suomi Suomi Lähes kaikista suomalaisista on kerätty arkaluontoisia tietoja aineistoon, jota markkinoidaan tutkijoille ulkomailla
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 2 months ago 100%

    Päivitys: uusi tietojen käytön kielto THL:lle/Finndatalle poiki vastauksen: GDPR:ään ja mahdolliseen henkilökohtaiseen haittaan vedoten kielto meni läpi. Pyysin tästä myös kirjallisia todisteita, niin lähettivät kirjatun kirjeen, jossa toteavat etteivät käytä tai jaa tietoja. Varaavat tosin vielä oikeuden tietojen jakamiseen, jos poliisi- tai muut turvallisuusviranomaiset sellaisia pyytävät.

    Onko sitä nyt vihdoin ja viimein keski-ikäinen, kun jaksaa valittaa ja tapella virastojen kanssa.

  • historymemes A sub for Historymemes There are no shitty technicals, only shitty drivers
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 2 months ago 100%


  • historymemes A sub for Historymemes There are no shitty technicals, only shitty drivers
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 2 months ago 100%

    Anyone know the story about the lower left corner turreted 'armoured car at home'?

  • suomi Suomi Lähes kaikista suomalaisista on kerätty arkaluontoisia tietoja aineistoon, jota markkinoidaan tutkijoille ulkomailla
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 3 months ago 100%

    Ei ole sitä pdf:ää enää käsillä, mutta jotakuinkin vain siitä, että lupia tietojen yhdistelyyn en ole antanut enkä anna lupia varsinkaan tietojeni myyntiin.

    Vetosivat oikeutettuun tutkimukselliseen etuun tms.

    Pitää kokeilla GDPR:ään vedoten laittaa uudestaan jossakin välissä.

  • suomi Suomi Lähes kaikista suomalaisista on kerätty arkaluontoisia tietoja aineistoon, jota markkinoidaan tutkijoille ulkomailla
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 3 months ago 100%

    Minulle taas tuli kielteinen vastaus. Minkälaisia sanamuotoja käytit omassa kiellossasi? Voisi kokeilla ihan piruuttaan kieltämistä uudestaan.

  • yurop YUROP Europeans, how common are random spam phone calls in your country?
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 3 months ago 100%

    Finland here. Havent had one in 10 years or so?

    But I do agressively forbid sharing my contact info through governmental blocks on sharing them/forbiding the sharing when I start using new services. Also I'm not in business as employer or as a freelancer.

  • suomi Suomi Lähes kaikista suomalaisista on kerätty arkaluontoisia tietoja aineistoon, jota markkinoidaan tutkijoille ulkomailla
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 3 months ago 100%

    Kyllä tässä maassa on kusipäiseksi jenkkituontitavaraksi mennyt vähän kaikki hallinnollinen touhu viime aikoina. Vai onko se aina ollut?

    Kirveelle olis töitä taas, saatana.

  • suomi Suomi Lähes kaikista suomalaisista on kerätty arkaluontoisia tietoja aineistoon, jota markkinoidaan tutkijoille ulkomailla
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 3 months ago 100%

    Olet oikeassa, THL:lle itsekin sen laitoin. Korjaan sen postaukseen.

  • suomi
    Suomi Kallioapina 3 months ago 100%
    Lähes kaikista suomalaisista on kerätty arkaluontoisia tietoja aineistoon, jota markkinoidaan tutkijoille ulkomailla

    Tähän uutiseen liittyen, näitä tietojen luovutuksia, myyntejä yms. voi yksityishenkilönä vastustaa. Findata on lahjakkaasti dark patterneja noudattaen piilottanut sivuilleen lomakkeen (pdf), jonka täyttämällä ja -palvelun kautta THL:lle lähettämällä tietojensa käyttämistä ja myymistä voi vastustaa. Kuinkahan pitkään menee ennen kuin nämä tiedot vuodetaan tai hakkeroidaan nettiin... Edit: lisäsin oikean tahon, jolle viesti kannattaa lähettää.

    politicalmemes Political Memes Its best to mend our differences
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 3 months ago 19%

    Thats a bit rapey, not gonna lie.

