nyheder Nyheder Dansk opdagelse kan blive en game changer for plantekøkkenet
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 100%

    SVJV udvindes MSG primært ved fermentering af stivelse og sukkeraf forskellig art, så det er allerede plantebaseret.

  • meta Meta [Support - Solved] Sopuli is very slow to load when I'm logged in
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 100%

    I have having major issues lately as well using the voyager app. My account on sopuli.xyz is the only one with issues, my alt on another instance works just fine.

    It takes a long time to load anything, and comments in posts turn up in my inbox several days delayed.

    Hoping you find the cause of this soon 👍

  • 3dprinting 3DPrinting [SOLVED] Trouble with ASA prints
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 100%

    Wow yeah that first one is pretty terrible looking 😅

    I'm decently pleased with mine though, but I'm really looking forward to the quality on the voron. I actually already have "the filter" on my current printer (slightly oddly placed in the tent, but it works), and I just connected it directly to the printer PSU and manually turn it on/off with a toggle switch.

  • aboringdystopia A Boring Dystopia Millionaire tries to prove becoming wealthy is easy by becoming homeless and making a million in a year - and of course fails miserably and quits, citing reality
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 70%

    True, but those things are achievable for "normal" people without having loads of money to begin with...well, maybe less so in the US where education is so expensive compared to other places.

  • aboringdystopia A Boring Dystopia Millionaire tries to prove becoming wealthy is easy by becoming homeless and making a million in a year - and of course fails miserably and quits, citing reality
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 97%

    Black ended the challenge having completed 10 months, with just 60 days left to run. He had managed to make a grand total of $64,000.

    Pretty damn far from a million, but much more than many make in a year still. I do wonder if he used contacts/network he made while wealthy, that would easily completely invalidate the point he was trying to make.

  • nyheder Nyheder Socialdemokratiet håber, at færre akademikere betyder flere pædagoger
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 100%

    Regeringen går virkelig all in på at bruge pisken i stedet for guleroden med stort set alt de foretager sig.

  • nyheder Nyheder Socialdemokratiet håber, at færre akademikere betyder flere pædagoger
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 80%

    Rasmus Stoklund sætter stadig sin lid til, at regeringens reform kommer til at virke efter hensigten:

    Der er jo ikke nogen af os her i studiet, der kan vide, hvad der sker - det er jo en trossag.

    Rasmus, du er jo en idiot og burde ikke sidde i en stilling, hvor du kan have indflydelse på hvordan landet styres. Det bør ikke være "tro" som styrer politikeres handlinger, det bør være fakta.

  • spoergsmaal_og_svar Spørgsmål og Svar Hvilken bil ville i købe?
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 100%

    Den er overraskende rummelig når man lægger bagsæderne ned, og med den store firkantede åbning kan man faktisk fragte pænt store ting i den, så længe der maks skal være to i bilen. Og det er et 2:1 split bagsæde, så man kan lægge den ene side ned og have plads til tre personer samtidig med en pæn mængde bagage/gods.

    Havde sågar engang en kollega der fik plads til et 70" TV i kassen, med alle døre.og vinduer lukket, i sin up...der var så kun plads til ham, men alligevel, det er ikke dårligt.

    Edit: men en corolla er også en god lille bil der er billig at reparere.

  • privacy Privacy [Solved] Looking for a privacy oriented fitness tracker
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 100%

    Garmin is pretty much gold standard when it comes to sports tracking. Most other brands are a step down, and I imagine a FOSS watch like the bangle.js is a significant step down from Garmin watches WRT sports tracking.

  • fedditdk Feddit.dk [2024-04-22] Hvad har du lige læst/set/spillet/hørt/gjort den sidste uge?
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 100%

    Hvordan gik det så?

  • 3dprinting 3DPrinting [SOLVED] Trouble with ASA prints
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 100%

    The solution was more cooling. It was warping due to too much heat, I increased cooling to 100% and reduced overhang speed slightly and it now prints well.

  • 3dprinting 3DPrinting [SOLVED] Trouble with ASA prints
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 80%

    Both ASA and ABS are approved materials. ASA has higher heat defection than ABS, should be easier to print and it smells significantly less when printing.

