chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Teamsters Presidential Poll: close to 60% choose red Hitler over blue hitler
  • GaveUp GaveUp 1 hour ago 100%

    These polls don't say anything about the mood because the candidates to vote for are different

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Teamsters Presidential Poll: close to 60% choose red Hitler over blue hitler
  • GaveUp GaveUp 1 hour ago 100%

    Fair enough, but the perception of black women is a far fall down from black men in America tbh

  • covid covid I already got ~7 COVID vaccines but what's the scoop on this new one in USA? Anybody read about this and confident big pharma isn't just lobbying to get shit out every year for more money?
  • GaveUp GaveUp 4 hours ago 100%

    In terms of safety, they are no different than what was approved in the original study.

    Has it been studied that changing the mRNA encoding doesn't affect the safety? From my extremely limited understanding that shouldn't be something that can just be assumed right?

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Teamsters Presidential Poll: close to 60% choose red Hitler over blue hitler
  • GaveUp GaveUp 4 hours ago 100%

    Makes sense. If they hustle at the factories hard enough for 7 years you can become a coveted delivery driver

  • latam latam Paulo Reglus Neves Freire - New General Megathread for the 18th-19th of September 2024
  • GaveUp GaveUp 4 hours ago 100%

    Just completed 3 days of work in half a day because I actually tried and focused today and my labor was highly efficient and productivity was completely optimized

    Time to call in sick tomorrow and do nothing on Friday cause I'm not a nerd who's gonna ask for more work

  • covid covid I already got ~7 COVID vaccines but what's the scoop on this new one in USA? Anybody read about this and confident big pharma isn't just lobbying to get shit out every year for more money?
  • GaveUp GaveUp 4 hours ago 100%

    No yea I understand the reasoning behind why vaccines get updates. I meant like trial testing data for safety profile and what not

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Teamsters Presidential Poll: close to 60% choose red Hitler over blue hitler
  • GaveUp GaveUp 5 hours ago 100%

    Maybe I'm too woke but I'm pretty sure it's because Harris is black, Indian, and a women that the results flipped so hard

    Union members aren't all far left on average or anything. Cops have and support their unions

    Joining a union directly and clearly improves their own situation. Can the said be said for having a black, indian women be president for the white and/or male union members?

    Are you confident there is a complete insignificant number of teamster members that have no racial biases at all? And that they all believe women as just as capable leaders?

  • covid covid I already got ~7 COVID vaccines but what's the scoop on this new one in USA? Anybody read about this and confident big pharma isn't just lobbying to get shit out every year for more money?
  • GaveUp GaveUp 5 hours ago 100%

    I mean even if the vaccine is the exact same as it was last year it's still worth getting

    But it's probably not. They probably did try to genuinely make a vaccine for the newest strains of covid but I'm afraid they're pushing out incomplete garbage to cash in on that annual check from the government

  • covid covid I already got ~7 COVID vaccines but what's the scoop on this new one in USA? Anybody read about this and confident big pharma isn't just lobbying to get shit out every year for more money?
  • GaveUp GaveUp 5 hours ago 100%

    I understand why there's yearly vaccines for covid now, I meant specifically if this new one does what they claim it does

  • covid
    covid GaveUp 7 hours ago 100%
    I already got ~7 COVID vaccines but what's the scoop on this new one in USA? Anybody read about this and confident big pharma isn't just lobbying to get shit out every year for more money?

    I'm not anti-vaxx, I just don't trust American health agencies. Wouldn't even think twice if this was in most other countries

    chat chat Chat, is it creepy to have a totally unjustified crush
  • GaveUp GaveUp 7 hours ago 100%

    Falling this hard after meeting somebody once for a dozen minutes may be more indicative of other personal stuff rather than just being a "creep"

  • news news Uber's $81m tax bill wiped as it doesn't 'pay' drivers
  • GaveUp GaveUp 7 hours ago 100%

    How the fuck do I pay the drivers and a ride is a marketplace transaction between me and drivers when Uber is the one that sets both the prices and the cut of the fee the driver gets?

