news News Atlantic City mayor, wife indicted for allegedly beating and abusing their teenage daughter
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 7 hours ago 100%
  • news News Hannity Falsely Calls Trump’s Would-Be Assassins ‘Democrats’
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 13 hours ago 14%

    Please grow up and stop resorting to childish insults.

  • news News Hannity Falsely Calls Trump’s Would-Be Assassins ‘Democrats’
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 13 hours ago 14%

    Nobody cares about whether the assassin was 'officially a democrat'. They want to know who he supports: the democrats, or the republicans. In NC independents can participate in primaries btw and he likely did so intending to f with them.

    If someone accused you of being pro-Trump and you said "I'm registered independent" do you think they'd be like 'oh, nm carry on then'?

  • news News Hannity Falsely Calls Trump’s Would-Be Assassins ‘Democrats’
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 13 hours ago 14%

    Nope. You're back to childish name-calling so I'm out.

  • news News Hannity Falsely Calls Trump’s Would-Be Assassins ‘Democrats’
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 13 hours ago 12%

    I asked you first or do you not understand how math works? Calling me a liar when the numbers are right there. Talk about blatant dishonesty.

  • news News Hannity Falsely Calls Trump’s Would-Be Assassins ‘Democrats’
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 13 hours ago 11%

    You understand that by registering Independent he is eligible to vote in both party primaries in NC right? Talk about not understanding basic US civics. The dude that disavowed Trump and wanted Haley to beat him, and supported Sanders, Gabbard, Biden, and now Harris, is clearly voting 3rd party.

    If you’re registered as a Democrat, you’re a Democrat.

    BEHOLD! What Squid thinks is a Democrat!

  • politics politics Harris victory seen as most likely election outcome, according to CNBC Fed Survey
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 14 hours ago 95%

    Polls are BS. VOTE

  • news News Hannity Falsely Calls Trump’s Would-Be Assassins ‘Democrats’
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 14 hours ago 9%

    What do you say about people that wear MAGA hats but registered Democratic to F with DNC nominations?

    You forgot to answer this one.

  • news News Hannity Falsely Calls Trump’s Would-Be Assassins ‘Democrats’
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 14 hours ago 20%

    He also loudly declared he regretted doing so. Both these looney tunes wanna-be assassins were all over the place with their political leanings. Blindly assuming he isn't a democrat when things like 19 donations to the Democratic party strongly suggest otherwise is myopic.

  • news News Hannity Falsely Calls Trump’s Would-Be Assassins ‘Democrats’
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 14 hours ago 11%

    And what do you say when they wear a MAGA hat and loudly state they only registered Democrat to F with primaries?

  • news News Hannity Falsely Calls Trump’s Would-Be Assassins ‘Democrats’
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 14 hours ago 8%

    You going to bat for Hannity’s conspiracy bullshit is very telling.

    As is your seeming inability to understand basic reasoning.

    I'm curious why you think he isn't being labelled as Independent right off the bat by news agencies if registering Independent solidifies you as such? What do you say about people that wear MAGA hats but registered Democratic to F with DNC nominations?

    I'm not going to bat for Hannity. I'm saying we shouldn't be so smug as to assume he's wrong about this guy. More importantly, that undecideds will agree and not be turned off by an obvious bias towards a belief of Democratic purity. That is how you lose votes.

  • news News Hannity Falsely Calls Trump’s Would-Be Assassins ‘Democrats’
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 15 hours ago 10%

    I'm no longer as certain as I was, but 19 donations over 5 years is a strong argument making me think he is.

  • news News Hannity Falsely Calls Trump’s Would-Be Assassins ‘Democrats’
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 15 hours ago 8%

    There is no 'make up your mind'. There is only a building of evidence. Unless you're willing to declare some objective standard for what everyone considers an 'official Democrat'...

