games games 2023 was a disaster for Unity. Now, after a turbulent year, they're trying to win developers back. Unity Got What They Deserved.
  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 20 hours ago 100%

    Yeah, can't blame me for not trusting Unity anymore. They can pull a Sheikh Hasina anytime and try to re-introduce that dumb fee thing again a few years after they (in the rare instance) successfully wins back their dev base. I really don't know wth they were thinking, trying to make money off of developers just for using their program like this.

    Besides, as a Godot user, Godot is just so much better than Unity in every way. 100% Free (and I hope it fucking stays that way) and much more simpler than Unity. You can even write code on GDScript (Godot's own language, I just hope Godot doesn't abandon it like Unity did with their BooScript), C# and even using C++ if you get GDNative. Also, you don't need a dumb fucking license to legally publish your game if it makes more than a certain amount! (Which I also hope stays in Godot)

    So yeah, I agree. Everyone should learn Godot. 💪

  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 1 day ago 100%

    really? 😮 who's the one on the right then 🤔

  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 2 days ago 100%

    no, that's clearly vegeta 😤

  • touhou
    Touhou Project Alunyanners 2 days ago 100%
    Changed the Icon and Banner to something more commie-themed.

    [Source Engine]( **Now** it feels more like a **Leftist** Touhou Community. 🫡 ~~do y'all like it?~~

  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 2 days ago 100%

    What the fuck does wife beating have anything to do with my post, you racist, defensive jackass? Do you beat your wife or something?

    If there was "no way" you could've known that it was a "MiXtUrE oF LaNgUaGeS", maybe you shouldn't have listed it as a misspelling, huh? Maybe you could've asked what it meant or clarified that beforehand? just a simple "what is akhon dekhaite porbe" would've been fucking enough. but no, someone had to be a raging fucking tomato about it.

    Bold of you to think that I was trying to "pULL a GoTcHa" when it was a genuine fucking question from my end.

    ...oh hey, weren't you the same person who had a problem with people liking anime stuff - to the point you called them "predditors" for it and even scared away a trans person from the Touhou community while I was away?

    What the fuck are you still doing in the grad?

  • askchapo askchapo Unicorns, yes or no?
  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 2 days ago 100%

    there needs to be more traditional unicorns (the ones on the right) in media than "modern" unicorns

    not only do they seem more interesting and original, but i'm sure you can get a "modern" unicorn by just attaching a horn on a horse's [fore]head. not to mention, like another person here said - they are just more whimsical 🥰

  • anime anime The union makes us strong
  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 2 days ago 100%

    Oh, he doesn't actually say it in the episode. I just wanted to share a leftist numbered episode from him lol

    Sorry, should've clarified that ^^;

  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 3 days ago 91%

    "akhon dekhaite porbe" are Bangla words written using English letters.

    Will you also start telling people who type in Bahasa Melayu, Bahasa Indonesia (both of which use English letters btw); or really, people when they type any non-western languages (like even arabic for example) using english letters that they're just "misspelling" shit?

    "mot" is the only misspelling here. Those 3 words are correct in our language.

  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 3 days ago 100%

    where's the misspelling?

  • anime anime The union makes us strong
  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 3 days ago 100%

    Episode 1312

    Can't wait till he reaches Episode 1918 🫡


  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 3 days ago 100%

    by "it" I meant like the news btw, since I never thought this country might've had oil in it lmao. how come no one - not even Hasina, Khaleda or even fucking Ershad - ever discovered this?

    I didn't want it to lose the "crosspost" mark (so that people know that the bangladeshi comm exists), so clarifying that in the comments than in the post

  • genzedong
    GenZedong Alunyanners 3 days ago 100%
    oh boy

    cross-posted from: > people are already making jokes about america in the comments section lmao > > ![]( > > ::: spoiler ...of course, some also felt the need to drag the pride flag in it as well :/ > > ![]( > > like America ever cared about queer people > > oh right, I forgot, people kissing people of the same gender and people wanting to change their gender is western American imperialism to these people! ...somehow > ___ > ::: > > idk, I thought it was weird and funny lol

    Bangladesh Alunyanners 3 days ago 100%
    oh boy

    people are already making jokes about america in the comments section lmao ![]( ::: spoiler ...of course, some also felt the need to drag the pride flag in it as well :/ ![]( like America ever cared about queer people oh right, I forgot, people kissing people of the same gender and people wanting to change their gender is western American imperialism to these people! ...somehow ___ ::: idk, I thought the news was weird and funny lol

    games games I hate the right-wing nerd outrage slop industrial complex
  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 3 days ago 100%

    “I can’t believe they made Zelda a girl!” do they think link is zelda? or they're pissed about the femboy-fication of link?