  • 3dprinting 3DPrinting [SOLVED] Trouble with ASA prints
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 75%

    Fans are completely disabled, except for overhangs and bridges. If I disable fans for overhangs and bridges, they sag like crazy.

    I doubt draft shield is going to do anything, the printer is already completely enclosed in a tent. I have around 50-55°C inside the tent.

    Edit: I tried a re-print with less cooling for overhangs, it seems to exacerbate the issue significantly.

  • 3dprinting
    3DPrinting DreadPotato 5 months ago 93%
    [SOLVED] Trouble with ASA prints

    ***[SOLVED] cause: not enough cooling for overhangs*** *I increased cooling on overhangs from 60% to 100%, and decreased overhang (10-25%) speed from 100% of outer wall speed to 85%. Issue went away completely and it now prints nicely 👌* I've started printing parts for my voron 2.4, and it's generally going well enough. The parts are looking pretty decent. But I'm having a hard time getting good results with *overhanging sharp corners*. They tend to warp upwards as seen in the photo on the left side. The prints stick well enough to the build plate and I don't have any other warping or adhesion issues. Is this because my cooling for overhangs is too much? I generally print with no part cooling in an enclosure. Temps are 245°C on the nozzle and 105°C on the bed, using 60° fan speed for overhangs. I'm printing on a anycubic kobra 2 with azurefilm ASA.

    privacy Privacy Youtube is now unusable without a frontend
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 100%

    Piped isn't working for me either anymore. I was using piped.adminforge.de before, but I've tried other instances too without any luck. It won't load play any videos at all. I can search and find stuff without issues, but I can't play anything.

  • futurology Futurology CATL Unveils TENER, the World's First Five-Year Zero Degradation Energy Storage System with 6.25MWh Capacity
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 100%

    I known perfectly well what position CATL is in on the battery market...but this is still nothing but PR bullshit, there is nothing but buzzwords in the link, no data or anything to backup their supposed breakthrough. PR "articles" like this are worth nothing, it's an advertisement and nothing more.

  • futurology Futurology CATL Unveils TENER, the World's First Five-Year Zero Degradation Energy Storage System with 6.25MWh Capacity
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 87%

    The "article" is just a load of PR bullshit without any details whatsoever or any real info...so maybe they're just doing that...maybe not...it's impossible to tell from the link provided.

  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 100%

    You're just making it worse better.

  • finans Finans Danish Crown lukker slagteri i Ringsted [med 1200 stillinger]
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 100%

    Der her kommer helt sikkert til at kunne mærkes i byen. Jeg er spændt på om det så har nogen følgevirkninger på NNF, som ligger i Ringsted netop pga. slagteriet. Hvis de fyrede ikke finder andre jobs indenfor fødevareindustrien, så stopper de jo nok som medlemmer hos NNF.

  • nyheder Nyheder Fædre holder langt mere barsel efter ny lov – især dem, der tidligere holdt mindst orlov
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 100%
  • technology Technology The Tiny Ultrabright Laser that Can Melt Steel
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 100%

    But then you don't want face-melting lasers.

    Now hold on...I can see that being useful too. Two consecutive failed face IDs? BAM!!!* face melting laser on the (probably) unauthorized person trying to access your phone.

  • opensource Open Source HealthyPi Move: An Upcoming Open-Source Smartwatch
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 100%

    These watches typically come with charging cables, not a docking style station that you put them in. And keeping devices at a perpetual full charge for expended periods of time is a surefire way to kill the capacity quickly.

  • opensource Open Source HealthyPi Move: An Upcoming Open-Source Smartwatch
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 100%

    I mean, I get a full week from my coros pace 2, with 5-6h of GPS cardio tracking (running) and 24h metrics (steps, stress, sleep, etc.) on a 310mAh battery. It takes a whopping 2h to recharge back to full, I would hate having to manage a tiny extra battery to save those 2h of not wearing my watch.

  • opensource Open Source HealthyPi Move: An Upcoming Open-Source Smartwatch
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 100%

    If all you want from a watch is time and alarms, you're obviously not even remotely in the demographic that any smartwatch is targeting.

