lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Felonies, gotta catch 'em all
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 4 months ago 97%

    I think what's wild is that particular group's incredible thought process of "oh yeah, the current guy is just doing a hit job on this other guy because he's running for President. He's sending all these various agencies after him. blah blah blah..."

    And I'm just like. Or you know, simple answer is that guy is doing crime stuff and ought not to be doing crime stuff. To really over simplify the most recent crime stuff. The crime was he wrote the wrong thing on the sheet of paper. You look at the paper, it says it's for lawyer stuff. You look at the receipts shows the money went to hide sex stuff. Lawyer stuff ≠ hide sex stuff. Ta-da!

    And a bit more detail. The whole argument that hiding sex stuff wasn't political money. Literally a letter between crime guy and other person handling political stuff was, we need to hide this sex stuff otherwise that could hurt us in election stuff. Like I get it that there's some folks wanting to believe that President guy is just mad at crime guy and wants to whatever him so that President guy can stay in office. But crime guy literally admitted crime stuff in letters he thought no one else would ever read. Crime guy is not a very smart crime guy.

    I don't like current guy, don't get me wrong. But crime guy is an idiot. I just don't want an idiot back as President. There's just way too many people hitched to an idiot here and willing to go down with the ship. Crime guy is an idiot and he's getting smacked with a lot of the crime shit he's done because he's an idiot. There's not any other way to slice this. Crime guy is just not good at anything and is coasting on mom and dad money still. If anything, that Crime guy is still floating on some money is a testament to Crime guy's book keeper.

  • politics politics Trump was convicted of 34 felonies. What is Biden’s next move?
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 4 months ago 100%

    Biden's next move: Nothing.

    while 76% said a not-guilty verdict would have no impact

    And this is playing pretty true with where I live. Pretty much Trump was found guilty, everyone spent 37.1839 seconds processing that new bit of information, and then went on with their day with the needle on how they will vote in November moving 0.3nm in either direction.

    Like, how everyone is going to vote. That's already done. There are very, very, very few people who are left in the undecided category. So, this whole thing wasn't going to change the calculus of anyone running for office.

  • linux Linux Here’s what we’re working on in Firefox | The Mozilla Blog
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 4 months ago 100%

    Do you use autocomplete? AI in some of the various ways that's being posited is just spicy autocomplete. You can run a pretty decent local AI on SSE2 instructions alone.

    Now you don't have to accept spicy-autocomplete just like you don't have to accept plain jane-autocomplete. The choice is yours, Mozilla isn't planning on spinning extra cycles in your CPU or GPU if you don't want them spun.

    But I distinctly remember the grumbles when Firefox brought local db ops into the browser to give it memory for forms. Lots of people didn't like the notion of filling out a bank form or something and then that popping into a sqlite db.

    So, your opinion, I don't blame you. I don't agree with your opinion, but I don't blame you. Completely normal reaction. Don't let folks tell you different. Just like we need the gas pedal for new things, we need the brake as well. I would hate to see you go and leave Firefox, BUT I would really hate you having to feel like something was forced upon you and you just had to grin and bear it.

  • news News Donald Trump Says He'll Stop All Electric Car Sales (Update: He Was Talking About Made-In-Mexico Chinese EVs)
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 4 months ago 100%

    Donald Trump says random bullshit he cannot deliver on, that will appeal to his most rabid supporters.

    The Biden Tariffs have way more impact on total EVs sales than reducing the EV credit to $0. The tariff blocks $6k EVs from enter the US, the credits just knocks $7.5k off a $50k car.

    Like I get that us here in the United States are wary of Chinese things, but let's all be honest, American car companies aren't going to produce a sub $20k EV anytime soon. LiFePO₄ batteries have been a thing for some time now, the excuse the batteries are the main cost of the car is faux argument that US makers just aren't ready to stop subsidizing their other vehicle platforms with EV sales.

    Trump's arguments won't do shit no matter which side of the aisle you sit. The thing killing wide adoption in the US of EVs is the US EV makers.

  • sneerclub SneerClub we're not Nazis btw
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 4 months ago 100%

    The biggest issue with these people is they use “reason and logic” to arrive at their belief, but literally fail to connect dots because of their removal from reality.

    the problem is most acute in countries that are “technophilic, pluralistic, educated, where women have rights”.

    It’s not because women have rights though. It’s because rich fucks like his mentor Musk absorbs the majority of prosperity in nations. If there’s no hope, there’s no reason to continue.

