genzedong GenZedong The hammer and sickle of the Communist Party of China. 🇨🇳
  • JTurtle JTurtle 8 months ago 100%

    now i've never used a sickle in my life but every time i see the Chinese hammer & sickle, i think: that's a really impractical handle on that sickle.

    every other hamsic has a decent rectangular handle, but the CPC just has a little nub. what gives

  • JTurtle JTurtle 9 months ago 100%

    From the Mississippi to the Pacific 🤔

    i, for one, support the annexation of California into the People's Republic of Nevada

  • genzhou GenZhou What happened to Naomi Wu (RealSexyCyborg)?
  • JTurtle JTurtle 10 months ago 100%

    But this was 2019, why did she go quiet on (the website formerly known as) twitter so recently? And what did she mean by getting "wings clipped" in the tweet?

  • memes Memes Libs in one meme
  • JTurtle JTurtle 10 months ago 100%

    you forgot Place, North Korea: Either paid actors or oooh so spooky literally 1969, there are government spies in the tree, the nort corean gobernment doesnt want us to see this photo and/or this photo was staged by the govornament for propaganda! Basically how they react to China but x10

  • worldnews World News Top Russian court bans LGBT movement as 'extremist'
  • JTurtle JTurtle 10 months ago 97%

    This is why we keep the "critical" in "critical support", comrades. What a hellworld we live in where this dumpster country is the second biggest threat to american hegemony.

  • genzedong GenZedong Ding Dong. Kissinger is gone.
  • JTurtle JTurtle 10 months ago 100%



  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say Either complete deranged lib, or the mother of all shitposts
  • JTurtle JTurtle 10 months ago 100%

    so… second thought isn't a communist according to whoever's responsible for this?

  • comradeship
    Comradeship // Freechat JTurtle 10 months ago 96%
    For god's sake, be polite!

    if you'll pardon me complaining about this publicly: some of the meanest mfs i've met online are internet-poisoned communists. If i weren't already a marxist-leninist, i would have some *very* unsavory ideas about what communists are like. Lemmygrad and Hexbear are very nice places, thank you comrades ^_^ … but elsewhere, even IRL, i've met incredibly rude people calling themselves communists and i need to stress this: if you want people on **our** side, you need to give good impressions of what we're like. Don't be hostile or dismissive or just violently anti-social. If you have to explain something for the millionth time to yet another liberal or anarchist… do it [insert Sankara quote], or at least find a *nice* way of saying you don't want to. Save your offensive capabilities for people who deserve it. And please, **_PLEASE_**, go outside occasionally. IRL interaction is healthy, and will quickly kill any terminally online behaviours you might have. Maybe join an org while you're at it ;) i'll stop stating the obvious now. Have a great day, comrades.

    shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say Huge cope from mainstream The Economist. Fuck these people
  • JTurtle JTurtle 11 months ago 100%

    the economist reveals their anti-landlord ideals by letting Vladimir Lenin live rent-free in their heads for 100 years

  • tankietunes TankieTunes Oh hey, it's my favorite music without the anti-communist nonsense [Soviet March (Russian Cover by RADIO TAPOK)]
  • JTurtle JTurtle 11 months ago 100%

    finally, lyrics that make sense.

  • prolewiki ProleWiki We're preparing something very, VERY cool for you. SOON.
  • JTurtle JTurtle 12 months ago 100%

    my god, you brought Karl Marx himself on for a podcast!?

  • shitposting shitposting Call my boy Winchester the way he's dropping game 💎🤲
  • JTurtle JTurtle 12 months ago 100%

    Winchester (the firearms manufacturer) dropping (killing) game (wildlife in the context of hunting)

  • genzedong
    GenZedong JTurtle 12 months ago 96%
    Have you read the Constitution of the People's Republic of China? Well, you should.

    dont tell libs about Article 4. Comrade Xi, please update \**the rest of the site* to support HTTPS (\*edit: the CPC's relationship with the HTTPS protocol confuses me)

    shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say To fix its demographic problems, China needs to become more like... Japan? (Ignoring the other propaganda here).
  • JTurtle JTurtle 12 months ago 100%

    got an archive link for the asiatimes article?

