privacy Privacy Patrick Breyer: New EU #ChatControl proposal leaked +++ Governments to position themselves by 23 September, will be very tight... +++
  • Hastur Hastur 1 day ago 100%

    Their assistants, lobbyists and whisperers know.

  • Hastur Hastur 6 months ago 100%
  • babylon5 Babylon5 A question about A Late Message From Avalon
  • Hastur Hastur 9 months ago 100%

    Bought as a costume? It's a plot hole, you're right.

  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 100%

    Spotube, Harmony, Vibe Music, all on Github, all for Android.

  • fediverse Fediverse Has anyone defederated your instance? Introducing Defederation Investigator
  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 50%

    You mean vigilante-style attacks on healthband life because you oppose their world view? You Germans have come full circle.

  • babylon5 Babylon5 MRW someone says they hated the new Babylon 5 movie
  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 100%

    The acting and the FX might be dated, but the series and the topics are not, the old series still has its value and it's worth a (re) watch.

  • babylon5
    Babylon5 Hastur 1 year ago 100%
    time for new Zathras memes

    Keep em coming!

    babylon5 Babylon5 MRW someone says they hated the new Babylon 5 movie
  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 100%

    It wasn't the greatest thing ever, but it was a gateway to a reboot, it was a nicely done nostalgia-fest and it did a lot of stuff right. Was the animation a bit cheap? Yes. Was the story a bit thin? Yes. Would I still watch it and buy the blue ray? Of course!

    And it's still way better than a lot of stuff movie studios wanted to stuff down my throat in the past years.

  • babylon5 Babylon5 MRW someone says they hated the new Babylon 5 movie
  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 100%

    I just watched it... twice. I loved it!

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes What is spying?
  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 95%

    Google: Laughing in Android.

  • babylon5 Babylon5 Should we create another community for Babylon5GIFs?
  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 100%

    Keep them coming they're welcome here.

  • memes Memes When you like pancakes but hate IHOP
  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 100%

    Good bot!

  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 100%

    Look at their interface might be dusty but I've been with them for 10 years with no issues.

  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 80%

    You must be a parody account or on a rolling level like Borat/AliG.

    Not my cup of tea, have a good day sir.

  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 37%

    Science does believe that a perceived gender develops in a child's brain, but as far as I know, its unclear when or how it develops. It could be before birth, or years after.

    No, science does not believe that. Sociologists with questionable record regarding the validity of their studies believe that, however they do completed forget that humans are not isolated and decoupled from animals.

    Males and females are vastly different and there's nothing constructed about this.

    What science does know is that if your perceived gender is incongruent with your sex, it can cause gender dysphoria.

    Science does not know this. It's a mainstream belief now but not backed up by good data. All we know is that transition does not remediate high suicide rates, despite greater societal acceptance of transgender in general. Some studies even show higher suicide rates after transition, however the datasets are too small and the studies are all biased on way or another. We don't know!

    The way to treat it is to transition to your perceived gender.

    That's one hypothesis. The other one is not to treat it and just wait because a good number of those affected by gender dysphoria turn out to be just gay and very unsure about their sexual orientation. Again: We don't know because data is insufficient.

    Based on an unproven hypothesis you want people to transition despite this potentially having devastating results? I would be less sure about this, I have doubts.

  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 71%

    Wow there's so much wrong with this:

    The concept of a digital data processing machine was made by Charles Babbage, a mathematician from England.

    The first phone was constructed by Italian engineer and inventor Antonio Meucci, Bell just got the patent for something that was being "invented" in several forms in previous years.

    Karl Benz from Germany invented the automobile but it was already Leonardo Da Vinci who conceived the idea of mechanical vehicles. The French Nicolas Cugnot built the first steam propelled tractor/car in 1769.

    The moon might be yours but only because the USA confiscated all the German knowledge about rockets and took the engineers like Wernher von Braun

    If the US eliminated starvation is something I can't deny nor confirm but you certainly invented the largest drug abuse crisis (opioids and derivatives) in the history of mankind. Oh and mass imprisonment is also an achievement that probably challenges China or North Korea.

