knitting Knitting The 5 Knitting Styles (And How to Knit Them)
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 3 months ago 100%

    Thanks for sharing this, I didn't know about some of these and always fun to learn more.

    I've tried Portuguese, continental and English but stayed with continental. Getting purls down with even tension and not hurting my wrist took some time but got there in the end

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy SAD light location and use for programmers?
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 9 months ago 100%

    We have one in our office that we put on a shelf above eye height when we're all working. It seems to be okay just kind of shining down on us. It's usually on the whole day but we're only in for a few hours at a time, we all have meetings and appointments with other people so pop in and out of the office.

  • knitting Knitting Coziest jumper in the whole dang world
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 9 months ago 100%

    Both comments are showing for me! Thanks for that, the cable jumper I'm doing right now is a merino/acrylic blend and it's getting very heavy and thick so I'm getting a bit anxious about how wearable it'll be. I guess it's all learning.

    I hope you get many wonderful wears from your jumper and have a lovely Christmas

  • knitting Knitting Coziest jumper in the whole dang world
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 9 months ago 100%

    This looks great! I've been tempted with chunky yarns for a jumper, however the next one in my queue is fingering weight so I'll have to wait a bit.

    Is the acrylic comfy to wear? Or does it get too hot?

  • risa Risa They have a strong psychic connection
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 9 months ago 100%

    Mind the cows in the nebula Richard... I mean number 1

  • gaybros GayBros What controllable attributes do you find attractive?
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 9 months ago 100%

    There's some of the obvious ones like cleanliness and being kind to service people. I think dress sense is one to a degree as well, I don't mean being super curated but at least putting some effort in.

    One of the more boring ones I've picked up as I've aged is financial literacy and being good with money. I love a guy with a big spreadsheet.

    Hobbies is one for me too. Something people are interested in or passionate about gives them depth and character.

  • knitting Knitting How did you learn to knit, and where do you continue to learn new techniques?
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 10 months ago 100%

    I did try to learn from my grandmother when I was a kid but it didn't stick. I don't think I had the manual dexterity, when I looked it up on YouTube as an adult I didn't have too much trouble with it.

    I had forgotten learning from my grandmother but I found some of my old notes and things at her house the other week that been stored away for the last 30 years or so.

    Now I learn from YouTube and certain books. How to knit socks that fit, jumper knitting handbook type stuff and the Japanese knitting stitch Bible.

    I started with crochet and moved onto knitting. Now I much prefer it and how versatile it is

  • knitting Knitting A flawless out of context boost by [@knitting](
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 10 months ago 100%




    Speechless. Just speechless

  • knitting Knitting WIP Wednesday: Handsome Chris Pullover
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 10 months ago 100%

    I mean it does still jump out sometimes, depends how hard I pull!

    Just measured it and it's 7 inches across/diameter so fairly large yes

  • risa Risa Holo-Novel: Legend (1985)
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 10 months ago 100%

    Oh my god it's true!

  • knitting Knitting WIP Wednesday: Handsome Chris Pullover
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 10 months ago 100%

    I've not rewound this yarn, I'm just taking the label off and getting the end. I use the bowl to have something to put the yarn in basically and because I think it looks nice. I'm terrible for buying hobby bits because they look nice, I have so many pins and stitch markers and things.

    Like another person said though, if it was one of the fancy yarns that comes in a hank (I think they're called) I'd need to wind it first so it was a ball before being able to use it.

  • knitting Knitting WIP Wednesday: Handsome Chris Pullover
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 10 months ago 100%

    Thank you! Yes it's quite fun being all casual about doing something that looks complicated. I am pleased I can cable without a needle though and don't think this would be possible without that technique!

  • knitting Knitting WIP Wednesday: Handsome Chris Pullover
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 10 months ago 100%

    Thank you, that's really kind. It is a lot of cables lol and I was worried about handling it. To be honest though once you do a few repeats it's fairly easy to keep track of what's going on

  • knitting Knitting WIP Wednesday: Handsome Chris Pullover
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 10 months ago 100%

    Thank you very much! I practiced a fair bit before trying this pattern. You should give it a go!

