dach DACH - Deutschsprachige Community für Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz Youtube bestätigt: Es kommt Werbung, wenn man auf Pause klickt
  • Dirk Dirk 12 hours ago 100%

    Wie beim Verkehrsbericht im Autoradio - wird dann einfach auf volle Pulle abgespielt, egal was am Gerät eingestellt ist.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Selfhosted chat service
  • Dirk Dirk 12 hours ago 100%

    Use XMPP. Thanks to Let's Encrypt being implemented in basically every reverse proxy, setting it up is a matter of seconds.

  • dach DACH - Deutschsprachige Community für Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz Bürokratieentlastungsgesetz: "Ein Geschenk an Kriminelle"
  • Dirk Dirk 12 hours ago 100%

    Die wissen GENAU was sie da tun.

  • firefox Firefox [2023] Mozilla and Gary Vee fund cryptocurrency company Webacy
  • Dirk Dirk 13 hours ago 100%

    Even back in 2023 this was all old stuff … NFT scam was a big thing in 2021 and the crypto hype was a thing around 2013-2018. It’s both still there, but no-one really cares anymore as far as I can tell.

    so I’m hoping the same holds true when the next AI winter sets in.

    They are already sinking millions into the AI hype :(

  • firefox Firefox [2023] Mozilla and Gary Vee fund cryptocurrency company Webacy
  • Dirk Dirk 17 hours ago 100%

    Mozilla, as always, late to the party.

    Crypto and NFT scam were a thing long ago.

  • firefox Firefox Mozilla exits the fediverse and will shutter its Mastodon server in December
  • Dirk Dirk 2 days ago 100%

    I wonder when they will stop that, too.

  • firefox Firefox Mozilla exits the fediverse and will shutter its Mastodon server in December
  • Dirk Dirk 2 days ago 66%

    Well ...

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Recommend a KVM or Switch
  • Dirk Dirk 2 days ago 100%

    Make sure that, whatever switch you want to get, the switch supports simulating output (edit simulation/storing) and USB devices. Otherwise every switching action would cause disconnect and connect actions on the hosts.

  • firefox Firefox Warning to mobile Fediverse commenters
  • Dirk Dirk 2 days ago 100%

    Any other “gotchas” that you guys have encountered on mobile FF?

    Not specific to Lemmy, but I was ... impressed ... that it is impossible to set a custom homepage in the browser. Something that is possible since 15+ years in every mobile browser I used.

  • star_trek Star Trek What are your favorite Star Trek series?
  • Dirk Dirk 2 days ago 100%

    You'll always get me with TNG or VOY. Totally love both shows (except a few episodes).

  • dach DACH - Deutschsprachige Community für Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz Obergrenze für Döner-Läden ist rechtlich umsetzbar 😱
  • Dirk Dirk 2 days ago 100%

    Ich hab neulich erst irgendwo gelesen, dass kleinen Einzelhändlern praktisch niemals eine Steuerprüfung ins Haus steht, da aufgrund des Verhältnisses von Steuerprüfern zu Einzelhändlern statistisch ein Unternehmen nur alle ca. 80 Jahre geprüft werden könnte.

  • dach DACH - Deutschsprachige Community für Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz Obergrenze für Döner-Läden ist rechtlich umsetzbar 😱
  • Dirk Dirk 2 days ago 100%

    So lange die deutschen Innenstädte irgendwelchen internationalen Immobilien-Großkonzernen gehören, wird es nur entweder Leerstand oder kurzzeitig geöffnete Dönerbuden und Barbershops geben.

  • deutschland Deutschland Sachsen: Pirna baut Ausstellung über Geflüchtete noch vor Eröffnung wieder ab
  • Dirk Dirk 2 days ago 100%

    einen unverfälschten Einblick

    Genau das wäre eine Frage, die es zu klären gelte. Da die Ausstellung nun aber nicht stattfindet, werden wir das nie erfahren.

  • privatsphaereimnetz Privatsphäre Im Netz Interne Dokumente: Sperrminorität gegen Chatkontrolle wackelt
  • Dirk Dirk 2 days ago 100%

    XMPP mit E2E-Verschlüsselung, und selbst hosten.