    In the meantime, many people register into a party falsely to do things like manipulate primary votes and such. A common attack vector for the first would-be assassin as I recall. To say "he is or isn't" is pretty much in the eye of the beholder and we're discussing points undecideds will consider relevant.

    My mind is currently leaning to 'way too many people will think he is a Democrat for this to be good for Democrats'.

  • news News Hannity Falsely Calls Trump’s Would-Be Assassins ‘Democrats’
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 16 hours ago 18%

    He donated money to the Democratic party 19x since 2019

    Edit: citation

  • news News Hannity Falsely Calls Trump’s Would-Be Assassins ‘Democrats’
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 16 hours ago 15%

    Okay, I see here he registered independent and expressed support for candidates of both parties this cycle. Still, his relevant support for Biden/Harris and that he recently donated money to the democratic party are what are going to give this accusation legs.

    edit: recently

  • news News Hannity Falsely Calls Trump’s Would-Be Assassins ‘Democrats’
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 16 hours ago 12%

    Isn't this new guy that was arrested a Democrat?

    Records show Routh, 58, lived in North Carolina for most of his life before moving to Hawaii in 2018. In 2020, he made a social media post backing Trump’s reelection, but in more recent years his posts have expressed support for Biden and Harris.

    The first one wasn't iirc so Hannity is full of it, but this attack has legs once they get the wording 'right'. Assholes (Hannity + Assassin).

  • health Health - Resources and discussion for everything health-related Two or three cups of coffee a day is linked to a lower risk of heart and metabolic disease
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 1 day ago 100%

    Seems easy enough to determine: Look at the method and determine how many participants couldn't afford coffee. If all of them could it's a non-variable.

    Personally I wish they had referenced black tea instead. It has mental & health benefits in addition to the relevant caffeine benefit.

  • politics politics Progressives aren't quite sure how to deal with Jill Stein
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 1 day ago 90%

    Rather than arguing that Stein's goals were unrealistic, or that she's a mere spoiler, or that she's an unwitting tool of Russia, Ocasio-Cortez made a different charge: That the Green Party candidate is simply bad at politics.

    Sets aside all the obvious criticisms that everyone is aware of by now and simply goes for the jugular. Attagirl AOC 😍

  • memes memes Riding in the car with the windows rolled up and them smoking away.
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 1 day ago 100%

    Your parents didn't just stuff you in the back window?

  • news News Conservative editor backtracks after seeming to use n word regarding Haitian migrants
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 2 days ago 50%

    So now you presume to know what people say. Easier to answer the hypothetical imo. Weird choice. Your tap-dancing to avoid answering yes or no tells me my point is starting to sink in so I'll leave it there.

    We're off topic and I'm done relitigating this. It's really not that difficult a concept to understand. Read that wiki article I linked you about the Principle of Charity. It will really help you in the future.

  • news News Conservative editor backtracks after seeming to use n word regarding Haitian migrants
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 2 days ago 50%

    Answer the 'if'.

  • news News Conservative editor backtracks after seeming to use n word regarding Haitian migrants
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 2 days ago 50%

    If Maya Angelou said 'she became black' would you still say it was racist?

  • news News Conservative editor backtracks after seeming to use n word regarding Haitian migrants
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 2 days ago 50%

    Your seeming inability to comprehend the tenets of basic rational argumentation and outright refusal to accept what anyone says to you that you disagree with, supported or not, are glaring flaws in someone whose job it is to evaluate what people are saying in their forums and arbitrate fairly.

    Did I not expressly agree that Trump is racist? Show me where I "excuse racism". All I have done is simply (to some) state that "racism accusations are an unnecessary complication to successfully counter Trumps core argument". As I've said already: if someone like MLK jr, or Al Sharpton, or Maya Angelou said "Kamala was pandering to her heritage" your 'that person is racist!' counter would be laughed at. It is besides the point. Nobody disagrees that Trump is racist. Let it go as it doesn't matter for the best counter-argument.

