comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Recommendations for getting information about current events?
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 1 day ago 100%

    Breakthrough News! Oop wait just saw you said you prefer articles. I like liberationnews.

  • genzedong GenZedong General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 38
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 1 day ago 100%

    Your hating being vindicated >>>>>>>

  • worldnews World News Update on the pager situation in Lebanon.
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 2 days ago 100%

    Not to be pedantic, but people who are defending themselves against a genocidal occupier aren't terrorists.

  • worldnews World News US, UK ‘want war,’ continue to fan the flames of the Russia-Ukraine conflict
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 3 days ago 100%

    Desperate for anything that'll keep the line going up. I'm so ready for this shit to go up in flames.

  • palestine Palestine Two US citizen deaths, only a few days apart. Watch how differently the State Department reacts.
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 1 week ago 100%

    The settler was in the IOF, Aysenur was actually a civilian. Insane how they spin this.

  • worldnews World News Nuland has finally admitted that the Ukraine-Russia peace deal, nearly finalized in spring 2022, fell apart because of the US, UK, and other Western governments.
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 2 weeks ago 100%

    In site video streaming has been one of the best features to come to the Lemmy

  • genzedong GenZedong Unified Leftist timeline confirmed?
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 2 weeks ago 100%

    Ironically, I actually think the opposite is true (at least here in the west). Right wingers are more than happy to "accept" anyone as long as they can subscribe to some level of hate for the "other".

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Good news! My daughter shared a surprising and welcome detail about her US history class with me today
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 2 weeks ago 100%

    The kids are gonna be fine after all

  • genzedong GenZedong How is the US Convincing the Philippines to Destroy Itself?
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 2 weeks ago 100%

    In summary, he had horrible opinions in 2012 and the US is indeed convincing the philipines to become an asian Ukraine.

  • us_news US News Two Years and $300 Billion into Biden’s Climate Plan, Emissions Are Higher than Ever
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 2 weeks ago 50%

    That's assuming we're ignoring record oil production, and the US military (which is not even required to even report emissions). Even if that oil still goes to another country, that's by all means emissions on the US' part still.

  • palestine Palestine [news] Sanders Pledges Resolution to Block $20 Billion US Arms Sale to Israel
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 3 weeks ago 100%

    Resolution gets dropped or resolution is voted against. It's not a leap to assume these parlor tricks will end the same way as they always have.

  • prolewiki ProleWiki Some time back we asked our editors what they thought of working with ProleWiki. This is their testimonials (more inside)
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 3 weeks ago 100%

    do yall know eachother IRL or do you always operate on pseudonyms?

  • worldnews World News A few months ago, hackers managed to break into a computer linked to Israel's Justice Ministry and tens of thousands of classified files and sensitive emails were published on Telegram.
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 3 weeks ago 100%

    Would explain why they arrested the Telegram guy

  • worldnews World News Vietnam becoming a chip-making powerhouse
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 3 weeks ago 100%

    I don't think Washington's ghouls would be saying these kind of things if Vietnam didn't matter to them. As far as the US is concerned, any independent nation that could be a regional/ global power is a threat by default.

  • worldnews World News American Science is in Dangerous Decline while Chinese Research Surges, Experts Warn
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 1 month ago 100%

    Kinda unfortunate to hear as someone who wants to pursue plant science in USonia , but alas, it's one of the many symptoms of a crumbling empire.

  • europe Europe German industrial production fell by 6.7% in July
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 1 month ago 100%

    Makes ya wonder how long the US can keep this up until it starts affecting the broader world markets

  • us_news US News The Federal Reserve is now saying that the US shot itself in the foot with its export controls on China, as illustrated by Intel's recent staff layoffs.
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 2 months ago 100%

    Naturally, they won't change course

  • worldnews World News Maduro declared victor of Venezuela’s disputed presidential election
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 2 months ago 95%

    A venezuelan gusano highschool friend has been absolutely seething about Maduro winning.