  • knitting Knitting WIP Wednesday: Handsome Chris Pullover
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 10 months ago 100%

    Thank you! Hopefully I can do it justice when it's finished

  • knitting
    Knitting Ensign_Rutherford 10 months ago 100%
    WIP Wednesday: Handsome Chris Pullover

    I'm trying my hand at the [Handsome Chris Pullover]( after successfully (nearly) completing a colourwork jumper. I feel like I'm going to jinx myself but it's actually been easier than I thought so far and no major issues. I've had to ladder down a couple of times to fix a cable but I can manage that. Only on the back panel about half way through so we'll see how I feel when it comes to the neck at the front! The pattern seems a bit bare when talking about the arms, does anyone have any experience with making this and have any ideas/advice on the arms? Bonus pic: ![](

    uk_politics UK Politics Corrupt Pig Fucker Appointed Foreign Secretary
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 10 months ago 50%
  • risa Risa Did someone say Gorn & Morn posting?
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 11 months ago 100%

    By Dr. Bashir! Amazing!

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy It's the horror movie season. What is your favorite horror movie genre, and what do you consider to be the absolute best example of that horror genre?
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 11 months ago 100%

    That looks hilarious, defintely going to check it out!

    I was always partial to Tucker and Dale vs Evil for horror comedy

  • gaybros GayBros What to do on a first date?
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 12 months ago 100%

    Yes these are fun suggestions, thank you. I really like the idea of go karts but not a lot of conversation involved, maybe a second or third time meeting for that one.

    I might go down the pier and go on the rides

  • gaybros GayBros What to do on a first date?
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 12 months ago 100%

    This is definitely doable and a fun idea, thank you! It's top of the list 😉

  • gaybros
    GayBros Ensign_Rutherford 12 months ago 100%
    What to do on a first date?

    Hey guys! I've been getting back into dating after 10 years (!) and I'm feeling a bit out of the loop with some things. I got onto an app, took some nice pics, did the swiping and made good chat about the things on his profile. Now we're up to the date part and I'm feeling a bit stuck so hoping you can help! What do you think would be a good first date experience? Also what would be a bad first date so I know what to avoid? He's into video games and anime but also walking and the outdoors, he's got a puppy too so that could be fun to incorporate maybe? Or would that be too much? We live in a coastal town so the beach is an option. Help me bros!

    gaybros GayBros So apparently, spreading news about an homophobic attack is considered islamophobic
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 12 months ago 100%

    I'm going to leave these comments up I think but I just wanted to chime in and say expressing hate for any group based on their location of birth, race, ethnicity, age, religion, etc. isn't okay here and will also get you booted.

  • syncforlemmy Sync for Lemmy Mods of Lemmy what can I add in Sync to make your life easier?
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 1 year ago 100%

    No, this sounds like a great idea and something I'd like to see as well.

  • risa Risa [Spoiler] Michael Sullivan
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 1 year ago 100%

    Thanks for putting a tag on, I get they're not required so it's kind of you. Hope I didn't come across as rude!

  • memes Memes Delicious
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 1 year ago 80%

  • risa Risa [Spoiler] Michael Sullivan
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 1 year ago 90%

    This looks like it's from a new episode of Lower Decks. It might be nice to put a spoiler tag on it even though it didn't spoil much 👍

  • risa Risa Terrifying and wholesome. Terrisome? Whorrifying?
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 1 year ago 100%

  • memes Memes please stay there
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 1 year ago 100%

    It's happening!

  • knitting Knitting Introducing fortnightly knitting community themes!
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 1 year ago 100%

    You didn't need to call me out like that with the 'Weave in your ends, slacker!' but I get the hint and will try to get some old stuff posted!

  • gaybros GayBros Dating app Grindr loses nearly half its staff after trying to force a return to office
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 1 year ago 100%

    Part of me wants to say something serious about the issue of unions being crushed by corporate America...

    How did I not notice?