  • news News Conservative editor backtracks after seeming to use n word regarding Haitian migrants
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 2 days ago 40%

    Are you trying to argue that in the forums you actually moderate you suddenly smarten up and start thinking rationally? What changes in you from one link to another that performs this miraculous change?

  • news News Conservative editor backtracks after seeming to use n word regarding Haitian migrants
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 2 days ago 37%

    Again, you're a mod. Do better. Nowhere did I even imply 'when I feel like it'.

    You argue against the best version of the opponent's argument. My argument transcends any accusations of racism, but does not preclude them which makes it the better form. You refusing to get that is sea-lioning at this point. Figureidout or let it go.

  • news News Conservative editor backtracks after seeming to use n word regarding Haitian migrants
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 2 days ago 25%

    Based on your whole ‘principle of charity’ idea, isn’t it your duty to believe him?

    No. The duty is to argue against the best version of his argument. For example: "Uttering the N-word in a racist manner is evidence I am a racist, I didn't say the N-word, so this is not evidence I am a racist" fairly (side note: this may not be the best version of the argument so if someone concocts a better one I would attack that instead).

    In this example I would (and already did elsewhere) say "I listened to the tape and heard a hard-N so the premise 'I didn't say the N-word' is false" so the rest of the argument collapses and the argument concludes "he said the N-word, so this IS evidence he is racist".

  • news News Conservative editor backtracks after seeming to use n word regarding Haitian migrants
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 2 days ago 22%

    Declaring it an accident actually makes the argument 'dude is racist' stronger. If the N-word is used so often in your speech you utter it on camera by accident... yeah, that's racist. I cannot see a charitable version implying the argument 'dude is not racist for uttering the N-word, accidentally or not', but I would entertain attempts in the interest of rational argumentation.

  • news News Kamala Harris helped shut down Sex workers are still feeling the fallout.
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 2 days ago 22%

    let the actual offenders roam free

    One of them got 5 years for fraud so not everyone got off with a warning.

  • news News Conservative editor backtracks after seeming to use n word regarding Haitian migrants
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 2 days ago 87%

    Yeah I have Threads in my uBlock filters. Watched the clip and, yeah, that's a hard N if I've ever heard one.

  • news News Conservative editor backtracks after seeming to use n word regarding Haitian migrants
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 2 days ago 6%

    Having it clearly explained to you but still not letting it go. Clearly the example Lemmy mods should be aspiring to.

    Edit: The point is that a resurrected MLK jr. could have said the same thing Trump said about Kamala and still had it refuted. Racism is besides the point and requires a whole bunch of supporting evidence regarding past statements, policies, and associations for any undecideds that haven't already made up their mind.

  • news News Conservative editor backtracks after seeming to use n word regarding Haitian migrants
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 2 days ago 44%

    I don't see it. Is it the Threads link I have blocked?

  • politics politics Harris soars to record 6-point lead over Trump in post-debate poll
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 2 days ago 95%

    F Polls. Vote.

  • news News A Georgia woman has died after an abortion ban delayed lifesaving care
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 2 days ago 100%

    'Pro-life' my ass

  • news News Conservative editor backtracks after seeming to use n word regarding Haitian migrants
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 2 days ago 90%

    Is there an audio clip?

  • world World News Israel’s siege now blocks 83% of food aid reaching Gaza, new data reveals
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 2 days ago 17%

    So Hamas still haven't released the hostages. Got it. Tune in tomorrow for another exciting episode of As The Stomach Churns.

  • politics politics AOC is right: Jill Stein’s campaign is not serious
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 2 days ago 75%

    Ssssshhhh... You're interrupting my socratic argument to shut this f'ing guy up.

  • politics politics ‘Gaza Drives Political Choices’ – Stein Ahead in Three Critical States
    politics politics ‘Gaza Drives Political Choices’ – Stein Ahead in Three Critical States
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 2 days ago 57%

    Your words, not mine.

