memes Memes Next wars be like
  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 1 week ago 100%

    Wow you're a transphobe too? fuck you dude.

  • femboy c/femboy How to parry being called or referred to as an egg
  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 4 weeks ago 100%

    It means to call someone trans in denial. It's a big thing in communities like r/egg_irl and it can be quite toxic.

  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 1 month ago 100%

    I guess it can be interpreted differently by different people. Though I do feel that at least in the original communities it is posted in on Reddit and Twitter it's very likely it'll be read as invalid or a poor excuse in general, rather than them covering their own motivations. I say that because in the Reddit versions (and a tiny bit the Twitter versions as well) there is generally more of a sentiment that gender non-conformity is a "sign" or are "signs" and they generally are very dismissive of reasons like the ones given. They have a poor record of following the egg prime directive and I have in fact seen on r/traa2 people blatantly shit talking it and saying they would never follow it 😬.

    So while I do get that there can be different interpretations, a generalized one (the not so great one) and a personalized one (the better one) I do recognize the communities they were originally posted to on Reddit and Twitter, and I do know which ones they tend to gravitate towards.

  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 1 month ago 100%

    I think that it would be significantly better had it been framed as an internal dialogue rather than external criticism. It might still be a bit problematic if it phrases the reasons given as invalid, rather than just not what it is for them, because even though to many people it feels like they said something stupid, they weren't, those are valid, real reasons why people do it. The idea that the reasons aren't valid as opposed to being simply not the reasons for themself in their case is also not great in the same way.

  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 1 month ago 66%

    RIght but see, the problem is that this does make a statement that doing certain things makes you trans, whether it's going for it or not. As I said in my response to the behavior shown constitutes a violation of the egg prime directive because it makes assertions about another person's gender identity. It also normalizes and to some extent encourages that behavior.

    I don't disagree with you that this community is for helping trans people come to terms, but I'm still not a fan of memes that normalize reinforcement of that idea in the way that is happening in this comic. As a GNC person it feels really shitty to be told that your gender identity is wrong by other people, whether direct or subtle. It's one of the reasons for the egg prime directive in the first place.

  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 1 month ago 100%

    Also the other character is committing blatant violations of the egg prime directive by deliberately questioning another person's gender identity in response to the person saying why they like doing something. This is extremely disrespectful to that person and dismisses their identity. The biggest problem is that even though this is describing something internal for the person, it is normalizing something which is disrespectful to the identities of others.

  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 1 month ago 100%

    I'm in agreement, I'm not a fan of this implication it really feels like it's just enforcing gender stereotypes for no good reason. People should be able to play whatever character they find most appealing to them, whether that be functionally, aesthetically, or even sexual attractiveness.

    Seriously, video games are one of the perfect mediums, we can play them how we want and make what we want out of them. This idea enforces an extremely restrictive perspective on a medium which ultimately is much more adaptive than any other form of narrative medium. Stop trying to attribute a deeper meaning to people using the assets and code in these make believe worlds the way they see fit as opposed to the way that was indended, or the way that YOU think it SHOULD be. (that last part was directed towards OP and people who believe the message of this post.)

  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 5 months ago 100%

    Cracking someone else's egg isn't great, it violates the egg prime directive. People need to discover themselves on their own. I get that they say some people are "in-denial" and aren't willing to come out but trying to force them will just make them resist harder, and make them want to do it less.
    I feel like this meme must be satire in that regard, as these methods rarely work out as well as portrayed here.

  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 5 months ago 100%

    Hello I'd love to help out the community, I am currently a mod on ! and I also have experience modding back on Reddit as well.

  • trans Trans What's your story?
  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 5 months ago 100%

    When I was young I was very rebellious and did not follow gender stereotypes, I had long hair and I dyed the ends bright red. People (my teachers) didn't really like that and they often would tell me I must be a girl because boys don't do stuff like that. I find that kind of funny because I did a lot of terrible things that according to their sexist logic girls wouldn't do (like severing my chromebook from their enterprise enrollment (twice with two separate Chromebooks) so I could do what I wanted). Few years later I was diagnosed with an androgen deficiency and I would need to take testosterone or wouldn't continue developing properly. I didn't actually take it both because it made me feel sick and also because all the shit my teachers were saying made younger me think I was going on E and it would make me a girl. So I just didn't take it, and still haven't, that's future Riley's problem.