    The only places where the birthrate is not falling to unsustainable levels are countries where the average citizen earns less than $5,000 (£4,000) a year

    And this isn’t even true. Places like India, even the poorest of the poor regions, are seeing their population boom quickly decline. So while technically they haven’t hit negative values, they’re already moving in that direction.

    Whenever you hit max value for a resource, you’ve hit peak that resource, and humanity has hit peak humanity in terms of how the various governments and economic systems view value in their fellow mankind. Economic systems have no additional value to give (or value that they WANT to give) to human beings. There’s just no additional investment going into that resource. We’ve hit peak humanity in an economic sense, so there’s just zero reason for something to grow if nothing is being invested into it.

    This would be clear to this couple if their heads weren’t so far up their asses.

  • becomeme BecomeMe Louisiana First in US to Make Possessing Abortion Pills a Crime
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 4 months ago 100%

    Louisiana got to pave them roads somehow.

  • worldnews World News New tests confirm milk from flu-infected cows can make other animals sick — and raise questions about flash pasteurization
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 4 months ago 98%

    Preheat and homogenization were not testing in these processes. Both are steps used in most US milk that would likely inactivate the virus. Moral of the story is still you are an idiot if you are drinking raw milk.

    Fragments of the virus that are being found in about 20% of all milk sampled. These fragments have not been shown to be enough to make anyone sick. The fact that we're finding fragments and not intact viruses in store bought milk is a good indication that the various processes used for milk in most locations is doing the job it was intended to do.

    And most important of all: This is the current state of evidence gathered on this topic, that state could change with various factors at play and/or the addition of new evidence. Because apparently for some people they have forgotten that "things change as time progresses".

  • becomeme BecomeMe Louisiana First in US to Make Possessing Abortion Pills a Crime
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 4 months ago 100%

    Punishment for those wondering is as follows:

    • For the drug Flunitrazepam : Prison with option of hard labor for no less than one year, no more than ten years. At discretion of the Justice a fine no more than $5,000.
    • For any other controlled substance under this law : Prison with option of hard labor for no less than one year, no more than five years. At discretion of the Justice a fine no more than $5,000.

    For those wondering, Flunitrazepam is the generic name for Rohypnol, aka the date rape drug.

  • news News Woman looks to sue after NJ casino refuses to pay disputed $1.27 million slot machine prize
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 4 months ago 90%

    Roney Beal, 72, a Shamong, New Jersey resident

    This person has literally nothing else to do but hammer this lawsuit until their untimely passing.

    When Beal told them that she would call her lawyer, they told her to get out of the casino and to not return. The Beals were then escorted off of the property, Di Croce said.

    But this person is literally 72, the casino could hypothetically just wait them out.

    Di Croce hopes Bally’s wants to make this situation right with Beal. After suffering a heart attack last year, Beal turned to the casino for enjoyment.

    I mean and there's a good chance the lawyers just drag for as long as they can. Odds are favorable for the casino winning on things just sorting themselves out naturally here.

  • news News Greater Idaho movement: 13 counties in eastern Oregon have voted to secede and join Idaho
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 4 months ago 100%

    There is a legal way to do this:

    New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress

    — Article IV, Section 3, Clause 1

    Nebraska and South Dakota have a compact that's been approved by Congress that has land swap between the states based on where the river is when particular assessments happen. So land leaving one state and going to another state isn't unheard of. If you go look at NE and SD's border in the southeast corner of SD, you'll see the river and the border is pretty tight. Now compare that to states that have no such compact like Arkansas and Tennessee. River and the border are all kinds of messed up.

    The thing is, both Idaho's and Oregon's State assembly will have to vote on it as you indicated. It's not up to the citizens to dictate when a state's border can be redrawn. Once Idaho and Oregon have a compact, they will need to send it to DC for Congress to vote on it. If it passes both the House and the Senate, the new compact can be enforced and the new borders drawn.

    From what I've heard Oregon will not even begin to entertain this notion.

    But yes, this is completely legal in the Constitution and we've done it before too. And we even have had the case where we took one state and split it into two happen before as well. Virginia and West Virginia. So we've used this part of the Constitution enough to know exactly how it needs to go down.

    Is it going to go down? IDK. California said they were going to split up into 3, 4, 5 different States, not holding my breath on that one either. Would be pretty neat to redraw Idaho though. Never liked it's weird long edge on the west side. Now it'll look like someone giving the middle finger or something.

  • technology Technology Windows 10 is EOL in October 2025
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 4 months ago 100%

    What's wild is that one of the people who write anti-cheat software was saying they needed to get their shit working on Linux like yesterday.

    So I mean, it crazy that Windows is literally having some folks scramble on how to get their shit working on Steam/Linux.