  • genzedong GenZedong Oh Jesus...
  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 3 days ago 100%

    ...yeah that's kinda already a thing over here lmao (ok maybe not the "work industrial plants for western companies", but still)

    the average garments worker gets overworked for peanuts in sweatshops with shoddy conditions (rana plaza, anyone? that shit happened under hasina government and yet nothing came out of it in the end. typical.)

    ...actually, not even garments workers, but many jobs here are like that

    asks a lot of experience/qualifications from you, only to make you work long hours (>8h at times) with not much in return (most of the time it's a monthly wage too). and god forgive you if you're working intern. i heard stories about companies firing you after they got free work from you done.

  • genzedong GenZedong Oh Jesus...
  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 3 days ago 100%
    • tajuddin ahmed was supposed to serve as the PM after BD became liberated. well, he didn't let that happen lmao
    • formed the "rokkhi bahini", which was like his own personal army and used it to crush any form of dissent. an example is the murder of shiraj shikdar, who was a prominent leftist revolutionary over here; essentially defangling the east bengals' proletariat party.
    • tried dissolving every single political parties at the time to form BAKSAL and have it be the only allowed political party.
    • banned several newspapers to only allow his selected few newspapers

    ...all this while saying that he wanted to form a democratic country during the liberation war lmao

    there's a reason why under his daughter's rule, you couldn't read newspapers from his rule. but truth always has a way to get out into the world.

  • genzedong GenZedong Oh Jesus...
  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 3 days ago 100%

    but the is already in 🥺

  • askchapo askchapo Why isn't there a frog based kaiju?
  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 3 days ago 100%

    yes, but also i don't think anyone could take a frog-kaiju seriously because of how silly frogs look like.

  • genzedong GenZedong Oh Jesus...
  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 3 days ago 100%

    no problem comrade. i'm glad that you can understand why hasina really "fell" as opposed to the common narrative that's been going on around here, that "america got her off".

    i think for once the west might have a good reason to not approve her, seeing as how she took part in the tradition of vote stealing (read: telling people INSIDE THE PRIVATE VOTE BOOTHS to vote for her, beating up anyone who didn't vote for her - especially anyone who voted for BNP. people have also been saying the vote boxes were already filled when they got there, which is insane) to illegitmately slingshot herself to power in the elections after 2008/2014, just like everyone before her (like sheikh mujib and even fucking khaleda zia). unless there were other reasons the west didn't like her - in which case, idk about it.

    but yes, she only has herself to blame for this revolution to take place. there were many, many things that she could've done right with the people to prevent this from happening - but at the bare minimum, she could've stopped trying to deify her father, herself and stopped trying to turn the freedom fighters + their descendants into a new privileged class and stopped pushing the bullshit anti-meritocratic quota law in our faces.

    but no! instead, she tried to intimidate us when we protested against this bullshit quota law by gunning down unarmed protestors or even innocent people/children! she even tried to control this shit by turning off/slowing the internet down to a crawl (like she always did when people protested against her and her guard dogs were let loose) and claiming "data centers got burnt durr" or "we're repairing the submarine cables durr", like we're that fucking dumb and the internet is her daddy's property to turn on and off at will.

    she did all this crap and then has the guts to say "if i gave uncle sam what he wanted, i would still be in power". lmfao. dumb out-of-touch boomer. then again, she also cried crocodile tears right after gunning down unarmed protestors and kids, so.

  • genzedong GenZedong Oh Jesus...
  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 3 days ago 100%

    It’s so frustrating to read anything about IMF loans because most summaries are all euphemistic economic jargon

    they do this to make it seem like "nothing is unusual", or to make you feel too bored to keep reading. first impressions and all that.