    Not sure about the progress aspect there, I have doubts. But one thing I know for sure: The US needs better education, it's horrible how wrong you were.

  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 33%

    That hasn't worked for North America, it's not working in the EU and if I look at South America... no I won't.

  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 100%

    So what's the alternative then? Representative democracies devolve into shit shows given sufficient amount of time. Dictatorships are horrible, council-led states (Sowjet) don't work either... So what's left?

    Anarchy doesn't work either...

  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 100%

    I intentionally wrote: representative democracies. I'm not aware of any ongoing implementation of complete direct democracy, not even in Switzerland so I can't tell for those.

  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 16%

    I'm not sure about that. People are conflating sex and gender all the time and this looks even intentional to me just to create more confusion and potential for drama.

    If you check pre-millennial definition of gender you see that it was widely used synonymously. The distinction between sex and gender is just a form of newspeak.

    The current mainstream teaches that gender expression is constructed and gender typical roles are assigned at birth and by society during infancy. This is utter nonsense, has been debunked over and over again and is still based on John Moneys gender experiments with the Reimer twins.

  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 37%

    Nowadays you can cause riots by saying: Humans come in XY and XX chromosomes by genetic program, the correct expression of this genetic program leads to male or female genitalia and there's currently no medical or surgical procedure to change that, no matter how much you insist. So that was one notch less controversial.

  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 80%

    Full shower after each toilet session? You make Greta cry!

    I can agree with wet wipes, bidet or these japanese toilets with bidet features.

  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 100%

    I was against this for many years but lately I have developed a taste for good pineapple on good pizzas. So there's that.

  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 100%

    Representative Democracies have failed (are failing) like all other political ruling systems have failed so far. Some failed just faster than others that failed more catastrophically while some fail silently (agonizing). In the end all systems failed.

  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 60%

    Citation needed. The smartest and healthiest generation might have been GenX instead, GenZlers have seen overall decline in health, live expectancy and mental health.

  • controversial Controversial - the place to discuss controversial topics Captive Labor: Exploitation of Incarcerated Workers | ACLU
  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 100%

    First and foremost: OP clearly states "any country" and is trying to make a general point and therefore isn't focused to the UD prison system which I would consider unworthy of a real democracy.

    Now regarding the points OP made I explained my POV and where I agree and disagree. O don't see where either OP nor me deviated from reality and you haven't given any evident or data telling us where exactly you disagree. So would you do the honour and lay out your argument?

  • controversial Controversial - the place to discuss controversial topics Captive Labor: Exploitation of Incarcerated Workers | ACLU
  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 50%

    Weak attempt to derail.

  • controversial Controversial - the place to discuss controversial topics How to discuss trans issues to uneducated people?
  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 50%

    Not judging your personal moral code, that's up to you.

    From what I see here for example:

    There's no good data apart from: Suicide rates are higher than in general population and remain higher than general population even after surgery.

  • controversial Controversial - the place to discuss controversial topics Captive Labor: Exploitation of Incarcerated Workers | ACLU
  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 100%

    Realistically it seems to be (not my opinion but my observation):

    • Shoes and clothes made in Bangladesh
    • Car parts (filters, hoses, tin parts) made in India
    • Foxconn China
    • Rare earth mining
    • Servants and immigrant workers in Qatar and Dubai.

    Just to name a few examples of slave labour required to run the world "as is."

  • controversial Controversial - the place to discuss controversial topics Captive Labor: Exploitation of Incarcerated Workers | ACLU
  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 100%

    Hmmm that's an interesting topic, thanks for bringing this upz it's something I never thought about.

    So without thinking this through just eyeballing it here's my take;

    Prisons are expensive and the inmate needs to still make up for his crimes. Also being imprisoned without any kind of productive activity could have negative impact on mind and body.