    Years later in 2021 towards the end I learned about Agender and Isogender and those really resonated with me so I started using those but I also never really stopped identifying with male and still very often use he/him pronouns.

  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 5 months ago 100%

    Yeah seems like people always forget about transmascs for some reason.

  • trans Trans Are you transgender or gender diverse? Informal Survey Result: Majority of active Hexbear users say Yes and Maybe.
  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 6 months ago 100%

    Defederation evading?

    That's not a thing, people are allowed to be on multiple instances, if they weren't that would go against the free and open nature of the Fediverse don't you think?

  • femboy c/femboy WHAT THE HELL AM I???
  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 6 months ago 100%

    It does sound like you might be a femboy, not all femboys are into fem clothes but you could also be Nonbinary, there are NonBinaries who still use he/him.

  • trans Trans Do you plan to medically transition (or have you already)? Why or why not
  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 6 months ago 100%

    Nope I'm happy the way I am, I used to be insecure about my appearance and wanted to look more like a real man (I look unusually young and androgynous due to a hormonal/genetic condition) but I don't really feel that way anymore and am mostly okay with the way I am now.

  • trans Trans "What is Your Gender Identity" Survey
  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 6 months ago 100%

    Very interesting, I will definitely look into that so I can do it when it happens.

  • trans Trans "What is Your Gender Identity" Survey
  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 6 months ago 100%

    I'm Agender and Isogender, definatey one of the more unique identities and gender modalities.

  • trans Trans Do you have a blahaj? If so, what is their name?
  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 6 months ago 100%

    I don't have one yet, but I want to get one, they're so cool. I'd probably either get a classic blue one or a purple one.

  • trans Trans What's your gender identity?
  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 6 months ago 100%

    I'm AroAce-Agender, as well as Isogender. Though I also do say I'm a femboy (don't ask how one can be a femboy without a gender, it's complicated).

  • traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns Happy Trans Visibility Day
  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 6 months ago 100%

    I don't think I need to say this but you should not go cracking people's eggs, it's misgendering and disrespectful and also violates the Egg prime directive. Respect people as the gender they claim to identify as until they say otherwise.

  • main Blahaj Lemmy Meta About the troll problem
  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 6 months ago 100%

    You dumb fuck, you're one of the transphobic trolls this post is bringing up, don't bring that "defederation over opinions" talking point up in here, We all know you're just scared they'll defederate your spam hole, I hope they do for all our sake.

  • main Blahaj Lemmy Meta About the troll problem
  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 6 months ago 100%

    Fair enough, I wasn't really suggesting it as long term ownership, more throwaway that could be deleted afterwards but I guess it makes sense if you're not using javascript that that can't possibly work.

  • main Blahaj Lemmy Meta About the troll problem
  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 6 months ago 100%

    You could try making an account there and DM the admin directly, I think they have open signups, part of the reason they're such a spam infested hellhole.

  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 6 months ago 100%

    I'd rather have the Adderall than E since I have ADHD.

    (I actually do take Adderall for my ADHD)

  • 196 196 nice argument however i have depicted you as a rule
  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 6 months ago 100%

    I find it amazing that not only was the original comment not removed but that this person wasn't banned from for it.

  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 6 months ago 100% Heads up, I got a report from someone seemingly saying that you're misgendering the OP by calling them sis. You're not in trouble because it doesn't seem to come from a place of malice but we do take gatekeeping and misgendering very seriously here, which is why I'm messaging you about this.

  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 6 months ago 100%

    I think both are cute either way.

    I personally for me prefer the outfit on the left though since hoodies are warm and comfy, comfort > glamor IMO, that's just me though.

  • 196 196 would anyone join an unoffical matrix space rule
  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 6 months ago 100%

    oh that's good, maybe I'll give it a shot then. Not sure if I can join though since my app is malfunctioning and the key export isn't working (keys are needed for the blahaj mod chats I'm in since I mod egg_irl and a few other coms here)

  • 196 196 would anyone join an unoffical matrix space rule
  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 6 months ago 100%

    I personally don't really like Matrix, I only joined it out of necessity and the whole keys things is uncomfortable and unintuitive.