    In what part of any of that did I or the driver make? I'm clearly paying Uber for the prices they set and then the drivers get paid from a cut that Uber also sets

    No other marketplace be it eBay, AliExpress, or the local farmers market works like this

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Palantir CTO basically confirming their involvement in Israel's pager attack
  • GaveUp GaveUp 7 hours ago 100%
  • chat chat Folks I'm like post work event tech bro tipsy and I hate the tech bro mask I am forced to wear to survive in capitalism. How are you?
  • GaveUp GaveUp 23 hours ago 100%

    Did you go to dream Force?

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Amerikkka truly getting the gang back together
  • GaveUp GaveUp 1 day ago 100%

    you don't join them to be unpaid drones, you believe in capital at that point.

    Most people I know who want to join them want to cause it's cool and respectful. I'm not joking

    Very few are capitalism vs communism brained cranks like us

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Amerikkka truly getting the gang back together
  • GaveUp GaveUp 1 day ago 100%

    People always be like "why would the Pinkertons/ClA/FBl always be so obvious"? Without realizing they're also just corporate drones getting underpaid by their capitalists just trying to get through the day

  • technology technology Fuck Google | Android 15 cracks down on sideloaded apps even harder to protect users
  • GaveUp GaveUp 1 day ago 100%

    I dont mess around with Android but from the article it seems like side loaded apps have easier access to OS APIs?

    That's what I meant

  • technology technology Fuck Google | Android 15 cracks down on sideloaded apps even harder to protect users
  • GaveUp GaveUp 1 day ago 83%

    These changes seem fine tbh, non-technical users genuinely have no reason to be side loading apps that can bypass everything. the average Android user probably doesn't even understand what an operating system is

    Tbh it'd actually be nice if Android out the box could be as locked down as iOS but stay as modifiable as it is now so technical users can still easily open everything up and tinker with it

  • technology technology Amazon Tells Corporate Workers to Be Back in the Office 5 Days a Week
  • GaveUp GaveUp 2 days ago 100%
  • GaveUp GaveUp 2 days ago 100%

    Recently walked around downtown with a friend and checked out a stand selling Kamala Harris merch. We talked about what we saw and BOTH of us thought that this shirt was Arabic lettering at first glance and got mad thinking it was Islamophobic

    Also saw a video of Israelis that dressed really trashy, throwing beers and yelling at an American car. Comments were making fun of the Israelis and my first thought was "is it ableist to make fun of these guys since they're so weird it's possible they're ND??"

  • sino sino C-Drama coding
  • GaveUp GaveUp 2 days ago 100%

    To Westerners, these actually are different genres of storytelling medium. Each country's dramas have their own similarities

    Just like how Chinese food is just food to Chinese people and a normal breakfast to Brits are known as English breakfast to Chinese people

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Britons would generally choose communism over fascism
  • GaveUp GaveUp 2 days ago 100%

    Y'all are making a very important conflation

    People are largely supportive of communist policies. How to get there and stay there is where most Westerners disagree

    Break the commie voters down by how to achieve it and it should be almost all by voting

  • badposting badposting Press the upbear button below to instantaneously send a small dopamine hit to someone living on (probably) the other side of the world
  • GaveUp GaveUp 3 days ago 100%

    rip Spore though

  • badposting badposting Becoming a guy who watches the WNBA just to annoy his bro-dawg conservative coworkers.
  • GaveUp GaveUp 3 days ago 100%

    I have no idea cause I don't watch basketball but I just know this would piss the hell off the people OP is talking about lol

  • badposting badposting Becoming a guy who watches the WNBA just to annoy his bro-dawg conservative coworkers.
  • GaveUp GaveUp 3 days ago 100%

    "I'm pretty sure Caitlyn Clark would be an infinitely better pickup than Ben Simmons"

    "She'd probably be middle of the pack in the NBA. Definitely at least as good as Trey Young given that they're both 6 feet"

  • news news US House votes to bar new DJI drones as 'China week' gets underway
  • GaveUp GaveUp 3 days ago 100%

    These are not the same drones used lol

    Ukraine uses them cause they're poor and need to be scrappy

    America ain't gonna do this

  • news news Biden Administration Ratchets Up Tariffs on Chinese Goods
  • GaveUp GaveUp 4 days ago 100%