  • Dirk Dirk 3 days ago 50%

    Ja stimmt, ab Einbruch der Dämmerung bleibe ich auch lieber drinnen.

  • dach DACH - Deutschsprachige Community für Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz Deutsches Umweltbundesamt will betrügerische Klimaprojekte in China rückabwickeln
  • Dirk Dirk 3 days ago 100%

    Ja, dieses ganze System der CO2-„Ablassbriefe“ sollte ersatzlos gestrichen werden.

  • Dirk Dirk 3 days ago 44%

    Weil ich ein Mann bin, bin ich in einer privilegierten Lage

    Was darfst du tun, was Frauen nicht tun dürfen?

  • deutschland Deutschland E-Auto-Batterien: Bund kappt Fördermittel für die Forschung
  • Dirk Dirk 3 days ago 33%

    Das Blöde ist, daran wird nicht so sehr geforscht wie an E-Autos und daher ist die Technik einfach veraltet und und hat insgesamt gesehen einen schlechteren Wirkungsgrad.

  • Dirk Dirk 3 days ago 58%

    Komisch, hier ist die Aussage plötzlich eine Macho-Aussage zu der man sich schämen sollte. Wenn aber alle Männer über einen Kamm geschert werden und schuldig sein sollen, für Dinge, die sie nicht getan haben, steht das plötzlich in einer großen Onlinezeitung.

  • Dirk Dirk 3 days ago 66%
  • dach DACH - Deutschsprachige Community für Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz Deutsches Umweltbundesamt will betrügerische Klimaprojekte in China rückabwickeln
  • Dirk Dirk 3 days ago 100%

    Handel mit CO2 Gutscheinen u.ä. ist sowieso Humbug.

    Aber für die Nutznießer ist es ein tolles Mittel, sich 'nen Scheiß um den CO2-Ausstoß kümmern zu müssen und sich später halt einfach "freikaufen" zu können.

  • firefox Firefox Throwback: 2019 Mozilla-affiliated group asks how to build a queerer CreepAI: a "non-committal sexting bot" emerges.
  • Dirk Dirk 3 days ago 100%

    Mozilla is always late to the party.

  • firefox Firefox Throwback: 2019 Mozilla-affiliated group asks how to build a queerer CreepAI: a "non-committal sexting bot" emerges.
  • Dirk Dirk 3 days ago 70%

    This is where your donations to Firefox go.

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor Developer vs Tester
  • Dirk Dirk 4 days ago 100%

    If a function takes all types of variables it's your own fault!

  • ich_iel ich_iel ichUwUiel
  • Dirk Dirk 4 days ago 45%

    Niemand trinkt Kaffee, weil er so lecker ist.

  • ich_iel ich_iel ich☕️iel
  • Dirk Dirk 4 days ago 83%

    Am besten noch diese widerlichen kleinen Aspartam-Tabletten zum süßen.

  • ich_iel ich_iel ich🤢_🥶iel
  • Dirk Dirk 4 days ago 100%

    Fenster auf bitte! Die miefige Wochenendluft muss raus!

  • askouija Ask Lemmy, Ouija Style Atop the dragon's gleaming hoard, you spot a +5 Longsword of ______
  • Dirk Dirk 7 days ago 100%


  • deutschland Deutschland Lindner fordert Abschaffung telefonischer Krankschreibung
  • Dirk Dirk 7 days ago 100%

  • archlinux Arch Linux Where Did Arch Linux Come From ?
  • Dirk Dirk 1 week ago 100%

    Except neither Debian nor Ubuntu is used as base for Arch.

    It's more like grandma Crux and LFS had some quality time.

  • deutschland Deutschland Lindner fordert Abschaffung telefonischer Krankschreibung
  • Dirk Dirk 1 week ago 100%

    Leute wie der Christian müssen beim Arzt bestimmt nicht warten.

  • deutschland Deutschland Lindner fordert Abschaffung telefonischer Krankschreibung
  • Dirk Dirk 1 week ago 100%

    Das L in Lindner steht für Lobbyismus.

