hardcore Hardcore [IMPORTANT] waveform.social is closing down on 8/18 - What's next?
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%

    Much appreciated!

  • hardcore Hardcore [IMPORTANT] waveform.social is closing down on 8/18 - What's next?
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%

    Thank you! I've done the same for you guys as well!

  • hardcore Hardcore [IMPORTANT] waveform.social is closing down on 8/18 - What's next?
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%

    No problem man. It definitely does, but i knew this was a possibility. We'll push on.

  • hardcore Hardcore [IMPORTANT] waveform.social is closing down on 8/18 - What's next?
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%

    It's all good, much appreciated though!

  • hardcore Hardcore [IMPORTANT] waveform.social is closing down on 8/18 - What's next?
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%

    Much appreciated! It is what it is. Eventually stability will come.

  • hardcore
    Hardcore DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%
    [IMPORTANT] waveform.social is closing down on 8/18 - What's next? https://waveform.social/post/310138

    So, the instance this community is hosted on is being sunset due to no-life piece of shit degerate DDoSing script kiddie *removed* targeting a relatively small music-based Lemmy instance. As pathetic as it is that this is how some loveless freak losers choose to spend their time and money, the sooner I react to this roadblock, the more of this community can be preserved. I don't think a full community migration on Lemmy is possible yet, so we're gonna have to start over from scratch. Lemmy.studio looks good I think. Music-based, only 2 blocked instances, open to new communities. Waveform.social seems to mostly house communities for electronic music, while Lemmy.studio at least has an emo community where mfs are posting The World Is A Beautiful Place albums. I think it'll be a better fit for us overall. Tl;dr - waveform.social is closing down on 8/18 - Come find us over on !hardcore@lemmy.studio !!UPVOTE THIS POST SO PEOPLE SEE IT IN THEIR FEED!!

    waveform Waveform Sunsetting Waveform.social
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%

    Daaaaaaaamn, my community was just getting some traction. It's crazy people's lives are so devoid of purpose that they choose to spend it attacking a relatively small music-based instance.

    Thanks for dealing with it as long as you did. Guess it's time to pack up and move to another instance :/

  • unixporn Unixporn Need help with polybar config
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%

    I'm honestly not 100% sure, but I don't think so. Waybar does though, with the tooltip option.

    Waybar is similar to Polybar, but only works on Wayland rather than X11. Configuration is a bit different, but similar in many respects. If you're using i3 with Polybar now, you can install Sway as the window manager and drop your i3 config into ~/.config/sway/, it should work exactly the same as i3 after a few minor tweaks. Once Sway is set up, you can install and configure Waybar. The config file is not a drop-in replacement like Sway was for i3, but if you can figure out Polybar, you can figure out Waybar.

    Link to the Waybar wiki on Github

  • hardcore Hardcore State of the Community Address
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%

    No problem!

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes Introducing people to this marvelous world
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%

    It's a deepfake of his own face lol

  • hardcore Hardcore [hate5six] Mindforce - May 20, 2023
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%

    Hell yeah man! I've been cycling between Excalibur and New Lords for the past few months. They're so sick.

  • hardcore
    Hardcore DeadGemini 1 year ago 96%
    State of the Community Address

    Hey everyone, just wanted to provide an update on the state of the community and where I hope to take it going forward. We have been, and currently are, the most active and well-populated hardcore community on Lemmy (according to browse.feddit.de)! I've promoted the community in a few spots and saw immediate growth from that, which is awesome. I'm very stoked about how this community has grown, I thought it would be largely ignored when I first created it, so it warms my heart to see you mfs posting anything at all here! One thing I *_don't_* want here is to have a bunch of stupid ass rules for posting preventing people from engaging with the community however they want, even if it gets to be a little too much. I want this to be a free place where unless you're posting like a degenerate sub-human, you can post whatever you want (as long as it mostly relates to hardcore of course). That said, almost all posts to this community come in the form of links to songs on YouTube or whatever. This is perfectly fine, I do it myself, however I don't want that to be *_all_* the community engages in. I would like to see more discussion, hardcore/punk news, shitposts, memes, etc etc. Rather than make some kind of dumb rule about no spamming songs from 30 years ago, I want to encourage real conversations to take place by creating pinned weekly discussion threads. Consider this thread the very first one! I'll be honest with you folks, I created this community just because I wanted a hardcore community on Lemmy similar to r/hardcore as that was the only sub I felt like I was missing when I left Reddit. I don't really care to be an admin/mod that much, and have no experience doing so, but putting myself in this role was what it took to get this community established. I'm not sure how I'm going to structure these weekly discussions, whether they'll be on a recurring basis on the same day each week, or how many of these threads will be active at once. If you have any input on this, this is your community as well! Feel free to voice it here. If you have ideas for weekly threads, post them here! If you have on-topic ideas for discussion, create a post for it and it might get pinned. In other news, our sidebar resource list is anemic as hell. I would like to have more resources community members can use to find local shows, events, blogs/zines, and news posted up in there (especially if it's a DIY site, not limited to DIY though). If you have anything you believe fits well in the sidebar, post your ideas here! I want the sidebar to be somewhere you can look to get into the scene in real life, not just on the internet. The more links to DIY projects in there, the better! I'm extremely proud of the growth we've experienced the past few weeks, and even though the content posted here is mostly just links to songs, it's way more engagement than the other hardcore communities get. I think we are seeing the start of something good here, we just need to keep working to make this the best community it can be. No gods, no masters, no cops (unless you post high-quality content), no corporate *removed*, no u/spez. Just music, and the wild animals who enjoy listening to it. That's all for now! Tl;dr: - We're the largest hardcore punk community on Lemmy (the largest "hardcore" community on Lemmy is NSFW lolz). - I don't ever want to make any community rules that unreasonably limit what you're allowed to post, just don't break any laws and don't say slurs plz. Don't give me a reason to moderate you, and I probably won't. - Posting links to songs on YouTube is perfectly fine and will never be taken away from you, however, I would like to see more varied types of posts here. - In order to facilitate that desire, I will be creating weekly pinned discussion threads so you goons have something to actually talk about. - This is the first pinned weekly discussion thread. - Sidebar is lacking in resources. Post resources people can use to find shows, events, blogs, etc, and I will add them if they seem relevant. - If you have any input on any of this, post it below! !!UPVOTE THIS POST SO PEOPLE SEE IT ON THEIR FEED!!