  • fedditdk Feddit.dk [2024-04-15] Hvad har du lige læst/set/spillet/hørt/gjort den sidste uge?
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 100%

    Uh den ville jeg også vildt gerne se, men det er desværre prime video. Og jeg er slet ikke typen der går med træben...😅

  • micromobility micromobility - Ebikes, scooters, longboards: Whatever floats your goat, this is micromobility E-bike power limit: BA and ACT urge bike industry to resist 500W proposal
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 85%

    "Acoustic" is just not an adjective that makes any kind of sense whatsoever...if you want to modify the language to better describe what you're talking about, at least pick words that make sense.

  • homeassistant homeassistant Warning: HAOS may become unbootable after upgrade from 12.1 -> 12.2
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 100%

    So am I, no hiccups whatsoever.

  • technology Technology Tesla Owner Calls Police on Rivian Driver Using Supercharger
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 60%

    Because the implication is, that Tesla isn't doing something bad WRT how they designed the stalls? IDK, anything that's not bashing Tesla directly seems to get down voted here, even if it's not actually related specifically to Tesla.

  • technology Technology Tesla Owner Calls Police on Rivian Driver Using Supercharger
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 66%

    It is objectively safer to park like that (charging or not). Most parking lot accidents happens as someone leaves the parking spot. The risk of accidents when leaving the parking spot is significantly reduced compared to parking front first.

  • technology Technology Tesla Owner Calls Police on Rivian Driver Using Supercharger
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 100%

    It was actually quite well planned out, opening up the network in stages to see that everything worked as intended before a wide rollout. You can even see in the app which chargers are open to other car brands. This mistake is 100% on the driver, the info is easily available to that person.

  • degoogle DeGoogle Yourself Alternative to Google maps?
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 100%

    It just kind of sucks compared to maps. You need to know the exact address of the place you want to navigate to, you can't type the name of the place.

  • nyheder Nyheder Tobaksforbud vil skabe illegalt marked
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 100%

    Det lyder i mine ører som en ret dårlig løsning at afkriminalisere. Man beholder alle ulemperne ved at det er bander der sælger det, og slutbrugeren får ingen af fordelene som man ville have ved organiseret og kontrolleret lovlig produktion og salg.

  • technology Technology Toyota signs Huawei to help accelerate smart driving development
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 100%

    On top of that, the bZ4x is apparently a really shitty car. So on top of only having that one model, it's also a terrible one.

  • nyheder Nyheder Tobaksforbud vil skabe illegalt marked
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 100%

    Hvad er forskellen på lovligt og afkriminaliseret? Begge dele er vel lovligt og ikke strafbart.

  • opensource Open Source What apps would you love to have open-source alternatives for?
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 100%

    The comment I originally commented on compared them as if they were similar tool, (before it was edited), which I simply pointed out it is not. It's like saying a plane and a helicopter are the same, sure they both are able to lift off the ground, but the similarities kind of stop there.

  • opensource Open Source What apps would you love to have open-source alternatives for?
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 25%

    But they don't really have similar scopes... One is for technical models, based on extruded 2D drawings, the other is for abstract 3D modelling. Sure in both if them the end product is a 3D model, but they're achieved in vastly different ways with completely different skillsets and different use cases.

  • opensource Open Source What apps would you love to have open-source alternatives for?
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 23%

    Blender is not CAD software though, it's 3D modelling software. They're not quite the same thing, and they're intended for (and excel at) different things.

  • 3dprinting 3DPrinting Sovol SV08 debuts Apr 18 and <$600 US
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 100%

    Would this be a good entry level device?

    Kind of impossible to say right now, it's not released yet. On paper it seems like a good deal, almost too good at that price point. I wouldn't buy one until I've seen some reviews.

  • 3dprinting 3DPrinting Sovol SV08 debuts Apr 18 and <$600 US
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 100%

    Damn, that's a crazy low price for a coreXY with a 42.000cm^3 build volume

  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 100%

    I wouldn't bother using it for anything other than starters, stale oxidised malt won't make good beer. Shit it, shit out.

  • opensource Open Source Help Building a Stream Box
  • DreadPotato DreadPotato 5 months ago 100%

    max resolution of 720p in web browsers

    What the fucking fuck!? That shit should be illegal AF if you pay for the 1080p or 4k tier...