  • technology Technology Amazon plans to give Alexa an AI overhaul — and a monthly subscription price
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 4 months ago 100%

    Yeah, I think that's the bigger issue here. These devices pay their way by collecting data to sell off. What this "overhual" is indicating is that they haven't quite figured out how to make these devices not only pay for themselves, but also, generate a net background profit for the company.

    The only thing I'm reading from this story is that Amazon is just aiming for more dollar signs from Alexia. I'm going tell you in the day and age of Siri and Whatever Google's thing is, this is going to backfire massively on Amazon. This will likely collapse whatever paltry Alexia that's out there. And I have a good feeling they'll look at this collapse as "well the technology just isn't a good money maker." No you idiots, it's not a mass profit driver. I get how something not drawing double digit percentage gains is a mystery to you all, but just because you cannot buy your fifteenth yacht from it, doesn't mean that the technology is a failure.

    But it's whatever, Amazon's ship to wreck.

  • worldnews World News There's Already a Shortage of Critical Minerals for Renewable Energy Just as the Industry's Human Rights Abuses Come to Light
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 4 months ago 100%

    For instance, this includes minerals for battery and other components to produce EVs and wind turbines – such as iron, lithium, and zinc

    I found nothing within the IEA's announcement that indicates a shortage of those three elements. Iron is like the fourth most abundant thing on the planet.

    In fact, this story literally reports this whole thing all wrong. It's not that there's a shortage, it's that the demand for renewables is vastly larger than what we're mining for. Which "duh" we knew this already. The thing this report does is quantify it.

    That said, the "human rights abuses" isn't the IEA report. That comes from the Business and Human Rights Resource Centre (BHRRC).

    Specifically, the BHRRC has tracked these for seven key minerals: bauxite, cobalt, copper, lithium, manganese, nickel and zinc. Companies and countries need these for renewable energy technology, and electrification of transport.

    These aren't just limited to the renewable industry. Copper specifically, you've got a lot of it in your walls and in the device that you are reading this comment on. We have always had issues with copper and it's whack-a-mole for solutions to this. I'm not dismissing BHRRC's claim here, it's completely valid, but it's valid if we do or do not do renewables. Either way, we still have to tackle this problem. EVs or not.

    Of course, some companies were particularly complicit. Notably, BHRRC found that ten companies were associated with more than 50% of all allegations tracked since 2010

    And these are the usual suspects who routinely look the other way in human right's abuses. China, Mexico, Canada, and Switzerland this is the list of folks who drive a lot of the human rights abuses, it's how it has been for quite some time now. That's not to be dismissive to the other folks out there (because I know everyone is just biting to blame the United States somehow) but these four are usually getting their hand smacked. Now to be fair, it's really only China and Switzerland that usually does not care one way or the other. Canada and Mexico are just the folks the US convinced to take the fall for their particular appetite.

    For example, Tanzania is extracting manganese and graphite. However, he pointed out that it is producing none of the higher-value green tech items like electric cars or batteries that need these minerals

    Third Congo war incoming. But yeah, seriously, imperialism might have officially ended after World War II, but western nations routinely do this kind of economic fuckening, because "hey at least they get to self-govern". It's what first world nations tell themselves to sleep better for what they do.

    Avan also highlighted the IEA’s advice that companies and countries should shift emphasis to mineral recycling to meet the growing demand.

    This really should have happened yesterday. But if they would do something today, that would actually be proactive about the situation. Of course, many first world nations when they see a problem respond with "come back when it's a catastrophe."

    OVERALL This article is attempting to highlight that recycling is a very doable thing if governments actually invested in the infrastructure to do so and that if we actually recycled things, we could literally save ⅓ the overall cost for renewables. It's just long term economic sense to recycle. But of course, that's not short term economic sense. And so with shortages to meet demand on the horizon, new production is going to be demanded and that will in turn cause human rights violations.

    They really worded the whole thing oddly and used the word shortage, like we're running out, when they meant shortage as in "we can't keep up without new production". They got the right idea here, I just maybe would have worded all of it a bit differently.

  • roms Roms Nintendo of America has requested the removal of 717 games on Vimm's Lair
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 4 months ago 100%

    Oh look Nintendo doing more shitty things. Mild shock

    "We literally lack the ability to hire programmers that can write a decent networking stack, but boy can we litigate."

  • politics politics After the only hospital in town closed, a North Carolina city directs its ire at politicians
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 4 months ago 95%

    This issue is a bit more complex than just "hospitals shouldn't be for profit". Not to dismiss that's a big driver here, but there's a lot more going on.