    linux Linux GNOME Devs are rethinking the "Activities" button
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%

    Gotcha, fair enough! I run Arch with Gnome on my desktop gaming rig for similar reason, I just wanted a normal DE that I didn't have to tweak much. Laptop is where I have Sway/Waybar and experiment with different window managers and such.

  • android Android Show off your Android: the Home Sweet Home(screen) Edition!
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 83%

    Damn some of you guys are creative! I'm fairly satisfied with my setup, but its pretty basic.

  • fediverse Fediverse Android Lemmy app list
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 90%

    Jerboa being the only one on F-Droid, guess I'm sticking with Jerboa!

  • linux Linux GNOME Devs are rethinking the "Activities" button
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%

    Why'd you switch from i3? If it was for Wayland support, in case you didn't know, the Sway window manager is basically a drop-in replacement for i3, but for Wayland rather than X11. You can literally copy/paste your i3 config into ~/.config/sway/ and it will only need a few minor tweaks to get fully working!

    I just made the switch this past week. The one caveat is Polybar doesn't work correctly with Sway, so I had to configure Waybar instead. Waybar has some cool features though, like being able to place the tray anywhere you want, so it was worth the effort to switch.

  • politics Politics Pornhub goes dark in Arkansas after age verification law kicks in
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%


  • latestagecapitalism Late Stage Capitalism Ukraine's MFA is offering American students with tuition debt to work as mercenaries in Ukraine 🇺🇦
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%

    Lol no thanks man.

  • syncforlemmy Sync for Lemmy Please put your money where your mouth is.
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%

    Okay, yeah, I think I had to update (or I'm blind). Thanks! That's much better!

  • syncforlemmy Sync for Lemmy Please put your money where your mouth is.
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%

    I'm cool with a 1 time fee to stop ads, but I don't see how to do that anywhere. I can only figure out how to pay $2/month or $17/year for Ultra

  • syncforlemmy Sync for Lemmy Please put your money where your mouth is.
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%

    Developers make more money than I do, and I need to worry about my own food first lol. I'd pay $35 one time, but I also remember a time not that long ago where $10 one-time could buy you basically anything on the app store lol.

    I like the app, but I hate recurring fees more. Jerboa is free. It might not be perfect, but it works, is ad-free, is on F-Droid, and is infinitely more affordable than $17/yr.

  • syncforlemmy Sync for Lemmy Please put your money where your mouth is.
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 91%

    I despise recurring fees, so no. $17 sounds good for a 1-time fee though.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Wikihow brutally kills 36 year olds
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%

    Homeboy is HAGGARD for 36! That man is at least 65.

  • linux Linux Fed-up Torvalds suggests disabling AMD’s 'stupid' performance-killing fTPM RNG
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 57%
    • [package_name] --help
    • man [package_name]

    There, I just gave you 2 ways to turn that arcane terminal ritualism in ancient enochian that only veteran sysadmins know, into a plain english service manual that any literate human being can use to figure out basically any terminal application ever.

  • newcommunities New Communities A community for the discussion of Hardcore Punk!
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%

    Hardcore is punk, but faster, heavier, and more aggressive. The Dicks are hardcore, yessir.