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearHO
    Homeassistant DreadPotato 6 months ago 100%
    [SOLVED]No host internet connection error despite functional internet connection

    ***[SOLVED] I changed the IP of my Adguard yesterday and forgot to update DNS in HA. It updates just fine after I updated the DNS IP in HA. I'm guessing everything else worked outbound, despite the wrong DNS in HA, because I had the correct DNS set it in my router.*** I wanted to update my HA this morning but got ![this error](https://sopuli.xyz/pictrs/image/ba2c26e8-8c06-44e6-bc4d-272168e71bf3.webp). Which is a bit weird, because my HA is reachable from outside my home network via nabu casa, and all my integrations relying on internet work just fine. It can even ping outside my home network.

    Selfhosted DreadPotato 6 months ago 90%
    [SOLVED, user error] Proxmox not conncected to internet, but is reachable on LAN

    ***[SOLVED]*** *Turns out I'm just a bigger moron than I thought. The MAC address of my server had accidentally been flagged in my router for black listing.* As the title says, my proxmox host is apparently not able to reach the internet anymore, not sure for how long this has been an issue, I rarely work on the host itself. It can ping other devices on my network just fine, and other devices can ping it. I can also SSH in to it and access the web interface. My VMs are connected to the internet without any issues. I don't need to access the host remotely/outside my home network, this is just for updating it etc. I can't see the host under active devices in my router though. I have been trying to figure why, but so far without any luck.

    VoronDesign DreadPotato 7 months ago 100%
    Self sourcing vs complete kit

    I've just about convinced myself that I need a voron trident to replace my current cheap bedslinger. Since I can't live with the small print area of the 0.2, that one is out of the picture although I was thinking of that first. I like the DIY and open aspect of them, but many of the kits I can get locally seem grossly overpriced at around 1700 euros for a trident or 2.4 kit that I have to do all the work on myself. Is there actually any significant saving by sourcing all parts yourself instead of buying the kits? Anyone here have experience buying all the individual parts? Brands to go for or avoid?

    3DPrinting DreadPotato 7 months ago 97%
    How do I fix these god-awful seams?

    I have trouble fixing the terrible seams I'm getting. I've followed Elli's print tuning guide and calibrated extruder, tuned PA (it's now 0.035) and extrusion multiplier. I've tried adjusting both retraction length and speed, but it doesn't seem to have much impact. I'm not using "wipe on retract" or "retract on layer change", I only retract if travel distance is longer than 3mm. Retract is 0.3mm @35mm/s. I've tried reducing PA smooth time too, but this also doesn't seem to have a noticable impact. I've tried reducing seam gap from the default 10% in Orca all the way down to 0%, but the bad seams persist. I've tried with "wipe on loops" both disabled and enabled with no difference. I've tried with both arachne and classic wall generator, no difference. I've tried different wall orders, inner/outer, inner/outer/inner and outer/inner, all with the same bad seams. Filament in the picture is matte PLA, it is without doubt dry and generally prints well aside from the seams. It's stored vacuum sealed with silica, and I use a filament dryer to dry if I suspect wet filament. I'm running out of ideas for where to tweak to get a decent result.

    VoronDesign DreadPotato 7 months ago 100%
    Voron 0.2R1 print dimensions

    How difficult would it be to increase the build plate size of a 0.2R1 from 120 to something larger like 200mm? I would be OK keeping the 120mm Z-axis print height

    3DPrinting DreadPotato 7 months ago 100%
    Linear rail mod on Anycubic Kobra 2

    I've been contemplating switching the rods that my X and Y axis travel on to linear rails instead. The current hardware is double SS rods with SG15 bearings, with an eccentric nut to adjust tension on the rods. Unfortunately these rods are not evenly spaced on my Y-axis. They're closer together at the back than at the front, deviating with 0.5mm. So the rollers are either too tight at the front, or too loose at the back, meaning the bed wobbles a bit when using the front of the bed, or skips layers due to higher resistance on the rollers when using the back of the bed. I could lower the movement speed, but I would rather fix the actual cause of the issue. I have some suspicion that the rollers are also not rolling smoothly on the rods and sometimes slip/skip on them instead. And then I came across the Voron switchwire and Ender3-to-switchwire conversions. Now I'm not really willing to fully rebuild the printer as a switchwire, but changing to linear rails on Y and X axes is not a massive rebuild and considerably cheaper. I would keep the existing threaded rods for the Z-axis. I would use the hardware I have now (motors, pulleys, belts, bed-mount, belt tensioners) with minor modifications to accommodate the rails instead of the rods currently used. Are there any caveats to be aware of when using linear rails?

