Progressive Politics Aatube 3 hours ago 91%
What's your favorite voting rule? e.g. FPTP, single transferable vote,

Now obviously we all espouse ranked voting, but the most popular rule—the single transferable vote—is known to sometimes eliminate candidates for getting too many votes, which is what happened in the 2022 Alaska special election (see for an explanation of how this happens). So, which voting rule do you like the most? I'm new to this world, but so far the Dowdall system seems like a good compromise.

upliftingnews Uplifting News US Schools are replacing blacktop with greenery to avoid the heat island effect
  • Aatube Aatube 3 hours ago 100%

    It's called at least being able to improve things while half of our country will not compromise on school shootings.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Alternatives to congress
  • Aatube Aatube 3 hours ago 100%

    I appreciate that you're taking the time to politely respond.

    Obviously, the lower bodies decide more minutiae and local stuff and can't go against the upper bodies' decisions, and that goes for pretty much every democracy, just like you said. I was talking about specifically the Supreme Soviet and its Presidium, which could also be abstracted into the presidiums of every soviet. I think that's the source of our confusion here. I'm looking at principles in making wide-ranging decisions, which are the things that can cause division. Not sure why I said üpper body".

    what was purged was liberalism and fascism

    Ah yes, known liberals and fascists such as the other two people who ruled with Stalin and whoever believed in genetics. If diverse opinions were allowed, what was the entire focus on eradicating factionalism?

    Could you cite some sources or elaborate on fighting against bureaucracy? Why was bureaucracy established and why did it remain after the war? How wasn't Stalin before Lenin's death a career politician?

    I have to sign off now until tomorrow.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Alternatives to congress
  • Aatube Aatube 4 hours ago 100%

    Without a specific page or chapter number, I'm assuming you're pointing to the only paragraph that mentions "centralism". It just seems to repeat what I already replied to.

    I'll explain further, then: At first, the lower body elects the upper body. The upper body decides everything. Then:

    1. Why not just skip the waste of time of the lower body voting on stuff? I can't find any time something like jury nullification of a really awful presidium policy happened.
    2. Since whoever disagrees with the upper body gets expelled, the lower body will perpetually elect whomever the upper body wants. While this may have enabled a dictatorship of the proletariat for a while, this behavior blocked out a ton of new ideas and became problematic after Stalin's straight-up purging of opponents and entrenched an oppressive old guard, by whom Khrushchev got ousted trying to get rid of.
  • asklemmy Asklemmy Alternatives to congress
  • Aatube Aatube 5 hours ago 100%

    Just like many things in the USSR, It was perhaps that way in principle, but nefariously twisted in practice, where it means that everyone must vote whatever the elite thinks, majority requirements be damned. Like the ancient parable of Yu the Great choosing a successor, a dictating elite are bound to self-perpetuate and stray away from the proletariat, even if that's what they were once.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy If AI is so rampent and used for evil purposes. Can we not use it for good purposes like creating a personalized JARVIS like in Iron Man? Would that not be better than using it for fake images?
  • Aatube Aatube 5 hours ago 60%

    Yes, autocorrect may use text predictors. No, that does not make text predictors "spicy autocorrect". The denotation may be correct, but the connotation isn't.

    Text predictors (obviously) predict text, and as such don't have any actual understanding on the text they are outputting. An AI that doesn't understand its own outputs isn't going to achieve anything close to a sci-fi depiction of an AI assistant.

    There's a large philosophical debate about whether we actually know what we're thinking, but I'm not going to get into that. All I'm going to elaborate on is the thought experiment of the Chinese room that posits that perhaps AI doesn't need to understand things to have apparent intelligence enough for most functions.

    It's also not like the devs are confused about why LLMs work.

    Yes they are. All they know is that if you train a text predictor a ton, at one point it hits a bottleneck of usability way below targets, and then one day it will suddenly surpass that bottleneck for no apparent reason.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Alternatives to congress
  • Aatube Aatube 7 hours ago 20%

    Anarchy’s free association. We simply have them split and control their own part of land unless there’s agreements to use certain parts of common land. Would work for everything except global warming.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Alternatives to congress
  • Aatube Aatube 7 hours ago 33%

    Could work if you remove the democratic centralism part, which is an effect of one of the main reasons the USSR was undemocratic most of the time

  • Aatube Aatube 7 hours ago 100%

    scraping intensifies to a halt as a blade is raised

  • upliftingnews Uplifting News US Schools are replacing blacktop with greenery to avoid the heat island effect
  • Aatube Aatube 7 hours ago 100%

    “Nonstandard” would be an euphemism

  • asklemmy Asklemmy If AI is so rampent and used for evil purposes. Can we not use it for good purposes like creating a personalized JARVIS like in Iron Man? Would that not be better than using it for fake images?
  • Aatube Aatube 8 hours ago 58%

    It's not autocorrect, it's a text predictor. So I'd say you could definitely get close to JARVIS, especially when we don't even know why it works yet.