  • 196 196 clueless rule
  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 6 months ago 100%

    They're both cool but I prefer dressing as the first one. I just think it looks cooler.

  • 196 196 Rule of mischief
  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 6 months ago 100%

    I think both is Bigender.

  • 196 196 warm white lights rule
  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 6 months ago 100%

    Why are the warm ones framed as "genders" in this? I can see why people might think those who like Cool white would be mentally ill but not what makes the warm white ones 'gender'.

  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 6 months ago 100%

    I would do anything at this point to wake up as a girl

    You are already a beautiful girl.

  • 196 196 🐈🐈🐈
  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 6 months ago 100%

    or else you will get sick and weak and die.

    Hasn't happened to me yet, I haven't taken any hormones since I was around 14/15 (for less than about two weeks too) and I'm mostly fine. You may be right though I've had people tell me that it's not good and I should do something about it but knowing me I probably won't and it'll be an issue for future Riley to deal with.

    Context: have a genetic condition that causes very low androgen levels, not completely depleted but low enough that it's not much different. I was prescribed T when I was younger but I did not continue taking it because it make me feel sick and lots of other factors I'm not getting into right now.

  • 196 196 🐈🐈🐈
  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 6 months ago 100%

    This doesn't really apply to me since I don't have too much T, some might argue I don't have enough (maybe they might be right but I don't care).

  • 196 196 196 Stands with Palestine, but those of you in the US should still vote in the general election.
  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 6 months ago 100%

    It depends on defederation and users banned from this instance (, instance blocks don't have any affect on user visibility, just communities and posts to those communities.

  • 196 196 I rule that we should post something other than USA politics please
  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 6 months ago 100%

    I agree, let's not focus on the awful things happening in the world now and instead focus on the awesome wholesome things, like cute and comfy skirts and thigh highs, oh and the cool masks, those are nice too.

  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 7 months ago 100%

    Just try and stay safe out there ❤️

  • unixsocks r/unixsocks on fediverse the linux to femboy pipeline claims another
  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 7 months ago 100%

    You should save up, the socks alone are worth it.

  • FirstMajesticComet FirstMajesticComet 7 months ago 100%

    Still not a good idea to take random prescription drugs.

  • asktransgender
    AskTransgender FirstMajesticComet 8 months ago 100%
    What is a pickme in context of Trans people

    So I dealt with a nasty person a few days ago and one of the things this person did was calling people pick-mes while accusing them of being transphobic. The problem is I have no idea what this word or phrase means. I know it isn't good but I don't really understand how it relates to someone other than somehow being connected or associated with transphobia, and also likely being insulting.

    AskTransgender FirstMajesticComet 8 months ago 100%
    What on earth is "trans femme disposability"?

    I'm just wondering since some person on Mastodon said it, (almost certainly a troll due to their toxic behavior) and I was wondering what it actually means or if it's something that is just made up. I tried searching on Google and there weren't really any meaningful results, just people talking about and complaining about it. So if anyone has any information on this it would be great if you shared it. Thanks


    Meme Text: ### Reminder Being an Egg doesn't mean you'll inevitably come out as trans - it means you're taking some time to figure yourself out, regardless of the result. Trans or cis, binary or nonbinary, gender conforming or not you're always welcome here! -------------------------------------------------------------------- My commentary: I saw this meme a while back and really liked it. I thought after the extremely turbulent events recently it would be a good idea to post this as a reminder for us all to remember what's important, and to respect each other both before and after the questioning process, regardless of how people identify afterwards.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    furry_irl FirstMajesticComet 8 months ago 90%

    cross-posted from: > Text: "Visualizing in the mirror the man i want t obecome" > > In the mirror is an Androgynous looking cat character wearing fem clothes

    egg_irl [NonBinary]

    Text: "Visualizing in the mirror the man i want t obecome" In the mirror is an Androgynous looking cat character wearing fem clothes

    Nonbinary FirstMajesticComet 9 months ago 98%
    Gender isn't real: it's just an idea

    cross-posted from: > cross-posted from: > >

    New Communities FirstMajesticComet 10 months ago 67%
    Feminine Boys - A text based SFW community for discussion on the Femboy experience