  • genzedong GenZedong Ukraine blocked Russian oil and gas to Hungary and Slovakia, both countries have threatened to retalliate...
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 2 months ago 100%

    Tantrums of a toddler that wants to pretend to have agency

  • worldnews World News A Ukrainian Brigade Collapsed—And Now Hundreds Of Soldiers Are Surrounded Near Prohres
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 2 months ago 100%

    Worst of all? PUTIN GOT EMBARRASSED!!!1!!1!

  • genzedong GenZedong General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 30
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 2 months ago 100%

    If I have to see one more Kamala propaganda post I'm going to lose my mind. The liberals are absolutely insufferable about that genocide supporting roach. She was there with arch-butcher Biden for 4 years, why tf are they acting like she has a clean slate or something????

  • worldnews World News WSJ report alleges potential Russian arms transfer to Yemen
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 2 months ago 100%

    Awesome if true, fake if not.

  • us_news US News Janet Yellen Quietly Admits Serious U.S. Dollar Collapse Fears As Trump Primes Bitcoin For A $4 Trillion Price Surge
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 2 months ago 100%

    Bitcoin...which is valued in dollars?

  • us_news US News US Banks Sound Alarm On Lower-Income Struggles Before Election
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 2 months ago 100%

    Most people definitely used up that stimulus money in less than a months time. I'm not surprised to see they think people were still using that money till now.

  • ukraine_war_news Death to NATO Reports: Ukraine planned to sabotage Nord Stream pipelines even before 2014
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 2 months ago 100%

    I'm skeptical of this idea that Ukraine carried out the Nordstream bombing without any naval force/ submarines.

  • worldnews World News Anti-War News: NATO To Give Ukraine $43 Billion for 2025, Israel Sends Delegation for Hostage Talks
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 2 months ago 100%

    "Yeah I'll let you hold someone money, lemme just check on something real quick..."

  • worldnews World News Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger sign 'confederation' treaty
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 3 months ago 100%

    I feel like this definitely had to play a part in the US decision to get out of Niger

  • capitalismindecay Capitalism in Decay On this day 83 years ago, Axis collaborators massacred dozens of Jews in the Ukrainian town of Tuchyn
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 3 months ago 100%

    I'm tired of pretending to liberals as if I don't want Ukraine to lose. How are the political descendants of these people still walking free today? They need to be vanquished.

  • us_news US News June jobs report: US labor market adds 206,000 jobs, unemployment rate rises to 4.1%
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 3 months ago 100%

    Naturally, the stock market goes up on this sort of news

  • palestine Palestine 🔻Heartwarming Scene from the Resistance
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 3 months ago 100%

    Fucking goofy just casually perched out of a tank like he isn't in an active fire zone 😂

  • genzedong GenZedong The USSR Made A Space Radio Complex Out Of An Old Battleship. 65 Years Later, Ukraine Is Trying To Blow It Up.
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 3 months ago 93%

    Agreed. The Kiev Regime needs to leave the people of East Ukraine alone.

  • worldnews World News ICC issues warrants for top Russian military officials over alleged Ukraine war crimes
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 3 months ago 100%

    The fact that no Isntraeli has a ICC warrant against them says everything about the ICC

  • us_news US News The fertility crisis is here and it will permanently alter the economy
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 3 months ago 100%


  • memes Memes Libs be like
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 3 months ago 100%

    Instead of self-fellating, you could've just stated your actual view but we all know it's not worth hearing either way

  • worldnews World News LMAO Japan Dumps $63 Billion Worth U.S. Bonds
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 3 months ago 100%

    More countries dumping US bonds = higher inflation?

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad Is it reactionary to say that business owners work hard?
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 3 months ago 100%

    The only "risk" being taken is having to work a 9 - 5? What a horrifying toil!

  • worldnews World News Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 3 months ago 100%

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad Is joining a party in the USA pointless since none of them are a vanguard party and they all have revisionist and or opportunistic tendencies?
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 3 months ago 100%

    The amount you would theoretically be asked to pay in monthly dues would be according to your own circumstances. You know your own family situation best, but just be frank with the recruiter in the event you wish to follow through :). Best of luck!