  • politics politics ‘Gaza Drives Political Choices’ – Stein Ahead in Three Critical States
  • Cephalotrocity Cephalotrocity 2 days ago 55%

    Knock it off with the straw mans. YOU obviously won't change your mind, but that doesn't mean you aren't trying to convince others... out of a desire for revenge.

  • ukraine
    Ukraine Cephalotrocity 3 days ago 97%
    Ukraine invites UN and ICRC to Russia's Kursk region

    cross-posted from: > Ukraine said on Monday it had asked the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to join humanitarian efforts in Russia's Kursk region following a cross-border incursion by Ukrainian forces. > > Ukraine's army remains in the Kursk region more than a month after launching the assault, in which President Volodymyr Zelenskiy says Kyiv has taken control of about 100 settlements. Russia's Defence Ministry said on Monday its forces had regained control of two more villages. > > "Ukraine is ready to facilitate their work and prove its adherence to international humanitarian law," (Ukrainian Foreign Minister Andrii) Sybiha said on X after visiting the Sumy region, from where Ukrainian forces launched the cross-borer attack.

    Ukraine Cephalotrocity 3 days ago 98%
    Disappointing Systems in Ukraine - From imprecise precision munitions to explosive IFVs

    We've spent a lot of time in the past talking about systems that have been called 'game changers' or arguably overperformed in Ukraine, relative to either expectations, costs, or both. Today, we look at some of the opposite - systems that may not be having the expected impact, and which might prompt some thinking in planners observing the Ukrainian experience.

    Ukraine Cephalotrocity 3 days ago 99%
    Zelenskyy accuses Brazil of being pro-Russia, slams peace proposal

    cross-posted from: > ***Ukrainian president says Brasília-Beijing initiative shows “lack of respect” toward Kyiv’s position.*** > > Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy accused Brazil of being pro-Russia in the Kremlin’s war on Ukraine and lambasted a joint peace proposal drawn up by Brasília and Beijing. > > “The Chinese-Brazilian proposal is also destructive, it’s just a political statement,” Zelenskyy said during an interview with Brazilian news site Metrópoles on Wednesday evening. > > Brazil and China signed a joint statement in May calling for peace talks involving both Russia and Ukraine. **However, according to the Ukrainian president, the two countries consulted Moscow but not Kyiv.** > > “We are not stupid,” Zelenskyy said during the interview. “How can you offer ‘here is our initiative’ without asking anything from us?” He added, “This is a lack of respect toward Ukraine.”

    Work Reform Cephalotrocity 1 week ago 100%
    At SpaceX, worker injuries soar in Elon Musk’s rush to Mars

    cross-posted from: > Reuters documented at least 600 previously unreported workplace injuries at Musk’s rocket company: crushed limbs, amputations, electrocutions, head and eye wounds and one death. SpaceX employees say they’re paying the price for the billionaire’s push to colonize space at breakneck speed. > > >Through interviews and government records, Reuters documented at least 600 injuries of SpaceX workers since 2014. Many were serious or disabling. The records included reports of more than 100 workers suffering cuts or lacerations, 29 with broken bones or dislocations, 17 whose hands or fingers were “crushed,” and nine with head injuries, including one skull fracture, four concussions and one traumatic brain injury. The cases also included five burns, five electrocutions, eight accidents that led to amputations, 12 injuries involving multiple unspecified body parts, and seven workers with eye injuries. > > >SpaceX, founded by Musk more than two decades ago, takes the stance that workers are responsible for protecting themselves, according to more than a dozen current and former employees, including a former senior executive. > > >Musk himself at times appeared cavalier about safety on visits to SpaceX sites: Four employees said he sometimes played with a novelty flamethrower and discouraged workers from wearing safety yellow because he dislikes bright colors.

    Fuck Cars Cephalotrocity 1 week ago 94%
    [Video] My Dangerous Walk to School in the USA

    Despite living just 1 mile from my elementary school, I never walked or biked once - let me show you why.