  • newcommunities New Communities A community for the discussion of Hardcore Punk!
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%

    Lmao, if people post them! There's a lot of hardcore lore out there, I'm sure there are some other great ones to post.

  • memes Memes Making friends as an adult
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%

    Don't make fun of me like this

  • newcommunities New Communities A community for the discussion of Hardcore Punk!
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%

    Awesome man! I appreciate it!

  • memes Memes c'mon niche community
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%

    No problem!

  • newcommunities New Communities A community for the discussion of Hardcore Punk!
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%

    Thanks dude!

  • cypherpunk cyph3rPunk Which browsers are best for privacy?
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%

    I just run Firefox with uBlock Origin, but if I was real tinfoil hat about this stuff I would go for LibreWolf, or just the Tor Browser.

    Brave bugs me because I don't want my web browser to be a crypto wallet lol (also, the only cryptocurrency I actually have faith in is Monero).

  • memes Memes c'mon niche community
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%

    Oh, yep, there it goes! I can see the posts now! Thanks for the tip, I think it's still federating, every time I reload more posts appear lol.

  • memes Memes c'mon niche community
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%

    I noticed! I appreciate it! I subscribed to cyph3rpunk@infosec.pub, but the posts aren't loading for me for some reason :/ I checked https://infosec.pub/instances and it looks like infosec.pub is linked with waveform.social, so not sure what's going on there.

    I'll check back in a day or two to see if anything has changed. The sidebar makes me think that it's a community I would greatly enjoy. I've been considering writing some guides on a few things cypherpunk related, and that seems like a good place to post them.

  • hardcore Hardcore Dag Nasty - Under Your Influence Live (1986)
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%

    Good stuff!

  • newcommunities New Communities cyph3rPunk - activists utilizing the digital landscape to champion personal privacy, freedom, and the diffusion of central authority.
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%

    Sounds awesome, subscribed!

  • newcommunities
    New Communities DeadGemini 1 year ago 96%
    A community for the discussion of Hardcore Punk!

    A community I created for the discussion of hardcore punk. r/hardcore is the only subreddit I miss, as it was pretty much the only subreddit with a soul. Working on rebuilding a similar community on lemmy. We're growing, I think we're the biggest hardcore community on Lemmy, but these lazy mfs don't post anything lol. If you wanna discuss hardcore, post your band's music, post a video of a show, post info about an upcoming show, link to resources for finding shows, anything like that, feel free to subscribe! I'm a big fan of the DIY mentality in music, so if you've got something, share it mother fucker! !hardcore@waveform.social

    memes Memes c'mon niche community
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%


    A community I created for the discussion of hardcore punk.

    r/hardcore is the only subreddit I miss, as it was pretty much the only subreddit with a soul. Working on rebuilding a similar community on lemmy. We're growing, I think we're the biggest hardcore community on Lemmy, but these lazy mfs don't post anything lol.

    If you wanna discuss hardcore, post your band's music, post info about a show, link to resources for finding shows, link to your band's merch store, feel free to subscribe! I'm a big fan of the DIY mentality in music, so if you've got something, share it mother fucker!

  • politics Politics This little propaganda piece from Business Insider really shows how the rich think.
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%

    Even 600-700k is like 3 times what I could realistically afford lmao. I love it. I love how THIS is the housing market we have to deal with, and mfs will still complain about homeless people existing.

  • politics Politics This little propaganda piece from Business Insider really shows how the rich think.
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%

    In 2021, my wife and I purchased our first house for $960,000

    LOOOOOOOL!! Stopped reading right there.

  • privacyguides Privacy Guides The shady world of Brave selling copyrighted data for AI training
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%

    Oh, interesting. Didn't know that. Thanks for the tip!

  • worldnews World News Cruise line apologizes after dozens of whales slaughtered in front of passengers
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%
  • privacyguides Privacy Guides The shady world of Brave selling copyrighted data for AI training
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%


  • privacyguides Privacy Guides The shady world of Brave selling copyrighted data for AI training
  • DeadGemini DeadGemini 1 year ago 96%

    tsk tsk tsk. When will people learn to just use Firefox or Librewolf? Do you want a web browser, or an AI training crypto wallet?

  • hardcore
    Hardcore DeadGemini 1 year ago 100%
    YEAR OF THE KNIFE involved in accident, vocalist MADI WATKINS in critical condition [link to GoFundMe] https://www.lambgoat.com/news/39417/year-of-the-knife-involved-in-accident-vocalist-madi-watkins-in-critical-condition/

    [Here's the link to their GoFundMe](https://www.gofundme.com/f/yotk-recovery-fund?utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer). I know this community is as small as rat dicks right now, but throw a couple dollars their way if you can spare it. I’m sure they would wicked appreciate it. Madi is in critical condition with head and spinal injuries, other members have broken bones, and their tour van is totaled. Sounds completely fucked. Best of luck to them!