  • gaybros
    GayBros Ensign_Rutherford 1 year ago 86%
    Dating app Grindr loses nearly half its staff after trying to force a return to office

    Part of me wants to say something serious about the issue of unions being crushed by corporate America, however the other part wants to laugh with schadenfreude at the hilarious mistake management have made here. Either way a lot of people's sex lives might be affected 🤷

    risa Risa
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 1 year ago 100%

  • risa Risa I don't know why these random moments live in my mind rent-free, but they do
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 1 year ago 100%

    Yes! He looks so upset about it too

  • risa Risa I don't know why these random moments live in my mind rent-free, but they do
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 1 year ago 100%

    I always think of Quark talking to Rom about their mum

    "Remember how the other children used to tease us about her. Your mother won't chew your food. Your mother talks to strangers."

  • risa Risa The look of a man trying to not kill a producer
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 1 year ago 80%

    Your profile pic is perfect for this comment!

  • risa Risa *Permanently Deleted*
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 1 year ago 100%

    Janeway was always a scientist, clearly working on cutting edge stuff.

    Hope you enjoyed the cake!

  • risa Risa *Permanently Deleted*
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 1 year ago 100%

    Congrats on reaching one hundred! Here's a cake to celebrate 🍰

    I'm glad Janeway let you live.

  • risa Risa I wanna be Tendi, but I'm totally a Boimler.
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 1 year ago 100%

    I'm clearly a Rutherford

  • risa Risa At a speed of warp 10. Let's Salamander some Corpses.
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 1 year ago 66%

    She is totally one of my faves. I wasn't even aware of all this stuff about Tuvix until I joined lemmy, personally I don't think she did anything wrong either

  • risa Risa At a speed of warp 10. Let's Salamander some Corpses.
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 1 year ago 100%

    This barrage of hate against Katfish is making me cackle. Keep it coming!

  • gaybros GayBros Where you at bro?
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 1 year ago 100%

    Well at least you have the y'all going on!

  • gaybros GayBros Where you at bro?
  • Ensign_Rutherford Ensign_Rutherford 1 year ago 100%

    Do you have the accent?

  • gaybros
    GayBros Ensign_Rutherford 1 year ago 89%
    Has anyone else seen Our Flag Means Death?

    If you have who's your favourite character? I love this show and would be great to hear what others think, season 2 is coming out in October! If you haven't seen it then please do yourself a favour and go watch it. It's a comedy about pirates and it is the gayest show I've seen in a long time! It's got Taika Waititi in it, what more do you need to know? If you liked What We Do In The Shadows then you'll like this. My favourite is Blackbeard, he's so secretly wholesome and I hadn't realised how hot Taika Waititi is until I saw him in this!

    Quark's Ensign_Rutherford 1 year ago 92%
    TiL: Paul Stamets (of Discovery) is a real life mycologist here on earth!

    This is probably old news to other people but I only just noticed this. Seems like a pretty interesting guy!

    GayBros Ensign_Rutherford 1 year ago 91%
    Where you at bro?

    Someone mentioned their location in a post the other day and it got me wondering what part of the world we're all from. I think I've mostly spoken to Europeans which is a surprise. I'll go first! I'm in the South of the UK on the coast. We're having a rare sunny day so I'm writing this on my lunch break on the beach 🏖️

    GayBros Ensign_Rutherford 1 year ago 87%
    Which television show has the hottest cast?

    Which television show do you think has the hottest cast of dudes and dudettes? My vote is for the Chilling Tales of Sabrina the Teenage Witch. ![]( I was surprised to come to that conclusion but when I thought about it there are a lot of hotties in there. I thought it was going to be Sense8, but that's taken the runner up position. What do you all think? I need something new to watch and fancy some eye candy!

    GayBros Ensign_Rutherford 1 year ago 78%
    Who's your favourite gay couple from television/film?

    I've only recently found Schitts Creek and have fallen in love with it. I really like the relationship between Patrick and David and think it might be my favourite representation of a gay couple on TV ever. Who are your favourite couples on television and film?

    GayBros Ensign_Rutherford 1 year ago 91%
    Clapham stabbing: Two men injured in homophobic attack - BBC News

    Really sad to see more attacks like this happening in places that are usually accepting. I used to go to this pub and know people who still do go there, it must be so weird for them going to the MET for help when all the reports show them as institutionally homophobic, racist and sexist. What's it like where you are?