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say one hundred quadrillion!
  • JTurtle JTurtle 12 months ago 100%

    ugh did you try staying awake during 4th grade history class 🙄 they taught the "pilgrims" how to grow corn, had a big feast, then politely stepped aside to make room for the new guys. we still dont know where they went...

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat What actually happened at Černobyľ?
  • JTurtle JTurtle 12 months ago 100%

    not really, he's very focused on the scientific details, i cant remember him talkimg about the political side at all.

  • memes Memes “Under communism you can't own a home”
  • JTurtle JTurtle 12 months ago 100%

    you dont own anything under socialism? thats crazy. let me check the list of countries by home ownership rate rq

  • huawei Huawei List of games that work with HarmonyOS
  • JTurtle JTurtle 12 months ago 100%

    I know Huawei phones are very high-end so beefy emus like Dolphin and maybe, if you dare, Yuzu (yes it has an android version!) would run Fine™.

    for retro consoles i use Lemuroid (from f-droid).

  • latestagecapitalism Late Stage Capitalism Ads Don’t Work That Way
  • JTurtle JTurtle 1 year ago 100%

    here's the original publication:

    …i'm not sure what you're getting at, maybe i didnt summarize properly. give the article a read and see if it makes sense to ya.

  • genzedong GenZedong Rules based international order
  • JTurtle JTurtle 1 year ago 100%

    rules-based order (i make the rules and order every one around)

  • latestagecapitalism Late Stage Capitalism Ads Don’t Work That Way
  • JTurtle JTurtle 1 year ago 100%

    the article very clearly explains that. Give it a read, it's not that long.

    …but if you aren't going to read it, the summary is that the way we think ads work, associating brands with positive emotions (termed "emotional inception" in this article), is bollocks. Instead, they rely on "cultural imprinting", i.e. associating the brand with a kind of person or situation. For example, corona is the beer for relaxing on the beach, nike and gatorade are for athletes. So, if you want to relax with some homies, you drink corona. If you value athletic performance, you drink gatorade and wear nike shoes. Major exceptions apply, please just read the article.

  • memes Memes My pronouns are He/They...
  • JTurtle JTurtle 1 year ago 100%

    i had a long reply that i accidentally deleted but conveniently this book about Stalin just came out that should give you an infinitely more nuanced "history and critique" of Stalin than the average westerner could imagine exists.

    TL;DR Stalin is a complicated figure, just like everyone else. The cartoon villain picture of Stalin that western propagandists have been building for almost a full century now isn't real, no one likes the "eastern hitler" caricature that doesn't exist. We like Josif Stalin, the real person who existed, did great things, did bad things. a lot of what you think you know is simply false, and to understand why we "like" Stalin, you have to learn who Stalin really was, and find out what you think you know about him, the Soviet Union, and communism as a whole, that is just plain wrong.

    sorry about the downvotes and dunking that are going to come to you, some folks around here have trouble distinguishing genuine questions and bad faith trolls.

  • genzedong GenZedong Active editors of Russian language Wikipedia
  • JTurtle JTurtle 1 year ago 100%

    why is Russia blank? does no one in Russia edit wikipedia??

  • genzedong GenZedong communist mastadon instances?
  • JTurtle JTurtle 1 year ago 100%

    those links don't work. also i noticed i follow perfectly fine, though a lot of the acct's follows/followers dont show up from kolektiva. are you sure it's still defederated?

  • genzedong GenZedong communist mastadon instances?
  • JTurtle JTurtle 1 year ago 100%

    matapacos defederated from kolektiva for what security concerns? i too am a kolektiva user hiding my power level and looking to migrate, but i dont want to lose the comrades ive met on kolektiva :(

  • memes Memes *Permanently Deleted*
  • JTurtle JTurtle 1 year ago 100%

    i can't find this video on f*x's channel, probably fake but i also didnt search very well bc it's still funny and i dont care.

    but if someone does have a link share it here, it look hilarious

  • JTurtle JTurtle 1 year ago 87%

    that's a real bold move when their phones are already stunted without google play services on the stock OS. i now have zero reasons to recommend huawei. fuck 'em.

