prolewiki ProleWiki Teaser (will self-delete in 4 hours)
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 23 minutes ago 100%


  • agitprop Agitprop TankieTube Official Launch
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 2 days ago 100%

    So far I only have 2 channels, the tankie playlist for music and ExotiqueMatter Archive where I post random videos scavenged here and there on the internet. I may make a channel for pirated series and movies since I have a lot of it. I'd also like to make my own stuff to post but I haven't come around to thinking about what kind of videos to make.

  • mathematics Mathematics Marxist Game Theory: correction
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 1 week ago 100%

    I think one of the main effect a state should have in this model is offset the negotiations in favor of the ruling class, since the point of the state is to allow the ruling class to guaranty their control over the means of productions.

    For example, if workers try to occupy their employer's factory as a bargaining chip, the owner would call the bourgeoie police to chase them, taking the bargaining chip away from the workers and back to the capitalist who hereby maintain his control over the worker's jobs and consumption.

    So the rulling class should be assumed to have an advantage in negotiations.

    If you can find a way to quantify both classes' negotiation advantage/disadvantage through their amount of control over the means of production, and maybe find a way to have it change over time as class struggle changes the amount of control they have, maybe you could even model the effect of protests and revolutions.

  • main
    main ExotiqueMatter 1 week ago 100%
    [main] I want you guy's opinions on this liberal brainrot

    There is this youtube channel called "rational animation" that is full of libaral ![]( "emoji bazinga") ![]( "emoji my-hero") brainrot. This one video being a prime example. The ousing liberalism and idealism in this channel has been bothering me for a while and I've been wanting to ask your opinions and criticisms of it.

    comradeship Comradeship // Freechat I want you guy's opinions on this liberal brainrot
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 1 week ago 100%

    I know right? The purest brainrot I tell you.

  • comradeship
    I want you guy's opinions on this liberal brainrot

    There is this youtube channel called "rational animation" that is full of libaral ![]( "emoji bazinga") ![]( "emoji my-hero") brainrot. This one video being a prime example. The ousing liberalism and idealism in this channel has been bothering me for a while and I've been wanting to ask your opinions and criticisms of it.

    mutual_aid mutual_aid [Need Met] Resposting. Urgent help still needed - 1 day until “rent” and nothing received. Will be on the street with myriad of disabilities by 2pm tomorrow if nothing changes by then
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 1 week ago 100%

    bump whataboutism volcel police amber

  • mathematics Mathematics Marxist Game Theory: correction
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 1 week ago 100%

    This is very interesting.

    I think you should try to see what happen if you take into account the influence of the state, not just the bourgeois state but try to see what happen when either classes have state power.

    You should also try to account for the tendency for the rate of profit to fall as automation squeeze labor out of production.

  • technology technology Ukraine is fielding machine-gun turrets remotely controlled by the Steam Deck video game system
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 1 week ago 100%

    abandoned zelensky This is the most thing I've ever seen.

  • dredge_tank The Dredge Tank Drew Pablou OBSESSED with 9/11 as a kid
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 1 week ago 100%

    "I use the R-word progressively!!"

  • us_news US News Consumers Shift Spending to Pay for Basic Staples, Citi CFO Says
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 1 week ago 100%

    Well I wonder who's fault that is.

  • dredge_tank The Dredge Tank Average interaction on .world
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 1 week ago 100%


  • dredge_tank The Dredge Tank Average interaction on .world
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 1 week ago 100%

    I guess "whataboutism" is ok when they do it.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Thank you Mr. Hitler
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 1 week ago 100%

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Thank you Mr. Hitler
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 1 week ago 100%

    When I said to some random lib "y'all would support a fucking waffen SS if he was against Trump" a while back, I meant it as an hyperbole. I didn't expect to be this literally correct.