    Rural communities tend to have lower insurance coverage, that means for the people who do show up, their debt will eventually go into collections or be completely written off as a loss. Rural communities have vastly less access to better insurance and many just completely forgo insurance altogether.

    Additionally, rural communities have a tendency to enter a death spiral between visits and costs. The number of people showing up at the hospital is low, but for the ones that do they show up with incredibly expensive conditions.

    A lot of the financing and extended lines of revenue for rural hospitals is tied into the expanded Medicaid offerings under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). There's clear demonstration that states that have opted to not expand Medicaid are the ones overwhelmingly facing hospital closures. States that have expanded still face issues, but states that have not are facing worse outcomes for rural hospitals.

    Finally, costs for healthcare have steadily increased at rates that outpace pretty much every program out there. Pharmaceutical companies are ever shifting costs of materials and medication making long term planning difficult. These companies cite new regulation requiring a remixing of their costs of products. Basically, if some state mandates $30 insulin, that makes cancer treatment go up some, massive percentage. So a requirement to reduce cost to consumer in one area induces an increase in cost somewhere else.

    And no just telling hospitals they can't drive a profit won't fix the issue. The doctors, insurance, coverage, politics over the ACA, the education of those doctors, the supply chain of the hospitals, and the production of medical supplies all have played a role in this. There's just thousands of things that have to change or we're going to see more of this.

    The entire thing is predicated on a completely unsustainable economic model. This system we have is completely unsustainable. It was never sustainable, it's just that the losses had to eventually add up enough to run the thing into the ground. And this isn't limited to just Red States, it's just that the Red States are the ones least prepared for this slowly building problem. This issue is coming for everywhere. There's no hospital that's going to survive this if we do not fundamentally change the system upon which our healthcare is built on.

    There are just too many flaws to band-aid here. We have to have a massive overhaul of our system or people are literally going to die. The problem is, that we can't tell who is going to be at the steering wheel to direct those changes. There has to be a shared vision between the two major political parties that can endure for decades to ensure that whatever new systems is made, is actually built. If the two parties that run our government can never agree, hang it up folks, we're done here. I know some people are going to take that as an invite to bash the other party, but at the end of the day, we either all work together or we don't.

    We have to have some sort of change to our system like yesterday. It needs to be a massive change that take effect at ALL of the layers within the healthcare system. We cannot keep making minor incremental changes, it's just plugging one hole in the dam only for another one to spring forth.

  • news News Louisiana set to become 1st state requiring 10 Commandments be posted in schools
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 4 months ago 100%

    Because they sure as hell not getting it from any of the Republican leadership.

  • news News Raw milk fans plan to drink up as experts warn of high levels of H5N1 virus
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 4 months ago 100%

    Crazy. The zombie apocalypse started from people wanting to become infected.

  • evs Electric Vehicles Tariffs on China aren't the way to win the EV arms race – getting serious on EVs is
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 4 months ago 68%

    Yeah the US isn't even close on the race for EVs with China. Heck, going price for LFP batteries is $70/kWh. The United States is still trying to figure out how to not have conflict cobalt in their batteries. China is just skipping all of that and using iron since we've got tons of that lying around. In fact, we're on a giant ball of the stuff.

    The United States is so laughably behind China on tons of technologies related to solar, storage, and EV motors. China is producing sodium ion powered cars with 60 mile ranges because of the various efficiencies in motor design. You can get a nice little around town car with that. They're using fucking SALT to power cars. SALT! You know, the shit that's in the ocean that we've got a bit of that also lying around. And the end cost to consumer is around $6,000 USD, that's the fully tricked out model. The US can't even produce a sub $12,000 car using fuel technology from the 1800s. And you can't even use the human slave labor argument, because the US cannot get children into factories fast enough apparently.

    There's not a competition with China on EVs. There's not an arms race with China. China won biggly. The tariffs are just trying to prevent US automakers being laughed out of the room. And the thing is, the cars are so damn cheap, even with the stupid tariffs, they're cheaper than any US EV out there. That's what is so stupid about all of this.

    The US is trying to prevent those cars coming here and even the best sacking and jacking the price tag upwards they can do, and no US car is still price competitive. Not even close. That is how amazingly bad the US auto industry has gotten. There is no fight, everyone else won, and the US auto makers are just running on fumes like the coal industry, and greasing the wheels in DC to stay relevant.