  • upliftingnews Uplifting News US Schools are replacing blacktop with greenery to avoid the heat island effect
  • Aatube Aatube 9 hours ago 100%

    Covenant. There was another one?

  • upliftingnews Uplifting News US Schools are replacing blacktop with greenery to avoid the heat island effect
  • Aatube Aatube 9 hours ago 100%

    you got it

  • politics politics Elon Musk has the worst ‘both sides’ take on latest Trump assassination attempt
  • Aatube Aatube 10 hours ago 100%

    You see, four score and negative seventy years ago, Kenya West said

  • politics politics Elon Musk has the worst ‘both sides’ take on latest Trump assassination attempt
  • Aatube Aatube 10 hours ago 100%

    Republicans are promoting baseless conspiracy theories, yes. However, that doesn't mean we should do the same and promote the "both sides are the same uniparty" idea. (Which is why I have offered my own kounterconspiraschietheory below.)

  • news News Suspected Gunman at Trump Golf Course Said He Was Willing to Fight and Die in Ukraine
  • Aatube Aatube 10 hours ago 100%

    I'll gladly vote Camshaft 2024

  • news News Suspected Gunman at Trump Golf Course Said He Was Willing to Fight and Die in Ukraine
  • Aatube Aatube 10 hours ago 100%
  • programmer_humor Programmer Humor Yup...i can confirm that
  • Aatube Aatube 10 hours ago 100%

    I mean, their goal was readability, and at least they're trying new things.

  • upliftingnews Uplifting News US Schools are replacing blacktop with greenery to avoid the heat island effect
  • Aatube Aatube 10 hours ago 100%

    If you're already outside, sure, but otherwise that's bullshit, excuse my French. At least two people died because they followed the fire drill procedure during the Nashville shooting.

  • politics politics Elon Musk has the worst ‘both sides’ take on latest Trump assassination attempt
  • Aatube Aatube 11 hours ago 50%

    And your "solution" for that is to act like a Republican?

  • upliftingnews Uplifting News US Schools are replacing blacktop with greenery to avoid the heat island effect
  • Aatube Aatube 11 hours ago 100%

    Ah yes, running outlockeddoors during lockdown is safer than hiding in your local classroom blindspot.

  • news News Suspected Gunman at Trump Golf Course Said He Was Willing to Fight and Die in Ukraine
  • Aatube Aatube 12 hours ago 100%

    Is this a reference lol

  • 196 196 notifications rule
  • Aatube Aatube 13 hours ago 100%

    happy dagger time

  • askouija Ask Lemmy, Ouija Style Because of Mr. Hendersons disgusting display last week, ________ are now banned from the country club.
  • Aatube Aatube 13 hours ago 100%


  • upliftingnews Uplifting News US Schools are replacing blacktop with greenery to avoid the heat island effect
  • Aatube Aatube 13 hours ago 40%
  • retrogaming RetroGaming PlayStation 1 emulator DuckStation changes license for no commercial use and no derivatives
  • Aatube Aatube 13 hours ago 100%

    It's called a CLA. Nearly all of the Linux Foundation uses it.

    Edit: As said in the article, apparently the DuckStation maintainer painstakingly replaced every piece of GPL-licensed code instead of using a CLA, which he was aware of. Props, I guess.