  • games games a painting i did in Rust a few years back. server owner banned my friend and me for it. he said it was "Racist against americans"
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 1 week ago 100%

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank 20 years later, same promises as 20 years ago, now with "vastly increase the probable lifespan of consciousness, as we will no longer have all our eggs, literally and metabolically... on one planet"
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 2 weeks ago 100%


  • badposting badposting Sorry leftoids, Marx failed to consider that it's human nature to shit and piss and fart
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 2 weeks ago 100%

  • anime anime I just want right wing weeb to losing their mind.
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 2 weeks ago 100%

    I would read that

  • badposting badposting a catalogue of all hairstyles currently approved by Hexbear
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 2 weeks ago 100%

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Elections are a threat to democracy
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 2 weeks ago 100%

    You could simply have passing an exam/test as a requirement to be a candidate in the election, in fact I'd say most influential positions would need that. For example, it should be required for the general secretary of a communist party to have good knowledge of theory, to ensure that we could have the candidates pass an exam.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Elections are a threat to democracy
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 2 weeks ago 100%

    "More democracy is bad for democracy"

  • news news Putin's Mongolia trip defies ICC arrest warrant: What could happen next? | Ghostarchive
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 2 weeks ago 100%

    I would welcome you with mounted cavalry

    If I had one.

  • palestine Palestine European regimes continue facilitating the genocide in Gaza
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 2 weeks ago 100%

    Why is France's contribution so much bigger than anyone else's? Do we produce that much more weapons than the rest of Europe?

  • worldnews World News "Yankees, Go Home!": Turkish street protest against the U.S. on the day Turkey applied to join BRICS
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 2 weeks ago 100%

    Turkey is cooking.

  • mathematics Mathematics Marxist Game Theory?
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 2 weeks ago 100%

    Why is it R = p X_A - k p X_B? Shouldn't it be R = (p X_A) / (k p X_B)?

  • mathematics Mathematics Marxist Game Theory?
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 2 weeks ago 100%

    I don't think I understand how the model works.

    What is R exactly and how do you get it from X_A and X_B. And what are X_A and X_B in the first place?

  • mathematics Mathematics Marxist Game Theory?
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 2 weeks ago 100%

    If I understand correctly the graph, there are 3 distinct regions.

    The very small region at the to where R>1, that seems to imply a situation where A and B would sort of switch roles, A would own most of the capital and B would own little to no capital and would live off of their labor power.

    The large middle "north-east" region where 1>R>0, where B's capital increases faster than A's. Itself made up of 3 regions, one where A does most of the labor and own little to no capital, one where A does little work despite owning little to no capital, and one where A work little and own most capital similar to the first big region.

    And the bottom right corner region where R<0, where either A or B is losing capital, but I'm not sure which.

  • mathematics Mathematics Marxist Game Theory?
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 2 weeks ago 100%

    What did you use to get this graph?

  • mathematics Mathematics Marxist Game Theory?
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 2 weeks ago 100%

    What are alpha and beta?

  • china China [抖音] Rwanda Following China's Lead on Development
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 2 weeks ago 100%


  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Another Day, Another LW Denial of Harris/Biden Genocide Support
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 3 weeks ago 100%

    "The Democrats may be doing a genocide, but have you considered cHeETo mAn bAD?"

  • anime anime Why Suletta & Miorine don't Need to Kiss - An Analysis of Romance in Gundam the Witch From Mercury
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 3 weeks ago 100%

    megamind please No kiss?

  • privacy Privacy Chat control is back on track.... again
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 3 weeks ago 100%

    These are the facts and I could give you charts with the soviet export.

    Why say I could and not do it? If you have sources, give them. You haven't linked any source whatsoever in this entire thread to back up your wild claims.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank LW Politics Hates Articles Showing Harris Same As Biden
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 3 weeks ago 100%

    There is no better option, there is no lesser evil between the two. Both party are the same evil with a different presentation.

    How is a Harris win better for Gaza? You peoples can never explain this. You take for granted that the Democrats are always less bad no matter what they do and try to force this assumption onto everyone else by trying to force discussions to start from this assumption, so that you don't have to talk about it. And whenever someone doesn't bite and insist that you showing evidence that the Dems are less bad than the Reps, you get angry, rant about Trump, try ad-hoc explanation to try to hanwave away the very bad things the Dems are openly doing and when that still doesn't work you try to handwave away every arguments against you by calling us trolls or bots or secret Trump supporters.

    If you had any leg to stand on there, you obviously wouldn't be doing that. Because all you would have to do is to point out to us your evidences that the Democrats are less evil than the Republicans.

    But since you don't have any, the only way for you to "win" that argument is to lash out and come up with ad-hoc explanations as to why arguments against you thesis have to be wrong by default without having to think about the arguments themselves.