    And the reason it got so bad isn't because pensions, or unions, or whatever they'd have you believe. It's hardheadedness and inertia by car CEOs, oil execs, and policy makers. It's what happens when you have decades of really bad decisions by a variety of people and the people who made those calls don't want to admit it to themselves. They just didn't want to believe that the oil cash was over. They thought all the automation would make them insanely rich and not actually owners of shit that would go out of date before their return on investment. They thought that keeping Congress would always keep them safe from international pressure. They were going to fight tooth and nail to keep that cash flowing in. They are dead set to sink this goddamn ship we are on before the admit they steered right towards the iceberg at full steam. And every second of hesitation, every moment of denial, every dollar to prevent the inevitable has cost the US auto industry massively.

  • politics politics Donald Trump's Crowd Size Raises Questions
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 4 months ago 100%

    I looked at that picture that they had up for that "100,000" headcount. All I know is that there's a lot of people on Trump's team and in Wildwood, NJ who are extremely bad at estimating headcount. That picture of the crowd at it's largest is (being absolutely generous here) is roughly 20,000 tops. 100,000 people is a massive amount of people, like it is a lot of people. There are zero ways there's 100,000 in that picture. When you hit 100,000 people, you know it, because it's an ungodly amount of people.

  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 5 months ago 100%

    I've submitted this before the International Criminal Court in The Hague. As to which protocol of the Geneva Convention this violates, all of them.

  • news News Trump denies the affairs at the heart of the hush-money case. Almost no one believes him.
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 5 months ago 97%

    The case literally has zero to do with an affair. The alleged affair could be a complete fabrication. The point of the case is that Trump directed his lawyer to use money for XYZ. Trump then put that money down on the ledger as ABC. That he claimed it was ABC and not XYZ is the entire point of the case.

    The WHY he decided to commit fraud is a nice detail but literally has zero bearing on if Trump actually did the whole I said the money was for ABC but it was really for XYZ.

  • technology
    Windows 10 will start pushing users to use Microsoft accounts. How to turn it off. mashable.com

    Well, Microsoft is getting ready to annoy its faithful Windows 10 user base with yet another prompt. This time, Microsoft wants Windows 10 users to switch from using a local account to their online Microsoft account.

    Technology IHeartBadCode 5 months ago 98%
    Windows 10 will start pushing users to use Microsoft accounts. How to turn it off. mashable.com

    Well, Microsoft is getting ready to annoy its faithful Windows 10 user base with yet another prompt. This time, Microsoft wants Windows 10 users to switch from using a local account to their online Microsoft account.

    politics politics Not to be outdone by Trans Day of Visibility, Trump weirdly declares ‘Christian Visibility Day’
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 6 months ago 100%

    Trump: We need a Christian Visibility Day

    The Christian Visibility Day at home:

  • news News New Bill Could Pave the Way Toward Banning Student Debt Cancellation
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 6 months ago 97%

    I keep telling folks, but the 118th Congress, the current one, we have so far 46 bills that have made it to law. The only one that really made a big difference was Pub. L 118-5 which ended officially the student loan repayment pause and ended some enhanced benefits of food stamps, SNAP, free lunches, etc.

    The other 45 bills have been mostly bumps to the debt ceiling (and of course the small "benefits" Republicans reaped in those), a 250th anniversary of the Marine Corp collection coin (because Congress has the power over the treasury, that's one of the things they do), renaming post offices (Congress has power over the post in the Constitution), some bumps to VA funding, and that's about it.

    The small wins they got in avoiding the fiscal cliff aren't exactly massive bangers. I mean compared to say the 117th Congress, the one before this one, that hammered out 362 laws with hits like the Inflation Reduction Act, the CHIPs act, and so forth. There's just been nothing like any of that in this current Congress.

    And the 116th Congress gave us 344 laws, navigated a pandemic, AND got two impeachments out the door.

    The Republicans have shown, they've got nothing. We literally have on record them as doing nothing. This has been the least productive Congress in modern history. They have literally set a brand new record for number of times it took to get a speaker and for the least amount of work done EVER.

  • news News Trump Launches Another Attack on Judge's Daughter, This Time with Photos
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 6 months ago 80%

    so why would we tolerate it from a judge who is in an arguably more important position?

    Because the person being tossed into jail could very well become the most important position. No nation is above political retaliation and the reality of a mob murdering the judge and daughter and then subsequently getting full pardons from that most important position is a non-zero value.

    Given the weakness that exudes from Congress on Impeachment, there's zero ramifications for such a situation. And given the nature of Trump, there's zero compunction that would ever keep him from this situation arising.

    Everyone fears the "official" acts that Trump can carry out. Smarter people understand the non-official actions that he can give a nod to and give comfort to. That's how truly corrupt governments work, not by official acts, but the non-official ones.