  • chevron7 Chevron 7 Watch order for the various SG series
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 3 months ago 100%

    Thanks for linking this spreadsheet! I remember seeing this a while back (maybe this was the bump to get me watching the franchise again?) and downloading it, but my phone at that time crapped itself soon after and I merrily forgot about it. I'm gonna be sure to save this cheatsheet to another device now.

    Thank you!

  • chevron7 Chevron 7 Watch order for the various SG series
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 3 months ago 100%

    Oh curses, I had all but forgotten about Gateworld as a resource. Mainly because it didnt/doesnt seem to work well on mobile!

    Also I saw that meme earlier, but given the years since last watching the show, I didnt give it much thought. Thank you for your tips!

  • chevron7
    Chevron 7 Kallioapina 3 months ago 100%
    Watch order for the various SG series

    I'm an old SG fan rewatching the franchise again, but I am also unhappy about how pretty much all the info about the series internal chronological watch order is found only on Reddit or Stackexchance - the shittification both of those entities discusts me and I loath to give them any traffic. So, I'm wondering if anyone here knows a link to a document or would be willing to write about the watch order youre supposed to watch the various series. For the love of all the gods I cant remember it. It just hit me, now in season 5 and the 1st appearance of Dr. McKay, that this is starting to become relevant. I know its a lot to ask. Still, I would hope there would be alternatives to this info in the internet other than these shittified sites. My google/bing fu is not good enough to find it on other than these shit sites.

    movies movies When did a movie or a show misrepresent the country or city you live in?
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 3 months ago 100%

    The finnish youth movie Pitkä Kuuma Kesä, set in 1980's Joensuu, really portrays the cops in far too positive light. They werent as jovial and unviolent as in the movie - they employed their rubber batongs much more freely irl. I know from experience.

    They are luckily far less violent and authoritarian in current times, per my own experience and being told by my friends.

  • woodworking
    Woodworking Kallioapina 4 months ago 98%
    Little beer boat for summer cottage

    A little beer boat, HV Kaljaasi, made for the summer cottage and warm summer days, when you can sit in the lake and enjoy the sun. Made from various little pieces of wood, sticks, glue and rocks inside the hull for steadying the boat. Swims well, even if it tilts little to the left.

    noncredibledefense NonCredibleDefense Apparently North Korea is launching balloons filled with poop over South Korea
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 4 months ago 100%
  • funny Funny: Home of the Haha Sounds like a dealbreaker
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 4 months ago 100%

    True enough - I have to very careful when visiting local Lidls and browsing their products (though Finnish Lidls tend stock a lot of local lactose free stuff, luckily), else one invites the shitrocket.

    But again this invites my query, invoked earlier on another comment in this thread - Germany is a much larger market with lots of immigration and the tech exists. Why not sell it to people, when there is also volume available?

  • funny Funny: Home of the Haha Sounds like a dealbreaker
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 4 months ago 75%

    That does not really explain the lack of use on the technology (which you do have, to make milk products lactose free) and the lack of products/marketing on lactose free milk products.

    Isnt USA all about making new products for new consumers? If we can do it here, in a much smaller markets and with less resources, why cant it be done in the USA? You do have lots of lactose intolerant people there, through immigration alone - why on earth dont you, salesmen of the planet, want to sell that to them?

    Thats why I do kinda of suppose that maybe its an cultural/social issue?

  • funny Funny: Home of the Haha Sounds like a dealbreaker
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 4 months ago 83%

    In Finland they are. Why cant you do it?

  • funny Funny: Home of the Haha Sounds like a dealbreaker
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 4 months ago 100%

    Katsopa tarkemmin. Esimerkiksi Arkijuusto on ollut laktoositonta viimeiset 5 vuotta, vähintään. Eikä todellakaan ole ainoa. T: Juusto rakastava, laktoosia paskova.

    For english speakers: we have had lactose free cheesw for a while, and it is delicious.

  • funny Funny: Home of the Haha Sounds like a dealbreaker
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 4 months ago 70%

    This is really a thing ive been wondering about USA... Dont you have lactose free products? I mean, if the tiny Nordics can and do produce lactose free versions of pretty much everything, in pretty much every possible place, why cant you?

    Is it a sadism/eugenics thing (kidding but not 100% kidding)?

  • meta Meta ( Update about infrastructure & upcoming cakeday
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 4 months ago 100%

    Doh! And thank you.