  • upliftingnews Uplifting News US Schools are replacing blacktop with greenery to avoid the heat island effect
  • Aatube Aatube 13 hours ago 100%

    Judging by how many trees suburbs already have, probably just rainwater

  • upliftingnews
    Uplifting News Aatube 14 hours ago 100%
    US Schools are replacing blacktop with greenery to avoid the heat island effect

    > > > Today, the Los Angeles Unified School District has a goal of converting at least 30 percent of every schoolyard to green space, a years-long project that it expects to cost $3 billion. By its own estimate, about 475 schools do not meet that standard and, of them, more than 200 elementary schools have less than 10 percent green space. This analysis does not include school parking lots or truck delivery areas — paved surfaces that are likely to remain that way and raise the temperature around schools. > > > > > Webster, after years of waiting, is now on the list of schools to be renovated by the Trust for Public Land. The nonprofit will work with a class of third-graders and landscape architects for the next year to design a new schoolyard. Projects like this can take two to three years to complete, at a cost ranging from $400,000 to as much as $2.5 million, said Danielle Denk, who directs the organization’s schoolyard transformation work. In Philadelphia, most of the money for these projects comes from the water department, which is trying to make the city more capable of absorbing storm runoff. > >

    News Aatube 14 hours ago 88%
    Suspected Gunman at Trump Golf Course Said He Was Willing to Fight and Die in Ukraine

    > > > Mr. Routh, a former roofing contractor from Greensboro, N.C., was interviewed by The New York Times in 2023 for an article about Americans volunteering to aid the war effort in Ukraine. Mr. Routh, who had no military experience, said he had traveled to the country after Russia’s invasion and wanted to recruit Afghan soldiers to fight there. > > > > In a telephone interview with The New York Times in 2023, when Mr. Routh was in Washington, he spoke with the self-assuredness of a seasoned diplomat who thought his plans to support Ukraine’s war effort were sure to succeed. But he appeared to have little patience for anyone who got in his way. When an American foreign fighter seemed to talk down to him in a Facebook message he shared with The New York Times, Mr. Routh said, “he needs to be shot.” > > > > In the interview, Mr. Routh said he was in Washington to meet with the U.S. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, known as the Helsinki Commission “for two hours” to help push for more support for Ukraine. The commission is led by members of Congress and staffed by congressional aides. It is influential on matters of democracy and security and has been vocal in supporting Ukraine. > > > > Mr. Routh also said he was seeking recruits for Ukraine from among Afghan soldiers who had fled the Taliban. He said he planned to move them, in some cases illegally, from Pakistan and Iran to Ukraine. He said dozens had expressed interest. > > > > > A man with the same name and similar age as Mr. Routh was arrested in 2002 in Greensboro, N.C., after barricading himself inside a building with a fully automatic weapon, according to the Greensboro News & Record newspaper. > > > > > In a May 2020 post, he invited Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader, to Hawaii for a vacation and offered to act as “ambassador and liaison” to resolve disputes between the two nations. > >

    politics politics Elon Musk has the worst ‘both sides’ take on latest Trump assassination attempt
  • Aatube Aatube 14 hours ago 44%

    I don't see any evidence for this beyond them being Republicans.

  • meanwhileongrad MeanwhileOnGrad They show there true colors
  • Aatube Aatube 1 day ago 100%

    their*, sorry lol

  • meanwhileongrad MeanwhileOnGrad They show there true colors
  • Aatube Aatube 1 day ago 100%

    B A G E, E G F, B A A♭ G doo doot-doo doo, dah dee da, deee da-da doooo

    [Flute Solo] [Saxophone Solo] [David Gilmour Guitar Solo] [Vibraslap Solo]

  • technology Technology Robot begins removing Fukushima nuclear plant’s melted fuel.
  • Aatube Aatube 1 day ago 100%

    But what about their 307cu³ and counting of spent fuel?

  • technology Technology Robot begins removing Fukushima nuclear plant’s melted fuel.
  • Aatube Aatube 1 day ago 66%

    Ooooh. Is there a catch? Are the Fukushima spent fuel caskets all fully recycled?

  • askouija Ask Lemmy, Ouija Style Because of Mr. Hendersons disgusting display last week, ________ are now banned from the country club.
  • Aatube Aatube 1 day ago 100%


  • Aatube Aatube 1 day ago 100%

    we building back babel with this one f🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • askouija Ask Lemmy, Ouija Style Because of Mr. Hendersons disgusting display last week, ________ are now banned from the country club.
  • Aatube Aatube 1 day ago 100%


  • askouija Ask Lemmy, Ouija Style Because of Mr. Hendersons disgusting display last week, ________ are now banned from the country club.
  • Aatube Aatube 1 day ago 100%
  • askouija Ask Lemmy, Ouija Style Because of Mr. Hendersons disgusting display last week, ________ are now banned from the country club.
  • Aatube Aatube 1 day ago 100%


  • askouija Ask Lemmy, Ouija Style Because of Mr. Hendersons disgusting display last week, ________ are now banned from the country club.
  • Aatube Aatube 1 day ago 100%


  • askouija Ask Lemmy, Ouija Style Because of Mr. Hendersons disgusting display last week, ________ are now banned from the country club.
  • Aatube Aatube 1 day ago 100%


  • technology Technology Robot begins removing Fukushima nuclear plant’s melted fuel.
  • Aatube Aatube 1 day ago 66%

    I live within two hours of a decommissioned nuclear power plant and 10 seconds of a sink.