  • news News California’s minimum wage isn’t enough to keep up with workers’ costs of living, new report says
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 6 months ago 100%

    Maybe if that’s the case going back to Kansas which has a better cost of living is a better choice than trying to live in a city or state with the highest cost of living?

    Not to deride your minimum wage tangent here, but there's something to be asked here. Why does California have a high cost of living? Why does Kansas have a low cost of living? I think when you ask the question of why cost of living is so vastly different from area to area you start to get a better picture of why we have a lot of problems addressing wages matching that cost of living.

    It’s almost as if people pointed out that raising the minimum wage will result in higher costs for everything and thus raising the cost of living

    This has been a national thing. I feel like you'd might have a point if this wasn't true literally everywhere. Even where I live in very rural Tennessee cost of living has gone up. Our county recently increased sales tax and property tax is likely to go up as well. Cost of goods like eggs have gone from 78¢ to $2.19 here from 2019 to today, with eggs at one point hitting $6.99 a dozen here.

    So there is a relationship between minimum wage and cost of living but that's clearly not the case with California's minimum wage increase that goes into effect next month. Everything, everywhere is increasing in cost. Which goes back to what I was saying. When you start asking questions on why cost of living is different, you get a picture of bigger factors that drive national cost of goods and services. And you see that touched upon in the article.

    “We suspect that low-wage workers’ high likelihood of living in three-earner (or more) households might be due largely to California’s high housing costs,” the legislative analyst’s office said.

    Housing is a massive thing everywhere and housing is flying through the roof. The reasons for that are complex and it's absolutely a discussion, for perhaps elsewhere though (I cannot imagine that Lemmy comments are that great a place for such a trite diatribe). Minimum wage does indeed play a role but, and I could be reading your comment incorrectly, I believe that you are attributing a much larger weight to that factor than it deserves and forgoing the complexity of the issue by solely focusing on that sole reason.

  • news News Texas can require age-verification on porn sites, 5th Circuit judges rule
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 6 months ago 97%

    In a 2-1 decision, judges ruled that "the age-verification requirement is rationally related to the government's legitimate interest in preventing minors' access to pornography. Therefore, the age-verification requirement does not violate the First Amendment."


    This is the continual wild part of recent conservative bullshit. Everything the State is taking up is basically something a parent could step in and deal with.

    "My kid read a bad book that turned them into a frog! Which is also gay!"

    Well watch what your fucking is reading then and have a discussion about why you disapprove of it.

    "My kid is watching porn and now they can't function in society and don't want to get a $7.25/hr job of listening to Karens scream at them!"

    Then fucking don't leave a computer in the their room perhaps? Maybe take their phone away at the end of the day? I mean or have a rational discussion about their ever changing body as they begin to become an adult? I mean any one of those is better than "OH I KNOW! I'LL LET THE GOVERNMENT PARENT FOR ME!!"

    And what's wilder about the Conservative movement, the level of parenting has zero rhyme or reason.

    • Watching porn? — That's Government parenting.
    • Working in a meat packing facility with blades so sharp they slice through literal bone? — Oh yeah that's totally a regular parent thing.

    Fucking wild is what it is!

    I'm really struggling to wrap my head around where this line between Government overstepping and justified Government regulation is with them. If you don't want your kid watching porn, then don't let them fucking watch porn. Ideally you should have a talk about their ever evolving sexuality but clearly that's just crazy liberal talk from me.

    I had some discussion with someone once about the 10th amendment and it relating to State's banning abortion. And guy was like "Oh yeah this is a clear win for State's rights!" And I'm like, the 10th amendment is setup that we have one of two winners at the end of the day. The State or the People.

    The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

    It says OR there. That means every "State win" is a "the people loss". You do understand that right?

    Just fucking silence as that thought slow rolled into his brain's processing center, that then subsequently hit the panic button because of overload.

    I just fucking can't. DO you want Big Brother in everything or no? Because every inch you give to the Government helps them step-bro your ass.

  • politics politics Trump floats 'cutting' retirement spending, drawing quick pushback from Biden
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 6 months ago 100%

    They absolutely will. And then several months in it’ll be, “he isn’t hurting the people he needs to be hurting.”

    The whole lot of them failing to learn anything from mistakes.

  • news News Oil companies used fraudulent scheme to shift liability for orphaned Colorado wells onto the state, lawsuit claims
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 7 months ago 100%

    Oh man! I was just about to say Texas! Oklahoma has its own version of this scheme. These oil companies, they absolutely do not want to pay decommissioning cost on this and they’ll use every trick they can find to avoid it as long as possible.