    Ukraine Cephalotrocity 2 weeks ago 97%
    The Russian Economy at War (2024) - Sanctions, growth, inflation & mounting risks

    [Invidious link]( Since 2022, there have been wildly divergent predictions made about the way the Russian economy would hold up under pressure. Now, deep into Q3 2024 I want to have a closer look at the Russian economy, sanctions, and the risks it faces. And for a change in perspective, we will do it primarily using Russian data.

    Ukraine Cephalotrocity 2 weeks ago 98%
    CIA boss says west should not be intimidated by Russia’s nuclear threats

    cross-posted from: > Western leaders should not be intimidated by Kremlin threats of nuclear escalation, the head of the CIA said on Saturday, and be willing to consider allowing Anglo-French Storm Shadow missiles to be used inside Russia. > > Bill Burns, on a visit to London alongside the head of MI6, said the US had brushed off a previous Russian nuclear scare in autumn 2022, demonstrating that threats from Moscow should not always be taken literally. > > “Putin’s a bully. He’s going to continue to sabre rattle from time to time,” Burns said. “We cannot afford to be intimidated by that sabre rattling … we got to be mindful of it. The US has provided enormous support for Ukraine, and I’m sure the president will consider other ways in which we can support them.” > > [MBFC]( > [Archive](

    Ukraine Cephalotrocity 2 weeks ago 94%
    German support for Ukraine under pressure from populists

    cross-posted from: > The populist BSW and far-right AfD parties, both of which did well in recent state elections in Saxony and Thuringia, are opposed to arms deliveries to Ukraine. This stance is having an impact on federal politics.

    Ukraine Cephalotrocity 2 weeks ago 95%
    Moscow takes control over assets of Western companies

    Sept 6 (Reuters) - Kremlin has been seizing assets of some Western companies in Russia through decrees signed by President Vladimir Putin and court orders related to lawsuits over halted projects or blocked funds amid Western sanctions. Below is a list of the companies affected so far...

    Ukraine Cephalotrocity 2 weeks ago 98%
    Major Russian lenders say yuan coffers empty, urge central bank action

    cross-posted from: > Major Russian banks have called on the central bank to take action to counter a yuan liquidity deficit, which has led to the rouble tumbling to its lowest level since April against the Chinese currency and driven yuan swap rates into triple digits. > > The rouble fell by almost 5% against the yuan on Sept. 4 on the Moscow Stock Exchange (MOEX) after the finance ministry's plans for forex interventions implied that the central bank's daily yuan sales would plunge in the coming month to the equivalent of $200 million. > > The central bank had been selling $7.3 billion worth of yuan per day during the past month. The plunge coincided with oil giant Rosneft's 15 billion yuan bond placement, which also sapped liquidity from the market. > > "We cannot lend in yuan because we have nothing to cover our foreign currency positions with," said Sberbank CEO German Gref, stressing that the central bank needed to participate more actively in the market. > The yuan has become the most traded foreign currency on MOEX after Western sanctions halted exchange trade in dollars and euros, with many banks developing yuan-denominated products for their clients. > Yuan liquidity is mainly provided by the central bank through daily sales and one-day yuan swaps, as well as through currency sales by exporting companies. > > Chinese banks in Russia, meanwhile, are avoiding currency trading for fear of secondary Western sanctions.

    Ukraine Cephalotrocity 2 weeks ago 98%
    Mongolia fails to arrest Putin due to 'energy dependence, neutrality,' Politico reports

    Mongolia's energy dependence complicates the arrest of Russian President Vladimir Putin under an International Criminal Court (ICC) warrant, a Mongolian government spokesperson told Politico in a statement on Sept. 3.