  • geopolitics Geopolitics I don't think the meeting went well
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 3 weeks ago 100%

  • news news 'No,' Kamala Harris Says to Withholding Arms From Israel | Common Dreams
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 3 weeks ago 100%

    "We have no choice but to accept fascist policies to prevent fascist policies"

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank vote blue no matter who to stop the republicans!
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 3 weeks ago 100%

    She promised to continue building the Trump border wall, to continue supporting Israel's genocide and to make the US military "the most lethal in the world". Pretty sure she'll keep these ones too.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank vote blue no matter who to stop the republicans!
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 3 weeks ago 100%

    Given how the Democrats' seems ok ignoring voters to their left to carter to more right wing voters, and that the convinced Democrat voters' like to pretend their party hasn't done anything wrong and totally isn't slipping more and more to the right, I wouldn't be so sure about that.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank vote blue no matter who to stop the republicans!
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 3 weeks ago 100%

    Reminder that Hitler lost the 1933 election, it was the social democrat candidate who was supposed to beat Hitler who appointed him as chancellor of the Wiemar republic.

  • memes Memes Memes vs Reality
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 3 weeks ago 100%

    Ha yes, you can just do that. It's totally not out of reach for all the peoples who have to work 2~3 jobs at once and still can't save any money because even the basic necessities for survival are sold at extortion prices not to mention possible medical, college debt or mortgages.

  • memes Memes Memes vs Reality
  • ExotiqueMatter ExotiqueMatter 3 weeks ago 100%

    You're confusing private property with personal property. While this is a very common mistake, you can't claim to have an informed opinion about communism while still making it, it's 101 level stuff.

    Further, you are also making the other very common error of assuming the state is oppressive because it is like some kind of monolith somehow cut off from the rest of society as though the peoples staffing it weren't as much part of society as everyone else, this is not the case, whether a state apparatus is oppressive and against whom it is oppressive is dictated by the class character of the state, a factor that is systematically neglected by the peoples using variations of "power always corrupt" truisms to "analyze" a state.

    tl;dr: you're knowledge of communism and communist theory and praxis is very surface level at best, go read some reading list from prolewiki's library, To criticize something you need to know at least the basics of it first.

  • genzedong
    GenZedong ExotiqueMatter 1 month ago 100%
    I just found this short but very detailed report on the collapse of the Ukrainian front.

    It explains in details how and why the front collapse and what that means for both Russia and Ukraine.

    main ExotiqueMatter 2 months ago 97%
    White mastodon devs and users wouldn't listen to black mastodon users, so the POC community has forked mastodon.

    cross-posted from: Fore some times, mastodon has been unsafe for black and other minorities users, the peoples impacted by this have been complaining about it openly, emphasizing the lack of good moderation tools to make instances safer. The ![]( "emoji cracker")s on the dev team and userbase however have essentially plugged their ears and refused to listen, and instead engaged in bad faith, tone policing, minimizing racism, dismissing the testimony of black users, and telling them to "curate their experience better" with filters and blocks (even though a big part of the complaint is that this *doesn't work*). Seeing this, some black peoples who have been complaining about racism on mastodon and the lack of security features to deal with it have taken things in their own hands and made a fork of Mastodon named Awujo. [A relevant thread by (admin of a black queer instance who has been very vocal about racism on mastodon and has received a lot of ![]( "emoji cracker") backlash for it, go check their account for more threads on the subject)]( ["A Case for Community" a very short essay written by Awujo founder about the project]( [ self introduction post]( ['s acount](

    GenZedong ExotiqueMatter 2 months ago 98%
    White mastodon devs and users wouldn't listen to black mastodon users, so the POC community has forked mastodon.