  • JTurtle JTurtle 1 year ago 100%

    LineageOS has no actively maintained builds for Huawei devices (but they used to, fairly recently) and it's a very limited selection of older devices for /e/OS.

    idk much about rooting but if you can do it on the stock OS, you can install microG and get bare minimum features like push notifs working.

    also FUCK google for locking essential features behind their pooprietary services. they will not be spared in the revolution.

  • shitposting shitposting liberal praxis
  • JTurtle JTurtle 1 year ago 100%

    i really should have made the image more obviously leftist, by all means you could see this in a fash community and not seem out of place at all.

    inb4 horseshoe theory

  • shitposting shitposting liberal praxis
  • JTurtle JTurtle 1 year ago 96%

    it's unfortunate that righties learned the word "liberal", causing confusion like this. but it's funny that so many of them technically are liberals if you want to be pedantic with definitions

  • shitposting
    shitposting JTurtle 1 year ago 81%
    liberal praxis
    programming Programming Which software license to use for personal projects?
  • JTurtle JTurtle 1 year ago 100%

    i know of copyleft, but im not sure i like MIT(+other lenient licenses) or GPL. MIT makes my code free for the taking for any big corpos (not that im cool enough for that to happen, but hypothetically) and i'd like to inconvenience them at every opportunity. yet GPL would be a pain for normal smaller devs who just want to use or modify my stuff without license headaches.

    but i'm probably overthinking it, aint nobody using my shitty ass code 🙃

  • programming Programming Which software license to use for personal projects?
  • JTurtle JTurtle 1 year ago 100%

    TIL about that loophole. im weary of using GPL because i dont want to inconvenience average joes who want to include and redistribute my work while using a different license for other bits. but if my mind is changed i would want to use Affero, thanks!

  • programming
    Programming JTurtle 1 year ago 100%
    Which software license to use for personal projects?

    Copyright is a tool of suppression by the bourgeoisie etc etc but as long as we have to deal with this tomfoolery, what licenses do *you* use or recommend, and why? I'm also open to the idea of custom or silly licenses if you can justify that they won't cause more trouble than they're worth. I've heard the tale of a Rust DS emulator whose github repo was deleted, but because either there was no license or the license was something dumb, no one was able (or brave enough) to revive it, so i feel like it's important to take this more seriously than i have been. For the few things i have made i just put "copyright is fake" or "this isnt my code, it is OUR code, comrade!" in `LICENSE.txt`.

    comradeship Comradeship // Freechat I finally watched that one Britmonkey video about everything banned in China after avoiding it for years, and they claim that the word "disagree" is banned on Chinese social media.
  • JTurtle JTurtle 1 year ago 93%

    supposedly, the many banned terms were quickly unbanned, but further reading would require being able to read Chinese. which i can't.

    for comrades braver than me, here's br*tmonkey's source list for the video:

    and the source for "letter N was banned" (from the guardian, notorious source of Unbiased™ reporting about china):

  • communism Communism The reason for 99% yes votes in communism...
  • JTurtle JTurtle 1 year ago 94%

    it's the "i'm almost enjoying my anger!" mood, the deliberate exposure to things you don't like for the catharsis and/or sense of superiority that's not unique to internet libs, see also 'shit X says' communities that exist everywhere under the sun.

    …and liberals once again thinking their votes matter 😎

  • communism Communism The reason for 99% yes votes in communism...
  • JTurtle JTurtle 1 year ago 95%

    really just said "nuh uh" 😭 how did you stumble into lemmygrad

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Anyone else here despise Destiny (the streamer)?
  • JTurtle JTurtle 1 year ago 87%

    save yourself the braincells and dont bother learning anything about "breadtubers". destiny is just another one of them, and you're better off knowing nothing more than that.