    A community for SFW discussion about the femboy experience. Links: - [/c/feminineboys](/c/ - !

    c/femboy FirstMajesticComet 10 months ago 100%
    Trans Rights rule
    Isogender FirstMajesticComet 12 months ago 100%
    Isogender: Why we aren't cis or trans [TW: Invalidation]

    One thing I get a lot as an Isogender is people who are confused about what it means or who think it's just trans. I'm going to break down what it means, why we are not trans, or cis for that matter, while also addressing some of the arguments brought up about us (these are arguments I and others have recieved on this). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ **What does it mean to be Isogender?** Isogender is a gender modality which falls outside of the cis and trans umbrellas, it exists as its own thing. Simply put Isogender is neither cis nor trans. You might be wondering how does that work exactly if cis=AGAB and trans≠AGAB? Well it's slightly different for different people but one explanation I've heard is that AGAB is Irrelevant to people who identify as Isogender. Personally the way that cis and trans are worded or described these days isn't great in my opinion as it seems to try and remove other options outside of the two. It enforces a binary, under those strict definitions one can either be Cis or Trans with no clear path In-between or neither. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ **"Isogender is 'technically' trans then because it isn't cis, you're just choosing not to Identify as trans"** Nope it isn't, it is neither cis nor trans, the reason is that we identify as neither. It's based on the idea that the way we identify is valid and determines who we are. Arguing technicality when it comes to a person's identity is very invalidating, as if to say they are wrong about how they identify without directly saying they're wrong. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **"Isogender doesn't exist, you're in denial about being trans bc Internalized Transphobia"** Umm... No. If it didn't exist it wouldn't have been coined and it wouldn't have multiple Wiki pages about it. People are free to identify how they feel is comfortable, an trying to argue that their identity or reasons for not identifying as trans aren't valid and that they have transphobia isn't respecting their identity, it's attempting to change their mind by telling them that it is bad or wrong to not identify as trans, or to not feel comfortable identifying as trans. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **"It's important to identify as trans even if you are Non-Binary to show that transgender is more than transsexual"** Yeah... No, it's important to identify the way that feels comfortable and correct for you. Gender identities are for the person identifying, not anyone else. You should not, nor should you be expected to identify a particular way for someone else. If it feels right to identify as trans then you can, if it doesn't than you don't have to, that's like the whole point of Isogender and other gender modalities, having options outside of the dichotomy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **"Anyone without Gender Dysphoria is just Cis and wants attention"** Transmedicalism will not be tolerated here under Rule 3 and Rule 4, there is no debate here, transmedicalism is a very hostile and harmful form of gatekeeping. People's identities are Valid and should be respected, transmedicalism fights against that, so it should be treated as the form of Bigotry that it is. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Conclusion** While this may not have covered all basis I did get to touch on what Isogender is, as well as some of the misconceptions and also some of the extremely harmful arguments related to it, and hopefully addressed them so we will not see them posted here out of Ignorance. I will leave this post up in case people would like to add anything else, or engage in constructive criticism but if there is any significant hostility or attacks the comments may be locked.

    Egg_irl [Transmasc Meme] [Nonbinary Meme]

    [IMAGE DESCRIPTION] [drowning kid + skeleton Meme]( In the top panel a mother and her kids are together in a swimming pool. The mother with text "egg_irl" is holding up her daughter with the text "transfems" over her. Meanwhile her son is drowning while she doesn't notice him with the text "transmascs" over him. In the bottom Panel a skeleton is chained to a chair at the bottom of the ocean with the text "NonBinary/Genderqueer", "Genderfluid", and "Agender" over it. Each label is colored in the colors of their own Flags respectively. [END OF IMAGE DESCRIPTION] context: Back on the original egg_irl subreddit it was common for there to be a disproportionate amount of transfem memes versus the others and a lot of them forgot to flair as [CW: Assumes Viewer is Transfem] when needed and also a few were a bit targeting towards transmascs and masculine enbies i.e. ::: spoiler spoiler "get rid of your toxic, masculine mannerisms" ::: or ::: spoiler spoiler "transmascs have cute feminine faces" ::: . Some people even started saying Egg_irl is specifically a women's space and not a trans space in general.