  • genzedong GenZedong Oh Jesus...
  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 3 days ago 100%

    true, but also i don't think i'm going to see a marketplace website like ukraine did where they pricetagged and showcased the country's assets for the world to see lol

  • genzedong GenZedong Oh Jesus...
  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 3 days ago 100%

    what are they gonna sell though

  • genzedong GenZedong Oh Jesus...
  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 3 days ago 100%


    is this about how post-soviet states become after the "fall" of the ussr?

  • genzedong GenZedong Oh Jesus...
  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 3 days ago 100%

    it should be a crime to mention/talk about bangladesh without mentioning the only bangladeshi in this place lmao

    anyway, i saw this on facebook from "nutshell today" the other day, so uhhh, yeah. 😐

    1 billion really isn't much to develop a country though, so idk why yunus is doing this shit while minorities are under attack.

    also, no idea on what "economic reforms" they need to make as this country was already capitalist as it is. the "peoples republic" part is a lie.

    also also, the previous PMs already did great job at ravaging this country anyway, so idk what new is there to ravage. under the hasina government the ministers (as well as herself) pretty much took money from the treasury and sent them out of this country. ironic, as they wouldn't let us do the same thing. all options to send money into this country but good luck sending any out of this country. it's suspicious that we're $63B in debt right now after she left when hasina took $64B in loans. where did that loaned money go?

    then there's also this

    just saying, bangladesh was doomed from the start the moment mujibor rahman became a megalomaniac and didn't let the rightful prime minister (tajuddin ahmed) get into power.

  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 4 days ago 100%

    we call this one, the "paper clip theory"!

  • traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns I have something to announce
  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 4 days ago 100%

    thank youuu 🥰 i like finding sources [of pics] lmao 🫡

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Apartheid Clyde strikes again
  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 4 days ago 100%


    imagine making fashgpt

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Apartheid Clyde strikes again
  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 4 days ago 100%

    we have enough chatbots, i don't think any of us need anymore of them that essentially do the same thing.

    but then again, since when did cappies ever cared about actually improving and empowering human lives? 🤷‍♀️

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Its me I'm sickos
  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 4 days ago 100%

    literally me

  • traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns I have something to announce
  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 4 days ago 100%

    based voidpunk

  • askchapo askchapo Caption this
  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 4 days ago 100%

    literally this scene that happened in one of our talk shows lol

    BD's former "chief of justice", after being confronted by the talk show hostess about some stuff he did: "s-stop talking nonsense!!!"

    hostess: "please don't get agitated"

  • prolewiki ProleWiki I thought Wisconcom (Saul Wenger) was a Hoxhaist what happened?
  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 4 days ago 100%

    dammit wisconcom stop trying to make revisionists look good

  • shitultrassay Shit Ultras Say Wisconcom // Wenger theory just dropped
  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 4 days ago 100%

    wonder if this guy would call lenin a liberal

  • korea Korea / 조선 South Korea summit to target 'blueprint' for using AI in the military
  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 4 days ago 100%

    use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the military

    we're getting closer and closer to AM/i have no mouth and i must scream becoming a reality, wtf is this?

  • traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns I have something to announce
  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 4 days ago 100%

    i have too much time on my hands, so i decided to look her up for the kicks.

    she's shiroko from blue archive.

  • traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns I have something to announce
  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 4 days ago 100%


  • games games hire fans lol
  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 4 days ago 100%

    you can't get anymore hIsToRiCaLLy AcCuRaTe than this

  • prolewiki ProleWiki I thought Wisconcom (Saul Wenger) was a Hoxhaist what happened?
  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 5 days ago 100%


  • prolewiki ProleWiki I thought Wisconcom (Saul Wenger) was a Hoxhaist what happened?
  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 5 days ago 100%

    deep down we're all wisconcom :DDD

  • games games Italy busts ring trafficking retro video games from China
  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 5 days ago 100%

    ...yet people still call it noodles instead of 面/miàn 😭

  • chat chat We should probably be agitating on .world
  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 5 days ago 95%

    I thought they banned people for being "tjankies" and if they're not being pro-ukraine, pro-taiwan province or even pro-zionist?