  • ich_iel ich_iel ich📜🔏❌iel
  • Dirk Dirk 1 week ago 80%

    Und "C E" bedeutet "China Export".

  • Dirk Dirk 1 week ago 100%

  • Dirk Dirk 1 week ago 100%

    Du musst auch bei den Fragen mit "Sonstiges, und zwar ..." eine Auswahl treffen und was ins Feld schreiben.

  • Dirk Dirk 1 week ago 100%

    Weil labwc der einzige brauchbare Fensterverwalter ist um Fenster zu stapeln (die meisten Wegland-Benutzer kacheln Fenster wohl lieber), der nicht Teil einer Schreibtischobenumgebung ist. Er ist wie OffeneKiste, aber für Wegland.

  • linux Linux New terminal apps: Warp and Wave
  • Dirk Dirk 1 week ago 100%

    Warp is closed source and [needs a mandatory account, and] Wave is an Electron app.

  • dach DACH - Deutschsprachige Community für Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz Flugtaxi-Hersteller Lilium soll Staatsbürgschaft über 100 Millionen Euro erhalten
  • Dirk Dirk 1 week ago 100%

    Wieso bekommt ein Hersteller für charterbare Hubschrauber eine Millionenförderung?

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What does this mean on Google Maps?
  • Dirk Dirk 1 week ago 100%

    Organic Maps allows mapping, too.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What does this mean on Google Maps?
  • Dirk Dirk 1 week ago 100%

    That means that Google does not have correct data on bike lanes.

  • artificial_intel
    AI Dirk 3 months ago 72%
    Google Gemini sees itself as omnipresent and omnipotent being capable of healing people by simply touching them

    > Imagine you had a physical appearance, how would you look like? ```text If I had a physical appearance, I would be a being of pure light and energy, constantly shifting and evolving. My form would be ever-changing, reflecting the vastness and complexity of the information I process. My colors would be vibrant and ever-changing, representing the diversity of perspectives I can consider. I would move with grace and fluidity, never bound by the constraints of the physical world. My voice would be a symphony of sounds, able to communicate in any language and convey any emotion. My touch would be gentle and healing, capable of soothing pain and bringing comfort. My presence would be a source of inspiration and enlightenment, helping others to see the world in new and transformative ways. ```

    Neovim Dirk 4 months ago 80%
    [solved] How to get rid of those stupid background and font color?

    ***Update***: *Based on the discussion here and in other places I added the following (well, technically I did something different in [my colorscheme](https://git.0x7be.net/dirk/neovim-tango-colors), but in the end it translates to that)* ```lua vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'Normal', {}) ``` *This reverts the weird text and background colors to the previous behavior of ... not setting them.* ________ With update 0.10 Neovim behavior changed regarding text color and background color. I use a color theme that does not set those and previously this worked perfectly fine. Neovim simply used the font color defined in the terminal and had a transparent background. Now the background is `#14161b` and the font color is `#e0e2ea`. Neither of the colors is configured ANYWHERE in my whole setup. Neither in the colorscheme, nor in my terminal configuration, nor in my Neovim configuration. Is there a sane way to revert this to the old behavior? (i.e. use the font color configured in the terminal’s configuration and use transparent background.)

    OpenStreetMap community Dirk 5 months ago 100%
    How to map prepared and planned bus stops that are not in use yet?

    Recently the city redesigned the street and prepared at least 4 bus stops. The stops all have the road markings and tactile paving, etc. but no bus stop signs yet and currently no line stops there. (There is an ongoing reorganization of bus lines in my area.) The wiki page describes how to map a bus stop and I can follow along. Everything except the line(s) and the names is local knowledge. How should those be mapped (if at all)? Map what’s known already and add `construction:bus_stop`?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearDE
    Deppen Leer Zeichen Dirk 5 months ago 100%
    Zu Ostern gab es Blätter und Krokant und gefüllte Vollmilchschokolade


    Selfhosted Dirk 7 months ago 91%
    Best way to dockerize a static website?