  • thedeprogram The Deprogram Podcast r/TheDeprogram Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
  • JTurtle JTurtle 1 year ago 100%

    from the pinned post in r/TheDeprogram:

    We recently received a formal warning from the Reddit Admins that we need to emphasize the following part of Rule #2, (which is really Rule #1, according to Reddit policy):

    Use screenshots or an archiving service. If the content is coming from a non-leftist subreddit, please censor all usernames and the subreddit name as well. If you must link to somewhere else on reddit that isn't politically aligned, please use the non-participant (np) variant of the URL. (e.g.,

    If we do not want the sub to be quarantined or banned, we need to take this seriously.

    well no matter how well they follow the rules i give the sub six months before it gets chapo trap house'd. no good commie sub lives that long after getting so much notoriety.

  • leftistunix Linux for Leftists OpenKylin becomes China's 1st open-source desktop operating system (OpenKylin 1.0 released)
  • JTurtle JTurtle 1 year ago 100%

    i havent verified for myself but i believe Deepin has proprietary components that make it not "truly" open-source like Kylin. or at least that's what ive heard.

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad Do AES countries restrict citizens from leaving?
  • JTurtle JTurtle 1 year ago 94%

    you have to pay at least a $2530 fee to renounce US citizenship, if you somehow avoid all of the other hidden fees. and Allah help you if you mess up part of the application. cool country 👍

    edit: i conclude it's probably easier to lose citizenship by committing treason or joining a foreign military than doing the state department's arcane (and expensive) rituals

  • JTurtle JTurtle 1 year ago 100%

    the original version of this comic is about the Romani lol

  • comradeship
    Comradeship // Freechat JTurtle 1 year ago 89%
    How do we combat US propaganda when it's so prevalent?

    Serious post warning, sleep-deprived wall of text ahead. Someone who I dare say I respect publicly discouraged joining or supporting Lemmy on the basis of being The Tankie Place, linking [this raddle post](, a collection of horrifyingly flimsy evidence that Dessalines ( admin, maintainer of the wonderful []( is a freedom hating redfash tankie who likes it when the evil CCP genocides uyghurs and bans femboys. Naturally it all sucks but now i'm investing too many brain cells into thinking: how do you even refute this garbage? I'm not proud of it, but I was an "anti-authoritarian leftist" too. I unironically said "tankie" once. And if i were told there is no Uyghur genocide, i would react exactly as if they had told me there was no holocaust. To the westerner, China really is as bad as nazi germany and straightforwardly saying otherwise, in their mind, is no different than if you replace Uyghurs with jews and China with germany. When this narrative is so deeply ingrained, how do you fight it? How the hell did *I* get here? i really have no idea how to address it when, to them as it once was to me, it is so obviously true that anyone suggesting otherwise is not even worth listening to. these are fundamental beliefs and challenging them is grounds for instant block and report. its not open for discussion. all i can do is hope they find the truth on their own. i'll stop rambling now and sleep instead. so i wont respond for a while. sorry if theres a better community to post this in i just needed to get this out before i spontaneously combust. good night comrades.

    genzedong GenZedong Being programmers and what not, are they supposed to be this gullible?
  • JTurtle JTurtle 1 year ago 100%

    take it from a programmer, folks: knowing how to make computer do magic doesnt equate to general intelligence or automatically make one better at unrelated things like politics. computer shit is a skill like any other that just happens to have a (false) connotation of "high intelligence" whatever that means.

    sorry fellow nerds, you aint special. read lenin.

  • leftpiracy Left Piracy Question about encoding video
  • JTurtle JTurtle 1 year ago 100%

    video encoding is far from my area of expertise but i can advise

    1. your CPU is fine as long as its getting proper cooling (if it hasnt overheated and auto-shutdown, then it's ok). Also, 80°F? slightly above comfortable room temperature? you probably misread 80°C, a more reasonable temperature for a CPU at maximum overdrive. Which is fine, CPUs get hot. 90°C is where the problems start. EDIT: 80°C is very hot actually, make sure your fans are working as hard as they can.

    2. Video encoding is just a really complex process that takes its sweet time no matter what, but just in case you can check if handbrake is converting to x264 or x265. x265 is very nicely compressed but takes longer, though its probably doing x264 by default.

    3. check out ffmpeg ( for the technology behind HandBrake that you can use on its own, presumably with more options… if youre willing to read all those docs 😵‍💫. But when you have the basics down it makes mass-converting videos with shell scripts super powerful.