    Fore some times, mastodon has been unsafe for black and other minorities users, the peoples impacted by this have been complaining about it openly, emphasizing the lack of good moderation tools to make instances safer. The ![]( "emoji cracker")s on the dev team and userbase however have essentially plugged their ears and refused to listen, and instead engaged in bad faith, tone policing, minimizing racism, dismissing the testimony of black users, and telling them to "curate their experience better" with filters and blocks (even though a big part of the complaint is that this *doesn't work*). Seeing this, some black peoples who have been complaining about racism on mastodon and the lack of security features to deal with it have taken things in their own hands and made a fork of Mastodon named Awujo. [A relevant thread by (admin of a black queer instance who has been very vocal about racism on mastodon and has received a lot of ![]( "emoji cracker") backlash for it, go check their account for more threads on the subject)]( ["A Case for Community" a very short essay written by Awujo founder about the project]( [ self introduction post]( ['s acount](

    main ExotiqueMatter 2 months ago 100%
    Peoples in need of mutual aid hijacked the MastodonForHarris hashtag :garf-troll: , don't hesitate to go donate if you can.

    cross-posted from: > [link to the thread]( > > > ![]( > ![]( > ![]( > ![]( > ![](

    GenZedong ExotiqueMatter 2 months ago 96%
    Peoples in need of mutual aid hijacked the MastodonForHarris hashtag :garf-troll: , don't hesitate to go donate if you can.

    cross-posted from: [link to the thread]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![](

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    mutual_aid ExotiqueMatter 2 months ago 100%
    Peoples in need of mutual aid hijacked the MastodonForHarris hashtag :garf-troll: , don't hesitate to go donate if you can.

    [link to the thread]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![](

    badposting ExotiqueMatter 2 months ago 100%
    WTF is an "hexbear" anyway? (wrong answers only)

    Folks! I've seen y'all talk about this hexbear creature, but I don't know no hexbear, what the heck even is a damn hexbear?

    GenZedong ExotiqueMatter 2 months ago 87%
    Help please, how do I make a lemmy post from mastodon?

    Me no understand how federation works

    Comradeship // Freechat ExotiqueMatter 2 months ago 100%
    I posted leftist music on TankieTube

    cross-posted from: I created a TankieTube channel called [The tankie playlist]( to store my leftist music playlist in case youtube takes them down and so I can have an ad free experience and share music I like with comrades while I'm at it. I have posted 94 music (including variations of a same song). Enjoy 😉 🎶

    main ExotiqueMatter 2 months ago 100%
    I posted leftist music on TankieTube

    cross-posted from: I created a TankieTube channel called [The tankie playlist]( to store my leftist music playlist in case youtube takes them down and so I can have an ad free experience and share music I like with comrades while I'm at it. I have posted 94 music (including variations of a same song). Enjoy 😉 🎶

    TankieTunes ExotiqueMatter 2 months ago 100%
    I posted leftist music on TankieTube

    cross-posted from: I created a TankieTube channel called [The tankie playlist]( to store my leftist music playlist in case youtube takes them down and so I can have an ad free experience and share music I like with comrades while I'm at it. I have posted 94 music (including variations of a same song). Enjoy 😉 🎶

    GenZedong ExotiqueMatter 2 months ago 100%
    I posted leftist music on TankieTube

    I created a TankieTube channel called [The tankie playlist]( to store my leftist music playlist in case youtube takes them down and so I can have an ad free experience and share music I like with comrades while I'm at it. I have posted 94 music (including variations of a same song). Enjoy 😉 🎶

    GenZedong ExotiqueMatter 3 months ago 100%
    Argentina's libertarian president being :funny-clown-hammer:

    ![]( "emoji funny clown hammer")

    GenZedong ExotiqueMatter 3 months ago 98%
    French breadtuber brainrot

    [link]( The title translate to "the socialisms" (yes, plural), and the image tells you everything you need to know.

    GenZedong ExotiqueMatter 3 months ago 92%
    Xigma grindset

    <iframe title="SIGMA XI GRINDSET" src="" allowfullscreen="" sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-popups allow-forms" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0"></iframe>