  • genzedong GenZedong *Permanently Deleted*
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 3 months ago 100%

    The scariest thing I've witnessed in my life was seeing an older man with dementia being so lost and afraid as he was getting onto a city bus at night. He was pleading for help in a way that was so frightening and humbling that it's hard to convey through words. I hope mr parenti and others take it easy :~

    a bit of hope-posting

  • us_news US News People close to Biden claim his mental state getting worse
  • Idliketothinkimsmart Idliketothinkimsmart 4 months ago 100%

    Biden is not losing sleep over dead palestinians. His brain is rotting from the sheer force of steering a dying empire.

  • comradeship
    Just got banned from for "inciting violence"

    I said "death penalty" under a post about a zionist terrorist who stabbed unarmed civilians for wearing kuffiyehs at a pro-palestine rally. I'm free, my time is liberated. I'll have to go scream at zionists in real life even more.

    GenZedong Idliketothinkimsmart 9 months ago 100%
    Do any comrades know of any resources on Hawaii?

    Someone told me there was a deprogram episode on hawaii, but I couldn't find it :/. Any other source material also welcome!

    Is anyone else particularly bad about doing stuff on time?

    This seems like such a silly write up, but I'm noticing that it's not as easy for me to complete a task unless I'm at the absolute limit of time to where it needs to get done. For example, I needed to study for an exam over the course of a week...I just started today, and the exam is tomorrow 💀. I have 4 chapters to read to and just finished the 1st :'). On one hand, I think having that kind of sense of urgency is good when you're dealing with an "emergency", but like...its not really ideal to constantly be in "emergency" mode. Besides the obvious answer of doing stuff early, how do I stop doing this 😦...

    I recently tried to book a numerology session and it felt like a total scam :/

    I had met this lady a few weeks ago who did numerology sessions on the side of her regular job. She had offered me a session at the time and I had refused. I ended up finding her number a few weeks later and had arranged to book a session. I had been seeing all these numbers repeating, and thought, why not have some fun, right? I don't really believe in that kinda stuff, but it would be interesting to see what values people ascribe to things as random as numbers, and see what I think about it. An hour session was gonna come out to upwards of 200+ dollars 💀 . I apologised saying I should've asked for a quote beforehand, but she tries to call me (I didn't pick up) and she then texts me that "people usually call me when they're in need and I recommend the session", but it's like...of course you would, you're making 200+ dollars off of me lol. No disrespect to her, but I hate that everyday interactions are warped by profit 😓. I get everyone has to eat, but damn, wtf?

    GenZedong Idliketothinkimsmart 2 years ago 100%
    Any Denmark parties?

    I guess someone randomly hit me up on reddit and they noticed I linked some multipolarista stuff, and they're wondering if there are any Denmark parties? I'd tell em but I'm not from Denmark, I'm a Usonian :').

    GenZedong Idliketothinkimsmart 2 years ago 100%
    What're some good books or sources on the factionalism that occurred between the Bolsheviks and groups like the Revolutionary socialists and the Mensheviks?

    I guess I'm interested for my own clarity because people often times (mostly people on the "left") as some sort of gotcha against the Bolsheviks. Ty ty :3

    Does anyone have any experience with filing wage complaints, paperwork with the labor commissioner, etc. in order to get back wages?

    I'm getting legal aid to help, and I do have a fair bit of documentation (all timesheets, paystubs, questionable texts about scheduling from my boss, and even pictures of a few health code violations). What was the process like for you? How soon did you get money?

    It' crazy how normalized wage theft is

    I work in the service industry and I recently discovered that my coworkers, and I have not been getting our legally due overtime pay. I was honestly only made aware of the issue because one of my newer coworkers raised the issue of not getting paid overtime rates for work. This was some months ago, but I think the buried it in my mind because at the time, I genuinely did read the law wrong I'm pretty sure (I'm sure it's intentionally made confusing as well). I think all this was reignited in my mind because I recently asked my other coworker if we get overtime rates for Black Friday, and I ended up looking into the details. I'm not 100%, but all the other workers I asked at my job said that they either don't get it/ that they're supposed to get it/ how their employer did some little shifty accounting trick to finesse them out of overtime rates. I'm consulting a knowledgeable comrade about the laws, but there's legit no reason as to why would be exempt from being owed our legally due overtime rates. If I filed a wage complaint, I'd most definitely get fired, and who knows how else my boss might retaliate. He does know about my drug usage, and I'm sure he would use whatever information against me that he could. Maybe it's a bit of a harsh assessment to make, but capitalists will do whatever to protect their bottom line.