    Now there need to be sone rules:

    • Additional qualification or study that are beneficial for the resocialisation and could lead to higher future income or better chance of getting a job should have priority.
    • Pay should be fair and reasonable, the pay should be split in a fair way is the inmate needs to pay for his crimes (restitution etc). There must be a minimum remainder for the inmate so they have money available while imprisoned and the rest should be made available when they are released.
    • Working conditions, breaks, OSHA etc needs to be on par with the standards outside of prison.

    Now is enforcing labour still considered slavery? Could be but at least in Europe you lose some (not all) human rights when you've been sentenced to prison so it's acceptable.

    Now one disclaimer: This is with only theoretical knowledge about prisons on western Europe. The US prison system is something else all together.

  • controversial Controversial - the place to discuss controversial topics Calls for defederation - Is the idea of the open marketplace of ideas outdated?
  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 50%

    If you think that doesn't contradict your vaccines= gene therapy point, you need to recheck the definition of gene therapy.

    You haven't read what I wrote or you haven't understood it. I did not say: It is gene therapy.

    I did not say: I think it's gene therapy. I haven't made any statement about my opinion on that matter.

    I said: Given the, simplified, explanation of how mRNA vaccines work an argument could be made to call it gene therapy.

    I did NOT say that this is my argument. I did NOT say that calling mRNA vaccines gene therapy is right (or wrong, I did NOT make ANY judgment on that matter).

    So either you're intentionally misreading my statements or you're not able to understand that even if I don't agree with an opinion I might be able to follow it's inherent logic which is what I did.

    In any case I don't see value in further engaging on that topic with you.

  • controversial Controversial - the place to discuss controversial topics Calls for defederation - Is the idea of the open marketplace of ideas outdated?
  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 66%

    I'd like to imagine that some people on the verge of becoming radicalized into a cult-like group could be redeemed by a socratic conversation with someone who offers differing opinions while validating them. I think many of these people have personal issues and insecrutities going on, then turn to a hateful community merely because they finally feel they belong.

    There are more examples that do seem to validate this theory. In Germany you can see that calling everybody right from the SPD party a Nazi has led people to come ti6the conclusion that if they marginalized anyway they can join the far right party and accept the political identity they were given by the exclusionists. Same happened in France with Reassemblement National and in Spain with Vox. Hungary seems to somewhat love Orban for the same reason, despite EU and especially Germany's effort to undermine his power and position.

    Ignoring facts doesn't help, excluding people doesn't make these people go away.

  • controversial Controversial - the place to discuss controversial topics Calls for defederation - Is the idea of the open marketplace of ideas outdated?
  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 33%
    1. A 14 days cooldown is not a permanent ban.
    2. Civil discussion is the base of this community, not ad hominems or intents to derail die discussion.
    3. Moderation is a necessary evil in order to have some basic rules that facilitate free speech. I'm not advocating for pure anarchy.

    Look up the modlog to check if what I said is true.

  • controversial Controversial - the place to discuss controversial topics Calls for defederation - Is the idea of the open marketplace of ideas outdated?
  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 11%

    Lemmy is not private just because instances are owned by individuals. If you post or comment you broadcast which is public and regulated by free speech laws where applicable.

  • controversial Controversial - the place to discuss controversial topics Calls for defederation - Is the idea of the open marketplace of ideas outdated?
  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 20%

    Just because you don't want to listen you're entitled to prevent others from listening.

    We're back at square 1.

  • controversial Controversial - the place to discuss controversial topics Calls for defederation - Is the idea of the open marketplace of ideas outdated?
  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 50%

    Nothing here contradicts what I wrote. Can you please quote my post and tell me what exactly is wrong? Please see how mRNA works and then look at my postz if you find anything wrong with it and evidence where I was wrong, I'm happy to correct.

    Right now you're parrotting the CDC website which doesn't contradict me in the slightest.

    Here look at this first

  • controversial Controversial - the place to discuss controversial topics Calls for defederation - Is the idea of the open marketplace of ideas outdated?
  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 66%

    You seem like good people.

    There goes my reputation. /s

    Saving Persuasion by Bryan Garsten is an academic attempt to answer the question we're discussing here and his position is that we need to protect these places, but like everyone else, isn't exactly clear on how.