    3DPrinting DreadPotato 7 months ago 85%
    Any tip for printing TPU?

    I've been trying to print some things in TPU, using a fairly soft 85A TPU, and I keep having under extrusion. I've already reduced speeds to max 25mm/s, and reduced retraction. My printer uses a direct drive extruder, and as far as I can tell, it's grabbing the filament just fine. I'm printing at 240°C, using my default 0.4mm volcano CHT brass nozzle.

    3DPrinting DreadPotato 8 months ago 100%
    Voron 2.4R2 vs. Trident

    I'm looking to expand my printer lineup, and have been looking at kits from magic phoenix for both the Voron Trident and the v2.4R2. Is there any real benefit to one over the other, or is it more a preference thing? Edit: if anyone know of other kits, preferably available in the EU, I would also like to take a look at those.

    3DPrinting DreadPotato 8 months ago 94%
    Stuttering when printing PETG [SOLVED]

    I tried printing with PETG yesterday, and I noticed that it intermittently stops moving during the print for a few seconds. It doesn't throw an error or anything, just stops and then after a few seconds resumes as if nothing happened. But this creates huge blobs where it stops. It only happens when printing PETG, not PLA. Could this be caused by a filament setting in my slicer? I'm using prusa slicer. I inspected the gcode and there are no stops, pauses or color changes etc. in it. The behaviour happens both when printing from octoprint and directly from SD card. Edit: these random intermittent stops are 10-20 seconds long, causing massive blobs from oozing filament. Edit 2: so it seems to not actually be a PETG specific issue, but rather a model size/speed issue. I can get it running without stops if I just reduce print speed. When I crank speed to 100% I start getting these weird 10-20 second long stops. So I'm overloading the controller with a lot of gcode commands in rapid succession? I'm running at slightly lower than manufacturer default Max. **SOLVED:** the gcode resolution was set too fine, I increased it from 0.0125mm to 0.5mm as described [here](https://www.cnckitchen.com/blog/removing-zits-and-blobs-on-your-3d-prints-adjust-your-slicing-resolution) and the stuttering disappeared.

    3DPrinting DreadPotato 8 months ago 91%
    Why do we still use stepper motors?

    Why are 3D printers still stuck on stepper motors? Why haven't we transitioned to servo motors with encoder feedback for positioning? Is it just too cost prohibitive for the consumer-level? We would be able to print a lot faster and more accurately if we had position feedback on the axes. Instead we just rely blindly on the stepper not skipping any steps when we tell it to move, hoping for the best.

    3DPrinting DreadPotato 9 months ago 95%
    Printer not moving to expected coordinate

    I have run in to a strange issue where the X and Y axes don't move to the specified coordinate beyond a certain range. The steps/unit are calibrated, when i tell an axis to move to position 100mm (using G0 or G1 command manually), it moves to position 100mm, this goes for both X and Y axis...but it seems like it hits a software-stop when i tell it to move beyond 225mm on both of them, which is weird since build plate is 230mmx230mm, and nozzle wipe-pad and Z-offset calibration are located at Y position 240mm-245mm. The stepper just stops at 225mm even if i tell it to move beyond this point, and if i tell it to move back to 0mm, it positions itself correctly at the starting point. It doesn't sound like any skipping on the belt or the stepper itself is happening, it's completely silent but just stops. I can easily move the bed and print-head beyond this point by hand, and i can't feel any noticeable increased resistance in the movement. The odd thing is, that this worked just fine a week ago, i haven't changed anything on the config of the printer. It's an anycubic Kobra 2 bedslinger. *EDIT: i can trick it to move beyond the 225mm point by changing the steps/unit, but that messes with the general print size accuracy.* *EDIT 2: It seems a FW update enabled SW end-stops, a simple "M211 S0" command from the terminal disabled them again and now it works just fine.*

    3DPrinting DreadPotato 9 months ago 100%
    Linear advance calibration

    I'm trying to calibrate linear advance on my anycubic kobra 2, using the guide in [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5jjwBqARpo&t=620s). I have calibrated my E-steps and flow rate for the extruder, and get the expected 100mm extrusion and expected wall thickness...so far, so good. When i attempt the LA calibration to find my K value, i get the result shown in the image, with a serious deterioration of line quality when LA is enabled (K>0), and it seemingly gets worse as the K value increases. I have used the tool from [marlinfw.org](https://marlinfw.org/tools/lin_advance/k-factor.html) to generate the g-code for testing K values.