    Coal industry does roughly the same thing just different tricks. Everyone in the fossil fuel industry looking to get out of that whole “what comes next” problem.

    But can’t say much, recycling solar is nascent and hardly done at this point but the whole solar industry is brand new so hard to draw a conclusion there. Same for wind, most do eventually get landfill but there is interest at least in recycling, so we’ll have to see how that plays out.

    But the energy sector in general seems to always want to skirt the costs at the end of operation, never calculating the full cost into the revenue stream. Stop paying the execs so much and hold some of that cash back for clean up time. You know it’s coming, the responsible thing is to not act all shocked that clean up time has come and file bankruptcy. Execs that do this ought to be shot.

  • technology Technology Hands up if you want to volunteer for layoffs, IBM tells staff
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 7 months ago 100%

    Open the door HAL

  • 196 196 Dying Boomers rule
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 7 months ago 100%

    Gen X here. Mother died of cancer when 13. Father left us two weeks after that. Several years later, father penniless and died of an OD in a ditch in East Tennessee.

    Literally was trying to be left with the debt by the State of Tennessee, actually had to obtain a lawyer to show my legal declaration of becoming an orphan when I was a kid to get them to stop.

    So the only thing they left me with was a lawyer bill and about two years worth of court proceedings. So no, at least for me, we’re not getting anything from them.

  • 196 196 Dying Boomers rule
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 7 months ago 100%

    thanks to the property assets accumulated by the generations before them.

    These people have clearly never heard of reverse mortgage. So take what they have to say with large heapings of salt.

    While they wait for their inheritances

    LOL. Yeah these people are taking the piss here. Many of the folks I know with boomer parents that have already passed have seen roughly 90% to 96% of the accumulated wealth either taken in medical expenses, obligated debt, or just straight up poor ass planning that left the parents near penniless in their final days.

    This whole story is predicated on ignoring massive costs that come at end of life that many boomers have not planned on. And one can easily objectively see then ignoring this by failing to account the massive upswing in reverse mortgages and filial responsibility cases.

    The boomers are not giving us anything when they die except headache.

  • nottheonion Not The Onion Exxon CEO blames public for failure to fix climate change
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 7 months ago 100%

    You’ve got the lobes of a shrewd Ferengi.

  • nottheonion Not The Onion Exxon CEO blames public for failure to fix climate change
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 7 months ago 100%

    263rd Rule of Acquisition: “ Never allow doubt to tarnish your lust for latinum.”

  • theonion The Onion Gov. Abbott Enlists Texas National Guard to Shoot at Wildfires
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 7 months ago 100%

    “We don’t need guns we need fire extinguishers.”

    A quote that will live on longer than most Palestinians.

  • nottheonion Not The Onion Exxon CEO blames public for failure to fix climate change
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 7 months ago 100%

    And don’t forget, not only are they focused on oil but also lithium.

    Because they know their goose is cooked but that won’t stop them double dipping in all of those Government hand outs.

  • piracy Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ Nintendo sues Switch emulator Yuzu for ‘facilitating piracy at a colossal scale’
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 7 months ago 95%

    Oh don't even get me started. Hall effect has been known since 1879, those JoyCons didn't use it because it was cheaper to use shitty graphite. They literally went the cheap ass route because they didn't even care.

  • piracy Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ Nintendo sues Switch emulator Yuzu for ‘facilitating piracy at a colossal scale’
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 7 months ago 98%

    “Nintendo sues” oh look it’s a day that ends in Y. The only person Nintendo isn’t dead set on suing is Nintendo.

    Here’s you 937th remake of Super Mario Bros 2 that you can only rent, have a nice day.

    And our online service is absolute trash but you’ll pay anyway to have a legal emulator until we also discontinue that for Super other garbage online service!

  • memes Memes I guess I'm doing my part
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 7 months ago 98%

    Yes I saw some shit the other day about, “such and such reporting that sales are drastically down since blah blah blah. Where did it all go wrong?”

    Or “Gen whatever is choosing to part ways with blah blah blah. Here’s our guesses as to why!”

    And it’s just, NOBODY HAS FUCKING MONEY!!! That’s it. That’s all it is. There’s no preference. There’s no secret wokeness. There’s no underlying meaning. We are all just fucking broke!

    They took all the money, they refuse to give it back in wages, they jacked up the price, and we are tapping out. HOW THE FUCK IS THIS STILL A GODDAMN MYSTERY?!?!?!

    The only way someone can still be confused about what’s going on is if they’re on purpose being ignorant about it because, “mah market indicators!”