  • technology Technology Robot begins removing Fukushima nuclear plant’s melted fuel.
  • Aatube Aatube 1 day ago 71%

    You either just treat them like normal buildings, treat them like tourist buildings, or just sell them to Holtec.


    Do you really think that out of the millions of demolished buildings, none had toilets‽

  • linux
    Linux Aatube 1 week ago 96%
    It'sFOSS's tips to understanding the man pages and CLI

    Covers meaning of chapters and sections, `whatis`, `whereis`, and `man -k`.

    Mildly Interesting Aatube 1 week ago 94%
    There's an ecosystem of fictional automakers that sell car models on Roblox

    Link goes to its Fandom wiki. I trust that you have your own extension that will redirect it to your preferred Fandom viewer.

    Technology Aatube 2 weeks ago 99%
    Participants rated the same text presented in Wikipedia lower than in ChatGPT or Alexa for credibility

    Identical text perceived as *less* credible when presented as a Wikipedia article than as simulated ChatGPT or Alexa output. The researchers note that these results might be influenced by the fact that it is easier to discern factual errors on a static text page like a Wikipedia than when listening to the spoken audio of Alexa or watching the streaming chat-like presentation of ChatGPT. > > > However, exploratory analyses yielded an interesting discrepancy between perceived information credibility when being exposed to actual information and global trustworthiness ratings regarding the three information search applications. Here, online encyclopedias were rated as most trustworthy, while no significant differences were observed between voice-based and dynamic text-based agents. > > > > > Contrary to our predictions, people felt higher enjoyment [measured using questions like "I found reading the information / listening to the information entertaining"] when information was presented as static or dynamic text compared to the voice-based agent, while the two text-based conditions did not significantly differ. In Experiment 2, we expected to replicate this pattern of results but found that people also felt higher enjoyment with the dynamic text-based agent than the static text. > > Edit: Added "for credibility" to title

    196 Aatube 2 weeks ago 88%
    196 Aatube 2 weeks ago 98%
    how the eastern germany Left party is fighting against neo-nazis (no hate, it's just cute and random)


    News Aatube 2 weeks ago 99%
    Why California Is Considering Banning Food Dyes in Schools

    > > > Joel Nigg, a professor of psychiatry at Oregon Health and Science University, performed a similar review in 2012. He had expected to find evidence that would reassure those who were worried about food dyes, he said. However, he also found a small but significant increase in hyperactivity when children consumed the dyes. Other researchers have come to similar conclusions. > > > > Dr. Nigg and other experts have acknowledged the various limitations with the research. In addition to most of the available studies being small, many are also decades old and some rely on parents’ reports of their children’s behaviors, which can be biased. Some also tested dyes that weren’t used in the United States, making it difficult to say if the results apply to children in this country. > > > > No large, representative studies have been done on children in the United States, Dr. Nigg said. And researchers aren’t sure how, exactly, the dyes might increase hyperactivity; one study in children suggested that regulation of histamine, a neurotransmitter that can affect behavior, may be involved. In some studies on rodents, researchers have also reported that high levels of the dyes could cause cellular damage and affect signaling and structures in the brain. > > > > The F.D.A., along with an international committee of food safety experts, has emphasized the limitations of the research while maintaining that the food dyes currently approved in the United States are safe. > > > > > Industry groups, including the Consumer Brands Association, which represents packaged food and drink companies, as well as the International Association of Color Manufacturers and the American Beverage Association, have opposed the bill. > > > > Jim Coughlin, a nutritional toxicologist who has reviewed the research and testified against the bill on behalf of Consumer Brands Association, said that the studies had been too inconsistent to convince him that the dyes were harmful. > > > > But Dr. Nigg said that given the scientific uncertainty — and the fact that dyes add no nutritional value to meals — it makes sense to avoid having them in schools. > > > > “There’s a reasonable suspicion that food dyes may be harmful, at least for some kids,” Dr. Nigg said. “So why expose them to it?” > >

    Music Aatube 3 weeks ago 16%
    omg vampire weekend made a psych album and it sounds amazing holy shit #music #indierock

    omg vampire weekend made a psych album and it sounds amazing holy shit #music #indierock

    KDE Aatube 3 weeks ago 100%
    Whatever happened to Kross?