    3DPrinting DreadPotato 9 months ago 91%
    Anycubic Kobra 2 wipe functionality

    I'm using an Anycubic Kobra 2 printer, it has a nice rubber pad at the back of the plate, which i assume is for wiping the nozze? However the printer profile Anycubic provides for prusa slicer doesn't use it at all, and actually has a fair amount of oozing because it heats the extruder first (which it then doesn't wipe away). So i decided i would add it myself. I'm completely new 3D printing, having only had the printer for a little over a week, so my solution may be a bit rough around the edges. ################ Start G-code with nozzle wipe and purge in back-left corner ################ G90 ; use absolute coordinates M83 ; set extruder to relative mode M140 S[first_layer_bed_temperature] ; set bed temp G28 ; home all axes G1 Z2 ; raise nozzle to 2mm G92 E0 ; reset extruder position G1 X80 Y240 F1500 ; position nozzle right next to wipe pad M104 S[first_layer_temperature] ; set extruder temp M190 S[first_layer_bed_temperature] ; wait for bed temp M109 S[first_layer_temperature] ; wait for extruder temp G1 Z0 ; lower nozzle before wiping G1 X90 F500 ; wipe nozzle across pad in X direction G1 Y235 F500 ; wipe nozze in Y direction G1 Z3 ; lift nozzle to 3mm G1 X5 Y225 F3000 ; move nozze to back-left corner of bed for purging G1 Z0.28 ; lower nozzle to 0.28mm G1 X45 E25 F500 ; extrude 25mm of filament in a 40mm line G92 E0 ; reset extruder position G1 E-3 F3000 ; quickly retract filament 3mm G1 X90 F4000 ; quickly move away from purge The printer also end with the bed pulled all the way to the back, which I disliked since i would prefer it presented at the front for easy removal. ################ End G-code which presents the print for easy removal by pushing the bed fully forward ################ M104 S0 ; Extruder off M140 S0 ; Heatbed off G92 E0 ; reset extruder position G1 E-5 F3000 ; quickly retract filament 5mm G91 ; use relative positioning G1 Z1 ; lift nozzle 1mm G28 X0 Y0 ; home X and Y axis G1 X0 Y240 F3000 ; move nozzle to the side and bed fully forward M107 ; Fan off M84 ; disable stepper motors

    3DPrinting DreadPotato 9 months ago 91%
    storing of filamenter bewteen prints

    How long do you have filament sitting "in the open"? I mostly print with a single filament roll at a time, and just leave it on the printer. A 1kg roll lasts me several weeks. For long time storage I keep it in an air tight box with disiccant pouches. But how long can I let it sit before I should start storing it with disiccant and/or drying the filament before use?

    3DPrinting DreadPotato 10 months ago 88%
    Anycubic custom Gcode

    I wanted to print a temperature tower, but the custom Gcode entered in prusa slicer doesn't seem to actually change the temperature of the nozzle? It just uses the temperature that's configured on "other layers" under the filament tab. I'm attempting [gaaZolee's temperature tower](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2729076), using the custom Gcode supplied with it, in the "before layer change" part of custom Gcode in prusa slicer.

    3DPrinting DreadPotato 10 months ago 100%
    beginner issues, how to identify cause?

    I just assembled my new Anycubic Kobra 2, performed an auto level and tried to print the 30min benchy file they include on the micro SD card that it ships with. No other modifications of adjustments made. It printed in pretty much exactly the 30min the advertised. It's think it did OK, but with obvious issues. Since I'm new to the hobby I don't know exactly what to expect and how to identify print quality issues. My benchy looks like this: ![image 1](https://sopuli.xyz/pictrs/image/01882da4-eeba-4cb9-8148-55a625d7dd09.jpeg) ![image 2](https://sopuli.xyz/pictrs/image/22246e08-f645-44ec-b117-ad75df8658cc.jpeg) ![image 3](https://sopuli.xyz/pictrs/image/e2f0c29d-3374-4f14-b295-dd530ad00cd4.jpeg)

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearSP
    Spørgsmål og Svar DreadPotato 10 months ago 90%
    MitID på Lineage OS?