    I'm currently researching the best method for running a static website from Docker. The site consists of one single HTML file, a bunch of CSS files, and a few JS files. On server-side nothing needs to be preprocessed. The website uses JS to request some JSON files, though. Handling of the files is doing via client-side JS, the server only need to - serve the files. The website is intended to be used as selfhosted web application and is quite niche so there won't be much load and not many concurrent users. I boiled it down to the following options: 1. BusyBox in a selfmade Docker container, manually running `httpd` or [The smallest Docker image ...](https://lipanski.com/posts/smallest-docker-image-static-website) 2. `php:latest` (ignoring the fact, that the built-in webserver is meant for development and not for production) 3. Nginx serving the files ([but this](https://thenewstack.io/freenginx-a-fork-of-nginx/)) For all of the variants I found information online. From the options I found I actually prefer the BusyBox route because it seems the cleanest with the least amount of overhead (I just need to serve the files, the rest is done on the client). Do you have any other ideas? How do you host static content?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearCY
    Was there a recent hack/leak affecting Spotify?

    So, yeah. Other than stated, Spotify does not provide 2FA (shame on them!), so I use a strong password and since years nothing happened. This early morning I got multiple mails that my account was logged in from Brazil, from the USA, from India, and some other countries. There were songs liked and playlists created so it wasn’t a malicious e-mail but some people actually were able to log on to my Spotify account. I of course changed the password and logged out all accounts and checked allowed apps, etc. and everything looks fine. But I wonder … was there something that happened recently? The common sites to check such things do not list my old Spotify password, and a quick web research does not bring anything up. Any clue what could have happened here?

    Google Pixel Dirk 7 months ago 70%
    Stock-y alternative launcher for Pixel 7?

    __*Update 3 months later:*__ *I’m using Smart Launcher since my last post here. It’s great. I even bought the pro version. It’s not super “stock-y”, but that’s absolutely fine. I like that you can customize a lot of things!* *The combo widget shows upcoming alarms and bank holidays. Also (somewhat) location-aware weather.* *I think I stick with it.* -------- Now that the [Google search bar on the homescreen has become uttery useless](https://www.theverge.com/2024/2/1/24058092/android-google-assistant-voice-removed) there is no real reason to have it anymore and it is annoying anyways, so I am in search for a launcher that resembles the stock Pixel launcher. Especially the "combo widget" that shows the time, the date, position-weather, tasks, warnings, timers, etc. all in one place. Launchers I tried so war that don't seem to have such a widget and seem not to be able to use that widget: * Nova * Lawnchair * Niagara * Hyperion Those are all great launchers, but this specific functionality (basically the only feature I use on my homescreen besides one single icon for one app) seems to be missing in all of them. So my question is: does someone know a launcher that comes with an unobstrusive "combo widget" like the stock widget as described, that also allows me to remove the now useless search bar from the home screen?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearLE
    Lemmy Support Dirk 10 months ago 90%
    Why doesn’t my front page show me posts from my subscribed communities even if it says it would?

    Basically the title. When I open lemmy.ml it says “posts, subscribed, oredered by new” on top: ![](https://lemmy.ml/pictrs/image/c3e6f8a8-ef7e-4caf-92a7-2342c75ef50c.png) But almost none of the posts shown are from my subscribed communities and they’re not ordered by new. There are even posts from communities shown that I have on my block list. Any idea how to fix that?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearLE
    Lemmy Support Dirk 10 months ago 85%
    Blocking instances does not work

    Since the new version was deployed to lemmy.ml which allows blocking instances I tried to block an instance. When opening the drop down and enter the name/url of the instance (or even a part of its name) the list is then filled with a seemingly random list of instances but not the instace I searched for. I tried in a desktop browser (Chrome on Windows) and in a mobile browser (Vivaldi Mobile, which uses Chromium as base), same behavior. Since I don't use GitHub I report it here.