    Comradeship // Freechat ExotiqueMatter 3 months ago 94%
    I re-watched an anti-communist video as a communist

    cross-posted from: > So, back when I was a social-democrat slightly intrigued by communism I tried to listen to "both sides" to form my opinion and so I looked for videos from both communists and anti-communists. Out of the few things I watched I retained mostly, "Debunking every anti-communist argument ever" by spooky scary socialist on the pro-communist side and this series of 3 videos on the anti-communist side: > > [Marx, responsable des goulags ? La lutte des classes]( > > [Critique de la lutte des classes selon Karl Marx]( > > [Critique de l'économie selon Karl Marx]( > > Those 3 struck me as relatively convincing at the time (I knew nothing about Marxism whatsoever back then). > > Recently, seeing recommended videos from this channel made me look back and wonder how I would see these same videos now as a Marxist-Leninist and after procrastinating it for months I finally decided to re-watch them. And low and behold, they are dumb. > > The youtuber makes a big show of explaining his bare minimum knowledge and shaky comprehension of Marx's writings which makes it looks like he know what he's talking about to the uninitiated but it's really mainly the old anti-communist drivel: denying class struggle and the labor theory of value, pretending that communists want a perfect utopia and say "that wasn't real communism" when AES are brought up, pretending that Marx was an accelerationist, etc... > > I would be interested in having other MLs opinions on this brainrot, especially since for better or for worst it has been part of my political evolution.

    main ExotiqueMatter 3 months ago 100%
    I re-watched an anti-communist video as a communist

    cross-posted from: > So, back when I was a social-democrat slightly intrigued by communism I tried to listen to "both sides" to form my opinion and so I looked for videos from both communists and anti-communists. Out of the few things I watched I retained mostly, "Debunking every anti-communist argument ever" by spooky scary socialist on the pro-communist side and this series of 3 videos on the anti-communist side: > > [Marx, responsable des goulags ? La lutte des classes]( > > [Critique de la lutte des classes selon Karl Marx]( > > [Critique de l'économie selon Karl Marx]( > > Those 3 struck me as relatively convincing at the time (I knew nothing about Marxism whatsoever back then). > > Recently, seeing recommended videos from this channel made me look back and wonder how I would see these same videos now as a Marxist-Leninist and after procrastinating it for months I finally decided to re-watch them. And low and behold, they are dumb. > > The youtuber makes a big show of explaining his bare minimum knowledge and shaky comprehension of Marx's writings which makes it looks like he know what he's talking about to the uninitiated but it's really mainly the old anti-communist drivel: denying class struggle and the labor theory of value, pretending that communists want a perfect utopia and say "that wasn't real communism" when AES are brought up, pretending that Marx was an accelerationist, etc... > > I would be interested in having other MLs opinions on this brainrot, especially since for better or for worst it has been part of my political evolution.

    GenZedong ExotiqueMatter 3 months ago 100%
    I re-watched an anti-communist video as a communist

    So, back when I was a social-democrat slightly intrigued by communism I tried to listen to "both sides" to form my opinion and so I looked for videos from both communists and anti-communists. Out of the few things I watched I retained mostly, "Debunking every anti-communist argument ever" by spooky scary socialist on the pro-communist side and this series of 3 videos on the anti-communist side: [Marx, responsable des goulags ? La lutte des classes]( [Critique de la lutte des classes selon Karl Marx]( [Critique de l'économie selon Karl Marx]( Those 3 struck me as relatively convincing at the time (I knew nothing about Marxism whatsoever back then). Recently, seeing recommended videos from this channel made me look back and wonder how I would see these same videos now as a Marxist-Leninist and after procrastinating it for months I finally decided to re-watch them. And low and behold, they are dumb. The youtuber makes a big show of explaining his bare minimum knowledge and shaky comprehension of Marx's writings which makes it looks like he know what he's talking about to the uninitiated but it's really mainly the old anti-communist drivel: denying class struggle and the labor theory of value, pretending that communists want a perfect utopia and say "that wasn't real communism" when AES are brought up, pretending that Marx was an accelerationist, etc... I would be interested in having other MLs opinions on this brainrot, especially since for better or for worst it has been part of my political evolution.

    GenZedong ExotiqueMatter 4 months ago 100%
    PRCF (a french ML party) explain how the government's neo-colonial policies caused the violence in New Caledonia. 🇳🇨🇫🇷

    [Nouvelle Calédonie : contre le régime Macron et l’escalade du chaos colonial, les voix se multiplient de l’outre mer à l’hexagone]( Iniciative communiste is one of the PRCF's outlets.

