
It' crazy how normalized wage theft is

I work in the service industry and I recently discovered that my coworkers, and I have not been getting our legally due overtime pay. I was honestly only made aware of the issue because one of my newer coworkers raised the issue of not getting paid overtime rates for work. This was some months ago, but I think the buried it in my mind because at the time, I genuinely did read the law wrong I'm pretty sure (I'm sure it's intentionally made confusing as well).

I think all this was reignited in my mind because I recently asked my other coworker if we get overtime rates for Black Friday, and I ended up looking into the details. I'm not 100%, but all the other workers I asked at my job said that they either don't get it/ that they're supposed to get it/ how their employer did some little shifty accounting trick to finesse them out of overtime rates.

I'm consulting a knowledgeable comrade about the laws, but there's legit no reason as to why would be exempt from being owed our legally due overtime rates. If I filed a wage complaint, I'd most definitely get fired, and who knows how else my boss might retaliate. He does know about my drug usage, and I'm sure he would use whatever information against me that he could. Maybe it's a bit of a harsh assessment to make, but capitalists will do whatever to protect their bottom line.

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