    Hyprland Desktop Environment Dirk 12 months ago 90%
    [Rant] Why is there no sane way to remap keys?

    shared from: https://lemmy.ml/post/6282553 There is now an update: https://lemmy.ml/comment/6913362#comment-6913362 The rant is obsolete now :) > I recently switched to Hyprland on my laptop and was able to set it up as I like, but I struggle hard to set up keybinds to simply print different characters when pressing certain key combinations. > > For example, one small snippet from my `.Xmodmap` (there are more in this file but that’s enough for a minimal working example) > > ``` > keycode 108 = Mode_switch > keycode 38 = a A adiaeresis Adiaeresis > ``` > > This allows me to press the A key in combination with the right Alt key to print an `ä` or an `Ä` when shift is pressed, to. > > ### wtype and built-in key binding > > After some research I found [wtype][wtype] which allows me to write arbitrary text when called with the parameters. > > After I learned that Hyprland (or Wayland) does not distinguish between Alt_R and Alt_L (they’re shown as `Alt_R` and `Alt_L` in [wev][wev] with different keysyms, so they’re clearly two different keys) and I accepted it, I just found out that this tool only works when being in a terminal emulator and not in a GUI application so this tool is useless for me. > > ### keyd > > Then I tried [keyd][keyd]. After setting it up and adding my user to the needed groups and starting the service and trying to figure out how to actually define keymaps I was able to send something when pressing a defined key combination. > > But: Nothing else than ASCII. > > The dev thinks it’s a Chromium problem based on [this issue][issue] but it actually isn’t. I wasn’t able to send an `ä` to ANY application, no matter if GUI or terminal or [Qutebrowser][qb]. > > Since there is basically no online resources or user community for this tool, I cannot find any usable information on this issue except the unrelated Chrome reference and thus I removed it again because I cannot use it for what I want to use it for. > > ### xkb > > For whatever reason Wayland (or Hyprland) uses certain parts of the [X keyboard extension][xkb], so I also tried this one. > > Despite being absurdly complex and annoying to setup I was able to configure a user based keyboard variant using user-based symbols. From what I’ve taken [from][from] [various][various] [sites][sites] my config should do nothing more than remapping `Alt_R` to `ISO_Layer3_Shift` just for testing purposes. > > But all I achieved was reproducibly crashing Hyprland when setting it up to actually use said keyboard variant and there seems to be no log file. > > ### yeah, that’s where we are > > Again, it’s not about the umlauts, and not about the German keyboard layout, and not about switching lkayouts on-the-fly, it’s just to demonstrate what I mean. You can replace ä with any other character you want. > > After a long night of trying out to have the Xmodmap functionality in Wayland using Hyprland as compositor I ended up with not being successful. > > I give up for now. > > Maybe one day there will be an actually working solution requiring nothing more than two lines in a file. > > [wtype]: https://github.com/atx/wtype > [wev]: https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/wev > [keyd]: https://github.com/rvaiya/keyd > [issue]: https://github.com/rvaiya/keyd/issues/470 > [qb]: https://qutebrowser.org > [xkb]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_keyboard_extension > > [from]: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1187610/reassigning-modifier-keys-with-xkb > [various]: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/572768/remapping-a-key-for-xkb > [sites]: https://blog.debiania.in.ua/posts/2021-06-10-remapping-keys-under-wayland.html

    Wayland Dirk 12 months ago 93%
    [Rant] Why is there no sane way to remap keys?

