Aussie Enviro RustyRaven 10 months ago 100%

Interested in studying climate change or sustainable living online for free?

University of Tasmania currently have a Certificate in Climate Change Action and Awareness, and a Certificate and Diploma in Sustainable Living available with a HECS waiver - meaning that if you are eligible for a Commonwealth Supported Place you can enroll and they will waive the student contribution. The courses are fully online with no fixed times you need to be available, so are quite flexible to fit around other commitments.

I am halfway through the Diploma of Sustainable Living, and have also enrolled in the Certificate of Climate Change Action and Awareness for next year - there is an overlap of subjects, and the main climate change subjects are available in both. Many of the sustainable living subjects are practical and the assignements relate you your own situation and local area.

One of the subjects available in both courses is "Living with Fire" which I would highly recommend for anyone who could be effected by bushfires - as well as learning more about bushfires in general the final assignment is the creation of a personal fire plan.

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