    Thanks, I'll have a read later. Bookmarked.

    I've been analyzing the problem informally since about 1996 when I first logged into an IRC channel and got banned for trolling.

    I participated in so many Mailbox-Flamewars in the early 90ies, then in the OS-wars (Atari vs Mac vs PC) during Usenet times but i never perceived it as toxic as it is today. Maybe the high entry barrier served as filters?

    I believe I've gotten better about it since, but I am no Watchman, and I haven't met many who could perform the role well enough to not allow natural bias' to enter into the common language of the community.

    I don't know if I've gotten better, I want to believe that's the case but I keep trying.

  • controversial Controversial - the place to discuss controversial topics Calls for defederation - Is the idea of the open marketplace of ideas outdated?
  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 75%

    Defederation is a fancy term for shunning. Which is an appropriate response when a community fails to regulate it's speech.

    Partially agree here. Free speech has obviously limits (when it becomes unlawful or it's weaponized) and moderation/oversight is needed. Every garden needs a gardener, without care and limitations even the most beautiful garden becomes a dangerous jungle (or a desert).

    If what you postulated, a community fails to regulate free speech, happens I can see why defederation is considered to contain a growing issue.

    However it seems that defederation, or at least the call for defederation, is now becoming a tool for the cancellation-fraction on both ends of the political spectrum so they can all together avoid talking or sewing their believe-system challenged. I see this as a great loss of opportunity on one side and also as a danger to society in the other.

    Differnent communities will have different standards based on but not limited to local social mores, geographical region, language and probably a lot more.

    Yes! And isn't that an amazing chance to learn, debate, and grow? Federation can open up a world of new thought and concepts to someone who started his journey on a server in a country were religious laws restrict free speech, sexual liberation, human rights etc.

    I appreciate your effort in defending Freedom of Speech on this platform, but the sad fact remains that most people on the internet have no concept on how Rhetoric, Logic, and Burden of Proof actually work so it just ends up with everyone throwing shit at eachother.

    When I started this community a day ago I expected everything and was still somewhat pleasantly surprised by some contributions I would learn to understand and respect while still disagreeing on some aspects.

    And even if shit is thrown around, it's worth the effort and maybe I'll still learn something, even if it is to moderate a bit better or to try to explain myself a little bit better.

  • controversial Controversial - the place to discuss controversial topics Calls for defederation - Is the idea of the open marketplace of ideas outdated?
  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 25%

    Your mixing the need for moderation which I don't dispute with the call for defederation by users who feel offended by lawful freedom of speech.

    So if you want to make an argument against what I actually said/wrote: Be my guest.

  • controversial Controversial - the place to discuss controversial topics Calls for defederation - Is the idea of the open marketplace of ideas outdated?
  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 9%

    Transparency report: User banned for 14 days to cool down.

  • controversial Controversial - the place to discuss controversial topics Calls for defederation - Is the idea of the open marketplace of ideas outdated?
  • Hastur Hastur 1 year ago 12%


  • controversial
    Calls for defederation - Is the idea of the open marketplace of ideas outdated?

    Lately I see a lot of calls do have specific instances defederated for a particular subset of reasons: - Don't like their content - Dont like their political leaning - Dont like their free speech approach - General feeling of being offended - I want a safe space! - This instance if hurting vulnerable people I personally find each and every one of these arguments invalid. Everybody has the right to live in an echo chamber, but mandating it for everyone else is something that goes a bit too far. Has humanity really developed into a situation where words and thoughts are more hurtful than sticks and stones? Edit: Original context Controversial topic, feel free to discuss!

    New Communities Hastur 1 year ago 100%
    barefoot -

    If you're interested in the barefoot lifestyle, like to roam earth unshod, liked to follow, post or discuss on r/barefoot you're very welcome [here]( !

    Babylon5 Hastur 1 year ago 100%
    Babylon 5: 25 Years Later - Is it still worth watching?

    Spoiler: It's worth watching and rewatching.