    GenZedong ExotiqueMatter 4 months ago 100%
    Comments on an anti-russian propaganda short, then vs now

    I stumbled upon an anti russian propaganda youtube short made during the wagner militia's very short lived insurgency, it was made 10 months ago but the algorithm apparently started recommending it again a few months ago. What made me make this post isn't the video in itself but the comments. Especially the contrast between comments from back when it was published and comments from a few months ago to now. Comments then: ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( Comments now: ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![](

    GenZedong ExotiqueMatter 4 months ago 100%
    Apparently, anti-french protesters in nouvelle-calédonie have raided a police station and armed themselves with what they found there.

    GenZedong ExotiqueMatter 6 months ago 90%
    Liberal voting "strategy" be like

    I voted democrats even though they are genociding Palestinians because the republicans would genocide Palestinians AND trans peoples. Then in the next elections I voted democrats even though they are genociding Palestinians and trans peoples because the republicans would genocide Palestinians and trans peoples AND latinos. Then in the next elections I voted democrats even though they are genociding Palestinians and trans peoples and latinos because the republicans would genocide Palestinians and trans peoples and latinos AND the disabled. Then in the next elections I voted democrats even though they are genociding Palestinians and trans peoples and latinos and the disabled because the republicans would genocide Palestinians and trans peoples and latinos and the disabled AND gay peoples. Then in the next elections I voted democrats even though they are genociding Palestinians and trans peoples and latinos and the disabled and gay peoples because the republicans would genocide Palestinians and trans peoples and latinos and the disabled and gay peoples AND black peoples. Then in the next elections…

    GenZedong ExotiqueMatter 6 months ago 96%
    Reallifelore posts some cringe again

    At least it makes a decent job of criticizing french exploitation of Africa but between the Orientalism and *muh sneaky bad Russians* I can't recommend it as a support to learn about the coups in Africa.

    main ExotiqueMatter 6 months ago 100%
    We should encourage good faith liberals to talk with us

    cross-posted from: > The vast majority of liberals who ever comment posts on lemmygrad and hexbear are of the insufferable variety while the ones who are willing to have actual conversations are a very silent faction that we see verry rarely. I think we should find a way to encourage the latter to engage more with us while keeping out the smuglords. > > Of course, keeping out smuglords all the while making sure that as much good faith peoples see us could prove difficult and would demand to have a strict management to make it possible given the current conditions off the lemmyverse but I think it would be worth it. > > One way I think we could go about it could be to make a pined megathread every week/month depending on what is the most convenient that would be meant specifically for curious liberals to come talk to us. It should have strict healthy debate rules to keep smuglords out and curb excesses from those of us who tend to be too harsh toward even good faith lib, the subjects doesn't need to be strictly political, in fact I believe that more casual conversation and memes should be encouraged to break with the more serious talk from time to time, we should also encourage varying conversation topics with more economics and political theory as our conversation with liberals tend to center around history and actuality and barely touch on other topics, which I think is kind of a shame. > > Of course that's just an idea I'm throwing out there and I would like everyone to give opinions and ideas below. > >Edit: By "good faith peoples" I was mostly thinking of the apolitical peoples, the ones who aren't really invested in politics, I worded that a bit badly.

    GenZedong ExotiqueMatter 6 months ago 92%
    We should encourage good faith liberals to talk with us

    The vast majority of liberals who ever comment posts on lemmygrad and hexbear are of the insufferable variety while the ones who are willing to have actual conversations are a very silent faction that we see verry rarely. I think we should find a way to encourage the latter to engage more with us while keeping out the smuglords. Of course, keeping out smuglords all the while making sure that as much good faith peoples see us could prove difficult and would demand to have a strict management to make it possible given the current conditions off the lemmyverse but I think it would be worth it. One way I think we could go about it could be to make a pined megathread every week/month depending on what is the most convenient that would be meant specifically for curious liberals to come talk to us. It should have strict healthy debate rules to keep smuglords out and curb excesses from those of us who tend to be too harsh toward even good faith lib, the subjects doesn't need to be strictly political, in fact I believe that more casual conversation and memes should be encouraged to break with the more serious talk from time to time, we should also encourage varying conversation topics with more economics and political theory as our conversation with liberals tend to center around history and actuality and barely touch on other topics, which I think is kind of a shame. Of course that's just an idea I'm throwing out there and I would like everyone to give opinions and ideas below. Edit: By "good faith peoples" I was mostly thinking of the apolitical peoples, the ones who aren't really invested in politics, I worded that a bit badly.