  • meta Meta ( Update about infrastructure & upcoming cakeday
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 4 months ago 100%

    How can I donate to to help ease the financial burden a even a little bit?

  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 4 months ago 100%

    Pitää kokeilla sitä nyt sitten ihan periaatteesta joku päivä. Lapsuusnostalgiaa vai irvistelyä, jää nähtäväksi.

  • science_memes Science Memes Publishers are a cancer. Knowledge is meant to be shared, freely.
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 4 months ago 100%

    Core has also been quite helpfull in open access science.

  • technology Technology Google promised a better search experience — now it’s telling us to put glue on our pizza
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 4 months ago 100%

    No, poison the idiots.

  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 4 months ago 92%

    We like to eat pasta with milk here in Finland. Yes, really! Dont judge me, its part our culture! (For real milk is a very common drink with many foods here, at least in the current +30 age group)

  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 4 months ago 94%

    What generation? I'm an elder millenial and I always thought Google Video/Vimeo/Youtube was/is shit for any kind of actual informential content. Music videos, meme videos - sure. Other than that, veeerrry great amount of suss on any info presented. Same goes for 90+% of people of my generation, who know what kind of a jokepool 90's/early 2000's internet was.

    So what gen are you referring to?

  • science_memes Science Memes Publishers are a cancer. Knowledge is meant to be shared, freely.
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 4 months ago 99%

    This is also a big reason why I'm few weeks from submitting my masters for inspection, and 90% of my references/sources are from Annas Archive / Zlib. Our uni library, in supposedly rich nordic country Finland, just cant afford all the licenses. Luckily all our professors and researchers are in on the "secret", but its just a fucking joke.

    Most of the world economy is on the same fucking joke. Just leeches upon leeches upon leeches... And so few people giving anything usefull to the world. I fucking try, but god damn these useless money leeches in the middle try to make it hard as possible. Fuck. So fucking angry, but what can I do but try to minimize the damages I do on my personal part.

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes Windows 10 EOL PSA
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 4 months ago 100%

    1Ooh that sounds nice, because I have an Nvidia card.

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes Windows 10 EOL PSA
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 4 months ago 100%

    What would be The Linux that works for most windows games and majority of enterprise corporate software? Or a linux version that can get older warez windows software to work, like Photoshop CS 6 and the like?

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes Windows 10 EOL PSA
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 4 months ago 100%
  • techsupport techsupport How to block this annoying toggle in uBlock Origin?
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 4 months ago 100%

    Thank you 0v0, that did it!

    For the future in case there are similar cases, is there a way to select that with the picker tool or is that just something you have to know about?

  • techsupport techsupport How to block this annoying toggle in uBlock Origin?
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 4 months ago 100%

    I thank you, but your solution does not work, which you would know if you read the post.

  • techsupport techsupport How to block this annoying toggle in uBlock Origin?
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 4 months ago 75%

    It simply wont allow to select the thing and it does not appear at the list, at all.

    Yet it does leave this transparent artifact behind.

  • techsupport
    techsupport Kallioapina 4 months ago 90%
    How to block this annoying toggle in uBlock Origin?

    I'm not sure if this is a good place to ask this, but I couldnt find any active uBlock Origin -communities here. Please delete if this is inappropriate to ask. This blog has an annoying dark mode toggle, that keeps following the page as you scroll. I have tried to block it by uBlock Origins picker tool, but it only allows selecting the little flame image, creating a filter: "" Yet there remains a partly transparent, unselectable round artifact after this, that keeps following the page like the toggle. I know I can disable javascript on the page to make it go away, but its tedious to do it every time. Any tips how to block that annoying little toggle?

    news News Over 80,000 Illinois people banned from owning guns still keep them, report shows
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 4 months ago 50%

    This is pretty much uniquely American phenomena, even historically speaking. You might be in a filter / culture bubble and cannot see the outside perspective of it. You are a violent culture.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's your favorite budget "little treat"?
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 4 months ago 100%

    Vanilla yogurt with crisp rye bread / tack crumbled into it, with bilberries (forest blueberry). The sour crunchy tack, vanilla and the sweet berries compliment each other nicely.

    Edit: oh and the bilberries must come straight from the freezer, thats crucial.

  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 5 months ago 100%

    Thank you for the og artist and poster for this. I needed this laugh (rofl) at this moment in my life.