  • shitposting shitposting Would the opposite of a Wisconcom be a Beijingcap/Beijingfash? 🤔☕
  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 6 days ago 100%
  • traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns apparently the sharks are pronounced like "Blow-High". I've always pronounced them like "Blah-Hajj", from how they are spelled lmao
  • Alunyanners Alunyanners 6 days ago 100%

    "consumer-queer"??? wdym??? /genq

  • shitposting
    shitposting Alunyanners 7 days ago 85%
    Would the opposite of a Wisconcom be a Beijingcap/Beijingfash? 🤔☕

    These are questions that keep me up at night.

    games Alunyanners 4 weeks ago 96%
    since misinfo re: my country has forced me to come back unofficially and earlier than i wanted, i might as well ask: is there any other COD game that isn't pure state propaganda and isn't anti-USSR?

    cross-posted from: > i know COD WAW is one of them where it has the best portrayal of the soviets, but the other COD games where you also get to play as the soviets/red army soldier like in the original COD (COD 2003) and in COD 2 - are they just as good? or at least, not as problematic as with the newer cod games? > > because i refuse to play any game that's just pure crystallized american state propaganda and talks shit about the USSR. fuck off with that shit. figured i'd post it here too since hexbear has more activity than the grad ~~but i'm still a grad patriot so crossposting it is instead lmao~~ but yeah, any thoughts?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Games Alunyanners 4 weeks ago 94%
    since misinfo re: my country has forced me to come back unofficially and earlier than i wanted, i might as well ask: is there any other COD game that isn't pure state propaganda and isn't anti-USSR?

    i know COD WAW is one of them where it has the best portrayal of the soviets, but the other COD games where you also get to play as the soviets/red army soldier like in the original COD (COD 2003) and in COD 2 - are they just as good? or at least, not as problematic as with the newer cod games? because i refuse to play any game that's just pure crystallized american state propaganda and talks shit about the USSR. fuck off with that shit.

    games Alunyanners 9 months ago 100%
    Oh of course they keep Pigfarts Legacy as DECK GOTY while change all the other awards. Of fucking course. Average Steam Community Member.

    ::: spoiler a more clear image ![]( :::

    TankieTunes Alunyanners 9 months ago 100%
    Warszawianka (Bangla Ver.), Translation in Video

    [There's also one with Communist imagery, but that one has broken Bangla text.]( My favorite commie song of all time. An adaptation of Douglas Robson's Warszawianka with Traditional Bangla instruments.

    TankieTunes Alunyanners 9 months ago 100%
    Song of the Partisans (Bangla Ver.), Translation in Description

    0:00 - 0:15 ``` 7 November, 1917 Long Live the Great November Revolution ``` 0:20 - 0:40 ``` Through the winter's cold and famine, from the fields and from the towns at the call of Comrade Lenin, there arose the Partisans at the call of Comrade Lenin, there arose the Partisans ``` 0:41 - 1:02 ``` To the East swept forward the Partisans through the swamps and on to the heights, to attack and take Primorye, the last stronghold of the Whites. to attack and take Primorye, the last stronghold of the Whites. ``` 1:16 - 1:35 ``` Battle-scarred and faded banners fluttered bravely on before, but far deeper was the crimson of the recent wounds they bore. but far deeper was the crimson of the recent wounds they bore. ``` 1:36 - 1:57 ``` They destroyed the White Guard forces and to hell the bandits they hurled, and on the Pacific Ocean the workers' flag unfurled and on the Pacific Ocean the workers' flag unfurled ``` 1:58 - 2:18 ``` Through the winter's cold and famine, from the fields and from the towns at the call of Comrade Lenin, there arose the Partisans at the call of Comrade Lenin, there arose the Partisans ``` 2:45 - 2:49 ``` Viva la Revolucíon! ```

    LemmyWORLD vs. LemmyGRAD


    traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns Alunyanners 10 months ago 100%
    🥺 represents a bottom, while 🥹 represents a happy bottom

    surprised how no one noticed it lol

    Islamic Leftism Alunyanners 10 months ago 97%
    So... rather than just cursing/condemning all Zionists, why do Ansarallah/"Houthis" curse/condemn all Jews instead?

    ![]( ![](

    anime Alunyanners 11 months ago 93%
    speeny lesbians


    Comradeship // Freechat Alunyanners 1 year ago 94%
    What's your favorite genre of music?

    Post made in response to [this other post](, where I've mistakenly commented the music genres I liked, thinking the thread was about musical genres you like; as opposed to what it actually was about. So yeah, sorry about that lmfao. I was sleepy to notice at the time. (In case people still want to know the musical genres I like: I primarily love revolutionary/socialist music, DPRK-Pop and metal music. Occasionally however I like some video game/anime soundtrack)

    Hopeposting Alunyanners 1 year ago 100%
    Woosh :star:

    cross-posted from: > Girls Last Tour, in case anyone was wondering. > > Good show, watch it.