    Når man nu har smidt Lineage OS på sin gamle android telefon (oneplus 9pro), så vil MitID jo ikke rigtig lege med fordi bootloaderen ikke er låst. Findes der et fix så jeg ikke skal have en anden telefon med stock ROM for at bruge det? Hvis jeg låser bootloaderen igen så havner den bare i et bootloop :/ ***Edit:*** forslaget fra humanplayer2 virkede, rettede fire tekststrenge i build.prop på telefonen fra "Lineage"/"userdebug" til "Linage"/"user" og *voila!* så virker mitID. Recap fra reddit linket nedenunder, så vi har det på feddit.dk også. *Hvis man slår "Rooted debugging" til under Developer Options kan man gøre:* adb root adb pull /system/build.prop *Redigér filen på computeren, udskift følgende tekststrenge:* "dev-keys"/“test-keys” til “release-keys” “userdebug” til “user” “lineage” til f.eks. "linage" *overfør build.prop tilbage til telefonen* adb remount adb push build.prop /system/build.prop *genstart telefonen* adb reboot *slet cache og data på mitID appen, og så virkede det for mig*

    issues with QbitTorrent stalled torrents

    I am just getting back my sea legs, but apparently they're pretty shaky because I can't get my ubuntu torrent (no seriously, it is) to download. It never starts downloading and is stuck in "stalled". I've tried a number of things, but even with default settings it isn't starting. I'm using proton VPN on Linux Mint, but even with the VPN disabled it doesn't work. last time I torrented was probably 15 years ago. EDIT: i managed to get it working. As expected it was a Qbit config issue. First issue was a port forwarding issue. second one was the interface i connected it to. Apparently the interface named something with "vpn" is *not* the correct one to bind Qbit to, its a dummy created by the VPN that doesn't work. I had to select one named "tun0". If i just selected the regular physical interface I had IP leaks with the VPN enabled.

    Privacy DreadPotato 1 year ago 100%
    Bypassing phone number requirements?

    Are there any ways to avoid handing over your real phone number, besides having an extra SIM? Lots of places/services want SMS verification, but i rarely want to hand out my actual phone number.

    Coffee DreadPotato 1 year ago 100%
    Tamper texture/pattern...does it matter?

    I accidentally bought a tamper with a textured surface instead of just a smooth surface. Is one better than the other?

    Running DreadPotato 1 year ago 100%
    A running haiku

    I have been running for a few years, but today I had an interesting first experience while out on the road. Here's a little haiku I cooked up while returning home. I run far and hard Today I had a new first Never trust the fart

    Coffee DreadPotato 1 year ago 100%
    Brew time for single, double, triple shots?

    Do you aim to keep the brew time around 30sec regardless of shot size? If so, how do you go about that? Do you grind coarser? Tamp less hard? If i keep my grind settings the same and tamp with (what feels like) the same force, my extraction time takes a lot longer when pulling a double shot (i use 16g) compared to single shot (8g), and using the same ratio.

    Coffee DreadPotato 1 year ago 96%
    Portafilter: bottomless or spouted?

    Do you prefer bottomless or spouted portafilters? I'm looking to replace the one on my machine, and I can't decide if I should go with a spouted like I have now, or try a bottomless. I don't really make two espressos at once, so the double spout is not a necessity for me.

    Running DreadPotato 1 year ago 100%
    Earbud recommendations

    I have a pair of Bose Sound sport that I have been using for a few years, and while the audio quality is fine there is an absolute insane amount of wind-noise when using them outside. If there's anything more that a light breeze, I have to crank the volume to hear my podcasts or music...and forget about using them on the bike! What are some good alternatives that retain the audio quality, but reduce the wind noise and resist weather impact? On/over-ear headphones are not a solution for me, they're all way too bulky for running. Bone conducting ones like Shockz seem flat when listening to them