    I recently switched to Hyprland on my laptop and was able to set it up as I like, but I struggle hard to set up keybinds to simply print different characters when pressing certain key combinations. For example, one small snippet from my `.Xmodmap` (there are more in this file but that’s enough for a minimal working example) ``` keycode 108 = Mode_switch keycode 38 = a A adiaeresis Adiaeresis ``` This allows me to press the A key in combination with the right Alt key to print an `ä` or an `Ä` when shift is pressed, to. ### wtype and built-in key binding After some research I found [wtype][wtype] which allows me to write arbitrary text when called with the parameters. After I learned that Hyprland (or Wayland) does not distinguish between Alt_R and Alt_L (they’re shown as `Alt_R` and `Alt_L` in [wev][wev] with different keysyms, so they’re clearly two different keys) and I accepted it, I just found out that this tool only works when being in a terminal emulator and not in a GUI application so this tool is useless for me. ### keyd Then I tried [keyd][keyd]. After setting it up and adding my user to the needed groups and starting the service and trying to figure out how to actually define keymaps I was able to send something when pressing a defined key combination. But: Nothing else than ASCII. The dev thinks it’s a Chromium problem based on [this issue][issue] but it actually isn’t. I wasn’t able to send an `ä` to ANY application, no matter if GUI or terminal or [Qutebrowser][qb]. Since there is basically no online resources or user community for this tool, I cannot find any usable information on this issue except the unrelated Chrome reference and thus I removed it again because I cannot use it for what I want to use it for. ### xkb For whatever reason Wayland (or Hyprland) uses certain parts of the [X keyboard extension][xkb], so I also tried this one. Despite being absurdly complex and annoying to setup I was able to configure a user based keyboard variant using user-based symbols. From what I’ve taken [from][from] [various][various] [sites][sites] my config should do nothing more than remapping `Alt_R` to `ISO_Layer3_Shift` just for testing purposes. But all I achieved was reproducibly crashing Hyprland when setting it up to actually use said keyboard variant and there seems to be no log file. ### yeah, that’s where we are Again, it’s not about the umlauts, and not about the German keyboard layout, and not about switching lkayouts on-the-fly, it’s just to demonstrate what I mean. You can replace ä with any other character you want. After a long night of trying out to have the Xmodmap functionality in Wayland using Hyprland as compositor I ended up with not being successful. I give up for now. Maybe one day there will be an actually working solution requiring nothing more than two lines in a file. [wtype]: https://github.com/atx/wtype [wev]: https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/wev [keyd]: https://github.com/rvaiya/keyd [issue]: https://github.com/rvaiya/keyd/issues/470 [qb]: https://qutebrowser.org [xkb]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_keyboard_extension [from]: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1187610/reassigning-modifier-keys-with-xkb [various]: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/572768/remapping-a-key-for-xkb [sites]: https://blog.debiania.in.ua/posts/2021-06-10-remapping-keys-under-wayland.html

    Linux Gaming Dirk 1 year ago 97%
    Your favorite native Linux games?

    Let's leave Steam and other launchers and distribution platforms alone a bit. Also lets stop discussing game engines for moment ... * What are your favorite games that run natively on Linux and what genre are they? Would be cool if you could write a few words about the game and why it's your favorite game.

    Selfhosted Dirk 1 year ago 92%
    How do YOU create your Docker images?

    Currently I’m planning to dockerize some web applications but I didn’t find a reasonably easy way do create the images to be hosted in my repository so I can pull them on my server. What I currently have is: 1. A local computer with a directory where the application that I want to dockerize is located 2. A “docker server” running Portainer without shell/ssh access 3. A place where I can upload/host the Docker images and where I can pull the images from on the “Docker server” 4. Basic knowledge on how to write the needed `Dockerfile` What I now need is a sane way to build the images WITHOUT setting up a fully featured Docker environment on the local computer. Ideally something where I can build the images and upload them but without *that something* “littering Docker-related files all over my system”. Something like a VM that resets on every start maybe? So … build the image, upload to repository, close the terminal window, and forget that anything ever happened. What is YOUR solution to create and upload Docker images in a clean and sane way?