    Ukraine Cephalotrocity 2 weeks ago 96%
    Conflict, creditors and a car crash: How Ukraine clinched a wartime debt restructuring

    ... Facing an economy crippled by the cost and destruction of the war, by August 2022 Ukraine agreed with creditors to pause payments on its bonds. With no end to the conflict in sight, last week the nation sealed one of the fastest - and largest - debt restructurings in history. Eclipsed in scale only by Argentina and Greece, the restructuring of more than $20 billion of debt will save Kyiv $11.4 billion over the next three years - crucial for both its ongoing war effort and its International Monetary Fund programme...

    Ukraine Cephalotrocity 2 weeks ago 98%
    Russia's trade with India is booming and bilateral payments are proceeding smoothly without the glitches hampering trade with other countries, deputy CEO of Russia's Sberbank says

    cross-posted from: > Russia's trade with India is booming and bilateral payments are proceeding smoothly without the glitches that have been hampering trade with other countries, Anatoly Popov, deputy CEO of Russia's largest lender, Sberbank, says.

    Ukraine Cephalotrocity 2 weeks ago 97%
    Russia has no advance near Pokrovsk over past 2 days, Zelensky claims

    cross-posted from: > The situation in the Pokrovsk sector in Donetsk Oblast is "difficult," but Russian troops have not advanced over the past two days, President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Sept. 2, citing Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrskyi. > > The eastern front near Pokrovsk has been the scene of fierce fighting for several months and a focal point of Russia's offensive in Donetsk Oblast. The city is an important logistical hub for Ukrainian forces. > > Asked whether it was appropriate to launch the Kursk incursion, Zelensky said that Russia had redeployed a "sufficiently large number" of troops from Zaporizhzhia and Kherson sectors to Kursk Oblast. > > [MBFC]( > [Archive](

    Ukraine Cephalotrocity 2 weeks ago 99%
    Parents of Russian conscripts who were captured amid Ukraine’s cross-border assault say the Kremlin's pro-war activists are pressuring them to keep silent

    cross-posted from: > [Archived link]( > > Investigators have identified dozens of Russian soldiers who where captured during Ukraine's incursion in Russia. The soldiers’ parents said they haven’t received any information from the Russian Defense Ministry about their children’s possible whereabouts. > > However, the parents have gotten messages from pro-war activists and bloggers — referring to themselves as “volunteer helpers” — who told the parents not to speak out publicly about the deaths, capture, or disappearances of their loved ones to avoid “playing into” Ukraine’s hands and provoking conflict with the Russian authorities. > > One of these “helpers” is an activist named Svetlana Zarutskaya, who runs a chat group for a military unit. She has advised parents “not to talk with Ukes” and to contact the Federal Security Service (FSB) if anybody tries to help them find their sons. > > In a conversation recorded by the mother of a missing conscript, Zarutskaya said the following: > > >There were conscripts stationed on our border in 1941, and our conscripts fought in Afghanistan and Chechnya! When they took their oath, they pledged allegiance to the Motherland. […] The Ukes are pushing the narrative that we’re at fault for posting the conscripts [on the border]. There’s been a major propaganda campaign aimed at turning Russian citizens against their government and against their state. But it’s important to understand: it was the Ukes who crossed our border and took the conscripts captive, and even killed some of them. And we, the Russian army, didn’t cross their borders. We haven’t crossed the new Ukrainian border anywhere. > > **Some of the missing conscripts’ relatives said they’ve reached out to Russian propagandists for help publicizing their situation but that everyone they contacted was afraid to help** [...] Among these figures were > > - Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondent Alexander Kots; > - blogger Semyon Pegov, who runs the popular WarGonzo Telegram channel; > - state media “war correspondent” Yevgeny Poddubny; > - Izvestia correspondent Emil Timashev; > - blogger Yury Podolyak; and reporters for the Yekaterinburg-based state news site > > The employees cited Russia’s law against spreading “disinformation” about the military. Propagandist Anastasia Kashevarova, meanwhile, promised the missing conscripts’ parents that she would help State Duma deputy Shamsail Saraliyev compile a prisoner exchange list, but she then went on to blame the conscripts themselves for allowing Ukrainian troops to cross the border: > > >Serving at the border in a country at war, they were completely relaxed — wearing civilian clothes and with no weapons. Look at the photos and videos of soldiers captured in the SVO (special military operation) zone: those guys are shell-shocked, dirty, and wounded, and it’s clear that they fought to the end. Compare them with the images of those captured in the Kursk region: some of them are wearing slippers, some are in civilian clothing, all of them look clean. [...] Surrendering without a fight, out of negligence, while drunk — it’s [tantamount to] working for the enemy.