  • microblogmemes Microblog Memes Working in the year 2039
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 5 months ago 100%

    To be fair, that beer was also generally much milder than modern beer, between 1-2% alc per volume (in Europe) , at least per historians and research papers I've read.

    Edit: also most of those historians whose books I refer in this context are mostly Finnish, Swedish or German, so that should give some idea about my biases/sources. Its different in the Pacifics and Western Africa, I know.

  • science_memes Science Memes Comedy Funeral
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 5 months ago 100%

    That cannot die which still can elicit a chuckle.

  • 196 196 Unicorn rule
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 5 months ago 100%

    In finnish its sarvikuono, or "hornsnout"

  • pixeldungeon Pixel Dungeon Lemmy Plays SPD Day 1 The Journey Begins
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 5 months ago 100%

    Go north.

  • news News Rich Americans are getting second passports, citing risk of instability
  • Kallioapina Kallioapina 5 months ago 85%

    That residency status is all conditional in many ways:

    As an EU citizen, you have the right to move to any EU country for a period of up to 3 months as long as you have a valid identity card or passport. If you want to settle in another EU country but you have no intention to take up any work or education there, you need to prove that you:

    have sufficient resources for you and your family during the time you want to stay in your new country
    have comprehensive health insurance

    Reporting your presence and registering your residence

    During the first 3 months of your stay in your new country, as an EU citizen, you cannot be required to apply for a residence document confirming your right to live there - although in some countries you may have to report your presence upon arrival.

    After 3 months in your new country, you may be required to register your residence with the relevant authority (often the town hall or local police station), and to be issued with a registration certificate.

    You will need a valid identity card or passport and:

    proof of comprehensive health insurance
    proof you can support yourself without needing social assistance benefits: resources may come from any source, including from a third person.

    Can you be requested to leave or be deported?

    You may live in the other EU country as long as you continue to meet the conditions for residence. If you no longer do so, the national authorities may require you to leave.

    In exceptional cases, your host country can deport you on grounds of public policy or public security - but only if it can prove you represent a genuine, present and sufficiently serious threat affecting one of the fundamental interests of society.

    The deportation decision or the request to leave must be given to you in writing. It must state all the reasons for your deportation and specify how you can appeal and by when. Permanent residence

    If you have lived legally, meeting the conditions to stay in another EU country for a continuous period of 5 years, you automatically acquire the right of permanent residence there. This means that you can stay in the country as long as you want, you are entitled to be treated as a national of that country and you enjoy more protection against deportation. You can apply for a document certifying permanent residence.

    Your continuity of residence is not affected by:

    temporary absences (less than 6 months per year)
    longer absences for compulsory military service
    one absence of 12 consecutive months, for important reasons such as pregnancy and childbirth, serious illness, work, vocational training or a posting to another country.

    You can lose your right to permanent residence if you live outside the country for more than 2 consecutive years.

    Going with a non chalant attitude of 'lel I think I'm just gonna go live on the other side of EU now' will land you in some trouble in most cases, what ever your personal alleged experience is.

    Better be prepared with the proper info than leave it to luck and feels.

  • arkisuomi
    Arkisuomi Kallioapina 6 months ago 75%
    Osaisiko joku suositella frisbeegolfin tulosten kirjaamiseen kevyttä sovellusta?

    Kuten otsikko kertoo, haussa olisi joku kevyt sovellus frisbeegolfin tulosten kirjaamiseen, mielellään sellaisena jossa löytyisi myös ratoja. Aiemmin käytin vuosia Frisbeegolf Suomi -appia, mutta huomasin sen toiminnan ikävä kyllä loppuneen. Kokeilin jo -sivulla suositeltuja Udiscia ja DiscgolfMetrixia, mutta log-in wallit ja maksullisuus ei houkuta käyttämään, kun tulee lähinnä höntsäiltyä kavereiden kanssa. Upsia myös kokeilin, mutta sen raivostuttava, tyhmennetty käyttöliittymä taasen saa näkemään punaista. Harmillista että sellainen typerä ui-suunnittelu on rantautunut myös Suomeen. Olisiko siis suomilemmyillä hiljaista tietoa tai muita vinkkejä joistakin kevyistä sovelluksista?
