be punished as such.

  • steam Steam Helldivers 2 now has the most negative reviews among all paid games
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 5 months ago 90%

    mayb you will think differently when next time you get locked out for no reason

  • technology Technology How RCS on iPhone Will Make Texting Better for Everyone
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 5 months ago 94%

    more like Signal, which is superior to Whatsapp snd iMessage

  • technology Technology Exclusive: ByteDance prefers TikTok shutdown in US if legal options fail, sources say
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 5 months ago 76%

    Apparently the way TikTok manipulates and influences users is so powerful ByteDance doesn't want to disclose any of that information.

    Even if that means they shut down their business completely in the US. Them considering giving up this big of a market is a very scary indication on how sofisticated and powerful their algorithm.

    And ByteDance is basically controlled by the CCP.

  • technology Technology Apple AirPods are designed to die: Here’s what you should know
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 5 months ago 80%

    Here is what you should know: never ever buy a shit product

  • technologie Technologie - 🤖 Discord starts down the dangerous road of ads this week
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 6 months ago 100%

    the second i get an ad, they get an uninstall

  • world World News European car safety body is coming for touchscreens. The European New Car Assessment Programme mandates that key controls need physical buttons or switches
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 6 months ago 100%

    i dont even think they do it intentionally, its just how new cars "work".

    I've droven cars that have that feature and you see alot more and it doesnt feel like you're blinding the other person.

    But in reality you do, especially if you have a lower car and not a huge suv

  • world World News European car safety body is coming for touchscreens. The European New Car Assessment Programme mandates that key controls need physical buttons or switches
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 6 months ago 100%

    So when are they gonna wake up and finally do something about these automatic dimming headlights? They blind me regularly.

    On a curvy street its impossible to not get blinded, no matter if the car is following me, or driving opposite way.

    Who allowed that shit while clearly not testing it.

  • technology Technology Pornhub shuts down in Texas... and predictably, VPNs benefit
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 6 months ago 100%

    I dont think so, Texas finally solved the problem with porn, now nobody can watch it and everyones life (and children) are finally safe.


  • medicine Medicine Microplastics Linked to Heart Attack, Stroke and Death
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 6 months ago 100%

    But Brook, other researchers and the authors themselves caution that this study, published in The New England Journal of Medicine on 6 March, does not show that the tiny pieces caused poor health

    Great headline, the study of just 200 people showed they found the plastic in their blood, but not that this was the cause for their issue.

    Im not saying micro plastic isnt an issue, im saying the headline is bullshit.

  • privacy Privacy The Best Password Managers in 2024
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 7 months ago 95%

    I use keepass with my database on onedrive.

    Then i connect every device to said onedrive account, copy the private key manually on each device that i need to use.

    I secure my databse with said private key + a passphrase.

    Might not be the best setup, but i feel like with passphrase+key i am secure enough to have the db file in the cloud.

  • android Android Google Messages is blocking rooted Android users from using RCS - The Verge
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 7 months ago 100%


  • reddit Reddit Here's what the Reddit DSP invitation looks like and the limitation.
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 7 months ago 100%

    Got the invite, realized i delted my comments but never my account -> deleted my account.

    Thanks for the reminder tho reddit.

  • aboringdystopia A Boring Dystopia Wendy’s Wants to Start Uber-like Surge Pricing in 2025
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 7 months ago 100%

    Enshittification will continue as long as people still buy their shit there.

    The only language these fuckers understand is money. Dont buy their shit and it will turn around quickly.

    But if you keep going there, and keep going with the new shot they come up with they will keep doing this shit until you stop.

  • firefox Firefox Mozilla downsizes as it refocuses on Firefox and AI: Read the memo | TechCrunch
  • Kekzkrieger Kekzkrieger 7 months ago 100%

    Does it hold to the same standard as Mullvad tho? Like no logging policy and regular audits?

  • deutschland
    Deutschland Kekzkrieger 1 year ago 85%
    Österreichische Justizministerin verfasst Gesetzesentwurf in weiblicher Form und erntet dafür Kritik. Wie seht ihr das? www.derstandard.at

    Oftmals wird ja argumentiert dass bei der maskulinen Form die weibliche miteinbezogen ist, umgekehrt aber regt es auf. Also kann es nicht ganz unbedeutend sein. Ich finde es einen spannend Denkansatz und die Reaktion zeigt dass darüber durchaus gesprochen werden muss.

    Austria Kekzkrieger 1 year ago 100%
    Orf Beitrag für Alle wird beschlossen www.derstandard.at

    Man hätte ja ordentliche Lösungen finden können wie Paywall. Gesetzlich festlegen dass der Aufsichsrat/Stiftungsrat nicht politisch besetzt wird. Den Bildungsauftrag durchzuführen und Sender so beschränken dass dieser nur mehr Kultur und Nachrichten wiederspiegelt. Aber lieber dürfen jetzt Leute zahlen die gar nichts konsumieren wollen und als Danke dafür wird orf.at beschnitten und darf jetzt keine Nachrichten (bzw sehr beschränkt) mehr veröffentlichen bzw Videos?!?