    We are all broke. That’s it, that’s the answer. Media needs to stop with the bullshit. The headline every day needs to be “The world is on fire by rich asshats and the rest of us are too fucking broke to do anything. We are all going to die painfully because of those rich asshats.” And that should be all that’s on the news every hour on the hour. The end.

  • linux Linux Leah Rowe, the creator of Libreboot, stole my work.
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 7 months ago 100%

    And just so we're clear, I'm not saying everything Leah said is golden. Humans are human and say things that don't jive 100% of the time. It's entirely possible for something to have both folks handle a situation in a manner that is less than ideal. All I'm indicating is for you to step back for a second. It will absolutely help you out here.

    Ideally you can perhaps look at this from Leah's point of view. But that's solely up to you. Best thing for you though is to just bring it down a notch. That's the only thing that I'm pretty sure is a good idea right now. What's past that, I think only you can best determine that. But I honestly think some deep breaths are what's immediately needed.

    I'm pretty sure post that you'll have it handled. And I don't know how old you are but I'll say that panicked hyping a situation only gets worse as you age. So developing ways to deal with it is just part of growing up for 30 to 50 year olds. This notion that we're done "growing" at some magical number is bunk.

    I had my car start stuttering on the highway once and thought for sure that I was going to die. My brain just spiraled a situation where I needed to just pull over and see what was wrong into a flight or fight response. Ultimately, it was just a loose hose and I fixed it. But for a moment there I was panicking myself way past a point of being reasonable.

    It just happens and sometimes we just need to force ourselves to take a pause. That's all the advice I think I can give you here. I think once you chill for a bit, you're smart enough to figure out the what's next part.

  • linux Linux Leah Rowe, the creator of Libreboot, stole my work.
  • IHeartBadCode IHeartBadCode 7 months ago 98%

    when I was really just frustrated

    Buddy that all reads as harassing. The IRC logs are especially a bad look for you, because you said:

    im looking to add this board to my resume

    And now that entire chat log is tied to it.

    I'm not sure why you thought hounding someone and harping about it for nearly eight hours on IRC was a good idea. But now you've come to the Fediverse to find some absolution or something.

    You can be frustrated, that's fine, but when that frustration turns into that long of a hanging on the bell that's evident in that chat log and then two hours later you came here with this, that is past frustration.

    Leah also indicated:

    if i give in to you now, you will try to harass/abuse me again in the future.

    And Leah has a point. You've shown no sign of taking a moment to collect yourself. I get you are upset. Sometimes the best way to handle upset is to just shut up for a day or two. And trust me, I struggle with doing that myself.

    Like everything you've done in your frustration, I've been down that road. And I'm pretty sure in your head you are telling yourself, but the difference is that...... because that's exactly what I'd say to someone telling me this. That my situation is different somehow and that I must rectify this injustice immediately!

    and if it was bullying, I apologize then.

    What you need to do is two things. One, learn from this so that in the future you can do... Two, chill out. I think you'll find in more professional environments sorry is okay, but I have learned from my mistakes and will do better is more preferred.

    This whole thing could have been max three messages on IRC. "Why wasn't I credited? What was wrong with my submission? How do I improve going forward?" The end.

    I think the biggest thing here for me is that in open projects, leads are fielding multiple people and working on their stuff. Every message you send is "Hey stop what you are doing and pay attention to me!" So you really want to be respectful of their time by really trying to be succinct on whatever is bugging you.

    And you are on the contrib page.

    All round good guy, an honest and loyal fan.

    And I think you're wondering how "testing" vs "developed" looks on your resume? But that chat log is now going to be front and center no matter what's said on the contrib page. It really doesn't matter if you got "developed" pasted on the contrib page.

    All of this Mastodon interactions and IRC logs isn't a good look. It's not the end of the world. I think everyone has felt frustration like this before, like there's some magical set of words to say that'll fix everything. But you've got to let it go. You're just digging down with posts like this. And you don't have to let it go forever, just you've really added a lot of friction to have this go surface of the sun warm. You need to let it cool, come back refreshed, and maybe see if you can repair the relationship you have with the team.

    But you've got to understand. Your post here paints one picture and your interactions with Leah on Mastodon and IRC are something else. And that difference between the is especially not good as it comes off as a lot of sour and bitterness on this "slight" that you perceived as such an injustice.

    And hell's bells. If you sit on this for seventy-two hours and you still feel massively wronged, go fork you a project and call it FOSSITboot or whatever and show everyone your prowess. If you've got skills to pay the bills, then if you build it they will come.

    Lots of love for you, but just take a moment from everything. I assure you, it'll do you wonders to decompress.