    Kross was a scripting framework dropped in KDE Frameworks 6 with no announcement that I could find. I'm trying to find a reason to add to Wikipedia.

    Technology Aatube 3 weeks ago 19%
    It’s time to retire the term “user”

    because we shouldn't be humanizing AI while depersonalizing the actual people who use stuff, according to MIT Technology Review.

    Programmer Humor Aatube 3 weeks ago 88%
    that's not-
    The Night Feeling Aatube 3 weeks ago 100%
    outside await
    World News Aatube 3 weeks ago 97%
    TikTok Cucumber Salad Trend Sets Off Shortage in Iceland Groceries

    > > > Kronan said cucumbers have sold out in stores across Iceland. The sales picked up so quickly that the store did not have time to prepare, said Gudrun Adalsteinsdottir, the company’s chief executive. “We are, just literally, eating it up,” joked Gudny Ljosba Hreinsdottir, 29, who runs Wake Up Reykjavik, an Icelandic tourism company with a walking food tour.. > >

    pics Aatube 3 weeks ago 89%
    [OC] outside await

    idk why this looks kinda good, i somehow feel like it's supposed to not look good

    World News Aatube 4 weeks ago 72%
    What to Know About the Blue Supermoon

    > > > The celestial event, which is visible from Sunday to Wednesday morning, probably won’t happen again until 2037. A “blue” moon bears no connection to the color blue, and the moon won’t have a colorful tinge. Instead, a blue moon is used to describe what is effectively an additional full moon, one that violates the rule of thumb, that there is one full moon in a month, or three full moons in a season. > >

    News Aatube 4 weeks ago 98%
    They All Got Mysterious Brain Diseases. They’re Fighting to Learn Why.

    Investigation into Canada's [New Brunswick brain syndrome]( is being blocked by the province, whose claims that the syndrome is various existing diseases have been debunked by federal experts, who suggest that the provincial government controlled by its forestry industry is blocking the investigation to retain tourism and industry.

    Today I Learned Aatube 4 weeks ago 94%
    TIL that the connection between Parkinson's and pesticides was discovered after Californian drug users injected themselves with faulty heroin that contained a neurotoxin byproduct, subsequently exhibi

    > > > It was only in the early 1980s that the first tangible evidence connecting a toxicant with neurodegeneration came to light. In a tragic experiment of nature, a group of drug users in California accidentally injected themselves with a bad batch of designer heroin and began suffering from symptoms closely resembling those of Parkinson’s disease. Investigators traced the batch to a back-alley chemist who had synthesized the drugs and found that he had mistakenly created a neurotoxin precursor known as MPTP as part of the concoction. As it turned out, MPTP also resembled aspects of the chemical makeup of paraquat, a common herbicide, opening the door to the notion that perhaps chronic exposure to synthetic toxins was triggering Parkinson’s in aging patients the same way that the bad batch of heroin had in the users. Since then, advancements in molecular and genetic testing have continued to reinforce the idea. Recent studies have linked brain disorders with chronic exposure to cyanobacterial blooms, pesticides, air pollution and numerous other toxicants. Some researchers have gone so far as to describe Parkinson’s disease in particular as “man-made.” > > > > —[As summarized by the New York Times]( > >

    Uplifting News Aatube 4 weeks ago 97%
    A Rescue Dog Went Blind. Now She’s Helping Other Pups Avoid Her Fate.

    Shola's DNA samples helped researchers decipher a new variant of progressive retinal atrophy. Now, other dogs can be checked for the gene that causes the blindness condition before being used for breeding. She's also really cute.

    Excellent Reads Aatube 4 weeks ago 88%
    The case against summer

    Really cleverly and comedically written. "Summer is too hot, too boring, and too long."