    Laos Alunyanners 1 year ago 100%
    "China-funded free surgery program brings back joyful life to Lao children"

    cross-posted from: > Wholesome solidarity; hope this improves your day.

    Programming Alunyanners 1 year ago 92%
    Is there a website for you to practice your web development skills? Particularly HTML and CSS.

    I don't really see any websites that allow you to practice webdev skills asides from JS. Maybe ask the user to make like a project or a simple website with the things they want implement and have them rank it and stuff?

    Comradeship // Freechat Alunyanners 1 year ago 94%
    The new update is causing the grad to look more like reddit lmfao

    - Everything's so smaller now - All avatars are a tiny square (but uses their original, circular shape if you go to the page where you can view the avatar fully) - "OP" flair like Reddit (also looks like reddit), as opposed to "Creator" flair which felt more original - The post links and fediverse icons are now next to the username as opposed to the upvote-downvote-share icon - The vaporwave theme makes the "subscribe", "create a post" buttons more rounded... they look just like Reddit's "subscribe", "create a post" buttons!

    Old tweet, but still extremely based

    Lesbians of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your closets! (...yeah I've got nothing, sorry). (still, based marxism-lesbianism)

    Guns for Leftists Alunyanners 1 year ago 86%
    What a cool gun... shame it had to be manufactured under Fascist times 😔

    If I want a pistol, I want it to be a Luger; or at the very least, ***look/operate*** like one. So much cool looking than your typical glocks. But alas. 😔

    TankieTunes Alunyanners 1 year ago 94%
    Song Ukrainians Hear When Stalin Eats All The Grain, idk | Anthem of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (Stalin Ver.)

    Original Title: "Anthem of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (Stalin Ver.)"

    Third image result from searching PZPR. One of the funniest (but based if true) things I've ever seen.

    [It linked to someone's soundcloud track. ]( I don't understand Polish though, so I didn't understand how this is "PZPR Propaganda". Googling its lyrics, there's not as much as a peep about LGBT. So idk why even put LGBT imagery over it lmfao. Did the PZPR/Polish Peoples Republic say LGBT Rights back in its day or something? I thought the GDR was the first to do that.

    In response to a twitter post trying to portray Anya as a fascist, here's a portrayal of Anya as a Comrade instead.

    [Afforementioned twitter post that I came across on the 'grad.](

    GenZedong Alunyanners 1 year ago 93%
    MrBreast at it again. Pretend you're Boy Boy for a second and come up with a Communist Figure who did the same thing MrBeast did but better.

    Is it still gonna be Fidel again? Also, off-topic but I despise this thumbnail for many reasons.

    GenZedong Alunyanners 1 year ago 93%
    Had some milquetoast liberal online say "we can't ban gambling because that'd take away many people's way of earning money!"

    Listen, dumbass, the only person "earning money" in gambling is the house. 9 out of 10 times, the house always wins. They just let you win every once in a while to influence you into spending more and more money. Also boo fucking hoo casino companies won't be able to "earn money" by indirectly robbing and exploiting them anymore. Won't anyone think of the casino companies? 😭😭😭 I just kept my mouth shut because I was the only commie in a server full of libs (they're also very pro-ukrainian) and it was a server about a game, so politics aren't the main focus; but this got brought up. Like in total lib fashion, they just went with "we should just regulate/control it". Also, funny thing is, one of the libs tried to use the "B-but there are some people who wanna gamble with their friends privately! You can't report them!" like it's some kind of gotcha. Like, okay? Keep it in yourselves? Just don't regret or blame anyone but yourself if the friendship ends because you lost a lot of money and they aren't willing to be cooperative. Shame I couldn't wreck some libs without worrying about getting banned for "hostility" or whatever.

    TankieTunes Alunyanners 1 year ago 88%
    Warszawianka (Japanese Version)

    Before I saw this, I gave the [Original Polish version]( a listen, and... unfortunately the Japanese Version won me over. Sorry, []( Also sorry for linking Ingen, but he seems to be the only one with English Subtitles for everyone here to understand.