    GenZedong Idliketothinkimsmart 2 years ago 94%
    I'm not even sure how I ended up here, but heres a certified Europeansocialists moment

    ![]( ![]( ![](

    Some reflections from canvassing!

    Yesterday, a few comrades and I went out to pass out some flyers! This was probably the 2nd/ maybe 3rd time doing it? We went out in the evening, around the time people would be getting out for work, and people were hardly receptive 😢. I think I could have improved the outreach if I made my initial sales pitch/ reach out/ whatever you want to call it a bit more...personal I think? Y'know, that first thing you say when you approach someone. Also, I think I should stay away from using more yes/ no focused questions and maybe stick to statements? The topic of yesterday was focused around the coming prop 1 here in California, a prop to enshrine abortion in the California constitution. I pretty much asked "Hey, do you want a voter's guide" to most of the people walking by. Just wanted to post this because I'd love feedback, tips, comments, criticism, etc. from other comrades out there :3

    Men I trust - Girl

    Men i Trust has dropped new music, click the link 🤗

    GenZedong Idliketothinkimsmart 2 years ago 100%
    Question about evictions in Cuba

    Regularly, I'd ignore it, but some Gusano sent me [this]( and [this]( Is is true that evictions are being carried out in Cuba? In both links, it talks about how the people who were "evicted" were in abandoned buildings, so my bet is that the government doesn't want them in dilapidated buildings. I'd love some clarification on these matters, please.

    Why is this orchid dyinnnnnng? 😢

    I've been tasked with watching this thing for about a month now, and I think I've been overwatering it maybe. The instructions say to either submerge pot in water for 5 minutes/ place 2 - 3 ice cubes...once a week. I was watering it like 2 a week with a spray bottle for the first few weeks. I just finished ice cubing it yesterday and it looks even worse I think. Last picture is the plant currently. Additional info, it's been very hot the past week and now. High 80's and 90's... ![]( ![]( ![]( ![](

    Hiatus Kaiyote Red Room remix by Nick Hakim

    The guitar thingy makes me feel like I'm a slave to it 😍

    GenZedong Idliketothinkimsmart 2 years ago 100%
    Does anyone have anything on the supposed notion that the Treaty of Versailles was "unfair" to germans?

    It's one of those little things that irks me so much. I remember reading something about how the reparations germany had to pay were not at all excessive (especially when compared to other wars at the time). Someone brought it up, so naturally, I'd like to counter it.

    I would like to announce that I am back in school! (´・ω・`)

    Well almost...I just applied back into the school system, and I'm gonna talk to a counselor some time this week :)! I'm tired of the drudgery of work. Last week, my boss told me to take my earphones out at work and I was absolutely livid...I plan on blowing off work as much as possible within my schedule, because screw him. I think I'm finally set on pursuing mycology! I'm currently just taking on a science degree thingy, but I'll honestly have to see how long it would take me to pursue mycology as a career. I'm restarting at a Community college, and just wanna transfer. Hopefully, I won't have to do more than 3 years at the Uni I plan on transferring to. I'm broke 😢...

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Wasn't sure where to post this :/. Does lemmy delete metadata upon posting an image?

    Title Title

    Buying ink in capitalist society 🤮

    I asked the store manager if there were refillable cartridges I could just buy online, instead of being forced to pay for like 3 different products! (Not Cheap!) She said that the companies sometimes make printers go error if you use unauthorized ink... Absolutely pointless production that fuels climate change 🙄. Get me out of here! I'm stuck in 2D!