    It's not just the size, but also the silhouette. Even comparing to men, I've had and still have a very broad shoulder to waist ratio so most women's clothes in "my size" still look awful on me. There are a lot of cuts that can never look good on me unless it's custom tailored so I can only buy certain styles of tops

    But also yea, I live in the Bay Area so also just one of the fittest places if not the most in US

  • news news Biden Administration Ratchets Up Tariffs on Chinese Goods
  • GaveUp GaveUp 4 days ago 100%

    Not to mention the air miles and water usage

    It's largely the same since the other companies also have to ship overseas

    And yea, I do agree with thrifting but just me personally, 99% of all the women's clothes at a thrift shop/clothing swap do not come close to fitting me (trans 😔)

  • games games FTL: Faster than Light, 12th anniversary - New General Megathread for the 14th-15th of September
  • GaveUp GaveUp 4 days ago 100%

    Y'all ever think about how instead of simply just getting up and walking around for a minute every so often, tech bros' solution to sitting down all day was to use standing desks? Insanity. Standing for long periods of time isn't even that much less unhealthy than sitting either

  • news news Biden Administration Ratchets Up Tariffs on Chinese Goods
  • GaveUp GaveUp 4 days ago 100%

    Have you actually bought Shein clothes? They're much better quality than H&M and oftentimes every other "cheap" chain where a T-shirt is 20+ dollars and a hoodie is 50+

    Their production is the same as Western companies or even better (since a lot of textile moved out from China to south Asia and SEA) except they sell direct to westerners so they cut out all the middlemen markups

  • news
    news GaveUp 4 days ago 100%
    Biden Administration Ratchets Up Tariffs on Chinese Goods

    Most important part of these tariffs: "The trade rule allows packages to be shipped from foreign countries directly to consumers or businesses without paying tariffs, as long as the shipments do not exceed $800 per recipient per day. The new proposal would strip that exemption from a wide array of products and most likely have a significant impact on large importers of Chinese goods such as Shein and Temu, two online marketplaces that have become popular with American shoppers." This trade rule being taken advantage of by Aliexpress, Temu, and Shein is the sole reason why significant amounts of Americans could still afford to buy a lot of consumer goods despite having their real wages crash year after year. This would genuinely trigger another cost of living crisis

    the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank This Chatbot Pulls People Away From Conspiracy Theories
  • GaveUp GaveUp 5 days ago 100%

    at that time the images both seemed a bit beyond then-current image generation technology

    Unless you work at a company/university/agency working on cutting edge tech, you will never know what the current tech is capable of. There's always a long time of testing and refining and other business/marketing work before something gets released to the general public

  • GaveUp GaveUp 5 days ago 95%

    I think I read that the ClA literally created the modern perception of "conspiracy theorists" through media in order to discredit people that go against the mainstream narratives put out through the news

  • GaveUp GaveUp 5 days ago 88%
  • askchapo askchapo Do y'all notice "office occupation" accents?
  • GaveUp GaveUp 5 days ago 100%

    Well I didn't want to mention it because it's not scientific at all but it does generally have this air of very confident smug pompousness that says I'm better and smarter than you

    And the thing that separates tech workers from the rest is this extra verbosity and quickness to the cadence they speak. Probably developed from having to communicate every small detail at work and the desire to optimize everything, including the time of their speech

  • askchapo askchapo Do y'all notice "office occupation" accents?
  • GaveUp GaveUp 5 days ago 100%

    No it's a bit different than their work code switch

  • askchapo askchapo Do y'all notice "office occupation" accents?
  • GaveUp GaveUp 5 days ago 100%

    nah I think they genuinely start to sound like that because everybody else does

    Customer service people I know don't talk with their cs voice

  • askchapo
    askchapo GaveUp 5 days ago 96%
    Do y'all notice "office occupation" accents?