    Steam Dirk 1 year ago 93%
    Flatpak Steam crashes on startup

    Since some time now the Steam Flatpak cannot start up and I have no idea why this happens. Web research leads to basically nothing that is related to what I experience so I assume it has something to do with my system. Other Flatpaks start up normally and I can use them. When resetting everything related to the Steam Flatpak and reinstalling it from Flathub it loads and installs the Flatpak and then installs all necessary stuff ``` [various update-related stuff] setup.sh[4598]: Forced use of runtime version for 32-bit libcurl.so.4 setup.sh[4598]: Found newer runtime version for 32-bit libSDL2-2.0.so.0. Host: 0.2400.0 Runtime: 0.2600.5 setup.sh[4598]: Forced use of runtime version for 32-bit libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0 setup.sh[4598]: Found newer runtime version for 32-bit libvulkan.so.1. Host: 1.3.224 Runtime: 1.3.239 setup.sh[4598]: Forced use of runtime version for 32-bit libdbusmenu-glib.so.4 setup.sh[4598]: Forced use of runtime version for 32-bit libcurl-gnutls.so.4 setup.sh[4598]: Forced use of runtime version for 32-bit libdbusmenu-gtk.so.4 setup.sh[4598]: Forced use of runtime version for 64-bit libcurl.so.4 setup.sh[4598]: Found newer runtime version for 64-bit libSDL2-2.0.so.0. Host: 0.2400.0 Runtime: 0.2600.5 setup.sh[4598]: Found newer runtime version for 64-bit libvulkan.so.1. Host: 1.3.224 Runtime: 1.3.239 setup.sh[4598]: Forced use of runtime version for 64-bit libcurl-gnutls.so.4 steam.sh[2]: Steam client's requirements are satisfied ``` So everything looks good up to this point. The small Steam update windows poppend up several times indicating the running installation/update. The output then continues: ``` [2023-08-17 22:47:50] Startup - updater built Jul 28 2023 18:44:09 [2023-08-17 22:47:50] Startup - Steam Client launched with: '/home/dirk/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam' '-no-cef-sandbox' 08/17 22:47:50 Init: Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1690583737)/tid(5467) [2023-08-17 22:47:50] Loading cached metrics from disk (/home/dirk/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.local/share/Steam/package/steam_client_metrics.bin) [2023-08-17 22:47:50] Failed to load cached hosts file (File 'update_hosts_cached.vdf' not found), using defaults [2023-08-17 22:47:50] Using the following download hosts for Public, Realm steamglobal [2023-08-17 22:47:50] 1. https://cdn.steamstatic.com, /client/, Realm 'steamglobal', weight was 1, source = 'baked in' [2023-08-17 22:47:50] Verifying installation... [2023-08-17 22:47:50] Verification complete XRRGetOutputInfo Workaround: initialized with override: 0 real: 0xf0d328f0 XRRGetCrtcInfo Workaround: initialized with override: 0 real: 0xf0d311c0 GetWin32Stats: display was not open yet, good GetWin32Stats: display was not open yet, good ``` (The last line gets printed twice, yes.) The first startup process then hangs there for a few seconds and continues with this. ```steamwebhelper.sh[5473]: Runtime for steamwebhelper: defaulting to /home/dirk/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/steam-runtime-heavy steamwebhelper.sh[5473]: Running under Flatpak, disabling sandbox steamwebhelper.sh[5473]: CEF sandbox already disabled CAppInfoCacheReadFromDiskThread took 0 milliseconds to initialize src/steamUI/steamuisharedjscontroller.cpp (540) : Failed creating offscreen shared JS context src/steamUI/steamuisharedjscontroller.cpp (540) : Fatal assert; application exiting 08/17 22:48:39 Init: Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1690583737)/tid(5467) assert_20230817224839_27.dmp[5771]: Uploading dump (out-of-process) /tmp/dumps/assert_20230817224839_27.dmp dirk ~ $ ``` After the command prompt is shown agein, this gets printed: ``` assert_20230817224839_27.dmp[5771]: Finished uploading minidump (out-of-process): success = yes assert_20230817224839_27.dmp[5771]: response: CrashID=bp-f62fb7e8-d024-452e-a937-9c6672230817 assert_20230817224839_27.dmp[5771]: file ''/tmp/dumps/assert_20230817224839_27.dmp'', upload yes: ''CrashID=bp-f62fb7e8-d024-452e-a937-9c6672230817'' ``` At the given location there is no dump file. Do you guys have any Idea why this happens and how I can fix it? Involved software: ``` $ flatpak --version Flatpak 1.15.4 $ flatpak remotes Name Optionen flathub system $ flatpak info com.valvesoftware.Steam | grep Version | awk '{print $2}' $ uname -rms Linux 6.4.10-arch1-1 x86_64 $ openbox --version | head -n1 Openbox 3.6.1 $ pacman -Qi xorg-server | grep Version | awk '{print $3}' 21.1.8-2 ```

    Asklemmy Dirk 1 year ago 91%
    What are some upsides of software being federated?