    GenZedong Idliketothinkimsmart 2 years ago 100%
    What do you think of the idea of "muh managerialism, not capitalism"?

    I think it's a silly obfuscation to divert any blame from capitalism by just proclaiming that the world currently isn't under capitalist hegemony, but I wanted to see what others thought and if anyone knew anything that Marx or anyone wrote about the matter. Someone said to me "Directors are not the same as shareholders. Directors, CEOs and fund managers are, well, managers. Managers are NOT capitalists. They do not invest their own capital in order to make money and gain influence, they just climb the ladder. They don't have the same goals as owners and capitalists. They don't value the same things and they don't play the political game to get the same results. This is why the politics have also changed. They don't value the same institutions and want to do politics in different ways. They don't value political parties, individual rights, etc., they value rules, bureaus that enforce the rules that are non-partisan and continue to operate regardless of who's in power. Managerialism is too deep of a rabbit hole to be contained in a reddit comment thread, I would point you towards James Burnham who described it in great detail and quite accurately predicted what the modern world would look like when he wrote 80 years ago."

    The tragic aftermath of Primitive building-esque youtubers

    I used to love these channels, but I always figured something was off about em. They left tons of waste behind and on one occasion, they routed water that was 6 km away for their pool!

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Self Commitment Idliketothinkimsmart 2 years ago 100%
    I will cook some goat/ lamb/ beef birria sometime between today and next Thursday.

    To hold myself accountable, I will not bring my earphones to work if i don't accomplish the task by then 🤧. I will include a picture if I am able to finish the task by next thursday.

    Bruh, I messed up on an opportunity to get a customer's number 😩

    This gorgeous lady walked up to the register and she was extremely touchy. Like she grabbed my hand and was like oooh I love your bracelet :,) and we talked about her name! She'd come back every 2 minutes to just lean over the counter and look at me. I was very much caught off guard. Sad to say, I did not ask her for her number 😢.

    GenZedong Idliketothinkimsmart 2 years ago 100%
    Can someone help me compile a list of "neutral sources" in explaining the legacy of French neocolonialism in Africa?

    There's a post on "neutralpolitics" asking about "How does France practice neocolonialism in former African colonies? What is known about the effects of this practice?" Ideally, the sources would stick to hard economic analysis (mentioning coups is fine if there is hard documented evidence). I know, it's annoying to have to feign neutrality, but it's sometimes the only way to reach people sometimes. If possible, focused on the CFA Franc Zone.

    GenZedong Idliketothinkimsmart 2 years ago 100%
    Another update in the Uvalde saga

    Wow, just pathetic...dude is literally looking at a picture of his little punisher flag on his phone. They accuse us of being larpers lmaoooo.

    Hmm, interesting ad I saw...

    I saw this ad about this white dude, and it was like 4 minutes long and about business in China. It starts off with an interesting disclaimer about how "everything you hear about chinese products is bad" and I guess they go on to debunk that? I won't link the ad because I won't give capitalists the satisfaction 🤢, but I just thought it was interesting to note. I don't think it necessarily spells a sign of a future relationship developing between the collective thought of murica and china, but it was a nice refreshment from the average Shen Yun funded ad.

    Capitalist propaganda: Virunga

    A few years back, I watched this sob movie about these brave Congolese park rangers just fighting off these crazy terrorists. It was a movie called Virunga. Breakthrough News, a very good news source, made me aware to the fact that there is a long history of white supremacy in the conservation movement and how more recently, these parks have been militarized. I suggest you watch all of it, but a alot of indigenous people who had occupied the land practically forever were subject to brutal persecution (mass rape, mass killings). This is definitely not an isolated event as well.

    How can I read an article without having to register an email everytime 🤮

    Everyday, Capitalism finds a way to ruin my living moments. How can I read articles without having to register for some dumb trial thing? I tried reader view, but I guess it only shows the teaser of the article :/.