    I feel I can def pretty accurately tell whether somebody works a tech or some business/finance/marketing/HR job just by the way they speak. Like I talk to them outside of a work context, I make the guess, and then they later reveal what they do and I'm usually right if it's one of those 2 categories

    chapotraphouse chapotraphouse If she was smart, she'd of pivoted to the puppy girl market
  • GaveUp GaveUp 5 days ago 100%

    Left economic politics are not necessarily mutually exclusive with racism

    Much easier to have beliefs that benefit you than beliefs that don't

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse If she was smart, she'd of pivoted to the puppy girl market
  • GaveUp GaveUp 5 days ago 100%

    It's classism and racism

    Poor and non white people eat those undesirable parts

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse If she was smart, she'd of pivoted to the puppy girl market
  • GaveUp GaveUp 5 days ago 100%

    Somebody make dog food with estrogen in it for the puppygirls

  • badposting badposting What do you call it when a white transfem with E-dick doms + tops a POC while engaging in raceplay?
  • GaveUp GaveUp 6 days ago 100%

    Baddie posting

  • food food If I lived in China I would be happy because every day I could go out and get delicious lo mein noodles for lunch.
  • GaveUp GaveUp 6 days ago 100%

    The night markets are to die for

  • technology
    technology GaveUp 3 weeks ago 99%
    Get the fuck off big tech photo storage apps if you're still on them for some reason. Coworkers have been discussing gen AI photos in your gallery

    So that if there's a big event like a Taylor Swift concert you couldn't go to and they detected you're most likely a fan, they'll gen AI a photo of you at the concert If you missed a Christmas gathering with your family, they'll gen AI one for you If like Japan but haven't been there yet, they gen AI a whole vacation album of you there They're literally trying to embed fabricated events into your life and brain lmao People are largely very excited for this idea. All the apps between different companies constantly copy each other to achieve feature parity, there's no escape. You will live a life of luxury and excitement whether you want to or not

    askchapo GaveUp 3 weeks ago 100%
    How many insects in your apartment is a problem?

    I have 450 sq ft that's on the ground floor. Like almost 0 elevation at all from street level. 100 year old building. I live a 10 minutes walk away from the Pacific Coast, SF climate Every time I wake up and go to the bathroom, I see 2-5 insects in it. 1-2 are cockroaches, rest are some other small thing. Flies maybe? Always see some cockroach droppings on sink counter that I have to spray and wipe down Every time I leave a room dark for a few hours and turn on the lights, I always see 1-3 insects During the day with lights on, I notice 1-4 insects per hour in various places excluding tiny fruit flies. Those I probably see like 5 times a day Problem has been getting worse since I've moved in but this is also the first summer I've lived through in this place And if I need pest control, how much work is it to have them come in? Should I just move apartments if I need them?

    em_poc GaveUp 4 weeks ago 100%
    Black transmascs and east asian transfems, do the racist stereotypes of your race being masculine/feminine make you suspicious/mad when you pass?

    I shouldn't pass which is fine but on the rare occasion I do, it's always a white person who lives in a place without many east asians The last white liberal I tried to befriend unironically told me I was so lucky to be Asian because I naturally already look more feminine than white transfems (like her)

    badposting GaveUp 1 month ago 100%
    Easy and Simple Guide to De-Zucc (Meta/Facebook) your life. Alternatives to all major services

    Follow-up to my De-Google post to ensure your privacy and prevent your weird fetishes from being advertised back to you Meta service - Alternative Facebook - Your retirement home's bulletin board Messenger - WhatsApp Instagram - Touching grass Meta Quest/Oculus VR - PornHub Hope this helps and as always, pussy is in my bio

    badposting GaveUp 1 month ago 100%
    Highly Requested Easy Guide to De-Google your life. Alternatives for all major services

    Since people always mention wanting to do this in the comments but say it's always say too hard Google product - Alternative Google Search - Bing Google Drive - iCloud Google Chrome - Safari Gmail - Outlook Google Photos - Amazon Photos (if you have Prime, it's unlimited photos storage + 5GB for videos) or Apple Photos YouTube - TikTok Waymo - Uber or Lyft Let me know if I missed anything in the comments section and what I should cover next post

    games GaveUp 1 month ago 100%
    Vice-presidential candidate Tim Walz once endorsed a high school Valorant team

    This has surprisingly garnered lots of support amongst gamers Every day I keep getting surprised and my bar keeps getting lowered deeper into the ground

    chat GaveUp 1 month ago 100%

    The workers are largely just as pro-capitalism and anti-worker as the employers but they're way less likely to support acceptance and extra corporate or governmental resources for minorities, women, queer, and trans people (they even regularly complain about tampons in the mens bathrooms), even as a farce to increase labor productivity

    askchapo GaveUp 1 month ago 100%
    chat GaveUp 1 month ago 97%
    Anybody realize English language female dominated chronically online culture is largely media consumerism while male ones are just white supremacy?