    Wikipedia Aatube 4 weeks ago 100%
    The Von Restorff effect, where people remember the unusual better

    > > > The Von Restorff effect, also known as the "isolation effect", predicts that when multiple homogeneous stimuli are presented, the stimulus that differs from the rest is more likely to be remembered. The theory was coined by German psychiatrist and pediatrician Hedwig von Restorff (1906–1962), who, in her 1933 study, found that when participants were presented with a list of categorically similar items with one distinctive, isolated item on the list, memory for the item was improved. > > Please tell me that this is also the name for the cognitive bias where one notices a slightly uncommon scenario while not taking notice of the mundane scenario and believes that somehow the uncommon scenario is really common.

    Not The Onion Aatube 1 month ago 87%
    Trump's bizarre video pits singing Democrats against Rep Luna in a swimsuit

    The X repost has since been deleted. I think what he should really do is post himself in a swimsuit swimming across the swimmably drinkable Yangtze river.

    Technology Aatube 1 month ago 98%
    STORM: AI agents role-play as "Wikipedia editors" and "experts" to create Wikipedia-like articles, a more sophisticated effort than previous auto-generation systems

    > > > A paper[1] presented in June at the NAACL 2024 conference describes "how to apply large language models to write grounded and organized long-form articles from scratch, with comparable breadth and depth to Wikipedia pages." A "research prototype" version of the resulting "STORM" system is available online and has already attracted thousands of users. This is the most advanced system for automatically creating Wikipedia-like articles that has been published to date. > > > > The authors hail from Monica S. Lam's group at Stanford, which has also published several other papers involving LLMs and Wikimedia projects since 2023 (see our previous coverage: WikiChat, "the first few-shot LLM-based chatbot that almost never hallucinates" – a paper that received the Wikimedia Foundation's "Research Award of the Year" some weeks ago). > > Please read the article before commenting. Also, coming right up, another paper creates a structural diagram in comic sans.

    Not The Onion Aatube 1 month ago 97%
    JD Vance Awkwardly Retreats After Bizarre Attempt to Storm Harris’ Empty Plane

    > > > JD Vance briskly marched up to Air Force 2, Kamala Harris’ plane, planning to give political reporters a show as he confronted the vice president uninvited on Wednesday. His power-play dreams, like most of his chaotic veep run, were immediately thwarted once he realized Harris was not present. “I just wanted to check out my future plane,” Vance told campaign reporters gathered on the tarmac in Wisconsin. > >

    Technology Aatube 1 month ago 95%
    Anthropic was supposed to be the good guy. It can’t be — unless government changes the incentives in the industry.

    > > > [L]ately, Anthropic has been in the headlines for less noble reasons: It’s pushing back on a landmark California bill to regulate AI. It’s taking money from Google and Amazon in a way that’s drawing antitrust scrutiny. And it’s being accused of aggressively scraping data from websites without permission, harming their performance. > > > > > It was supposed to be different from OpenAI, the maker of ChatGPT. In fact, all of Anthropic’s founders once worked at OpenAI but quit in part because of differences over safety culture there, and moved to spin up their own company that would build AI more responsibly. > > > > > An AI company may want to build safe systems, but in such a hype-filled industry, it faces enormous pressure to be first out of the gate. The company needs to pull in investors to supply the gargantuan sums of money needed to build top AI models, and to do that, it needs to satisfy them by showing a path to huge profits. Oh, and the stakes — should the tech go wrong — are much higher than with almost any previous technology. > >

    196 Aatube 1 month ago 100%
    mop it.
    World News Aatube 1 month ago 97%
    Britain’s Labour Government Says It Inherited a $28 Billion Budget Hole