    Ukraine Cephalotrocity 2 weeks ago 96%
    Russia says it will change nuclear doctrine because of Western role in Ukraine

    cross-posted from: > Russia will make changes to its doctrine on the use of nuclear weapons in response to what it regards as Western escalation in the war in Ukraine, state media quoted Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov as saying on Sunday. > > The existing nuclear doctrine, set out in a decree by President Vladimir Putin in 2020, says Russia may use nuclear weapons in the event of a nuclear attack by an enemy or a conventional attack that threatens the existence of the state. > > Some hawks among Russia's military analysts have urged Putin to lower the threshold for nuclear use in order to "sober up" Russia's enemies in the West. > > [MBFC]( > [Archive](

    Ukraine Cephalotrocity 2 weeks ago 98%
    Ukraine Aid: Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen Says Her F-16 Donation Proposal Was Blocked Two Years Ago

    cross-posted from: > **At the recent GLOBSEC 2024 Forum in Prague, political leaders from the Baltic Sea states unleashed a barrage of criticism against the U.S. government's handling of its Ukraine war strategy. The most revealing statement came from the Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen.** > > “I am sorry that the deliveries of F-16s took so long. Personally, I was ready to hand them over to Ukraine from the very beginning of the war. However, there was a long debate about the correctness of this decision,” Frederiksen revealed. > > "If we allow Russia to take 20% of Ukraine, [do you believe] Russia will say thank you? My guess is that they will say thank you and move on in Ukraine or other countries, including NATO countries. There is no alternative to Ukraine winning this war,” Frederiksen said. She also added, that “as Europeans, no matter what happens in the US, we should be able to do more on our own” and that “A Europe that is not willing to defend itself is not a Europe.” > > This aligns with Estonia's Hanno Pevkur, who framed the issue as one of strategic clarity. 'The question for us is straightforward: Do we want Ukraine to fight, or do we want Ukraine to win? We want Ukraine to win, not just to fight,' Pevkur stated. > > These sentiments capture a growing divide between the U.S. and some of its European allies, who feel that Washington’s reluctance to escalate its involvement is prolonging the war and risking Ukrainian lives. > > [...] > > The frustration expressed by Baltic and Danish leaders is amplified by recent revelations [...] that the Biden administration had rejected a proposal to send American contractors to Ukraine to maintain Western military equipment, including the crucial F-16s. [as] the U.S. National Security Council had considered the deployment of specialists but ultimately declined, deeming it too risky. > > [...] > > Previously, critics in the U.S., such as retired general and former commanding officer of the U.S. Army Europe Ben Hodges have criticized the U.S. procrastination with training Ukrainian pilots for the F16-s. "It is absurd how long it is taking us to get Ukrainian pilots trained in the F-16s. That is embarrassing to me, how long it has taken," Hodges lamented in a recent interview to The Baltic Sentinel.

    Videos Cephalotrocity 3 weeks ago 57%
    I [Hasan Minaj] asked Bernie Sanders about a Gaza Ceasefire

    [Invidious link]( The day after Bernie Sanders’ speech at the DNC, Hasan has some follow up questions for the Senator, like “What exactly did you mean by a ceasefire in Gaza?” and “What do I tell my friends who have given up on politics?”