    Edit: I'm not saying anything negative about the female side here, just the male one On one hand, you have fanfics, kpop Stans, fandoms, Sanrio, etc. On the other you have literally 4chan, literally reddit, circle jerks about muh superior white music genres like metal, modern rock, and being "cultured" by liking suffering porn with socially conscious hip hop, Roman history, WWII history, military obsession, geopolitics obsession, gamer shit with n-words and Japan stuff, some weird shit with obsessing over your body/facial features to be the perfect Eurocentric ideal, etc. Also shout-outs to pro incest and pedo anime culture In the words of a friend who agrees: White men just cannot be trusted to be left alone together on the Internet

    askchapo GaveUp 3 months ago 100%
    Best bits of theory to suggest a friend who feels like a failure to read for therapeutical reasons?

    They're feeling like a failure because of job shit and if they get fired they're probably gonna get deported back after their family spent essentially their entire life savings (and more?) to support them studying abroad So far I got: Industrial Reserve Army (Reserve Army of Labor) Tendency for Rate of Profit to fall (to understand increasing exploitation of workers) I want to try and keep things light

    em_poc GaveUp 4 months ago 100%
    Chronically online arch linux users when regular citizens of their favorite communist country uses the world's most accessible and compatible operating system

    cross-posted from: > instead of usb booting a custom Tails instance every time to defend their glorious revolution

    music GaveUp 4 months ago 100%
    Black Dresses final album - LAUGHINGFISH


    traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns GaveUp 4 months ago 100%
    What are the definitions and characteristics of catgirls and puppygirls?

    I can't really find a consistent, comprehensive answer online and I don't really feel comfortable asking my friends who are

    traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns GaveUp 5 months ago 100%
    Considering FFS: I like my face but it's masculine and I know 99% of people won't interact with me like a women unless I look like one

    idk what I'm looking for from this post. But I'm honestly fine with how my face looks. But unless I look feminine, most bi-women are going to keep assuming I want to dom and top without even asking (aka treat me like a man...). Lesbians won't be attracted to me. 99% of people won't perceive me as a women and interact the same they do with other women I think I can get FFS lined up in some months but I feel extremely weird changing my face so drastically and suddenly. I'm dissociating extremely hard rn just thinking about it. I can't imagine how bad it'd be after the surgeries. I feel like I'd lose a big part of my identity. I'm deathly afraid of looking into a mirror and not recognizing the face staring back at me There's something about the face being by far the premier identifier for human beings here. Because if they were easy/safe, I totally would get surgeries to contract my shoulders and ribcage in an instant LOL Honestly, so much of what I do to transition is just so the world will interact with me like a woman. I also quite like my "natural" deep heavy 75hz voice tbh. But I'm still voice training at a light valley girl 200-250hz range because I can't look masculine and have that deep a voice for people to treat me like a woman. At least the voice training is okay though, it was something that I developed in steps + I can still talk nearly the same as I did previously when I want so I don't feel divorced from who I am Gender in its current form is so fucking stupid I want something like what some indigenous cultures had

    em_poc GaveUp 6 months ago 100%
    Help me settle a crazy debate: If a non-black girl is into degradation and likes being gangbanged and beat up by black men, that's obviously racist right?

    Because the implication here is that she thinks having sex with black men is more degrading/humiliating and getting beat up by them is like, more "savage" or something than other races My liberal friends all disagree with me and thinks I'm kinkshaming, being racist myself, or invalidating her "preferences" or something (which I think is usually also racist, having racial preferences unless there's some shared culture/experiences)