    > > > Ms. Reeves accused the Conservative Party of making spending commitments on plans such as road repairs and building new hospitals “knowing the money wasn’t there.” Some of those plans would scrapped or reviewed. “Today she will fool absolutely no one with a shameful attempt to lay the ground for tax rises she didn’t have the courage to tell us about,” Jeremy Hunt, the previous chancellor, said in response to Ms. Reeves’s statement in Parliament. > > > > > Rachel Reeves, the chancellor of the Exchequer, said on Monday that there was a hole of 22 billion pounds (about $28 billion) in the country’s coffers this year because spending needs had exceeded expected revenue. To begin plugging the gap, she announced a series of measures to cut about £5.5 billion this year and another £8 billion next year, including reducing spending on consultants and a previously announced decision to end a program to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda. > > > > > [A] substantial part of the spending gap comes from the Labour government’s plans to increase public sector pay. Ms. Reeves said she had accepted recommendations from independent review bodies to increase public sector wages about 6 percent this year, adding £9 billion to the budget. She said government departments would need to find up to £3 billion worth of savings to help pay for this. > > > > > With a strict eye on bringing debt levels down, Labour scaled back green investment plans and withheld committing to big public spending projects even before the election. Now it is sticking to this restraint. The government has said it would need to lean heavily on private sector investment to expand the economy. > > > > > Economists and other analysts, including the Institute for Fiscal Studies, have argued that these cuts did not seem deliverable and that neither of the main political parties was honest before the election about the scale of the pressures on the public finances, which would require either spending cuts or tax increases. Last week, Ben Zaranko, an economist at the institute, said that “a reckoning with the fiscal reality was inevitable.” > >

    Technology Aatube 2 months ago 95%
    DARPA: Translating All C to Rust (TRACTOR)

    > > > The TRACTOR program aims to automate the translation of legacy C code to Rust. The goal is to achieve the same quality and style that a skilled Rust developer would produce, thereby eliminating the entire class of memory safety security vulnerabilities present in C programs. This program may involve novel combinations of software analysis, such as static analysis and dynamic analysis, and machine learning techniques like large language models. > > Highlights from the forum thread: > > > There's even a conspiracy theory that the Rust Foundation's 501 organization type was chosen so it can conduct lobbying. The implication being that the Rust Foundation is behind government recommendations to move toward memory safe languages. (Big Borrow-Checker, if you will). > > > > > Assuming a worst case scenario, this could be the worst thing to happen to Rust’s image. We end up with billions of lines of rewritten Rust code that is full of soundness and logic bugs, and that no one understands. > > > > > DARPA funds some projects on a "there is an infinitesimal chance of success, but if you succeed, it's a big deal" basis. Silent Talk is an example here - very unlikely to succeed, even at the beginning, but if you could hold a radio conversation without sound, that'd be a huge deal for special operations forces. > >

    196 Aatube 2 months ago 100%
    Technology Aatube 2 months ago 34%
    How Adobe’s bet on non-exploitative AI is paying off

    > > > The company says it’s proof that quality AI models don’t have to include controversial copyrighted content. Adobe trained Firefly on content that had an explicit license allowing AI training, which means the bulk of the training data comes from Adobe’s library of stock photos, says Greenfield. The company offers creators extra compensation when material is used to train AI models, he adds. > > > > > This is in contrast to the status quo in AI today, where tech companies scrape the web indiscriminately and have a limited understanding of what of what the training data includes. Because of these practices, the AI datasets inevitably include copyrighted content and personal data, and research has uncovered toxic content, such as child sexual abuse material. > >

    Programmer Humor Aatube 2 months ago 98%
    Quantum Lock suspends sales due to developers losing access to source code

    > > > QL was our first game and although it was a big milestone for us, it was created at a time before we understood version control software. We do not have access to the source code anymore and cannot make any fixes or changes to the game. Because of this, we have decided to disable the ability for anyone to buy copies of the game. Thank you for your time and feel free to reach out to us. > > The trailer looks like an awesome vaporwave freeze tag indie game.

    196 Aatube 2 months ago 100%
    Not The Onion Aatube 2 months ago 95%
    Windows 3.1 saves the day during CrowdStrike outage — Southwest Airlines scrapes by with archaic OS

    > > > Windows 3.1, launched in 1992, is likely not getting any updates. So, when CrowdStrike pushed the faulty update to all its customers, Southwest wasn’t affected (because it didn’t receive an update to begin with). > > > > > Aside from Windows 3.1, Southwest also uses Windows 95 for its staff scheduling system. > > > > > One X user suggested that the company switch to Windows XP—it’s also no longer updated, and it can run Windows 3.1 applications via compatibility mode. > >

    Excellent Reads Aatube 2 months ago 96%
    Why ISO [(disk image format)] was retired

    ...from EasyOS, a Linux distro, which moved to the .img format.

    Today I Learned Aatube 2 months ago 91%
    TIL “The Dark Side of the Moon”’s cover is apparently public domain if you slapped the letters “CGI” on it

    Some government employee made the “new logo” in the 90s for NCSA software (the Common Gateway Interface), and government work is public domain. Just more evidence that big brother shall releaseth thee work and soul /s