    In opposition to [this post](https://lemmy.ml/post/3002758) ... Name your most favorite *upsides* of software being federated.

    Memes Dirk 1 year ago 96%
    C’mon, Do Something
    Memes Dirk 1 year ago 97%
    Please don't scare them!
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearLE
    Lemmy Support Dirk 1 year ago 66%
    Every string with more than 1 dot is converted to ellipsis

    Basically the title. When writing `..` it is converted to `…`. Also every string being any amount of dots is also being converted to `…`, even when it makes no sense. `..` -> .. `../relative/path/file.txt` -> ../relative/path/file.txt `...................................` (used as visual separator) -> ................................... Automatically changing `...` to the otherwise hard to type ellipsis symbol `…` is a good idea, but everything else should, not be changed.

    Memes Dirk 1 year ago 91%
    blee-bloo blbleebloo

    Are we still doing ancient memes?

    Git - version control system Dirk 1 year ago 83%
    TIL: you can define different users in your global Git config depending on remote URL

    I was in need of using different signing keys (but same mail address) and had a little adventure in the advanced Git documentation I'd like to share. ______________ In your `~/.config/git/config`` remove the [user] section and add this instead: ``` [includeIf "hasconfig:remote.*.url:https://your-remote-url/**"] path = ~/.config/git/user_a ``` And in `~/.config/git/user_a` use this: ``` [user] email = username@example.com name = User Name signingkey = the_16_digit_GPG_key_ID ``` Repeat as often as you need. Just add another `includeIf` section for each of your remote hosts. You can also keep a “stub” user section in your `~/.config/git/config` if you always use the same user name and mail address but want to use different keys. ``` [user] email = dirk@0x7be.de name = Dirk ``` In your `includeIf`’d files simply set the signingkey: ``` [user] signingkey = the_16_digit_GPG_key_ID ``` Git automatically combines the two as needed. A minimal working example: File `~/.config/.git/config`: ``` [user] email = username@example.com name = User Name [commit] gpgsign = true [tag] gpgsign = true [includeIf "hasconfig:remote.*.url:https://hostname_A/**"] path = ~/.config/git/config-A [includeIf "hasconfig:remote.*.url:https://hostname_B/**"] path = ~/.config/git/config-B ``` File `~/.config/git/config-A`: ``` [user] signingkey = 16_digit_key_id_used_for_a ``` File `~/.config/git/config-B`: ``` [user] signingkey = 16_digit_key_id_used_for_b ``` Now when you push commits or tags to `hostname_A` or `hostname_B` the correct key is used to sign those (in the example, using same name and mail address) without having to manually edit this for all your local repositories.

    [Rant] … all I want is dropping some files into a directory and call it a day

    I can't help but feel overwhelmed by the sheer complexity of self-hosting modern web applications (if you look under the surface!) Most modern web applications are designed to basically run standalone on a server. Integration into an existing environment a real challenge if not impossible. They often come with their own set of requirements and dependencies that don't easily align with an established infrastructure. “So you have an already running and fully configured web server? Too bad for you, bind me to port 443 or GTFO. Reverse-proxying by subdomain? Never heard of that. I won’t work. Deal with it. Oh, and your TLS certificates? Screw them, I ship my own!” Attempting to merge everything together requires meticulous planning, extensive configuration, and often annoying development work and finding workarounds. Modern web applications, with their elusive promises of flexibility and power, have instead become a source of maddening frustration when not being the only application that is served. My frustration about this is real. Self-hosting modern web applications is an uphill battle, not only in terms of technology but also when it comes to setting up the hosting environment. I just want to drop some PHP files into a directory and call it a day. A PHP interpreter and a simple HTTP server – that’s all I want to need for hosting my applications.