    TankieTunes Idliketothinkimsmart 2 years ago 100%
    Y en eso illegó Fidel - Carlos Puebla (bonus song, too! :o)

    [Bonus song!](

    GenZedong Idliketothinkimsmart 2 years ago 100%
    Propaganda time is over, it's time to go home


    GenZedong Idliketothinkimsmart 2 years ago 100%
    Uber Eats launches nationwide shipping – TechCrunch

    I woke up from a nightmare, and I saw this when I opened my laptop. You basically get to wait for like 4 - 5 days for glorified microwave food/ food items that you end up having to cook yourself. Maybe I'm still in the nightmare...

    Soviet peasants casually 🅱️ooling in a palace turned sanatorium

    ![]( ![](

    PSA for the workers of the world! ᵃˡˢᵒ ᵖᵃʳᵗⁱᵃˡ ʳᵃⁿᵗ

    Being conditioned to say sorry when your boss asks to you cover on your off day, having to say thank you when you get your check, and being expected to give a 2 week notice is subtle class warfare imo. I quit a job last month (was chronically underpaid and overworked there, worked there loosely for like 2 years). This one, I've worked for a few months, but I'm quitting cause they wanna be slick and try to delay our paychecks twice in a row. I did't say thank you both times when I got my check and I could tell my manager was heated because of that.

    GenZedong Idliketothinkimsmart 2 years ago 100%
    Please assist me in responding to a bit of propaganda (IUD's in Xinjiang, but Zenz more specifically)

    > There's plenty of material that breaks the number of fallacies and lies in his "research" down, but if you prefer a more western source - quoting me Grayzone isn't a western source now? Interesting, because they certainly identify as one. (them) Anyway, this is the same critiques that I've seen before. Including claims that what's happening in Xinjiang isn't technically "genocide" as long as the population is growing (which does not contradict the UN's definition of genocide). It's also openly admitting that the Chinese government started clamping down on Uyghur birth rates while they were loosening birth restrictions on all other ethnicities, which IS textbook genocide. They also admit that the CCP's enforced limitations on Uyghur births are what caused their birth rates to crater in 2017, at a time when the CCP was openly lamenting an impending demographic crisis. The government clearly wants more babies, they just don't want them to be of the wrong ethnicity. Again, genocide (them) > Among Zenz's "major findings" was the claim that "80 percent of all net added IUD placements in China… were performed in Xinjiang, despite the fact that the region only makes up 1.8 percent of the nation's population." > According to the 2019 China Health Statistics Yearbook published by the National Health Commission–the original source of Zenz's claim–the number of new IUD insertion procedures in Xinjiang in 2018 accounted for only 8.7 percent of China's total. So Zenz's "major finding" appeared to be off by a factor of 10, a staggering error that substantially undermined the explosive quality of his argument. Amazingly, this is the same error that I've seen every other tankie parrot. It relies on comparing two different statistics, "new IUD insertions" and "net IUD insertions". Zenz was pretty clear in his paper that "net IUD insertions" are defined as the number of new IUDs inserted, minus the number removed that year. And he saw a huge red flag that unlike every other province, very few of the IUDs in Xinjiang were being removed. (him) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The point about Grayzone is a silly one, especially considering it wasn't the only source I mentioned. I have work in like 30 minutes, so I don't want to hastily push out some arguement centered around sophistry. I won't have till tomorrow to finalize a response, but I figured I might ask for a bit of help from people more familiar with the work. I think i vaguely remember reading something tangential to the claim of "They also admit that the CCP's enforced limitations on Uyghur births are what caused their birth rates to crater in 2017, at a time when the CCP was openly lamenting an impending demographic crisis. The government clearly wants more babies, they just don't want them to be of the wrong ethnicity. Again, genocide". IIRC, the Uyghur populace were given more wiggle room for more birth rates than other ethnic groups in china when taking their size into account. I know it seems like a waste of time, but we cannot stop explaining. Thank you in advance.

    I would like to announce that I got a donut today while handing out flyers :,)

    That's it. It was my first day organizing, and someone gave me a donut after talking to us!

    Dude, every...single...time

    Whenever I see one of these, *this millenial earns XXX,000 from being a landlord a year! Learn how!* articles, it always starts with having rich family members...sigh ![](