    Ukraine Cephalotrocity 3 weeks ago 96%
    Belgium pledges $165 million to restore infrastructure in Kyiv, Chernihiv oblasts

    cross-posted from: > Belgium will allocate 150 million euros ($165 million) to restore civilian and energy infrastructure in Kyiv and Chernihiv oblasts, the Ukrainian government announced on August 30. > > As part of its reconstruction efforts in Ukraine, Brussels has taken on the responsibility for rebuilding two regions, including the cities of Kyiv and Chernihiv, which have endured numerous Russian attacks since the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion. > > . . . > > The agreements outline plans for the reconstruction, renovation, and construction of education, healthcare, and energy infrastructure. Additionally, the two countries aim to build shelters in Ukraine and implement backup power and heating systems. > > [MBFC]( > [Archive](

    World News Cephalotrocity 3 weeks ago 90%
    Israeli forces kill local Hamas commander in West Bank

    cross-posted from: > Summary > > - Israel says Wassem Hazem was the head of Hamas in Jenin > - Hamas confirms the death of three fighters > - Israeli forces keep up large-scale operation in West Bank > - Fighting between Israel and Hamas still rages in Gaza Strip

    World News Cephalotrocity 3 weeks ago 71%
    Israeli forces kill local Hamas commander in West Bank

    Summary - Israel says Wassem Hazem was the head of Hamas in Jenin - Hamas confirms the death of three fighters - Israeli forces keep up large-scale operation in West Bank - Fighting between Israel and Hamas still rages in Gaza Strip

    Ukraine Cephalotrocity 3 weeks ago 93%
    Russian sees imports falling in 2024, crimped by Western sanctions

    MOSCOW, Aug 29 (Reuters) - Russian imports will fall in 2024, hit by problems with cross-border payments and logistical difficulties linked to Western sanctions, the central bank said in a draft of its monetary policy guidelines for the next three years released on Thursday.

    Ukraine Cephalotrocity 3 weeks ago 86%
    Ukrainian Hatsune Miku

    cross-posted from: > > [r*ddit](

    Ukraine Cephalotrocity 3 weeks ago 88%
    Kremlin calls Ukrainian ban on branch of Orthodox Church an attack on freedom of religion

    > MOSCOW, Aug 27 (Reuters) - Russia on Tuesday condemned a move by Ukraine to ban a Moscow-linked branch of the Orthodox Church, describing it as an attack on Christianity and a blow to freedom of religion. ^ Which is a load of BS. Ukrainians are still free to worship at the IOC. Fuck russian spies hiding behind religion for credibility.

    Ukraine Cephalotrocity 3 weeks ago 93%
    Ukraine's top commander says Kursk advance continues, but Pokrovsk front difficult

    KYIV, Aug 27 (Reuters) - Ukraine's top commander said on Tuesday that Kyiv's forces were still advancing in Russia's Kursk region, but warned that Moscow was building up its forces on the eastern Pokrovsk front, where Russian troops have been advancing.

    Ukraine Cephalotrocity 3 weeks ago 97%
    Ukraine used F-16s to repel Russia's mass missile attack, Zelensky confirms

    cross-posted from: > Ukraine's Air Force used F-16 jets as part of its defense against Russia's mass missile and drone attack on Aug. 26, President Volodymyr Zelensky confirmed during a press conference on Aug. 27. > > Russia targeted 15 of Ukraine's 24 oblasts on Aug. 26, launching over 200 missiles and drones as part of the largest-ever aerial attack against Ukraine. > > . . . > > F-16s gave "a very good result," Zelensky told reporters. "As part of this huge attack, we shot down some missiles and drones with the help of F-16s." > > [MBFC]( > [Archive](

    Ukraine Cephalotrocity 3 weeks ago 96%
    Ukraine's army chief says his troops control nearly 500 square miles of Russia's Kursk region

    The chief of Ukraine’s army said Tuesday that the country’s troops have gained control of nearly 1,300 square kilometers (500 square miles) of Russia’s Kursk region since their surprise incursion three weeks ago.
